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高邮凹陷阜三段沉积相分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
根据岩心微相分析、砂体形态和测井剖面对比分析 ,对阜三段各亚段的沉积微相进行了研究 ,掌握了沉积微相的时空展布和变化规律。在三角洲前缘发育区 ,由东北向西南方向 ,相带分异比较明显 ,由三角洲前缘的水下分流河道 -河口砂坝变为前缘席状砂和前三角洲及较深水湖泊相沉积。水下分流河道和河口砂坝砂体相互连接 ,形成厚度较稳定的三角洲前缘复合体 ,储油物性较佳。  相似文献   

通过岩心、录井、测井等资料分析认为研究区为辫状河三角洲沉积,沉积主体为辫状河三角洲前缘亚相,只在研究区北端为辫状河三角洲平原沉积。研究区Guaduas组经历了两期湖平面的升降旋回,十几个短期旋回。由于辫状河道频繁改道,河漫滩以及水下分流河道间湾沉积形成的隔夹层分布广泛,储层的连通性变差,形成非常复杂的油水系统。储集砂体主要是水下分流河道与河口坝,物性受沉积微相的控制,河口坝砂体储层物性最好,水下分流河道次之,辫状河道最差。  相似文献   

通过观察岩心,结合测井、录井资料,运用沉积学方法,分析研究了西江24-3油田发育的沉积微相类型及其特征;识别出研究区整体上为三角洲平原和三角洲前缘沉积,确定了8种沉积微相类型;在此基础上分析了不同的沉积时期各沉积微相的组合特征和平面分布特征,指出三角洲平原分支河道、三角洲前缘水下分流河道、河口坝、远砂坝、席状砂等砂体为...  相似文献   

J油田东三段上部主要为三角洲前缘和前三角洲沉积亚相体系,发育河口坝、水下分流河道、分流间湾等微相。其中河口坝、水下分流河道砂体储集性能较好,分流间湾较差。本区段沉积亚相和沉积微相的类型和展布特征决定了储层砂体的性质和展布,进而控制和影响油气的储集和分布。储层评价结果表明E3d^3-Ⅰ-2最好,E3d^3-Ⅰ-3次之,E3d^3-Ⅰ-1较差。  相似文献   

以层序地层学及沉积学等理论为指导,综合区域地质资料,地震、测井及岩心资料分析等,在红星地区开展层序地层和沉积体系研究.在已有的区域层序地层格架内,识别出三角洲前缘水下分流河道、河口坝、前缘席状砂坝、分流间湾和滨浅湖等多种沉积微相类型,并总结了各种沉积微相的测井响应特征,进一步探讨了沙一段有利储集相带的分布规律.结合四级湖平面变化、同沉积断裂、火山活动、沉积相分布等分析了沙一段砂体分布的控制因素.  相似文献   

大庆油田属于高勘探开发油田,以岩心、钻/测井资料为基础,分析了研究区萨尔图油层组沉积相、亚相、微相的沉积特征,划分出辫状三角洲相、三角洲相、湖相3种沉积相,同时划分出辫状三角洲平原、辫状三角洲前缘、三角洲平原、三角洲前缘、浅湖5种沉积亚相,以及辫状分流河道、泛滥平原、辫状水下分流河道、分流河道、水下分流河道、分流间湾、河口坝、远砂坝、前缘席状砂、砂坝、砂滩、滨浅湖席状砂、滨浅湖泥坪12种沉积微相。根据各单井沉积相、亚相、微相的划分,分析泰康—西超地区萨尔图油层组各砂层组沉积微相的展布特征。在沉积相分析预测的基础上,结合油气地质特征,认为研究区存在两大有利油气区带,一是江21—杜65—来20井斜坡带,二是杜53井区。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地的东河砂岩体并不是简单的滨岸沉积产物,在不同地区具备独特的沉积背景,发育不同模式控制的砂体。根据钻井、测井和地震等资料,通过塔里木盆地东河1油田实例研究,揭示了该地区浪控滨岸砂体的沉积机制和分布样式。结果表明,东河塘地区东河砂岩沉积发育具有三角洲改造背景的浪控滨岸沉积体系,其形成源于区域上的浪控三角洲背景,海侵期遭受波浪及沿岸流的强烈改造,形成现今的滨岸沉积体系。在此基础上,将改造作用最明显的临滨带砂体按成因类型进一步分级,提出了临滨坝的三类砂体组成单元:正常滨岸沉积型、水下分流河道改造型以及河口坝改造型。同时,对其分布及演化进行了探讨,认为正常滨岸沉积的滩坝砂体整体呈相对席状平行于古海岸线分布,在局部构造较低部位形成不规则窄条带状的临滨槽沉积;三角洲前缘改造型滨岸砂体兼具原始三角洲和现代滨岸沉积的形态特征,原始水下分流河道砂体自北东方向呈树枝状向海延伸;河口砂坝在原始水下河道河口处呈舌状分布;席状砂发生明显侧向迁移、以片状分布。  相似文献   

