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南迦巴瓦地区广泛出露的中下地壳变基性岩部分熔融形成的层状混合岩和淡色花岗岩,为研究部分熔融过程中榍石的地球化学行为对熔体的微量元素组成的影响提供了良好的机会。相对于源岩或熔融残留体,淡色体亏损Ti、V、REE、Y、Nb、Ta、U等元素,与混合岩中榍石的微量元素特征互补。混合岩、淡色体和榍石微量元素特征表明南迦巴瓦角闪岩部分熔融形成的淡色体的微量元素特征主要受控于榍石的地球化学行为。角闪岩脱水部分熔融过程中,由于长英质熔体的低Ti溶解度,榍石以未熔残留体形式存在于暗色体中,导致熔体亏损Ti、REE、Nb、Ta、V、U等元素和Sr/Y比值相对升高。关键元素在榍石和熔体之间的配分系数受熔体成分影响明显。角闪岩中变质榍石DNb/Ta<1,因此变质榍石残留导致熔体Nb/Ta相对于源岩升高;而高Si-Al花岗质熔体中榍石DNb/Ta>1,因此与高Si-Al熔体平衡的榍石的分离(转熔或结晶分异)将导致熔体Nb/Ta比值相对源岩降低。榍石在部分熔融过程中的微量元素效应为理解变基性岩部分熔融产生熔体的地球化学特征提供新的认识。  相似文献   

利用JL-3600t压机实验研究了800MPa、不同温度条件下泥质岩部分熔融过程,利用EMPA和LA-ICPMS分别测定了熔体相和残留相中主要化学组成以及微量元素(包括REE)组成。实验结果表明,泥质岩低程度部分熔融(〈25%)形成的熔体中REE含量分布于308.8-3565μg/g较大范围内,显示较大的不均匀性,其REE球粒陨石标准化分布模式显示弱的M型REE“四分组效应”,而残留相矿物石榴子石中REE含量变化于167.5—1008μg/g范围,也显示有明显的不均匀性,其REE球粒陨石标准化分布模式显示明显的W型REE“四分组效应”,尤以第一段La-Nd最为显著;随着部分熔融程度的增加(〉30%),其形成的熔体中REE集中在523.2—1130μg/g范围,残留相石榴子石中BEE集中在288.6—512.7μg/g范围,均显示相对均匀;熔体相和残留相石榴子石矿物的REE球粒陨石标准化分布模式不发育REE“四分组效应”。实验前后Cl质量平衡计算的结果表明该实验过程中并没有产生岩浆挥发分相。上述特征表明S型花岗岩中的REE“四分组效应”现象很可能与泥质岩低程度部分熔融具有成因联系。  相似文献   

陈欢  冯梦  康志强  付伟  冯佐海 《地球科学》2020,45(6):2059-2076
为了解桂东北伟晶岩岩浆的形成环境及演化过程,对桂东北茅安塘Nb-Ta-Be-Rb稀有金属矿床周围伟晶岩中的石榴子石进行了镜下观察、电子探针(EPMA)和LA-ICP-MS原位微区主微量元素研究,探讨石榴子石的成因及其对成岩及成矿作用的指示.结果表明,桂东北茅安塘地区伟晶岩中的石榴子石为岩浆成因石榴子石,属于铁铝榴石-锰铝榴石(平均Alm49.28-Sps47.09)固溶体系列,可分为早期形成的Ⅰ型石榴子石(GrtⅠ)和晚期形成的Ⅱ型子石(GrtⅡ).两期石榴子石均以富集重稀土(HREE)、高场强元素(HFSE),亏损轻稀土(LREE)和缺乏大离子亲石元素(LILE)为特征,∑REE配分模式呈明显左倾趋势,显著的Eu负异常.石榴子石生长过程中的界面反应速率小于物质迁移速率,水岩作用较弱,∑REE主要以表面吸附或吸收的形式进入石榴子石中,是导致其重稀土(HREE)元素富集,轻稀土元素亏损的主要原因.随着岩浆分异演化程度的不断提高,∑REE逐渐进入并赋存于石榴子石中,促进岩浆从早期的低分馏(未分馏)的岩浆熔体逐渐向晚期的高分馏的岩浆熔体演化.石榴子石中HREE含量随岩浆演化程度逐渐增加表明,晚期分异演化的岩浆-热液中逐渐富集稀土及稀有金属元素.这些晚期富含成矿元素的热液流体交代原生矿物,导致外侧带及核部花岗伟晶岩中发育大量交代成因的稀土和稀有金属矿物.   相似文献   

