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姚建群  陆菊中 《海洋学报》1995,17(3):103-109
有关埃尔尼诺对中、低纬度环流及我国天气、气候的影响已有不少研究[1~4],但对反埃尔尼诺与大气环流及我国天气气候的联系却研究很少.尽管反埃尔尼诺事件的基本特征及其伴随的大范围天气异常有很多相同之处,但在具体年又各有其特点.已有研究初步表明,发生在反埃尔尼诺过程中的某些天气的异同与反埃尔尼诺过程的特征有关[5].因此单纯以反埃尔尼诺年份为基准来讨论问题具有一定局限性,若根据过程的实际特点,有针对性地加以区别,以揭示反埃尔尼诺过程的不同特征并深入分析各种特征情况下的天气、气候异常,这无疑对实际应用以及海气关系的诊断研究有重要意义.  相似文献   

徐洪达 《海洋学报》1989,11(2):233-237
众所周知,埃尔尼诺是以出现在美洲秘鲁和厄瓜多尔沿海区域数千千米尺度的异常高的暖水为特征的异常的海洋和天气事件,当埃尔尼诺现象出现时,全球性的大气环流发生变化,出现全球性天气异常.因而,它已被看成是全球年际气候变化的最突出的一种标志.  相似文献   

郭其蕴  王日昇 《海洋学报》1990,12(6):714-722
本文根据南北半球(60°N-50°S)月平均海平面气压图,研究了赤道东太平洋(0°-10°S,180°-90°W)海表温度与前期12个月各月大气环流异常的关系,发现无论是南半球还是北半球,均是冬季大气环流对以后的海温变化影响大.又对比了埃尔尼诺年及反埃尔尼诺年前期大气环流的差异,如以接近埃尔尼诺峰值的11月为例,则在此之前的12个月内,大气环流的影响可分为三个阶段.第一个阶段自上一年11月至当年1月,与海温相关最大的地区在北半球的大陆上;第二个阶段自2月至5月,为过渡阶段,相关区不稳定,但大部分显著相关区在南半球;第三个阶段自6月到10月,为加强影响阶段,相关区稳定在南半球,反映出南方涛动的特征.最后对环流异常影响埃尔尼诺的物理过程进行了讨论.  相似文献   

埃尔尼诺事件的判据、分类和特征   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
王世平 《海洋学报》1991,13(5):611-620
利用1950年至1989年美国气候分析中心(CAC)的赤道太平洋海表温度指数,对埃尔尼诺的定义、分类和特征给出了数字判据。制作了埃尔尼诺(El Nino)和反埃尔尼诺(La Nina)的鸟瞰图,发现埃尔尼诺的强度大、频次多、有明显的盛期;反埃尔尼诺的强度弱、频次少、没有明显的盛期(1988—1989年的反埃尔尼诺盛期比较明显)但持续时间长。从增温的起始海域看,在1950—1989年间11次埃尔尼诺过程中(包含1979—1980年的弱埃尔尼诺),有6次首先在赤道东太平洋(NINO1+2区)增温,然后向西扩展到中赤道太平洋。还有5次则首先从赤道中太平洋增温。从增温开始的时间看,有7次是在上半年开始增温,但只有1953年一次发生在圣诞节前后。中东赤道太平洋的海表温度(取NINO1+2+3+4的指标和)与西北太平洋副热带高压的强度有滞后半年左右的正相关。埃尔尼诺年台风发生的频次少,强度大,生成的位置偏南,多发区明显偏东,最大频次月比正常偏晚1—2个月,在我国登陆的台风偏少。  相似文献   

埃尔尼诺事件与北半球大气环流有密切的遥相关.本文将事件定义为三级.即1级——反埃尔尼诺年,2级——正常年,3级——埃尔尼诺年.以此与前期(前二年1月起)到后期(后二年3月止)总共51个月的月平均500hPa和100hPa高度场求点相关,取相关系数r≥0.40为显著性相关.结论为:(1)埃尔尼诺事件对北半球大气环流有肯定的影响.(2)埃尔尼诺对低纬环流有最显著的大范围持续性正相关,持续期长达1年3个月,最佳正相关期为同年冬季~次年春季,最佳正相关区为中-西太平洋和东大西洋.(3)这种影响首先通过Walker环流在低纬度纬向扩展传播,冬春季环绕整个北半球成一显著性正相关环带.其次,冬季达峰值后,即通过Hadlley环流和二维Rossby波列作经向频散传播,对中高纬影响主要集中在几个关键区,即大气活动中心.最后于次年春季中纬峰值向高纬扩展传播,加上环流季节性变迁和隔季相关效应,次年夏季出现埃尔尼诺事件对中高纬环流影响的第二个峰值.表现出埃尔尼诺事件对海洋-气象灾害施加了重要影响.  相似文献   

