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圆斑星鲽连续性鳃细胞系的建立   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为建立圆斑星鲽(Verasper variegatus)鳃细胞系,本文采用胰蛋白酶消化法启动了圆斑星鲽鳃组织的体外培养,并通过对培养液配方和培养条件的优化成功地进行了圆斑星鲽鳃细胞的原代培养和继代培养。结果显示,圆斑星鲽鳃细胞的最适培养液为含有20%胎牛血清(FBS)的DMEM/F-12培养液,培养液最适pH值为7.2,最适培养温度为22℃;通过向20%FBS-DMEM/F-12培养液(pH=7.2)中添加N-乙酰葡萄糖盐酸盐、羧甲基壳寡糖、碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF)及I型胰岛素样生长因子(IGF-I),在22℃成功启动了圆斑星鲽鳃细胞的原代培养,细胞的贴壁、生长和分裂状态良好,为典型的成纤维样细胞形态,30 d即可形成汇合的细胞单层;经连续继代培养后,已成功建立了连续性圆斑星鲽鳃细胞系,现已继代培养至第76代;该细胞系细胞经液氮冻存复苏后仍保持其原有的成纤维样细胞形态,其贴壁生长状态和增殖速度也与冻存前无差异;生长特性鉴定结果显示,第60代圆斑星鲽鳃细胞系细胞的群体倍增时间为43.6 h,表明细胞的生长分裂依然十分旺盛。染色体分析结果显示,圆斑星鲽鳃细胞系细胞虽然出现了染色体的非整倍性,但其特征性染色体数目仍为46条,并具有其典型的二倍体核型特征(46 t),表明所建立的细胞系确为圆斑星鲽鳃细胞系。该细胞系的建立对于病毒与宿主相互作用机理的研究及病毒疫苗的开发具有重要的理论和应用价值。  相似文献   

褐点石斑鱼三种组织细胞系的建立   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为建立褐点石斑鱼鳍、心脏和鳔组织细胞系,本文利用不同培养液和培养温度对褐点石斑鱼鳍、心脏和鳔组织细胞进行了原代培养和传代培养。实验结果显示,在24℃培养于含有羧甲基壳寡糖、碱性成纤维样生长因子、I型胰岛素样生长因子及20%胎牛血清的DMEM/F12培养液(pH=7.2)中的3种细胞,均为成纤维样细胞,其生长分裂状态最佳,可以持续稳定传代。第60代褐点石斑鱼鳍、心脏和鳔细胞的群体倍增时间分别为50.6 h、40.3 h和43.3 h,其特征性染色体数目均为48条。目前鳍、心脏和鳔细胞已分别传至第90代、第70代和第75代,已成功建立了3种细胞的连续性细胞系,为鱼类病毒与宿主细胞相互作用机制等鱼类病毒学基础研究,以及鱼类病毒的分离、鉴定、繁殖及病毒疫苗研制等奠定了基础。  相似文献   

大黄鱼鳍细胞系的建立及久效磷对其毒性作用的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了建市大黄鱼(Pseudosciaena crocea)鳍细胞系,为其细胞毒理学、病毒学与细胞工程等研究奠定基础,本文采用酶消化法使用含有20%胎牛血清(FBS)的DMEM/F12、Leibovitz L-15和DMEM培养液(pH7.2)在22~28℃分别启动了大黄鱼鳍组织的体外培养,通过添加促细胞贴壁和分裂的物质在最适堵养条件下对大黄鱼鳍细胞进行了原代培养和继代培养,并研究了久效磷对大黄鱼细胞系鳍细胞的毒性作用.体外培养结果显示,大黄鱼鳍细胞的最适培养液为20%FBS-DMEM/F12,最适培养温度为25℃,体外培养鳍细胞的形态主要为成纤维细胞样,22 d后便可形成汇合细胞单层,经过连续继代培养成功建立了大黄鱼的连续性鳍细胞系,目前已传至第112代;对第60代大黄鱼鳍细胞系细胞的鉴定结果显示,其群体倍增时间为50.96 h,分裂状态十分旺盛,虽然出现了染色体的非整倍性,但其特征性染色体数目仍为48条,并具有正常的6m+6sm+36t二倍体核型,证明所建立的细胞系确为大黄鱼鳍细胞系.不同浓度久效磷处理的检测结果显示,大黄鱼鳍细胞对久效磷敏感,20~160 μg/mL久效磷可引起鳍细胞乙酰胆碱酯酶活性的持续性显著降低,引起超氧化物歧化酶和谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶活性的显著升高并随着浓度的升高而逐渐降低,久效磷对该细胞系细胞的48 h半抑制浓度(IC50)为43.05 μg/mL,,证实久效磷对大黄鱼鳍细胞具有显著的毒性作用.  相似文献   