利用"RQV-快速内冷淬火"(或称之为"外加热冷封式")高温高压实验装置,实验研究了1kbar、800℃条件下12个REE+Y在富磷过铝质熔体/含水流体相间的分配,并利用EMP、LA-ICPMS和ICP-MS分析技术分别测定了实验初始物、实验产物玻璃中主要化学组成以及熔体相和流体相中REE含量。实验结果表明,REE元素(La,Nd,Sm,Eu,Gd,Tb,Dy,Ho,Er,Tm,Yb和Lu)在流体/熔体相间的分配系数(Dfluid/melt)在(0.1~19.9)×10-4范围,DfYluid/melt在(0.2~7.8)×10-4范围,指示REE和Y强烈趋向于在熔体中富集。REE在流体/熔体相间的分配系数(Dfluid/melt)与体系中P2O5含量变化呈近抛物线状分布,其最大值对应于残余熔体中w(P2O5)为1.44%处。REE在流体/熔体相间的分配系数(Dfluid/melt)随REE的原子序数增大而逐渐降低,构成右倾的平滑曲线,总体上显示出DLREE>DMREE>DHREE的趋势。Y与Ho在流体/熔体相间分配系数的比值(DY/DHo)约为1(0.91~1.28),不随体系中P2O5变化而变化的特征。上述特征表明熔体-流体作用不会导致Y-Ho及REE间的分异,因此,可推断熔体-流体作用过程不可能是过铝质岩浆体系中产生稀土"四重效应"机制。  相似文献   

金红石边缘形成榍石冠状边结构在变质中-基性岩中普遍存在,是金红石与退变质流体携带的SiO_2与CaO作用的结果,反应形成的榍石微量元素特征受到金红石和流体的共同影响。雅鲁藏布江缝合带中角闪岩LZ06-04在抬升过程经历近等温降压退变质作用,石榴子石分解导致同一样品中含石榴子石部分与不含石榴子石部分的退变质流体成分的差异。两种流体分别与金红石反应,对应形成的榍石具有相似的Nb、Ta含量和Nb/Ta比值特征,但截然不同的REE特征。榍石的Nb、Ta来源于金红石,残余金红石与含水流体再平衡Nb、Ta的分配系数增大,且D_(Nb)~(Rt/Fluid)≥D_(Ta)~(Rt/Fluid);虽然Nb和Ta在含水流体中都表现为不活动元素,但相对于Nb,Ta在含水流体中活动性较高。榍石的Zr-Hf体系特征受到锆石、石榴子石等矿物的综合影响,并且Zr-Hf在含水流体中表现出比Nb-Ta更高的活动性。榍石的REE特征受流体中REE特征、榍石与流体配分系数以及共生矿物的影响。在岩浆或变质体系,榍石形成过程中,REE富集矿物(如石榴子石、锆石、褐帘石、独居石、磷灰石等)形成或分解将影响榍石的REE分布特征或形成REE环带结构。含水流体中金红石退变质形成榍石反应的进行受流体中TiO_2、CaO和SiO_2活度的影响。因此榍石常见于钙碱性岩浆岩、富Ca基性变质岩和矽卡岩中。流体中CaO活度的变化影响榍石的形成,进而影响Ti、Nb、Ta在流体中的运移能力。俯冲板片产生流体在交代上覆富Ca地幔楔物质过程中形成榍石残留同样可以造成部分熔融体具有亏损HFSE特征。  相似文献   

