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相山火山—侵入杂岩Nd—Sr—Pb同位素地球化学特征   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8  
对相山火山-侵入杂岩Nd,Sr,Pb同位素组成及其底变质岩Pb同位素组成的研究表明,相山两旋回火山岩及火山期后的次火山岩具有较低的εNd(t)值(-7.46-9.40),较高的Isr值(0.70801-0.71201)和较古老的Nd模式年龄(1.54-1.70Ga),且相对富集放射成因铅(^206Pb/^204Pb,^207Pb/^204Pb,^208Pb/^204Pb分别为17.686-18.323,15.523-15.730,38.143-38.936)。相山火山-侵入杂岩与该区出露的基底变质沉积岩在Nd,Pb同位素组成上既有明显的相似性,又有一定差别,因此,相山火山-侵入杂岩的源区主要为地壳岩石,但并不排除有部分幔源组分介入。ε  相似文献   

报道了大别山北缘中生代(早白垩世)不同成因系列火山-侵入岩的14个Rb-Sr,Sm-Nd同位素分析数据,其中正长岩类ISr值为0.70943-0.71014,εNd值为-14.7-15.8,亏损地幔两阶段模式年龄TDM为2.12-2.20Ga;高钾钙碱性系列岩石ISr值为0.70750-0.71054,εNd值为-17.2--19.1,TDM为2.32-2.48Ga,橄榄安粗岩系列岩石ISr值为0.70873-0.70912,εNd值为-20.7-21.7,TDM为2.60-2.68Ga。通过与基底变质岩Sm-Nd同位素组成对比,认为高钾钙碱性系列主要由类似于大别群的地壳岩石衍生而成,正长岩类是由大别群和少量较年轻地壳岩石(卢镇关群和佛子岭群?)衍生而成的,而橄榄安粗岩系列则来源于富集地幔并可能混入少量更古老的类似于泰山群的地壳组分。  相似文献   

浙江省西北部白垩纪火山岩Nd-Sr同位素特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
浙江省白垩纪火山岩叠置在扬子地块和华夏地块两个不同的基底构造单元之上,不同构造单元的火山岩Nd同位素组成存在重大差异,其中扬子地块火山岩Nd初始值较高,εNd值介于-8.9~-0.9之间,平均为-4.6(n=33);华夏地块火山岩εNd值介于-14.1~+1.2之间,平均为-6.7(n=69)。同时,两个地块火山岩的εNd值均随时间增高、模式年龄均随时间降低的趋势十分明显。扬子地块区从135~124Ma形成的第Ⅰ旋回至110~90Ma形成的第Ⅲ旋回酸性火山岩εNd和t2DM平均值分别为-6.2、-2.4、-2.2和1.42Ga、1.11Ga、1.09Ga;华夏地块区内同时代3个旋回酸性火山岩的εNd和t2DM平均值则为-10.1、-7.2、-5.5和1.75Ga、1,49Ga、1.35Ga。推测浙江省广泛发育的白垩纪流纹质火山岩可能是基底变质岩部分熔融形成,由于持续的玄武岩底侵作用,造成幔源物质的加入量显著地随时间增加。  相似文献   

浙江白垩纪火山岩的地层划分及钕同位素特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
浙江晚中生代火山岩系的划分和对比一直存在不同认识。根据近年来获得的新资料,结合前人的研究成果,对有关浙江白垩纪火山岩的地层划分和对比提出浙江白垩纪火山岩Nd同位素组成主要变化规律为:不同大地构造单元(浙西扬子地块和浙东华夏地块)的火山岩Nd同位素组成差异较大,显示出古老变质基底岩石对火山岩Nd同位素组成的制约;建德群下部劳村组和黄尖组以及磨石山群下部的大爽组、高坞组、西山头组火山岩εNd值变化不大,而与上部的寿昌组以及九里坪组火山岩εNd值有明显的不同,表明两个旋回火山岩物质来源有一定差异;火山岩的εNd值随时代变新有增大的趋势。Nd同位素示踪信息也就有可能作为火山地层划分和对比的重要依据之一。  相似文献   