为建立来源于锦鲤的细胞系,本文采用组织块法,对来源于锦鲤(Cyprinus carpio)鳍条、吻端、肌肉、心脏、鳔、肠道、卵巢等组织的细胞进行原代培养和传代培养.在25℃下,添加20%胎牛血清、0.2μg/mL表皮生长因子(EGF)和25ng/mL成纤维生长因子(FGF)的L-15培养基中进行培养.结果显示,鳍条、心脏、鳔、吻端、肌肉、肠道、卵巢分别在原代培养第3、6、12、13、15、3、3天,有细胞从组织块迁出;对长至单层的鳍条、心脏、肌肉细胞进行传代培养,鳍条细胞已传至第39代,心脏和肌肉细胞分别传到第2代和第4代;鳍条、心脏和肌肉细胞分别呈现上皮细胞样、上皮细胞样和上皮细胞样与成纤维状混合型.第6代锦鲤鳍细胞的染色体计数,结果显示,细胞染色体数目分布范围为55~154条,2n=100.病毒敏感性实验,发现锦鲤鳍条细胞对草鱼出血病病毒(GCRV)和鲤春病毒血症病毒(SVCV)都敏感,且在24h内出现细胞病变(CPE);但对斑点叉尾鮰病毒(CCV)不敏感.锦鲤鳍条细胞系的建立为后期建立更多的锦鲤细胞系和鱼类病毒研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

宽纹虎鲨软骨细胞体外培养的启动   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
以活体宽纹虎鲨(Heterodortus japonicus)的鳃软骨和鳍软骨组织为材料,利用透明质酸酶(hyaluronidase)、Ⅱ型胶原酶(type Ⅱ collagenase)和胰蛋白酶(trypsin)进行消化获得游离软骨细胞,对所得游离细胞连同软骨组织分别用含20%小牛血清的MEM培养液进行体外培养。对软骨细胞体外培养条件的优化结果显示,宽纹虎鲨鳍软骨细胞体外培养的最适pH为7.2~7.6、最佳温度为24℃,成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF,basic fibroblast growth factor)对软骨细胞作用不显著。培养于pH7.2~7.6的MEM培养液(含20%小牛血清)中的宽纹虎鲨鳍软骨组织,在24℃启动培养3d后便有软骨细胞开始陆续从组织中迁出,新迁出细胞的形态多为圆形,随着培养时间的延长,部分细胞形态逐渐转变成上皮样。  相似文献   

探讨大菱鲆病毒疫苗的研制,以牙鲆鳃细胞(FG细胞)为增殖体系,利用细胞病变效应(CPE)为判断指标,对大菱鲆红体病虹彩病毒(Turbot reddish body iridovirus,TRBIV)的体外最适增殖条件等进行了研究。结果表明,病毒接种量、病毒吸附时间、细胞培养条件对TRBIV的体外增殖均有明显的影响,以0.2 mL病毒液接种FG细胞、吸附2 h、用含10%胎牛血清的MEM培养液于22℃培养时,病毒的增殖速度最快。研究还发现,病毒的收获时间和病毒液冻融次数对所得病毒的感染力均有显著影响,在最佳增殖条件下,病毒在FG细胞中增殖至第4天时进行收获,且只冻融1次,其感染活性最强,反复冻融后病毒的感染活性会显著降低。  相似文献   

利用牙鲆鳃细胞系分离和培养淋巴囊肿病毒   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
本文利用牙鲆鳃细胞系进行了养殖牙鲆淋巴囊肿病毒的分离及培养 ,并通过电镜对培养细胞中淋巴囊肿病毒的形态及感染循环进行了初步研究。将病鱼的淋巴囊肿组织无菌滤液接种牙鲆细胞系 ,细胞出现了明显的细胞病变 ( Cytopathic effect,CPE)。电镜观察在培养细胞的胞质中有病毒的包涵体 ,胞质中散在 6角形、5角形或圆形的病毒粒子 ,大小为 10 0~ 140 nm之间。在感染细胞的线粒体中也存在大量的病毒颗粒。  相似文献   