新疆阿尔泰造山带是我国重要的稀有金属矿床矿产资源基地,尤以富Li和富Be伟晶岩型矿床广泛发育为特色。本研究选择阿尔泰造山带卡鲁安-阿祖拜矿田富Li和富Be伟晶岩型矿床开展典型解剖,以贯穿岩浆阶段-伟晶岩阶段的白云母矿物为研究主线,探讨不同矿化类型伟晶岩中云母的成分演化规律、花岗岩与伟晶岩的成因联系。矿物学特征显示富Be伟晶岩中发育大量磷酸盐矿物,而富Li伟晶岩含较多橙色锰铝榴石、锂云母而缺乏典型的Fe-Mn磷酸盐。白云母成分分析显示,从白云母花岗岩→富Be伟晶岩→富Li伟晶岩,白云母总体呈Nb含量和Nb/Ta值降低,指示白云母花岗岩、富Be伟晶岩经历了不同程度的分离结晶作用,也代表了富Li伟晶岩的岩浆分异演化程度更高。尽管利用云母成分变化(尤其是K、Rb、Cs等大离子亲石元素)模拟岩浆结晶演化过程,显示可由初始花岗质岩浆经瑞利分离结晶作用依次形成白云母花岗岩→富Be伟晶岩→富Li伟晶岩的假设。但研究区年代学、矿物学、同位素证据指示富Li伟晶岩和富Be伟晶岩具有不同的熔体性质和形成时代。因此,应用云母成分探讨伟晶岩的成因联系应当建立在花岗岩-伟晶岩系统具有合理的时空分布和其它支持源自同一...  相似文献   

陈国建 《福建地质》2014,33(4):262-270
福建南平是我国重要的花岗伟晶岩型矿田之一,伟晶岩主要产出在中-新元古代变质岩系中.伟晶岩脉的形成和加里东期西芹花岗岩具有密切的成因联系.根据伟晶岩主要矿物成分和所含Nb、Ta、Sn等元素可分为白云母-钾长石-早期钠长石型(Ⅰ)、白云母-钠长石-钾长石型(Ⅱ)、白云母-钾长石-钠长石型(Ⅲ)和白云母-钠长石-锂辉石型(Ⅳ).对矿田中的中-新元古代变质岩系、西芹花岗岩,花岗伟晶岩中的Nb、Ta、Sn地球化学做了详细研究.认为南平伟晶岩是在区域地层和相关花岗岩中Nb、Ta、Sn含量具有高背景值的环境中产生的.伟晶岩在形成过程中,Nb、Ta、Sn元素伴随伟晶熔体的分异、演化及交代作用,其含量向晚期趋于增高,在白云母-钠长石-锂辉石伟晶岩中,Nb、Ta、Sn构成了工业矿体,而且主要以独立矿物形式存在.  相似文献   

根据对新疆阿尔泰3号伟晶岩脉各结构带中磷灰石的微量元素组成的系统研究,并综合了目前世界上对不同演化程度的酸性岩浆岩(I型和S型花岗岩、过铝质花岗岩、花岗伟晶岩)的研究成果,对通常具有相似离子半径和相同离子电价的元素对比值变化以及稀土元素“四重效应”产生的原因进行了分析。研究认为,这些元素对的分异和稀土元素“四重效应”的产生与富含挥发分流体相的存在密切相关,流体/熔体相作用的程度可能是制约元素对分异和稀土元素“四重效应”大小的主要因素。  相似文献   

