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Okinawa Trough is a back-arc, initial marginal sea basin, located behind the Ryukyu Arc–Trench System. The formation and evolution of the Okinawa Trough is intimately related to the subduction process of the Philippine Sea Plate beneath the Eurasian Plate since the late Miocene. The tectonic evolution of the trough is similar to other active back-arcs, such as the Mariana Trough and southern Lau Basin, all of which are experiencing the initial rifting and subsequent spreading process. This study reviews all petrologic and geochemical data of mafic volcanic lavas from the Okinawa Trough, Ryukyu Arc, and Philippine Sea Plate, combined with geophysical data to indicate the relationship between the subduction sources(input) and arc or back-arc magmas(output) in the Philippine Sea Plate–Ryukyu Arc–Okinawa Trough system(PROS). The results obtained showed that several components were variably involved in the petrogenesis of the Okinawa Trough lavas: sub-continental lithospheric mantle underlying the Eurasian Plate, Indian mid-oceanic ridge basalt(MORB)-type mantle, and Pacific MORB-type mantle. The addition of shallow aqueous fluids and deep hydrous melts from subducted components with the characteristics of Indian MORB-type mantle into the mantle source of lavas variably modifies the primitive mantle wedge beneath the Ryukyu and subcontinental lithospheric mantle(SCLM) beneath the Okinawa Trough. In the northeastern end of the trough and arc, instead of Indian MORB-type mantle, Pacific MORB-type mantle dominates the magma source. Along the strike of the Ryukyu Arc and Okinawa Trough, the systematic variations in trace element ratios and isotopic compositions reflect the first-order effect of variable subduction input on the magma source. In general, petrologic data, combined with geophysical data, imply that the Okinawa Trough is experiencing the "seafloor spreading" process in the southwest segment, "rift propagation" process in the middle segment, and "crustal extension" process in the northeast segment, and a nascent ocean basin occurs in the southwest segment.  相似文献   

INTROOUcr1ONThe Okinawa Trough is a typical marginal back-arc basin, where its oPening began in rela-tively recent years* There is a great controversy about the origin of its initial magYna. haltand acid volcanic pumice make up the bimedal volcanism in the Okinawa Trough. MOSt of geol-ogists believed that the acid pumice was the preduct of extremely crystal fractionation of baseltInagTna, but the others argued that it should com from the melting of lower-crust. Som de-tailed petrolOgic…  相似文献   

白垩纪以来太平洋上地幔组成和温度变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The geological evolution of the Earth during the mid-Cretaceous were shown to be anomalous, e.g., the pause of the geomagnetic field, the global sea level rise, and increased intra-plate volcanic activities, which could be attributed to deep mantle processes. As the anomalous volcanic activities occurred mainly in the Cretaceous Pacific, here we use basalt chemical compositions from the oceanic drilling(DSDP/ODP/IODP) sites to investigate their mantle sources and melting conditions. Based on locations relative to the Pacific plateaus, we classified these sites as oceanic plateau basalts, normal mid-ocean ridge basalts, and near-plateau seafloor basalts. This study shows that those normal mid-ocean ridge basalts formed during mid-Cretaceous are broadly similar in average Na8, La/Sm and Sm/Yb ratios and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions to modern Pacific spreading ridge(the East Pacific Rise). The Ontong Java plateau(125–90 Ma) basalts have distinctly lower Na8 and143Nd/144 Nd, and higher La/Sm and 87Sr/86 Sr than normal seafloor basalts, whereas those for the near-plateau seafloor basalts are similar to the plateau basalts, indicating influences from the Ontong Java mantle source. The super mantle plume activity that might have formed the Ontong Java plateau influenced the mantle source of the simultaneously formed large areas of seafloor basalts. Based on the chemical data from normal seafloor basalts, I propose that the mantle compositions and melting conditions of the normal mid-ocean ridges during the Cretaceous are similar to the fast spreading East Pacific Rise. Slight variations of mid-Cretaceous normal seafloor basalts in melting conditions could be related to the local mantle source and spreading rate.  相似文献   

