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本文总结了古神翼龙类的特征,尤其是对中国发现的没有牙齿的翼龙类(包括古神翼龙类、朝阳翼龙类及神龙翼龙类)进行系统总结。通过对比,把中国的古神翼龙类建立两个新的亚科:中国翼龙亚科及华夏翼龙亚科。从古神翼龙类头骨形态变化来看,其演化趋势是头骨由低长向短高变化,这一变化的原因可能与其食性变化有关。根据在辽西凌源四合当九佛堂组发现的一几乎完整的化石骨架建立了中国翼龙新种:凌源中国翼龙(新种),它具有以下特征:鼻眶前孔的长度与高度之比率为3.20;吻部指数为3.03;股骨与胫骨长度之比率约为0.66以及第2翼指骨与第1翼指骨长度之比率为0.85。根据发现于辽西朝阳九佛堂组的另一个体较小的古神翼龙类化石骨架,建立华夏翼龙属一新种:返祖华夏翼龙(新种)。虽然它个体较小,但是它具有华夏翼龙类似的头骨脊,然而它的第2和第3翼指骨的后面具有原始喙嘴龙类翼龙的沟状结构,以区别于其它的华夏翼龙类。返祖华夏翼龙的翼指骨后部沟状结构的出现,应为返祖现象的体现。而这一现象,在翼手龙类中为首次报道。  相似文献   

传统上讲,翼龙类分为两大类群,构成复系的基干类群和构成单系的进步类群。本文记述的一新达尔文翼龙,它与正型标本模块达尔文翼龙发现于同一地点,二者均产自中侏罗世的髫髻山组。但是与模块达尔文翼龙存在区别,可能代表达尔文翼龙一新种。新的标本完整,可为研究达尔文骨骼学提供更多信息。 在理解翼龙的演化,分布及生态学起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

辽西义县组发现一新的翼手龙类化石   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
吕君昌  张宝堃 《地质论评》2005,51(4):458-462,i0004
根据产自中国辽宁省西部早白垩世义县组上部、具有不完整头骨的翼手龙类骨架确立一新属新种:李氏始无齿翼龙Eopteranodon lii(gen.et sp.nov.)。从它窄长的头骨且其上、下颌尖长而没有牙齿,短的颈椎椎体上来看,显示了该翼龙与无齿翼龙类相似。始无齿翼龙的肱骨没有像其他无齿翼龙类那样具有弯曲的肱骨三角嵴,而且几乎所有的无齿翼龙类均个体较大。始无齿翼龙的个体较小,两翼展宽约为1.1m左右。腕骨没有愈合,肱骨三角嵴较平直以及第Ⅳ翼掌骨稍微长于尺骨显示了它的原始性,它代表一新的、较原始的、类似无齿翼龙的翼手龙类。  相似文献   

根据中国辽西早白垩世九佛堂组一几乎完整头骨及头后骨骼建立古神翼龙类一新种:具冠华夏翼龙。具冠华夏翼龙以前上颌骨上具有一斧状矩形突起为特征,该突起的短轴垂直于前上颌骨的前边缘,除了该突起之外,其他的头骨特征比如鼻眶前孔的前边缘和前上颌骨的前边缘之间的吻部宽度均与季氏华夏翼龙的相似。华夏翼龙和中国的另一个古神翼龙类中国翼龙与古神翼龙共享有一些独特的头骨特征,并且这3个属看起来彼此之间的关系要比与其他神龙类密切的多。中国的古神翼龙(中国翼龙和华夏翼龙)具有相对长的头骨和弱的头骨嵴,而且似乎要比头骨短高和具有大的头骨嵴的古神翼龙原始。Tupuxuarids(Tupuxuara和Thalassodromeus)经常和古神翼龙类被放在古神翼龙科中,  相似文献   

吕君昌 《地球学报》2010,31(Z1):49-51
本文回顾了中国翼龙化石的发现和研究。特别是最近几年在辽宁省西部及其周边地区发现的大量的翼龙化石,使该地区成为世界上最著名的翼龙化石产地之一,尤其是对研究陆相沉积中的翼龙,物种分异和古生物学的重要性可以与德国的Solnhofen Limestone和巴西的Santana Formation 相媲美。目前中国发现有隶属12个科的34个属的翼龙。既包括原始的喙嘴龙类,进步的翼手龙类,也包括处于两者之间的过渡类型-达尔文翼龙类以及胚胎蛋化石。  相似文献   

