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Digital terrain modeling is widely used in geological studies. In some cases, orthogonal and diagonal linear patterns appear on maps of local topographic variables. These patterns may be both portrayals of geological structures and artefacts. Some researchers speculated that possible anisotropy of operators of local topographic variables might be a cause of these artefacts. Using a principle for testing derivative operators in image processing, we gave proof to isotropy (rotation invariability) of operators of a majority of local topographic attributes of the complete system of curvatures (i.e., slope gradient, horizontal curvature, vertical curvature, mean curvature, Gaussian curvature, accumulation curvature, ring curvature, unsphericity curvature, difference curvature, minimum curvature, maximum curvature, horizontal excess curvature, and vertical excess curvature). Rotating an elevation function about z-axis and then applying these operators cannot lead to variations in both values of the topographic variables and patterns in their maps, comparing with results of applying these operators to an unrotated elevation function. This demonstrates that linear artefacts with preferable directions in maps of the topographic attributes specified cannot be caused by intrinsic properties of their operators. Other possible sources for false linear patterns in maps of topographic variables are briefly discussed: (a) errors in the compilation of digital elevation models (DEMs), (b) grid geometry of digital terrain models (DTMs), (c) errors in DEM interpolation, (d) imperfection of algorithms for DTM derivation, and (e) aliasing errors.  相似文献   

A general approach to the computation of basic topographic parameters independent of the spatial distribution of given elevation data is developed. The approach is based on an interpolation function with regular first and second order derivatives and on application of basic principles of differential geometry. General equations for computation of profile, plan, and tangential curvatures are derived. A new algorithm for construction of slope curves is developed using a combined grid and vector approach. Resulting slope curves better fulfill the condition of orthogonality to contours than standard grid algorithms. Presented methods are applied to topographic analysis of a watershed in central Illinois.  相似文献   

A number of problems in geology can be formulated so that they consist of optimizing a real-valued function (termed the objective function) on some interval or over some region. Many methods are available for solution if the function is unimodal within the domain of interest. Direct methods, involving only function evaluations, are particularly useful in geological problems where the objective function may be strongly nonlinear and constructed from sampled data. In practical problems, the objective function often is not unimodal. Standard optimization routines are not capable of distinguishing between local extrema or of locating the global extremum, which is the point of interest in most cases. The usual approach—trying several different starting points in the hope that the best local extremum found is the global extremum—is inefficient and unreliable. An ancillary algorithm has been developed which avoids these problems and which couples with a variety of local optimization routines. The algorithm first constructs a grid of objective function values over some feasible region. The region dimensions and grid spacings are based on specific problem considerations. First differences are then calculated for successive points along each grid line and monitored in sign only, which rapidly locates extrema. User interaction determines how many of these extrema will undergo further investigation, which is carried out by passing locations to a local optimization subroutine. The algorithm has proved successful on a number of problems. A geological example—determination of benthic mixing parameters in deep-sea sediments via minimization of stratigraphic offset between 18 O signals from two different species of planktonic foraminifera—is given. FORTRAN code is provided for the global optimization routine, a golden section search subroutine for one-dimensional objective functions, and a simplex subroutine for multidimensional problems.  相似文献   

It has been known that ground motion amplitude will be amplified at mountaintops; however, such topographic effects are not included in conventional landslide hazard models. In this study, a modified procedure that considers the topographic effects is proposed to analyze the seismic landslide hazard. The topographic effect is estimated by back analysis. First, a 3D dynamic numerical model with irregular topography is constructed. The theoretical topographic amplification factors are derived from the dynamic numerical model. The ground motion record is regarded as the reference motion in the plane area. By combining the topographic amplification factors with the reference motions, the amplified acceleration time history and amplified seismic intensity parameters are obtained. Newmark’s displacement model is chosen to perform the seismic landslide hazard analysis. By combining the regression equation and the seismic parameter of peak ground acceleration and Arias intensity, the Newmark’s displacement distribution is generated. Subsequently, the calculated Newmark’s displacement maps are transformed to the hazard maps. The landslide hazard maps of the 99 Peaks region, Central Taiwan are evaluated. The actual landslide inventory maps triggered by the 21 September 1999, Chi-Chi earthquake are compared with the calculated hazard maps. Relative to the conventional procedure, the results show that the proposed procedures, which include the topographic effect can obtain a better result for seismic landslide hazard analysis. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

