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Turbidity and sediment transport in a muddy sub-estuary   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sub-estuaries, i.e. tidal creeks and also larger estuaries that branch off the stem of their main estuary, are commonplace in many estuarine systems. Their physical behaviour is affected not only by tributary inflows, winds and tides, but also by the properties and behaviour of their main estuary. Measurements extending over more than an annual cycle are presented for the Tavy Estuary, a sub-estuary of the Tamar Estuary, UK. Generally, waves are small in the Tavy because of the short wind fetch. A several-hour period of up-estuary winds, blowing at speeds of between 7 and 10 m s−1, generates waves with significant wave heights of 0.25 m and a wave periodicity of 1.7 s that are capable of eroding the bed over the shallow, ca. 1.5 m-deep mudflats. Waves also influence sedimentation within and near salt marsh areas. An estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) occurs in the Tavy's main channel, close to the limit of salt intrusion at HW. Suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentrations typically are less than 40 mg l−1 at HW, although concentrations can exceed 80 mg l−1 when tides and winds are strong. Flood-tide SPM inputs to the Tavy from the Tamar are greater during high runoff events in the River Tamar and also at spring tides, when the Tamar has a high-concentration ETM. Higher SPM concentrations are experienced on the mudflats following initial inundation. Without wave resuspension, this is followed by a rapid decrease in SPM for most of the tide, indicating that the mudflats are depositional at those times. SPM concentrations on the mudflats again increase sharply prior to uncovering. Peak ebb tidal speeds at 0.15 m above the mudflat bed can exceed 0.26 m s−1 at spring tides and 0.4 m s−1 following high runoff events, which are sufficient to cause resuspension. Time-series measurements of sediment bed levels show strong seasonal variability. Higher and lower freshwater flows are associated with estimated, monthly-mean sediment transport that is directed out of, or into, the upper sub-estuary, respectively. Seasonal sediment transfers between the estuary and its sub-estuary are discussed.  相似文献   

Zooplankton assemblages were studied from January 2007 to January 2008 along the salinity gradient of the Charente estuary (France). A Lagrangian survey was performed monthly at five sampling stations defined by salinity (freshwater, 0.5, 5, 15 and 25) in order to collect zooplankton and measure the main environmental parameters (concentrations of suspended particulate matter, particulate organic carbon, chlorophyll a and phaeopigments). A combination of multivariate cluster analysis, species indicator index and canonical correspondence analysis was used to relate the spatio-temporal patterns of the zooplankton assemblages with environmental drivers. The estuary was divided into three different zones by means of environmental parameters while four zooplankton assemblages were identified along the salinity gradient. The Charente estuary appeared as one of the most turbid systems in Europe, with suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentration reaching 3.5 g l−1 in the Maximum Turbidity Zone (MTZ). Algal heterotrophy and microphytobenthos resuspension from the wide mudflats could be responsible for the relatively high chlorophyll a concentrations measured within this MTZ. Salinity and SPM affected significantly the spatial distribution of zooplankton species while temperature and river flow seemed to control their temporal variations. From a zooplanktonic viewpoint, the highly turbid Charente estuary seemed to match an “ecotone–ecocline” model: the succession of species assemblages along the salinity gradient matched the concept of ecocline while the MTZ, which is a stressful narrow area, could be considered as an ecotone. Although such ecoclinal characteristics seemed to be a general feature of estuarine biocenoses, the ecotone could be more system-specific and biological compartment-specific.  相似文献   

