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SSA_z-1型便携式潮位仪是以计算机控制晶体压力传感器作为水下探头的无井验潮仪,因为探头是放于水下,因此大气压力、水温、盐度、重力加速度、波浪、涌潮、海流等因素的变化都会给潮位测量带来误差,本文论述了上述诸因素给潮位测量带来的影响及提高 SSA_z-1潮位仪精度的措施.  相似文献   

SSA_2-1潮位仪是一种无井验潮仪,它在温度传感器、导管、分流装置及计算机程序的配合下,实时进行大气压力、温度、盐度、重力、涌潮、海流等要素补偿,能立即打印准确的潮位值,有较高的精度。由于采用了与陆地高程联测及“自校法”测量程序,既能直接打印出“潮位改正值”,又能在盐度、浊度未知的海区使用。  相似文献   

多年用海底压力式验潮仪的研制(英国Proudman海洋研究所,POL,Bidson观测站R.SPencer,P.R.Foden,C.McGarry,J.M.Vassie)1引言POL技术研究方案的一部分是MYRTIE(重现多年潮位的设备MultiYe...  相似文献   

本文从硬件和软件两个方面讲述了用于标定压力传感器的温度压力标定箱的实现方法。  相似文献   

潮位改正是多波束地形勘测中的重要环节。琼州海峡跨海工程中分别利用验潮潮位和RTK潮位进行潮位改正,对比结果发现初始RTK潮位改正后的数据存在较大偏差,最大可达1.5 m。通过对RTK测量潮位进行姿态校正后,其结果与验潮潮位的偏差减小,可以控制在0.3 m以内。5-6月的琼州海峡正是西南季风爆发时间,海峡海流的流向具有复杂性,涨落潮都伴随着较大的风浪,RTK潮位测量忽略风浪带来的影响是出现较大误差的重要原因。  相似文献   

利用涌浪和处于陡滩面、滩面下陡坎和深槽海滩地形条件下的海滩碎波带压力波和滩面地形资料,对碎波带中的入射总波能、长重力波能及两者比值随潮位涨落的变化关系,碎波带动力因子与滩面地形之间的作用关系及典型相关和多维偏交叉谱关系等作了初步分析。结果表明,碎波带中的入射总波能与潮位涨落呈现出一致的变化规律;而碎波带中的长重力波能变化与潮位涨落变化趋势相反;碎波带各动力因子、滩面潜水位和碎波带波浪、潮位及滩面地形引起的滩面陡坎处破波点位置变动等因素的耦合作用,对滩面向海发育和滩面地形变化有重要影响。  相似文献   

针对沿岸验潮站点布局密度不够的问题,使用压力式验潮仪对遮浪站附近海域进行潮汐应急观测,对实验数据进行了回归分析处理,并计算了实验数据的误差和相关系数。结果表明,台风灾害过程中,压力式验潮仪具有良好的稳定性,压力式验潮仪潮位与实际潮位的数据曲线基本吻合,两者的相关系数均在0.99以上;此外,压力式验潮仪潮位误差绝对值均小于5 cm,反应了压力式验潮仪潮位数据能较好地反应台风灾害过程中实际潮位的变化,表明使用压力式验潮仪开展潮汐观测工作具备良好的可行性。  相似文献   

感应式温盐传感器基于电导率法测盐,可以实现现场测量与实时测量。测量盐度时需要首先计算海水温度、海水电导率和海水压力,表层感应式温盐传感器对压力量不予考虑,温度、电导率的精度却直接关系到盐度测量结果的准确度,因此使用传感器前必须进行温度和盐度的标定。分析了温盐传感器的工作原理,设计温度、电导率的标定校准步骤,包括回归曲线的选择和回归方程系数的计算,其中温度、电导率和温度补偿的标定回归曲线采用多项式形式,用实验室高精度盐度计和铂电阻温度仪测得5~7组数据,然后对多项式最小二乘法回归,电导率回归过程中由温度和盐度求电导率用到了二分法,最后论述了标定回归方程的误差范围。  相似文献   

海洋的盐度观测对于气候和海洋科学的研究有重要的意义,盐度的卫星遥感观测需要估计各种因素带来的误差影响。本文基于海面微波辐射理论和海水相对电容率等模型,采用蒙特卡洛模拟方法研究了在盐度遥感中温度误差、仪器误差以及风速误差对于后续的盐度反演的影响。通过计算温度误差产生的盐度误差,并与敏感性方法的对比发现,在低温低盐时温度误差对盐度反演误差的影响较大,2种方法的偏差较大;而在高温高盐时温度误差对盐度反演误差的影响较小,2种方法的偏差较小。辐射计仪器噪声对盐度误差的影响普遍在0.1psu以上,在低温低盐时可达0.5psu以上。风速误差对盐度反演误差的影响在水平极化状态下随入射角增大,在温度低于20℃时普遍超过1psu;在垂直极化状态下随入射角先减小后增大,在温度低于20℃以及较小的入射角下误差也会超过1psu。对误差的综合分析发现,采用垂直极化状态在高温时这2种误差的影响较小。研究发现,当入射角是45.6°和垂直极化状态下,对于3种典型海面状态(35℃和35psu,20℃和35psu,5℃和30psu),反演的盐度反演误差可达到0.162,0.153和0.444psu,达到了卫星单次扫描对盐度反演的误差要求。  相似文献   