张旗  王焰 《岩石学报》2001,17(4):505-513
大陆地壳组成是地球科学家关注的课题,但困难的是如何确定深部地壳,尤其是下地壳的组成。埃达克质岩的厘定从一个方面有助于这个难题的解决。中国东部“C型”埃达克质岩(adakite-like)的地球化学性质表明其形成的深度大,熔融的温度高,为下地壳中基性麻粒岩部分熔融的产物。因此,可以尝试通过埃达克质岩的地球化学特征来反演下地壳的组成。本文的初步研究表明,中国东部埃达克质岩的Sr-Nd同位素组成有很大的变化,反映埃达克质岩熔融的源区下地壳组成有明显的不同。根据埃达克质岩石的Sr-Nd同位素组成,推测中国东部高原下地壳大体由胶东-大别、北京-辽西和下扬子(长江中下游)3个不同的块体组成。1,胶东-大别区:胶东区的下地壳以富Si,Na2O/K2O低(0.8-1.3)、Isr高(0.709-0.712)、εNd(t)低(-15--21)和TDM高(1.9-2.1Ga)为特征;大别区的Isr值较低,可能代表了中生代时基底的特征,大体相当于该区下地壳的上限值。2,下扬子区位于扬子地块内,中生代埃达克质岩的Sr初始值,εNd和TDM变化大,说明元古宙的下地壳基底中可能有较多年轻的玄武质岩石底侵加入。相比而言,铜陵区的Isr较高(0.707-0.709)、εNd(t)较低(-11--16)、TDM高(1.7-2.2Ga),接近扬子下地壳的特征。3,辽西-北京地区的Sr-Nd高位素组成以低的Isr(0.705-0.707)、变化的εNd(t)(-4--20)和TDM(0.7-2.1Ga)为特征,反映辽西-北京区下地壳组成比较复杂。其中北京-彰武地区的Sr-Nd同位素组成与汉诺坝玄武岩中的麻粒岩包体类似,远高于华北下地壳的εNd(t)值(-32--44),推测埃达克质岩石并非来自古老的华北太古宙下地壳,而可能是中生代时增生在华北下地壳底部的年轻基性麻粒岩部分熔融形成的。此外,文中还讨论了用埃达克岩反演下地壳组成存在的不足。  相似文献   

赣南-粤北中生代晚期火山旋回的划分   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
根据地层的接触关系、岩石组合、化石组合、同位素年龄及构造特征,赣南-粤北中生代晚期火山活动,可划分出余田、莲花寨、版石和南雄四个火山旋回。余田火山旋回发育于中侏罗世,由玄武岩-流纹岩组成“双峰式”岩石组合;莲花寨火山旋回发育于晚侏罗世,由流纹岩组成“单峰式”岩石组合;版石火山旋回发育于早白垩世晚期-晚白垩世早期,岩石组合较复杂,既有由流纹岩或玄武岩组成的“单峰式”岩石组合,也有由少量玄武岩和大量流  相似文献   

江西相山铀矿田成矿物质来源的Nd、Sr、Rb同位素证据   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
对相山大型火山岩型铀矿田中邹家山和沙洲铀矿床及其赋矿围岩(碎斑熔岩及次花岗闪长斑岩)进行了Nd、Sr、Pb同位素研究。结果表明:成矿期萤石的εNd(t)值(-6.7~-8.3)和初始^87Sr/^86Sr比值(0.7145-0.7207)与赋矿围岩的εNd(t) 值(-6.2~-9.4)和初始^87Sr/^86Sr比值(0.7121-0.7192)相似。在εNd(t)-tl图上,成矿期萤石数据点的投影域与赋矿围岩的基本吻合,均落在相山元古宙基底演化域范围内。成矿期黄铁矿的铅组成在^206Rb/^204Pb-^207Pb/^204Pb关系图上呈线性分布,而火山岩的铅同位素组成位于此相关线低值一端。利用异常铅线的斜率及成矿年龄计算出富铀体质体的形成年龄为144Ma,这与赋矿围岩的成岩年龄(135-140Ma)接近。因此,相山铀矿田成矿物质主要来自富铀的火山-侵入杂岩,而火山-侵入杂岩则是由类似于地表出露的元古宙基底变质岩部分熔融形成的。由引可见,相山铀矿田的成矿物质主要来源于地壳。  相似文献   

