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中生代多向挤压构造作用与四川盆地的形成和改造   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
远离活动板块边缘的四川盆地以其周缘复杂分布的褶皱构造带而著称,这些构造带的成因及其大地构造背景一直是华南大地构造研究的焦点之一。本文基于区域构造编图、褶皱构造样式和叠加变形分析,论述了四川盆地及其周缘中生代挤压变形特征及其定型时代,确定了重要构造事件及其产生的构造样式。研究显示,四川盆地及其周缘地带中生代经历了3个重大构造事件,每个构造事件产生的构造形迹在空间上发生复合和联合,造就了四川盆地及其周缘复杂的构造组合样式。中晚三叠世碰撞造山事件(印支运动)在扬子地区形成近W-E向褶皱构造,扬子地块西缘伴随着松潘—甘孜褶皱造山带的形成,发育了龙门山—锦屏山逆冲-推覆构造带及川滇前陆盆地,奠定了川—渝—黔—滇大型沉积盆地,构成四川盆地的原形。中晚侏罗世时期(燕山早幕),东亚构造体制发生重大变革,来自北部、东部、西部和南部的板块多向汇聚导致了大陆多向汇聚构造体系的形成和发展,其中秦岭造山带的再生活动导致南部米仓山—大巴山前陆构造带的形成和发展;来自太平洋板块向西推挤,导致了川东地区NW向突出的弧型构造和川南华蓥山帚状构造的形成;羌塘地块的向东侧向挤出,在扬子地块西北缘发生褶皱逆冲变形(龙门山—锦屏山构造带)。这期多向挤压事件强烈改造了四川T3-J1-2原形盆地,周缘褶皱构造带基本定型。早白垩世晚期的挤压事件(燕山晚幕)进一步改造了四川盆地,NW-SE向构造得到加强。除了西缘以外,四川盆地其他周缘褶皱构造带主体定型于晚侏罗世的陆内造山作用阶段,是扬子克拉通周边造山带在周邻板块多向汇聚作用下引发的再生复活的结果,成为中国东部陆内汇聚构造体系的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

论鄂尔多斯盆地及其周缘侏罗纪变形   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
侏罗纪是东亚大地构造发展的重要转折时期,在鄂尔多斯盆地及其周缘可划分为两个性质不同的构造变形阶段。早中侏罗世,盆地处于弱引张应力环境,引张方向近N-S至NNE-SSW向,伸展变形主要发生在盆地周边地带,其发生与晚三叠世华南-华北地块沿秦岭造山带碰撞后的陆内应力场调整作用有关。中晚侏罗世,盆地遭受多向挤压应力作用,挤压方向近W-E、NW-SE和NE-SW,在盆地周缘形成展布方向不一、构造样式不同的边界挤压构造带,盆地轮廓基本定型。西缘近N-S向逆冲-推覆构造带的形成与阿拉善地块和陇西地块向东挤出作用有关;东缘及东南缘总体呈“S”形展布的挤压边界带表现为反向逆冲断裂及其相关褶皱,推测发生在山西台褶带深部滑脱系统的前锋上盘断坡。盆地北侧大青山地区近东西向大型推覆构造和早中侏罗世伸展断陷盆地构造挤压反转,表明阴山造山带在中晚侏罗世时期强烈的N-S向缩短变形和再生造山。鄂尔多斯盆地周缘边界构造带记录了中晚侏罗世强烈的陆内多向内挤压作用和大陆地壳增厚过程,其发生的动力学背景与周邻不同板块(古太平洋、西伯利亚、特提斯)同时向东亚大陆汇聚产生的远程效应有关。中晚侏罗世多向挤压变形加速了鄂尔多斯盆地生烃过程,对多种能源矿产富集和成藏定位产生重要影响。  相似文献   