压力式验潮仪获取的数据需要经过单位换算、气压改正、密度改正等数据处理才能转化为潮位数据,在数据处理过程中容易因某一环节的疏漏而造成结果不准确。梳理了压力式验潮仪在数据处理过程中应该注意的几个问题,推荐了一种压力式验潮仪数据处理的流程,为压力式验潮仪的正确使用提供了很好的建议。  相似文献   

使用压力式TGR-2050型验潮仪,在珠江口等河道入海口测量潮汐时,误差比较大;针对珠江口潮汐的特点,分析和研究了大气压扰动、潮流、海水密度、压力感应零点漂移等因素对潮汐测量带来的误差,有针对性地提出解决方案,并通过实验证明了方案的可行性。  相似文献   

Using the SAS software, the data of environmental factors vs. red tide biomass were analysed during the process of Skeletonema costatum red tide which broke out in the Changjiang Estuary on June 9~15, 1990. The results of the multivariate statistical analysis show that the environmental factors are similar in their developing and maintenance periods and that the values of environmental factors begin to be restored to normal levels during the disappearing period.The results obtained from using the methods of correlation, variable cluster and main component analyses are basically identical. The important factors contributing to the occurrence of this red tide are atmospherical pressure, water temperature, salinity, pH, No3-, -N, Po43--P and Fe, among which,salinity, Fe and PO43--P are the leading factors which have triggered the occurrence of the red tide as determined by the step-by-step regression analysis. Meanwhile, the linear discrimination functions have been established for the red tide. The environmental factor data of another occurring process of Skeletonema costatum red tide in the Changjiang Estuary have been chosen for red tide discrimination with satisfactory results.  相似文献   

南海大鹏湾海洋褐胞藻赤潮及其成因   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:22  
于1991年3月20-21日在大鹏湾首次发生海洋褐胞藻赤潮。对此分析了赤潮发生前后海洋环境因素的变化及其与赤潮的关系;以风速,气压,盐度,温度,磷酸盐,硝酸盐,铵盐,铁离子等8项指标为基础,改变参数组合,对采自1991年3-5月特定站位(So)的各样方进行聚类分析和比较。结果表明,在盐度为31-32和水温为20℃的适宜条件下,铁离子和风速是形成本次赤潮的主要环境要素;大量营养盐尤其是硝酸盐度的增加  相似文献   

基于余水位配置的海洋潮汐推算研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
基于余水位的配置模型,利用长期验潮站实测水位结合临近短期验潮站天文潮位来恢复短期站的实际水位,并对其进行误差分析,证明基于余水位配置的海洋潮汐推算的可行性与实用性.  相似文献   

An historical objective analysis of subsurface temperature and salinity was carried out on a monthly basis from 1945 to 2003 using the latest observational databases and a sea surface temperature analysis. In addition, steric sea level changes were mainly examined using outputs of the objective analyses. The objective analysis is a revised version of Ishii et al. and is available at 16 levels in the upper 700 m depth. Artificial errors in the previous analysis during the 1990s have been worked out in the present analysis. The steric sea level computed from the temperature analysis has been verified with tide gauge observations and TOPEX/Poseidon sea surface height data. A correction for crustal movement is applied for tide gauge data along the Japanese coast. The new analysis is suitable for the discussion of global warming. Validation against the tide gauge reveals that the amplitude of thermosteric sea level becomes larger and the agreement improves in comparison with the previous analysis. A substantial part of local sea level rise along the Japanese coast appears to be explained by the thermosteric effect. The thermal expansion averaged in all longitudes from 60°S to 60°N explains at most half of recent sea level rise detected by satellite observation during the last decade. Considerable uncertainties remain in steric sea level, particularly over the southern oceans. Temperature changes within MLD make no effective contribution to steric sea level changes along the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. According to statistics using only reliable profiles of the temperature and salinity analyses, salinity variations are intrinsically important to steric sea level changes in high latitudes and in the Atlantic Ocean. Although data sparseness is severe even in the latest decade, linear trends of global mean thermosteric and halosteric sea level for 1955 to 2003 are estimated to be 0.31 ± 0.07 mm/yr and 0.04 ± 0.01 mm/yr, respectively. These estimates are comparable to those of the former studies.  相似文献   

