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东海是月球上最年轻的多环撞击盆地,关于其形成机制的研究很多,但成果大都基于正撞击的机制提出的,虽然有部分学者提出东海是斜撞击的,但缺乏具体撞击参数。本文通过多源数据融合,综合分析LRO影像数据、LOLA地形数据、M~3高光谱数据和IIM高光谱数据,对东海地区的地貌特征、物质成分进行了较为系统的解译,发现在东海中央熔融区存在一条与东海撞击方向垂直的中央隆起区域(中央隆起线),其也是中央熔融区粗糙部分与光滑部分的分界线,结合撞击坑成坑理论,认为其可能是撞击过程冲击波作用引起的堆叠作用形成的。同时利用GRAIL数据及对该地区的重力异常的成因进行了分析,认为异常是由于压强、温度及岩石粘度的改变引起局部莫霍面抬升和中央熔融物的形成而出现的,进而估算出熔融物占盆地内物质的25%,约为1.1×10~6km~3。同时,对GRAIL数据的剖面分析结果也支持了本文的斜撞击理论。最后,综合多方面的信息和撞击理论获取东海盆地构造分布图,并根据中央隆起线、溅射物及线性构造的分布特征等,提出东海盆地理论上是由一直径在50~100km的撞击体以10~30km/s的速度自东偏北约20°~30°方向以20°~30°的角度斜撞击月表而形成的。这可为研究更早期的月球撞击坑提供理论参考。  相似文献   

我国嫦娥三号着陆于雨海北部的年轻玄武岩熔岩平原上,该区域的物质成分和矿物组成对于理解月球年轻的火山活动具有重要研究价值。月球全球勘探者(Lunar Prospector,LP)探测的元素数据揭示着陆区附近岩石类型主要为高铁中钛玄武岩(19.5%FeO;5.2%TiO_2)。本研究利用月球矿物绘图仪(Moon Mineralogy Mapper,M~3)获取的嫦娥三号着陆区附近的新鲜撞击坑高光谱数据,采用Hapke辐射传输模型和修正高斯模型(MGM)联合分析,对其年轻月海玄武岩铁镁质矿物进行了定量反演。研究表明该区域玄武岩中矿物组成以单斜辉石矿物为主,存在较高比例的橄榄石。基于光谱库匹配方法和MGM优化分析,我们反演出单斜辉石,斜方辉石,橄榄石和钛铁矿四种矿物的相对体积比为57.6:18.0:15.3:9.1,这一研究结果有待于与嫦娥三号玉兔号月球车上搭栽的红外成像光谱仪数据进行比对,以期从遥感和就位探测两个角度获得对于该地区矿物和岩石类型的全面认识。  相似文献   

撞击坑是月球表面最为普遍且显著的地貌单元和地质构造标志,其形态和布局特征蕴含了月球形貌发育演化的关键信息。基于中国探月工程获得的嫦娥一号CCD、嫦娥二号CCD影像数据和LOLA激光高度计等影像数据,结合专家知识,以LQ-2为研究区识别直径 10 km的撞击坑共计589个。并从撞击机理和撞击能量大小两个方面对坑物质类型及数量进行统计分析,得出不同地质年代、不同类型撞击坑在月球表面的空间分布特征。研究发现该区域撞击坑分布密度高,直径较小的撞击坑成片出露,形貌特征较为单一;直径较大的撞击坑主要集中在艾肯纪和酒海纪,数量较少,但撞击坑形态类型丰富。  相似文献   