徐阳 《地质与勘探》2021,57(5):1127-1135
针对多金属矿勘探中测点坐标的批量生成过程步骤繁琐的问题,文中提出了一种利用CASS8.0直接生成1:1万高精度磁法勘探测点及1:1万激电中梯探测测点坐标的思路。通过利用现有地形地质图以及专业绘图软件CASS8.0在制图及坐标转换方面的优越性,直接生成可以应用于手持GPS测量仪的数据格式文件和绘制出可以用于野外找点的地形地质图,达到测绘坐标点在地图上快速导入导出的效果。在内蒙古自治区额济纳旗黑鹰山南区铅多金属矿普查项目的工作中,针对工区面积大,地形复杂,在工作部署中,需要布置探测点数量庞大,采用原始方法计算并人工将每个测点坐标输入手持GPS定位仪中的工作量大且极易出错,探测点点位不能根据实际地形合理规避危险区域或者障碍物(悬崖、峭壁等)等问题,通过利用黑鹰山南区铅多金属矿普查区地形地质图及CASS8.0绘图方面的优越性,批量对工作部署图中测点进行定位编号并调整,从CASS8.0导出坐标数据点并导入天宝R4 GPS手持定位仪中的方法,避免了人工输入数据出错的问题,合理规划了探测路线,提高工作效率,保障了工作人员的生命安全,该应用表明,此方法在工作部署图绘制中更加直观、方便,解决大面积比例尺工作部署图坐标导出导入问题,并且效率极高,在工作中取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

Error evaluation of rasterization of vector data is one of the most important research topics in the field of geographical information systems. Current methods for evaluating rasterization errors are far from perfect and need further improvement. The objective of this study is to introduce a new error evaluation method that is based on grid cells (EEM-BGC). The EEM-BGC follows four steps. First, the area of each land category inside a square is represented in a vector format. The size and location of the square are exactly the same as those of a grid cell that is to be generated by rasterization. Second, the area is treated as the attribute of the grid cell. Vector data are rasterized into n grids, where n is the number of land categories. Then, the relative area error resulting from rasterization for each land category in the grid cell is calculated in raster format. Lastly, the average of the relative area error for all land categories in the grid cell is computed with the area of a land category as weight. As a case study, the EEM-BGC is applied for evaluating the rasterization error of the land cover data of Beijing at a scale of 1 to 250,000. It is found that the error derived from a conventional method (denoted as y) is significantly underestimated in comparison with that derived from the new method (denoted as x), with y = 0.0014x 2.6667. The EEM-BGC is effective in capturing not only the spatial distribution of rasterization errors at the grid-cell level but also the numerical distribution range of the errors. The EEM-BGC is more objective and accurate than any conventional method that is used for evaluating rasterization errors.  相似文献   

J. Shaji 《Natural Hazards》2014,73(3):1369-1392
The densely populated coastline of Thiruvananthapuram district of Kerala, along the southwest coast of India, is sensitive to sea surge and severe coastal erosion. The December 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami had inundated several parts of this coastal zone, indicating nature of sensitivity. The present study is an attempt to develop a coastal sensitivity index (CSI) for Thiruvananthapuram coast within the framework of coastal sediment cells. Seven variables, namely (a) coastal slope, (b) geomorphology, (c) shoreline change, (d) mean sea-level rise, (e) nearshore slope, (f) significant wave height and (g) mean tide range, were adopted in calculation of CSI (the square root of the product of the ranked variables divided by the number of variables). Remote sensing data, topographic maps supported by field work and data from numerical models are used in geographic information system environment to generate CS index for each kilometer segment of this 76-km coastline. This study reveals that 72 % of the Thiruvananthapuram coastline falls in the high sensitive category. This exercise, first of its kind for Kerala coast will be useful for disaster mitigation and management.  相似文献   