云南澜沧老厂银多金属矿床是“三江”成矿带南段著名的代表性矿床之一。本文系统研究了矿床中黄铁矿(石)的稀土和微量元素地球化学特征。结果表明:老厂矿床黄铁矿(石)稀土元素总量较低,黄铁矿石EREE平均为5.54×10^6,其单矿物EREE平均仅为0.25×10^6;各类样品稀土配分模式均为明显右倾的轻稀土富集模式,轻稀土分异较强、而重稀土元素分异较弱;黄铁矿石、矿物δEu正异常、δCe负异常和轻稀土富集的配分模式与现代海底热液稀土的十分相似,是成矿流体海底喷流沉积的体现,此外黄铁矿石、矿物还发育弱的δEu负异常,可能是后期岩浆成矿热液叠加改造的结果。矿床黄铁矿单矿物除相对富集少量高场强元素外,其它元素均有不同程度的亏损,其Hf/Sm、Th/La、Nb/La值普遍〈1,表明矿床成矿流体可能是以富cl的成矿热液为主;黄铁矿co、Ni含量较低且变化较大,Co/Ni比值显示矿床经历了不同的成矿阶段,利用Y/Ho比值示踪成矿流体表明,黄铁矿Y/Ho比值与海水及海底热液基本一致,为矿床经历海底火山喷流沉积成矿作用提供了新的佐证。  相似文献   

佛冈高分异I型花岗岩的成因:来自Nb-Ta-Zr-Hf等元素的制约   总被引:12,自引:8,他引:4  
陈璟元  杨进辉 《岩石学报》2015,31(3):846-854
华南南岭地区发育有大面积的与钨锡成矿相关的侏罗纪花岗岩,然而其中有些花岗岩的成因类型却难以确定。本文以佛冈岩体为例,结合前人已发表数据,对佛冈花岗岩体中Nb、Ta、Zr和Hf等元素的迁移特征及其原理进行探讨,并对佛冈花岗岩的成因类型进行了厘定。随着分异程度增加,佛冈花岗岩Nb和Ta含量增加,Nb/Ta(3.6~15.3)和Zr/Hf(17.3~38.9)比值降低并发生分异。随着Zr含量的降低,佛冈花岗岩的Zr/Hf比值降低,这一特征表明锆石的分离结晶作用使得佛冈花岗岩的Zr/Hf比值分异。Nb/Ta比值分异可能与角闪石和黑云母的分离结晶作用有关。随着Nb/Ta比值降低,Y/Ho比值增加,这一特征表明佛冈花岗岩Nb/Ta比值的分异也和岩浆演化后期的流体有关。佛冈花岗岩不含原生的富铝矿物,为准铝质到弱过铝质岩石。随着分异程度增加,佛冈花岗岩P2O5含量降低,表明它不是S型花岗岩。随着Y/Ho比值增加和Nb/Ta和Zr/Hf比值降低,佛岗花岗岩Ga/Al和Fe OT/Mg O比值增加,从典型I型花岗岩特征演化到类似A型花岗岩的地球化学特征。因此,我们认为佛冈花岗岩不是A型花岗岩而是高分异的I型花岗岩。区域上与成矿相关的流体和花岗质岩浆的相互作用和分离结晶作用,使得华南南岭地区的花岗岩地球化学特征复杂,所以其成因类型也变的难以确定。  相似文献   