1949-1987年间埃尔尼诺现象的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
战淑芸  杨淑瑞 《海洋学报》1989,11(4):423-430
本文利用1949年至今太平洋海温距平场资料对各次埃尔尼诺过程的开始时间、发展过程及强度等方面进行了分析,找出了各次埃尔尼诺的不同特征,并分析展望了于1986年开始的埃尔尼诺过程。  相似文献   

1854-1987年期间的埃尔尼诺与反埃尔尼诺事件   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文根据1854-1978年COADS海温资料对赤道东太平洋海温变化进行了研究,补充了1979-1987年资料,共确定出31个埃尔尼诺事件及24个反埃尔尼诺事件,并与其他作者的结果进行了详细的比较,同时根据事件发生的时间进行了分类.第一类埃尔尼诺或反埃尔尼诺事件,正或负距平开始于上半年(1-6月),第二类事件开始于下半年(7-12月),1982-1983年及1986-1987年两个埃尔尼诺事件均属第二类.第二类埃尔尼诺事件的正距平区常自西向东传播,与第一类的自东向西传播不同.  相似文献   

热带西太平洋水温对埃尔尼诺的响应   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
蒲书箴  徐洪达 《海洋学报》1987,9(2):262-266
本文根据埃尔尼诺指数和南方涛动指数的时间变化曲线[1],确定了埃尔尼诺年(ElNino)、反埃尔尼诺(Anti-El Niño)年和平年。统计并分析了1967—1983年间,137°E断面(24°N—1°S)的水文调查资料[2]。结果表明热带西太平洋在埃尔尼诺年的分布与反埃尔尼诺年完全不同。自1967年以来的三个埃尔尼诺过程(1968—1969、1972—1973、1982—1983年)中,上述断面的深厚水体内(24°N—1°S,O—1200米),呈现为冷年的特征;而反埃尔尼诺年(1971、1974年)则是暖年。  相似文献   

笔者根据1986~1989年间中-美联合TOGA调查的CTD资料,应用模糊聚类法划分热带西太平洋中近黑潮源地(18°20′N断面)上部水域的水团,并描述它们的分布和主要特征以及其对1986~1989年发生的埃尔尼诺和反埃尔尼诺事件的响应。结果表明,该海域的1 000m以浅分布着三个水团:北太平洋热带表层水(包括黑潮表层水)、北太平洋次表层水(包括黑潮次表层水)和北太平洋中层水(包括黑潮中层水)(分别简称为NPTSW、NPSW和NPIW);它们的交界分别位于100和350m左右。在1986/1987的埃尔尼诺年,海区的温跃层明显上移,暖水量明显减少;NPTSW的垂直厚度大约减少了20m,上均匀层中的盐度略有增加,而温度则没有多大的差别。在1988/1989年发生的反埃尔尼诺事件的后期,温跃层上部的强度变弱,上均匀层则变薄,海区中的暖水量也明显减少;近海表面的盐度异常低,而温度略有降低。由此可见,不管是在1986/1987的埃尔尼诺年还是在1988/1989的反埃尔尼诺年,研究海区的暖水都减弱,也即都反映为“冷水年”。  相似文献   

亚洲季风区南北半球风场的相互作用与埃尔尼诺   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
埃尔尼诺发生前的北半球冬半年,印度洋到西太平洋由北向南的越赤道气流强,澳大利亚地区的台风多;埃尔尼诺发生年的北半球夏半年,印度洋到西太平洋由南向北的越赤道气流强,西北太平洋近赤道台风日数多.这表明亚洲季风区南北半球的相互作用对埃尔尼诺的发生、发展有重要的影响.  相似文献   