大地电磁测深二维地形影响及其校正方法研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
采用有限元法实现MT二维模型的正演模拟,将地形条件下的二维地电模型的MT响应分解为地形引起的畸变场和与测点高程位置有关的稳定场两部分进行分析。用有限元法模拟二维地形条件下地电结构的MT 响应和纯地形的MT响应,采用比值法消除地形引起的干扰场,然后,将消除地形影响后的视电阻率值通过延拓方法获水平地形条件下二维地电结构的视电阻率分布,完善大地电磁测深视电阻率曲线的地形校正。  相似文献   

The region of interest is characterized by incomplete data sets and little information about the tectonic features. Therefore, two methodologies for estimating seismic hazard were used in order to elucidate the robustness of the results: the method of spatially smoothed seismicity introduced by Frankel (1995) and later extended by Lapajne et al. (1997) and a Monte Carlo approach presented by Ebel and Kafka (1999). In the first method, fault-rupture oriented elliptical Gaussian smoothing was performed to estimate future activity rates along the causative structures. Peak ground accelerations were computed for a grid size of 15 km × 415 km assuming the centre of the grids as epicentres, from which the seismic hazard map was produced. The attenuation relationship by Ambraseys et al. (1996) was found suitable for the region under study. PGA values for 10% probability of exceedence in 50 years (return period of 475 years) were computed for each model and a combined seismic hazard map was produced by subjectively assigning weights to each of these models. A worst-case map is also obtained by picking the highest value at each grid point from values of the four hazard maps. The Monte Carlo method is used to estimate seismic hazard, for comparison to the results from our previous approach. Results obtained from both methods are comparable except values in the first set of maps estimate greater hazard in areas of low seismicity. Both maps indicate a higher hazard along the main tectonic features of the east African and Red Sea rift systems. Within Eritrea, the highest PGA exceeded a value 25% of g, located north of Red Sea port of Massawa. In areas around the capital, Asmara, PGA values exceed 10% of g.  相似文献   

A semi-probabilistic approach to the seismic hazard assessment of Greece is presented. For this reason, a recent seismotectonic model for shallow and intermediate depth earthquake sources, based on historical as well as on instrumental data, was used. Different attenuation formulae were proposed for the macroseismic intensity and the strong ground motion parameters for the shallow and the intermediate focal depth shocks. The data were elaborated in terms of McGuire's computer program, which is based on the Cornell's method.A grid of equally spaced points at 20 km distance was made and the seismic hazard recurrence curves for various parameters of the seismic intensity was estimated for each point. Finally, seismic hazard maps for the area of Greece were compiled utilizing the entire range of recurrence curves. These maps depict areas of equal seismic hazard and for every area the analytical relations of the typeSI =f(Tm), whereSI is a seismic intensity parameter andTm is the mean return period, were determined.  相似文献   

2010年1月12日海地MW 7.0级地震触发了大量的滑坡。我们基于GIS与遥感技术构建了3类详细完备的海地地震滑坡编录图,分别为单体滑坡面分布数据,滑坡中心点位置数据与滑坡后壁点位置数据。结果表明海地地震触发了30828处滑坡,这些滑坡大致分布在一个面积为3192.85km2的区域内,滑坡覆盖面积为15.736km2。基于滑坡中心点密度(LCND)、滑坡后壁点密度(LTND)、滑坡面积百分比(LAP)与滑坡剥蚀厚度(LET)这4个衡量指标,使用统计分析方法,分析了海地地震滑坡及其剥蚀厚度与地震参数、地形参数、公路参数的关系。分析结果表明滑坡与坡度、地震动峰值加速度(PGA)存在大致的正相关关系; 与距离恩里基约芭蕉园断裂、距离水系存在大致的负相关关系; 滑坡沿着恩里基约芭蕉园断裂距离的统计结果表明,震中以西距离震中22~26km与8~12km的区域,与震中以东距离震中6~18km的区域是地震滑坡易发区域; 斜坡曲率值越接近0,也就是坡面较平的斜坡越不容易在地震条件下发生滑动; LCND、LTND、LAP与LET高值对应的高程区间为200~1200m; 滑坡发生的优势坡向为E方向; 滑坡的发生与距离震中、距离公路没有太明确的关系。  相似文献   