Lanthanide tetrad effects are often observed in REE patterns of more highly evolved Variscan peraluminous granites of mid-eastern Germany (Central Erzgebirge, Western Erzgebirge, Fichtelgebirge, and Northern Oberpfalz). The degree of the tetrad effect (TE1,3) is estimated and plotted vs. K/Rb, Sr/Eu, Eu/Eu1, Y/Ho, and Zr/Hf. The diagrams reveal that the tetrad effect develops parallel to granite evolution, and significant tetrad effects are strictly confined to highly differentiated samples. Mineral fractionation as a cause for the tetrad effect is not supported by a calculated Rayleigh fractionation, which also could not explain the fractionation trends of Sr/Eu and Eu/Eu1. The strong decrease of Eu concentrations in highly evolved rocks suggests that Eu fractionates between the residual melt and a coexisting aqueous high-temperature fluid. Mineral fractionation as a reason for the tetrad effect is even more unlikely as REE patterns of accessory minerals display similar tetrad effects as the respective host rocks. The accessory minerals inherit the REE signature of the melt and do not contribute to the bulk-rock tetrad effect via mineral fractionation. These results point in summary to significant changes of element fractionation behavior in highly evolved granitic melts: ionic radius and charge, which commonly control the element distribution between mineral and melt, are no longer the exclusive control. The tetrad effect and the highly fractionated trace element ratios of Y/Ho and Zr/Hf indicate a trace element behavior that is similar to that in aqueous systems in which chemical complexation is of significant influence. This distinct trace element behavior and the common features of magmatic-hydrothermal alteration suggest the increasing importance of an aqueous-like fluid system during the final stages of granite crystallization. The positive correlation of TE1,3 with bulk-rock fluorine contents hints at the importance of REE fluorine complexation in generating the tetrad effect. As the evolution of a REE pattern with tetrad effect (M-type) implies the removal of a respective mirroring REE pattern (W-type), the tetrad effect identifies open system conditions during granite crystallization.  相似文献   

Data are reported for rare earth elements (REE), Y, Th, Zr, Hf, Nb and Ta in four geological reference materials using sodium peroxide (Na2O2) sintering and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. The described procedure was used by students during their thesis work. A compilation of their reference material data acquired over one year of laboratory work demonstrates the ease and reliability of the method and the high reproducibility of the analytical results. Relative standard deviations of up to thirty six measurements of one reference material were lower than 5% for Y and the REE. Reproduciblities of Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta and Th were higher at between 5% and 10%, and can be attributed to the inhomogeneous distribution of zircon and other trace mineral phases and uncorrected drift effects. The concentration data are compared to reference and literature values and demonstrate that the procedure is also accurate. New data on G-3 show some systematic deviations from G-2, which are statistically significant.  相似文献   

The transfer of fluid and elements from subducting crust to the overlying mantle wedge is a fundamental process affecting arc magmatism and the chemical differentiation of the Earth. While the production of fluid by breakdown of hydrous minerals is well understood, the liberation of trace elements remains generally unconstrained. In this paper, we evaluate the behaviour of trace elements during prograde metamorphism and dehydration using samples of high-pressure, low-temperature metamorphic rocks from New Caledonia. Samples examined include mafic and pelitic rock-types that range in grade from lawsonite blueschist to eclogite facies, and represent typical lithologies of subducting crust. Under lawsonite blueschist facies conditions, the low temperatures of metamorphism inhibit equilibrium partitioning between metamorphic minerals and allow for the persistence of igneous and detrital minerals. Despite this, the most important hosts for trace-elements include lawsonite, (REE, Pb, Sr), titanite (REE, Nb, Ta), allanite (LREE, U, Th), phengite (LILE) and zircon (Zr, Hf). At epidote blueschist to eclogite facies conditions, trace-element equilibrium may be attained and epidote (REE, Sr, Th, U, Pb), garnet (HREE), rutile (Nb, Ta), phengite (LILE) and zircon (Zr, Hf) are the major trace-element hosts. Chlorite, albite, amphibole and omphacite contain very low concentrations of the investigated trace elements. The comparison of mineral trace-element data and bulk-rock data at different metamorphic grades indicates that trace elements are not liberated in significant quantities by prograde metamorphism up to eclogite facies. Combining our mineral trace-element data with established phase equilibria, we show that the trace elements considered are retained by newly-formed major and accessory minerals during mineral breakdown reactions to depths of up to 150 km. In contrast, significant volumes of fluid are released by dehydration reactions. Therefore, there is a decoupling of fluid release and trace element release in subducting slabs. We suggest that the flux of trace elements from the slab is not simply linked to mineral breakdown, but results from complex fluid-rock interactions and fluid-assisted partial melting in the slab.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00410-003-0495-5.Editorial responsibility: J. Hoefs  相似文献   

