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Observations of the residual fluxes of water, salt and suspended sediment are presented for seven stations along the Tamar Estuary. The data include measurements over single spring and neap tidal cycles, and are generally applicable to medium or high run-off conditions.Surface to bed differences in salinity are typically of the order of several parts per thousand. Gravitational circulation is an important component of residual flow in the deep, lower reaches of the estuary. Here, Stokes drift is insignificant. In the shallow upper reaches, the major residual currents are generated by Stokes drift and freshwater inputs. Data are compared with predictions from Hansen and Rattray's (1966) model of estuarine circulation.Salt fluxes due to tidal pumping and vertical shear are directed up-estuary at spring tides, tidal pumping being dominant. Tidal pumping of salt is also directed up-estuary at neap tides, although it is insignificant in the lower reaches, where vertical shear dominates.Tidal pumping of suspended sediment is directed up-estuary near the head at spring tides, and probably contributes to the formation of the turbidity maximum. The existence of the turbidity maximum is predicted using a simplified model of the transport of water and sediment. The model shows that an additional mechanism for the existence of the turbidity maximum is an up-estuary maximum in the tidal current speeds (and thus resuspension). In the lower reaches, transport of suspended sediment is directed down-estuary at both spring and neap tides, and sediment is essentially flushed to sea with the fresh water.  相似文献   

Measurements are presented of median floc diameters and associated environmental data over spring-tide tidal cycles at two stations in the muddy Tamar Estuary, UK, for winter, spring and summer conditions. The particulate organic carbon and particulate total carbon contents of mudflats and SPM (suspended particulate matter) at the stations, together with other evidence, indicates that much of the SPM was derived from mud sources that were located between the two stations during winter and spring, and from very mobile sediment sources in the upper estuary during summer. Observed in-situ median floc sizes varied widely, from <50 to >500 μm and rapid settling of particles close to HW and LW (high and low water) left only the smaller flocs in suspension. Time-series of depth-averaged median floc sizes generally were most closely, positively, correlated with depth-averaged SPM concentrations. Floc diameters tended to reach maximum median sizes near the time when SPM concentrations were highest. These high concentrations were in turn largely generated by resuspension of sediment during the fastest current speeds. Although such correlations may have arisen because of SPM-driven floc growth - despite fast tidal currents - there is also the possibility that tough aggregates were eroded from the intertidal mudflats and mudbanks. Although a hypothesis, such large aggregates of fine sediment may have resulted from the binding together of very fine bed particles by sticky extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) coatings, produced by benthic diatoms and by other biologically-mediated activity. A rapid reduction of SPM occurred at the up-estuary station within 2.5 h of HW on the flood, when decelerating currents were still relatively fast. It appears that at least two processes were at work: localised settling of the largest flocs and up-estuary transport in which large flocs were transported further into the estuary before settling into the Tamar's ETM (estuarine turbidity maximum) over the HW-slack period. Up-estuary advection of large flocs and their eventual settling would place the down-estuary edge of the ETM above the upper-estuary station during summer, spring-tide conditions. This position of the ETM was observed close to HW during longitudinal surveys of the estuary.  相似文献   

河口最大浑浊带形成的动力模式和数值试验   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
应用改进的ECOM模式,耦合泥沙输运模型,研究理想河口最大浑浊带形成的动力机制。河口最大浑浊带位于滞流点处,上下游余流均向该处输运泥沙,造成该处泥沙汇合,而由流场辐合产生的上升流又使该处的泥沙不易落淤。南岸(河口东向)的泥沙浓度比北岸高,最大浑浊带位于南岸,这是由于盐水入侵带来的高盐水位于北岸的底层,其斜压效应使底层的环流由北向南流动,把底层高浓度的泥沙向南岸平流,聚集于南岸底层。除上游河流泥沙来源外,强大的涨落潮流冲刷床面,使沉降于床面的泥沙再次悬浮,成为余流输运泥沙的来源之一。  相似文献   