在MicroStation VBA环境下,对MicroStation V8进行二次开发,实现了一套基于MicroStation V8平台的多比例尺地形图要素更新与质检系统。该文着重阐述了该系统在处理点、线、面、注记、属性、出图效果及质量检查控制等方面的设计。通过二次开发,快速实现了地形图的更新与维护,并有利于质量的控制,符合入库要求。  相似文献   

Spherical Radial Basis Functions (SRBFs) can express the local gravity field model of the Earth if they are parameterized optimally on or below the Bjerhammar sphere. This parameterization is generally defined as the shape of the base functions, their number, center locations, bandwidths, and scale coefficients. The number/location and bandwidths of the base functions are the most important parameters for accurately representing the gravity field; once they are determined, the scale coefficients can then be computed accordingly. In this study, the point-mass kernel, as the simplest shape of SRBFs, is chosen to evaluate the synthesized free-air gravity anomalies over the rough area in Auvergne and GNSS/Leveling points (synthetic height anomalies) are used to validate the results. A two-step automatic approach is proposed to determine the optimum distribution of the base functions. First, the location of the base functions and their bandwidths are found using the genetic algorithm; second, the conjugate gradient least squares method is employed to estimate the scale coefficients. The proposed methodology shows promising results. On the one hand, when using the genetic algorithm, the base functions do not need to be set to a regular grid and they can move according to the roughness of topography. In this way, the models meet the desired accuracy with a low number of base functions. On the other hand, the conjugate gradient method removes the bias between derived quasigeoid heights from the model and from the GNSS/leveling points; this means there is no need for a corrector surface. The numerical test on the area of interest revealed an RMS of 0.48 mGal for the differences between predicted and observed gravity anomalies, and a corresponding 9 cm for the differences in GNSS/leveling points.  相似文献   

A common assumption in geostatistics is that the underlying joint distribution of possible values of a geological attribute at different locations is stationary within a homogeneous domain. This joint distribution is commonly modeled as multi-Gaussian, with correlations defined by a stationary covariance function. This results in attribute maps that fail to reproduce local changes in the mean, in the variance and, particularly, in the spatial continuity. The proposed alternative is to build local distributions, variograms, and correlograms. These are inferred by weighting the samples depending on their distance to selected locations. The local distributions are locally transformed into Gaussian distributions embedding information on the local histogram. The distance weighted experimental variograms and correlograms are able to adapt to local changes in the direction and range of spatial continuity. The automatically fitted local variogram models and the local Gaussian transformation parameters are used in spatial estimation algorithms assuming local stationarity. The resulting maps are rich in nonstationary spatial features. The proposed process implies a higher computational effort than traditional stationary techniques, but if data availability allows for a reliable inference of the local distributions and statistics, a higher accuracy of estimates can be achieved.  相似文献   

ASTER卫星立体像对已经被成功地用于提取全球数字地形模型(DEM),其有效性已经在不同类型的非喀斯特地貌区域得到验证。和一般地貌相比,喀斯特地形,特别是中国南方喀斯特,具有自己独特的形态特征。能否从ASTER影像中精确地提取喀斯特地貌DEM目前尚未见到有任何报道。本文利用ASTER影像成功地提取了广西大化地区高峰丛深洼地的喀斯特地貌DEM,并且将提取结果与同一地区1∶5万地形图控制点的高程和4个剖面的高程变化进行了对比。研究区内绝大部分区域是喀斯特地貌,但在其西北部有一舌状砂岩地貌分布,从而提供了一个很好的喀斯特和非喀斯特地貌DEM精度对比的机会。本文的研究结果表明,从ASTER影像提取出来的砂岩地貌的DEM均方根误差要小于喀斯特地区,表明从ASTER影像中能更有效地提取非喀斯特地貌的DEM。相比之下,提取得到的喀斯特DEM精确度则稍差。究其原因主要是因为研究区内独特的高峰丛深洼地地形形态。由于峰丛地形的阴影在构成立体像对的两幅影像(nadir-looking和aft-loo-king)上的大小和形态差异很大,导致了DEM生产过程中两幅影像不能精确配准,从而产生比较大的误差。相比之下,砂岩地区地貌相对比较平坦,地形阴影大小和形态在两幅影像上差别不大,故而能得到精度比较高的数字地形模型。本文研究结果同时还表明适当增加地面控制点能在一定程度上改善提取出来的喀斯特地貌DEM的精度。尽管提取的数字地形模型精度稍低,其均方根误差仍然远远小于该地区峰丛和洼地个体体量。因此本研究认为从ASTER立体像对提取的数字地形模型可广泛用于喀斯特地貌形态特征研究。  相似文献   

