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海底管道开沟机械的技术经济性能评定与选型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对水下管道开沟机械的需求市场、实际应用和研制开发动向作深入调研的基础上,选择水下管道开沟机械特有的技术先进性、适用性、安全可靠性以及经济性评价指标,构造评价模型,对水下管道施工作业中广为应用的水力冲射开沟机械、海底管道犁、机械开沟机和土壤液化法埋管设备及其机型的技术经济性能作了较为详尽地分析对比及综合评价。在此基础上,笔者提出了水下管道开沟机械的一般选型原则和对我国海底管道开沟机械研究开发工  相似文献   

水下管道穿越一段淤泥覆盖层很厚的区域,需在松软土壤上建造管道基础。用土工织物加固土壤是一种新型管道基础施工技术,在淤泥与砾石之间铺放土工织物,能起到加固软土、提高管道稳定性的效果。本文论述了土工织物加固软土基础的工作机理,通过有关计算及试验证明:土工织物具有提高土壤承载强度、减小沉降量的工程效果。针对水下管道基础的特殊形式,提出了其结构的设计要素,诸如:土工织物的选择、基础宽度和高度的确定等,并介绍了几种土工织物的水下施工方法和施工中应注意的关键环节。最后,通过某一水下管道工程用土工织物和桩两种基础处理形式的比较和技术经济评价,认为:土工织物处理水下管道基础具有费用低廉、施工简单的优点。  相似文献   

该文研究水下横向输液管道的动力特性 ,假定管道系统承受外界均匀流的作用 ,同时考虑管内流体流动的影响 ,建立了水下输液管道侧向振动的微分方程。采用 Hermite插值函数和Galerkin法离散得到其有限元标准形式。研究管内流动为恒定流时输液管道长度、内部流体流动速度对管道动力特性的影响及管内流动含有谐波挠动的情况下输液管道固有频率的变化。结果表明 ,在管内恒定流动的情况下 ,输液的自振频率随管道长度及管内流速的增加而降低 ,同时管内流动的谐波挠动对管道的自振频率也有影响。  相似文献   

海底管道气体扩散到自由表面的半径及泉涌高度是进行水下气体泄漏风险分析的关键因素。利用FLUENT软件中的VOF模型和DPM模型耦合方式,对海底管道气体竖向扩散进行了仿真。模拟了水气两相交界面的行为,研究了气泡粒子扩散过程,分析了气泡粒子的扩散半径及轴向位移,讨论了不同泄漏速率对水下气体上升时间及水气两相交界面中泉涌高度的影响。通过模型中的水气两相交界面中泉涌高度和上升时间与实验结果的比较,验证了模型在一定条件下的正确性。  相似文献   

序号论文称作者单水面加压舱技术条件(部标)编制说明COEsS一1041水下氧—弧割条研制总结水下照明灯具光学特性初探关于水下安全用电的一些探讨高压氧舱防爆风机的设计深水高压试验筒及其在水下工程中的应用提高潜水器耐压圆柱壳总稳定性的有效方法2000米深海环境模拟舱的温度控制探讨深潜加压舱的除湿及空气净化鹭江海峡的水文气象对过海管道施工的影响厦鼓过海管道施工工艺与方法厦鼓过海管道工程水下爆破技术厦门一鼓浪屿过海自来水管道工程概况水面减压法在厦鼓工程中的应用厦鼓工程的施工管理厦鼓工程中减压病四例诊治体会“厦鼓”过…  相似文献   

文章利用FLUENT软件中的欧拉模型,对海底管道油气两相泄漏进行仿真,分别模拟没有气体扩散及有气体扩散的情况,考虑了气泡尺寸、海流、泄漏率及油的种类等因素对油气运动形态的影响,采用灵敏度理论,计算出油在水下漂移距离及到达水面的时间的灵敏度。计算结果表明,泄漏率对油到达水面的时间的灵敏性最高,海流对油在水下漂移距离的灵敏性最高。该灵敏度分析结果可为管道泄漏应急决策提供理论依据。  相似文献   