晚中生代东亚多板块汇聚与大陆构造体系的发展   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
东亚大陆原型形成于三叠纪印支造山运动旋回,其周邻环绕的三大洋(古太平洋、蒙古-鄂霍茨克洋、中特提斯洋)于早侏罗世初期几乎同时向东亚大陆俯冲,开启了东亚多板块汇聚历史。文章通过总结东亚大陆晚中生代构造变形和构造岩浆事件的新近研究成果,简述了东亚多板块汇聚产生的三个陆缘汇聚构造系统(北部蒙古-鄂霍次克碰撞造山带、东部与俯冲有关的增生造山系统、西南部班公湖-怒江缝合构造带)、陆内汇聚构造变形体系和大陆伸展构造体系。在此基础上,重新构建了东亚多板块汇聚大陆构造-岩浆演化的时间框架,将其划分为三个阶段:早侏罗世(200~170 Ma)周邻大洋板块初始俯冲阶段和陆缘裂解事件,中晚侏罗世-早白垩世早期(170~135 Ma)周邻陆缘碰撞造山或俯冲增生造山作用、陆内再生造山作用和汇聚构造体系的形成;中晚白垩世(135~80 Ma)大陆岩石圈的减薄作用和大陆伸展构造体系的发育。研究认为,晚中生代东亚多板块汇聚在时空上的有序演化和深浅构造的复合叠加,不仅产生了东亚大陆复杂的陆缘和陆内构造体系,同时控制了中国东部燕山期爆发式岩浆-成矿作用,也使东亚构造地貌发生东西翘变,早期陆缘汇聚产生的东部高原因晚期大陆岩石圈的减薄和伸展而垮塌。东亚大陆构造体系的形成和演化与联合古大陆的裂解同步,晚中生代东亚多板块汇聚完成了从东亚到欧亚大陆的演替,以东亚大陆为核心的多板块汇聚格局一直延续至新生代,可能成为未来超大陆形成的起点。   相似文献   

中国侏罗纪构造变革与燕山运动新诠释   总被引:141,自引:16,他引:125  
随着一系列新构造观察资料和高精度同位素测年数据的累积,加深了对发生在中国东部晚侏罗世—早白垩世时期构造变革事件的认识,对燕山运动的性质、时限和动力学内涵有了新的诠释。中—晚侏罗世初期(165±5Ma)东亚多板块拼贴运动学发生重大调整,构造体制发生重大转换,启动了以中朝地块为中心、来自北、东、南西不同板块向东亚大陆"多向汇聚"的构造新体制,形成以陆内俯冲和陆内造山为特征的东亚汇聚构造体系。同时大陆地壳岩石圈发生显著增厚,并紧随早白垩世以剧烈的大陆岩石圈伸展和火山—岩浆活动为特征的岩石圈巨量减薄和克拉通破坏,导致燕辽生物群灭绝和热河生物群兴盛的重大生物群更替,成为中国大陆和东亚重大构造变革事件,这是燕山运动的基本内涵。本文依据燕山运动构造变形型式、动力学背景以及产生的深部过程,将"燕山运动"定义为起始于165±5Ma的"东亚多向汇聚"构造体制及其形成的广泛陆内造山和构造变革,并将中国东部岩石圈巨量减薄视作燕山期陆内造山和陆内变形的后效。  相似文献   

大巴山晚中生代陆内造山构造应力场   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
位于中上扬子板块北缘的大巴山造山带, 平面上表现为大尺度向南西显著突出的弧形带, 无论在变形样式和形成时间上都明显与秦岭造山带不同。在大巴山构造格架划分和野外构造变形观测基础上, 通过构造解析, 结合年代学研究成果, 重建了大巴山晚中生代独特的构造应力场, 指出大巴山属陆内造山, 形成于J2末, 并持续到K2初期。其构造应力场特征, 以城口-房县断裂为界, 大巴山逆冲推覆带与其前陆冲断褶皱带的特征显著不同。大巴山逆冲推覆带主要表现为NE-SW向构造挤压, 而在大巴山弧形前陆带从西向东, 由近E-W向挤压, 转变为NE-SW向挤压, 最后转变为近S-N向挤压, 构成一向其外缘扩散的放射状构造应力场。总之, 大巴山造山带由推覆体向前陆, 构造挤压作用由北东向南西方向扩散。这期构造挤压作用控制了大巴山造山带陆内变形活动, 导致大巴山由北东向南西的显著缩短, 同时受到其东西两侧基底隆起——神农架-黄陵地块与汉南地块的强烈阻挡, 造就了现今的大巴山前陆弧型构造。其动力学背景可归因于晚中生代东亚板块多向汇聚。大巴山晚中生代陆内造山构造应力场的研究, 对探讨秦岭造山带动力学特征具有科学意义, 为研究川东北油气运聚规律提供了构造地质学依据。  相似文献   