以辽河盆地西部凹陷某试验区于楼油层为例,综合7口取心井岩心、镜下薄片和分析测试资料,400口井测井资料以及工区地震资料,在建立高分辨率等时地层格架和确定沉积相类型的基础上,划分沉积微相,刻画不同沉积微相发育特征,同时分析了沉积微相对开发的影响。通过岩性、层理构造、泥岩颜色、化石特征和粒度概率曲线等相标志,确定研究区目的层为扇三角洲前缘沉积,物源呈北西-南东和南北向,可划分为水下分流河道、河口沙坝、水下分流河道间砂、水下分流河道间泥和前缘席状砂等5种沉积微相。储层以水下分流河道、水下分流河道间砂沉积为主。自底部的单层yII36b至顶部的单层yI11a,目的层整体上为向上逐渐变粗的反旋回特征。河道宽200~300m,长度可达数百米,砂体数量多,规模小。受水下分流河道的频繁分流改道,砂体相互切叠,储层非均质性强烈。蒸汽驱热采时应该充分考虑单砂体沉积微相空间组合模式和平面展布规律。  相似文献   

高邮凹陷黄珏地区戴二段扇三角洲沉积特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄珏地区戴二段发育了以砂砾岩扇体为主的沉积体系。本文在岩心观察和描述的基础上,结合测井等资料,对黄珏地区戴二段砂砾岩体的沉积特征进行了研究。结果表明黄珏地区戴二段沉积时期在同生断层的下降盘主要发育水退型扇三角洲沉积体系。扇三角洲前缘是该区水退扇三角洲砂体堆积的主体,可进一步划分为水下分流河道、席状砂和分流间湾等砂体微相。不同的相带储层物性差异明显,扇三角洲前缘水下分流河道砂体储集物性较好,为油气聚集有利相带。该区沉积体系的形成受构造特征、古地貌和物源区等性质的影响,古地貌特征是该区水退型扇三角洲形成的决定性因素。  相似文献   

从区域地质背景出发,结合岩心、测井等资料,通过岩相类型、粒度分析、测井相分析等对沉积相标志进行了综合研究.认为该区主要发育浅水辫状河三角洲沉积,其中,分流河道、心滩、分流河道间、水下分流河道、分支间湾、前缘席状砂、河口坝等7种微相较为发育.对不同的沉积微相特征进行了分析,并建立了该区沉积相模式,为油藏的勘探开发提供了重...  相似文献   