随着海底油气管道的铺设规模越来越大,为防止管道油气泄漏而导致人员伤亡和财产损失,海底管道的日常巡检尤为重要。提出一种基于多波束点云的海底管道检测与三维重建算法,利用高频多波束声纳对水下管道进行成像,对声纳图像采用经典边缘检测算法检测管道边缘,得到相应的点云数据,将点云数据拼接成一组完整的空间点云集合,对点云集合进行三维重建。通过水池试验结果证明,提出的算法流程能够有效地实现水下管道的检测与三维重建,具有较好的工程应用前景。  相似文献   

水下开沟机是海底管道、电(光)缆铺设施工中的重要作业装备,而水下监测技术和装置则是水下开沟机必不可少的重要组成部分。本文介绍水下施工作业对开沟机的监测要求着手,分析水下开沟机的基本监测方法与设备,探讨水下开沟机监测装置的配置原则,并结合对国外水下开沟机监测技术的发展应用回顾和评价,总结了我国目前在水下开沟机监测技术和装备研究开发方面的主要成果,以及在工程实践中的应用尝试与体会。  相似文献   

水下村庄红海苏丹港外有一个水下村庄,该村庄建在水下14米处,建筑物顶部呈锥形,以便分散海水压力;房间布局呈放射状。空气、淡水分别用特殊管道输送,人员也通过专用通道往来。水下旅馆在美国佛罗里达州的一个珊瑚礁海底,修建了一座水下旅馆,称为“凡尔纳”。其形状就如一辆巨大的露营汽车,里而现代化设施十分齐全。  相似文献   

埕岛油田位于废弃的黄河水下三角洲前缘,海底地形变化较快,该区域的海底管道悬空现象比较严重。本研究介绍了海底管道悬空的治理措施和检测方法,提出了海底管道悬空治理效果的三种检测方案,并以埕岛油田某输油管道一端的悬空治理效果的检测为例,说明了防冲刷仿生海草防护技术对海底悬空管道有一定的治理效果。  相似文献   

The dynamics of first-aid calls in Gorno-Altaisk from 2002 to 2003 and its changes in relation to the Chuisk severe earthquake (September 27, 2003) are analyzed. The correlation of the number of diseases with variations in solar and geomagnetic activities, effective temperature, and atmospheric pressure are considered.  相似文献   

《Journal of Sea Research》1999,41(1-2):149-161
Nacella concinna is the most conspicuous macroinvertebrate in the intertidal of King George Island. An important predator, the Kelp gull Larus dominicanus, feeds on Nacella during spring low tides. The gulls deposit empty Nacella shells as regurgitates mainly on roosts on coastal rocks. The regurgitates were found to consist of 40% shell fragments by weight and 60% intact shells. Faeces of Kelp gulls contained much smaller fragments than the regurgitates. Some of the Nacella, particularly those too large to ingest, are handled in the intertidal. The middens are, therefore, inadequate to study size selection by Kelp gulls: the largest Nacella are underrepresented. Seventy-five per cent of the intact Nacella shells from the Larus middens showed one or more shell repairs. Such repairs may be due to unsuccessful attacks by gulls, but more probably they indicate damage caused by rolling ice blocks and stones in the intertidal and shallow subtidal. A number of living Nacella were found stranded on the beach, detached from the rocks. They showed damage along the shell margin and even one Nacella was collected without any shell left. The observed repair frequency of 75% in Nacella was much higher than in other (smaller) intertidal gastropods at Potter Peninsula (3–11%, av. 8%). Comparably high frequencies are observed for instance in tropical intertidal gastropods, where repair is due to heavy unsuccessful crab predation; however, shell-crushing crabs are absent on King George Island. This indicates that palaeontologists should be cautious in ascribing all shell repairs in fossil shells (particularly from tidal environments) to predators. Shell repair in the related Nacella deaurata, collected in a less exposed site at Port Stanley (Falkland Islands), occurred only in 13% of the specimens. Another conspicuous form of shell damage was due to grazing by Nacella on the boring algae living in other Nacella shells. Epigrowth of crustose calcareous algae inhibited such grazing, but in the absence of epigrowth deep hollows were scraped in the shells, the parallel scratches by the radula clearly visible, urging Nacella to repair its shell by producing more shelly material on the inside.  相似文献   

