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地下水开采引发的土体变形对污染物迁移具有重要影响。结合地下水渗流理论、太沙基一维固结理论和溶质运移对流-弥散理论,建立了变形土体中污染物迁移三维耦合数值模型,考虑了孔隙度、渗透系数和水动力弥散系数随有效应力的动态变化。通过对实际案例进行模拟,分析了地下水开采引发的土体变形对污染物迁移规律的影响。结果表明,地下水位下降,土体有效应力增加,土体骨架压缩变形,使得孔隙度、渗透系数减小,导致水动力弥散系数增幅减小,从而延缓了污染物迁移的对流扩散过程。  相似文献   

基于分段线性方法,建立了饱和软土一维自重固结模型(简称SWC模型)。该模型能考虑自重固结过程中土体的大变形效应和材料参数的非线性变化。将该模型的计算结果与相关解析解、现场试验及室内试验结果进行了对比验证,证明了SWC模型能准确计算出大变形和非线性条件下饱和软土的自重固结过程,包括沉降量、平均固结度、孔隙比分布和超孔隙水压力分布等参数随时间的变化过程。随后,以现场试验为基础,采用SWC模型对饱和软土自重固结的4个主要影响因素(即土体初始高度、边界排水条件、初始孔隙比和土粒相对密度)进行了参数分析。结果表明,上述4个参数对软土自重固结过程均具有重要影响:土体初始高度越高,则自重固结沉降量和最终平均应变值越大;边界排水条件对土体自重固结的速度有重要影响,但不影响自重固结的最终沉降量;初始孔隙比越大,则自重固结沉降量越大,其完成自重固结所需时间越短;土粒相对密度越大,则土体的最终沉降量越大,完成自重固结所需时间越短。  相似文献   

基于分段线性方法,本文建立了饱和软土一维自重固结模型(简称SWC模型)。该模型能考虑自重固结过程中土体的大变形效应和材料参数的非线性变化。将该模型的计算结果与相关解析解、现场试验及室内试验结果进行了对比验证,证明了SWC模型能准确计算出大变形和非线性条件下饱和软土的自重固结过程,包括沉降量、平均固结度、孔隙比分布和超孔隙水压力分布等参数随时间的变化过程。随后,以现场试验为基础,本文采用SWC模型对饱和软土自重固结的四个主要影响因素(即土体初始高度,边界排水条件,初始孔隙比和土粒比重)进行了参数分析。结果表明,上述四个参数对软土自重固结过程均具有重要影响:土体初始高度越高,则自重固结沉降量和最终平均应变值越大;边界排水条件对土体自重固结的速度有重要影响,但不影响自重固结的最终沉降量;初始孔隙比越大,则自重固结沉降量越大,其完成自重固结所需时间越短;土粒比重越大,则土体的最终沉降量越大,完成自重固结所需时间越短。  相似文献   

基于分段线性方法,本文建立了饱和软土一维自重固结模型(简称SWC模型)。该模型能考虑自重固结过程中土体的大变形效应和材料参数的非线性变化。将该模型的计算结果与相关解析解、现场试验及室内试验结果进行了对比验证,证明了SWC模型能准确计算出大变形和非线性条件下饱和软土的自重固结过程,包括沉降量、平均固结度、孔隙比分布和超孔隙水压力分布等参数随时间的变化过程。随后,以现场试验为基础,本文采用SWC模型对饱和软土自重固结的四个主要影响因素(即土体初始高度,边界排水条件,初始孔隙比和土粒比重)进行了参数分析。结果表明,上述四个参数对软土自重固结过程均具有重要影响:土体初始高度越高,则自重固结沉降量和最终平均应变值越大;边界排水条件对土体自重固结的速度有重要影响,但不影响自重固结的最终沉降量;初始孔隙比越大,则自重固结沉降量越大,其完成自重固结所需时间越短;土粒比重越大,则土体的最终沉降量越大,完成自重固结所需时间越短。  相似文献   