闽浙赣粤中生代晚期火山岩岩石地层划分综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将闽浙赣粤中生代晚期火山岩西区带分区分为江南区、武夷区和南岭区三个构造-岩浆活动区。根据岩性岩相特征,结合岩石地层单位群与火山旋回或沉积旋回相对应的原则,将江南划分为两个群,武夷区划分为三个群,南岭区划分为四个群。根据组与火山-沉积复合岩相或沉积岩相相对应的原则,各群又可进一步划分为若干个组。  相似文献   

内蒙古东乌旗敖包查干地区中生代陆相火山构造特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对内蒙古东乌珠穆沁旗(简称东乌旗)敖包查干地区中生代陆相火山岩地质调查、同位素年龄测定、岩性岩相分析,划分出两个火山活动旋回(满克头鄂博旋回和白音高老旋回),恢复了9个古火山机构,识别出11个火山口,确定中生代火山喷发时限约为30~40 Ma.两个火山活动旋回均以偏中性安山质火山碎屑岩、熔岩开始到酸性火山碎屑岩、熔...  相似文献   

东昆仑造山带花岗岩类Pb-Sr-Nd-O同位素特征   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
本文报道了东昆仑造山带三叠纪辉长岩、花岗岩类及其包裹体的Pb、Sr、Nd和O同位素组成。东昆仑造山带花岗质岩石全岩和长石Pb同位素组成相差不大,具明显的造山带Pb同位素特征;Sr同位素初始值(ISr)变化于0.70144~0.70972之间,暗示幔源成因;εNd值变化于-4.49939~-9.19258之间,具壳源成因特点;Nd同位素模式年龄(tDM)在1.38~1.761Ga之间,与中元古代变质岩相当;O同位素组成变化范围7.8~9.5,表明花岗岩类成岩物质主要来自地壳。综合岩石的同位素组成,结合矿物学、岩石地球化学的研究,表明花岗岩浆主要起源于地壳,但与来自地幔的基性岩浆曾发生过混合作用,从而导致同位素组成趋于一致。  相似文献   

皖南浅变质岩和沉积岩的钕同位素特点及其大地构造意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
邢凤鸣  陈江峰 《现代地质》1991,5(3):290-299
根据Nd同位素模式年龄通常保留源区大陆地块的平均年龄的原理,作者研究了皖南上溪群千枚岩和震旦系到二叠系沉积岩的Nd同位素组成和模式年龄。发现千枚岩和沉积岩具有不同的Nd同位素组成和模式年龄,它们明显地分成二组。千枚岩的~(147)Sm/~(144)Nd=0.1220~0.1290,T_(DM)~(Nd)=1.63~1.69Ga;沉积岩的~(147)Sm/~144Nd=0.1100~0.1182,T_(DM)~(Nd)=1.92~2.14Ga。这表明,它们来自不同的物源区:上溪群可能来自附近的古岛弧双桥山群;沉积岩可能来自大别古陆和华北地台。  相似文献   

The Nd, O and Sr isotopic characteristics of Precambrian metasedimentary, metavolcanic and granitic rocks from the Black Hills of South Dakota are examined. Two late-Archean granites (2.5-2.6 Ga) have Tdm ages of 3.05 and 3.30 Ga, suggesting that at least one of the granites was derived through the melting of significantly older crust. Early-Proterozoic metasedimentary rocks have Tdm ages that range from 2.32 to 2.45 Ga. These model ages, in conjunction with probable stratigraphic ages ranging from 1.9 to 2.2 Ga, indicate that mantle-derived material was added to the continental crust of this region during the early-Proterozoic. Previous studies of the Harney Peak Granite complex have reported U-Pb and Rb-Sr ages of about 1.71 Ga and most granite samples examined in this study have Sr isotopic compositions consistent with that age. Two granite samples taken from the same sill, however, give two-point Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd ages of 2.08 ±0.08 and 2.20 ±0.20 Ga (∑2200Nd = −15.5), respectively. In addition, whole-rock and apatite samples of the spatially associated Tin Mountain pegmatite give a Sm-Nd isochron age of 2000 ±100 Ma (∑2200Nd = −5.8 ±1.8).