A program of long-term observation of suspended solids (TSS), particulate organic carbon (POC) and cadmium transported into the Gironde estuary (France) by its major tributaries has been carried out between 1990 and 1999. This decade included contrasting hydrologic cycles and appears representative of a much longer period (1959–1999). The Garonne and the Dordogne river systems are the main tributaries of the Gironde estuary and derive their waters from drainage basins with different geological, industrial and agricultural features. To better understand their respective contributions, they have been observed separately and compared. Water and TSS fluxes of the Garonne River show greater temporal variations and discharge is more related to the hydrology of the drainage basin (e.g. wet/dry years, local flood events etc.). As POC and particulate Cd concentrations in suspended matter are much less variable than turbidity, their fluxes are mainly controlled by the TSS transport. A major part of annual fluxes of TSS and associated pollutants may occur within few flood days (depending on various parameters, e.g. intensity, duration, season, etc.), and also the succession of dry and wet years has an important influence on annual fluxes. The presented data allow calculating fluvial inputs into the Gironde as the sum of fluxes transported by its major tributaries, the Garonne and the Dordogne river systems. Mean annual fluxes into the Gironde observed in 1990–1999 are about 34×109 m3 year−1 for river water, 3.24×106 t year−1 for suspended solids (TSS) and 9.88×109 mol year−1 for particulate organic carbon (POC). Generally, these fluxes are dominated by the contributions of the Garonne River. However, in dry years, the mean contribution of the Dordogne river system (including Dronne and Isle rivers) to the POC input into the estuary exceeded that of the Garonne. This reflects significant differences in vegetation and soil due to natural properties and land management of the basins. Mean Cd fluxes into the estuary are about 110×103 mol year−1 of which 19.6×103 mol year−1 are transported in the dissolved and 90.8×103 mol year−1 in the particulate phases, respectively. In 1991 (dry year), the net (dissolved) Cd flux towards the ocean exceeded the gross fluvial input of total Cd, suggesting the release of Cd from an important stock in the maximum turbidity zone (MTZ) or the fluid mud of the Gironde estuary.  相似文献   

Measurements are presented of median floc diameters and associated environmental data over spring-tide tidal cycles at two stations in the muddy Tamar Estuary, UK, for winter, spring and summer conditions. The particulate organic carbon and particulate total carbon contents of mudflats and SPM (suspended particulate matter) at the stations, together with other evidence, indicates that much of the SPM was derived from mud sources that were located between the two stations during winter and spring, and from very mobile sediment sources in the upper estuary during summer. Observed in-situ median floc sizes varied widely, from <50 to >500 μm and rapid settling of particles close to HW and LW (high and low water) left only the smaller flocs in suspension. Time-series of depth-averaged median floc sizes generally were most closely, positively, correlated with depth-averaged SPM concentrations. Floc diameters tended to reach maximum median sizes near the time when SPM concentrations were highest. These high concentrations were in turn largely generated by resuspension of sediment during the fastest current speeds. Although such correlations may have arisen because of SPM-driven floc growth - despite fast tidal currents - there is also the possibility that tough aggregates were eroded from the intertidal mudflats and mudbanks. Although a hypothesis, such large aggregates of fine sediment may have resulted from the binding together of very fine bed particles by sticky extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) coatings, produced by benthic diatoms and by other biologically-mediated activity. A rapid reduction of SPM occurred at the up-estuary station within 2.5 h of HW on the flood, when decelerating currents were still relatively fast. It appears that at least two processes were at work: localised settling of the largest flocs and up-estuary transport in which large flocs were transported further into the estuary before settling into the Tamar's ETM (estuarine turbidity maximum) over the HW-slack period. Up-estuary advection of large flocs and their eventual settling would place the down-estuary edge of the ETM above the upper-estuary station during summer, spring-tide conditions. This position of the ETM was observed close to HW during longitudinal surveys of the estuary.  相似文献   

Suspended particulate matter (SPM) collected at regular stations from the Mandovi and Zuari estuaries indicates that the peaks of high SPM coincide with peaks of high rainfall and low salinity and also with peaks of moderate/low rainfall coupled with high salinity during the monsoon. The estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) is a characteristic feature, it occurs in the channel accompanying spring tide during the monsoon and pre-monsoon, and shifts to the bay on neap tide during post-monsoon. ETM remains at the same position in the Mandovi River, both during the monsoon and pre-monsoon, whereas in Zuari it stretched upstream during monsoon and migrates seaward of the channel during pre-monsoon. The ETM coincides with the freshwater–seawater interface during the monsoon and is formed by the interaction between tidal currents and river flows. The ETM during pre-monsoon is associated with high salinities and is generated by tidal and wind-induced currents. The turbidity maximum on neap tide during post-monsoon may be due to the erosion and resuspension of sediments from the emergent tidal flats and transport of these turbid waters into the bay. Funneling effect of the narrowing bay in the Zuari estuary and associated physical processes effectively enhance the magnitude of the currents and transports sediments to the channel. SPM retention percentage indicates that the estuarine channel is prone to siltation.  相似文献   