目前地球上已经得到确认的撞击坑有190余个,其中直径小于1 km的简单撞击坑绝大部分是由铁质撞击体撞击形成的。由铁质撞击体撞击而成的撞击坑周边存在大量的铁陨石物质,这些铁陨石物质的空间分布特征对研究撞击坑的撞击过程和机理具有重要意义。铁元素的异常富集也可作为探寻地球表面疑似撞击坑的重要信息。为了获取撞击坑周围的铁陨石残片,早期主要通过人工方式进行实地调查,但这种方法效率低下且需要投入大量人力物力。基于铁陨石独特的光谱特征,利用遥感蚀变信息提取手段可以很方便地获取撞击坑周边的铁陨石物质。根据铁陨石矿物的波谱特征,以美国亚利桑那州巴林格撞击坑(Barringer Meteor Crater)为研究对象,基于Landsat 8 OLI数据,采用目前提取蚀变信息的常用方法:波段比值(BandMath)—主成分分析法进行撞击坑周边铁陨石信息的提取。提取结果与前人实地调查获取的铁陨石分布情况契合程度较好。撞击坑东侧、东南侧、西南侧等处的铁陨石聚集区在提取结果图上均有较好的反映。表明利用波段比值-主成分分析方法提取巴林格撞击坑周边铁陨石信息是可行的,实验结果准确地获得了该撞击坑周围的铁陨石空间分布信息,为探寻地球表面撞击成因的环形构造提供了可行方案,同时为未来同类撞击坑信息提取提供了重要的方法参考。  相似文献   

郭艳  张琪  李婵  董晓莹  刘福江 《地球科学》2016,41(12):2100-2108
月表矿物含量反演是研究月球地质起源和演化的关键.太空风化作用普遍发生在月球表面,对矿物纯净光谱造成了不可忽视的影响,它弱化光谱吸收特征, 降低反射率,影响矿物含量遥感反演精度.基于Relab光谱库和Hapke辐射传输模型,将月表 4种矿物(单斜辉石、斜方辉石、斜长石、橄榄石)的二向性反射率转换成同向性的单次散射反照率,然后计算矿物的光学常数;再根据亚微观金属铁SMFe(submicroscopic metallic iron)的质量分数模拟6种不同程度太空风化效应,得到端元矿物的反射率光谱;最后基于上述方法,利用多端元线性分解方法和M3(moon mineralogy mapper,月球矿物绘图仪)高光谱数据反演不同风化程度下的矿物含量,得到月表虹湾地区辉石、斜长石、橄榄石3种矿物的含量分布.实验表明,利用多端元线性分解可以有效模拟太空风化效应对矿物光谱的影响,是研究太空风化效应影响下矿物识别及含量反演的一种行之有效的方法.   相似文献   

撞击坑是月表最典型的地质单元,其溅射物作为撞击坑的坑外组成部分可分布到距离坑中心10个直径距离之外的区域,因此撞击溅射物也是月球地质编图中最重要的表达要素之一。本文使用月球勘测轨道器(LRO)的激光高度计(LOLA)数据、广角相机(WAC)影像、窄角相机(NAC)影像以及Clementine的UVVIS多光谱数据,研究了哥白尼纪正面月海区直径31km的Kepler撞击坑和背面月陆区直径30km的Necho撞击坑。哥白尼纪撞击坑溅射沉积物可以分为三个相:连续溅射沉积相(CE)、不连续溅射沉积相(DE)和辐射纹(CR)。连续溅射沉积相分布在最大约2.6个半径范围之内,不连续溅射沉积相分布在最大近11个半径范围之内,辐射纹分布在最大近29个半径范围之内。本文强调了多源数据结合在识别撞击坑溅射沉积物中的作用,对Kepler坑和Necho坑溅射沉积物进行了填图,不对称分布的特征表明这两个坑可能形成于倾斜撞击。  相似文献   

奚镜伦  陈建平 《江苏地质》2018,42(3):481-494
地球和月球很可能是通过大撞击形成的。在行星地质学中,研究月球的地质-构造现象,对了解月球、地球乃至太阳系的形成与演化历史都有很大帮助。月球的构造分为深部构造与月表构造,寻找它们在分布或成因上的关系,可以为月球甚至地月系的起源和演化历史提供重要参考。利用LROC的宽视角影像数据以及LOLA数据提取解译月表构造,结合深大断裂进行观察分析,并对月球的撞击盆地进行统计,最后以静海地区为例分析构造分布特征,发现月球的质量瘤盆地中具有环状分布的月岭,外侧具有近环状分布的深大断裂,自前酒海纪至酒海纪,具备上述特征的质量瘤盆地占总撞击盆地的比例突然有一个很大的提升,且静海地区西部具有该构造分布特征。推测该特征与撞击、月海沉降等有关,且在酒海纪与雨海纪期间月球有较多的月海玄武岩分布,由此判断静海西部存在质量瘤,发生过撞击与月海沉降。  相似文献   