现代黄河三角洲沉积物沉积年代的确定   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
黄河三角洲前缘粉砂分布于河口外中部,三角洲侧缘或分流间湾黏土质粉砂分布于三角洲前缘粉砂体的两侧。分流改道时新的分流河口大多分布在老叶瓣三角洲侧缘或分流间湾位置。这样,年轻的三角洲前缘粉砂覆盖在老三角洲侧缘或分流间湾黏土质粉砂之上,与此同时,年轻的三角洲侧缘或分流间湾黏土质粉砂覆盖在老三角洲前缘粉砂之上,形成规律性的叠覆层序。在观察钻孔岩心时,正确判断某一层的沉积环境,追踪其物质来历,即判断是从哪一条分流河道搬运来的物质形成的,该分流河道的活动年代就是该层形成的年代。  相似文献   

Reservoir characterization based on geostatistics method requires well constraints (e.g. seismic data with high quality) to predict inter-well reservoir quality that is conformed to geological laws. Nevertheless, the resolution of seismic data in multiple basins or reservoirs is not high enough to recognize the distribution of different types of sand bodies. In this paper, we propose a new method to improve the precision of reservoir characterization: reservoir modeling with the constrains of sedimentary process model and sedimentary microfacies. We employed stratigraphic forward modeling, a process-based method, to constrain the reservoir modeling in one oil-bearing interval of the third member of Eocene Shahejie Formation in J-Oilfield of Liaoxi Sag, Bohai Bay Basin.We divide reservoir modeling into two orders using different types of constrains. In the first order, we use the simulated shale model from stratigraphic forward model that is corrected by wells data as a 3D trend volume to constrain the reservoir sand-shale modeling. In the second order, different types of sedimentary microfacies in the sandy part of the model are further recognized and simulated within the constrains of sedimentary microfacies maps. Consequently, the porosity, permeability and oil saturation are modeled under the control of precise sedimentary microfacies model. The high-resolution reservoir model shows that the porosity, permeability and oil saturation of distributary channel is generally above 20%, 10md and 50%, respectively, which are much higher than that of other types of sedimentary microfacies. It can be concluded that comparing to other types of sedimentary facies, distributary channel has better physical properties and more oil accumulation in the fan-delta front and therefore is the most favorable zones for petroleum development in the research area.  相似文献   

本研究旨在揭示现代长江口不同沉积环境铁磁性矿物的分布差异,寻找有效识别河口-陆架沉积环境的磁学指标,以便更好地将环境磁学应用于河口古环境研究。在长江口及邻近陆架的6个沉积环境:汊道、拦门沙、三角洲前缘斜坡、前三角洲、前三角洲-陆架过渡区和残留砂区,采集表层沉积物样品,进行粒度和磁性测量。结果显示,χ和SIRM在汊道和拦门沙呈现显著高值,HIRM、χfd%、χARM、χARM/χ和χARM/SIRM在前三角洲和前缘斜坡呈现显著高值,反映了陆源物质输运距离和河口沉积动力对磁性矿物分布的控制作用。因此,参数组合HIRM、χARM、χARM/χ和χARM/SIRM可用于识别全新世地层前缘斜坡和前三角洲-陆架;参数组合χ、SIRM和S-20mT可尝试用于识别汊道和拦门沙环境。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲下三角洲平原沉积环境   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
现代黄河三角洲活动叶瓣上河口附近发育着决口扇沉积物,潮汐影响不明显。两侧发育着具有进积潮滩特点的沉积物。叶瓣废弃后由于压实下沉和波浪作用海岸后退,形成退积潮滩。在废弃河口侧部发育较好。那里高潮线处没有侵蚀陡坎,海岸后退是由于压实下沉引起的。废弃河口附近侵蚀作用明显,高潮线处发育侵蚀陡坎,潮间带变窄。  相似文献   