王志良  刘铭  谢建斌  申林方 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z1):127-133
将隧道周围土体视为均质连续各向同性的饱和弹性介质,采用保角变换的方法将含有隧道的半无限平面映射为同心圆环计算域。根据Terzaghi-Rendulic二维固结理论,建立隧道在不透水的情况下周围土体超孔隙水压力分布的控制方程。然后,采用分离变量法计算得到土体超孔隙水压力分布的解析解,最后,根据弹性理论计算得出隧道中线上方地表固结沉降的计算公式。结合算例,分析盾构施工扰动程度、土体渗透系数、土体弹性模量及隧道埋深等因素对隧道中心上方地表处固结沉降的影响。研究结果表明,地表固结沉降的增加值与隧道外侧初始超孔隙水压力值C0的变化量成正比例关系,施工扰动程度越大所引起的固结沉降越大;土体的渗透系数越大固结沉降速度越快,但土体的渗透系数与最终的地表固结沉降量无关;土体的弹性模量越大,最终的地表固结沉降量越小;隧道埋深越深,地表固结沉降所需时间越长,最终的地表固结沉降量也越大。  相似文献   

假定土体在固结过程中压缩性和渗透性的变化成正比,基于 - 及 - 关系,推导出饱和软土成层地基一维非线性固结解析解,分别给出了按沉降定义和按有效应力定义的每层土平均固结度及整个土层总固结度的计算公式。采用Fortran语言编制了相应的计算程序,将计算得到的结果与已有双层地基一维非线性固结解析解计算结果进行比较,验证该解析解的正确性。利用该程序分析成层地基一维非线性固结性状,分别讨论了初始竖向渗透系数、初始体积压缩系数、荷载值及土层厚度对地基固结性状的影响。分析结果表明:在成层地基一维非线性固结过程中,初始竖向渗透系数对超静孔压的影响较为复杂,对上下层地基固结速率影响不同;初始体积压缩系数增大,超静孔压增大,固结速率变小;所加荷载值越大,超静孔压消散越慢,固结发展越慢;超静孔压消散速率不仅取决于土层厚度,同时取决于各层土渗透性的相对大小。  相似文献   

江文豪  李江山  黄啸  程鑫  万勇 《岩土力学》2022,43(10):2744-2756
温度的变化会导致土体的物理力学性质改变,且在一些实际工程中,饱和黏土会处于非等温分布状态。为此,针对非等温分布条件下饱和黏土的一维固结问题,考虑了更具普遍性的半透水边界,通过某些假定推导了单级线性加荷形式下饱和黏土一维固结控制方程,并利用分离变量法求解得到了控制方程的解析解。通过将所提解析解分别与已有解析解和有限差分解展开对比分析,验证了所提解答的正确性。基于所提解析解,利用某一算例分析了温度梯度、半透水边界参数及加荷时间对固结性状的影响。结果表明:温度梯度 M 越大,土体的渗透性越大,土体的固结速率越快;半透水边界参数 R1和 R2越大,相同时间内土体的超孔隙水压力越小,土体的平均固结度越大;土体的平均固结度随加荷时间 tc 的增大而减小,这主要是由于加荷阶段所施加的外荷载小于最终荷载,但加荷时间tc的延长可一定程度减小土体中产生的最大超孔隙水压力。  相似文献   

许波  雷国辉  郑强  刘加才 《岩土力学》2014,35(6):1607-1616
为评估涂抹区土体压缩和渗透系数变化对含竖向排水体地基固结的影响,采用等体积应变假设,考虑涂抹区土体的压缩变形及其水平向渗透系数沿径向分别呈线性和抛物线分布,并考虑井阻作用以及地基附加球应力沿深度任意分布,推导了随时间线性堆载预压条件下固结微分方程的显式解析解答,分析了涂抹区半径、水平向渗透系数的分布模式、以及体积压缩系数对地基整体平均固结度的影响。结果表明,涂抹区土体采用均匀折减的水平向渗透系数明显低估了地基的固结速率,而当涂抹区半径较大时,不考虑涂抹区土体的压缩变形将会高估地基的固结速率。在含竖向排水体地基固结问题的分析中,这些影响不可忽视。  相似文献   