Empirical formulas have been developed to calculate the fractional bed-load and suspended-load transport rates and near-bed suspended-load concentration under non-breaking waves and currents for coastal applications. The formulas relate the bed-load transport rate to the grain shear stress, the suspended-load transport rate to the energy of the flow system, and the near-bed suspended-load concentration to the bed-load transport rate, velocity and layer thickness. Adequate methods are adopted to determine the bed shear stress due to coexisted waves and currents. The hiding and exposure mechanism in nonuniform bed material is considered through a correction factor that is related to the hiding and exposure probabilities and in turn the size composition of bed material. The developed formulas have been tested using a large database of single-sized sediment transport and several sets of multiple-sized sediment transport data collected from literature, and compared with several existing formulas. The developed formulas can provide reasonably good predictions for the test cases.  相似文献   

The influence of wind on the water age in the tidal Rappahannock River   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wind plays an important role in regulating mixing/stratification, estuarine circulation, and transport timescale in estuaries. A three-dimensional model was used to investigate the effect of wind on transport time by using the concept of water age (WA) in the tidal Rappahannock River, a western tributary of the Chesapeake Bay, USA. The model was calibrated for water level, current, and salinity. A series of experiments regarding the effects of wind on WA was conducted under various dynamic conditions. The effect of wind on transport timescale depends strongly on the competition between the wind and buoyancy forcings, and on the pre-status of the circulation. A down-estuary wind generally decreases WA along the estuary. An up-estuary wind increases WA substantially because it changes the vertical mixing and estuarine circulation more significantly. When the buoyancy forcing increases, the up-estuary wind effect decreases whereas the down-estuary wind effect increases. A 2-day period wind pulse with a maximum speed of 15 m s−1 can alter WA for 3 days; but the wind influence on WA lasts up to 40 days in the simulation. Both local and non-local wind forcings alter WA distribution. The local wind enhances vertical mixing and changes the gravitational circulation in the downstream portion of the estuary whereas it enhances transport in the freshwater portion of the estuary. Consequently, the local wind has a significant impact on WA distribution. In contrast, the non-local wind does not change the gravitational circulation significantly by imposing setup (setdown) of water level at the open boundary, resulting in a lesser impact on WA distribution.  相似文献   

径流量和海平面变化对河口最大浑浊带的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用改进的ECOM模式,耦合泥沙输运方程,研究径流量和海平面变化对河口最大浑浊带的影响.河口最大浑浊带位于滞流点处,底层上下游余流均向该处输运泥沙,造成该处泥沙汇合,而由流场辐合产生的上升流又使该处的泥沙不易落淤.由于盐水入侵带来的高盐水位于北岸的底层,其斜压效应使底层的横向环流由北向南流动,把底层高浓度的泥沙向南岸平流,使得最大浑浊带位于南岸.研究河口最大浑浊带现象必须使用三维泥沙输运模式.在径流量增大的情况下,与控制试验相比底层向陆的密度流减弱,滞流点下移,导致最大浑浊带也下移;因上游来沙量增加,在最大浑浊带中心和河口拦门沙处悬浮泥沙浓度趋于增加.在径流量减少的情况下,最大浑浊带的变化趋势与径流量增大情况的结果相反.在海平面上升的情况下,拦门沙区域底层向陆的密度流趋于增强,滞流点上移,最大浑浊带也相应向上游移动;最大浑浊带中心处泥沙浓度趋于增大,但口门拦门沙处泥沙浓度趋于减小.径流量和海平面变化对最大浑浊带影响明显.  相似文献   

The 25-h measurements of current speed, flow direction, water depth, suspended sediment concentration and salinity were carried out at six anchored stations in the study area during spring and neap tides in winter of 1987 and summer of 1989. Caculations and analyses of the data obtained show that large amounts of suspended sediments are moved back and forth under the action of tidal current, and the net transport of sediment is small, with its predominance upstream in winter and downstream in summer. These calculations and analyses also suggest that the advective transport of sediment is dominant, while the vertical gravitational circulation of the suspended sediment comes next. Meantime, it is indicated that tidal currents play a major role in the suspended sediment transport, and residual flows have effect on the net transport of the suspended sediment, which is more remarkable during neap tide than during spring tide.  相似文献   