太行山北部地区处于燕山山脉和太行山山脉的交汇处,其侏罗纪—白垩纪叠加盆地发育过程记录了东西向盆地向北东向盆地转化过程,对刻画华北晚中生代陆内变形过程及其动力学背景具有重要意义。本文以太行山北部草沟堡盆地和招柏盆地为例,在盆地基本构造格架分析的基础上,通过详细的沉积物物源分析、盆地原型再造等沉积学方法,结合岩浆岩同位素年代学数据,提出太行山北部晚中生代构造演化过程,主要经历四个发展演化阶段,包括中侏罗世晚期近南北向构造挤压与挠曲盆地发育、晚侏罗世近南北向弱伸展作用与壳源火山喷发、晚侏罗世末期—早白垩世早期北西—南东向构造挤压与前陆盆地形成、早白垩世北西—南东向伸展作用与幔源火山作用。构造体制转变本质上是动力学体系的转变,在中晚侏罗世东亚大陆多向汇聚体系之下,太行山北部经历的多期构造叠加和盆地叠置过程折射了蒙古—鄂霍茨克构造体系向滨太平洋构造体系的转化过程。  相似文献   

燕山造山带燕山期构造叠加及其大地构造背景   总被引:32,自引:6,他引:26  
广泛的岩浆活动和强烈的构造变形是中国东部燕山期造山作用的两个主要特征。火成岩的空间展布,特别是同构造侵入杂岩体和火山岩盆地的展布与同期变形带的走向(和构造指向)具有很强相关性。本文通过火成岩构造组合、构造形迹及岩浆-构造事件序列等的共同约束,讨论华北地区燕山板内造山带造山过程中的构造叠加、构造应力场转换及其形成的大地构造背景。研究认为,燕山地区发育的“花边状”的褶皱和被褶皱的逆冲推覆带等,是多幕挤压变形叠加的记录。早侏罗世晚期(J31 )、中侏罗世晚期(J32 )、晚侏罗世中期(J23 )、晚侏罗世晚期(J33 )和早白垩世早期(K11 )5期不同方向展布的火成岩对应方向不同的收缩构造,提出早白垩世早期(K11 )本区可能存在区域北西向挤压构造及该期华北地区总体仍处于收缩构造环境的认识。华北燕山造山带是在蒙古—鄂霍茨克构造带,上扬(斯克)—楚科奇(斯克) (Verkhoyano-Chukotsk)造山带,伊泽奈崎(Izanagi)洋俯冲带和特提斯洋俯冲带4个边界会聚大背景中形成和演化的。  相似文献   