Hurricane Katrina created the one of the worst natural disaster in the history of the United States, resulting in over 1600 fatalities and $30B in direct economic losses in southern Louisiana. The Louisiana and Mississippi coastlines experienced the highest surge level recorded in North America and Katrina-generated waves in the Gulf of Mexico that equaled the highest previously measured by NOAA buoys. What happened in New Orleans epitomizes the risk of living below sea level in a coastal city, depending on structures that were the result of considerable compromise and piecemeal funding and construction. The Interagency Performance Evaluation Task Force was established to examine the performance of the New Orleans and southeast Louisiana hurricane protection system and provide real-time input to the repairs and rebuilding of the system. In addition to this atypical just-in-time forensic analysis, the task force examined the risk of living in New Orleans prior to and following the repairs to the hurricane protection system. Much of the forensic analysis depended on modeling and simulation of hurricane surge and waves. With virtually all measurement instruments swept away by Katrina, only models and high-water marks were available to recreate the conditions that the structures experienced during the storm. Because of the complexities of the region and the processes involved, simulation of hurricane surge and waves required many fresh ideas and new approaches and these topics, along with new concepts for future planning and design, are the focus of this special issue. Yet, the need to influence the repair and rebuilding of the damaged structures prior to the next hurricane season (roughly 9 months) dictated using existing computational tools that were ready to go. The same modeling and simulation approach was put to work to define the surge and wave hazard New Orleans faces for the future. To put this important body of work in context, this paper provides a broad overview of the entire scope of work of the task force and summarizes its principal findings.  相似文献   

在海底输油管道修复过程中,为将原油对海洋的污染程度降到最低,保证修复作业的安全和顺利进行,开发应用胍胶隔离技术进行管道油水置换隔离。通过现场调研、实验室配方筛选、理论计算与分析,确定了胍胶隔离技术方案,并在现场顺利实施。结果表明该技术在修复海底管道时可有效地将原油泄露对环境的污染降到最小程度,胍胶段塞在海底管道中的隔离作用是稳定的。  相似文献   

Operational activities in the ocean like planning for structural repairs or fishing expeditions require real time prediction of waves over typical time duration of say a few hours. Such predictions can be made by using a numerical model or a time series model employing continuously recorded waves. This paper presents another option to do so and it is based on a different time series approach in which the input is in the form of preceding wind speed and wind direction observations. This would be useful for those stations where the costly wave buoys are not deployed and instead only meteorological buoys measuring wind are moored. The technique employs alternative artificial intelligence approaches of an artificial neural network (ANN), genetic programming (GP) and model tree (MT) to carry out the time series modeling of wind to obtain waves. Wind observations at four offshore sites along the east coast of India were used. For calibration purpose the wave data was generated using a numerical model. The predicted waves obtained using the proposed time series models when compared with the numerically generated waves showed good resemblance in terms of the selected error criteria. Large differences across the chosen techniques of ANN, GP, MT were not noticed. Wave hindcasting at the same time step and the predictions over shorter lead times were better than the predictions over longer lead times. The proposed method is a cost effective and convenient option when a site-specific information is desired.  相似文献   

