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海洋石油气开采向着更深的水域和更恶劣的环境进军,随着水深的增加,传统的锚泊定位系统因锚链重量的增加和平台甲板可变载荷的减少已不能满足深水海洋石油气勘探开采装置的定位要求,代之以数字计算机控制技术的动力定位系统(DP3)。其通过不断地检测平台实际位置与目标位置的偏差,产生控制指令并通过控制系统分配到对应的推进器上,使平台保持在设定的位置上或沿设定的轨迹运动。针对某3 000 m深水半潜式钻井平台项目,对DP3动力定位系统的设计和应用进行了介绍,并对平台的动力定位系统和辅助系统进行了FMEA分析。  相似文献   

海上浮体动力定位外力计算   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
动力定位系统(dynamic positioning system)是一种闭环自动控制系统,采用推力器来抵抗风、浪、流等作用在浮体上的境力,使其保持在所要求的位置上。船舶的风和流作用力由经验公式求得,波浪力主要考虑二阶漂移力,由三维势流理论的直接积分法求得。通过模拟仿真,表明其结果能够用于船舶动力定位系统研究。  相似文献   

随着人口不断上升,人类对资源的需求与日俱增,对陆地资源的开采已经无法满足人类的需求,人们把目光转向了蕴藏丰富矿产资源、生物资源和能源动力资源的海洋。本文针对水深6 000 m海域矿藏开采,采矿船和运输船旁靠外输矿浆,研究双船系统的耦合动力响应。深海采矿船具有动力定位系统,通过系缆连接运输船实施矿浆外输。本文基于双船连接系缆、护舷及双船间隙设置阻尼盖,建立双船耦合动力学模型。考虑不同浪向对动力定位系统进行参数整定和动力定位系统推力优化,计算双船耦合时域运动响应。结果表明:外输过程双船间隙设置阻尼盖建立双船耦合模型是可行的,深海定位系统的参数整定以位移矢量最小和推力功率最小可以实现推力优化,采矿船动力定位系统可以有效控制双船运动,系缆和护舷强度满足要求。  相似文献   

为研究S型铺管船铺管工况下的动力定位系统性能,进行了船体-托管架-管道的耦合作用下的动力定位模拟。采用广义弹性面接触法模拟托管架上托辊,莫里森杆构建托管架模型,集中质量法计算管道受力,并应用PID和Kalman滤波相结合的控制系统和序列二次规划法进行分配的推力系统,进行了全耦合S型铺管动力定位时域分析;研究了船体波频运动对于管道-托管架耦合作用力和动力定位系统的影响;比较分析了铺管工况和非铺管工况下的定位精度影响;同时应用API规范对管道应力进行校核,验证了该耦合模拟的正确性。结果表明,垂荡和艏摇对于管道-托管架-船体之间的耦合作用力对动力定位系统影响很大,在动力定位系统设计时,需要着重考虑。减小纵摇和迎浪铺管是使铺管作业和动力定位系统安全有效的重要方法。  相似文献   

锚泊辅助动力定位系统单缆失效影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张峰  王磊  李勇跃 《海洋工程》2012,30(3):29-34
针对半潜式钻井平台锚泊辅助动力定位系统在海上作业时可能会出现的单缆失效情况。以一艘半潜式平台为例,设计锚泊辅助动力定位系统。通过全动态时域模拟,研究不同的单缆失效模式对半潜式平台锚泊辅助动力定位系统功率消耗、定位精度、缆绳张力等的影响。根据分析结果,在极端海况下,松弛锚泊辅助动力定位系统的背风缆有助于降低定位系统的功率消耗,提高定位精度和系统的安全性,从而为锚泊辅助动力定位系统的工程应用提供一些参考。  相似文献   

对ROV动力定位系统(DP)的控制时序和事件触发逻辑进行了分析和设计。解决了包含有核心控制策略算法的动力定位系统与ROV自身水下计算机(下位机)之间的控制时序的匹配问题以及事件触发逻辑关系的相互响应问题;此外,采用线程同步和时钟校验的方法以确保动力定位系统对通讯数据包的实时跟踪处理。从试验情况来看,本文提出的设计完全满足实际工程作业的要求。  相似文献   