The Sm-Nd, O and Rb-Sr isotopic systematics of these granitic rocks have been complicated to some degree by both crystallization and post-crystallization processes, and the age of the pegmatite and parts of the Harney Peak Granite complex remain uncertain. Processes that probably complicated the isotopic systematics of these rocks include derivation from heterogeneous source material, assimilation, mixing of REE between granite and country rock during crystallization via a fluid phase and post-crystallization mobility of Sr. The Nd isotopic compositions of the pegmatite and the Harney Peak Granite indicate that they were not derived primarily from the exposed metasedimentary rocks.  相似文献   

厘定大别-苏鲁超高压造山带南缘变质岩带的形成时代和地球化学特征有助于区域地层对比研究和对这一造山带演化过程的深入理解。采用单颗粒锆石U—Pb同位素稀释法和蒸发法定年,获得来自苏鲁地体南部海州群上部云台组的3个云母石英片岩样品的碎屑锆石年龄,且集中于800~740Ma之间。全岩初始εNd(800Ma)值变化在-12.8~-8.8之间,两阶段亏损地幔Nd模式年龄为2.1~2.4Ga。这些特征类似于大别山南部宿松地区副片麻岩,指示较单一的沉积物源。结合区域地层对比资料,碎屑锆石年龄限定了海州群云台组的沉积时代可能为新元古代,晚于740Ma左右。其主要沉积物质源自新元古代岩浆岩,归属于扬子陆块  相似文献   

Whole-rock Sm-Nd isochron ages are reported for two stratiform meta-anorthosite complexes emplaced into the Archean supracrustal-gneiss association in the amphibolite facies terrain around Holenarsipur, in the Dharwar craton, South India. While these metaperidotite-pyroxenite-gabbro-anorthosite complexes are petrologically and geochemically similar, they differ in the intensity of tectonic fabric developed during the late Archean (c. 2.5 Ga) deformation. They also differ in their whole-rock Sm-Nd isochron ages and initial Nd isotopic compositions: 3.285 ± 0.17 Ga,ɛNd0.82 ± 0.78 for the Honnavalli metaanorthosite complex from a supracrustal enclave in the low-strain zone, and 2.495 ± 0.033 Ga, ɛNd = -2.2 ± 0.3 for the Dodkadnur meta-anorthosites from the high-strain southern arm of the Holenarsipur Supracrustal Belt (HSB). We interpret these results as indicating that the magmatic protoliths of both meta-anorthosite complexes were derived from a marginally depleted mantle at c. 3.29 Ga but only the Dodkadnur rocks were isotopically reequilibrated on a cm-scale about 800 Ma later presumably due to the development of strong penetrative fabrics in them during Late Archean thermotectonic event around 2.5 Ga. Our results set a younger age limit at c. 3.29 Ga for the supracrustal rocks of the HSB in the Dharwar craton.  相似文献   

现有240个花岗岩体的Nd同位素资料表明,华南内陆花岗岩可能主要由地壳部分熔融成成。从壳源花岗岩提取源岩成分信息的方法是把这种花岗岩的同位素成分同出露的元古代弱变质地壳的相应资料作比较。野外关系说明,华南内陆花岗岩侵入毗邻的围岩,因此其形成深度应该出现在出露的深度大。。因为这些花岗岩的定位深度一般在5~15km之间,这些壳源花岗岩可能代表一种中地壳探度的熔融.它们的同位索成分应能提供在这一探度上地壳成分的信息。根据华南壳源花岗岩同出露的元古代弱变质地壳岩石的Sm—Nd同位素对比,华南内陆大部分地区在中地壳探度上存在中性至长英质成分的地壳,并且从早古生代到中生代不曾发生过明显变化。但是花岗岩浆的分异作用所导致的Sm、Nd分馏可能是亲石元素矿化的一个重要控制因素。  相似文献   