The article deals with the influence of wind and atmospheric pressure on the barotropic variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). This effect is studied using a global barotropic model under idealized and realistic atmospheric forcings. The results of barotropic modeling demonstrate that variations in the wind forcing over the ACC, together with the effects of the topography and coastline, lead to the variability in the meridional water flux in the Southern Ocean. The variability of these fluxes is negatively correlated with the wind strength over the ACC. A possible link between the short-period variability of the water flux in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean and El Niño is demonstrated using 3D ocean modeling and correlation analysis. It is shown that the variability of the meridional water flux caused by atmospheric perturbations over the ACC can lead to short-period density anomalies in the Southern Ocean north of 47°S, which later can be transferred to low latitudes by means of the wave mechanism described in [15] and strongly influence the tropical region.  相似文献   

印度洋上层海气相互作用对印度洋和太平洋气候系统有重要影响。目前针对印度洋气候态环流特征已有较为全面的研究,但针对印度洋环流的年际变化及其季节性差异的特征分析和具体作用机制,仍缺乏深入的研究。本文利用1979—2007年Simple Ocean Data Assimilation(SODA)再分析资料研究了赤道印度洋表层辐合辐散的年际变异及其季节依赖性。结果表明,以赤道为中心,印度洋上层异常海流,在经向上形成显著的辐合(辐散)现象,究其原因主要是赤道纬向风异常形成的Ekman流所导致。进一步分析表明,热带印度洋异常纬向风的成因与太平洋-印度洋的热力强迫过程作用有关,并且不同的热力强迫过程呈现出显著的季节差异性。此热力强迫过程,具体可分为3种类型:第一类是太平洋纬向海表热力差异的遥强迫作用,主要发生在冬末春初,热带太平洋的纬向热力差异通过调节Walker环流,在印度洋激发出一个异常的次级环流,对应的大气低层形成纬向风异常;第二类是东-西印度洋海表热力差异的局地强迫作用导致的局地环流,使赤道印度洋上空形成纬向风异常,此过程在春末夏初较为显著;第三类是太平洋-印度洋热力差协同作用的结果,使赤道印度洋盛行异常的纬向风,此过程在秋季起主导作用。  相似文献   

The Río de la Plata Estuary presents a strong bottom salinity front located over a submerged shoal. Apparently favored by retention processes, it is a spawning ground for several coastal fishes. This estuary is very shallow and essentially wind driven and, moreover, in time scales relevant to biota, estuarine circulation is wind dominated and highly variable. Two intriguing questions are, therefore, how this system can favor retention and what the involved mechanisms are. This paper qualitatively explores mechanisms involved in the estuary where retention is favored applying numerical simulations in which neutral particles – simulating fish eggs and early larvae – are released along the bottom frontal zone and tracked for different wind conditions. Results suggest that retentive features can be a consequence of estuarine response to natural wind variability acting over bathymetric features. For winds from most directions, particles either remain trapped near their launching position or move northeastward to southwestward along the shoal. As alternation of winds that favor along-shoal motion is the dominant feature of wind variability in the region, a retentive scenario results from prevailing wind variability. Additionally, winds that tend to export particles with a poor chance of being restored to the front are neither frequent nor persistent. Results show, therefore, that physical forcing alone might generate a retentive scenario at the inner part of this estuary. The physical retention mechanism is more effective for bottom than for surface launched particles. Wind statistics indicate that the proposed mechanism has different implications for retention along the seasons. Spring is the most favorable season, followed by summer, when particles would have a larger propensity to reach the southern area of the estuary (Samborombón Bay). Fall and winter are increasingly less favorable. All these features are consistent with patterns observed in the region in organisms having different life history traits.  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors study the influence of the wind on the dynamics of the continental shelf and margin, in particular the formation of a secondary upwelling (or downwelling) front along the shelf break.Observations during the MOUTON2007 campaign at sea along the Portuguese coast in summer 2007 reveal the presence of several upwelling fronts, one being located near the shelf break. All upwellings are characterized by deep cold waters close to or reaching the surface and with high chlorophyll concentrations. Simplified numerical models are built in order to study a possible physical mechanism behind this observation. First, a simple shallow water model with three distinct layers is used to study the formation of secondary upwelling fronts. We show that the physical mechanism behind this process is associated with onshore transport of high potential vorticity anomalies of the shelf for upwelling favorable conditions. Sensitivity studies to bottom friction, shelf width, continental slope steepness, shelf “length” are analysed in terms of potential vorticity dynamics. In particular bottom friction is analyzed in detail and we find that, even though bottom friction limits the barotropic velocity field, it enhances the cross-shore circulation, so that no steady state is possible when stratification is taken into account. Bottom friction accelerates the onshore advection of high potential vorticity, but also drastically reduces its amplitude because of diabatic effects. The net effect of bottom friction is to reduce the secondary upwelling development. Based on similar mechanisms, previous results are then extended to downwelling favorable conditions. Finally a more realistic configuration, with bottom topography, wind forcing and stratification set up from observations, is then developed and the results confronted to the observations. Simulations overestimate the velocity amplitude but exhibit good agreement in terms of density ranges brought over the shelf and general isopycnal patterns.The application and extension of the results to more general oceanic regions is discussed and we conclude on the influence of such process on the dynamics of wind driven circulation over a shelf.  相似文献   

