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Mean gonad indices of Evechinus chloroticus (Val.) at Kaikoura and Kaiteriteri, South Island, New Zealand, increased during the winter and spring to reach peak values during the summer and then decreased to minimum values in autumn. There was only one major summer peak at Kaikoura, but two at Kaiteriteri. The maximum mean gonad index of Kaiteriteri specimens was little higher than the minimum at Kaikoura. Absolute size of gonads and spawn producton were also lower at Kaiteriteri, perhaps because of less food there.

At both localities gametogenic cycles were correlated with gonad index cycles, progressing from unripe to ripe from late autumn to spring, but Kaikoura urchins held ripe gametes over a longer period than Kaiteriteri urchins. The volume of spawn from females was greater than that from males but males had ripe gametes (and could be artificially induced to spawn) longer. At Kaikoura, some spawning probably occurred throughout summer with a major spawning in late summer or early autumn. Large urchins with small dark gonads were found throughout the year, particularly at Kaiteriteri; these were probably senile individuals.

Although at both localities Evechinus matured at 3–4 years, Kaikoura urchins were larger at maturity.

At Kaiteriteri sex ratios of mature Evechinus did not differ significantly from 1:1, but in some populations at Kaikoura males were significantly more prevalent than females.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in ovarian activity were investigated in New Zealand turbot Colistium nudipinnis (Waite 1910) and brill Colistium guntheri (Hutton 1873), collected by commercial trawlers along the west coast of the South Island of New Zealand. Both species demonstrated group synchronous oocyte development, with a capacity for multiple ovulations within a reproductive season. During a 17‐h trawl survey, ovulated turbot were caught between 1500 and 2030 h, indicating a daily spawning rhythm. The turbot and brill spawning seasons were prolonged (late autumn to mid summer). A protracted spawning season confers some advantages in aquaculture.  相似文献   

The annual reproductive cycle of Perna canaliculus (Gmelin) was investigated for 1 year by collecting monthly gonad samples from an intertidal population. Gonads of 50 animals were dissected and photographically recorded on video before being fixed for histological sectioning. The histological gonad sections were examined both qualitatively, using a classification and scoring system (S) and quantitatively, using image analysis technology. The quantitative measures used were the proportion of: (1) sections comprising follicles (FC); (2) sections comprising gametes (GC); and (3) the proportion of follicles comprising gametes (G/F). Significant consecutive monthly changes in the qualitative and quantitative measures indicated major spawning events. Gametogenesis occurred during winter with a spawning in August‐September. Gonad condition remained low during the spring and early summer until a development period between January and March. A second major spawning event occurred between March and April. There was a high degree of synchrony in reproductive status observed between the sexes. When comparing the four measurement methods using the f statistic as an index of power the GC measure was found to be the most reliable. A gonad visual grading system was developed for rapid assessment of gonad reproductive status and tested. Visual grades of pre‐recorded gonad samples were compared to the histological measures. Increasing visual grade correlated strongly with increases in all of the histological measurements.

The visual grading was a good predictor of the spawning activity of female P. canaliculus.  相似文献   

Multi‐specific synchronous spawning has never been documented for East Africa, but coral spawn‐slicks are observed annually around Vamizi Island, Northern Mozambique. We monitored gamete development in Acropora species from July 2012 to October 2013 and from August to September 2014 to describe patterns of reproductive seasonality and synchrony within and amongst species of Acropora. Gamete maturation was highly synchronized within and amongst Acropora species and culminated in multi‐specific spawning events lasting 1–3 nights in each year of the study, in late August or September. In 2013 and 2014, 50% or more of the colonies of over 50% of the species sampled prior to the spawning events had mature gametes. In all years, 91–99% colonies sampled after the spawning events had no visible gametes. The percentage of colonies with mature gametes was up to 100% for some species. In other species, the absence of mature gametes throughout the study period indicates that they might not spawn in certain years. The analysis of a 8‐year record of observations of spawn‐slicks showed that spawning generally occurred once a year for a few consecutive days between September and December, during periods of rising sea surface temperature and low wind speed and rainfall. This study is the first to quantitatively document coral reproduction in Mozambique and multi‐specific synchronous spawning off the coast of Africa. These findings contrast with the asynchronous breeding reported for Kenyan reefs and support the absence of breakdown in coral reproductive synchrony towards low latitudes.  相似文献   

