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三维剖面地质界线是构建三维地质结构模型的重要基础数据,其不确定性会影响三维模型的几何形态和属性分布。以单一分布为假设前提的统计学不确定性分析方法掩盖了其他概率分布特征对模型的影响。突破单一误差分布条件的假设前提,本文使用Monte Carlo方法模拟了不同概率分布情况下地质剖面数据中地质界线的抽样采集,以及地质界线空间分布的不确定性;依托地质界线空间位置与地质属性的耦合关系,提出了用地质属性概率分布实现地质界线空间不确定性的定量可视化,并结合实际地质剖面探讨了多种概率分布条件下地质界线的空间不确定性。实例研究表明,基于Monte Carlo模拟的不确定性分析方法可以突破单一误差分布假设条件,结合地质属性概率可充分揭示出建模数据的内在不确定性与模型外在要素形态之间的耦合关系。  相似文献   

以往的三维地质图由于多是仅利用数字高程模型(DEM)对平面地质图进行z轴方向的扩展,并不包含真三维的属性信息和空间信息,因此其在空间查询、分析和决策方面表现出明显的局限性。笔者首先分析总结了地上地下空间数据和现有数据模型的特点;然后使用UML建模工具建立了基于Geodatabase的地上-地下、地质-地理、属性-空间一体化的数据库模型,在此基础上设计了地上地下一体化的数据库原型,并借鉴地上地下集成建模的思想,探讨了在ArcGIS Engine环境中进行三维地质图编绘的思路和方法,实现了具有空间查询、分析等真三维特征的地质图的编绘;最后研发了相应的系统原型对该方法进行了实例验证。结果表明:地上地下集成建模可以解决地上地下三维模型的无缝集成问题,以空间集成的方式进行三维地质图的编绘具有一定的可行性和实用性。  相似文献   

针对地质体建模中的地层-构造恢复与数据更新问题,提出了一种适合重现地下地层-构造格架的方法,并给出了相应的实现算法。该方法采取面向对象的数据体设计思想,结合目前比较流行的面剖分和体元剖分的优点,屏弃了面剖分和体剖分中烦琐而粗糙的逻辑存储方式,从而克服了各自的缺点。通过设计数据库和一系列的点、线、面、区块,将空间数据和属性数据方便而快捷地存储和表示,快速实时地生成地下地质体的各种几何元素,并很好地得到与保存它们之间的空间关系和拓扑结构。,通过借鉴“分而治之”的思想,采取区块分割的思路,将工作区分成一系列井然有序的区块对象。当有新的数据到来的时候,更新数据库,生成一系列新的点、面等对象,进而搜索受到新数据影响的区块对象,只对那些受到影响的区块对象进行处理,这样就避免了对整个工作区全部重新建模,实现数据和模型的快速更新。通过实验数据的验证,该方法很大程度上提高了建模效率,并能实现数据的自更新,节省了大量手工工作。  相似文献   

常规的二维地质图件难以直观地表达煤炭资源的三维空间展布。基于青海木里三露天勘探区的钻孔数据、二维平面地形地质图、煤层底板等高线和地质勘探剖面图,对该地区地形、煤层底板和断层的三维空间形态及温度场进行了重构。三维重建结果清晰明确地展示了三露天勘探区煤层的形态特征、各个沉积旋回的聚煤范围和强度、构造轮廓特征以及地下地温特征等。结果表明,基于多源地质数据的三维可视化技术可直观形象地反映煤层等地质体的形态和属性特征,可有效地分析复杂断层在地质历史中产生的先后顺序及古构造应力场特征。使用三维建模技术重构地质体对沉积构造及地质体属性特征分析是一种行之有效的手段。   相似文献   

地质图空间数据库数据量大, 内容复杂, 为了保证数据库的质量, 在地质图空间数据库的建立过程中, 对数据的全面系统检查工作是非常必要的。对于地质图空间数据库, 检查属性数据库的内容以及属性数据与空间图形数据的正确链接是难点之一, 也是一项最耗时的工作。为了科学、快速地检查地质图属性数据, 保证属性内容的正确性以及非空间数据与空间数据的正确对应, 针对这一问题, 在进行全国1:100万地质图空间数据库的检查时, 设计开发了属性数据库的自动检查系统。本文以近期完成的全国1:100万地质图空间数据库的检查系统设计研究为例, 主要介绍了地质图数据库属性数据自动检查系统的设计开发, 其中详细介绍了各模块可以实现的主要功能。通过此项检查, 能够提高入库数据的质量, 为数据库后期的应用与共享提供可靠保障, 从而为地质科学研究、矿产勘查及生态环境治理等提供科学的地质图数据资料。  相似文献   