华北侏罗纪大地构造:综评与新认识   总被引:46,自引:9,他引:46       下载免费PDF全文
论述了华北地区侏罗纪构造变形样式与岩浆活动序列,目的是试图提出一个侏罗纪构造阶段性演化历史的框架。将华北地区侏罗纪的沉积作用、构造变形和岩浆活动划分为3个阶段。早侏罗世早期大地构造显著特征是没有岩浆活动(205~191Ma的岩浆活动空隙),华北地区处于区域性隆升,这个时期应当是华北与华南板块碰撞和陆内俯冲作用(印支运动)的延续。早中侏罗世(190~175Ma)华北岩石圈处于弱伸展状态,表现为沿燕-辽构造带和郯庐断裂带两侧源于地幔的深成岩浆侵入、火山作用以及沿阴山—燕山构造带发育的正断层和裂谷作用,华北地块内部发生大面积整体沉降和含煤盆地的形成。这个时期大地构造仍可视作是印支运动的后效。中晚侏罗世(165±5Ma~136Ma)构造体制发生重大变革,以多向挤压引起的强烈陆内造山和板内变形为特征。这个阶段区分出了两幕主要挤压变形事件:早幕以上侏罗统巨厚磨拉石沉积之下的角度不整合面为标志,主要沿着鄂尔多斯西缘褶皱冲断带和阴山—燕山构造带发育,时代早于160Ma;晚幕以下白垩统底部的角度不整合面为标志,时代早于135Ma。在中晚侏罗世构造变革时期,两个纬向构造带:北缘的阴山—燕山构造带和南缘的秦岭—大别构造带,以及鄂尔多斯盆地西缘均发生强烈的冲断褶皱变形;华北地块本身遭受NE、NNE向逆冲断层、断层相关褶皱和左旋走滑断层等构造体系的改造,并在空间分布上出现变形分解。郯庐断裂带东侧胶辽地区一系列片麻状地壳重熔型花岗岩的侵入(时代160~150Ma)指示了中晚侏罗世重要的地壳增厚作用。华北侏罗纪变形样式、不同方向的构造体系和多向挤压是东亚周邻板块(北部西伯利亚板块、西部拉萨地块和东部古太平洋板块)从3个不同方向向亚洲大陆同时汇聚产生的远程效应的结果。正是中晚侏罗世强烈的板内挤压变形和地壳增厚作用才诱发了早白垩世(最早始于135Ma)时期岩石圈的巨量减薄和转型。  相似文献   

燕山构造带北缘喀喇沁地区发育了晚古生代一中生代多期岩浆活动,记录了多期构造变形事件,是认识该构造带大地构造演化的理想地区。本文通过对该地区岩浆岩的系统定年及各期构造变形事件的研究,结合区域地质资料,综合分析了晚古生代一中生代的大地构造演化历史。分析结果表明,燕山构造带在早石炭世晚期一早二叠世处于古亚洲洋俯冲背景下的活动陆缘环境,出现了弧岩浆活动。中二叠世古亚洲洋沿索伦克缝合线关闭,使得燕山构造带成为周缘前陆挤压变形带,并对应着岩浆活动的平静期。之后燕山构造带分别出现了晚二叠世一三叠纪、中侏罗世、晚侏罗世与早白垩世4期伸展背景下的岩浆活动。在这些岩浆活动之间的平静期,先后发生了早侏罗世、晚侏罗世初、早白垩世初3期挤压事件。这些现象还表明,岩浆活动与构造演化具有明显的耦合关系,板内环境下岩浆活动发生在伸展背景中,而岩浆活动平静期多对应区域挤压活动。  相似文献   

苏皖地块构造演化、苏鲁造山带形成及其耦合的盆地发育   总被引:34,自引:2,他引:34  
郯庐断裂带一度是古特提斯洋域中的转换断层,其东的苏皖地块和胶辽克拉通分别是曾经独立于扬子克拉通和华北克拉通之外的构造单元。苏皖地块原属中朝构造域,因中元古代时苏鲁洋的张开而向南漂移,震旦纪起归入华南构造域。受北东东-近东西向的江南断裂和江绍断裂右行走滑活动控制,苏皖地块及怀玉地块在石炭纪末-三叠纪时脱离华南构造域,成为古特提斯洋域中的中间地块。中国东部地区东亚燕山期山系的形成受两个地球动力学系统制约:一是苏鲁洋的消减及闭合后苏皖地块与胶辽克拉通的碰撞,二是江南断裂和江绍断裂的先剪后压,苏皖地块与拼合了的扬子-华北克拉通间发生斜向会聚和剪切造山,怀玉地块仰冲超叠在苏皖地块上。分5个阶段(印支期消减,早-中侏罗世斜向会聚,晚侏罗-早白垩世消减,早白垩世碰撞和燕山造山带坍塌)叙述了中生代造山作用的表现和特点,探讨了与各阶段造山作用耦合的盆地类型和时空分布。因燕山造山带的坍塌而燕山运动构建的“盆”“山”关系解脱,中国东部第三纪的伸展盆地直接叠加在燕山造山带的坍塌裂谷上。  相似文献   