姬书安  张立军  路芳 《地质学报》2023,97(6):1723-1740
中国辽宁西部早白垩世翼龙类化石非常丰富,其上部的九佛堂组翼龙类组合以含有丰富的无齿的古神翼龙科、朝阳翼龙科等进步类型而与下部的义县组翼龙类组合相区别。本文描述了辽宁西部建昌盆地九佛堂组一新的大型翼龙类化石,其以上下颌无齿、吻端指数为3.7、前颌骨背支细长且封闭鼻眶前孔背缘、很大的鼻眶前孔后端超过上下颌关节位置、轭骨的上颌骨突基部宽大而应被归入朝阳翼龙科(Chaoyangopteridae)神州翼龙属(Shenzhoupterus)。其以较大的体形(翼展2.05 m)、平直的上下颌咬合面、轭骨的眶后骨突较泪骨突长且基部略宽、第4~7颈椎长度依次减小等特征,区别于朝阳神州翼龙(Shenzhoupterus chaoyangensis),而被命名为三亚神州翼龙(新种)(Shenzhoupterus sanyainus sp. nov.)。这是辽宁西部早白垩世翼展最大且不具牙齿的翼龙类属种,它的发现丰富了九佛堂组翼龙类组合内容,对认识朝阳翼龙科的骨骼形态与生态习性亦具有积极意义。  相似文献   

季强  袁崇喜 《地质论评》2002,48(2):221-224
本文实事求是地介绍了道虎沟生物群的组成及相关地层的岩性,并根据长尾型嘴口龙类(Rhamphorhynchoidea)翼龙与短尾型翼手龙类(Pterodactyloidea)翼龙同期共生的特点,确信道虎沟生物群的地质时代为晚侏罗世。此外,本文还研究了道虎沟生物群中翼龙身上发育的皮肤衍生物,初步认为它们是原始羽毛(protofeathers),至少是与羽毛同源的(feather-homologous),这对于了解羽毛(广义)的演化历史和早期的形态结构将具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

吕君昌  袁崇喜 《地质学报》2005,79(4):443-443
根据一具有头骨和下颌保存的几乎完整骨架,建立古神翼龙类一新属新种:季氏华夏翼龙。华夏翼龙的头骨形态显示它处于中国翼龙和古神翼龙的过渡阶段。从华夏翼龙头骨的形态(低的头骨脊)看,显示了它与中国翼龙的关系要比与具有高的头骨脊的古神翼龙密切。中国翼龙相对低长的头骨显  相似文献   

根据发现于辽西朝阳九佛堂组一具有部分头骨的不完整骨架,命名一新的帆翼龙--赵氏龙城翼龙(新属新种).头骨和牙齿形态显示龙城翼龙与宽齿帆翼龙的关系要比与其他翼龙的关系密切,龙城翼龙是目前辽西九佛堂组中发现的唯一的帆翼龙类.帆翼龙科原仅一属种,发现于英国早白垩世地层中,辽西早白垩世新帆翼龙的发现,不但扩大了其地理分布,也证明辽西是晚侏罗世至早白垩世翼龙辐射、分异的重要地区.这对研究翼龙的起源和演化有重要意义.  相似文献   

198 6年 4月浙江省临海市上盘镇岙里村青年农民徐成法 ,在村后山采石场上白垩统塘上组沉凝灰岩中 ,发现一较完整的翼龙骨架化石 ,即致信浙江自然博物馆 ,引起有关方面重视。同年他又陆续采得 3个完整程度不一的翼龙骨架化石及零散残骸化石。此后当地农民又采得一完整翼龙头骨化石。1990年浙江自然博物馆蔡正全、魏丰展开了研究 ,确定为一种大型翼龙新属新种。分类 :爬行动物纲 ,翼龙目 ,夜翼龙科 ,浙江翼龙属 ,临海浙江翼龙。特征 :翼展达 5m以上。头骨低而长 ,前颌上部至后顶端浑圆。鼻孔和眶前孔合成一卵形大孔 ,约占头骨全长 1/2。喙细…  相似文献   

A new baby pterodactyloid pterosaur with soft tissue preserved, Ningchengopterus liuae gen. et sp. nov., is erected based on a nearly complete skeleton with a skull. It was characterized by the skull, slightly longer than the combined length of the dorsal and sacral vertebrae; 50 teeth (including upper and lower jaws); short mid-cervical vertebrae; the humerus and the scapula, equal to that of the wing metacarpal in length; the ulna and the femur, equal to that of the first and third wing phalanx in length, respectively. The similar ratio of the wing phalanx 2 to wing phalanx 1 of Ningchengopterus and Eosipterus implies that Ningchengopterus may be close to the ctenochasmatid pterosaur. However, it may also imply that the isometrically growing of the first two wing phalanges exists among some pterosaurs.  相似文献   

A new pterosaur Moganopterus zhuiana gen. et sp. nov. is erected based on a complete skull with lower jaws and anterior cervical vertebrae. It is characterized by much elongated upper and lower jaws with at least 62 total, long, curved teeth with sharp tips, a well developed parietal crest extending posterodorsally, forming an angle of 15 degrees with the ventral margin of the skull, the ratio of length to width of cervical vertebrae greater than 5:1. The skull length is 750 mm, and it is the largest toothed pterosaur found so far in the world. Based on this new pterosaur, the Boreopteridae can be divided into two subgroups: Boreopterinae sub-fam. nov. and Moganopterinae sub-fam. nov., which is also confirmed by the phylogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

