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为了探究冰层侧向融化过程,定量分析影响冰层侧向融化的主导因素,在低温实验室水槽内实施了浮冰融化实验。同步测量了冰底面和表面生消过程、浮冰侧向融化过程,同时记录了实验室气温、冰样内部不同深度处的冰温及开阔水域不同深度处的水温,利用相关分析方法研究了不同要素之间的关系及其对浮冰侧向融化速率的影响规律。结果表明,融冰前期冰样内部不同深度处的侧向融化缓慢且均匀,平均融化速率为0.05 mm/h;融冰中后期不同深度处的侧向融化速率显著增加且不再均匀,平均融化速率为0.15 mm/h。平均侧向融化速率与气温的相关系数较好(r=0.82),优于其与平均水温(r=0.74)和水–冰温度差(r=0.48)的相关系数。建立侧向融化速率随温度(气温、水温)和深度变化的定量关系,可以准确描述浮冰侧向融化过程的非均匀性。同时验证了进行非均匀性侧向融化试验技术的可行性,为更加接近北极真实情况考虑风速和光源条件的海冰试验奠定了基础。  相似文献   

浮冰界面融化速率参数化方案的实验室研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
融冰季节时天然浮冰表面、底面和侧向融化共存,三者融化速率是底面大于侧向,侧向大于表面。而且浮冰尺寸越小,侧向速率占比越高。为了解决将小尺度浮冰块尺度指标计入融化参数化方案,在低温环境实验室无辐射、无流速、控制气温和水温条件下对天然海冰和人工冻结淡水冰的圆盘试样,开展了不同初始水温和不同初始直径的圆盘试样融化过程实验,获得了圆盘试样直径、厚度和质量融化过程。依据这些实验数据,构建试样直径厚度比这一新指标,通过物理分析和数学统计手段,建立了海冰和淡水冰试样表面、底面融化速率同温度梯度,侧向融化速率和温差以及直径厚度比的关系式。这些关系式能够应用于天然直径100 m范围内浮冰的融化参数化方案,期望能解决北冰洋海冰和入海口近岸淡水冰夏季融化季节能量和质量平衡数值模拟的需求。  相似文献   

谢涛  艾润冰  王彦  刘彬贤 《海洋学报》2021,43(7):173-182
利用RADASAT-2的海冰SAR图像,分别采用Prewitt、Sobel和Canny边缘检测算子计算图像范围内的海冰周长,分析不同图像分辨率、不同边缘检测算子分别对周长计算结果产生的影响。结合冰层侧向融化速率参数化方案进行了海冰侧向融化温度敏感性模拟实验,分析了图像重构分辨率对海冰侧向融化结果的影响。结果表明:海冰破碎程度不同时,对应不同的最佳边缘检测算子和最佳分辨率;仅考虑侧向融化时,随着温度升高,3种算子模拟的海冰面积融化趋势基本一致,均呈指数型增加,Prewitt算子模拟效果最好,对应的最佳重构分辨率为30 m×30 m、65 m×65 m和155 m×155 m。  相似文献   

乌梁素海湖泊冰消融过程的现场观测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究湖泊冰消融过程中的水文特征,以内蒙古乌梁素海湖泊为研究对象,对湖泊冰消融过程中气温、冰温、水温和冰厚度进行连续观测,以分析冰温和水温对气温变化的响应,并建立冰厚度与累积正积温间的关系。用冰钻钻取6根处于不同消融时期的冰芯样品,测定其表观密度,并从冰的晶体类型、表面特征、冰体透明度、气泡形态和气泡数量等方面分析冰柱的形态结构。结果表明:气温是影响冰温变化的主要因素,但冰温的变化过程滞后于气温的;冰下水的温度稳定在-0.20~-0.35℃,不受气温的影响。湖冰消融期冰的表观密度为611.5~920.3kg/m3,小于纯冰的密度,其随着冰层的消融而减小;且冰层上部密度小于中下部的,这主要冰融水沿孔隙下渗有关;随着湖冰的消融,冰的晶体类型、冰表面特征、冰体透明度、气泡形态和气泡数量等方面均有较大变化。  相似文献   

海冰的热力过程及其与动力过程的耦合模拟   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
研究和讨论了海气相互作用过程中海冰演变的物理过程;大气和海洋对海冰的热力作用以及冰内物理过程;大气和海洋热力学参数对冰厚和密集度等冰情参数的影响和上述物理过程的数学处理。计算了冰面与水面能量收支,并分析海冰热力增长函数的特征;将热力模式与动力模式。对渤海1989-1990年度海冰进行数值模拟。结果表明,考虑热力过程的热动力模式,对类似于1990年2月12-18日海冰融化过程显示出明显的优越性,模拟  相似文献   

美国宇航局利用先进的卫星探测技术研究格陵兰岛冰层表面和下部冰层的变化,并在最近的一项报告中确认,格陵兰岛日益升高的气温已经导致大块冰层温度的升高,从而使该岛冰层表面和下部冰层融化。如果格陵兰岛的巨大冰层全部融化,其周围海域的海平面将上升23英尺。尽管整个冰层不可能完全融化,  相似文献   

