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UCTD(Underway Conductivity-Temperature-Depth)是一种新型船舶走航上层海洋温度盐度剖面调查设备。文中介绍了国内研制的UCTD样机参加2009年秋季航次海上试验情况,包括试验设备的组成、安装、试验结论和存在的问题等。为了海上现场检验UCTD样机探头测量性能、下降深度、速度和甲板设备的运行情况,共进行了42次投放试验。通过分析试验数据,UCTD样机的作业时间、测量深度、测量性能和可靠性均达到了预期的设计目标。试验数据经处理后可获取海洋上层温盐断面数据,实现了UCTD实际应用效果,最后对试验中发现的问题提出了解决办法。  相似文献   

动床模型试验布置模型沙是模拟泥沙运动试验中的关键。模型布置模型沙之前,依据相似理论,按照一定的几何比尺选择适当的模型沙,这对于确保试验的可靠性、稳定性和提高试验精度尤为重要。本文以一港口物理模型试验为实例说明模型沙选择和布置模型沙对模拟泥沙运动的重要性。  相似文献   

5kW 后弯管波力发电装置的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在造波水槽内对后弯管浮体模型进行了波能转换性能的试验研究。通过对比试验,选定了最佳浮体模型——前方后圆浮室后伸型后弯管浮体。波能转换效率达ηA= 73.3% 。给出了该浮体模型的性能曲线及其无因次特性。测定了该模型最大锚泊力Fmax随浮体参数的变化规律。设计制造了5kW 后弯管波力发电浮体。该机组采用0.8m 直径的对称翼透平和无刷爪极发电机,输出直流电。采用单点锚泊系统,在珠江口桂山岛西南面海域进行海上试验。实测数据表明,海上试验瞬时功率大于5kW,超过机组设计额定值。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种全新的潮汐能开发方式,把封闭管道中的水击效应应用到潮汐能开发中。利用水锤泵将海水提至高水库,把潮汐能的低水头势能转化成高水头势能存蓄在高水库中,再视需求进行发电,免除了传统方法先潮汐发电再抽水蓄能的二次转化。本文通过模型泵测试模拟了水锤泵在潮差的驱动下将水提送到蓄水库的工作状况,获取了1.0~3.0m水位差条件下,将水输送到5.0~20.0m水头蓄水池时模型水锤泵的工作效率和输出功率。试验表明,在1.0~3.0m水位差条件下,水锤泵的能量转化效率超过0.60,且水头变动时,效率基本稳定。经估算,水锤泵潮汐蓄能发电的平均能量利用率略高于潮汐发电联合抽水蓄能。  相似文献   

在阅读、分析以往的有关资料的基础上 ,结合实际的试验条件 ,对桶形基础及其作用下的粉质土海床失稳机制研究的试验作出了专门设计。该设计通过配土、设计模型桶基和负压沉贯的操作过程、设置孔压传感器等实验手段 ,努力从土体破坏的角度 ,寻求负压沉贯过程中沉贯负压、沉贯阻力及孔隙水压力之间的变化关系和确定桶基的上拔力。并且指出了数据处理的基本思路 ,以利于课题的深入研究。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种新型生潮设备——浑水分流阀。对原来用于清水定床试验的同类型设备采取了多种技术措施,经反复试验研制成功。它可用于潮汐模型和河道模型的定、动床试验。  相似文献   

试验模型地形制作是物模试验的一个基本工作,模型制作的好坏直接关系到实验的精度.模型试验之前,需要根据相似理论,选取合适的材料,按照一定的几何比尺进行模型的制作.通过2个具体工程作为实例说明了模型制作的过程、制作的技术性问题和制作经验.  相似文献   

阐述了移动平台真风观测的实现原理,利用仪器观测到的相对风和船风的矢量关系获取实际的风向风速。首次设计外场车载试验方案,开展移动平台周围环境、移动速度、移动方式、风传感器安装位置等因素对真风观测影响的研究。船舶自动气象站研发阶段,通过车载试验验证移动平台真风观测算法的合理性,对算法不断改进,使真风更加接近观测事实。船舶自动气象站应用阶段,对船舶进出港时动态和静态真风数据,以及与航线附近海岛站观测的风进行对比分析,利用二者的均方根误差表征船舶站风和自动站风的误差大小,以此评估真风观测数据的可靠性。  相似文献   