缢蛏(Sinonovacula constricta)是我国重要的水产经济贝类,开展耐高盐新品种选育对平衡不同地区缢蛏良种养殖意义重大。本研究对不同家系缢蛏幼贝进行高盐胁迫,运用统计学方法和相关性分析探究了缢蛏耐高盐性能及其与生长性状的相关性。结果显示,缢蛏家系间壳长、壳高、壳宽和体质量表型值差异较大,体质量变异系数达15.53%。不同家系对高盐耐受性差异较大,家系间死亡率范围在0~100%。胁迫实验共持续9d,各家系缢蛏首粒死亡时间在第1~9d之间,而且死亡率较高的家系内缢蛏死亡时间离散程度较大,说明不同个体间高盐耐受性差异也较大。缢蛏开始出现大量死亡的时间主要在胁迫后第8d,第9d部分家系死亡率高于80%,说明缢蛏对高盐耐受存在一个阈值,超过该阈值会开始或大量死亡。皮尔逊和斯皮尔曼相关性分析显示,缢蛏存活时间和生长性状为正相关,其中存活时间与缢蛏壳长、体质量相关性均达到显著水平(P<0.05)。缢蛏存活率与体质量、生长速度均显著正相关(P<0.05)。整体而言,壳长较长和体质量较重的缢蛏个体耐高盐性能较强,在高盐环境中具有生长优势。本研究揭示了缢蛏的高盐耐受性及其与生长性状的相关性,为缢蛏耐高盐选育工作提供了重要的参考依据。  相似文献   

A spawning site of Galaxias brevipinnis Giinther was located in a New Zealand stream for the first time. It was at the edge of a riffle and only partially submerged. The habitat used for spawning matched that described for G. brevipinnis in Australia. Spawning was estimated to have occurred between late April and early May and the eggs hatched in late May. The species of fish spawning was identified by rearing the eggs through to identifiable juveniles and by DNA sequencing of one individual.  相似文献   

Test diameter and gonad volume were recorded over 1 year for bimonthly samples of Evechinus chloroticus (Valenciennes) from each of 3 subtidal populations 10 km apart in the Hauraki Gulf. Histological analysis was used to relate cellular events during gametogenesis to the annual cycle of change in gonad size. Mean gonad sizes of the different sea urchin populations were compared by analysis of covariance. Gametogenesis began in the spring, and major spawning occurred in mid to late summer. The proportion of the gonads taken up by nutritive phagocyte cells increased from autumn to spring. During proliferation and growth of gametes the nutritive phagocytes declined in abundance and globulation, suggesting that reserves stored in these cells were transferred to developing gametes. Gonad size doubled during gametogenesis, declined after spawning, and remained low in autumn and winter. Differences in gonad size between populations were significant during most of the year, and were most pronounced in mid summer. Although synchronous gametogenesis occurred in the 3 populations studied, spawning occurred at different times. This suggested that spawning in this species was induced by factors acting either within sea urchin populations or over distances of a few km or less.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle of the dwarf oyster Ostreola stentina (Payraudeau 1826) at Monastir in the south of the Gulf of Hammamet on the east coast of Tunisia was studied using condition indices and histological techniques. The species was shown to be a protandric hermaphrodite. Whereas males dominated the small shell length categories (12.45–34.99 mm), females (21.00–47.16 mm) and hermaphroditic individuals (30.00–57.95 mm) become more predominant with increasing size, suggesting that individuals may undergo protandric development. The overall male to female ratio was 1.0:1.7. Gametogenic development begins in February–March for females and in September for males, and spawning occurs during April and July for females and December and July for males. There was a clear relationship between the gonadal condition index and gametogenic stage for both sexes. Values increased from zero in their early stage of development and peaked during ripe and spawning stages, before decreasing in the spent stage. However, the meat condition index did not show any statistical differences between gametogenic stages.  相似文献   