通过对沙溪矿区含矿与不含矿斑岩中斜长石斑晶的粒度统计,计算出平均矿物粒度(S)、矿物分布密度(D)及矿物分布均匀度(H);再根据晶体大小分布理论(CSD),计算出斜长石的晶体生长速率、成核密度及成核速率等岩浆结晶动力学参数;发现含矿斑岩较无矿斑岩有高的成核密度和成核速率,而晶体生长速率则较低;指出成分相近的斑岩在岩浆结晶动力学特征上的极细差别可能造成岩体含矿性明显不同  相似文献   

徐文艺  傅斌 《岩石学报》1997,13(2):180-188
通过对沙溪矿区含矿与不含矿斑岩中斜长石斑晶的粒度统计,计算出平均矿物粒度(S)、矿物分布密度(D)及矿物分布均匀度(H);再根据晶体大小分布理论(CSD),计算出斜长石的晶体生长速率、成核密度及成核速率等岩浆结晶动力学参数;发现含矿斑岩较无矿斑岩有高的成核密度和成核速率,而晶体生长速率则较低;指出成分相近的斑岩在岩浆结晶动力学特征上的极细差别可能造成岩体含矿性明显不同。  相似文献   

月表撞击坑自动识别与提取的新方法及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
月表撞击坑是月球最显著的地质构造特征。随着不同月球探测器探测数据的丰富与数据质量的提高,月表地质信息挖掘成为月球科学领域重要的研究内容。月表分布广泛的撞击事件的撞击机理研究和月表地质单元的地质年龄的判定等科学问题都离不开对撞击坑的研究。因此,对撞击坑进行识别和特征参数提取是挖掘以上月表地质隐含信息的基础和关键。针对目前用于撞击坑识别和特征参数提取的方法存在效率低下、应用范围有限等种种缺陷,提出了一种新的月表环形构造识别和特征参数提取方法,并且实现了定量自动化处理。首先,根据撞击坑环形构造特征,利用坡度指数提取坑壁多边形矢量要素;其次,提出并采用环形构造最小外包矩形法提取撞击坑的伪中心与伪直径;然后,以伪中心为中心点向外搜寻并确定撞击坑坑缘顶点;最后,利用三点定圆法确定撞击坑的中心位置和直径大小。以嫦娥一号CCD相机影像数据和利用CCD立体相机制作的DEM数据为数据源,选取不同区域、不同类型的月表撞击坑进行试验,并将计算结果与目前研究成果进行对比。结果验证表明,此方法可以推广到月表其他表面,并可应用于月表撞击坑形成机理研究和利用撞击坑大小频率分布测量的方法确定月表地质单元的地质年龄工作中。  相似文献   

Analysing vertical and lateral distribution of minerals within an impact crater on lunar surface would aid in understanding the crustal compositions to a larger extent and provides clue about geological evolution of the Moon. The Chandrayaan-1 Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) data have high spectral and spatial resolutions, which help in identifying the mineral compositions and morphological features of impact crater. Here we analyse mineral compositions and their correlations with crater morphology using M3 and LROC satellite data of Eijkman impact cater in SouthPole Atiken (SPA) basin. The result shows that low-Ca pyroxene (LCP) dominant rocks are identified on Central Peak (CP), Crater Floor (CF), Crater Wall (CW) and Crater Rim (CR). An olivine dominant rock is detected on the CW. Fe-Mg-spinel lithological unit is observed on the CF. The results implicate that, (i) Low-Ca pyroxene minerals could be from the lower crust during SPA main event; (ii) Presence of olivine and Fe-Mg-spinel lithology on the surface could be a later stage mafic intrusions or the lower-crustal material exposed on the surface due to major impacts.  相似文献   