三维地质建模中的多源数据融合技术与方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建模数据多源性是三维地质建模最大的特点,模型构建的关键是将这些数据有效地融合以提高模型的精度和可靠性。首先统一地理、地质、物探、化探、遥感、钻探、采矿等建模数据的坐标系和比例尺,构建原始资料数据库。然后运用等高线数据构建数字高程模型(DEM)面,以DEM面为载体实现了地表填图路线PRB(point-routing-boundary)数据、矢量地质图、栅格地质图、遥感影像图等地表地质数据的有效融合;在已有地表地质数据和地下地质数据约束的条件下,通过约束及离散光滑插值技术实现了地表地质数据和地下地质数据的融合;根据已有建模数据确定合理的建模单元,对数据库中的点、线、面、体等数据进行归类,构建与建模单元一致的原始资料数据库。最后在原始资料数据库中,以高精度地质数据为约束对物探数据进行地质解译,综合已有建模数据,并考虑地质体的三维空间展布,实现了不同精度数据之间的融合;以主要建模数据构建初始地质界面,以高精度建模数据对已构建的初始地质界面进行约束,实现了主要建模数据与次要建模数据的融合。其中,点对线约束、点(线)对面约束、面对面约束等约束建模技术在建模数据融合过程中起重要作用。  相似文献   

Application of Multiple Point Geostatistics to Non-stationary Images   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Simulation of flow and solute transport through aquifers or oil reservoirs requires a precise representation of subsurface heterogeneity that can be achieved by stochastic simulation approaches. Traditional geostatistical methods based on variograms, such as truncated Gaussian simulation or sequential indicator simulation, may fail to generate the complex, curvilinear, continuous and interconnected facies distributions that are often encountered in real geological media, due to their reliance on two-point statistics. Multiple Point Geostatistics (MPG) overcomes this constraint by using more complex point configurations whose statistics are retrieved from training images. Obtaining representative statistics requires stationary training images, but geological understanding often suggests a priori facies variability patterns. This research aims at extending MPG to non-stationary facies distributions. The proposed method subdivides the training images into different areas. The statistics for each area are stored in separate frequency search trees. Several training images are used to ensure that the obtained statistics are representative. The facies probability distribution for each cell during simulation is calculated by weighting the probabilities from the frequency trees. The method is tested on two different object-based training image sets. Results show that non-stationary training images can be used to generate suitable non-stationary facies distributions.  相似文献   

Towards Stochastic Time-Varying Geological Modeling   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The modeling of subsurface geometry and properties is a key element to understand Earth processes and manage natural hazards and resources. In this paper, we suggest this field should evolve beyond pure data fitting approaches by integrating geological concepts to constrain interpretations or test their consistency. This process necessarily calls for adding the time dimension to 3D modeling, both at the geological and human time scales. Also, instead of striving for one single best model, it is appropriate to generate several possible subsurface models in order to convey a quantitative sense of uncertainty. Depending on the modeling objective (e.g., quantification of natural resources, production forecast), this population of models can be ranked. Inverse theory then provides a framework to validate (or rather invalidate) models which are not compatible with certain types of observations. We review recent methods to better achieve both stochastic and time-varying geomodeling and advocate that the application of inversion should rely not only on random field models, but also on geological concepts and parameters.  相似文献   

利用三维地质模拟技术重构地质现象的三维空间分布,是实现自然资源管理和风险评估的重要基础和前提。多点统计学方法通过探寻多点间的空间结构关系,结合随机模拟方法生成具有差异性的模拟结果,较好地再现了复杂的地质现象。然而,如何构建合适、有效的训练图像一直是基于多点统计学三维地质模拟的核心问题。本文提出了一种改进的多点统计学算法。本方法结合了序贯模拟和迭代的方法,将二维剖面扩展为三维训练图像,再结合EM-Like算法,实现了三维地质结构的优化模拟。建模实例结果表明,本方法能确保训练图像对内部模拟网格的约束,准确模拟研究区的地层层序,并很好地再现二维地质剖面所反映的地层结构关系。  相似文献   

