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利用合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像研究海洋内波具有其他遥感探测及实地海洋测量不可替代的优势,然而从SAR数据中提取内波参数的方法却往往由于人工选取的位置不同使得反演的内波参数产生不同的偏差,为了尽量避免人工操作带来的误差并有效反演内波参数,文中提出了一种SAR图像海洋内波波向与波长参数估计的新方法。通过人工选取内波前导线上的3个位置点,计算机自动地获取内波的位置和内波的波向,提取内波断面,在此基础上利用EMD算法反演内波波长,结合内波区域海水密度剖面数据,进一步反演内波振幅参数。通过对实测SAR图像数据进行处理的结果可知,采用该方法对内波SAR图像进行处理,能很好地定位内波位置并获得传播方向及内波波长参数,结合海水密度剖面,实现了内波振幅参数反演。人工干预选取3个位置点,自动计算内波前导线弯曲弧度并自动计算5个内波剖面,减少了由于人工干预操作不同形成的偏差。  相似文献   

机载超低频雷达探测海洋内波是海洋内波探测的新方法。海洋内波使海水电导率垂向分布发生扰动,当雷达发射的电磁波探测信号传播到内波扰动界面,电磁信号发生反射,部分反射信号再次穿透海面传播到空气中并被天线捕捉,雷达系统通过处理内波界面处的反射信号并抑制海面的反射信号实现对海洋内波的探测。根据麦克斯韦方程和海水的物理性质,推导出超低频电磁波在海水中的传播特性,研究海水温度、盐度变化对海水电导率的影响,根据KDV方程解和垂向特征函数解构造了海洋内波垂向结构,仿真了雷达接收到的海表面处、内波界面处的反射信号及其延迟时间,仿真结果表明,可以使用该方法探测海洋内波。  相似文献   

内波是层结海洋中普遍存在的一种海洋动力学现象,包含内潮、内孤立波、近惯性内波等多种形式,由于其携带能量巨大,分布范围广,发生频率高,对海洋结构物造成严重威胁。对国内外关于内波生成、传播演化、海遥感观测及其与海洋结构物相互作用方面的研究进展进行综述。总结了关于内波的生成机制、浅水和深水区域内波传播演化特征、实际海洋内波特征的遥感观测以及内波与海洋平台及水下潜器相互作用的研究成果,讨论了数值模拟、模型试验、遥感观测等研究手段在海洋内波研究中的应用以及取得的相应研究成果。最后,在探讨海洋内波研究趋势的基础上对未来关于内波生成机制及其海洋学特征观测相关研究需考虑和解决的问题进行了展望。  相似文献   

利用了无摩擦、不可压情况下的旋转流体线性方程组,基于数值计算的方法,对背景流中海洋内波各个模态垂向结构进行了分析。结果表明:在无背景流时,海洋内波的垂向结构为简谐波;模态越高,其在垂直方向结构就越复杂,这时其模态属海洋内波的离散谱。在有垂直切变的背景流时,因受背景流的调制,其波形发生变化;此时海洋内波的前几个模态仍与简谐波类似,属海洋内波的离散谱,而此后的模态垂向结构不再光滑连续,出现了间断(奇性),该间断处即为临界层,该具有间断的模态属海洋内波的连续谱,而其积分则为海洋内波波包。正海洋内波在海洋中非常常见,是发生在密度稳定层化海水中的一种波动,其最大振幅出现在海洋内部,是重要的海洋中尺度现象。海洋内波的存在,使得海水运动以及水文要素的分布与变化更加复杂。由于内波发生机制的复杂性以及时空特征的随机性,内波成为海洋学研究中的难点。鉴于海洋内波在海洋学和军事上的意义,目前已经成为研究的活跃领域。对海洋内波垂向结构的研究不但有重要的理论意义,而且有广  相似文献   

我国内波研究取得新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋内波是在海洋内部密度不均匀水层间发生的一种波动。内波像海面波浪一样常在。只要海水密度稳定分层。再有扰动源存在,内波就会产生。内波与表面波浪虽都是液体波动,但有根本不同。空气与水的密度差有好几百倍,表面波受重力影响大,因此不易形成大浪,振幅10米以上的大浪极少见。但海洋内部海水密度  相似文献   