Pre-Cretaceous metasedimentary rocks occurring in the Inner Zone of the Southwest Japan Arc can be divided into three major groups, namely, high P/T metamorphic (Renge and Suo belts), low P/T metamorphic (Hida-Oki, Ryoke and Higo belts), and accretionary terranes (Akiyoshi, Maizuru, Mino-Tamba, and Ashio belts). Major and trace element compositions of most of the sedimentary rocks are typical of relatively mature sedimentary rocks, although abundances of ferromagnesian elements also suggest the presence of a significant mafic to intermediate igneous component. The sedimentary rocks with older Nd model ages (> 2.0 Ga) have high εSr values and major and trace element geochemical signatures typical of mature sediments, whereas those with younger model ages (< 1.45 Ga) have low εSr values and immature geochemical characteristics. With the exception of Hida samples, the sedimentary rocks from other districts have geochemical and isotopic features intermediate between the rocks with old and young Nd model ages. Some of the Hida samples have old Nd model ages, but others are influenced by younger rock fragments and have immature geochemical features. Based on combined isotopic and geochemical evidence, Inner Zone sedimentary rocks with older Nd model ages are interpreted to have been derived from felsic upper continental crustal materials such as Sino-Korean or northwest Yangtze craton granitoids. Compositions of rocks with younger Nd model ages reflect addition of mafic to intermediate detritus, such as island arc basalts and andesites. The rocks with intermediate Nd model ages may have formed in and around the Asian continental margin. The Hida metasedimentary rocks may have been derived from several terranes of varying age and geochemical composition.  相似文献   

Whole-rock Sm–Nd isotope systematics of 79 Archean granitoids from the eastern Kaapvaal craton, southern Africa, are used to delineate lithospheric boundaries and to constrain the timescale of crustal growth, assembly and geochemical differentiation c. 3.66–2.70 Ga. Offsets in εNd values for 3.2–3.3 Ga granitoids across the Barberton greenstone belt (BGB) are consistent with existing models for c. 3.23 Ga accretion of newly formed lithosphere north of the BGB onto pre-existing c. 3.66 Ga lithosphere south of the BGB along a doubly verging subduction margin. The Nd isotopic signature of c. 3.3–3.2 Ga magmatic rocks show that significant crustal growth occurred during subduction–accretion. After c. 3.2 Ga, however, the Nd signature of intrusive rocks c. 3.1 and 2.7 Ga is dominated by intracrustal recycling rather than by new additions from the mantle, signalling cratonic stability.  相似文献   

The covariant behavior of Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd isotopes during most magmatic processes has long been recognized, but the details of this behavior in the depleted mantle reservoir have not been adequately examined. We report new whole-rock Hf and Nd isotope data for 1) juvenile, mantle-derived rocks, mid-Archean to Mesozoic in age, and 2) early Archean gneisses from West Greenland. Hf and Nd isotopic compositions of the juvenile rocks are well correlated, with the best fit corresponding to the equation εHf = 1.40 εNd + 2.1, and is similar to the collective Hf-Nd correlation for terrestrial samples of εHf = 1.36 εNd + 3.0. The early Archean Greenland gneisses, in contrast, have an extreme range in εNd values (4.4 to +4.2; Bennett et al., 1993) that is not mirrored by the Hf isotopic system. The εHf values for these rocks are consistently positive and have much less variation (0 to +3.4) than their εNd counterparts.The information from the Hf isotopic compositions of the West Greenland gneisses portrays an early Archean mantle that is relatively isotopically homogeneous at 3.8 to 3.6 Ga and moderately depleted in incompatible elements. There is no evidence that any of these gneisses have been derived from an enriched reservoir. The Hf isotopic data are in stark contrast to the Nd isotopic record and strongly imply that the picture of extreme initial isotopic heterogeneity indicated by Nd isotopes is not a real feature of the West Greenland gneisses but is rather an artifact produced by disturbances in the Sm-Nd isotope system of these rocks.Although Hf and Nd isotopic data do not uniquely constrain either the nature of the earliest crust or the timing of crustal growth, the most probable candidate for the enriched reservoir complementary to the depleted mantle in the pre-4.0 Ga Earth is a mafic, oceanic-type crust. In order to explain the predominantly positive εHf and εNd values for the early Archean rocks, this crust must have had a short residence time at the surface of the Earth before returning to the mantle where it was isolated from mixing with the depleted mantle for several hundred million years. The following period from 3.5 to 2.7 Ga may mark a transition during which this early formed mafic crust was mixed progressively back into the depleted mantle reservoir. While a present-day volume of continental crust at 4.0 Ga cannot be excluded on isotopic grounds, we find such a scenario unlikely based on the lack of direct isotopic and physical evidence for its existence. An important aspect of crustal growth and evolution, therefore, may be the transformation of the enriched reservoir from being predominantly mafic in the early Earth to becoming progressively more sialic through time.  相似文献   