超慢速扩张洋中脊具有不同于其他扩张速率洋中脊的特征,表现为剧烈变化的洋壳厚度和典型的非岩浆段。本文对前人研究的洋中脊岩浆形成关键因素和迁移聚集模式进行综合分析,结合实际地球物理和地球化学的观测数据,探讨了超慢速扩张洋中脊岩浆从地幔源区形成、迁移汇聚、形成洋壳的整个地质过程,进一步指出了影响洋壳结构的关键控制因素。研究结果表明,超慢速扩张洋中脊沿轴洋壳厚度的变化受岩浆补给量和迁移汇聚的共同制约。其中,岩浆补给量受控于洋中脊的地幔潜热、地幔成分和扩张速率的变化;岩浆迁移和汇聚过程则与超慢速扩张洋中脊密集的分段特征和阻渗层的空间结构密切相关。  相似文献   

冲绳海槽浮岩中碳、氢同位素组成特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用分阶段热解释放气体质谱分析法研究了冲绳海槽浮岩热解释放气中CO2和H2O的碳、氢同位素组成,结果显示:浮岩中原生CO2和H2O主要释放于400~1 000℃,CO2的碳同位素组成介于-6.7×10-3~-22.7×10-3,H2O的氢同位素组成从-45×10-3变到-71×10-3,均落入幔源火山岩的变化范围,而且浮岩的氢同位素组成与海槽区玄武岩的氢同位素组成非常接近,这表明冲绳海槽浮岩与玄武岩之间具有密切的成因联系,浮岩岩浆和玄武岩岩浆是同源岩浆不同程度结晶分异的产物.另外,这些浮岩较洋中脊玄武岩要贫13C,并富集D,同时具有从洋中脊玄武岩向岛弧玄武岩变化的趋势,这表明浮岩岩浆在形成或上升过程中可能受到俯冲板块释放流体的影响.  相似文献   

冲绳海槽浮岩中岩浆包裹体岩石化学成分特征   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
系统地分析了冲绳海槽酸性浮岸中玻璃质岩浆包裹体的岩石化学成分,探讨了包裹体的岩石化学成分特征及其在岩浆起源及结晶演化过程中的指示意义,并结合前期及前人工作讨论了冲绳海槽不同岩石类型之间的成因联系及演化关系。结果表明,斑晶结晶时岩浆熔体为钙碱性英安质或流纹质岩浆,是来自地幔的拉斑玄武质岩浆充分结晶分异作用的产物。尽管各斑晶矿物中玻璃质岩浆包裹体的化学成分有所差异,但根据包裹体的岩石化学成分特征可以断定包裹体所代表的岩浆具有同源性,其差异只是反映了岩浆结晶演化的不同阶段或不同矿物结晶期,为进一步详细研究浮岩岩浆的结晶演化过程提供了最直接的资料。对比冲绳海槽酸性浮岩与玄武岩等不同岩石类型的岩石化学特征,可以证明这些岩石类型之间存在着密切的成因联系,包括同源性与继承性,它们分别是岩浆作用不同阶段的产物。另外,包裹体的成分主要取决于包裹体所在斑晶矿物的种类与成分,分析中未发现岩石化学性质明显不同的岩浆包裹体共存的现象,也没有在中酸性矿物中发现基性玻璃质岩浆包裹体,因此可以推断基本不存在不同性质的岩浆之间的直接混合作用。  相似文献   

东马努斯海盆位于巴布亚新几内亚的俾斯麦海域,是一个正在扩张的弧后盆地,与其活动热液喷口相关的热液产物,是现代海底系统中富含铜最丰富的矿产资源之一。火山岩与这种成矿作用有着密切的关系,然而通过海水对火山岩的淋滤作用是否可以为富含Cu的硫化物提供充足的Cu元素。PACMANUS热液区位于东马努斯海盆,质量守恒模拟在该热液系统的应用表明,由于水岩反应中较低的淋滤、转移和沉淀效率,通过热液流体对稳定反应区(0.144 km3)的简单淋滤无法满足硫化物矿床中Cu的需求。即使在100%的淋滤、转移和沉淀效率条件下,为了满足PACMANUS热液区硫化物中Cu的总量,仍需要0.166 km3体积的火山岩参与淋滤作用。
形成富含金属元素的岩浆流体的关键在于金属元素可以在挥发分中富集。首先,俯冲物质对地幔楔的交代作用,导致了东马努斯海盆地区生成的岩浆具有较高的氧逸度,进而使其岩浆房中富集Cu元素。其次,Pual Ridge的安山岩包裹体的气泡中富含Cu元素,进一步证实了在东马努斯海盆,Cu元素通过岩浆脱气作用向挥发分中运移。数值模拟结果显示,每1 km3体积的岩浆就可能向热液系统中运移0.236 Mt Cu。因此,岩浆脱气作用可能比淋滤作用更显著。  相似文献   