A new baby pterodactyloid pterosaur with soft tissue preserved.Ningchengop terus liuae gen. et sp.nov.,is erected based on a nearly complete skeleton with a skull.It was characterized by the skull, slightly longer than the combined length of the dorsal and sacral vertebrae;50 teeth(including upper and lower jaws);short mid-cervical vertebrae;the humerus and the scapula, equal to that of the wing metacarpal in length;the ulna and the femur, equal to that of the first and third wing phalanx in length, respectively.The similar ratio of the wing phalanx 2 to wing phalanx 1 of Ningchengopterus and Eosipterus implies that Ningchengopterus may be close to the ctenochasmatid pterosaur.However, it may also imply that the isometrically growing of the first two wing phalanges exists among some pterosaurs.  相似文献   

Fragmentary remains, including cervical vertebrae and limb bones, of a large pterosaur from the Upper Cretaceous of Tous, province of Valencia (Spain), are described. The material was recovered from lacustrine beds in the upper part of the Calizas y Margas de Sierra Perenchiza Formation, which is probably Maastrichtian in age. Six fragments of vertebrae allow a reconstruction of the anatomy of the mid-series cervicals of the animal. The general morphology of the cervical vertebrae is closely similar to that of the long-necked Azhdarchidae. Compared to other azhdarchids, the Valencia pterosaur shows minor differences from the genera Azhdarcho and Quetzalcoatlus, and is here provisionally referred to as Azhdarchidae indet. A wingspan of about 5.5 m is calculated by comparison with other known azhdarchids. This is the second azhdarchid pterosaur described from the Iberian peninsula. It confirms the wide distribution of this group of large pterosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The anurognathids are an enigmatic and distinctive clade of small, non-pterodactyloid pterosaurs with an unusual combination of anatomical traits in the head, neck, wings and tail. They are known from very limited remains and few have been described in detail, and as a result, much of their biology remains uncertain. This is despite their importance as potentially one of the earliest branches of pterosaur evolution or even lying close to the origins of pterodactyloids. This review covers the taxonomy and palaeoecology of the anurognathids, which remain an interesting branch of pterosaurian evolution.  相似文献   

Based on a new nearly naturally preserved skull and four cervical vertebrae of the pterosaur Feilongus sp. from the lower Cretaceous Jiufotang Formation of Beipiao, western Liaoning province, northeastern China, the diagnosis of Feilongus is amended. The revised diagnosis notes long, curved, needle-shaped teeth that are confined to the jaw far anterior to the nasoantorbital fenestra; posterior teeth that are slightly smaller than the anterior teeth; cervical vertebrae elongated with a ratio of length to width greater than 5; tooth number of about 78; and two cranial sagittal crests.  相似文献   

A new species of Darwinopterus, D. robustodens sp. nov. is described and named. Based on the new specimen, the diagnostic characters of Darwinopterus are amended and include: rostral dentition composed of well-spaced, spike-like teeth; the longest teeth are confined to the anterior half of the tooth row; tooth alveoli have raised margins; nasoantorbital fenestra confluent; inclined quadrate; elongate cervical vertebrae with low neural spine and reduced or absent ribs; long tail of more than 20 caudals partially enclosed by filiform extensions of the pre- and postzygapophyses; short metacarpus less than 60 per cent length of humerus, fifth toe with two elongate phalanges and curved second pedal phalanx of the fifth toe with the angle between the proximal and distal segments about 130 degrees. The complete specimen of the new pterosaur D. robustodens sp. nov. provides much more osteological information. The differences in tooth morphologies between Darwinopterus modularis and D. robustodens sp. nov. suggest that they filled different ecological niches. The hard integument-bearing Coleoptera may have been the main food source of Darwinopterus robustodens.  相似文献   

吕君昌 《地球学报》2016,37(2):129-140
在江西赣州地区晚白垩世地层中发现的窃蛋龙类化石——赣州华南龙,属于进步窃蛋龙类,其独特的头部特征为研究窃蛋龙类恐龙的颅面演化、古地理分布及古生态环境提供重要信息;在辽西早白垩世义县组地层中发现的大型、前肢短的驰龙类恐龙——孙氏振元龙,为大型、短前肢类型的驰龙类提供羽毛形态学方面的重要信息,为研究驰龙类的多样性、鸟类羽毛以及飞行起源提供了重要依据;在辽西发现的喙嘴龙类翼龙——朝阳东方颌翼龙,是该地区晚侏罗世地层中发现的第一件翼龙标本,不仅填补了时代上的空白,同时对于印证晚侏罗世喙嘴龙类的辐射演化具有重要作用。这些重要发现对于研究窃蛋龙类的演化、驰龙类羽毛演化及鸟类羽毛起源等热点与难点问题提供了重要的参考依据,尤其在发现华南龙的基础上,命名了赣州恐龙动物群。  相似文献   

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