北部湾三维风生流及密度流模拟   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
将Casulli差分格式引入三维物理海洋模型计算,模拟了北部湾风生流及密度流。模拟结果表明,夏季西南季风在北部湾导致一个顺时针环流,夏季海水密度梯度导致一个逆时针方向的环流,密度流明显强于风生流;冬季东北寒潮导致一个逆时针环流。模拟结果不支持北部湾夏季为一顺时针环流、冬季为逆时针环流的传统结论,而支持终年为逆时针环流的观点。  相似文献   

以描述中尺度涡旋对示踪物的输送作用为目的的湍流混合方案GM90经证明对海洋模式的模拟能力较以前的湍流混合方案有较大的提高.该方案涉及到两个主要参数:等密度面扩散系数(AI)和等密度面厚度扩散系数(Aith).该文的目的就是利用中国科学院大气物理研究所(IAP)全球海洋环流模式L30T63研究以上两个系数取值大小对主动示踪物(温盐)以及被动示踪物(CFC-11)海洋分布的影响.实验结果表明这两个系数的取值可明显改变大洋温盐垂直分布以及海洋对CFC-11的吸收,且两个系数在其中起到的作用有很大的差异.从几个剖面的分析结果可知,总的来说,AI的增加使得CFC-11主要储存区的模拟结果更接近观测资料,而Aith的增大使得模拟结果变差.  相似文献   

风生近惯性内波破碎引起的跨等密度面混合在海洋内部混合中起重要作用。然而其参数化对海洋模式的模拟影响仍有待进一步认识。本文给出的是在模块化海洋模式(MOM)中海洋表面边界层以下引入一个考虑风驱动近惯性内波破碎引起的跨等密度面混合参数化方案的研究工作。模拟结果显示,该方案有效改善MOM4模拟的上层1 000 m以上的温盐偏差,特别是在北太平洋和北大西洋的通风地区。数值试验表明,风生近惯性内波破碎有可能是维持海洋通风过程的重要机制之一,它使得海洋通风区的位温变冷,盐度变淡,整层等位密面加深。维持的通风过程使得北太平洋副极地大涡的影响延伸到副热带大涡。从而模拟的北太平洋中层水源头及其副热带大涡东侧的温盐更接近观测实际。同时,模拟的北大西洋经圈翻转环流强度也更为合理。  相似文献   

单一海脊地形对海洋内波生成与传播影响的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在海洋内波多发区,海底地形变化是影响海洋内波生成、传播和演化的重要因素。本文基于不可压缩原始N-S方程,在非静压近似条件下,通过建立适应于非线性海洋内波研究的非静压海洋动力学模型,并将其应用于正压潮驱动下的内孤立波生成和传播的数值模拟研究。根据模拟结果,研究了一类单海脊地形拓扑结构变化对内孤立波生成和传播的影响;分析并讨论了地形拓扑结构参数变化与生成的内孤立波传播至特定位置的抵达时间、强度等特征参数之间的变化关系;提出内孤立波生成之前在海脊一侧形成"L-下陷"结构的观点,并揭示了与该观点相合的能量"积聚"和"释放"机制。  相似文献   

凡见过大海翻脸的人,一定不会忘记那凶猛的狂涛,滔天的巨浪。但隐匿在海水内部的狂涛巨浪——海洋内波,却鲜为人知了。据专家称,内波比大海表面波浪要大得多,一二十米高的内波可说是司空见惯,超过100米也不稀奇,菲律宾苏禄海就测到90米高的内波,在比斯开湾深层水中发现过振幅200米的内波。什么是内波?如果只是顾名思义地认为内波就是海水内部的波浪,那就过于简单和片面了。《中国大百科全书》的定义是:“密度稳定层结的海水内部产生的波动。”通俗说法是,海洋内波是在海洋  相似文献   

