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黄、东海陆架海域温度垂直结构类型划分与温跃层分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于黄、东海陆架海域1997—1999年4个季节调查的CTD资料,采用拟阶梯函数逼近法对温度垂直剖面拟合逼近,然后按拟合均方差和跃层强度对黄、东海陆架区的温度垂直结构进行类型划分,共划分为6个类型:三层结构型(T型)、主跃层上位型(U型)、主跃层下位型(L型)、多阶梯状结构型(M型)、异常结构型(A型)和垂直均匀型(H型)。分析结果表明:温度垂直结构类型在黄海区域为:春季呈L型;夏季呈U型;秋季呈T型;冬季呈H型。东海北部春季基本呈T型;夏季西部呈T型,东部呈U型;秋、冬季演变为H型;东海南部春、夏季主要呈L型;秋、冬季除近岸出现逆温类型外,大部分区域呈H型。利用风和潮的混合卷挟模式阐述了各种温度垂直结构的形成机制,最后给出了黄、东海陆架海域的主温跃层特征值的区域分布和季节变化。  相似文献   

海浪混合参数化的渤海、黄海、东海水动力环境数值模拟   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
在浪-流耦合的概念下,对Princeton Ocean Model(POM)模式进行改进,增加特征波参数下的海浪混合作用,并把潮流和环流同时模拟,得到了渤海、黄海、东海典型的环流和水文特征,特别是夏季黄海的温跃层现象,夏季长江冲淡水扩展路径以及我国东部海域冬季和夏季典型环流等.研究表明,海浪的作用使海洋上层混合得更均匀,潮流的作用使海洋底层混合得更均匀,二者是温跃层形成的重要原因;考虑潮效应模拟流场,由于潮扩散和潮余流的作用,长江冲淡水路径与实际观测更为符合.  相似文献   

简要介绍了黄海和东海的地理环境概况,着重分析调查海域的环流系统。有如下一些初步看法与结论。 台湾暖流的前缘混合水,可从长江冲淡水底层穿越而影响到苏北沿岸,直到32°N以北的浅水区域。对马暖流西侧的水体是东海混合水,而其东侧为黑潮分支。黄海暖流的流向在不同季节具有规律的摆动。黄海底层冷水团属于季节性水团,其强盛及消衰与温跃层的形成及消亡紧密相关。黄海底层冷水团与中部底层冷水并非每年彼此独立,它们的共同特征甚至比其差异更明显。夏季东海冷水不能借助爬升侵入黄海底层冷水团内部。在济州岛南部区域,中层的逆温、逆盐现象,是由黄海密度环流的扩散效应与东海冷水沿黄海底层冷水团边界的爬升这两个原因而形成的。  相似文献   

中国近海温跃层判定方法的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郝佳佳  陈永利  王凡 《海洋科学》2008,32(12):17-24
根据东海以及南海东北部多组资料,探讨了拟阶梯函数法和垂向梯度法在浅海区(水深〈200m)、陆架坡折海域(水深在200m左右)和深水开阔海区(水深〉200m)的应用情况,分析了温跃层在陆架坡折海域的水平衔接问题。对比分析表明:在浅海区,两种方法结果比较一致,特别对某些垂直温度梯度较弱的曲线,拟阶梯函数法和实际水文廓线符合更好。陆架坡折海域,垂向梯度法对于温度梯度相对较弱的跃层刻画不好,而拟阶梯函数法可以对较弱温跃层进行判定,与实际垂直水文结构一致。深水开阔区域,垂向梯度法所得温跃层特征量与实际符合较好,而拟阶梯函数法获得的温跃层强度偏大。因此,对本研究海域来说,当水深≤200m时,采用拟阶梯函数法,当水深〉200m时采用垂向梯度法,最小判定标准统一采用0.05℃/m,可以有效避免陆架坡折海域的水平不连续问题,与实际水文廓线符合较好。  相似文献   