龚文惠  赵旭东  邱金伟  李逸  杨晗 《岩土力学》2019,40(6):2099-2107
饱和软土的自重固结涉及许多复杂的非线性问题,而现有分析方法一般基于线性假设,将固结控制方程简化,在沉降变形较大的情况下并不合理。基于Gibson大变形固结方程,推导在单面排水和双面排水条件下的边界条件,综合考虑饱和软土的自重特性与非线性压缩、渗透关系,采用稳定性较好的Crank-Nicolson型差分格式离散并求解非线性控制方程,并从孔隙比、沉降、孔隙水流速3个方面将数值解与CS2固结数值模型进行对比验证。结合工程实例,研究土层不同初始厚度和初始孔隙比对自重固结的影响。结果表明:初始厚度与初始孔隙比较大土层最终沉降也较大。与传统方法相比,该方法所得出的数值解精度较高,实现了高度非线性固结方程的快速求解,其成果更能广泛运用于实际工程的分析之中。  相似文献   

谢康和  余坤  童磊  王坤 《岩土力学》2011,32(10):2944-2950
针对现有竖向排水井地基固结解析理论对影响区一律采用圆形等效假定的缺陷,研究了影响区真实形状为正六边形的按梅花形布置的竖向排水井地基的固结问题。通过建立新固结方程和引入新的边界条件,并考虑土体水平渗透系数变化,得到了相应的解析解。对于土体水平渗透系数的3种变化模式,分别给出了各种模式下的特殊解。在此基础上,分析了3种模式下3个主要的无量纲参数对地基固结性状的影响,并比较了计算结果和现有理论结果。分析结果表明,影响区和涂抹扰动区范围越大,固结越慢;土体的最大与最小水平渗透系数之比越小,固结越快;在相同条件下,考虑扰动区渗透系数线性变化的模式2固结最快,而假定扰动区渗透系数不变的模式1的解与现有理论解相当接近,验证了现有竖向排水井地基固结解析理论中对影响区采用圆形等效假定的合理性  相似文献   

In order to avoid the pollution of trace metals in marine environment, it is necessary to establish the data and understand the mechanisms influencing the distribution of trace metals in marine environment. The concentration of heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Co and Cd) were studied in sediments of Ennore shelf, to understand the metal contamination due to heavily industrialized area of Ennore, south-east coast of India. Concentration of metals shows significant variability and range from 1.7 to 3.7% for Fe, 284–460 μg g−1 for Mn, 148.6–243.2 μg g−1 for Cr, 385–657 μg g−1 for Cu, 19.8–53.4 μg g−1 for Ni, 5.8–11.8 μg g−1 for Co, 24.9–40 μg g−1 for Pb, 71.3–201 μg g−1 for Zn and 4.6–7.5 μg g−1 for Cd. For various metals the contamination factor (CF) and geoaccumulation index (I geo) has been calculated to assess the degree of pollution in sediments. The geoaccumulation index shows that Cd, Cr and Cu moderately to extremely pollute the sediments. This study shows that the major sources of metal contamination in the Ennore shelf are land-based anthropogenic ones, such as discharge of industrial wastewater, municipal sewage and run-off through the Ennore estuary. The intermetallic relationship revealed the identical behavior of metals during its transport in the marine environment.  相似文献   

Isothermal thermogravimetric experiments have been carried out to determine the reaction kinetics of the dehydration processes in fuller's earth, a natural Ca-montmorillonite. Dehydration in swelling clays is a complex reaction, and analysis of the thermogravimetric data using empirical rate equations and time-transformation analysis reveals that the nature of the rate controlling mechanism is dependent upon both the temperature regime of the sample as well as the extent of reaction. For fuller's earth, we find that the dehydration kinetics are dominated by a nucleation and growth mechanism at low temperatures and fractions transformed (stage I), but above 90 °C the last stages of the reaction are diffusion controlled (stage II). The activation energy for dehydration during stage I is around 35 kJ · mol−1, whereas the removal of water during stage II requires an activation energy of around 50 kJ · mol−1. These two stages of dehydration are associated with primary collapse of the interlayer (stage I) and movement of water that is hydrated to cations within the interlayer (stage II). Received: 28 August 1998 / Revised, accepted: 27 January 1999  相似文献   