为了探明姬松茸提取物的体外抗病毒感染活性及其作用方式,进而为水产养殖鱼类高效抗淋巴囊肿病毒(lymphocystis disease virus,LCDV)感染活性物质的开发和鲆蝶类淋巴囊肿病的防治奠定基础,利用热水浸提和酒精沉淀法得到了5种姬松茸提取物组分(E1~5),并利用MTT、细胞病变程度观察等方法研究了5种组分对LCDV感染体外培养大菱鲆鳍细胞(turbot fin cells,TF细胞)的影响作用.细胞毒性实验结果显示,5种组分对体外培养TF细胞均无毒性.细胞病变程度结果表明,本文所得5种姬松茸提取物组分尤其是E5组分具有显著的抗LCDV感染TF细胞的活性.不同方式感染的实验结果进一步显示,5种姬松茸提取物组分抗LCDV感染TF细胞的作用可能主要是通过直接灭活病毒和/或阻断病毒吸附细胞来实现的.  相似文献   

凡纳滨对虾血淋巴、类淋巴细胞培养   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
罗鹏  邱德全 《海洋通报》2005,24(1):27-30
以 ×L-15 培养基为基础,添加不同比例的胎牛血清和对虾肌肉提取液配制成不同的培养液,当 22×L-15培养基、胎牛血清和对虾肌肉提取液的比例分别为 60 %、20 %、20 %时,培养效果较好。培养液 pH 维持在7.0 ~ 7.2时血淋巴和类淋巴细胞生长最好,且类淋巴细胞迁出迅速。绝大部分血淋巴细胞贴壁迅速并伸展成多角样或披针形,一般存活 7 ~ 9 d,少部分呈悬浮状态的血淋巴细胞存活达 60 d 以上。培养中如未及时去除对虾血清,血淋巴细胞迅速衰老并死亡。类淋巴组织细胞 6 d可形成单层,迁出细胞主要有两种形态: 多角样和成纤维样,细胞可存活 16 d以上。  相似文献   

云纹石斑针淋巴囊肿病病变过程的超微研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
张永嘉  郭青 《海洋与湖沼》1997,28(4):406-410
于19891-990年,对海水网箱养殖的云纹石斑鱼自然感染和人工感染的淋巴囊肿病进行电镜观察。观察结果表明,自然感染和人工感染的淋巴囊肿细胞之间并无区别,经们均含有许多包涵体和病毒颗粒;主要描述用患淋巴囊肿病鱼的皮肤结节匀浆对实验鱼 下注射而感染的淋巴囊肿病的超微病理过程,包括病毒颗粒在成纤维细胞胞膜上的附着和成纤维细胞及其内含物的形态变化等过程;此外,病鱼心脏、肝脏、脾脏、肾脏和肠上皮也有不同程  相似文献   

Coastal inundation associated with extreme sea levels is the main factor which leads to the loss of life and property whenever a severe tropical cyclonic storm hits the Indian coasts. The Andhra and Orissa coasts are most vulnerable for coastal inundation due to extreme rise in sea levels associated with tropical cyclones. Loss of life may be minimized if extreme sea levels and associated coastal flooding is predicted well in advance. Keeping this in view, location specific coastal inundation models are developed and applied for the Andhra and Orissa coasts of India. Several numerical experiments are carried out using the data of past severe cyclones that struck these regions. The simulated inland inundation distances are found to be in general agreement with the reported flooding.  相似文献   