2011年春、夏季黄、东海水团与水文结构分布特征   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
根据2011年春季(4月)夏季(8月)两个航次调查的CTD温盐资料,获得观测期间黄、东海主要水团特征:(1)夏季黄海冷水团10℃等温线在黄海海域中部30m以深,影响范围西至122°E南至34°N,最低温度为6.2℃,比气候态平均冷水团温度低约2℃;(2)夏季冲淡水以长江口为中心,呈半圆形向外扩展,并无明显NE转向,30.00等盐线在32°N断面上东至124°E,南至29.5°N,扩展范围与往年相比偏西1°左右,而在SE方向较往年有明显延伸扩展。水文结构特征为:(1)春季,温跃层主要在南黄海中部以西,跃层强度仅为0.10—0.40℃/m;密跃层主要在长江口以东,跃层强度0.20—0.30kg/m4;(2)夏季,温跃层强度最高值在长江口东北,跃层强度达到2.41℃/m,上界深度5.5m,厚度2.5m;黄海温跃层强度普遍强于东海,主要是冷水团区域表底显著的温度差异造成;密跃层强度高值区在33°N断面西侧海区,强度达到1.38kg/m4,上界深度5.5m,厚度约为1.5m;沿长江冲淡水舌轴方向的密跃层强度为0.30—0.60kg/m4,自西向东逐渐减弱。  相似文献   

基于ROMS模型数值研究南海温跃层的季节变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
On the basis of the regional ocean modeling system (ROMS), the seasonal variations of the thermocline in the South China Sea (SCS) were numerically investigated. The simulated hydrodynamics are in accordance with previous studies: the circulation pattern in the SCS is cyclonic in winter and anticyclonic in summer, and such a change is mostly driven by the monsoon winds. The errors between the modeled temperature profiles and the observations obtained by cruises are quite small in the upper layers of the ocean, indicating that the ocean status is reasonably simulated. On the basis of the shapes of the vertical temperature profiles, five thermocline types (shallow thermocline, deep thermocline, hybrid thermocline, double thermocline, and multiple thermocline) are defined herein. In winter, when the northeasterly monsoon prevails, most shallow shelf seas in the northwest of the SCS are well mixed, and there is no obvious thermocline. The deep region generally has a deep thermocline, and the hybrid or double thermocline often occurs in the areas near the cold eddy in the south of the SCS. In summer, when the southwesterly monsoon prevails, the shelf sea area with a shallow thermocline greatly expands. The distribution of different thermocline types shows a relationship with ocean bathymetry: from shallow to deep waters, the thermocline types generally change from shallow or hybrid to deep thermocline, and the double or multiple thermocline usually occurs in the steep regions. The seasonal variations of the three major thermocline characteristics (the upper bound depth, thickness, and intensity) are also discussed. Since the SCS is also an area where tropical cyclones frequently occur, the response of thermocline to a typhoon process in a short time scale is also analyzed.  相似文献   

1Introduction TheChangjiang(Yangtze)Riverdrainageba sinliesbetween25°and35°N,andbetween91°and122°E,withatotalareaof1.81×106km2anda populationof4×108.Itpassesthroughadensely populatedareawithwell developedindustryandag riculture,includingShanghai,the  相似文献   

The hydrographic surveys in an area immediately northeast of Taiwan showed that the Kuroshio surface water intruded onto the shelf in the spring and there was a thick mixed layer and weak vertical stratification in the Kuroshio at the time. During the summer season, a strong thermocline was developed in the Kuroshio and the flow shifted offshore from Taiwan in front of the continental shelf break of the East China Sea. A numerical model is used to examine the effect of this seasonal thermocline on the flow pattern of the survey area. We find that the surface strength of the disturbance above the Su-Ao ridge is closely related to the occurrence of the on-shelf intrusion of Kuroshio. The presence of a seasonal thermocline in the Kuroshio can greatly diminish this disturbance in the surface level.  相似文献   

首次为整个东中国海设计出一种自适应网格 ,利用自适应网格能同时兼顾网格的光滑性、正交性及疏密程度的特点 ,得到了物理平面上的网格分布。该网格既与边界适应 ,又在水深变化急剧的东海陆坡处得以加密 ,从而使坐标变换下的三维模式成功实现了跨越陆坡的计算。用该模式模拟了海域的潮汐变化。依据所得结果绘制出 M2 分潮的同潮图和潮流椭圆。模拟结果与现有的数值研究结果基本一致 ,表明此模式在该海域的适用性  相似文献   