With the aid of seismic geomorphology method, depositional systems such as fluvial-delta and turbidity current of the Cretaceous Quantou-Nenjiang Formations in Sangliao Basin were studied in detail as well as the morphology, dimension, depositional structures and boundaries of these sedimentary bodies. A geological model of a point bar in a fluvial system and the method to identify paleocurrent direction were proposed. The delta of Yaojia Formation with a gentle slope less than 1.4‰ in trangressive system tract (TST) was controlled by lake waves. Subaqueous distributary channels were widely developed in large-scale delta front with a width more than 16 km. Fluvial-dominated deltas with leaf and bird's foot shapes were widespread in highstand system tract (HST) of Qinshankou and Nengjiang Formation with moderately high slope gradients of 4‰ and 6.7‰.The width of the leaf-like and bird's foot delta front ranges from 1 km to 4 km and 3 km–5 km respectively. The mouth bar were well preserved due to the poorly developed widely distributed subaqueous distributary channels and the delta plains having widths of 9 km–15 km, 16 km-25 km respectively. Many turbidity current systems were recognized in the TST of the first member of Nengjiang Formation and the distribution area is about 10,000 km2. Fourteen sublacustrine fans with different dimension were formed by ten fluvial-delta systems extending 30 km–70 km toward the lake from the west and south. With the application of seismic geomorphology, the analysis of fluvial system, delta system and turbidity current system could switch from approximation to quantitative analysis. Sedimentary model proposed for point bars and the quantitative analysis of delta system could provide new technical support for exploration and drilling plan. The research on turbidity current systems will also be beneficial for new exploration targets.  相似文献   

Depositional environment can change through geological time. This paper describes a delta that evolved from river-dominated into tide-dominated. The delta is located in the Ya13-1 field of the South China Sea. Understanding the change that occurred in the deltaic setting is important because the change in depositional environments led to changes in spatial distribution of facies and other rock properties.The Oligocene sediments of the third member of the Lingshui Formation in the Ya13-1 field were deposited in a river-dominated delta, and later impacted by marine flooding, fluvial and tidal currents. As a result of these different influences, the early-stage depositional micro-facies and the sandbody distributions are quite different from those of the later stage. At the early stage, fluvial influences prevailed, resulting in a fluvial-dominated delta plain and deposition of many linguoid sand bars in the delta front. During the late stage of deposition, tide-dominated delta fronts were developed extensively and finger sand bars deposited abundantly in the delta front as a result of the tidal influence.Ya13-1 gas field is laterally divided into two large subareas and vertically into eight stratigraphic packages. Because of the different influences of marine flooding that resulted in different interbeds and intercalations, the number of stratigraphic packages in the south is different from that in the north. The change of deltaic depositional environments also resulted in different reservoir properties between the northern and southern regions as the reservoir properties of mouth bars are generally better than distributary channels. These depositional characteristics significantly impact the development of the field.  相似文献   

长江口南北槽分流口动力地貌过程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分汊口的地貌演化格局对于三角洲建造和下游河槽的稳定具有重要作用.作为长江河口的第三级分汊口(南、北槽分流口),形成历史较短,但又经历了长江口最大的水利工程(北槽深水航道工程)的影响,故该分流口的变化是近年来长江河口研究的核心内容之一.本文基于近50 a的地形、流域入海水沙和南北槽落潮分水分沙比等数据,探讨了南北槽分流口的动力地貌变化过程.结果表明:(1)在1998年前,长江口南北槽分流口经历了由不稳定—相对稳定—动态平衡的阶段,其中分流口沙洲洲头出现下挫—上提—下挫、主泓线则经历分流口南侧—北侧—南侧的周期变化,河槽断面由U型发展为W型.(2)长江大洪水是导致分流口地貌格局出现变化的动力因素.在洪水发生的间歇期,分流口地貌则处于由不稳定向相对稳定发展的调整阶段.(3)1998年修建沙洲洲头潜堤工程后,沙洲洲头出现上提—下挫—上提的微弱变化,但总体上沙洲头向北偏移,这导致进入北槽的分水分沙比有所减小.(4)自2002年以来,沙洲洲头因分流口的淤积而缓慢上提,潜堤北侧北槽上段淤积加重,潜堤南侧尤其紧贴潜堤部位侵蚀加剧,南槽分水分沙增大,分流口落潮冲刷槽进一步向南槽发展.  相似文献   

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