为了阐明青岛近海长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)性腺发育周期及生化成分周年变化,于2019年4月—2020年3月,对青岛田横岛海区长牡蛎的性腺发育周期、生化成分(糖原、脂肪、蛋白质)的周年变化与环境因子(温度、盐度、叶绿素a)关系进行研究。研究显示,调查区长牡蛎性腺发育周期分为两个阶段:休止期(10—12月)和配子发生期(1—9月)。少部分长牡蛎配子发生于温度较低的1月(5.4℃),随着温度升高配子逐渐发育成熟,在6月温度较高(20℃)和叶绿素a浓度较大(1.67μg·L-1)情况下,配子进入排放期。在配子发生期间,随着配子的成熟,条件指数和卵径在5月达到最大值,在配子排放后降低。生化成分含量为:在冬末春初浮游植物繁殖期间糖原含量储存在长牡蛎各组织中,随着性腺发育,各组织的糖原含量逐渐下降,为配子发育提供能量,这表明贮藏在各组织的糖原是配子发生期间的主要能源物质;性腺-内脏团的脂肪和蛋白质含量随着卵径增加呈上升趋势,产卵后其含量显著下降,表明脂肪和蛋白质与配子发育密切相关。研究结果表明,田横岛海域长牡蛎配子的发育方式为保守种模式。  相似文献   

Coordination of gametogenesis and spawning during restricted breeding seasons increases availability of mates, fertilization rates, and often success of offspring. Orton’s Rule predicts water temperature as the dominant environmental cue for gametogenesis or spawning in temperate invertebrates. Crisp’s Rule predicts that species producing planktotrophic larvae will time their reproduction to ensure optimal nutrition for the larvae. Owenia collaris (Annelida: Oweniidae) is a temperate polychaete that produces planktotrophic larvae that remain in the water column for several weeks. Reproductive phenology and its relationship to the environment were investigated in an estuarine population of O. collaris using field and laboratory studies. Owenia collaris produced mature gametes between March and September each year during the productive season between the spring and fall transitions when day lengths were 12 h or more, alkalinity was 8.1 or higher, and temperature was 11 °C or higher. Gamete production was not related to seasonal changes in salinity or benthic phytoplankton concentrations and gametes were present prior to the spring phytoplankton bloom. In laboratory experiments, production of gametes was influenced somewhat by manipulating day lengths but not adult food. The association with predictable and stable environmental cycles (day length) and a broad spawning season suggest that this species is unlikely to mis-match with larval food availability which would lead to reduced availability of recruits in any given year, supporting Crisp’s Rule. Our data do not support the hypothesis that reproductive timing in this species is driven by access to excess energy required by adults to initiate the production of gametes. Our data also do not support Orton’s premise that temperature is the primary controlling factor of reproduction in this temperate marine invertebrate.  相似文献   

为研究缢蛏(Sinonovacula constricta)生物扰动在养殖废水生态处理系统中对沉积物不同垂直分层的各种磷形态迁移转化的影响,于2016年5—7月在养殖废水处理池的贝藻处理区采集不同缢蛏养殖密度下的实验围隔箱内的底泥,测定不同垂直方向上的磷形态、微生物活性(FDA)以及碱性磷酸酶活性(APA)。结果表明,在底栖动物缢蛏生物扰动作用下,改变了沉积物内部的微环境,促进了微生物的生长,增大了沉积物中总微生物活性以及碱性磷酸酶活性。而沉积物中有机磷(OP)含量显著减少(P0.05);非磷灰石态无机磷(NAIP)、磷灰石态无机磷(AP)和无机磷(IP)含量显著增加(P0.05),这表明在缢蛏的生物扰动下OP可能转变成为AP、NAIP等无机磷成分;总磷含量呈降低趋势。本试验结果表明,缢蛏生物扰动下对于养殖废水生态处理系统沉积物垂直方向上的磷赋存形态具有显著的影响,且高密度组的生物扰动作用对沉积物中磷形态迁移转化的影响强于低密度组。  相似文献   