Seasonal variability of surface and subsurface thermal/haline fronts in the Yellow/East China Seas (YES) has been investigated using three-dimensional monthly-mean temperature and salinity data from U.S. Navy’s Generalized Digital Environmental Model (Version 3.0). The density-compensated Cheju-Yangtze Thermal/Haline Front has (northern and southern) double-tongues. The northern tongue is most evident throughout the depth from December to April. The southern tongue is persistent at the subsurface with conspicuous haline fronts. The thermal (haline) frontal intensity of the northern tongue is controlled mainly by the temperature (salinity) variation on the shoreward (seaward) side of the front. The cold water over the Yangtze Bank is influential in generating the southern tongue and intensifying the Tsushima Thermal Front. The year-round Cheju-Tsushima Thermal Front is evident throughout the depth and intensifies from July to December. The northern arc of the Yangtze Ring Haline Front is manifest in spring and is sustained until summer, whereas the southern one is fully developed in summer because of eastward migration of the Yangtze Diluted Water. The area showing strong frontal intensity in the Chinese Coastal Haline Front shifts seasonally north and south along the Zhejiang-Fujian coast. The Generation and evolution of YES fronts are closely associated with YES circulation (inferred from the linkage of the water masses). Moreover, the subsurface temperature/salinity evolution on the fronts in the Yellow Sea differs from that in the East China Sea owing to local factors such as wintertime vertical mixing and a summertime strong thermocline above the Yellow Sea Bottom Cold Water.  相似文献   

南海深水海盆环流和温跃层深度的季节变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
受南海季风和复杂地形的影响,南海环流场具有复杂的空间结构和明显的季节变化,同时此海域又是中尺度涡多发海域,这些特征必然对南海温跃层深度的水平分布及季节变化有显著影响。首先,基于GDEM(General-ized Digital Environmental Model)的温、盐资料和利用P矢量方法计算并分析了南海的表层环流和多涡结构的空间分布特征和季节变化规律。在此基础上,分析了南海温跃层深度的空间分布特征和季节变化规律。结果表明,南海环流和多涡结构对南海温跃层具有显著的影响。  相似文献   

2011年春、夏季黄海、东海营养盐分布特征研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
利用2011年4月和8月的调查资料,分析讨论了春、夏季黄海、东海营养盐分布特征及影响因素。结果表明,在调查海域,春季的硅酸盐、硝酸盐的浓度较高;夏季磷酸盐、氨氮的浓度较高。受长江冲淡水影响,长江口-浙闽近海表层营养盐浓度较高,且夏季高值区向外海扩展;外海受黑潮表层水的影响营养盐浓度较低。南黄海营养盐主要受长江冲淡水、黄海冷水团、黄海暖流的共同影响,夏季形成强烈的温跃层,在底层维持着一个稳定的高盐、富营养盐的冷水团。  相似文献   

Water temperature,turbidity,chlorophyll-a and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) were investigated at 61 stations of eight sections in the southern Huanghai Sea (HS) and the East China Sea (ECS) during the summer (28 June to 15 July) of 2006.The horizontal distribution of suspended parti culate matter (SPM) displayed a high concentration inshore and a low value offshore.The maximum value can reach 10.4 mg/dm 3,which can be found at the Changjiang River mouth.For the same site,the SSC was generally higher at the bottom than on the surface.In the vertical direction,distribution characteristics of turbidity can be divided into two types:in the southern HS high values at the bottom while low values on the surface,and in the ECS high values inshore with low values offshore.The thermocline in the HS and the Taiwan Warm Current in the ECS could be important factors preventing the SPM from diffusing upward and seaward.Even the typhoon Ewiniar was not able to work on the major sediment transport under the thermocline during the observation.  相似文献   

秋季南黄海水文特征及海水的混合与交换   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据1996年10月中韩合作调查获得的CTD资料,分析探讨了南黄海秋季跃层的分布特征及垂直混合状况,同时对黄海冷水团的垂向混合进行了初步探讨.还利用改进后的逐步聚类分析法划分了表、底层水团,确定了各水团的温度、盐度、溶解氧和PH值4要素的平均特征值,并根据各水团的特性和温度、盐度的平面分布特征,重点探讨了黄海水与沿岸水及东海水的混合和交换.  相似文献   