基于海上溢油监测需求,自主研发了小型合成孔径雷达(SAR),并基于机载平台开展海上监测试验,进行应用测试。研发的小型SAR工作在C波段,极化方式为VV,质量24kg,可搭载于有人或无人飞行器,对较大面积海域进行实时连续成像,在获取设定分辨率的SAR实时影像的同时,完整记录原始回波信息,可进一步地面处理生成精细影像。2015年8—9月在山东烟台威海近海海域开展了机载小型SAR海洋监测试验,获取了海上目标包括平台、船只、浮筏和海上疑似油膜现象的SAR影像,成像良好。海上试验研究表明,小型SAR可以提供高质量的海面SAR影像数据,为海面目标及油膜的实时监测提供有利支持。  相似文献   

紧密依据水下无人作战平台的典型使命任务,分析确定了水下无人作战平台作战效能、作战适用性和体系适用性的作战试验指标。依据水下无人作战平台作战试验基本作战过程,构设了水下无人作战平台作战试验任务剖面和水下无人作战平台作战试验检验流程。为水下无人作战平台作战试验分解形成试验科目、运用试验设计形成试验样本和确定作战试验实施流程提供了支撑。  相似文献   

采用变分资料同化技术,结合最优控制思想,对一个海气耦合模型的模式参数和强迫项进行了反演,结果表明,采用该方法对模式进行优化,既可以补偿模式参数不准确性给预报带来的误差,又可以对模式参数本身进行修正和估计,为将来在实际应用中改善更复杂的预报模式、提高预报准确率提供了一个可借鉴的思路。  相似文献   

Tidal levels and currents in the Tongan region of the Pacific were simulated using a two-dimensional frequency-domain finite element model. The eight major diurnal and semidiurnal tidal constituents were modeled successfully, using open boundary conditions taken from a global tidal model based on the Topex/Poseidon satellite altimeter. Comparison of model results with observations from the single tide gauge site in the area were later used to adjust the boundary conditions. The validity of omitting horizontal eddy viscosity from the finite element model was checked by running an equivalent finite difference model. The results show that although the submarine Tongan ridge does not appear to trap tidal energy, there are residual tidal currents and possible recirculations which are capable of influencing biological productivity around Tonga. The model results are reduced to a simple method for predicting tidal heights in outlying areas, based only on the tidal calendar for the capital, Nuku'alofa.  相似文献   

Tidal levels and currents in the Tongan region of the Pacific were simulated using a two-dimensional frequency-domain finite element model. The eight major diurnal and semidiurnal tidal constituents were modeled successfully, using open boundary conditions taken from a global tidal model based on the Topex/Poseidon satellite altimeter. Comparison of model results with observations from the single tide gauge site in the area were later used to adjust the boundary conditions. The validity of omitting horizontal eddy viscosity from the finite element model was checked by running an equivalent finite difference model. The results show that although the submarine Tongan ridge does not appear to trap tidal energy, there are residual tidal currents and possible recirculations which are capable of influencing biological productivity around Tonga. The model results are reduced to a simple method for predicting tidal heights in outlying areas, based only on the tidal calendar for the capital, Nuku'alofa.  相似文献   

海洋生态系统中放射性核素转移的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏柯 《海洋科学》2007,31(10):51-54
在西大亚湾海域浓度场分布的基础上,用库室模型分析的观点建立了海洋生态系统库室模型,采用浓集因子法建立了相应的线性方程组,对放射性核素在浮游植物、浮游动物、软体动物、甲壳动物、鱼类以及沉积物中的迁移进行数值模拟。数值模拟结果从一定程度上反映了核电站液态排放对海洋生态系统影响的规律。这为预测核电站废水排放对海洋生态系统的影响提供了一套有价值的参考模型及软件。  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (3-D) coupled physical and biological model was used to investigate the physical processes and their influence on the ecosystem dynamics of the Bohai Sea of China. The physical processes include M2 tide, time-varying wind forcing and river discharge. Wind records from 1 to 31 May in 1993 were selected to force the model. The biological model is based on a simple, nitrate and phosphate limited, lower trophic food web system. The simulated results showed that variation of residual currents forced by M2 tide, river discharge and time-varying wind had great impact on the distribution of phytoplankton biomass in the Laizhou Bay. High phytoplankton biomass appeared in the upwelling region. Numerical experiments based on the barotropic model and baroclinic model with no wind and water discharge were also conducted. Differences in the results by the baroclinic model and the barotropic model were significant: more patches appeared in the baroclinic model comparing with the barotropic model. And in the baroclinic model, the subsurface maximum phytoplankton biomass patches formed in the stratified water.  相似文献   