Mineralogy of the Lunar surface provides important clues for understanding the composition and evolution of the primordial crust in the Earth–Moon system. The primary rock forming minerals on the Moon such as pyroxene, olivine and plagioclase are potential tools to evaluate the Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO) hypothesis. Here we use the data from Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) onboard the Chandrayaan-1 project of India, which provides Visible/Near Infra Red (NIR) spectral data (hyperspectral data) of the Lunar surface to gain insights on the surface mineralogy. Band shaping and spectral profiling methods are used for identifying minerals in five sites: the Moscoviense basin, Orientale basin, Apollo basin, Wegener crater-highland, and Hertzsprung basin. The common presence of plagioclase in these sites is in conformity with the anorthositic composition of the Lunar crust. Pyroxenes, olivine and Fe-Mg-spinel from the sample sites indicate the presence of gabbroic and basaltic components. The compositional difference in pyroxenes suggests magmatic differentiation on the Lunar surface. Olivine contains OH/H2O band, indicating hydrous phase in the primordial magmas.  相似文献   

In 2013, Chang'E-3 program will develop lunar mineral resources in-situ detection. A Visible and Near-infrared Imaging Spectrometer (VNIS) has been selected as one payload of CE-3 lunar rover to achieve this goal. It is critical and urgent to evaluate VNIS' spectrum data quality and validate quantification methods for mineral composition before its launch. Ground validation experiment of VNIS was carried out to complete the two goals, by simulating CE-3 lunar rover's detection environment on lunar surface in the laboratory. Based on the hyperspectral reflectance data derived, Correlation Analysis and Partial Least Square (CA-PLS) algorithm is applied to predict abundance of four lunar typical minerals (pyroxene, plagioclase, ilmenite and olivine) in their mixture. We firstly selected a set of VNIS' spectral parameters which highly correlated with minerals' abundance by correlation analysis (CA), and then stepwise regression method was used to find out spectral parameters which make the largest contri- butions to the mineral contents. At last, functions were derived to link minerals' abundance and spectral parameters by partial least square (PLS) algorithm. Not considering the effect of maturity, agglutinate and Fe~, we found that there are wonderful correlations between these four minerals and VNIS' spectral parameters, e.g. the abundance of pyroxene correlates positively with the mixture's absorption depth, the value of absorption depth added as the in- creasing of pyroxene's abundance. But the abundance of plagioclase correlates negatively with the spectral parame- ters of band ratio, the value of band ratio would decrease when the abundance of plagioclase increased. Similar to plagioclase, the abundance of ilmenite and olivine has a negative correlation with the mixture's reflectance data, if the abundance of ilmenite or olivine increase, the reflectance values of the mixture will decrease. Through model validation, better estimates of pyroxene, plagioclase and ilmenite's abundances are given. It is concluded that VNIS has the capability to be applied on lunar minerals' identification, and CA-PLS algorithm has the potential to be used on lunar surface's in-situ detection for minerals' abundance prediction.  相似文献   

Spectra are sensitive in detecting main minerals on the lunar surface from visible light to infrared light. Since spectral characteristics of minerals are closely related to their compositions and the maturity level of soil on the Moon, studying the compositions and distribution of elements and minerals on the lunar surface can help to understand the evolution of the Moon through remote sensing technology. The correlation between the spectral characteristics of Chang’e-1 interference imaging spectrometry (IIM) reflectance images and the mineral contents of LSCC (Lunar Soil Characterization Consortium) lunar surface mineral samples was discussed and the spatial distributions of FeO and Al2O3 contained in both pyroxene and plagioclase on LQ-4 were studied using the improved angle parameter method, MNF, and band ratio statistics. A comparison of the mapping results of the optical models by Lucey, Shkuractov and other researchers on Clementine and the gamma ray spectrometry data shows that the content error is within 0.6% for lunar mare areas and close to 1% for the highland areas. The tectonic framework on the lunar surface was also investigated. And based on integrated analysis of previous findings on topography of the lunar surface, Chang’e LAM, CCD and LOLA images and the gravity anomalies data (Clementine GLGM-2), the tectonic unit subdivision was established for LQ-4, the idea of subdividing the lunar tectonic units was proposed, and this will provide a good foundation for studying the lunar tectonic evolution.  相似文献   