Effects of deepening the Elbe Estuary on sediment regime and water quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Changes in the transport and sedimentation of suspended particulate matter (SPM) after deepening of the navigation channel of the Elbe Estuary in 1999 were studied. Long-term series of the grain size composition of sediments and sedimentation rates in the main stream and its branches (Nebenelben) were compared with changes in flow velocities and tidal water levels. In addition, water quality parameters like biological oxygen demand (BOD7), dissolved oxygen and particulate organic carbon (POC) were analysed to determine changes in the origin and fate of the SPM. In the main stream, deepening produced no significant changes of the flow velocities. However, there was a decrease of the mean tidal low water level between 5.7 and 8.1 cm at the upper end of the estuary. These small changes in hydrology had the effect that fine-grained suspended matter derived from freshwater run-off accumulated in the surface water of the freshwater region in the estuary and remained within this region until all degradable organic matter was consumed. Accumulation of the fine-grained SPM produced an increase of the <63 μm fraction in the sediments of the Hamburg harbour by about 20% and in the SPM along the freshwater longitudinal profile up to about 120%. Coupled to this the mean BOD7 increased between May and August by 38%. Enhanced oxygen deficiencies thus occurred after 1999, with concentrations of below 6 mg O2 L−1 over a length of about 100 km along the freshwater longitudinal profile of the Elbe Estuary. In the shallow water regions present in the branches of the main stream, deepening of the navigation channel was followed by a 25% decrease in the flow velocities during low tide. This was coupled to an increase of the sedimentation rates which produced a rise of the sediment level between 0.7 and 1.5 m until 2004 and a permanent loss in the capacity of the branches for re-aeration of the open water. The results indicate that in tidal systems SPM might be more sensitive for monitoring changes in the transport regime than hydrological parameters.  相似文献   

Over a 1-year period, field and satellite measurements of surface water turbidity were combined in order to study the dynamics of the turbidity maximum zone (TM) in a macrotidal estuary (the Gironde, France). Four fixed platforms equipped with turbidity sensors calibrated to give the suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentration provided continuous information in the upper estuary. Full resolution data recorded by the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensors onboard the Terra and Aqua satellite platforms provided information in the central and lower estuary twice a day (depending on cloud cover). Field data were used to validate a recently developed SPM quantification algorithm applied to the MODIS ‘surface reflectance’ product. The algorithm is based on a relationship between the SPM concentration and a reflectance ratio of MODIS bands 2 (near-infrared) and 1 (red). Based on 62 and 75 match-ups identified in 2005 with MODIS Terra and Aqua data, the relative uncertainty of the algorithm applied to these sensors was found to be 22 and 18%, respectively.Field measurements showed the tidal variations of turbidity in the upper estuary, while monthly-averaged MODIS satellite data complemented by field data allowed observing the monthly movements of the TM in the whole estuary. The trapping of fine sediments occurred in the upper estuary during the period of low river flow. This resulted in the formation of a highly concentrated TM during a 4-month period. With increasing river flow, the TM moved rapidly to the central estuary. A part of the TM detached, moved progressively in the lower estuary and was finally either massively exported to the ocean during peak floods or temporary trapped (settled) on intertidal mudflats. The massive export to the ocean was apparently the result of combined favorable environmental conditions: presence of fluid mud near the mouth, high river flow, high tides and limited wind speeds. The mean SPM concentration within surface waters of the whole estuary showed strong seasonal variations but remained almost unchanged on a 1-year-basis. These observations suggest that the masses of suspended sediments exported toward the ocean and supplied by the rivers were almost equivalent during the year investigated (2005). Results show the usefulness of information extracted from combined field and current ocean color satellite data in order to monitor the transport of suspended particles in coastal and estuarine waters.  相似文献   