弯曲破坏是冰与船舶和锥形海洋结构物相互作用时经常发生的一种冰破坏模式。全球变暖延长了渤海海冰的冻结期,导致冰层中粒状冰的比例呈增加趋势。为了更好地理解渤海粒状海冰的弯曲力学行为,使用2010-2011年冬季在辽东湾收集的粒状海冰进行了实验室三点弯曲试验。在?5、?10和?15°C条件下,共测试了42个海冰试样。应变速率范围为1×10?6~6×10?4 s?1,加载方向垂直于原始冰面。在试验过程中,测量每个冰试样的盐度和密度以计算孔隙率。试验分别给出了弯曲强度和有效弹性模量关于孔隙率的参数化关系,归一化后,弯曲强度在整个应变速率范围内没有速率依赖性。相比之下,有效弹性模量随着应变速率的增大而增大。以孔隙率和应变速率为因子,建立了冰试样有效弹性模量的参数化方程。  相似文献   

一种海冰热力过程参数化方案   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
王可光  白珊 《海洋预报》1999,16(3):104-113
由于海冰热力过程太复杂,难于精确计算冰面和水面热量收支方程中的每一项,并且净热量收支比每项小得多,因此难以确定海冰热力一动力模式中的净热通量。本文根据渤海的水文气象观测,详细分析了太阳短波辐射、长波辐射、云量、感热和潜热等对海冰热力增长函数的贡献,给出了一种海冰热力过程的参数化方案。并选取2个典型的个例进行了对比研究。模拟结果表明,该参数化方案能较好地模拟渤海海冰的热力过程。  相似文献   

1989~1990年冬季渤海和黄海北部结冰特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了1989~1990年冬季渤海和黄海北部结冰特征,认为大气环流、气温和水温的异常是引起本冬海冰特征的重要因素。另外,对海冰的增长和融化速率、海冰的运动也做了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

基于Icepack一维海冰柱模式,以2014年中国第6次北极科学考察长期冰站ICE06的3个融池的辐射参量和气象参量的连续观测作为大气强迫数据,对融池反照率及相关参量进行了模拟。本文引入观测的融池深度及海冰厚度作为初始条件,通过考虑融池覆盖率的作用,改进了平整冰融池参数化方案中海冰干舷的计算,修正了冰上可允许的最大融池深度,成功实现了对融池参数变化的模拟;同时,还修正了入射辐射分量比例系数与对应反照率分量权重系数不一致的问题。标准试验中,模拟的3个融池的反照率与观测结果之间的平均误差分别为0.01、0.05和0.13;入射辐射比例的敏感性试验结果表明,当可见光辐射比例增大8%时,融池反照率的模拟结果增大了6%~8%;融池表面再冻结试验的结果显示,当再冻结冰层厚度小于2 cm时,模拟冰面反照率的增加不足0.006,由此引起的表面能量收支减少了约1.1 W/m2。本文研究指出,准确的入射辐射比例对于改善北极海冰反照率模拟是必要的;并指出目前模式仍存在融池表面再冻结参数化、热收支计算、表面吹雪效应等有待解决的问题。  相似文献   

北极海冰变化影响着全球物质平衡、能量交换和气候变化。本文基于CryoSat-2测高数据和OSI SAF海冰密集度及海冰类型产品,分析了2010-2017年北极海冰面积、厚度和体积的季节和年际变化特征,结合NCEP再分析资料探讨了融冰期北极气温异常和夏季风异常对海冰变化的影响。结果表明,结冰期海冰面积的增加量波动较大,海冰厚度的增加量呈明显下降趋势。融冰期海冰厚度的减小量波动较大,2013年以后融冰期海冰面积的减小量逐年增加。海冰体积的变化趋势和面积变化更相似,融冰期的减小速率大于结冰期的增加速率。融冰期北极海表面大气温度异常与海冰融化量正相关。夏季风影响海冰的辐合和辐散,在弗拉姆海峡海冰的输运过程中起关键作用,促进了北冰洋表层水向大洋深层的传输。  相似文献   

A one-dimensional thermodynamic model of melt pond is established in this paper.The observation data measured in the summer of 2010 by the Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition(CHINARE-2010) are used to partially parameterize equations and to validate results of the model.About 85% of the incident solar radiation passed through the melt pond surface,and some of it was released in the form of sensible and latent heat.However,the released energy was very little(about 15%),compared to the incident solar radiation.More than 58.6% of the incident energy was absorbed by melt pond water,which caused pond-covered ice melting and variation of pond water temperature.The simulated temperature of melt pond had a diurnal variation and its value ranged between 0.0°C and 0.3°C.The melting rate of upper pond-covered ice is estimated to be around two times faster than snow-covered ice.At same time,the change of melting rate was relatively quick for pond depth less than 0.4 m,while the melting rate kept relatively constant(about 1.0 cm/d) for pond depth greater than 0.4 m.  相似文献   