The lithostratigraphy, depositional environment and age of the Marwar Supergroup have been reviewed in the light of report of δ13C depletion recorded in the carbonates of the Bilara Group (middle part of Marwar Supergroup) and discovery of trilobite-like trace fossils from the ·Red bedsŽ of Nagaur Group (upper part of Marwar Supergroup). The δ13C depletion observed in Bilara carbonates is not a result of glaciation rather due to rapid burial and poor water circulation in the low energy water of the protected basin. Secondly, the trace fossils are, in fact, traces of notostracan crustaceans found in shallow fluvial and shallow lacustrine environment. The present paper also records a spiral, burrowing trace-fossil, possibly Gyrolithes, from a cross-bedded sandstone of the Jodhpur Group.  相似文献   

 Ca-chloride waters are defined as those in which Q=rCa/r(SO4+HCO3)>1, rNa/rCl<0.80, rMg/rCa<0.5 and wCl/wBr<286 (r=meq l–1 and w=mg l–1). Throughout the last 50 years, different models for the formation of such waters have been suggested. These models include: (1) filtration through semipermeable membranes under conditions of highly compacted argillaceous sediments, (2) deaquation of seawater by evaporation and/or by freezing followed by dolomitization, (3) hydrolysis of plagioclase and biotites in igneous metamorphic rock masses, (4) radiolytic modification of residual metamorphic fluids, and (5) dissolution of chalks followed by ion exchange on smectites. The better understanding of processes and of natural environments leading to the evolution and natural occurrence of such brines, is imperative for the prospection and further sustained exploitation of such waters. Received: 11 October 1996 · Accepted: 24 February 1997  相似文献   

In situ X-ray diffraction measurements of Fe- and Al-bearing MgSiO3-rich perovskite (FeAl-Pv), which was synthesized from a natural orthopyroxene, were performed at pressures of 19–32 GPa and temperatures of 300–1,500 K using a combination of a Kawai-type apparatus with eight sintered-diamond anvils and synchrotron radiation. Two runs were performed using a high-pressure cell with two sample chambers, and both MgSiO3 perovskite (Mg-Pv) and FeAl-Pv were synthesized simultaneously in the same cell. Thus we were able to measure specific volumes (V/V 0) of Mg-Pv and FeAl-Pv at the same P−T conditions. At all the measurement conditions, values of the specific volume of FeAl-Pv are consistent with those of Mg-Pv within 2 Standard Deviation, strongly suggesting that effect of incorporation of iron and aluminum on the thermoelastic properties of magnesium silicate perovskite is undetectable in this composition, pressure, and temperature range. Two additional runs were performed using a high-pressure cell that has one sample chamber and unit-cell volumes of FeAl-Pv were measured at pressures and temperatures up to 32 GPa and 1,500 K, respectively. All the unit-cell volume data of FeAl-Pv perovskite were fitted to the high temperature Birch–Murnaghan equation of state and a complete set of thermoelastic parameters of this perovskite was determined with an assumption of K′ 300,0 = 4. The determined parameters are K 300,0 = 243(3) GPa, (∂K T,0/∂T) P = −0.030(8) GPa/K, a 0 = 2.78(18) × 10−5 K−1, and b 0 = 0.88(28) × 10−8 K−2, where a 0 and b 0 are the coefficients of the following expression describing the zero-pressure thermal expansion: α T,0 = a 0 + b 0 T. The equation-of-state parameters of FeAl-Pv are in good agreement with those of MgSiO3 perovskite at the conditions corresponding to the uppermost part of the lower mantle.  相似文献   

A pressure-volume-temperature data set has been obtained for lawsonite [CaAl2Si2O7(OH)2.H2O], using synchrotron X-ray diffraction and an externally heated diamond anvil cell. Unit-cell volumes were measured to 9.4 GPa and 767 K by angle dispersive X-ray diffraction using imaging plates. Phase changes were not observed within this pressure-temperature range, and lawsonite compressed almost isotropically at constant temperature. The P-V-T data have been analyzed using a Birch- Murnaghan equation of state and a linear equation of state expressed as β=–1/V0 (∂V/∂P) T . At room temperature, the derived equation of state parameters are: K 0=124.1 (18) GPa K'0 set to 4) and β–1=142.0(24) GPa, respectively. Our results are intermediate between previously reported measurements. The high-temperature data show that the incompressibility of lawsonite decreases with increasing temperature to ∼500 K and then increases above. Hence, the second order temperature derivative of the bulk modulus is taken into account in the equation of state; a fit of the volume data yields K 0=123.9(18) GPa, (∂K/∂T)P=–0.111(3) GPa K–1, (∂2 K/∂T 2)P=0.28(6) 10–3 GPa K–2, α0=3.1(2) 10–5 K–1, assuming K'0=4. Received: 2 June 1998 / Revised, accepted: 12 Ocotber 1998  相似文献   