A three dimensional time-dependent baroclinic hydrodynamic model, including sediment transport and incorporating a turbulence energy sub-model, is used in cross sectional form to examine sediment movement at the shelf edge off North West Iberia at 42°40.5’N where measurements were made as part of the OMEX-II programme. These calculations are complemented by a simpler, in essence time-independent model, which is used to examine the sensitivity of the sediment distribution over the slope (from a shelf-break source) to changes in the specified values of horizontal and vertical diffusion coefficients. The philosophy of the paper is to use idealized tidal, wind and wind wave forcing to examine changes in sediment distribution resulting from these processes. Calculations with the time-dependent and steady state models give insight into both the role of events and long-term effects. The steady state model focuses on the off-shelf region, whilst the time-dependent model considers on-shelf events.Tidal calculations showed that for the stratification used here the internal tide in the OMEX region was primarily confined to the shelf edge and ocean. A mean on-shelf sediment transport in the surface layer and off-shelf transport at the bed was found. Across-shelf circulations produced by up-welling/down-welling favourable winds gave rise to on-shelf/off-shelf currents in the bottom boundary layer with an opposite flow in the surface layer. In the case of an up-welling favourable wind, sediment suspension was at a maximum in the near coastal region, with sediment being advected off shore in the surface layer. With a down-welling favourable wind, surface sediment was advected towards the shore, but there was offshore transport at the bed. Near the shelf edge any upwelling flow had the tendency to return this sediment to the surface layer from whence it was transported on-shore. So in essence the sediment was trapped within an on-shelf circulation cell. Wind waves effects increased the total bed stress and hence the sediment concentration and its transport, although its pattern was determined by tidal and wind forcing.The time independent model with increased/decreased lateral diffusivity gave an enhanced/reduced horizontal sediment distribution for a given settling velocity. As the settling velocity increases, the down-slope movement of sediment is increased, with a reduction in the thickness of the near-bed sediment layer, but with little change in its horizontal extent.  相似文献   

2012年1月在长江口北港、北槽和南槽水域纵断面开展枯季多船准同步观测,将获得的大小潮悬浮泥沙和盐度数据与1982年12月同水域调查结果进行对比分析。结果表明:2012年长江口最大浑浊带枯季悬沙浓度比1982年减小了约50%;北港、北槽、南槽相近测点的大潮垂向平均悬沙浓度相较于1982年分别减小了43%、60%和40%,2012年长江口表层平均悬沙浓度与1982年相比减少了约53%。北港断面浑浊带核心与1982年浑浊带核心位置相近;北槽浑浊带核心向内迁移;南槽浑浊带核心位置向外迁移。2012年与1982年枯季遥感反演的长江口同水域表层悬浮泥沙浓度也明显降低。在30年来入海泥沙持续减少背景下,长江口3条入海主汊的最大浑浊带特征依旧显著,径流与潮流的此消彼长、径流的季节分配不同以及口内汊道分流分沙比的变化影响了长江口最大浑浊带核心的移动,浑浊带悬沙浓度最高的地段也是盐度梯度最高的地区。  相似文献   

The coastal waters of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) are hypersaline (salinity ∼37) during the dry season as a result of evaporation greatly exceeding rainfall, of shallow waters, and of the presence of numerous bays along the coast preventing rapid flushing. These hypersaline waters are not flushed out by salinity-driven baroclinic currents because these waters are vertically well-mixed. Instead these waters are transported by a longshore residual current and thus form a coastal boundary layer of hypersaline waters. As a result the hypersalinity distribution is 2-D with both cross-shelf and longshore gradients of salinity. The cross-shelf gradients are largely controlled by turbulent diffusion, while the longshore gradients are controlled by the residual currents that transport hypersaline waters longshore south ward in the central and southern regions of the GBR. Because every bay supplies hypersaline waters, the width of the coastal hypersaline layer increases southwards. Steady state is reached in about 100 days, which is the typical duration of the dry season. The dynamics of the GBR hypersaline coastal boundary layer thus differ from the classical inverse hypersaline systems, e.g. in Saloum River Estuary, Laguna San Ignacio, Mission Bay, Tomales Bay, San Diego Bay, Hervey Bay, Shark Bay, Coorong Coast Lagoon, Spencer Gulf, Gulf of California and many others where the salinity gradient is mainly 1-D with a dominant along-channel salinity gradient.  相似文献   