The concentration of suspended particulate matter (SPM), sedimentation flux, and various forms of phosphorus and silica in turbidity maximum zone (TMZ) in the Changjiang (Yangtze) estuary was studied. Based on the budget of P and Si, their mass balances in the TMZ were calculated. Results show that the variation in concentration of dissolved inorganic silicon (DISi) was mainly controlled by seawater dilution, while that of dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) was considerably affected by the buffering of suspended matter and sediment. Our experiments showed that the sedimentation fluxes of SPM and particulate inorganic phosphorus (PIP), total particulate phosphorus (TPP), particulate inorganic silicon (PISi), and biological silicon (BSi) in the TMZ were 238.4 g m−2 d−1 and 28.3, 43.1, 79.0, 63.0 mg m−2 d−1, respectively. In addition, a simple method to estimate the ratio of resuspension of sediment in the TMZ was established, with which the rate in surface and bottom waters of the TMZ accounted for 55.7 and 66.1% of the total SPM, respectively, indicating that the sediment resuspension in the TMZ influenced significantly the mass balances of P and Si. Particulate adsorbed P (60.8%) and 35.5% of total particulate P discharged from the river were filtered and then deposited in the TMZ. The input flux of PIP from the river mouth was 55.9% of that of DIP, being important as biologically available P, while that of PISi was only 3.5% of DISi, showing that particulate adsorbed Si was much less important than particulate adsorbed P.  相似文献   

潮沟系统水沙输运研究——以长江口崇明东滩为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本研究以崇明东滩2015年4月实测潮间带水沙数据为基础,分析了潮沟、盐沼及光滩的水沙特征,重点研究了潮沟系统及邻近潮滩潮周期内悬沙通量情况。结果表明:(1)潮沟表层沉积物比潮滩细,二者平均中值粒径分别为21.7 μm和33.0 μm,悬沙粒径由海向陆逐渐变小;(2)大、小潮沟潮周期内潮流均以往复流为主,垂向平均流速分别为15.4 cm/s和34.6 cm/s;盐沼界和光滩则以旋转流为主,平均流速分别为11.3 cm/s和28.9 cm/s;(3)潮沟中的高悬沙浓度出现在涨潮初期,最大可达7.5 kg/m3,而潮滩高悬沙浓度则出现在潮落潮中期和高水位时刻;大、小潮沟和盐沼界站涨潮阶段平均悬沙浓度大于落潮阶段,光滩站则相反。潮沟悬沙主要来自邻近水域,而潮滩悬沙则与滩面表层沉积物密切相关;(4)潮沟在潮周期内净输沙方向均指向滩地,大潮沟潮周期单宽净输沙量可达4.0 t/m;盐沼界处垂直岸线和沿岸输沙强度相近,净输沙由海向陆,潮周期离岸输沙强度为1.0 t/m;光滩沿岸输沙强度远大于垂直岸线输沙,光滩净输沙由陆向海。研究揭示了潮间带潮沟系统的强供沙能力以及研究区域光滩冲蚀,盐沼植被带淤积的动力地貌过程。  相似文献   

长江口悬浮体粒度特征及其季节性差异   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
1998年11月和1999年5月长江口悬浮体样品的激光粒度仪分析结果表明,长江口悬浮体粒度较细,分选较差,偏态和峰态偏小,粒度组成以粉砂为主;粘土含量次之,基本不含砂或砂含量很小,由陆向海平均粒径有由粗到细的变化趋势。粒度分布呈典型的非正态分布,存在“双峰”和“三峰”两种形式,表层样品以“双峰”分布为主,底层“三峰”或“双峰”并存。标准偏差-粒度曲线上多峰出现,反映了长江口悬浮体组成的复杂性。长江口悬浮体粒度特征有较大的季节变化。悬浮体粒度变化的影响因素包括泥沙来源、底质再悬浮、生物作用和絮凝作用,粒度特征的季节差异是这些因素综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