Although, the Eastern Desert of Egypt forms about 22% of the surface area of the country, the area is undeveloped due to the limited availability of water. The morphologic units of the Eastern Desert consist of a number of drainage basins covering about 147,820 km2 (66.5% of the total surface area of the Eastern Desert). The basins drain the occasional rainwater, either towards the Nile Valley or to the Red Sea, causing flood hazards. The availability of water from the hydrologic systems of these basins could be improved by constructing runoff controlling systems in these areas (e.g. dykes and partially effective dams), which could save and make use of a considerable amount of water. The groundwater resources in the Eastern Desert can be divided into four main water-bearing units: the fractured crystalline Pre-Cambrian aquifer, the Nubian sandstone aquifer, the fractured limestone and sandstone aquifer and the Quaternary aquifer. The most productive aquifer is the Nubian sandstone while the fractured limestone and sandstone (Miocene) are only productive along the eastern part of the desert. The Quaternary aquifer occurs along the major dry washes (wadis) and is considered of limited potential as it is recharged mainly from the occasional rainfall. Detailed assessment of these aquifers should be carried out locally for further development of the area.
Resumen Aunque el Desierto Oriental de Egipto constituye alrededor del 22% de la superficie del país, esta área no se encuentra desarrollada por causa de la escasez de agua. Las unidades morfológicas del Desierto Oriental consisten de un número de cuencas de drenaje que cubren alrededor de 147,820 km2 (66.5% del área superficial total del Desierto Oriental). Estas cuencas drenan las aguas lluvias ocasionales, bien hacia el Valle del Nilo o hacia el Mar Rojo, causando amenazas de inundación. La disponibilidad de agua a partir de los sistemas hidrológicos de estas cuencas, puede ser mejorada al construir sistemas de control de escorrentía allí (Ej. Diques y presas de efectividad parcial), las cuales podrían almacenar y permitir el uso de una cantidad considerable de agua. Los recursos de agua subterránea en el Desierto Oriental, pueden dividirse en cuatro unidades principales portadoras de agua: El acuífero fracturado cristalino Pre – Cámbrico, el acuífero de la Arenisca de Nubia, el acuífero de arenisca y caliza fracturadas y el acuífero Cuaternario. El acuífero más productivo es la arenisca de Nubia, mientras que la arenisca y caliza fracturadas (Mioceno), son productivas únicamente a lo largo de la parte oriental del desierto. El acuífero Cuaternario se encuentra a lo largo de las corrientes intermitentes mayores (Wadis) y se le considera de potencial limitado por ser recargado principalmente a partir de lluvia ocasional. Una evaluación detallada de estos acuíferos debe llevarse a cabo localmente, para el desarrollo adicional de esta área.

Résumé Bien que le Désert Est occupe 22% de la surface de lEgypte, la région est sousdeveloppée à cause de la ressource en eau limitée. Les unités morphologiques consistent en des bassins drainant qui couvrent une surface de 147,820 km2 ,représentant 66.6% de la surface du Désert Est. Les bassins drainent les plues intermittentes vers la vallée du Nil ou vers la Mer Rouge en provocant des inondations. On peut augmenter la ressource en eau dans cette région en réalisant des systèmes de contrôle de ruissellements (des digues...) qui peuvent sauver et utiliser un volume considérable deau. La ressource en eau souterraine du Désert Est est cantonnée dans quatre grandes structures: l› aquifère fracturé cristallin Précambrien, l› aquifère gréseux Nubien, l› aquifère calcaire et gréseux et l› aquifère quaternaire. Le plus productif est l› aquifère gréseux Nubien tendis que les calcaire et les grèses dage miocène sont productives seulement dans la partie est du désert. L› aquifère quaternaire se trouve au long des oueds sèches et on considéré quil a un potentiel limité, étant rechargé seulement par les plues intermittentes. Pour le futur développement de la région il est nécessaire une évaluation détaillée, à léchelle locale de ces aquifères.