Saltwater intrusion is a serious environmental problem in the Zhujiang River Estuary(ZRE),which threatens the water supply of fifteen million people.The hydrological observations as well as meteorological and tidal forcing in the winter of 2007/2008 were analyzed to examine the saltwater intrusion in the ZRE.The observational results suggest that the maximum vertical difference of salinity can reach 10 in the Humen Channel during neap tide,but is very small in the Hengmen Channel.The vertically averaged salinity from time series stations during spring tide is higher than that during neap tide.A three-dimensional finite difference model was developed based on the environmental fluid dynamic code(EFDC) to study the mechanism of saltwater intrusion and salinity stratification in the ZRE.By analyzing the salt transport and the temporal variation of saltwater intrusion,the authors found that the net salt transport due to the estuarine circulation during neap tide was more than that during spring tide.This caused salt to advance more into the estuary during neap tide.However,saltwater intrusion was stronger during spring tide than that during neap tide because the spring-neap variation in salt transport was small relative to the total length of the saltwater intrusion.The physical mechanism causing this saltwater intrusion was investigated by a series of sensitivity experiments,in order to examine saltwater intrusion in response to river discharge and winds.The freshwater source was a dominant influencing factor to the saltwater intrusion and controlled salinity structure,vertical stratification and length of the saltwater intrusion.The prevailing northeast monsoon during winter could increase the saltwater intrusion in the ZRE.Though the southwest wind was unfavorable to saltwater intrusion during spring tide,it could increase stratification and saltwater intrusion during neap tide.  相似文献   

验潮站资料为评定卫星测高海面高度观测值的精度提供了有效途径。基于数据编辑准则筛选出HY-2A数据,通过引入NCEP实时大气压模型,解决了HY-2A卫星任务后期测高数据产品中部分干对流层延迟项和大气逆压校正项不可用的问题。在此基础上,将HY-2A海面高观测值与验潮站数据进行时空匹配,在选取的9个站点上进行了相关系数和标准差计算。结果表明,两者相关系数平均约为0.676 9,最优可达0.898 7,平均标准差为0.089 5 m。整体验证结果表明,HY-2A卫星测高数据质量符合设计指标,达到预期水平,为海洋重力场反演等应用研究提供了新的可靠数据源。  相似文献   

剖析了TGR-2050自动验潮仪的工作原理,分析了影响测量精度的各种误差因素,指出该仪器设计上的缺陷,并给出实例,介绍了进行大气压改正的方法,得出了有益结论。  相似文献   

有些文献指出:“赤潮发生起因因种而异,但大体上气候气象条件诸如温度、风力、风向,季风转换、气压等;海况、潮汐、流等以及海水的理化特征,如盐度、营养元素等,这些皆会成为某种赤潮爆发的因子或诱导因素[1]”。根据赤潮监控区监测资料分析:在南海赤潮多发区,海水富营养化条件已经具备,因此气象、水文要素条件就成为赤潮爆发的重要启动因子,而天气环流的维持与变化决定了气象、水文要素因子的稳定与变化,再根据赤潮生物培养试验,从初期繁殖到后期的爆发性繁殖,直至达到赤潮生物密度,这一过程一般都需要4~5d的时间。针对这一现象,通过对近10a的赤潮发生个例进行统计分析,统计其生成前期的天气环流形势和水文气象要素,分析出赤潮生成前期的环流模式和筛选出诱发赤潮爆发的重要因子,并依此来作为预报赤潮生成的方法,依照此方法对2003年的赤潮进行预报,其效果是另人满意的。  相似文献   

利用水文气象要素因子的变化趋势预测南海区赤潮的发生   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
有关文献指出:“赤潮发生起因因种而异……,但大体上气候气象条件诸如温度、风力、风向,季风转换、气-压等;海况、潮汐、流等以及海水的理化特征,如盐度、营养元素等,这些皆会成为某种赤潮爆发的因子或诱导因素”。根据赤潮监控区监测资料分析: 在南海赤潮多发区,海水富营养化条件已经具备,因此气象、水文要素条件就成为赤潮爆发的重要启动因子,而大气环流的维持与变化决定了气象、水文要素因子的稳定与变化,然而根据赤潮生物培养试验,从初期繁殖到后期的爆发性繁殖,直至达到赤潮生物密度,这一过程一般都需要4-5d的时间。针对这一现象,通过对近10a的赤潮发生个例进行统计分析,统计其生成前期的大气环流形势和水文气象要素,分析出赤潮生成前期的环流模式和筛选出诱发赤潮爆发的重要因子,并以此来作为预报赤潮生成的方法。依照此方法对2003年的赤潮进行预报,其效果是令人满意的。  相似文献   

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