Intertidal mudflats are critical to the functional ecology of estuaries yet large areas are being lost as a result of land claim, erosion and coastal squeeze. This study examines whether managed realignment (at Paull Holme Strays, Humber estuary) can realistically achieve compensation for the loss of intertidal mudflat in the long term. Typical estuarine species quickly colonised the site with the total number of species recorded from the site as a whole being almost equal to that in the reference area within one year. Comparable biomass between the two areas was achieved after 2 years. However, organism abundance remains an order of magnitude lower within the realignment site compared to outside. Community structure within the realignment has changed from one characterised by terrestrial/freshwater organisms and early colonising species to one composed of typically estuarine species. However, the developing benthic communities only represent those typical of the estuary in areas of low elevation and high inundation frequency. Rapid accretion has favoured saltmarsh colonisation in much of the realignment site and this is expected to increase as accretion proceeds with invertebrate colonisation being inhibited by increasing elevation. Hence, realignment to restore intertidal mudflats can only be a short term solution in sites of high tidal elevation and in a dynamic and turbid estuary with high natural accretion rates, such as the Humber.  相似文献   

The Mussel Watch program conducted along the French coasts for the last 20 years indicates that the highest mercury concentrations in the soft tissue of the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) occur in animals from the eastern part of Seine Bay on the south coast of the English Channel, the “Pays de Caux”. This region is characterized by the presence of intertidal and submarine groundwater discharges, and no particular mercury effluent has been reported in its vicinity. Two groundwater emergence systems in the karstic coastal zone of the Pays de Caux (Etretat and Yport with slow and fast water percolation pathways respectively) were seasonally sampled to study mercury distribution, partitioning and speciation in water. Samples were also collected in the freshwater–seawater mixing zones in order to compare mercury concentrations and speciation between these “subterranean” or “groundwater” estuaries and the adjacent macrotidal Seine estuary, characterized by a high turbidity zone (HTZ). The mercury concentrations in the soft tissue of mussels from the same areas were monitored at the same time.The means of the “dissolved” (< 0.45 μm) mercury concentrations (HgTD) in the groundwater springs were 0.99 ± 0.15 ng l− 1 (n = 18) and 0.44 ± 0.17 ng l− 1 (n = 17) at Etretat and Yport respectively. High HgTD concentrations were associated with strong runoff over short water pathways during storm periods, while low concentrations were associated with long groundwater pathways. Mean particulate mercury concentrations were 0.22 ± 0.05 ng mg− 1 (n = 16) and 0.16 ± 0.10 ng mg− 1 (n = 17) at Etretat and Yport respectively, and decreased with increasing particle concentration probably as a result of dilution by particles from soil erosion. Groundwater mercury speciation was characterized by high reactive-to-total mercury ratios in the dissolved phase (HgRD/HgTD: 44–95%), and very low total monomethylmercury concentrations (MMHg < 8 pg l− 1). The HgTD distributions in the Yport and Etretat mixing zones were similar (overall mean concentration of 0.73 ± 0.21 ng l− 1, n = 43), but higher than those measured in the adjacent industrialized Seine estuary (mean: 0.31 ± 0.11 ng l− 1, n = 67). In the coastal waters along the Pays de Caux dissolved monomethylmercury (MMHgD) concentrations varied from 9.5 to 13.5 pg l− 1 (2 to 8% of the HgTD). Comparable levels were measured in the Seine estuary (range: 12.2– 21.1 pg l−1; 6–12% of the HgTD). These groundwater karstic estuaries seem to be mostly characterized by the higher HgTD and HgRD concentrations than in the adjacent HTZ Seine estuary. While the HTZ of the Seine estuary acts as a dissolved mercury removal system, the low turbid mixing zone of the Pays de Caux receives the dissolved mercury inputs from the groundwater seepage with an apparent Hg transfer from the particulate phase to the “dissolved” phase (< 0.45 μm). In parallel, the soft tissue of mussels collected near the groundwater discharges, at Etretat and Yport, exhibited significantly higher values than those found in the mussel from the mouth of the Seine estuary. We observe that this difference mimics the differences found in the mercury distribution in the water, and argue that the dissolved phase of the groundwater estuaries and coastal particles are significant sources of bioavailable mercury for mussels.  相似文献   

