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本文通过南海北部陆坡神狐海域浅地层、单道地震剖面联合解释,发现了一系列与天然气水合物密切相关的海底异常地貌、地层结构.在精细浅地层剖面上发现了陆坡丘状体、浅部断层以及由连续强反射层、声空白补丁、局部增强反射和声空白带构成的海底浅部含气带.浅部含气带位于海底之下34-82m,通过其空间分布位置判断,认为气体来源于深部天然气水合物的分解.在单道地震剖面上识别出麻坑、气体渗漏柱、褶皱、模拟海底反射(BSR,bottom simulating reflector)等结构.BSR位于我国首次钻取的天然气水合物样品深度之下,判断其为该区水合物稳定带底界.依据ODP1148站深海钻井的地层厚度、沉积速率、测年等资料进行地层划分,识别出渐新世、中新世等地层界面,初步建立了神狐海域水合物区沉积地层年代标尺.地层年代划分结果表明BSR、褶皱、首次钻取的水合物样品位于晚中新世至上新世地层内,以上地层成为南海北部神狐海域天然气水合物勘探重点目标层位.  相似文献   

三维地震与海底地震仪(OBS)联合采集技术在野外地震调查中起着举足轻重的作用,特别是对天然气水合物的地震调查方法的研究。其中对海底地震仪(OBS)的研究能够给天然气水合物调查提供有力的保障,OBS在海底的布设是联合采集的关键,对OBS观测系统的研究显得尤为重要,关系到OBS采集的野外资料的总体质量和后期解释。因此,通过研究,可以选择设计最佳的观测系统,为联合采集技术提供基础数据,降低采集费用、提高作业效率。  相似文献   

海底地震仪(OBS)直接布设在海底,在地球动力学研究、油气勘探以及地震学研究等众多领域中应用广泛。随着采集技术的提高,海底地震仪也越来越广泛地应用到水合物的勘探中。文中从OBS数据采集、数据处理以及速度反演三个方面对OBS在水合物勘探中的应用现状进行综述,重点在于综述目前的应用现状和OBS使用的难点。数据采集方面主要综述了在OBS水合物勘探中几种常见的观测系统;OBS数据处理方面主要综述OBS数据预处理和OBS数据镜像成像;OBS速度反演方面主要综述常用的反演方法及其优缺点;最后,在以下几个方面对OBS在水合物勘探中的应用进行了展望:(1)优化观测系统的设计;(2)发展更先进的波场分离算法;(3)基于全波形反演以及基于面波的速度反演。  相似文献   

天然气水合物资源将是21世纪最具潜力的洁净能源之一。对天然气水合物的勘探和试开采,必须对天然气水合物海底环境变化规律和试开采的环境效应先行研究。介绍了一种适用天然气水合物赋存地区而研发的海底环境原位观测系统,并对该观测系统的设计原则、系统组成及工作原理、系统的集成与实现等方面进行了详细阐述。该系统的应用将为天然气水合物海底环境变化规律研究和试开采环境效应研究提供可靠的原始数据,这是进行海底长时间原位观测的良好解决方案。  相似文献   

针对天然气水合物沉积成矿因素不明确等问题,通过利用南海北部神狐海域的高分辨率三维地震、测井和岩心等资料,对晚中新世以来的地层进行了高分辨率层序划分和精细的沉积解释。从温压、沉积、构造等方面探讨了神狐海域天然气水合物分布的主控因素,认为:BSR上部附近处于水合物稳定温压范围内;粗粒沉积物有利于天然气水合物的富集;在含水合物层段内,孔隙度与天然气水合物饱合度成正比关系;滑塌体是天然气水合物赋存的有利相带;气烟囱形成过程中产生的断裂系统可为富含甲烷流体向上运移提供通道,并在其上部滑塌体富集成矿。因此,神狐海域具备天然气水合物成藏的优越条件,是天然气水合物勘探开发的有利区块。  相似文献   

在分析了等效介质理论提出的2种模式的异同点后,结合神狐海域水合物钻井的测井数据与沉积物样品分析数据,基于物理模型的等效介质理论,计算了在不同水合物饱和度条件下的纵波速度,并估算了神狐海域某钻井沉积物孔隙空间中水合物的饱和度,进而分析水合物在沉积物层中的垂向分布特征.研究表明,神狐海域水合物主要分布在190~220 m之...  相似文献   