大别山麻粒岩和TTG片麻岩的Sr,Nd,Pb同位素地球化学   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
葛宁洁  柏林等 《地质学报》2001,75(3):379-384
北大别4个麻粒岩和4个TTG片麻岩样品的Sr,Nd同位素分析结果表明,样品普遍具有较高的锶同位素比值(^87Sr/^86Sr=0.7066-0.7461),较低的Nd同位素比值(^143Nd/^144Nd=0.5108-0.5124),表现出明显的壳源特征,结合铅同位素的组成来看,北大别麻粒岩及TTG片麻岩的同位素成分相当于-下地壳。岩石的特源为古老的地壳,大约在2-3Ga之间,少数样品的同位素特征可能暗示源区有年轻地壳物质的加入。  相似文献   

Shales of the ca. 3.0 Ga Buhwa Greenstone Belt, Zimbabwe, were derived from a compositionally diverse provenance whose ages, determined by ion probe analyses of detrital zircons in interbedded sandstones, range from 3.8 to 3.1 Ga. Geochemical data for the shales were previously interpreted to indicate that sediments had been derived from an intensely weathered source. REE concentrations in the shales were interpreted to suggest that the provenance was compositionally mixed, with components of felsic (tonalite and alkalic granitoid) and mafic rocks. Sm/Nd and Nd isotopic compositions of these rocks can be used to model initial Nd isotopic ratios at the time of sedimentation (εNdsed), as well as model crustal formation ages (TDM). The former, at the age of sedimentation, range from +0.6 to −10.8, consistent with a range of provenance ages. The latter range from 4.46 Ga to 2.99 Ga. The oldest crustal formation ages, up to 0.7 Ga older than known detrital components, are interpreted here to indicate that the Sm-Nd system of the sediments experienced open system behavior. The implied alteration would have included an increase in Sm/Nd by about 20-25 percent, probably in the form of preferential loss of Nd with respect to Sm. The Pb isotopic compositions of whole rock samples are quite radiogenic, with a range of 206Pb/204Pb from 25.5 to 154. An array of ten samples lies scattered about a line with a 207Pb/204Pb -206Pb/204Pb slope age of about 2.73 Ga. Five individual samples were sequentially leached to further test the timing and characteristics of this U-Th-Pb alteration event. These arrays of a whole rock, three leach steps, and a residue also form linear Pb-Pb arrays (one is more scattered) with ages ranging from 2260 ± 360 Ma to 2824 ± 170 Ma, suggesting that all samples experienced a latest Archean to earliest Proterozoic enrichment in U/Pb. This age range also may be the approximate age of Sm/Nd enrichment for the shales. All samples, both whole rocks and leached samples, lie grouped on a 208Pb/204Pb - 206Pb/204Pb diagram around a line with 232Th/238U = 3.5 (2.9 to 3.9). Because of the lack of large differences in the Th/U of the samples through large ranges of U/Pb, we interpret this consistency in Th/U to mean that the shales of the Buhwa belt experienced Pb loss, rather than U and Th gain. Circumstances that may be responsible for Pb loss in a sedimentary basin include loss of saline fluids during basin dewatering. Such an event would likely have been related to folding associated with the thrusting and magmatic intrusion of the adjacent Limpopo Belt, suggesting that uplift, dewatering, and geochemical and isotopic alteration can be genetically related.  相似文献   

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