Acoustic data collected on the R/V Cory Chouest in February and March 1996 during an active operation of the U.S. Navy's surveillance-towed-array-sensor-system low-frequency-active (LFA) sonar were analyzed for blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) and fin whale (B. physalus) sounds. Operational monitoring and mitigation protocols were implemented throughout the exercise to reduce the chances of an acoustic impact on marine mammals and sea turtles. The operational schedule did not include intentional "control" periods without transmissions but did include periods when the LFA sonar was not operating for other reasons (e.g., repairs). There were insufficient detections of blue whales for further analysis. Fin whale acoustic detection probabilities were calculated from the postprocessed data. A local-linear-regression analysis was used to compare fin whale detection probabilities from 2065 11-min intervals under conditions when the LFA sonar was and was not transmitting. There was an indication of a slightly higher probability of detecting fin whale sounds during periods when there were no LFA transmissions than during periods with transmissions. This may be the result of the following: 1) Reduced vocal activity by whales in response to LFA transmissions; 2) the effect of the mitigation protocols; or 3) some combination of 1) and 2). The data presently available do not allow one to distinguish definitively between these explanations, mainly because there were not enough data recorded for periods without LFA transmissions.  相似文献   

刘晨临  王秀良  林学政 《海洋学报》2020,42(10):110-120
南极红藻具有重要的生态学功能和开发利用价值。南极极端环境赋予了其独特的生理耐受机制,也是发现新基因和代谢途径的理想材料。我们测序分析了南极产胶红藻Iridaea cordata (Turner) Bory和Curdiea racovitzae Hariot的转录组序列,并与其常温近缘种进行了比较,同时挖掘了其与光限制和强紫外线辐射等光环境适应相关的基因。I. cordata和C. racovitzae的转录组序列分别拼接成了14055条和12006条非冗余基因,平均长度分别为1473 bp和1448 bp。在I. cordata转录组中发现多条与绿藻基因同源的捕光复合物LHC基因Lhca2、Lhca6和Lhcb,并且在两种南极红藻中都各发现了1条编码结合岩藻黄质和Chl a/c蛋白的Lhcf基因,目前尚未在其他红藻中发现这类基因。光裂解酶修复紫外线诱导DNA损伤,在I. cordata的转录组序列中发现了6?4光裂解酶,光裂解酶CPD I和CPD II基因,而C. racovitzae转录组序列中仅找到了光裂解酶CPD II基因。尽管南极红藻中这些特有基因的功能有待进一步的验证,但是本文为后续研究红藻的南极极端光环境适应机制提供了方向。  相似文献   

海月水母的生物学特征及其爆发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了海月水母的形态、生活习性、生活史、分布、生存条件、爆发及危害等基本情况,并分析了其爆发成因,最后提出了我国海月水母及其爆发研究的工作重点:确认在我国海域爆发的海月水母究竟是外来种还是本地种,了解其种群的生活史、食性及生活习性,掌握其种群数量动态变化规律并进行数量动态监测,分析其种群数量动态与海域环境的关系,开展其爆发的危害评价工作。  相似文献   

0505号台风"海棠"特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姚圣康  王华 《海洋预报》2006,23(Z1):115-120
通过对0505号“海棠”台风的高空背景场及云图的分析,揭示了台风“海棠”的特征。台风“海棠”具有移速稳定、路径怪异、雨量强,范围大、破坏力强及两次登陆的特点。副高、台湾岛的地形对“海棠”台风移动路径和强度变化有重要影响。  相似文献   

选择两性生殖品系(我国山西运城两性生殖品系)的雌体卤虫与孤雌生殖品系(天津塘沽品系)的雄体卤虫,于实验室内获得杂交品系,并对此杂交品系和其亲本品系进行生化特性的比较分析。①同工酶分析的结果表明:杂交F1代雌、雄个体和双亲品系雌、雄个体间的过氧化物酶表现基本相同;F1代的葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶表现出双亲间的过渡状态;F1代的肌浆蛋白酶带的数量、活性都高于亲本。②进一步对杂交F1代、山西运城两性生殖品系的氨基酸种类和含量做了比较分析,结果表明:杂交品系的氨基酸总含量明显高于其亲本,且含有单一亲本所不具有的氨基酸(如胱氨酸)组成。本实验结果显示,通过杂交手段可显著提高卤虫遗传变异水平,并且是选择高卤虫营养品系的手段之一。  相似文献   

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