通过分析天然气水合物在海洋中的6种主要赋存状态类型,总结了每种赋存状态之间的相互转化关系及其物性参数计算方法,并应用到地震波场的正演模拟中。对比研究了声波模型、弹性波模型和双相介质模型对各种水合物赋存地层的响应特征,结果表明:1)当地层中存在孔隙充填型水合物且下伏地层不含游离气时,双相介质模拟的含水合物层底界表现负极性特征;当充填结核型水合物时,弹性介质和双相介质模拟的水合物底界反射呈负极性;2)当地层充填颗粒包裹型水合物且下伏地层含游离气时,无论是低频(25 Hz)条件还是提高子波主频(40 Hz),3种介质模拟水合物的地震响应特征都很明显,但水合物层底界反射振幅随偏移距变化的关系存在差异;3)当沉积薄层中充填颗粒间胶结型水合物且下伏地层含游离气时,弹性介质和双相介质模拟水合物薄层底界的反射振幅随偏移距的增大而减小;将水合物类型改为颗粒支撑型并提高子波主频,声波介质和弹性介质模拟水合物层底界的反射振幅随偏移距的增大而减小。  相似文献   

针对南海神狐海区含天然气水合物的高孔隙度、以粉砂质黏土为主的未固结的深水沉积地层,采用Lee提出的改进的Biot-Gassmann(BGTL)模型,利用纵波速度数据估算了A井天然气水合物的饱和度。BGTL模型假设非固结沉积地层的横波速度与纵波速度比与地层骨架的横波速度与纵波速度比与地层孔隙度有关。模型中参数的选择与天然气水合物在沉积物中的赋存方式、沉积物的矿物组成、地层压差、孔隙度及微观孔隙结构等参数密切相关。A井中天然气水合物在沉积物中赋存模式接近于颗粒骨架支撑模式。根据岩心分析资料将A井的矿物骨架简化为黏土矿物、碳酸盐、陆源碎屑3类,根据各矿物组分的理论弹性参数和体积百分比可以计算得到地层骨架的弹性模量和密度。应用BGTL理论估算得到的A井天然气水合物主要赋存于海底以下195~220mbsf井段,饱和度多数为20%~40%,最大饱和度为47%左右,与实测结果吻合。  相似文献   

大量研究表明南海北部珠江口盆地是天然气水合物发育区,但是该盆地东部揭阳凹陷水合物研究较少。本文利用揭阳凹陷新采集三维地震资料,对该三维地震资料进行成像道集优化和叠前时间偏移处理,得到针对水合物的新处理地震数据体,并通过高精度网格层析反演得到层速度数据体。利用该数据开展叠后约束稀疏脉冲反演,获得含天然气水合物地层波阻抗异常,综合分析反演与地震属性识别水合物。从新处理地震资料看,该区域似海底反射(bottom simulation reflection,BSR)反射呈连续、不连续与地层斜交等特征,BSR发育在一个继承性小型水道上,且下部断裂和气烟囱发育。通过分析BSR特征及BSR上下地层的速度、波阻抗、振幅、频率、相干等属性异常,结合水合物成藏条件,发现了南海北部新的天然气水合物有利富集区,为该区域水合物勘探提供基础。  相似文献   

含水合物沉积物声学特性在水合物勘探中非常重要。针对含水合物沉积物声学特性,前人通过实验模拟及岩石物理建模已取得一定的进展,但基于实验条件开展的数值模拟及其结果的对比研究仍鲜有涉及。笔者拟采用实验室物理模拟与实验储层数值模拟相结合的方法,通过物理实验模拟获得水合物储层声学特征。在此基础上,以实验物理模型以及声波采集系统为基本构建对应条件下的近似地质模型和声波观测系统,分别在50 kHz和80 Hz频率条件下获得具有不同水合物饱和度储层的波形记录和波场快照,并获得不同时间点和饱和度条件下的储层速度,对比分析实验模拟与数值模拟获得结果的异同。研究表明在3种模拟条件下获得的不同时刻的含水合物储层声速对应关系良好,数值模拟结果很好地印证了实验室模拟实验的结果,表明在实验室内进行相应物理模型的岩石物理模拟实验具有可行性。将实验模拟与数值模拟结果同野外探测数据对比分析,具有一致的变化趋势,表明物理模拟实验和数值模拟结果对野外勘探数据分析具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