With acquisition and accumulation of new data of structural geological investigations and high-resolution isotopic dating data, we have greatly improved our understanding of the tectonic events occurring in eastern China during the period from the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous and may give a new interpretation of the nature, timing and geodynamic settings of the “Yanshan Movement”. During the Mid-Late Jurassic (165±5 Ma), great readjustment of plate amalgamation kinematics took place in East Asia and the tectonic regime underwent great transformation, thus initiating a new tectonic regime in which the North China Block was the center and different plates converged toward it from the north, east and southwest and forming the “East Asia convergent” tectonic system characterized by intracontinental subduction and orogeny. As a consequence, the crustal lithosphere of the East Asian continent thickened considerably during the Late Jurassic, followed immediately by Early Cretaceous substantial lithospheric thinning and craton destruction featured by drastic lithospheric extension and widespread volcano-magmatic activities, resulting in a major biotic turnover from the Yanliao biota to Jehol Biota. Such a tremendous tectonic event that took place in the continent of China and East Asia is the basic connotation of the “Yanshan Movement”. In the paper, according to the deformation patterns, geodynamic settings and deep processes, the “Yanshan Movement” is redefined as the Late Jurassic East Asian multi-directional plate convergent tectonic regime and its associated extensive intracontinental orogeny and great tectonic change that started at -165±5 Ma. The substantial lithospheric attenuation in East China is considered the post-effect of the Yanshanian intracontinental orogeny and deformation.  相似文献   

A synthesis is given in this paper on late Mesozoic deformation pattern in the zones around the Ordos Basin based on lithostratigraphic and structural analyses. A relative chronology of the late Mesozoic tectonic stress evolution was established from the field analyses of fault kinematics and constrained by stratigraphic contact relationships. The results show alternation of tectonic compressional and extensional regimes. The Ordos Basin and its surroundings were in weak N-S to NNE-SSW extension during the Early to Middle Jurassic, which reactivated E-W-trending basement fractures. The tectonic regime changed to a multi-directional compressional one during the Late Jurassic, which resulted in crustal shortening deformation along the marginal zones of the Ordos Basin. Then it changed to an extensional one during the Early Cretaceous, which rifted the western, northwestern and southeastern margins of the Ordos Basin. A NW-SE compression occurred during the Late Cretaceous and caused the termination of sedimentation and uplift of the Ordos Basin. This phased evolution of the late Mesozoic tectonic stress regimes and associated deformation pattern around the Ordos Basin best records the changes in regional geodynamic settings in East Asia, from the Early to Middle Jurassic post-orogenic extension following the Triassic collision between the North and South China Blocks, to the Late Jurassic multi-directional compressions produced by synchronous convergence of the three plates (the Siberian Plate to the north, Paleo-Pacific Plate to the east and Lhasa Block to the west) towards the East Asian continent. Early Cretaceous extension might be the response to collapse and lithospheric thinning of the North China Craton.  相似文献   