The annual reproductive cycle and the cyclical changes in the gonad of the New Zealand rock oyster, Crassostrea glomerata (Gould, 1850), during the breeding period of 1970–71 and 1971–72 have been described. The gonad passes through an intermediate phase, after a post‐spawning period, when sex is indeterminate. Gametogenesis begins in July and August, but follicles ripen mostly during the spring months of October and November. Maximum development is seen in November, and nearly all oysters are in spawning condition in December and January. Major spawning takes place in January or February depending upon water temperature, and spawning continues until the end of March. Larvae may be found in the‐ plankton until late in the season, to the end of April or even May. Following spawning, gonadial regression sets in, with leucocyte infiltration and phagocytosis of residual gonial cells. A greater percentage of oysters more than 1 y old are females. The majority of oysters of age 1 y and below are males.  相似文献   

几种生化信号物质对双壳类催产效应的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用个体注射的方法,研究不同的信号物质(五羟色胺、肾上腺素、去甲肾上腺素、多巴胺、Υ-氨基丁酸GABA、溴化乙酰胆碱)对双壳类催产的效应。结果表明:所选用的六种物质中,只有五羟色胺能有效地诱导菲律宾蛤仔、栉孔扇贝、贻贝的精卵排放。五羟色胺作用的有效浓度范围为10^-3 ̄10^-7mol/L,最佳作用浓度为10^-4mol/L。五羟色胺诱导的精卵排放具有作用潜伏期短(绝大部分在30min以内)、同步  相似文献   

Twelve Galaxias postvectis (shortjaw kokopu) and four G. fasciatus (banded kokopu) spawning sites were found on the margins of the Katikara Stream, Taranaki, New Zealand. This is the first time G. postvectis spawning sites have been documented. G. fasciatus spawning sites discovered in this study confirm previous observations elsewhere in New Zealand. These spawning sites were all found out of water, variable distances from the base flow water level amongst stony substrate, vegetation, and debris. Most G. fasciatus appeared to lay their eggs, and subsequently hatch, c. 3 weeks earlier than G. postvectis, which spawned from 9 to 17 May 2001. G. brevipinnis (koaro) larvae were also identified drifting downstream in late May and mid June 2001. Deposition of eggs and subsequent hatching were found to be associated with elevated flows.  相似文献   

Reproductive cycles of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) from the Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand, were followed between June 1998 and January 2000. Histological examination of the gonad confirms an annual cycle with a winter inactive period followed by rapid gonad development and a single short spawning period. The population gonad index correlated with seawater temperature and changes in tissue dry weight, condition index, and biochemical components. In winter, few individuals with early gametogenic stages were present and rapid development of primary oocytes (diam. 11 μm) occurred during spring (September‐November). The developmental rate and the diameter of mature oocytes (37 μm) was similar for the 1998 and 1999 seasons. For a standard 110‐mm‐length oyster, maximal tissue body weight and condition index were recorded in December. Rapid weight loss in January was length dependent and was attributed to spawning. Temperature was the environmental variable which best correlated with the timing of gametogenesis. Food availability (phytoplankton biomass) may have been responsible for inter‐annual variations. The biochemical composition (% glycogen, lipid, protein) of separated gonad and somatic tissues were variable seasonally and annually. Gametogenesis (oocyte diameter) was associated with increased gonad protein and glycogen and a decrease in lipid concentrations. These changes are similar to those in Pacific oyster populations from other parts of the world.  相似文献   

Here, we describe a methodology for quantifying the spawning habitat of īnanga (Galaxias maculatus), a protected native fish species. Our approach is demonstrated with a survey of the Heathcote/ōpāwaho following the Canterbury earthquakes that produced unexpected findings. Spawning habitat was detected over a 2.5?km reach and the area occupied by spawning sites (75m2) was much larger than in previous records (ca.?21m2). Sites dominated by the invasive Phalaris arundinaceae were found to support high egg numbers. Spawning has not previously been recorded on this species and it is identified in the literature as a threat to spawning habitat. Considerable spatio-temporal variation was also detected in the location of spawning sites and pattern of egg production. Together, these aspects illustrate the need for a comprehensive survey methodology to reliably quantify spawning habitat. The Heathcote/ōpāwaho example shows the utility of our census approach for achieving this, and supporting habitat conservation objectives.  相似文献   