2007和2012年北极最小海冰范围空间分布不同的原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Satellite records show the minimum Arctic sea ice extents(SIEs) were observed in the Septembers of 2007 and2012, but the spatial distributions of sea ice concentration reduction in these two years were quite different.Atmospheric circulation pattern and the upper-ocean state in summer were investigated to explain the difference.By employing the ice-temperature and ice-specific humidity(SH) positive feedbacks in the Arctic Ocean, this paper shows that in 2007 and 2012 the higher surface air temperature(SAT) and sea level pressure(SLP)accompanied by more surface SH and higher sea surface temperature(SST), as a consequence, the strengthened poleward wind was favorable for melting summer Arctic sea ice in different regions in these two years. SAT was the dominant factor influencing the distribution of Arctic sea ice melting. The correlation coefficient is –0.84 between SAT anomalies in summer and the Arctic SIE anomalies in autumn. The increase SAT in different regions in the summers of 2007 and 2012 corresponded to a quicker melting of sea ice in the Arctic. The SLP and related wind were promoting factors connected with SAT. Strengthening poleward winds brought warm moist air to the Arctic and accelerated the melting of sea ice in different regions in the summers of 2007 and 2012. Associated with the rising air temperature, the higher surface SH and SST also played a positive role in reducing summer Arctic sea ice in different regions in these two years, which form two positive feedbacks mechanism.  相似文献   

The cold bottom water, formed in the previous winter on the eastern Bering Sea shelf, remains throughout the summer. in order to examine the mechanism for the formation of the cold bottom water, we used minimum water temperature in the cold bottom water observed over the eastern Bering Sea shelf for 30 years. The interannual variation in the minimum water temperature of the cold bottom water was closely related to that of mean air temperature during cooling period at St. Paul Island. The air temperature in previous winter primarily affects the cold bottom water. We estimated decrement of the water temperature due to ice melting with simple box model. It was found with the box model that decreasing of the water temperature and lowering of the salinity depend on ice melting. To investigate the cause of interannual variation in air temperature in winter, we applied EOF analysis to the 500 hPa height. The Pacific/North American pattern (PNA) was related to mean air temperature at St. Paul Island in cooling season and the cold bottom water temperature. These results suggest the connection between ENSO events and warming or cooling in the Bering Sea shelf in winter.  相似文献   

利用中国第3次北极科学考察所布放海冰物质平衡浮标(Ice Mass-Balance buoy,IMB)的观测数据,分析了北冰洋中心区多年冰2008年8月-2009年7月温度与物质平衡的变化特征.结果表明,冰温廓线呈现明显的季节变化,秋季降温过程从海冰表面开始向冰体内部传播.海冰底部的生长/消融率受海水温度控制,随水温的...  相似文献   

Under the influence of global warming, the sea ice in the Arctic Ocean (AO) is expected to reduce with a transition toward a seasonal ice cover by the end of this century. A comparison of climate-model predictions with measurements shows that the actual rate of ice cover decay in the AO is higher than the predicted one. This paper argues that the rapid shrinking of the Arctic summer ice cover is due to its increased seasonality, while seasonal oscillations of the Atlantic origin water temperature create favorable conditions for the formation of negative anomalies in the ice-cover area in winter. The basis for this hypothesis is the fundamental possibility of the activation of positive feedback provided by a specific feature of the seasonal cycle of the inflowing Atlantic origin water and the peaking of temperature in the Nansen Basin in midwinter. The recently accelerated reduction in the summer ice cover in the AO leads to an increased accumulation of heat in the upper ocean layer during the summer season. The extra heat content of the upper ocean layer favors prerequisite conditions for winter thermohaline convection and the transfer of heat from the Atlantic water (AW) layer to the ice cover. This, in turn, contributes to further ice thinning and a decrease in ice concentration, accelerated melting in summer, and a greater accumulation of heat in the ocean by the end of the following summer. An important role is played by the seasonal variability of the temperature of AW, which forms on the border between the North European and Arctic basins. The phase of seasonal oscillation changes while the AW is moving through the Nansen Basin. As a result, the timing of temperature peak shifts from summer to winter, additionally contributing to enhanced ice melting in winter. The formulated theoretical concept is substantiated by a simplified mathematical model and comparison with observations.  相似文献   

In this paper, the hazard of adverse heat effect on permafrost soil as a result of viscous oil production in the Far North is studied with the method of thermocompression supply of superheated water steam to the oil-bearing layer. It is found that, due to the divergent nature of heat transfer and convective complex movement of air in the space between the tubing and the casing, the temperature of the latter in the area of load-bearing elements heated to 130°C is about 70°C. The heterogeneity of the temperature field is leveled up to 4–5% at a distance of 400–420 mm from the axis of the tubing. The thickness of the melting layer of ground ice within 90 days of operation of the tubing depends on the percentage of water-filled pores in the soil. With the minimum (10%) percentage of water-filled pores in the soil layer, the thickness of the ground ice melting layer for 90 days of operation of the tubing does not exceed 2.6 m.  相似文献   

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