邱芹军  段雨希  田苗  吴麒瑞  马凯  陶留锋  谢忠 《地质论评》2024,70(2):2024020022-2024020022
地质图件及其附属资源(如描述文本)作为地质知识的重要存储媒介,蕴含着大量的地学知识及专家经验知识及隐式知识。快速精准地对多模态地质数据进行知识规范化定义、形式化表达、语义化关联和精准化推理是目前地学知识抽取及挖掘的前沿。当前,海量的地学数据中图件及附属描述信息知识分布零散,图件中的信息无法有效地与描述信息进行关联并提供知识服务。本文以多模态地质数据为数据源,建立了多源数据驱动下的地质图知识表达模型,通过地质基础知识、规则知识及决策知识来表达图件中蕴含的显隐式地质知识,从语义、空间、属性三个维度表示地质对象间的关系;并基于领域知识针对地质图件及描述信息开展了地质实体及关系的精准抽取及存储研究,最后以江西省于都县银坑幅G50E011007图幅150000矿产地质调查矢量数据为例进行了验证与分析,实验结果验证了本文所提出的知识表达模型及知识抽取方法, 能够较好地解决地质知识建模中图文关联弱、知识挖掘不充分等问题。  相似文献   

新疆红海块状硫化物矿床三维地质建模及勘探应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙岳 《地质与勘探》2013,49(1):179-184
三维地质模型集成了大量的地质、地球物理、地球化学、遥感及钻孔数据,不仅具有直观可视化以及人工交互功能,而且能够反应地下深部构造信息,为矿产勘查提供强有力的依据.本文结合新疆哈密红海VMS型铜(锌)矿床,利用实测数据和解译数据在Gocad平台创建了三维地质模型.三维结构模型说明了收集的数据、建模的方法及流程,反应了矿体形态及地质体之间的主体关系,三维栅格模型具有的多信息属性显示了矿体中Cu品位的分布变化情况,Kriging法计算了黄土坡块段矿体资源量,并为勘探圈定了一个新的靶区.  相似文献   

地质图空间数据库的建立是我国从纸制地质图件向多源地学空间信息数据库转变的一个标志,为多源地学信息综合分析和解释提供了充足的数据源。将建平幅以往大量的数据纸介质整理后进行属性数据、图形数据采集,建立了一个能够随意提取、可以不断更新的地质图件库,分析讨论了地质图数据库的特点、功能,并进行了应用。  相似文献   

A common assumption in geostatistics is that the underlying joint distribution of possible values of a geological attribute at different locations is stationary within a homogeneous domain. This joint distribution is commonly modeled as multi-Gaussian, with correlations defined by a stationary covariance function. This results in attribute maps that fail to reproduce local changes in the mean, in the variance and, particularly, in the spatial continuity. The proposed alternative is to build local distributions, variograms, and correlograms. These are inferred by weighting the samples depending on their distance to selected locations. The local distributions are locally transformed into Gaussian distributions embedding information on the local histogram. The distance weighted experimental variograms and correlograms are able to adapt to local changes in the direction and range of spatial continuity. The automatically fitted local variogram models and the local Gaussian transformation parameters are used in spatial estimation algorithms assuming local stationarity. The resulting maps are rich in nonstationary spatial features. The proposed process implies a higher computational effort than traditional stationary techniques, but if data availability allows for a reliable inference of the local distributions and statistics, a higher accuracy of estimates can be achieved.  相似文献   

An important step of reservoir characterization is the stochastic modeling of the geometry of lithofacies which control large-scale heterogeneities of petrophysical properties. Although multiple realizations are necessary to appreciate the uncertainty in the spatial distribution of facies, a common short cut consists of retaining the first realization drawn. This paper presents an alternative to this potentially hazardous selection: (1) a categorical map is generated by allocating a single facies to each grid node according to the local probabilities of occurrence of the facies, and (2) the map then is post-processed using a steepest descent-type algorithm so as to improve reproduction of spatial continuity and transition probabilities between facies. The procedure is illustrated using a synthetic dataset. A waterflood simulation shows that retaining a single realization would yield, in average, larger errors in production forecasts (water cuts and recovered oil) than the single postprocessed facies map.  相似文献   