Ion microprobe data for minerals from the eclogites of the Atbashi Range (South Tianshan) constrain the distribution of trace (Rb, Sr, Ba, Cr, V, Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, U, Th, and Y) and rare-earth elements (REE) in zoned garnets and mineral inclusions in them. This study showed that garnets from the Atbashi eclogites are the main hosts for heavy REE; epidotes are important hosts for REE, Y, Sr, Th, and U; and omphacites are depleted in almost all trace elements compared with the bulk-rock compositions. Garnet, as well as epidote and omphacite inclusions exhibit systematic rimward depletion in a number of trace elements, which is related to the depletion of the rock matrix in these elements during crystallization. Deviations from this trend, including the enrichment of garnet rims in HREE and strong variations in the REE contents of garnets and mineral inclusions, can be explained by metamorphic reactions involving the destabilization of REE-bearing minerals. Our data suggest that the mobility of trace elements under eclogites-facies conditions is mainly controlled by the stability of certain minerals.  相似文献   

We present the results of a LA–ICPMS study of titanites and associated glasses from the mixed-magma phonolitic Fasnia Member of the Diego Hernández Formation, Tenerife, Canary Islands. We employ a method of identifying equilibrium mineral–melt pairs from natural samples using REE contents and a linear form of the lattice strain model equation (Blundy and Wood, 1994), where the Young's modulus (EM) for the 7-fold coordinated site is an output variable. For felsic magmas that contain crystals potentially derived from a variety of environments within the system, this approach is more rigorous than the use of solely textural criteria such as mineral–glass proximity. We then estimate titanite/melt partition coefficients for Y, Zr, Nb, REE, Hf, Ta, U and Th. In common with prior studies, we find that middle REE partition more strongly into titanite than either light or heavy REE, and that REE partitioning behavior in titanite is reasonably predicted by the lattice strain model. Titanite also fractionates Y from Ho, Zr from Hf, and Nb from Ta. Comparison with experimental data indicates that melt structure effects on partitioning are significant, most particularly in very highly polymerized melts. We use the data to estimate 7-fold coordination radii for trivalent Pr, Nd, Ho, Tm and Lu, and to make approximate predictions of titanite/melt partitioning of Ra, Ac and Pa. Interpolation of data for heavy REE does not predict the behavior of Y, indicating that factors other than charge and radius are involved in partitioning. Variations in Y/Ho induced by magmatic processes appear to be negatively correlated with temperature, and are expected to be greatest in near-minimum melts.  相似文献   