A unified method of approximation, extrapolation, and objective layering is offered for processing vertical oceanographic profiles. The method is demonstrated using seawater density and consists of adjustable splitting of each individual profile into N vertical layers based on tentative, piecewise linear homogeneous approximation with specified accuracy and a final fitting of an N-layered analytical model to data. A set of 3N coefficients of the model includes one density value at the sea surface; N−1 depths of layer interfaces; and N pairs of coefficients that describe a profile shape within the n-th layer—an asymptotic density value (a key parameter for extrapolation) and a vertical scale of maximum density variability (related to vertical gradient). Several distinctive characteristics of the technique are: (1) It can be used for the analysis of the vertical structure of individual profiles when N is an unknown parameter, and spatial interpolation when N should be equal for all profiles. (2) A justified downward extrapolation of incomplete data is possible with the model, especially if historical deepwater profiles are available. (3) Layer interfaces, as well as other coefficients, are derived with only one fitting to the entire profile. (4) The technique, using its general formulation, can serve as a parent for developing various types of models. The simpler step-like (with hyperbolic or exponential approximation) and more complicated smooth (continuous in gradient space) models were designed and tested against a large number of density profiles from the Sea of Okhotsk and the Gulf of California. Comparison of parametric, z-levels and isopycnal averaging was done for the region off the northeastern coast of Sakhalin.  相似文献   

EffectsofhexavalentchromiumonearlydevelopmentofthebayscallopArgopectenirradiansLamarckINTRODUCTIONChromiumiswidelyusedinthein...  相似文献   

Realistic representation of sea ice in ocean models involves the use of a non-linear free-surface, a real freshwater flux and observance of requisite conservation laws. We show here that these properties can be achieved in practice through use of a rescaled vertical coordinate “z*” in z-coordinate models that allows one to follow undulations in the free-surface under sea ice loading. In particular, the adoption of “z*” avoids the difficult issue of vanishing levels under thick ice.Details of the implementation within MITgcm are provided. A high resolution global ocean sea ice simulation illustrates the robustness of the z* formulation and reveals a source of oceanic variability associated with sea ice dynamics and ice-loading effects. The use of the z* coordinate allows one to achieve perfect conservation of fresh water, heat and salt, as shown in extended integration of coupled ocean sea ice atmospheric model.  相似文献   

A coupled ice-ocean model is configured for the pan-Arctic and northern North Atlantic Ocean with a 27.5 km resolution. The model is driven by the daily atmospheric climatology averaged from the 40-year NCEP reanalysis (1958–1997). The ocean model is the Princeton Ocean Model (POM), while the sea ice model is based on a full thermodynamical and dynamical model with plastic-viscous rheology. A sea ice model with multiple categories of thickness is utilized. A systematic model-data comparison was conducted. This model reasonably reproduces seasonal cycles of both the sea ice and the ocean. Climatological sea ice areas derived from historical data are used to validate the ice model performance. The simulated sea ice cover reaches a maximum of 14 × 106 km2 in winter and a minimum of 6.7 × 106 km2 in summer. This is close to the 95-year climatology with a maximum of 13.3 × 106 km2 in winter and a minimum of 7 × 106 km2 in summer. The simulated general circulation in the Arctic Ocean, the GIN (Greenland, Iceland, and Norwegian) seas, and northern North Atlantic Ocean are qualitatively consistent with historical mapping. It is found that the low winter salinity or freshwater in the Canada Basin tends to converge due to the strong anticyclonic atmospheric circulation that drives the anticyclonic ocean surface current, while low summer salinity or freshwater tends to spread inside the Arctic and exports out of the Arctic due to the relaxing wind field. It is also found that the warm, saline Atlantic Water has little seasonal variation, based on both simulation and observations. Seasonal cycles of temperature and salinity at several representative locations reveals regional features that characterize different water mass properties.  相似文献   

1996年春季副热带环流区浮游植物生态的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鉴定浮游植物种类54属184种(含变种和变型),其中暖水种为140种(占76.5%).硅藻类和甲藻类等浮游植物的平均总细胞密度为198.71×102个/m3;蓝藻类藻丝体平均密度为44.55×102条/m3.浮游植物各类别的分布与水域的磷酸盐含量、黑潮以及其他水系(涌升水和沿岸水等)等相关;蓝藻类的束毛藻(Trichodesmium)的分布还与50m以浅水体的平均水温关系密切.  相似文献   