象山港围隔生态系水质模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在美国环保局开发的WASP(the water quality analysis simulation program,水质分析模拟程序)中的概念模型基础上,运用系统动力学软件Stella9.0.2建立了适用于海洋围隔生态系水质动力学模型.模型包括浮游植物、磷循环、氮循环、碳生化需氧量-溶解氧4个模块,涉及叶绿素a、有机磷、无机磷、有机氮、氨氮、硝酸-亚硝酸盐氮、生化需氧量、溶解氧8个水质指标.利用2010年10月初象山港围隔生态实验数据进行了模型验证和参数率定工作,成功模拟了不同水温条件下围隔水质情况,并确定了30余个模型参数,展现了系统动力学模拟的优势,为揭示象山港海域生态系统的动力学机制,模拟和预测他的变化提供科学依据.  相似文献   

The northward migration of spring bloom was observed in the Sea of Japan from April to May 1997 by the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) on board the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). This phenomenon is well simulated with a numerical ecosystem model coupled with a hydrodynamic model. The hydrodynamic model is the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) Modular Ocean Model (MOM). The ecosystem model consists of five components: dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP), phytoplankton, zooplankton and detritus. Results of the numerical ecosystem model suggest that the mesoscale development of the spring bloom in the Sea of Japan is related to that of sea water temperature, and that the bloom is limited by the depletion of DIN. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

张培军  王强 《海洋科学》2015,39(5):106-113
基于1.5层浅水方程模式,利用条件非线性最优参数扰动(CNOP-P)方法,研究模式参数的不确定性对黑潮大弯曲路径预报的影响。研究表明,单个模式参数误差如侧向摩擦系数误差、界面摩擦系数误差以及在不同季节具有不同约束的风应力大小误差,对黑潮大弯曲路径预报的影响较小,并且对背景流场的选取具有一定的敏感性;所有模式参数误差同时存在时对黑潮大弯曲路径预报具有一定的影响,并且预报结果在9个月左右不能被接受。因此,要提高黑潮大弯曲路径的预报技巧,模式中的参数需要给出更好的估计。  相似文献   

江苏重点海域绿潮漂移扩散数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江苏海域是绿潮灾害的多发海域,本文利用MIKE3模型建立了江苏辐射沙洲重点海域三维水动力模型,并采用实测资料对模型进行验证和率定;在水动力模型的基础上建立绿潮漂移扩散模型,对江苏海域绿潮漂移路径进行了模拟并与卫星遥感监测的结果进行对比。对比结果表明,模型24 h和48 h模拟结果与卫星遥感图像分析结果较吻合,模型能为江苏海域绿潮的预警预报提供一定参考。  相似文献   

Using a multi-level numerical model, it is shown that the Subtropical Front and the Subtropical Countercurrent can be reproduced realistically in a highly idealized model, as a consequence of the coupling effect of wind driven gyre circulation and differential heating. In the model, the North Pacific Ocean is idealized as a rectangular flat-bottomed model ocean, and is driven by wind stress, which features the Westerlies and the Trades, and by heat flux through the sea surface formulated after Haney (1971).In the model ocean, a shallow front and an eastward current associated with the front are formed around the central latitude of the Subtropical Gyre, which show close similarities to the Subtropical Front and the Subtropical Countercurrent in the real ocean.Although the detailed mechanism of formation of the Subtropical Front and the Subtropical Countercurrent is not clarified in the present study, two factors are found inessential for the formation of the Subtropical Front and the Subtropical Countercurrent. First, the results of the model indicate that a small trough of wind stress curl in the lower latitudes of the Subtropical Gyre, which Yoshida and Kidokoro (1967a, b) attributed to the Subtropical Countercurrent, is not necessary for the formation of the Subtropical Front and the Subtropical Countercurrent, since they are reproduced well in the model without the trough. Second, using a model driven by meridional wind stress, it is shown that the meridional Ekman convergence, which many authors related to the Subtropical Front, is not essential for the formation of the Subtropical Front and the Subtropical Countercurrent.  相似文献   

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