The Moon is generally depleted in volatile elements and this depletion extends to the surface where the most abundant mineral, anorthite, features <6 ppm H2O. Presumably the other nominally anhydrous minerals that dominate the mineral composition of the global surface—olivine and pyroxene—are similarly depleted in water and other volatiles. Thus the Moon is tabula rasa for the study of volatiles introduced in the wake of its origin. Since the formation of the last major basin (Orientale), volatiles from the solar wind, from impactors of all sizes, and from volatiles expelled from the interior during volcanic eruptions have all interacted with the lunar surface, leaving a volatile record that can be used to understand the processes that enable processing, transport, sequestration, and loss of volatiles from the lunar system. Recent discoveries have shown the lunar system to be complex, featuring emerging recognition of chemistry unanticipated from the Apollo era, confounding issues regarding transport of volatiles to the lunar poles, the role of the lunar regolith as a sink for volatiles, and the potential for active volatile dynamics in the polar cold traps. While much has been learned since the overturn of the “Moon is dry” paradigm by innovative sample and spacecraft measurements, the data point to a more complex lunar volatile environment than is currently perceived.  相似文献   

黄爽  陈圣波  查逢丽  周超  黄唯实 《地球科学》2015,40(12):2103-2109
月表主要矿物的空间分布是研究月球起源及演化等科学问题的重要信息之一.以风暴洋地区为例, 根据不同矿物光谱在可见光-近红外波段的吸收特征, 使用印度M3(moon mineralogy mapper)数据, 应用波谱特征拟合法(SFF)反演了火山口附近暗物质区域的单斜辉石、斜方辉石、橄榄石和尖晶石等铁镁质矿物的分布, 反演结果显示: 风暴洋地区提取的铁镁质矿物分布较集中, 其中辉石含量较多, 橄榄石和尖晶石含量相对较少.另外着重分析了橄榄石、尖晶石与周围矿物的关系及其地质意义.将提取结果与Lucey用于Clementine影像的光学模型填图结果进行对比显示, 提取的橄榄石分布集中, 但不存在大尺度的分布, 这与本文的研究区域面积有关; 就位置而言, 二者具有较好的一致性.   相似文献   

Microscopic and electron microprobe studies were made of polished thin sections of part of a 30-mg sample of 250–500 μm lunar soil returned by Luna 20 from a point between Mare Fecunditatis and Mare Crisium. Very fine-grained lithic (crystalline) rock fragments, composing about one fifth of the total sample, have mineralogical compositions equivalent to various types of gabbro, anorthositic gabbro, gabbroic anorthosite and troctolite, with minor basalt. The textures now observed in these fragments are in large part metamorphic. Twentyseven electron microprobe analyses of minerals from these fragments are presented, including olivine, plagioclase, pyroxene, spinel, nickel-iron and a Zr-Ti-REE mineral possibly similar to ‘phase B’ of Lovering and Wark (1971). Analyses of seven melt inclusions and twenty-eight defocused beam analyses of lithic fragments are also given. Some of the fragments contain ‘gas’ inclusions which, along with the fine grain size, are believed to indicate final crystallization under low pressure near surface conditions. The almost complete absence of granophyric material in this sample raises the question of whether or not there are at least two distinct magmas for the plagioclase-rich terrae rocks from which this soil sample was derived in part.  相似文献   

李建刚  何旋  赵禹  刘拓  白金  梁楠 《地质与勘探》2022,58(2):326-334
土壤的矿物及其地球化学特征是指示其风化特征的重要依据.为理解干旱绿洲区土壤发育特征,本文选取新疆焉耆盆地两个土壤剖面对其粒度、矿物、元素地球化学特征进行分析,结果表明:两剖面沉积物的粒度主要以黏粒、粉粒为主,矿物主要为石英、长石和黏土矿物,石英/长石多数小于1,长石以斜长石类为主,化学风化作用极弱.两剖面的化学蚀变指数...  相似文献   

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