In order to assess the impact of deep-sea mining on the in situ benthic life, we measured the microbial standing stock and concentration of organic nutrients in the deep-sea sediments of the Central Indian Ocean Basin in the Indian pioneer area. Sediments were collected using box core and grab samples during September 1996. The total bacterial numbers ranged from 10 10 -10 11 cells per g -1 dry weight sediment. There was a marginal decrease in the number of bacteria from surface to 30 cm depth, though the subsurface section registered a higher number than did the surface. The highest numbers were encountered at depths of 4-8 cm. The retrievable number of bacteria were two orders less in comparison with the direct total counts of bacteria. An almost homogeneous distribution of bacteria, total organic carbon, living biomass, and lipids throughout the depth of cores indicates active microbial and benthic processes in the deep sea sediments. On the other hand, a uniform distribution of total counts of bacteria, carbohydrates, and total organic carbon in all the cores indicates their stable nature and suggests that they can serve as useful parameters for long-term monitoring of the area after the benthic disturbance. Further studies on temporal variability in this region would not only verify the observed norms of distribution of these variables but would also help to understand restabilization processes after the simulated benthic disturbance.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypothesis that the in situ void ratio of surficial marine sediments may be predicted from shear wave velocity-depth data with a reliability equal to that of other methods currently available. Shear wave velocity is fundamentally controlled by the number of grain-to-grain contacts per unit volume of material and by the effective stress across those contacts. In this study, three previously established empirical formulae are used to predict void ratio from velocity-depth data. Field data were acquired along a transect off the northern Californian coast across which water depth increased from 35 to 70 m and seafloor sediment type varied from sand to silty-sand, respectively. A towed seafloor sled device was used to collect shear wave refraction data, and a marked, systematic decrease in velocity was observed along the line, ranging from 35-70 m/s for the coarse, near-shore material to 25-40 m/s for the finer, offshore deposits. Void ratios predicted from these velocities were compared with data measured directly from box-core samples. Of the formulae used for prediction, two agree remarkably well with the control data. Both predicted and control values increase from 0.6-0.8 for the sandy material to 1.1-1.5 for the silty-sand. Thus, this study does not disprove the hypothesis set and demonstrates the potential of field shear wave velocity-depth data as a means of delineating spatial variation in void ratio for surficial marine sediments in a remote, nondestructive manner.  相似文献   

Grain size and water content in box-core sediments from the Clarion-Clipperton fracture zone (C-C zone) in the northeast equatorial Pacific were analyzed in detail to understand the downcore variations across a hiatus between Quaternary and Tertiary layers. Grain-size distributions in the topmost core sediments show two modes: a coarse mode (peaked at 50 μm) and a fine mode (at 2-25 μm). The coarse mode disappears gradually with depth accompanied by the dissolution of siliceous fossil tests, whereas the fine mode coarsens due to the formation of authigenic minerals. Water content increases abruptly across a color boundary between an upper pale brown layer and a lower dark brown layer that is the hiatus between Quaternary and Tertiary layers. Abundant smectites and microvoid molds, which are created by the prolonged fossil dissolution in the underlying sediment, are attributed for the abrupt downcore variation of water content. Overall variations in grain size and water content in the topmost core sediments in the western C-C zone are possibly constrained by the dissolution of biogenic siliceous fossils. Variations in geotechnical properties related to these changes must be considered in the design of nodule collectors.  相似文献   

This article concerns an interrelation between the sea levels and the western boundary flow near a tectonic boundary in a local zone in the Northwestern Pacific. In this zone, sea level variations at stations located on the coast facing the Pacific are studied to find the interrelation between variations of the Kurosio flow as an index of the distance of the flow axis off a specific coast. The result is discussed after data processing of the monthly means of the sea levels, and a notice is taken of variations caused by active crustal upheavals during a seismic event, a local earthquake.  相似文献   

Particulate samples were collected from the Changjiang river system during a flood period, in May 1997, and POC, stable isotope and lipids associated with particles were examined. Results showed the decrease (0.84% ~ 1.88%) of organic carbon content from the upper reaches to the estuary.δ13C values of particulate organic carbon was in the range of -24.9×10-3 to -26.6×10-3, which were close to the isotopic signature of continental C3 vegetation. Total particulate n-alkanes concentrations varied from 1.4 to 10.1μg/dm3,or from 23.7 to 107μg/g of total suspended matter. Fatty acids were present in all the samples, from 1.4 to 5.4μg/dm3, with saturated and unsaturated straight-chain and branched compounds in the carbon number range from C12 to C30. Both δ13C and the ratio of carbon content to nitrogen content indicate the predominance of terrestrial inputs (soil organic matter) among the particles. The biomarker approach has been used to identify the relative portion of terrigenous and autochthonous fraction in the particulate samples. The distribution of fatty acids suggests a striking phytoplanktonic and microbial signal in most particle samples. The terrestrial alkanes are used to estimate the contribution of terrestrial inputs along the mainstream.  相似文献   