The northern Gulf of Mexico (GoM) has long been a focus area for the study of gas hydrates. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, work focused on massive gas hydrates deposits that were found to form at and near the seafloor in association with hydrocarbon seeps. However, as global scientific and industrial interest in assessment of the drilling hazards and resource implications of gas hydrate accelerated, focus shifted to understanding the nature and abundance of “buried” gas hydrates. Through 2005, despite the drilling of more than 1200 oil and gas industry wells through the gas hydrate stability zone, published evidence of significant sub-seafloor gas hydrate in the GoM was lacking. A 2005 drilling program by the GoM Gas Hydrate Joint Industry Project (the JIP) provided an initial confirmation of the occurrence of gas hydrates below the GoM seafloor. In 2006, release of data from a 2003 industry well in Alaminos Canyon 818 provided initial documentation of gas hydrate occurrence at high concentrations in sand reservoirs in the GoM. From 2006 to 2008, the JIP facilitated the integration of geophysical and geological data to identify sites prospective for gas hydrate-bearing sands, culminating in the recommendation of numerous drilling targets within four sites spanning a range of typical deepwater settings. Concurrent with, but independent of, the JIP prospecting effort, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) conducted a preliminary assessment of the GoM gas hydrate petroleum system, resulting in an estimate of 607 trillion cubic meters (21,444 trillion cubic feet) gas-in-place of which roughly one-third occurs at expected high concentrations in sand reservoirs. In 2009, the JIP drilled seven wells at three sites, discovering gas hydrate at high saturation in sand reservoirs in four wells and suspected gas hydrate at low to moderate saturations in two other wells. These results provide an initial confirmation of the complex nature and occurrence of gas hydrate-bearing sands in the GoM, the efficacy of the integrated geological/geophysical prospecting approach used to identify the JIP drilling sites, and the relevance of the 2008 BOEM assessment.  相似文献   

针对天然气水合物钻探与取样难以解决的水合物矿体空间展布等问题,利用白云-荔湾凹陷高密度分析重新处理的三维地震资料,首先基于模糊数学的多属性融合技术对水合物分布进行刻画;再通过高分辨率速度场对浅层开展高分辨率宽频无井反演技术,提高了水合物层分辨率;最后,利用岩石物理方法及多种模型对水合物饱和度进行定量预测,实现了对5~6m厚水合物层的有效辨别,进而形成了一套适合于孔隙充填型的水合物矿藏目标识别评方法。结果表明:应用该技术可有效对荔湾3水合物富集区第四条带水合物空间刻画,揭示出该区水合物饱和度最高可超40%,同时薄层与厚层水合物具有明显互层分布特征,在水合物矿体刻画及饱和度预测基础上,进一步对该区实施了井位优选,该方法预测的水合物层与实际钻探H1和H2站位吻合较好。这些结果说明常规三维油气地震数据在经过宽频处理后可应用于高分辨率水合物勘探,节约经济成本,同时提高了常规地震在水合物勘探中精度与实用性。  相似文献   