Internal tide is one of the major oceanic phenomena. Determination of internal tide is important for theoretical study and for ocean engineering research. As an inverse problem, extraction of internal tidal currenls from sea currents is diffi-cult. In this paper, a method is developed to extract internal tidal currents from a portion of the sea current profile based on the fact that the directions of internal tidal currents above and below the thermocline are inverse. Sea current data col-lected from the South China Sea is processed with this method. The internal tidal currents and the depth of the thermocline are successfully extracted. The depth of the thermocline determined is in good agreement with that measured in 1959.  相似文献   

Four surveys of airborne expendable bathythermograph with horizontal spacing of about 35 km and vertical spacing of 1 m extending from the surface down to 400 m deep are used to analyze thermal finestructures and their seasonality in frontal zones of the southern Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. Finestructure characteristics are different not only among fronts but also along the same front, implying different mixing mechanisms. Summer thermocline intrusions with thickness from few to 40 meters, generated by the vertically-sheared advection, are identified along the southern tongue of the Cheju-Yangtze Front (especially south of Cheju Island). The finestructures south of the Yangtze Bank (i.e. the western tip of the southern tongue) produced by strong along-frontal currents are not as rich as elsewhere in the southern tongue. The Cheju-Tsushima Front presents mixed finestructures due to confluent currents from various origins. The irregular-staircase finestructures in the Kuroshio region (below the seasonal thermocline), driven by double-diffusive mixing, show seasonal invariance and vertical/horizontal coherence. The strength of mixing related to finestructure is weaker in the Kuroshio region than in the Cheju-Tsushima Front or south of Cheju Island. The profiles in the Tsushima Warm Current branching area show large (∼50 m thick), irregular-staircase structures at the upper 230 m depth, which coincides roughly with the lower boundary of the maximum salinity layer. The finestructure at depths deeper 230 m is similar to that in the Kuroshio region. The possible mechanisms for generating the finestructures are also discussed.  相似文献   

文中调查了"威马逊"台风过境时东海黑潮对台风的响应特征,以海面高度异常(Sea Level Anomaly, SLA)和摩擦深度作为主要研究因子,利用艾克曼风生海流理论,得出了在"威马逊"台风过程中东海黑潮附近海域尤其是宫古海峡处的SLA值和摩擦深度的响应特征,发现了东海黑潮及其周边海域表层流场与海面高度异常值(SLA)之间的对应关系存在明显的季节性变化特征, SLA正负极值区对应的表层流场一般呈现反气旋型分布和气旋型分布,利用这一对应关系可以有效地分析判断在台风过程中东海黑潮及附近海域表层流场的响应特征。其结论对于东海黑潮流域的海洋环境分析和该区域的军事活动都有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

热带海洋温跃层深度与南海夏季风强度关系探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
计算了1975~1999年南海夏季风强度指数,针对季风强、弱年进行太平洋至印度洋20℃等温面的深度(温跃层深度)距平场合成分析,得到强、弱季风年温跃层深度距平的4种分布形式.使用历年季风强度指数与各月温跃层深度距平作相关计算,发现孟加拉湾和赤道中太平洋的深度距平与季风强度具有很好的正相关,台湾以东海域呈较高的负相关,可作为季风预测的重要因子.  相似文献   

东、黄海典型海域叶绿素a含量的垂向变化与周日波动   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
2000年10月21至11月5日对东海与黄海典型海区进行了叶绿素a浓度的现场周日观测,地理环境和水文状况的差异使各海区的垂向变化与日波动表现各自的特征:东海观测站位在垂向上的分布比较单一,多数呈上混合层均匀分布型并在跃层以上递减;长江口受潮流影响大,偶而在底层峰值,而南黄海观测站位垂向布出现了均匀分布型与次表层双峰型两种,受潮流等影响,叶绿素a浓度的日变化在各海区间及各自的垂向上都有所差异;出现层化的测站,跃层以上日波动层以下明显;在E7测站的表层和长江口测站的底层都以半日周期为,而南黄海测站以全日周期为主。  相似文献   

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