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文章利用MIKE21FM水动力模型,对董家口港油品码头工程海域进行潮流数值模拟,在潮流模拟验证吻合的基础上,建立了悬浮物输移、扩散预测模型,预测了工程在基槽开挖、块石抛填、回填溢流和港池疏浚过程中引起的悬浮物浓度,给出了悬浮泥沙的最大扩散范围,以及各类水质的超标面积,分析了工程对海洋水质环境的影响。  相似文献   

悬浮物作为污染物示踪剂,对研究海区陆源污染扩散、分布极为重要。利用2008-2017年渤海多个航次的现场实测光谱和悬浮物浓度数据,研究了渤海表层悬浮物浓度遥感反演算法,发现秦皇岛海域悬浮物算法不同于其他渤海区域。将反演算法应用于GOCI静止卫星影像,得到2015年9月13日8个时相的渤海悬浮物浓度空间分布形态,并探讨了8 h短周期内的变异幅度。研究结果表明:渤海大部分悬浮物浓度较低(0~10 mg/L),短周期内变异幅度很小;悬浮物高值主要分布在以黄河三角洲为中心的渤海湾、莱州湾沿岸一带(最高可达300 mg/L),短周期内变异幅度大(60 mg/L以上,可达200 mg/L);辽东湾辽河口区域、复州湾、金州湾附近海域悬浮物浓度相对较高,金州湾部分区域短周期内变异幅度较高,或与该区域围填海等人为活动有关。  相似文献   

随着沿海地区大量人口的涌入,国内外沿海各地纷纷兴起围海造陆的热潮。大规模的围填海工程在解决用地不足的同时也给近海海洋环境造成了深远的影响,这引起了许多学者的关注。本文分别从围填海对近海海域地形地貌、水动力环境以及海洋生态环境等方面阐述围填海工程对近海海洋环境影响,并重点分析数值模拟在海洋水动力环境影响分析中的发展应用。最后根据围填海工程对近海海洋环境影响的研究现状与进展趋势,提出围填海工程对近海海洋环境影响研究的建议以及今后研究的方向,未来应系统的研究大规模围填海工程对近海海域的长期影响,考虑多项因素,全方位地论述研究的方法,以便于科学合理的开发利用海洋资源。  相似文献   

围海造陆填土技术及其应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了在填土工程中将海底的淤泥和吹填料中的淤泥聚集在一起,最终将新形成的陆域分离成以粗粒土为主的非软土地基和以淤泥质土为主的软土地基两个区域,继而可以针对各分区的地基选用不同的加固处理方法的围海造陆填土技术观点;基于土力学的强度理论和水力吹填的分选性,提出了能够实现填土技术观点的思路与基本条件;将本文提出的围海造陆填土技术观点、陆域形成填土技术成功应用于日照岚山港区围海造陆工程。  相似文献   

文章对近10年来椒江口两岸主要的围填海工程进行了统计,利用基于围填海强度等级控制理念的围填海潜力评估方法,对椒江口海域的围填海强度及围填海潜力进行了定量评估,并对其造成的环境影响进行了分析。分析结果显示,椒江口海域虽然仍有一定的围填海潜力,但围填海压力较大,椒江口大规模的围填海工程对海岸带地形地貌、海域水文动力环境、滨海湿地生态系统、海洋水环境质量、海洋生物资源等均存在负面影响,为此提出了强化围填海管控、重视海岸带整治修复等建议,以期为椒江口的围填海管控和生态环境保护提供参考。  相似文献   

围填海工程施工过程导致海域悬浮物迅速增加,影响周围海洋生态系统,研究围填海工程悬浮泥沙的输移扩散规律对于区域生态环境质量及工程建设的综合生态影响评价具有重要的参考意义.针对湄洲湾峰尾围垦工程施工期悬浮泥沙可能造成的生态影响,对爆破挤淤(5.17t/s)和抛石挤淤(1.39kg/s)的悬沙源强进行了分析计算.在工程海区平面二维潮流场数学模型的基础上,采用二维对流扩散数学模型对施工范围内的模型网格点(40m×40m)进行了逐点计算,数值模拟结果表明,悬浮泥沙扩散范围和形态主要受潮流控制,工程施工联合影响下悬沙质量浓度大于10mg/dm3的全潮最大影响包络面积为5.848km2,施工9h后悬沙影响基本消失,为工程施工期环境管理提供了参考依据.施工悬浮泥沙的扩散整体表现为总悬沙质量浓度在离工程区较近的范围内较大,而距离越远质量浓度越接近自然状态的本底含沙量.施工悬浮泥沙对浮游生物、游泳生物和底栖生物等均会产生一定的影响,但随着施工结束而消失,不会对海洋生态产生长期的不利影响.  相似文献   