 The parameters which control the behaviour of isovalent trace elements in magmatic and aqueous systems have been investigated by studying the distribution of yttrium, rare-earth elements (REEs), zirconium, and hafnium. If a geochemical system is characterized by CHArge-and-RAdius-Controlled (CHARAC) trace element behaviour, elements of similar charge and radius, such as the Y-Ho and Zr-Hf twin pairs, should display extremely coherent behaviour, and retain their respective chondritic ratio. Moreover, normalized patterns of REE(III) should be smooth functions of ionic radius and atomic number. Basic to intermediate igneous rocks show Y/Ho and Zr/Hf ratios which are close to the chondritic ratios, indicating CHARAC behaviour of these elements in pure silicate melts. In contrast, aqueous solutions and their precipitates show non-chondritic Y/Ho and Zr/Hf ratios. An important process that causes trace element fractionation in aqueous media is chemical complexation. The complexation behaviour of a trace element, however, does not exclusively depend on its ionic charge and radius, but is additionally controlled by its electron configuration and by the type of complexing ligand, since the latter two determine the character of the chemical bonding (covalent vs electrostatic) in the various complexes. Hence, in contrast to pure melt systems, aqueous systems are characterized by non-CHARAC trace element behaviour, and electron structure must be considered as an important additional parameter. Unlike other magmatic rocks, highly evolved magmas rich in components such as H2O, Li, B, F, P, and/or Cl often show non-chondritic Y/Ho and Zr/Hf ratios, and “irregular” REE patterns which are sub-divided into four concave-upward segments referred to as “tetrads”. The combination of non-chondritic Y/Ho and Zr/Hf ratios and lanthanide tetrad effect, which cannot be adequately modelled with current mineral/melt partition coefficients which are smooth functions of ionic radius, reveals that non-CHARAC trace element behaviour prevails in highly evolved magmatic systems. The behaviour of high field strength elements in this environment is distinctly different from that in basic to intermediate magmas (i.e. pure silicate melts), but closely resembles trace element behaviour in aqueous media. “Anomalous” behaviour of Y and REEs, and of Zr and Hf, which are hosted by different minerals, and the fact that these minerals show “anomalous” trace element distributions only if they crystallized from highly evolved magmas, indicate that non-CHARAC behaviour is a reflection of specific physicochemical properties of the magma. This supports models which suggest that high-silica magmatic systems which are rich in H2O, Li, B, F, P, and/or Cl, are transitional between pure silicate melts and hydrothermal fluids. In such a transitional system non-CHARAC behaviour of high field strength elements may be due to chemical complexation with a wide variety of ligands such as non-bridging oxygen, F, B, P, etc., leading to absolute and relative mineral/melt or mineral/aqueous-fluid partition coefficients that are extremely sensitive to the composition and structure of this magma. Hence, any petrogenetic modelling of such magmatic rocks, which utilizes partition coefficients that have not been determined for the specific igneous suite under investigation, may be questionable. But Y/Ho and Zr/Hf ratios provide information on whether or not the evolution of felsic igneous rocks can be quantitatively modelled: samples showing non-chondritic Y/Ho and Zr/Hf ratios or even the lanthanide tetrad effect should not be considered for modelling. However, the most important result of this study is that Y/Ho and Zr/Hf ratios may be used to verify whether Y, REEs, Zr, and Hf in rocks or minerals have been deposited from or modified by silicate melts or aqueous fluids. Received: 4 September 1995 / Accepted: 30 October 1995  相似文献   

罗山金矿床是胶东玲珑金矿田最大的金矿床之一,同时发育蚀变岩型矿化和石英脉型矿化。本研究在系统的野外和镜下工作基础上,利用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)技术分析了载金黄铁矿的微量和稀土元素,对比了蚀变岩型和石英脉型矿石载金黄铁矿稀土和微量元素特征,探讨了成矿流体的性质与来源。黄铁矿稀土总含量较低,多呈较明显的"右倾"式稀土配分模式,总体表现出负Eu异常,基本无Ce异常; Hf/Sm、Th/La、Nb/La值均<1,推断成矿流体为富Cl的还原性流体。Co/Ni比值范围在0. 08~3. 77,平均值为1. 09; Co/Ni值以及Co、Ni、Bi、Cu和Zn含量均与变质热液型金矿平均含量相近; Y/Ho比值范围总体在21~32之间,与中国东部大陆地壳Y/Ho比值(20~35)基本重合;结合个别样品的弱正Eu异常以及前人的研究成果,推断成矿流体与变质热液类似,主要来源于古太平洋板块俯冲板片脱水和脱碳作用,且可能有长英质岩浆流体和地壳流体的混入。蚀变岩型和石英脉型矿石内的载金黄铁矿的稀土、微量元素组成没有明显区别,Y/Ho、Nb/Ta和Zr/Hf比值变化范围均很小,表明两类矿石的载金黄铁矿为同一期热液活动作用的产物。  相似文献   