一种面向对象的三维地下空间矢量数据模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对地下空间的真三维连续特性以及建模过程的动态交互编辑与分析要求,提出了一种新的三维地下空间矢量数据模型。该模型采用面向对象思想对地下各种空间对象进行抽象描述;利用模型中的线段要素增强几何元素之间拓扑连接关系的维持,为地质体的切割和地下工程体的开挖等分析提供了算法上的便利;引入拓扑面更好地表达了地下空间对象之间的拓扑邻接关系。该模型在三维地下空间数据的存储管理、查询分析以及实时逼真绘制等方面都表现出较好的性能,适用于地下勘探工程的建模与分析。  相似文献   

徐芬  龚华根 《地下水》2014,(5):182-184
三维地质体建模能以三维真实感图形的形式形象地表达地质构造的真实形态、特征以及三维空间物性参数分布规律,成为地质信息可视化的发展方向。南昌地区已进行的地质勘查工作,利用积累的成果资料,首次建立南昌地区三维地质模型。由于资料来源的多样性和对红层下伏地层勘查程度的不足,建模数据的提取和处理较为复杂。讨论资料收集、数据提取及处理和建模步骤,为类似条件的地质建模提供方法参考。  相似文献   


One main problem in the modeling of mineral deposits is to design a block model that divides the deposit into homogeneous subdomains. The spatial uncertainty in the geological boundaries becomes a critical factor prior to the modeling of the ore properties. For this reason, reducing the uncertainty of geological models leads to an improved mineral resource evaluation. This research work addresses the problem of updating the geological models by using actual online-sensor measurement data. A novel algorithm is provided, which integrates the discrete wavelet transform to the Ensemble Kalman Filter for assimilating online-sensor production data into geological models. The geological realizations in each time step are transformed to frequency coefficients and, after each assimilation step, the updated realizations are back-transformed to the original categorical distribution. Furthermore, a reconciliation process is performed to compare the online-sensor data derived from the production blocks and the updated realizations in each time step. The algorithm is illustrated through an application to the Golgohar iron deposit located in SW of Sirjan, Iran, and proves to reproduce the statistical parameters and connectivity values of the primary geological realizations.


三维地质模型精度评估与误差修正问题已成为制约三维地质模拟技术深入发展应用的瓶颈。在综合国内外研究现状与发展趋势的基础上,提出了三维地质结构模型精度评估、误差检测、动态修正的总体研究框架。在模型精度评估方面,提出分别构建三维地质结构模型精度评估的一般理论模型、面向特定地质体的实际操作模型和地质结构构造不确定性的三维空间分布模型的研究思路,指出应重点研究地质实体自身特性、三维地质建模方法对三维地质结构模型精度的影响,解决由一般地质界面的内插误差和特殊地质体的外推误差引起的精度评估问题。在模型误差修正方面,提出基于建模初始数据的模型误差修正方法和基于建模中间结果的模型误差修正方法,在具体实现时,引入“数据 模型的可视化交互技术”。这些研究成果为建立一套完整的三维地质结构模型精度评估与误差修正的理论体系和方法体系奠定了基础,有助于完善复杂地质条件下三维地质模拟的方法与技术。  相似文献   

Application of EM algorithms for seismic facices classification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Identification of the geological facies and their distribution from seismic and other available geological information is important during the early stage of reservoir development (e.g. decision on initial well locations). Traditionally, this is done by manually inspecting the signatures of the seismic attribute maps, which is very time-consuming. This paper proposes an application of the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm to automatically identify geological facies from seismic data. While the properties within a certain geological facies are relatively homogeneous, the properties between geological facies can be rather different. Assuming that noisy seismic data of a geological facies, which reflect rock properties, can be approximated with a Gaussian distribution, the seismic data of a reservoir composed of several geological facies are samples from a Gaussian mixture model. The mean of each Gaussian model represents the average value of the seismic data within each facies while the variance gives the variation of the seismic data within a facies. The proportions in the Gaussian mixture model represent the relative volumes of different facies in the reservoir. In this setting, the facies classification problem becomes a problem of estimating the parameters defining the Gaussian mixture model. The EM algorithm has long been used to estimate Gaussian mixture model parameters. As the standard EM algorithm does not consider spatial relationship among data, it can generate spatially scattered seismic facies which is physically unrealistic. We improve the standard EM algorithm by adding a spatial constraint to enhance spatial continuity of the estimated geological facies. By applying the EM algorithms to acoustic impedance and Poisson’s ratio data for two synthetic examples, we are able to identify the facies distribution.  相似文献   

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