With a cratonic nucleus, the North China Craton (NCC) experienced a complex tectonic evolution with multiphase compressional and extensional events during Mesozoic times. Along the northern part of the NCC, the Yinshan–Yanshan fold and thrust belt was a typical intraplate orogen. Jurassic and Cretaceous continental sedimentation, magmatism, widespread intraplate characterize the Yinshan–Yanshan orogenic belt. The geodynamic significance of these tectonic events is still in dispute. In the western part of the Liaoning province, the Yiwulüshan massif crops out at the eastern end of the Yinshan–Yanshan orogenic belt. The Yiwulüshan massif presents an elliptical domal shape with a NE–SW striking long axis. The structural evolution of this massif brings new insights for the understanding of the Mesozoic plutonic–tectonic history of the NCC. A multidisciplinary study involving structural geology, geochronology, Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) and gravity modeling have been carried out. The presentation of the new results splits into two parts. Part I (this paper) deals with field and laboratory structural observations, and presents the main geochronological results. The AMS, gravity modeling data will be provided in a companion paper (Part II). The early compressional deformation (D1) corresponds to a Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous southward thrusting. The subsequent deformation is related to the Early Cretaceous exhumation of the Yiwulüshan massif. A detailed structural analysis allows us to distinguish several deformation events (D2, D3, and D4). The Cretaceous extensional structures, such as syntectonic plutons bounded by ductile normal faults, metamorphic core complexes, and half-graben basins are recognized in many places in East Asia. These new data from the Yiwulüshan massif constitute a link between Transbaikalia, Mongolia, North China and South China, indicating that NW–SE extensional Mesozoic tectonics occurred throughout the entire region.  相似文献   

赵越  高海龙  张拴宏  刘健 《地质学报》2022,96(5):1510-1523
一百年前中国地质学会成立,先驱者们竖立起中国地质科学的旗帜,也是中国科学的第一面旗帜,从此中国地质科学发展进入快车道。燕山运动、中国北方〖XCD.TIF;%70%70,JZ〗科研究,长身贝研究、北京猿人头盖骨的发现是中国地质科学快速进入国际赛道的标志。经历了近百年的研究,北京西山及北京北山、冀北和辽西典型地区积累的证据和资料表明,翁文灏提出的燕山运动A期(幕)发生在160±3 Ma前;晚侏罗世早—中期记录了以髫髻山组和蓝旗组为代表的区域强烈火山喷发和广泛的岩浆侵入(中间期/幕);晚侏罗世晚期区域发育逆冲推覆构造;燕山期构造发展至早白垩世早期135 Ma,冀北张家口组和辽西义县组之下的不整合为燕山运动B期结束的代表。燕山运动是东亚大陆构造体制从古特提斯及古亚洲洋构造域转变为环太平洋活动大陆边缘构造域的产物。这是中国东部和东亚区域中生代独特的重大的地质构造事件。  相似文献   

Granitoids play an important role in deciphering both crustal growth and tectonic evolution of Earth. In the eastern end of the Yinshan–Yanshan belt of North China Craton, the Yiwulüshan massif is a typical region that presents the tectonic evolution features of this belt. Our field work on the host rocks has demonstrated two phases of opposite tectonics: compressional and extensional, however, the deformation is almost invisible in the intrusive rocks. To improve the understanding of the tectonic evolution of the Yiwulüshan massif and the Late Mesozoic tectonics of East Asia, a multidisciplinary study has been carried out. In this study, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and gravity modeling have been applied on these Jurassic plutons (Lüshan, Jishilazi and Guanyindong), which intrude into the Yiwulüshan massif. According to laboratory measurements and microscopic observations on thin sections, the AMS of the Yiwulüshan massif is characterized by secondary fabrics, indicating that the intensive post solidus deformation has reset the (primary) magmatic magnetic fabrics. A relatively gentle NW dipping magnetic foliation has been identified with two distinct groups of magnetic lineations of N34°E and N335°E orientations, namely LM1 and LM2, relatively. Gravity modeling reveals a southward thinning of the massif with a possible feeding zone rooted in the northern part of the massif. Integrating all results from structural observation, geochronological investigation, AMS measurement and gravity modeling, two tectonic phases have been identified in the Yiwulüshan massif, posterior to the Jurassic (180–160 Ma) magmatism in the Yinshan–Yanshan area. The early one concerns a Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous (~ 141 Ma) compressional event with a top-to-the-south to southwest sense of shear. The second one shows an Early Cretaceous (~ 126 Ma) NW–SE ductile extensional shearing. At that time, sedimentary basins widened and Jurassic plutons started to be deformed under post solidus conditions. In fact, the NW–SE trend of the maximum stretching direction is a general feature of East Asian continent during Late Mesozoic.  相似文献   