Rare earth elements (REEs) in the suspended particulate matter (SPM) of the Mandovi estuary indicated that the mean total-REEs (∑REE) and light REE to heavy REE ratios are lower than that of the average suspended sediment in World Rivers and Post-Archean average Australian shale. High ∑REE were associated with high SPM/low salinity and also with high SPM/high salinity. Although the ∑REE broadly agree with SPM levels at each station, their seasonal distributions along transect are different. SPM increased seaward in the estuary both during the monsoon and pre-monsoon, but consistently low at all stations during the post-monsoon. The mean ∑REE decreased marginally seaward and was <25% at sea-end station than at river-end station. Spatial variations in ∑REE are maximum (64%) during the pre-monsoon. Strong to moderate correlation of ∑REE with Al, Fe and Mn in all seasons indicates adsorption and co-precipitation of REEs with aluminosilicate phases and Fe, Mn-oxyhydroxides. The ratio of mean ∑REE in sediment/SPM is low during the monsoon (1.27), followed by pre-monsoon (1.5) and post-monsoon (1.62). The middle REE- and heavy REE-enriched patterns with positive Ce and Eu anomalies are characteristic at every station and season, both in SPM and sediment. They also exhibit tetrad effect with distinct third and fourth tetrads. Fe-Mn ore dust is the most dominant source for REEs. However, the seasonal changes in the supply of detrital silicates, Fe-Mn ore dust and particulates resuspended from bottom sediments diluted the overall effect of salinity on fractionation and distribution of REEs in the estuary.  相似文献   

635 samples of suspended particulate matter (SPM), collected in the St. Lawrence river and estuary during periods of high and low river flow from a series of individual and anchor stations on a transect traversing the turbidity maximum zone, as well as two sediment box cores, were analyzed for Al, Si, Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn.An abrupt change in elemental composition occurs when traversing the front at the landward edge of the turbidity maximum. As the SPM concentration increases across the front from 20–200 mg l?1, the Ca/Al and Mg/Al ratios of the SPM increase and the Si/Al, Fe/Al and Mn/Al ratios decrease. The almost 50% decrease of the Mn/Al ratio is not related to changes in salinity. Within the turbidity maximum the tidal-averaged Si/Al, Ca/Al, Mg/Al and Fe/Al ratios of the SPM do not differ significantly from the landward to the seaward end of the turbidity zone, but on one tidal station the ratios of Si, Ca and Fe to Al are significantly lower at high river flow than at low flow. The Mn/Al ratio is insensitive to the extreme variations of either salinity (0.6–30‰) or SPM concentrations (10–480 mg l?1) within the turbidity zone. A tendency for higher Mn/Al ratios to be associated with near-bottom SPM, observed in the center of the turbidity zone during the low river flow period, is well developed in the lower reaches of the zone.Diagenetic mobilization within the rare fine-grained bottom sediments of the turbidity maximum is responsible for changes in Mn and Fe content of particulate matter, and early settling of coarse-grained components and size sorting within the zone are responsible for other compositional changes. Local sources, desorption and precipitation are apparently of secondary importance. The depletion of both Mn and Fe in the SPM and sediment of the upper estuary implies a net seaward escape of diagenetically mobilized metal.  相似文献   

Rates of short-term (up to 2 years) bed elevation change and sedimentation from mudflats to salt marshes were measured in a rapidly infilling macrotidal estuary using an original combination of three high-resolution techniques: an ultrasonic altimeter, the Rod Surface-Elevation Table (RSET) method, and filter traps. The Authie estuary is located on a straight, sand-rich coast and is undergoing rapid infill under the influence of flood-dominant tides reinforced by wave action. The estuarine sediment suite consists of both mud and sand derived from the sea, of sand derived from storm wave erosion of dunes lining the north bank of the estuary, and, to a much smaller extent, of mud from the river catchment. Bed elevation change and sedimentation rates show an expected increase with the duration of tidal flooding (hydroperiod) in both space and time. The estuarine bed sediment suite changes from sandy at the mouth to muddy within the low-energy inner estuary, where mudflats are rapidly accreting, paving the way for the formation of increasingly denser and mature salt marshes from the high-sedimentation pioneer zone to the upper marsh where annual sedimentation is very low. Recorded variability in rates of bed elevation change and sedimentation reflect the influence of estuarine macro-scale and local sediment transport and depositional processes in a macrotidal context dominated by high inputs of allochthonous sediments.  相似文献   