近23年的调查研究,使我们认识到分布于洋中脊、弧后盆地、岛弧和热点等环境的海底热液活动发育在多种围岩类型之上,包括超基性岩石、基性岩石、中性岩石、酸性岩石和沉积物。海底热液活动经历了岩浆去气作用、流体-岩石/沉积物相互作用和流体-海水混合,获取了岩浆、岩石、海水和沉积物的物质,构成了热液循环,产生了高温、低氧、高或低pH值、富含Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn、Pb、Hg、As等元素以及气体组分(甲烷、氢等)的喷口流体,影响了海水、沉积、岩石和生物环境,形成了热液柱、硫化物、含金属沉积物和蚀变岩石等热液产物,组成了海底热液系统。未来,促进海底热液活动探测技术和热液产物测试方法的发展,对海底热液区的岩石、喷口流体、热液柱、硫化物、含金属沉积物以及热液循环、生物活动的持续观测与研究,无疑将为人类探知海底地质过程及生命活动、保护海底热液环境和合理开发利用海底资源提供有力的工作支撑。  相似文献   

翁通爪哇高原、凯尔盖朗高原与沙茨基海隆是全球三大洋底高原, 是大量岩浆喷发到地表的结果, 火山面积分别达1.90×106、1.25×106、0.53×106km2。本文详细分析了该三大洋底高原的地形、剩余地幔布格重力异常(residual mantle Bouguer anomaly, RMBA)与重力反演的相对地壳厚度, 并结合地质与地球化学特征约束进行对比研究。结果显示, 翁通爪哇高原、凯尔盖朗高原与沙茨基海隆分别高出周围海底约4.3、5、4km, 相应的地幔布格重力异常最大变化值分别为250、330、200mGal, 以及相应的相对地壳厚度变化分别为11、13、9km, 表明形成三大洋底高原的岩浆量远远大于正常洋中脊的岩浆量。此外, 三大洋底高原皆形成于洋中脊附近。Nd、Pb、Hf同位素比值分析表明, 翁通爪哇高原的玄武岩组分为洋岛玄武岩; 凯尔盖朗高原大部分类似于洋岛玄武岩, 并含有洋中脊玄武岩组分; 沙茨基海隆的玄武岩组分主要为东太平洋海隆正常洋中脊玄武岩, 却又存在少量位于全球洋岛玄武岩范围内。这些特征揭示了三大洋底高原可能形成于“地幔柱-洋中脊相互作用”。对此本文提出了两种模式: 一为洋中脊被地幔柱拖拽至其上方; 二为洋中脊之下的软流圈受到地幔柱影响, 从而产生超常熔融与超厚地壳。  相似文献   

印度洋Carlsberg洋脊玄武岩岩石地球化学特征及其地质意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对采自印度洋Carlsberg脊14个站位的新鲜玄武岩样品进行了常量和微量元素组成分析,旨在研究岩浆源区地幔的性质以及岩浆作用过程。研究结果表明:该区玄武岩为典型的源于亏损型地幔的大洋中脊玄武岩,不同样品经历了不同程度的结晶分异作用,演化过程主要受控于橄榄石的结晶分异作用,部分样品中有单斜辉石结晶分异作用的影响,斜长石的结晶分异作用不显著;玄武岩岩浆来源于亏损型尖晶石二辉橄榄岩地幔的熔融,主微量元素组成中尚未见到富集型组分混入的证据;源区地幔不同比例的熔融作用及其后岩浆演化过程的差异是造成不同样品间地球化学性质差异的主要原因,彼此独立的局部岩浆作用过程是岩浆作用差异的主控制因素。Carlsberg脊玄武岩整体与全球标准大洋中脊玄武岩(N-MORB)平均组分相近,不同脊段间岩浆源区地幔的组成、熔融程度(比例)和熔融深度等无明显差异,这种特征向南直到CIR的北段。  相似文献   

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