浅地层剖面是基于声学信号(频率在几百至几千赫兹)在沉积物中的传播得到可反映沉积地层结构的数据,海底反射系数与沉积物物理性质密切相关。Biot-Stoll声波传播理论模型可以预测海底沉积物的物理性质,构建反射系数等声学参数与物理参数之间的关系,但在不同的海域采用不同的参数所获得的效果不同。为此,本文基于南海北部陆坡海底表层沉积物的实测物理参数,利用Biot-Stoll模型建立研究区海底反射系数和沉积物物理性质之间的关系,结果表明模型计算值与样品实测值吻合度总体较好,偏差在0.1%~4.9%之间,并建立了频率3.5 kHz时海底反射系数与沉积物孔隙度、密度、平均粒径之间的关系方程,且方程拟合度较高,可决系数R2均大于0.99。在对典型Chirp剖面数据计算其海底反射系数的基础上,反演了海底表层沉积物的孔隙度、密度、颗粒平均粒径等物理性质,其中反演孔隙度、密度、平均粒径与实测孔隙度、密度、平均粒径相对误差均小于5%,结果与实测值基本相符,表明该反演方法在南海北部陆坡区的应用是可行的。  相似文献   


In this study, settling tests were conducted to investigate the sedimentation and self-weight consolidation behavior of seafloor sediments from Isahaya Bay, Ariake Sea, Japan. During the tests, the density variations with depth and time were measured by a gamma-ray transmission radioisotope densitometer. The test results show that the settling process of the seafloor sediments can be classified into the flocculation stage, settling stage, and consolidation stage. The settling rate of the seafloor sediments in the settling stage is dependent on the temperature and initial water content, while the settling rate in the consolidation stage is independent of the temperature and initial water content. The density profile changes from a constant density profile to a linear density profile when the sedimentation process transitions to the self-weight consolidation process. The relations between the void ratio (e) and effective vertical stress (p’) at very low pressures can be calculated from the measured density values, and this can be used for the analysis of the self-weight consolidation of seafloor sediments. For the seafloor sediments tested in this study, the undrained shear strength (su) values are almost the same when the density values are less than 1.14?g/cm3, and the su values increase linearly with an increase in density when the density values are in the range of 1.14–1.2?g/cm3.  相似文献   

To estimate chlorophyll biomass from satellite-derived data, we established an empirical model for the estimation of the chlorophyll vertical profile as a function of surface chlorophyll for four separate regions of the Sanriku area, using algorithms based upon ship observations from 1986 to 1995. The modeled profiles compared well with observations during the Sanriku Field Campaign. Chlorophyll biomass in the Sanriku Area estimated by a combination of OCTS data and the model varied from 2.6×104 t in the Oyashio water to 8.2×103 t in the Kuroshio water.  相似文献   

A simple relationship has been developed between the wall coordinate y+ and Kolmogorov's length scale using direct numerical simulation (DNS) data for a steady boundary layer. This relationship is then utilized to modify two popular versions of low Reynolds number k–ε model. The modified models are used to analyse a transitional oscillatory boundary layer. A detailed comparison has been made by virtue of velocity profile, turbulent kinetic energy, Reynolds stress and wall shear stress with the available DNS data. It is observed that the low Reynolds number models used in the present study can predict the boundary layer properties in an excellent manner.  相似文献   

Generally one dimensional(1-D) empirical salinity intrusion model is limited to natural alluvial estuary. However,this study attempts to investigate its ability to model a sheltered alluvial estuary of the Terengganu River in Malaysia. The constructed breakwater at the mouth of the river shelters the estuary from direct influence of the open sea. The salinity density along the estuary was collected during the wet and dry seasons for scenarios before and after the constructed breakwater. Moreover, the freshwater discharges, tidal elevations and bathymetry data were also measured as model inputs. A good fit was demonstrated between simulated and observed variables,namely salinity distribution and intrusion length for both scenarios. Thus, the results show that 1-D empirical salinity model can be utilized for sheltered estuarine condition at the Terengganu Estuary, but with an appropriate determination of an initial point. Furthermore, it was observed that the salinity intrusion in the study area is largely dependent on the freshwater discharge rather than tidal elevation fluctuations. The scale of the salinity intrusion length in the study area is proportional to the river discharge of the –1/2 power. It was appeared that the two lines of the 1-D empirical salinity model and discharge power based equation fitted well to each other, with the average predicted minimum freshwater discharge of 150 m3/s is going to be required to maintain acceptable salinity levels during high water slack(HWS) near the water intake station, which is located at 10.63 km from river mouth.  相似文献   

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