Mandovi estuary is a tropical estuary strongly influenced by the southwest monsoon. In order to understand, sources and fate of particulate organic nitrogen, suspended particulate matter (SPM) collected from various locations, was analyzed for particulate organic carbon (POC) and particulate organic nitrogen (PON), δ13CPOC, total hydrolysable amino acid enantiomers (l- and d- amino acids) concentration and composition. δ13CPOC values were depleted (−32 to −25‰) during the monsoon and enriched (−29.6 to −21‰) in the pre-monsoon season implying that OM was derived from terrestrial and marine sources during the former and latter season, respectively. The biological indicators such as C/N ratio, d-amino acids, THAA yields and degradation indices (DI) indicate that the particulate organic matter (POM) was relatively more degraded during the monsoon season. Conversely, during the pre-monsoon, the biological indicators indicated the presence of relatively fresh and labile POM derived from autochthonous sources. Amino acids such as alanine, aspartic acid, leucine, serine, arginine, and threonine in monsoon and glutamic acid, glycine, valine, lysine, and isoleucine in pre-monsoon were relatively abundant. Presence of bacterial biomarker, d-amino acids in the SPM of the estuary during both the seasons signifies important contribution of bacteria to the estuarine detrital ON pool. Based on d-amino acid yields, bacterial OM accounted for 16-34% (23.0 ± 6.7%) of POC and 29-75% (47.9 ± 18.7%) of PON in monsoon, and 30-78% (50.0 ± 15%) of POC and 34-79% (51.2 ± 13.3%) of the PON in pre-monsoon in the estuary. Substantial contribution of bacterial-N to PON indicates nitrogen (N) enrichment on terrestrial POM during the monsoon season. Transport of terrestrial POM enriched with bacterial OM to the coastal waters is expected to influence coastal productivity and ecosystem functioning during the monsoon season.  相似文献   

The horizontal pattern of mesoscale (1–4 km) variability in salinity was a poor predictor of mesoscale patterns in chlorophyll a, suspended particulate matter, and daily primary productivity in the South San Francisco Bay estuary during spring 1987. The tidally-averaged salinity distribution varied over weekly time scales, reflecting inputs of freshwater as well as transport processes. Spatial distributions of the other quantities also varied weekly, but not in concert with the salt field. Spatial patterns of phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll a) deviated from the salinity patterns, largely reflecting in situ production of phytoplankton biomass during the spring bloom. The tidally-averaged distribution of suspended particulate matter (SPM) was highly dynamic and responded to (1) the riverine input of suspended sediment during a freshet, (2) neap-spring variations in tidally-driven resuspension, and (3) resuspension in shallows following a period of wind mixing. Two-dimensional distributions of primary productivity P′, derived from maps of biomass and turbidity (SPM), also varied weekly, but the spatial variability of P′ was only about half that of SPM and chlorophyll. Since the magnitude and patterns of spatial variability differ among nonconservative quantities, at least in part because of local sources and sinks, we conclude that the spatial distributions of nonconservative quantities cannot be predicted from distributions of conservative tracers, such as salinity.  相似文献   