We investigate the performance of sample preparation of gold ores using vibratory (bowl, ring and puck type) mills in common use in mineral analytical laboratories. The main criteria for effective grinding are using reduced grinding charge masses ≤ ca. 50% of nominal bowl capacity and using a grinding aid to prevent caking. We show that gold particles of millimetre scale can be comminuted to ≤ 100 µm by grinding in silica flour, bauxite, synthetic carborundum, or mixtures of silica and these materials using times of up to 5 min and that 95% < 50 µm is achievable with extended grinding. This suggests that modified grinding techniques can be used to make sample masses ≤ 5 g viable for routine determination of gold in geological samples. We also demonstrate homogenisation of a gold‐bearing copper sulfide mineral flotation concentrate alone and in mixtures with silica by extended grinding at reduced charge masses. To support this work, we develop a convenient new benchmark of gold ore sample preparation performance ‘G’, an apparent maximum gold particle size interpolated from replicate analytical variance in order to overcome the limitations of laborious sieve fraction analysis of gold particle size. We show useful agreement between G and sieve fraction analysis of gold particle size in samples and test the viability of G experimentally and by analysis of literature data.  相似文献   

On the south-eastern edge of Russia, the chemical composition of rainwater is controlled by sea salts, terrestrial material, as well as volcanic (Kuril islands volcanic area) and anthropogenic emissions, mostly in the southern part of the area. The predominant major ions of the Primorye, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands rainwaters were respectively HCO3–SO42−, Ca–Na, and of Cl–Na. Concentration of trace elements changes within 1–2 orders of magnitude but some difference in the distribution of the elements between continental and island rainwater is found. The concentration of the chemical elements in the particulate fraction varies from < 10% to 90% of the total concentration (dissolved + particulate) with the following distribution: Tl, Na, Ca, Sr, Zn, Cd (< 10%)–Be, Th, Bi, Rb, U, K, Sc (10–20%)–Cu, Mn, Mg, Mo, Se, Ba, Ni, As, Ag, Cs, Co, Y, Ga, V (20–50%)–Sb, Pb, Ge, Cr, Fe, Al (50–90%).The concentration of elements of the particulate fraction of the rainwater usually is significantly different from concentrations in the crust, including both higher and lower concentrations. The terrestrial contribution to dissolved elements was evaluated and follows the decreasing order: Fe > K, Mg, Ca > Ba, Sr > Na (65–1%). Close order was found for total (dissolved and solid) concentrations. Sea salt contribution to dissolved element concentration in the rainwater decrease in the following order: Cl, Mg > K, SO4 > Ca > HCO3, Ba, Fe (78–0.1%). Calculation of anthropogenic and volcanic inputs for two ions (Cl and SO42−) shows that anthropogenic inputs for the Vladivostok and Yuzno-Sakhalinsk cities can be evaluated as 15–20% of Cl and up to 80–90% of SO42−. Volcanic components in the Kuril Islands, where anthropogenic inputs are absent, can reach up to 76% of SO42− and 36% of Cl.  相似文献   

Geochemistry of Thermal Waters of Continental Margin of Far East of Russia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Studied waters belong to warm(T=30-50℃),alkaline(pH=8.9-9.3),low mineralized(TDS235 mg/1)Na-HCO_3 or Na-SO_4-HCO_3 thermal waters with high content of SiO_2(up to 81 mg/l)and F(up to 3.9 mg/1),occur on modern volcano-tectonic rejuvenated areas of Eastern Sikhote-Alin orogenic belt.Low~3He concentration as well as N_2/O_2 and N_2/Ar ratios exclude influence of deep mantle fluid.New rare earth element data constrain our understandmg of water-rock interaction occurring in the water source region.Meteoric origin of waters is proved by stable isotope values varying from-71‰to-136.1‰and from-10.8‰to-18.8‰forδ~2U andδ~(18)O respectively.REE patterns reflect high pH,resultfing from water-rock interaction and oxidative conditions.Calculations of deep aquifer temperature using Na-K and quartz geothermometers show 116.8-131.1°C and 82.2-125.8℃respectively.Presence of deep faults both with abnormal thermal gradient(~45-50 K/km)define unique geochemical shape of thermal waters of Sikhote-Alin,area,where no present volcanic activity is registered.  相似文献   

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