A method for the evaluation of seismic hazard in a given zone, taking into account both the spreading of macroseismic effects and seismic catalogue information, is applied. A data-bank of some 500 digitized isoseisms of earthquakes having occurred in Italy between 1542 and 1986 is used. The isoseismical maps are digitized considering for each degree of intensity the length of 24 spreading rays starting from the macroseismic epicenter or barycentre of the megaseismic area. These rays are separated from each other by the same angle, i.e. every isoseism is divided into 24 equal circular sectors. The year 1542 is taken as the beginning of the time span, since this is when the first seismic event occurred for which reliable isoseismal maps are available. The epicentral intensities considered lie between theVI andXI degrees of the Mercalli-Cancani-Sieberg scale (MCS). This digitized data-bank is analyzed to achieve, for each homogeneous seismogenetic zone that has been recognized, the mean azimuthal spreadings of effects for each degree of intensity as a function of the epicentral intensity. Once a mean propagation model is obtained for each zone, this is applied to seismic events of the same zone, the isoseismal maps of which are not available. A geographic grid is defined to cover the analyzed area, and for each cell of this grid it is then possible to count the number of felt events and their degree. These effects have been evaluated either on the basis of the isoseismal maps (when available) or on the basis of the mean propagations of the zone in which the single event occurred. Moreover, an index summarizing the seismic information was computed for each cell of the previous grid. All the events producing effects and their provenance are stored on files, allowing the main seismogenic zones influencing this cell to be identified. This methodology has been applied to central and southern Italy in an area between the latitudes 40.6 and 43.3 N. In particular, attention is focussed on the sample areas of Rome (given the historical and political importance of the city) and of the Sannio-Matese and Irpinia zone (in which some of the strongest earthquakes of the Apennine chain have occurred). Finally, in order to evaluate the maximum expected magnitude, extreme value statistics (Gumbel III-type) are applied to the Colli Albani area, which represents the seismogenic zone nearest to Rome. For the Sannio-Matese and Irpinia area, considering the more dangerous zone as a unicum, theWeibull distribution has been hypothesized to determine the mean return time for events with an intensity greater than or equal to IX.  相似文献   


Physically-based distributed models are implemented for landslide susceptibility and hazard assessment around the world. Probabilistic methodologies are considered appropriate to study and quantify the uncertainties derived from the input parameters of these models. In this paper, three sets of Monte Carlo simulations, each one with 10,000 iterations, were applied for a slope stability analysis in a small basin of Envigado (Colombia), using the TRIGRS model, to characterise the uncertainty in the landslide assessment. Different parameters to determine the minimum number of realizations required to ensure a small variation in the failure probability were proposed and analyzed. The quality of the landslide susceptibility assessment was studied. Unexpected and probably erroneous results that may be common in the maps generated using this and other similar methodologies were identified and explained. Additionally, the distribution of the factor of safety was calculated for different grid cells of the basin, showing that the probability density function with the best adjustment to the frequency histogram of the factor of safety can vary between grid cells. The assumption of a normal distribution for the factor of safety would be inappropriate and would lead to miscalculations in this case study.  相似文献   