用一个三维(ECOMSED)模式对舟山凉潭岛填海工程前后的潮流场变化进行模拟,做出预测。潮流场模拟结果与实测基本吻合。经分析可知,工程对潮流的影响主要在围堤的东南角小范围内:工程后流速明显减小,造成淤积现象,但淤积程度不大,1年后的淤积为13cm左右,5年后的淤积为0.8—1.2m左右。工程对较深水层的潮流运动影响很小。通过对施工期间产生的悬浮物在涨落潮时的分布模拟可知,涨潮时,悬浮物从工程区域的一个悬浮物源不断排出,主要对工程附近及其上游地区造成一定的影响;落潮时,悬浮物主要影响工程外围及其下游地区,整个落潮期间悬浮物能影响的范围比涨潮期间要大。总体上工程对该附近海域的潮流场及冲淤影响很小。  相似文献   

张琴 《海洋科学》2021,45(6):176-184
各类海洋工程如码头、航道、海上风电、海底管道管线、填海造陆、防波堤等涉及的抛石、爆破、疏浚、打桩、开沟、吹填溢流等作业环节产生的悬浮物,在水动力作用下输移、扩散,会引起周边海域悬浮泥沙浓度增加,对海洋生态环境产生不利影响。文章对国内施工悬浮泥沙浓度扩散规律研究方法和数值模型中悬浮泥沙源强的选取方法进行了综述,为海洋工程施工过程产生的悬浮泥沙扩散研究提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

各类海洋工程如码头、航道、海上风电、海底管道管线、填海造陆、防波堤等涉及的抛石、爆破、疏浚、打桩、开沟、吹填溢流等作业环节产生的悬浮物,在水动力作用下输移、扩散,会引起周边海域悬浮泥沙浓度增加,对海洋生态环境产生不利影响。文章对国内施工悬浮泥沙浓度扩散规律研究方法和数值模型中悬浮泥沙源强的选取方法进行了概述和总结,为海洋工程施工过程产生的悬浮泥沙扩散研究提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

温州南部鳌江口海域近年来先后完成了筑坝促淤、围垦吹填、维护航道等一系列影响水流泥沙和地形地貌变化的大型工程。根据2010年实测水文泥沙资料和4幅不同时期(1963,2003,2005,2011年)地形图对比分析了鳌江口海域的地形变化趋势,结果显示鳌江口海域海床冲淤过程大体上经过了3个不同时期,即1963-2003年江南围涂等海区缓慢淤积期;2003-2005年该海域既冲刷又淤积的稳定期;2005-2011年整个水域以轻微冲刷为主的冲刷期。经过分析得知鳌江口海域海床近年来的变化主要是由航道疏浚、围垦吹填及工程促淤引起的,而围填海工程引起动力变化和泥沙减少也对海床冲淤有一定程度的影响。  相似文献   

鸭绿江洪季的河口最大混浊带   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对 1 994年 8月在鸭绿江河口的水文和悬浮泥沙的观测资料进行分析。结果表明 ,在洪季鸭绿江河口的最大混浊带 ,出现在第一个河口锋面内侧。它的核心处盐度小于 1 ,从上游带入河口的细颗粒泥沙多数被河口第一锋面截留 ,还有一部分上游来沙穿过该锋面 ,聚集在河口第一和第二锋面之间。垂向密度环流作用和絮凝作用在鸭绿江洪季最大混浊带的维持过程中起着主导作用  相似文献   

为实现对用海项目施工期悬浮泥沙扩散的实时跟踪监测,尝试采用无人机携带可见光、多光谱传感器对古雷围填海项目的围堰区进行遥感探测。利用Pix4d软件对无人机携带的可见光及多光谱照片进行处理,结果表明,可见光及多光谱影像对水体中的悬浮泥沙分布均具有一定的识别能力。通过研究分析多光谱影像的光谱特征发现,近红外波段对悬浮泥沙含量的升高较为敏感,运用波段比值公式计算结果显示,围堰内含沙水体经溢流口排入海域后浓度明显降低,并可向南继续扩散约300 m。该方法可克服遥感卫星影像时空分辨率低的特点,为用海项目资源环境影响跟踪监测提供新的技术手段。  相似文献   

通过对粤西及海南岛东北部海区现场调查,取得了大量悬浮体浓度及海水浊度数据,分析后发现调查海区悬浮体浓度值普遍较低,绝大部分海域为清洁海域。对悬浮体浓度及海水浊度平面图及断面图分析后发现,春夏季粤西悬浮物主要来源于珠江口及琼州海峡,且两处悬浮物在电白外海存在明显的分界,琼东北海域悬浮物主要来自于海南岛及外海。近岸及底层悬浮体浓度及海水浊度具有较好的相关性,浊度能够很好地反映悬砂含量,但是不能反映生物活动及分布状况,如琼东上升流区的生物活动较剧烈,虽然其悬浮物浓度值偏高,但其浊度值并没有明显升高。  相似文献   