“大洋一号”船的动力定位系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着人类越来越多地涉足于海上,对船舶与海洋平台系泊方式的研究也变得日益重视。由于通常的锚泊方式在深海的应用受到很大限制,因此,不借助于锚泊系统的动力定位系统便应运而生。船舶动力定位系统在20世纪60年代开始初现雏形,在20世纪70年代后期随着计算机技术的发展以及西欧北海油田的需求而获得了长足进步与飞跃发展,至20世纪末期已进入成熟阶段。船舶动力定位系统近年在国外发展十分迅猛,在军民用特种船舶上获得了广泛应用。据不完全统计,在20世纪70年代末期,全世界装备动力定位系统的船舶与海上平台不超过30艘;到2000年底突破了1000艘;…  相似文献   

本文对具有动力定位深海采矿船高海情下的运动响应及运动特性开展研究。针对具有6个推进器构成的动力定位系统,考虑高海情及空载和满载两种典型工况,基于推力最小和运动最小条件,应用卡尔曼滤波器结合线性二次型最优控制理论的控制算法优化推力,进行动力定位系统的参数整定,实时优化调整推力的方向和大小,计算采矿船高海情下的运动和推力的时间历程响应和分析运动特性。经计算,得到了深海采矿船空载和满载工况在高海情下实施海上定位的浪向及需要的推力大小,确定了采矿船动力定位系统在高海情下的适应性,评估了高海情下深海采矿船的定位能力。  相似文献   

基于构造矩阵零空间的动力定位系统推力分配方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王莹  谌栋梁  谢颖  张园 《海洋工程》2013,31(4):30-36
在动力定位系统中,推力分配方法是联系运动控制算法和执行机构的纽带,具有十分重要的意义。回顾目前用于海洋工程船舶动力定位系统的主要推力分配算法,针对动力定位系统中常见的过驱动推力分配问题提出了一种基于船舶推进器构造矩阵零空间的分配算法。该方法将构造矩阵分解为基空间和零空间,目标推力可以由基空间保证;零空间向量并不影响总的目标推力,但影响单台推进器的推力,目标函数可以在零空间上优化。并将这一算法应用于某一工程船的动力定位仿真模拟,对该算法进行了验证。  相似文献   

大洋富钴结壳资源调查受到海流、风力、波浪等外界作力影响,导致调查效率低,调查定位精度下降,甚至损坏调查设备。动力定位系统能让调查船舶长时间保持在某点上,让船舶极低速保方航行,或跟随水下调查设备航行,从而克服外界因素对调查的影响,保障调查安全。介绍了动力定位系统原理和主要功能及大洋富钴结壳主要调查手段,分析了动力定位系统在海底摄像、深海拖网、海底浅钻、重力活塞取样、ROV等手段中的应用,得出该系统在大洋富钴结壳调查应用中能提高工作效率、调查安全性和定位精度,以确保调查者更真实地获得海底资源资料的结论。  相似文献   

An offshore vessel with a dynamic positioning system (DP system) needs fast response to produce thrust to counteract the environmental forces acting on it for the purpose of maintaining its position and heading as close as possible to the working position. Therefore, quick and effective modulation of the thrust is the problem to determine the thrust and the rotation angle of the thruster devices of the ship. This paper presents an effective optimum control for a thruster system, using the sequential quadratic method to achieve economical and effective modulation of the thrust and the direction of the thruster. An optimum control study of a 2280 tons DP coring vessel with five rotary azimuth thruster marine positioning is studied in detail, which can quickly and exactly estimate the thrusts and angles of direction of all the thrusters. The results can provide a valuable thruster system for a dynamically positioned vessel.  相似文献   

船舶机动定位技术及其实现方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为改善动力定位船舶在高海情下的定位能力,研究了机动定位的控制方式,并设计了一种机动定位模糊控制系统。其特点是模仿人类的航海技巧,通过充分利用环境力,实现船舶的定位与机动。仿真结果表明,在高海情下,机动定位方式可以实现较高精度的定位控制,并且其辅推功率消耗较小。  相似文献   

Dynamic positioning (DP) is an operation method whereby the position of a surface vessel is maintained in close proximity to a required position in the horizontal plane through the controlled application of forces and moments generated by purposely installed thrusters. When estimating thrust, this kind of conventional control system often uses many acceleration sensors, velocity sensors, environment sensors, and filters. Usually, these sensors have measured electrical errors. To reduce the number of sensors used and to decrease the measurement errors, this article presents an effective control system for estimating thrust and moment commands, which is based on energy and impulsemomentum principles. Donha and Brinati's example is followed to verify the feasibility of the present control system, which performs semisubmersible platform positioning using an LQG controller, and the results are feasible and economical. A simulated coring vessel marine positioning in southern Taiwan is presented, which can estimate the counterthrust and moment commands, and the complex environmental forces and moments are described. The results can provide a valuable control system for dynamically positioned vessels.  相似文献   