A steady state, mass balance, trophic network has been constructed to illustrate the flow of energy in the Seine Estuary by using Network Analysis and Ecopath methods. This ecosystem shows 15 compartments from primary producers to the top consumers (fish and birds). This study has been compared with other ecosystems of comparable nature located in North America (Narragansett, Chesapeake, Delaware Bays), Europe (Ems Estuary, Dublin Bay and Bay of Somme), and South Africa (Swartkops Estuary) in which analysis of trophic network has been applied with similar methods.The Seine Estuary shows values of some global parameters and indices either close to large North American bays and a South African estuary characterised by the complexity of their trophic network, or values near European bays and estuaries, or else remain typical of the Seine estuary. All of this reflects specific functioning of the Seine Estuary which can be explained by the analysis of the dominant food web. In the upstream sector an important pelagic food web was found correlated with highest primary production, especially planktonic, which is rapidly consumed by an abundant zooplankton and suprabenthos (Mysidacae and Decapoda Crustacea). This reveals the dominant consumer role of this sector. The external fluvial inputs (277.80 gC m−2 y−1) are transferred to the downstream sector which produces the major export (548.43 gC m−2 y−1), in parallel with the low consumption and efficiency of dominant benthos component from its bentho-pelagic food web. This reflects the dominant exporter role of this sector.In the Seine Estuary low values of detritivory index D/H (2.52), recycling index FCI (16.1%) and connectance (0.24) were found associated with high values of P/B ratio (38.2%), sum of exports (548.43 gC m−2 y−1) and the great difference between ratio of ascendency to capacity development A/C and internal ratio Ai/Ci. This shows the lack of a dominant resource as in Delaware Bay, that the state of development is different from a mature ecosystem, and the dependance on external connections similar to the Bay of Somme, another ecosystem of Eastern Channel, France.  相似文献   

The Konkouré Estuary in the Republic of Guinea is a poorly understood atypical mangrove system. Sediment dynamics in tropical estuaries are controlled by a combination of processes including river discharge, morphology, salinity, erosion and deposition processes, the settling of mud, physico-chemical processes and mangrove swamps. Here we present a consistent set of data aimed at characterising the estuary and thus, increasing our understanding of tropical systems, as well as studying the impact of human intervention in the region. Water elevations, current measurements, salinity, suspended sediment concentrations, bathymetry and sediment cover are presented following a 3 year survey of the Konkouré Estuary. Here we provide conclusive evidence that the Lower Konkouré is a shallow, funnel shaped, mesotidal, mangrove-fringed, tide dominated estuary, well mixed during low river discharge. The estuary becomes stratified during high river flows and spring tides whereas a salt wedge appears during neap tides. The Konkouré Estuary has been described as hypersynchronous, and has three terminal outlets, two of which are landward-directed, attesting to a tidal pumping effect, while the third one is seaward-directed, and is controlled by the mangrove. The suspended matter is transported by the tidal effect within the middle estuary and is therefore trapped in the Turbidity Maximum zone (TMZ). The location of the TMZ is river-controlled and is correlated with residual currents but not with salinity front. A dam, constructed 130 km upstream, impacts on the hydrodynamics, and reduces the salinity intrusion by about 25%. It causes an increased low river discharge whereas its efficiency over high river flows is unclear.  相似文献   

The inter-annual variability in phytoplankton summer blooms in the upper reaches of the Schelde estuary was investigated between 1996 and 2005 by monthly sampling at 10 stations. The large inter-annual variations of the chlorophyll a concentration in the freshwater tidal reaches were independent from variations in chlorophyll a in the tributary river Schelde. Summer mean chlorophyll a concentrations were significantly negatively correlated with flushing rate (Spearman correlation: r = −0.67, p = 0.05, n = 9) but not with temperature, irradiance and suspended particulate matter or dissolved silica (DSi) concentrations. During dry summers, low flushing rates permitted the development of dense phytoplankton populations in the upper part of the estuary, while during wet summers high flushing rates prevented the development of dense phytoplankton blooms. Flushing rate was also found to be important for the phytoplankton community composition. At low flushing rates, the community was dominated by diatoms that developed within the upper estuary. At high flushing rates, chlorophytes imported from the tributary river Schelde became more important in the phytoplankton community. The position of the chlorophyll a maximum shifted from the head of the estuary when flushing rates were low, to more downstream when flushing rates were high. Although DSi concentrations tended to be lower during years of high phytoplankton (mainly diatom) biomass, the relation with flushing rate was not significant.  相似文献   

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