Mapping of total suspended solids (TSS) was conducted to investigate rainstorm-induced characteristic of sediment plume in the coastal waters of Apalachicola Bay. An improved TSS quadratic polynomial regression model (Calibration: R2=0.8586, N=32; validation: RMSE of 4.76 mg/l, N=30) for MODIS remote sensing was presented in this study. TSS mapping of MODIS before and after a rainstorm event showed distinct temporal-spatial variability of TSS concentration. Driven by ocean tidal current, a storm plume of width at about 40-50 km was formed flowing towards southwest of study area. The distinct boundary separating the highly turbid (west side) and relatively clear water (east side) was found near Sikes Cut. Further, by taking the TSS mapping under the low river discharge condition due to a local rainstorm as a reference of background TSS, two thresholds of TSS (25 and 45 mg/l respectively) were used to estimate the range of rainstorm plume and the central area of sediment load from surrounding land, and the spatial extent and evolution of the sediment plume during the local rainstorm. Besides, it was found that the storm plume concentration of TSS at east side of Sites Cut was quickly diluted under 25 mg/L, forming a storm plume towards east with width at about 7-8 km. The method developed in this study may be used to support coastal storm water research and management activities.  相似文献   

应用数值模拟方法探讨河口最大浑浊带若干机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用平面二维潮流方程结合悬沙输运方程模拟了河口最大浑浊带现象。并且对河口边界进行进一步概化 ,比较了恒定流与非恒定流、稳定源与非稳定源、矩形河口与线性河口等不同条件下河口悬沙浓度的平面分布特点。结果表明河口地形边界和非恒定潮流作用对河口最大浑浊带的悬沙富集有重要贡献。  相似文献   

Measurements were made of suspended sediment (SS), volatile suspended solids, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations, turbidity, black disk visibility, pH, alkalinity, and temperature, at monthly intervals for 2–5 years on nine streams draining catchments with pasture, pine plantation, and native forest land uses. Stream flow and flow‐weighted concentrations of SS, N, and P were also measured for up to 2 years from pasture, native forest, and mixed land‐use catchments enabling calculation of export (kg ha‐1 yr‐1). During 1996–97, export from the pasture stream was 2.5‐ to 7‐fold higher for SS (988), total P (1.50), total Kjeldahl N (5.65), nitrate N (4.37), and ammoniacal N (0.34) than from the stream draining native forest. In contrast, export of DOC (25.5) and dissolved reactive P (DRP) (0.25) from the pasture stream were within 20% of the native stream's values. Export of SS and nutrients (except DRP) from the pasture catchment was 4‐ to 15‐fold higher during the winters of 1995 and 1996 than winter 1997 when rainfall was half the normal level. Streams draining native forest had lower temperature, sediment, and nutrient concentrations (except DRP), and higher water clarity, than those draining pine forest and pasture. A pine/scrub stream had the highest SS and turbidity and lowest DRP, pH, and alkalinity. Pasture streams had the highest concentrations of all N species (geometric means 2‐to 4‐fold > native), total P, and DOC, and also showed the greatest variation in water quality attributes in relation to season and flow. The influences of land use were attributable to differences in both source materials of sediment and nutrients available for transport and changes in rates of in‐stream processing.  相似文献   

To minimize cold water pipe lengths, the most favorable land or fixed platform based Ocean Thermal Energy Conversions (OTEC) sites have subbottom slopes greater than 5°. Observations at OTEC sites in Hawaii indicate that turbidity currents of an impulsive or episodic nature can occur with frontal speeds of several meters per second. Such speeds and the attendant potential for sediment transport and abrasion along routes containing OTEC installations indicate that the pertinent features of these flows are an important design criteria for OTEC or any other steep-slope marine installation. To satisfy this need, models of oceanic turbidity flows and similar flows have been examined. The model that addresses OTEC steep-slope conditions most succinctly was developed originally by Hopfinger and Tochon-Danguy (1977) for snow avalanches on land. This two-dimensional avalanche model is used to estimate the speed and growth characteristics of potential turbidity currents downslope for various postulated marine conditions of initial flow density, height, volume, and length at slopes from 5 to 60°. The areas of additional research required to increase reliability of the analyses are in the initiation and initial development of a turbidity plume, the mechanisms of sediment entrainment to and loss from the plume, and three-dimensional in addition to two-dimensional studies.  相似文献   

On the basis of the time series of AVHRR data from NOAA satellites and the geographical information system PURSIS, fluctuations of the plume front and the turbidity maximum in the Hangzhou Bay, reflected by the distributions of temperature and suspended sediment concentration respectively, are studied in view of long-term behaviors or seasonal and tidal cycles. The data suggest that the effect of front plays an important role in the development of the turbidity maximum close to the Changjiang Estuary > while the effect of tide dominates over the development of another very turbid water situated in the shoal areas in the southern Hangzhou Bay.  相似文献   

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