The effects of near-bed current activity on modern sedimentation were examined in various deepwater environments (>500 m) of the Hellenic Arc-Trench system. Near-bed currents were able to resuspend essentially flat beds covered by very fine sediments (>8.5 J) only when current speeds exceeded 11 cm s-1. At lower speeds, the initiation of resuspension of the muddy sediments was related to increased hydraulic bed roughness resulting from biogenic benthic activity. As such, observed near-bed currents make different contributions to the regional sedimentation processes, i.e., at levels which are low in the Gulf of Corinth, moderate in the NW Aegean Sea and Zakynthos Channel, and high in the NE Ionian Sea.  相似文献   

南海北部海底沙波研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
南海北部水深100~250 m的陆架和陆坡斜坡海底分布着大片沙波地貌,本文采用底形相图参数近似计算和泥沙起动流速2种计算方法,结合海底微地貌的实际形态,研究了沙波的沉积特征及其成因机理。研究认为,区内的沙波为现代沉积地貌;控制沙波形成发育的主要水动力因素是潮流与风暴条件下风海流的叠加;区内泥沙颗粒粒径适宜,海底坡度平缓,有利于海底沙波的发育。  相似文献   

基于ROMS三维模型, 模拟了珠江口洪季最大浑浊带的轴、侧向分布和大、小潮变化。模拟结果表明, 珠江口伶仃洋最大浑浊带的轴向位置在22.3°—22.45°N之间, 并随着潮流变化而周期性上下游迁移。控制最大浑浊带形成的主要因素是余流作用下的底层泥沙辐聚, 决定最大浑浊带位置的主要因素是水平对流输沙, 泥沙来源主要是上游浅滩沉积物的再悬浮。小潮期间堆积在浅滩的细颗粒沉积物在大潮期间被悬浮, 搬运到下游的滞流点位置, 在中滩南部和西滩外缘落淤。“潮泵”作用在大潮期间将泥沙向下游输运, 在小潮期间向上游输运; 垂向剪切作用则有利于悬浮泥沙的陆向输运; 二者共同作用产生泥沙辐聚, 形成最大浑浊带。大、小潮期间余流结构差异不大, 主要由密度差和潮汐混合不对称共同导致, 其中前者贡献更大。  相似文献   

Fluid mud accumulation processes in an estuary   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Fluid mud accumulates as pools and blanket deposits greater than 20 cm thick in channels of the James Estuary. It forms mainly in the turbidity maximum zone, a site of high near-bed concentrations (0.5 to 2 g/liter), intensive resuspension, and fast sedimentation (1 to 8 g/cm2/yr). Accumulation is promoted by stratification of interfacial fluid and pore water, by the pseudoplastic behavior of the mud with relatively high viscosity at low shear rates, by the high suspended sediment concentrations, and by resultant rapid-settling flux relative to the consolidation rate in the hindered state.This is Contribution 1211 from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA 23062.  相似文献   

珠江伶仃河口湾及邻近内陆架的纵向环流与物质输运分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据实测资料分析了珠江伶仃河口湾与邻近内陆架在不同径流影响下的水体混合空间状态和季节变化特征。主要由河口湾表、中层冲淡水和内陆架底层上溯的高盐补偿流构成了河口湾和内陆架之间的净环流,在高径流量和西南大风的情况下,环流下移向内陆架扩展增强。计算表明,7月纵断面上的净环流输运是盐分纵向净通量的控制因素,输运方向指向上游,而其余季节则以向海的净平流输运为主。悬沙净通量主要受净平流及潮抽吸输运控制,潮抽吸输运强度与大小潮有较密切关系。  相似文献   

ThisstudywassupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChinaundercontractNo.49276274,theZhejiangProvinceNaturalScienceFoundationundercontractNo.490013,theChina-Australiabilateralscienceandtechnologyprogram,theAustralianInstituteofMarineScience,theModellingLaboratoryoftheMarineScienceintheSecondInstituteofOceanographyoftheStateOceanicAdministration.INTRODUCTIONTheJiaojiangEstuaryis1ocatedintheeasterncoastofChina,2OokmfromthesouthoftheChangjiangRiver(YangtzeRiver),linkedin…  相似文献   