马艳  陈尚  刘琳 《海洋学报》2008,30(6):30-38
利用一个极地中尺度数值模式(Polar MM5)对北极地区大气环流进行了2005年7月17-19日48 h的中尺度数值模拟研究。数值分析表明,2005年7月19日500 hPa高度上,北冰洋上空北极点以东由一个冷低压控制,在极点以西则是一个暖性高压系统,在地面图上对应的则是一个气旋性环流和反气旋性环流;整个极区呈现出高(反气旋)-低(气旋)-低(气旋)-高(反气旋)的波动分布型态。选择了5个北极地区探空站与相应温度场和风场的数值模拟结果进行了对比;气象变量统计分析和垂直分布表明了数值模式很好地再现了观测大气特征,表现为小的模式偏差和较高的相关系数。在Barrow站2 m处空气温度,感热通量和潜热通量具有明显的日变化特征,PolarMM5还有效地反映出此处极地逆温层和下降风的垂直结构特征。  相似文献   

中国近海海温年际年代际振荡关键海区分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用HADLEY中心的HadISST的海温资料、NCEP的大气资料、国家气象局发布的74个月平均环流指数和美国华盛顿大学的PDO指数,讨论研究了中国近海海温的年际年代际振荡。通过对我国近海海温的EOF分析,可以发现我国近海30 N附近是海温年际年代际振荡信号最强的关键区,它占了总量的58.2%,与澳大利亚东北沿海海温年代际振荡有相同的周期,最明显周期是44—45年,滞后PDO信号近15年左右。该关键区海温与澳大利亚东北沿海海温都还存在1年、5年和15年的振荡,它们的相关系数达到0.604,属于同一个模态。另外,1年的海温振荡信号除了澳大利亚东北沿岸以外,还沿着西太平洋海岸线分布,因此中国近海海温年际年代际振荡不是一种局地现象,而与太平洋海温变化有关。另外,它是海气相互作用的结果,与中高纬度的东亚大槽和低纬度太平洋印度洋的风场、西太平洋副高和南海副高、大气温度场甚至南半球环流有明显的关系。  相似文献   

本文根据青岛台东区低空气象探测资料和主要大气污染物浓度资料,首次探讨青岛沿海复杂地形的低空风场、湍流特征与大气污染的关系.结果发现,冬季盛行风在低空复杂地形下易产生与上空完全相反的回流,使得部分污染物在回流区内往返积累;夏季存在海陆风环流,海风入侵高度约300m,且易与低空风向的回流相混合,加剧大气污染.该区的湍流较强,能较好地扩散大气污染物,各种扩散参数比国标高.最后提出治理建议.  相似文献   