The Hizeh-Jan kaolin deposit(northwest of Varzeghan, East-Azarbaidjan Province, NW Iran) is a product of the alteration of Eocene andesitic rocks. Based on mineralogical examinations, kaolinite, quartz, smectite, pyrophyllite, muscovite-illite, alunite, calcite, diaspore, goethite and hematite are the most abundant mineral phases in this deposit. The geochemical indicators, such as Y/Ho and Zr/Hf, indicate the non-CHARAC(non-Charge-radius control) behavior of these pairs, which are likely to be due to the occurrence of the tetrad effect phenomenon in this deposit. Simultaneous concave and convex shapes in the chondrite-normalized REE distribution patterns are a remarkable feature of the kaolin samples. Bivariate diagrams of the size of the third tetrad effect(T_3) versus geochemical parameters such as Y/Ho, Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios display two distinct populations for the kaolin samples. The first population is characterized by high T_3 values(>0.13), which are near or on the fault zone. The second population is characterized by low T_3 values(<0.13), and are farther from the fault zone. The obtained results from the geochemical data have furnished compelling evidence that fluidrock interaction, overprint of hypogene processes by supergene ones, and structural control, are key controlling factors for the occurrence of tetrad effects in REE distribution patterns in the Hizeh-Jan kaolin deposit.  相似文献   

A unique zircon was studied in the gneiss samples collected from the Wadi Abu Rusheid psammitic gneiss using electron scanning microscope and electron probe microanalyses. This zircon can be categorized into two types according to the texture and trace element content: (l) magmatic zircon slightly enriched in HfO2 with ordinary zone. (2) Overgrowths of zircon occur as two species, the first species being highly enriched in HfO2 with irregular zoning. The second species is highly enriched in HfO2 forming a rim around the second species with a very sharp thinner boundary. The first type shows a distinct oscillatory internal zoning pattern without change in shape of this zone and has conspicuous inclusion-free zircon overgrowths with distinct poor concentrations in Y, Hf, Th, U, Nb, and Ta in both rim and core. The second type shows two species, the first one displays distinct irregular interval zoning and irregular overgrowth with abrupt change in composition of these zones with distinct enrichment in Y, Hf, Th, U, Nb, and Ta in the rim relative to the core. The second species is forming a rim around the first species also with distinct enrichment in Y, Hf, Th, U, Nb, and Ta content. These indicate that two events (crystallization environment) have played an important role in the formation of this zircon and largely reflect differences in whole-rock trace element contents between the successive generations of this zircon. The first event is believed to be of magmatic origin giving rise to normal composition of magmatic zircon. The second event shows an intense successive process of metasomatic activity during the formation of the Abu Rusheid radioactive gneiss. Electron microprobe analysis indicates that oscillatory zoned zircon shows poor content of Y, Hf, Th, U, Nb, Ta, and rare earth elements (REE) in the rim and core, while overgrowths of zircon are slightly enriched by these elements. Also, these analyses indicate that the Abu Rusheid psammitic gneiss has been significantly enriched by the thorite mineral (Th content up to 54.72% ThO2) and columbite-bearing minerals (Nb content up to 64.74% Nb2O5, Ta content up to 9.32% Ta2O5). The poor content of REE in overgrowths of zircon indicates mobilization of REE during the metamorphism processes of gneiss.  相似文献   

The tetrad effect is a systematic change in REE properties, which is expressed as a split of a normalized REE pattern into four rounded segments (tetrads) and caused by the formation of complex compounds. It was identified in the granitoids of the Oka zone of the Eastern Sayan by ICP determination of REE contents. The granitoids have a high F content, a prominent negative Eu anomaly, and a low K/Rb ratio. An increase in the tetrad effect in the granitoids correlates with increasing Nb/Zr, Y/Ho, and Rb/Sr ratios and SiO2 contents and decreasing Zr/Hf, Ce/Pb, La/Sm, and La/Ta ratios and the contents of Fe2O3 and Na2O. In terms of correlation of the tetrad effect with the Y/Ho, Zr/Hf, and K/Rb ratios, the Li-F and alkali rare metal granitoids of the Oka zone are correlated with, respectively, the granitoids of the northern and northwestern part of the Bohemian Massif, eastern Germany, and the Baerzhe Massif, northeastern China.  相似文献   

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