To confirm the seabed fluid flow at the Haima cold seeps, an integrated study of multi-beam and seismic data reveals the morphology and fate of four bubble plumes and investigates the detailed subsurface structure of the active seepage area. The shapes of bubble plumes are not constant and influenced by the northeastward bottom currents, but the water depth where these bubble plumes disappear (630–650 m below the sea level) (mbsl) is very close to the upper limit of the gas hydrate stability zone in the water column (620 m below the sea level), as calculated from the CTD data within the study area, supporting the “hydrate skin” hypothesis. Gas chimneys directly below the bottom simulating reflectors, found at most sites, are speculated as essential pathways for both thermogenic gas and biogenic gas migrating from deep formations to the gas hydrate stability zone. The fracture network on the top of the basement uplift may be heavily gas-charged, which accounts for the chimney with several kilometers in diameter (beneath Plumes B and C). The much smaller gas chimney (beneath Plume D) may stem from gas saturated localized strong permeability zone. High-resolution seismic profiles reveal pipe-like structures, characterized by stacked localized amplitude anomalies, just beneath all the plumes, which act as the fluid conduits conveying gas from the gas hydrate-bearing sediments to the seafloor, feeding the gas plumes. The differences between these pipe-like structures indicate the dynamic process of gas seepage, which may be controlled by the build-up and dissipation of pore pressure. The 3D seismic data show high saturated gas hydrates with high RMS amplitude tend to cluster on the periphery of the gas chimney. Understanding the fluid migration and hydrate accumulation pattern of the Haima cold seeps can aid in the further exploration and study on the dynamic gas hydrate system in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

Downhole wireline log (DWL) data was acquired from eight drill sites during China's first gas hydrate drilling expedition (GMGS-1) in 2007. Initial analyses of the acquired well log data suggested that there were no significant gas hydrate occurrences at Site SH4. However, the re-examination of the DWL data from Site SH4 indicated that there are two intervals of high resistivity, which could be indicative of gas hydrate. One interval of high resistivity at depth of 171–175 m below seafloor (mbsf) is associated with a high compressional- wave (P-wave) velocities and low gamma ray log values, which suggests the presence of gas hydrate in a potentially sand-rich (low clay content) sedimentary section. The second high resistivity interval at depth of 175–180 mbsf is associated with low P-wave velocities and low gamma values, which suggests the presence of free gas in a potentially sand-rich (low clay content) sedimentary section. Because the occurrence of free gas is much shallower than the expected from the regional depth of the bottom simulating reflector (BSR), the free gas could be from the dissociation of gas hydrate during drilling or there may be a local anomaly in the depth to the base of the gas hydrate stability zone. In order to determine whether the low P-wave velocity with high resistivity is caused by in-situ free gas or dissociated free gas from the gas hydrate, the surface seismic data were also used in this analysis. The log analysis incorporating the surface seismic data through the construction of synthetic seismograms using various models indicated the presence of free gas directly in contact with an overlying gas hydrate-bearing section. The occurrence of the anomalous base of gas hydrate stability at Site SH4 could be caused by a local heat flow conditions. This paper documents the first observation of gas hydrate in what is believed to be a sand-rich sediment in Shenhu area of the South China Sea.  相似文献   

Regional erosion of the Rock Garden ridge top, a bathymetric high within New Zealand’s Hikurangi Subduction Margin, is likely associated with its gas hydrate system. Seismic data reveal gas pockets that appear partially trapped beneath the shallow base of gas hydrate stability. Steady-state fluid flow simulations, conducted on detailed two-dimensional geological models, reveal that anomalous fluid pressure can develop close to the sea floor in response to lower-permeability hydrate-bearing sediments and underlying gas pockets. Transient simulations indicate that large-scale cycling of fluid overpressure may occur on time scales of a few to tens of years. We predict intense regions of hydro-fracturing to preferentially develop beneath the ridge top rather than beneath the flanks, due to more pronounced overpressure generation and gas migration through hydrate-bearing sediments. Results suggest that sediment weakening and erosion of the ridge top by hydro-fracturing could be owed to fluid dynamics of the shallow gas hydrate system.  相似文献   

Geological investigations of the World ocean during the last decade have revealed about 70 deep-water fluid vent sites and their sea-bottom indirect indications. We have reason to suppose that most of fluid vents located within a gas hydrate stability zone are associated with gas hydrate accumulations. This type of accumulation is of special interest because they are formed close to the seafloor; they are relatively free resources and possibly could become one of the first productive gas hydrate formations to be exploited.  相似文献   