The variability of the water transport through three major straits of the Mediterranean Sea (Gibraltar, Sicily and Corsica) was investigated using a high-resolution model. This model of the Mediterranean circulation was developed in the context of the Mercator project.The region of interest is the western Mediterranean between the Strait of Gibraltar and the Strait of Sicily. The major water masses and the winter convection in the Gulf of Lions were simulated. The model reproduced the meso-scale and large-scale patterns of the circulation in very good agreement with recent observations. The western and the eastern gyres of the Alboran Sea were observed but high interannual variability was noticed. The Algerian Current splits into several branches at the longitude of the Strait of Sicily level, forming the Tyrrhenian branch, and, the Atlantic Ionian Stream and the Atlantic Tunisian Current in the eastern Mediterranean. The North Current retroflexed north of the Balearic Islands and a dome structure was observed in the Gulf of Lions. The cyclonic barotropic Algerian gyre, which was recently observed during the MATER and ELISA experiment, was evidenced in the simulation.From time-series of 10-day mean transport, the three straits presented a high variability at short time-scales. The transport was generally maximum, in April for the Strait of Gibraltar, in November for the Strait of Sicily, and in January for the Strait of Corsica. The amplitudes of the transport through the Straits of Gibraltar (0.11 Sv) and Sicily (0.30 Sv) presented a weaker seasonal variability than that of the Strait of Corsica (0.70 Sv).The study of the relation between transport and wind forcing showed that the transport through the Strait of Gibraltar is dependent on local zonal wind over short time-scales (70%), which was not the case for the other straits (less than 30%). The maximum (minimum) of the transport occurred for an eastward (westward) wind stress in the strait. An interannual event was noticed in November–December 2001, which corresponded to a very low transport (0.3 Sv), which was characterised by a cyclonic circulation in the western Alboran Sea. That circulation was also reproduced by the model for other periods than winter during the interannual simulation.The transport through the Strait of Sicily is not influenced by local wind.The wind stress curl of the northwestern Mediterranean influenced the transport through the Strait of Corsica.  相似文献   

利用NCEP再分析资料、Hadley中心的海表面温度(SST)资料等,从北大西洋秋季海表面温度异常(SSTA)变化入手,对其影响后期冬季大气环流场的机制进行了分析。研究结果如下:(1)北大西洋SST异常与大气环流异常之间存在着相互作用;(2)秋季北大西洋SSTA具有较好的持续性,"正负正"海温异常空间分布导致12月巴伦支海上空500hPa位势高度异常偏高;(3)异常环流形势对应的海表面风异常场(SSWA)通过阶段性风-蒸发-SST异常反馈机制(WES机制)利于海温异常分布的持续及对上空异常大气环流的反馈;(4)三极子海温结构中负异常海温自10月份开始有自西向东的移动,风作用下蒸发加大,伴随上升运动自欧洲西部爱尔兰群岛出现自西向东移动的降水正异常区,潜热释放有利于冬季巴伦支海上空的异常高压脊发展。研究表明,北大西洋秋季SSTA通过阶段性海气相互作用机制影响海洋温度分布和大气环流异常,对后期冬季中国东北部的气候变化产生影响。  相似文献   

The spatial structures and propagation characteristics of coastal trapped waves (CTWs) along the southern and eastern coasts of Australia are investigated using observed daily mean sea level data and results from a high-resolution ocean general circulation model (OGCM), and by conducting sensitivity studies with idealized numerical models. The results obtained from the sea level observations show that shortterm variations, with a typical period of 1 to 2 weeks, dominate the sea level variability in the southern half of Australia. The signal propagates anticlockwise around Australia with a propagation speed of 4.5 m/s or faster in the western and southern coasts and 2.1 to 3.6 m/s in the eastern coast. Strong seasonality of the wave activity, with large amplitude during austral winter, is also observed. It turns out that the waves are mainly generated by synoptic weather disturbances in the southwestern and southeastern regions. The numerical experiment with idealized wind forcing and realistic topography confirms that the propagating signals have characteristics of the CTW both in the southern and eastern coasts. Sensitivity experiments demonstrate that the difference in the phase speed between the coasts and reduction of the amplitude of the waves in the eastern coast are attributed to the different shape of the continental shelf in each region. The structures and the propagation characteristics of the CTWs around Australia are well reproduced in OFES (OGCM for the Earth Simulator) with dominant contribution from the first mode, although meso-scale eddies may modify the structure of the CTWs in the eastern coast. It is also found that generation or reinforcement of the waves by the wind forcing in the southern part of the eastern coast is necessary to obtain realistically large amplitude of the CTWs in the eastern coast.  相似文献   

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