The Qinling Orogenic belt has been well documented that it was formed by multiple steps of convergence and subsequent collision between the North China and South China Blocks during Paleozoic and Late Triassic times. Following the collision in Late Triassic times, the whole range evolved into an intracontinental tectonic process. The geological, geophysical and geochronological data suggest that the intracontinental tectonic evolutionary history of the Qinling Orogenic Belt allow deduce three stages including strike-slip faulting during Early Jurrassic, N-S compressional deformation during Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous and orogenic collapse during Late Cretaceous to Paleogene. The strike-slip faulting and the infills in Early Jurassic along some major boundary faults show flower structures and pull-apart basins, related to the continued compression after Late Triassic collision between the South Qinling Belt and the South China Block along the Mianlue suture. Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous large scale of N-S compression and overthrusting progressed outwards from inner of Qinling Orogen to the North China Block and South China Block, due to the renewed southward intracontinental subduction of the North China Block beneath the Qinling Orogenic Belt and continuously northward subduction of the South China Block, respectively. After the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous compression and denudation, the Qinling Orogenic Belt evolved into Late Cretaceous to Paleogene orogen collapse and depression, and formed many large fault basins along the major faults.  相似文献   

East and Southeast Asia comprises a complex assembly of allochthonous continental lithospheric crustal fragments (terranes) together with volcanic arcs, and other terranes of oceanic and accretionary complex origins located at the zone of convergence between the Eurasian, Indo-Australian and Pacific Plates. The former wide separation of Asian terranes is indicated by contrasting faunas and floras developed on adjacent terranes due to their prior geographic separation, different palaeoclimates, and biogeographic isolation. The boundaries between Asian terranes are marked by major geological discontinuities (suture zones) that represent former ocean basins that once separated them. In some cases, the ocean basins have been completely destroyed, and terrane boundaries are marked by major fault zones. In other cases, remnants of the ocean basins and of subduction/accretion complexes remain and provide valuable information on the tectonic history of the terranes, the oceans that once separated them, and timings of amalgamation and accretion. The various allochthonous crustal fragments of East Asia have been brought into close juxtaposition by geological convergent plate tectonic processes. The Gondwana-derived East Asia crustal fragments successively rifted and separated from the margin of eastern Gondwana as three elongate continental slivers in the Devonian, Early Permian and Late Triassic–Late Jurassic. As these three continental slivers separated from Gondwana, three successive ocean basins, the Palaeo-Tethys,. Meso-Tethys and Ceno-Tethys, opened between these and Gondwana. Asian terranes progressively sutured to one another during the Palaeozoic to Cenozoic. South China and Indochina probably amalgamated in the Early Carboniferous but alternative scenarios with collision in the Permo–Triassic have been suggested. The Tarim terrane accreted to Eurasia in the Early Permian. The Sibumasu and Qiangtang terranes collided and sutured with Simao/Indochina/East Malaya in the Early–Middle Triassic and the West Sumatra terrane was transported westwards to a position outboard of Sibumasu during this collisional process. The Permo–Triassic also saw the progressive collision between South and North China (with possible extension of this collision being recognised in the Korean Peninsula) culminating in the Late Triassic. North China did not finally weld to Asia until the Late Jurassic. The Lhasa and West Burma terranes accreted to Eurasia in the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous and proto East and Southeast Asia had formed. Palaeogeographic reconstructions illustrating the evolution and assembly of Asian crustal fragments during the Phanerozoic are presented.  相似文献   

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