Dynamic positioning (DP) is an operation method whereby the position of a surface vessel is maintained in close proximity to a required position in the horizontal plane through the controlled application of forces and moments generated by purposely installed thrusters. When estimating thrust, this kind of conventional control system often uses many acceleration sensors, velocity sensors, environment sensors, and filters. Usually, these sensors have measured electrical errors. To reduce the number of sensors used and to decrease the measurement errors, this article presents an effective control system for estimating thrust and moment commands, which is based on energy and impulsemomentum principles. Donha and Brinati's example is followed to verify the feasibility of the present control system, which performs semisubmersible platform positioning using an LQG controller, and the results are feasible and economical. A simulated coring vessel marine positioning in southern Taiwan is presented, which can estimate the counterthrust and moment commands, and the complex environmental forces and moments are described. The results can provide a valuable control system for dynamically positioned vessels.  相似文献   

用于海上油气田的压裂作业船具备高效性和安全性,具有优越的操控性能和良好的稳定性,配备了先进的船舶航行系统、动力定位系统和强大的动力系统.全船配备的压裂作业设备包括支撑剂存储装置,酸液和胶液存储装置,搅拌混合系统,各类液体和化学药剂添加系统,压裂作业泵系统,中央控制室以及数据采集系统,完备的质量控制体系,安全的作业管线和快速脱离装置.压裂作业船能连续施工作业,效率高,安全可靠.  相似文献   

This paper develops an adaptive fuzzy controller for the dynamic positioning (DP) system of vessels with unknown dynamic model parameters and unknown time-varying environmental disturbances. The controller is designed by combining the adaptive fuzzy system with the vectorial backstepping method. An adaptive fuzzy system is employed to approximate the uncertain term induced by unknown dynamic model parameters and unknown time-varying environmental disturbances. It is theoretically proved that the proposed adaptive fuzzy DP controller can make the vessel be maintained at the desired values of its position and heading with arbitrary accuracy, while guaranteeing the uniform ultimate boundedness of all signals in the closed-loop DP control system of vessels. Simulation studies with comparisons on a supply vessel are carried out, and the results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.  相似文献   

Deep-sea mining (DSM) is an advanced concept. A simulation method of coupled vessel/riser/body system in DSM combined with dynamic positioning (DP) is proposed. Based on the three-dimensional potential flow theory, lumped mass method, and Morison’s equations the dynamic models of the production support vessel, riser and slurry pump are established. A proportion integration differentiation (PID) controller with a nonlinear observer and a thrust allocation unit are used to simulate the DP system. Coupled time domain simulation is implemented with the vessel operated in two DP modes. Results of the vessel and pump motions, riser tension, and thruster forces are obtained. It shows that the pump will be lifted by the riser when the vessel is chasing the next set point. Riser tension is influenced by the wave frequency motions of the vessel in positioning mode and low-frequency motions in tracking mode. The proposed simulation scheme is practical to study the DSM operation.  相似文献   

As the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas proliferate throughout deepwater area,the requirements on the reliability of dynamic positioning system become increasingly stringent.The control objective ensuring safety operation at deep water will not be met by a single controller for dynamic positioning.In order to increase the availability and reliability of dynamic positioning control system,the triple redundancy hardware and software control architectures were designed and developed according to the safe specifications of DP-3 classification notation for dynamically positioned ships and rigs.The hardware redundant configuration takes the form of triple-redundant hot standby configuration including three identical operator stations and three real-time control computers which connect each other through dual networks.The function of motion control and redundancy management of control computers were implemented by software on the real-time operating system VxWorks.The software realization of task loose synchronization,majority voting and fault detection were presented in details.A hierarchical software architecture was planed during the development of software,consisting of application layer,real-time layer and physical layer.The behavior of the DP-3 dynamic positioning control system was modeled by a Markov model to analyze its reliability.The effects of variation in parameters on the reliability measures were investigated.The time domain dynamic simulation was carried out on a deepwater drilling rig to prove the feasibility of the proposed control architecture.  相似文献   

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