A section of the continental rise of northeastern South America northeast of the Orinoco delta contains physiographic features built by the interaction of southward-flowing North Atlantic Deep Water and turbidity currents generated in the Orinoco region during the last Pleistocene glacials. A sedimentary outer ridge of low relief (Demerara Outer Ridge) trends northeast along the rise and a field of westward-migrating sediment waves trending north-northwest is superimposed on the outer ridge. The sediment waves have a maximum amplitude and wavelength of 20 m and 4 km, respectively. Seismic profiler records indicate that the outer ridge was probably built during the Pleistocene. A major turbidity-current pathway adjacent to the outer ridge on the north supplied sediment to the southward-flowing North Atlantic Deep Water which then deposited this sediment down-stream on the outer ridge and formed the sediment waves. Piston cores from the outer ridge contain numerous silt—sand beds and appear to be contourites. The cores consist primarily of gray hemipelagic clay of a Late Wisconsin age and have high (>10 cm1000 yrs) sedimentation rates. In contrast, cores from the continental rise north of the turbidite channel are brown clays with relatively low sedimentation rates (3.0 cm1000 yrs) and do not contain silt—sand contourites.  相似文献   

Water tank experiments were performed in order to investigate the behaviour of currents in pockmarks. A particle-seeded flow was visualised and quantified with the aid of the particle tracking velocimetry technique. The employed analogue pockmark is a 1:100 idealised scale model of a natural pockmark, while the highest Reynolds number in the experiments was one order of magnitude smaller than in nature. Interaction of the flow with the pockmark geometry resulted in an upwelling current downstream of the pockmark centre, along with enhanced water turbulence in the depression. Scaling-up the experimental measurements, it is found that the upwelling would be capable of preventing the settling of particles as large as very fine sand. Furthermore, the increased turbulence would support the suspended fine material, which can thus be transported away before settling. The net effect for a variable-direction near-bed current over long periods of time would be to winnow the settling sediments and reduce the sedimentation rate in pockmarks. These mechanisms may be responsible for the observed lack of sediment infill and the typical presence of relatively coarser sediments inside pockmarks compared to the surrounding bed. In contrast, sediments transported as bedload are likely to be deposited in pockmarks because of the weakening of near-bed currents as well as lateral flow convergence associated with the upwelling. Bedload, however, may not be the dominant mode of sediment transport in areas covered by cohesive sediments, where pockmarks are found.  相似文献   

A simple technique for studying near-bed hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics is presented. The method combines the use of (1) a benthic tripod hosting a series of electromagnetic current meters, and (2) a newly developed near-bed multi-level water-sediment mixture sampler. The instrument package was deployed successfully at a shallow water station in the eastern English Channel. The currents at elevation 0.9 m above the bottom were asymmetrical, the flood current peak being slightly stronger than the ebb current peak. At elevation 0.3 m above the bottom, the ebb/flood current peak asymmetry vanished. The observed SSCs (suspended sediment concentrations) were tidally modulated, with a contrasting vertical distribution over the ebb and flood phases of the tidal current: the profile was uniform in the ebb phase whereas a stratification appeared in the flood phase. The depth dependence and time evolution of the SSCs are attributable to a combination of local resuspension and advection-dispersion of remotely suspended fine sediment by ebb currents. Suspended sediment fluxes were uniform during the ebb phase and increased with elevation above the bottom during the flood phase.  相似文献   

基于非结构有限体积法海洋模型FVCOM(Finite-Volume Community Ocean Model), 建立了马六甲海峡及其毗邻海域高分辨率水动力数值模型, 研究了风和潮流作用下的余环流结构以及水体输运特征。结果表明, 马六甲海峡航道中央潮流运动以往复流为主, 边缘存在旋转流; 主要研究区域内落潮流速略大于涨潮流速, 东南窄道处流速最大; 因峡道束窄变浅, 在涨落潮过程中潮流发生汇聚与分离; 主要研究区域东南段存在3个显著的潮致余环流; 东北季风驱动时模型响应为海峡海流整体向西北方向流动, 西南季风时反之; 季风期间潮致表层余环流结构被破坏, 但底层余流仍存在水平环流结构, 且随着风速增加, 底层余环流的数目、大小、形状、位置均会产生变化; 季风过渡期余环流结构也会发生部分改变, 尤其是小潮期间风场影响效果显著。  相似文献   

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