Landslides are one of the most frequent and common natural hazards in Malaysia. Preparation of landslide susceptibility maps is one of the first and most important steps in the landslide hazard mitigation. However, due to complex nature of landslides, producing a reliable susceptibility map is not easy. For this reason, a number of different approaches have been used, including direct and indirect heuristic approaches, deterministic, probabilistic, statistical, and data mining approaches. Moreover, these landslides can be systematically assessed and mapped through a traditional mapping framework using geoinformation technologies. Since the early 1990s, several mathematical models have been developed and applied to landslide hazard mapping using geographic information system (GIS). Among various approaches, fuzzy logic relation for mapping landslide susceptibility is one of the techniques that allows to describe the role of each predisposing factor (landslide-conditioning parameters) and their optimal combination. This paper presents a new attempt at landslide susceptibility mapping using fuzzy logic relations and their cross application of membership values to three study areas in Malaysia using a GIS. The possibility of capturing the judgment and the modeling of conditioning factors are the main advantages of using fuzzy logic. These models are capable to capture the conditioning factors directly affecting the landslides and also the inter-relationship among them. In the first stage of the study, a landslide inventory was complied for each of the three study areas using both field surveys and airphoto studies. Using total 12 topographic and lithological variables, landslide susceptibility models were developed using the fuzzy logic approach. Then the landslide inventory and the parameter maps were analyzed together using the fuzzy relations and the landslide susceptibility maps produced. Finally, the prediction performance of the susceptibility maps was checked by considering field-verified landslide locations in the studied areas. Further, the susceptibility maps were validated using the receiver-operating characteristics (ROC) success rate curves. The ROC curve technique is based on plotting model sensitivity—true positive fraction values calculated for different threshold values versus model specificity—true negative fraction values on a graph. The ROC curves were calculated for the landslide susceptibility maps obtained from the application and cross application of fuzzy logic relations. Qualitatively, the produced landslide susceptibility maps showed greater than 82% landslide susceptibility in all nine cases. The results indicated that, when compared with the landslide susceptibility maps, the landslides identified in the study areas were found to be located in the very high and high susceptibility zones. This shows that as far as the performance of the fuzzy logic relation approach is concerned, the results appeared to be quite satisfactory, the zones determined on the map being zones of relative susceptibility.  相似文献   

The Landscape Reconstruction Algorithm (LRA) with the two models REVEALS and LOVE is developed to transform pollen percentage data to vegetation cover. This paper presents the first study to evaluate LRA in a region with large topographic variations within a short distances. The REVEALS model estimates regional vegetation abundance based on pollen assemblages from large lakes (100–500 ha). Pollen surface samples from one large and 28 small lakes are used together with a combination of regionally derived pollen productivity estimates and available estimates from other regions of Europe. The results show a good relationship between REVEALS‐estimated forest cover and vegetation abundance based on the CORINE land‐cover data. The REVEALS results using various sets of pollen assemblages from small lakes were comparable to those using one large lake. Local vegetation abundance using the LOVE model was estimated around 26 lakes. For common taxa, such as Pinus and Poaceae, the LOVE‐based estimates of plant abundance match well with the distance‐weighted plant abundances based on vegetation maps. Our results indicate that the LRA approach is effective for reconstruction of long‐term vegetation changes in western Norway and other regions with high topographic relief when no major gradients exist in the pollen data.  相似文献   

MicroStation是一套可执行于多种软硬体平台的通用电脑辅助绘图及设计(CAD)软件。在MicroStation中,其制作的符号被保存在一个后缀为CEL符号库文件里,使用时只需正确连接符号库即可。使用MicroStation绘图时,SHARECELL功能为图形符号的替换带来方便。地形图主要使用GRAPHIC、POINTS两种符号类型,其可以通过层、颜色等属性来定义。符号制作时可依据国家标准地形图图示,设置大小及符号原点。设置合适的比例,库中符号则可绘制不同比例尺地形图。MicroStation的符号制作功能虽然灵活,但没有提供对符号要素的编辑功能是软件的一大缺陷。  相似文献   

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