《Journal of Sea Research》2010,63(4):295-298
The American razor clam Ensis americanus is a marine bivalve indigenous from the American coast that was introduced in Europe in the late 1970s and has managed to build up strong populations along the European coast. In the present paper, we studied energy investment into soma and gonads by following the seasonality in growth and reproduction of this species in a subtidal area of the western Dutch Wadden Sea. Body and somatic mass indices showed a seasonal pattern with maximal values in August and minimal in April. Gonadal mass index showed the opposite trend with highest values in April. Spawning started in April/May and a second, but weaker, spawning event apparently occurred in August/September. Gonadosomatic ratio values were very low. Just before the spawning period, only 2.5% of the body mass of E. americanus consisted of gonads.  相似文献   

Biology and population dynamics of the suspension-feeding wedge clam Donax trunculus (Linnaeus, 1758) were studied for 13 months (November 1994–April 1996) along the Italian Southern Adriatic coast near the Lagoon of Lesina. Specimens were found at depths between 0 and 2 m, mainly in fine grain bottoms. The spatial coastal distribution showed an intraspecific segregation between young and adult wedge clams. A unimodal recruitment (length >4 mm) occurred in winter (December–February). Length frequency distributions were used to determine age and growth rate. Three year classes were regularly observed and their growth pattern defined. The population showed a maximum length of 37 mm and a longevity of 4 years. Analysis of seasonal variations in the reproductive cycle showed that gametogenesis occurred in spring in females. After the spawning season (March–July) females of D. trunculus remained in a resting stage from August to January.  相似文献   

Spawning, phases of embryonic development, intracapsular feeding mechanism and development mode of banded murex Hexaplex trunculus (Linnaeus, 1758) were examined using specimens from the Aegean Sea. In addition, the numbers and characteristics of non‐viable nurse eggs during different phases were examined in relation to the development phases of viable embryos. Females spawned between 59 and 162 egg capsules containing 306.76 ± 50.74 eggs. Trochophore larvae first appeared on the 15th day after spawning. Nurse egg consumption began on the 17th day after spawning when the embryos reached the early veliger stage. In the beginning, veligers consumed the nurse eggs by mechanically disintegrating them with velar cilia movement. From the 18th day after spawning, embryos began to consume whole nurse eggs, although mechanical disintegration continued until hatching. Viable embryos consumed the most developed nurse eggs first. The average number of nurse eggs consumed per embryo was 24.67 by the end of the intracapsular period. The average number of hatchlings was 11.95 ± 3.81 per capsule with 1321.48 ± 133.1 μm shell length. According to our observations H. trunculus shows dispersal polymorphism, with most of the hatchlings completing metamorphosis after a short planktonic non‐feeding period (up to 2 days), while others metamorphose prior to hatching. Planktonic hatchlings had both foot and well developed four‐lobed velum and minimum 1 3/4 whorls. Both hatchling types could be seen in the capsule mass from the same female.  相似文献   

Two high value species, yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) and hāpuku (groper, Polyprion oxygeneios), have been identified as suitable new candidates for New Zealand aquaculture. This paper reviews the research by NIWA and collaborators conducted to test the biological, technological and economic feasibility of farming these two species. NIWA now has the capability to produce sufficient kingfish fingerlings per year to meet the needs of the early stages of an industry. Advances in hāpuku aquaculture have also been significant, from spawning in captivity through to the selection of juveniles for improved growth. Recently, the first spawning of captive hāpuku F1 broodstock and production of F2 eggs, larvae and juveniles was achieved. Although hāpuku larval survival remains variable, the ability to close the life cycle, and the availability of domesticated broodstock, provide a significant step forward and increase the chances of this species being commercially farmed.  相似文献   

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