A dielectric logging tool, electromagnetic propagation tool (EPT), was deployed in 2007 in the BPXA-DOE-USGS Mount Elbert Gas Hydrate Stratigraphic Test Well (Mount Elbert Well), North Slope, Alaska. The measured dielectric properties in the Mount Elbert well, combined with density log measurements, result in a vertical high-resolution (cm-scale) estimate of gas hydrate saturation. Two hydrate-bearing sand reservoirs about 20 m thick were identified using the EPT log and exhibited gas-hydrate saturation estimates ranging from 45% to 85%. In hydrate-bearing zones where variation of hole size and oil-based mud invasion are minimal, EPT-based gas hydrate saturation estimates on average agree well with lower vertical resolution estimates from the nuclear magnetic resonance logs; however, saturation and porosity estimates based on EPT logs are not reliable in intervals with substantial variations in borehole diameter and oil-based invasion.EPT log interpretation reveals many thin-bedded layers at various depths, both above and below the thick continuous hydrate occurrences, which range from 30-cm to about 1-m thick. Such thin layers are not indicated in other well logs, or from the visual observation of core, with the exception of the image log recorded by the oil-base microimager. We also observe that EPT dielectric measurements can be used to accurately detect fine-scale changes in lithology and pore fluid properties of hydrate-bearing sediments where variation of hole size is minimal. EPT measurements may thus provide high-resolution in-situ hydrate saturation estimates for comparison and calibration with laboratory analysis.  相似文献   

Previous studies of gas hydrate in the Dongsha area mainly focused on the deep-seated gas hydrates that have a high energy potential, but cared little about the shallow gas hydrates occurrences. Shallow gas hydrates have been confirmed by drill cores at three sites(GMGS2 08, GMGS2 09 and GMGS2 16) during the GMGS2 cruise, which occur as veins, blocky nodules or massive layers, at 8–30 m below the seafloor. Gas chimneys and faults observed on the seismic sections are the two main fluid migration pathways. The deep-seated gas hydrate and the shallow hydrate-bearing sediments are two main seals for the migrating gas. The occurrences of shallow gas hydrates are mainly controlled by the migration of fluid along shallow faults and the presence of deep-seated gas hydrates.Active gas leakage is taking place at a relatively high-flux state through the vent structures identified on the geophysical data at the seafloor, although without resulting in gas plumes easily detectable by acoustic methods.The presence of strong reflections on the high-resolution seismic profiles and dim or chaotic layers in the subbottom profiles are most likely good indicators of shallow gas hydrates in the Dongsha area. Active cold seeps,indicated by either gas plume or seepage vent, can also be used as indicators for neighboring shallow gas hydrates and the gas hydrate system that is highly dynamic in the Dongsha area.  相似文献   

南海北部陆坡东沙海域海底丘状体气体与水合物分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘斌 《海洋学报》2017,39(3):68-75
海底丘状体在天然气水合物发育区是一种常见的微地貌,对丘状体的研究有助于理解海底流体渗漏模式以及水合物的赋存规律。本文研究南海北部陆坡东沙海域天然气水合物发育区海底丘状体的特征及其与水合物的关系。研究所用的数据包括准三维多道地震数据、多波束数据以及浅地层剖面数据。在多波束海底地形图上,丘状体表现为局部的正地形,直径大约为300 m,高出周围海底约50 m。浅地层剖面上存在明显的声空白以及同相轴下拉现象,指示了海底丘状体气体的分布以及流体运移的路径。丘状体周围明显的BSR表明局部区域可能发育有水合物,水合物钻探结果也证实了这一推测。三维多道地震剖面上,丘状体正下方存在空白反射区域,这与泥火山的地震反射特征类似。但空白反射区域内存在强振幅能量,而且丘状体正下方存在连续的反射层,这表明该丘状体并非泥火山成因。综合钻探结果以及三维地震成像结果,认为水合物形成过程引起的沉积物膨胀以及海底碳酸盐岩的沉淀是形成该丘状体的主要原因。  相似文献   

As a clean and rich energy source,natural gas hydrate has become a focus of study in the world.In this paper,the geologic condition of hydrate reservoir is analyzed. Combining with the natural gas hydrate drilling characteristics and drilling accidents,prevention and response methods are discussed.It is proposed that to restrain and control natural gas hydrate decomposition is the key to safety drilling,in which a reasonable choice of drilling fluid system is important.Some performance parameters should be taken into account in the selection of drilling fluid.The basic parameters requirements of natural gas hydrate drilling are also analyzed.  相似文献   

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