Current trends of development of satellite derived bathymetry (SDB) models rely on applying calibration techniques including analytical approaches, neuro-fuzzy systems, regression optimization and others. In most of the cases, the SDB models are calibrated and verified for test sites, that provide favorable conditions for the remote derivation of bathymetry such as high water clarity, homogenous bottom type, low amount of sediment in the water and other factors. In this paper, a novel 3-dimensional geographical weighted regression (3GWR) SDB technique is presented, it binds together methods already presented in other studies, the geographically weighted local regression (GWR) model, with depth dependent inverse optimization. The proposed SDB model was calibrated and verified on a relatively difficult test site of the South Baltic near-shore areas with the use of multispectral observations acquired by a recently launched Sentinel-2 satellite observation system. By conducted experiments, it was shown that the proposed SDB model is capable of obtaining satisfactory results of RMSE ranging from 0.88 to 1.23[m] depending on the observation and can derive bathymetry for depths up to 12m. It was also shown, that the proposed approach may be used operationally, for instance, in the continuous assessment of temporal bathymetry changes, for areas important in the context of ensuring local maritime safety.  相似文献   

As a part of the environmental impact assessment studies, geotechnical properties of sediments were determined in the Central Indian Basin. The undrained shear strength and index properties of the siliceous sediments were determined on 20 box cores of uniform dimension collected from various locations in five preselected sites. The maximum core length encountered was 41 cm and most of the sediments were siliceous oozes consisting of radiolarian or diatomaceous tests. The shear strength measurements revealed that surface sediments deposited in recent times (0-10 cm) have a shear strength of 0-1 kPa; this value increases with depth, reaching 10 kPa at 40 cm deep. Older sediments have greater strength because of compaction. Water content varies in the wide range of 312-577% and decreases with depth. The clay minerals such as smectite and illite are dominant and show some control over water content. Wet density, specific gravity, and porosity do not indicate any notable variation with depth, thereby indicating a uniform, slow rate of sedimentation. The average porosity of sediments is 90.2%, specific gravity 2.18, and wet bulk density 1.12 g/cm 3 . Sediments exhibit medium to high plasticity characteristics, with the average plasticity index varying between 105% and 136%. Preliminary studies on postdisturbance samples showed an increase in natural water content and a decrease in undrained shear strength of sediments in the top 10- to 15-cm layer.  相似文献   

Several major improvements to an existing method for calibrating satellite altimeters using tide gauge data are described. The calibration is in the sense of monitoring and correcting temporal drift in the altimetric time series, which is essential in efforts to use the altimetric data for especially demanding applications. Examples include the determination of the rate of change of global mean sea level and the study of the relatively subtle, but climatically important, decadal variations in basin scale sea levels. The improvements are to the method described by Mitchum (1998a), and the modifications are of two basic types. First, since the method depends on the cancellation of true ocean signals by differencing the altimetric data from the tide gauge sea level time series, improvements are made that produce a more complete removal of the ocean signals that comprise the noise for the altimetric drift estimation problem. Second, a major error source in the tide gauge data, namely land motion, is explicitly addressed and corrections are developed that incorporate space-based geodetic data (continuous GPS and DORIS measurements). The long-term solution, having such geodetic measurements available at all the tide gauges, is not yet a reality, so an interim solution is developed. The improved method is applied to the TOPEX altimetric data. The Side A data (August 1992?February 1999) are found to have a linear drift component of 0.55 + / 0.39 mm/yr, but there is also a significant quadratic component to the drift that is presently unexplained. The TOPEX Side B altimeter is estimated to be biased by 7.0 + / 0.7 mm relative to the Side A altimeter based on an analysis of the first 350 days of Side B data.  相似文献   

Extreme sea levels associated with severe cyclonic storms are common occurrences along the east coast of India. The coastal districts of Orissa have experienced major surges in the past. The recent Paradip super cyclone is one of the most severe cyclones, causing extensive damage to property and loss of lives. Extreme sea levels are major causes for coastal flooding in this region. Damages can be minimized if the extreme sea levels are forecast well in advance. In the present study, we develop a location specific, fine resolution model for the Orissa coast on the lines similar to that of IIT-D storm surge model (Dube et al. 1994). The model runs on a personal computer. The bathymetry for the model is extracted from very fine resolution naval hydrographic charts for the region extending from the south of Orissa to south of West Bengal. A simple drying scheme has also been included in the model in order to avoid the exposure of land near the coast due to strong negative sea surface elevations. An attempt was made in this study to simulate extreme sea levels along the Orissa coast using the data of past severe cyclones. The model results reported in the present study are in good agreement with available observations or estimates.  相似文献   

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