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该文主要论述山东金伯利岩中镁钛铁矿特征和国内外含矿金伯利岩中钛铁矿特征基本一致。同时与非金伯利岩钛铁矿特征进行对比,可以看出山东金伯利岩中镁钛铁矿、特别是富铬高镁钛铁矿有明显标型特征,是寻找金刚石原生矿的标型矿物。  相似文献   

中国金伯利岩中的单斜辉石   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
董振信 《地质学报》1992,66(1):35-47
本文对我国金伯利岩中,作为巨晶、粗晶、基质相矿物、与镁铝榴石和钛铁矿的连生体、深源岩石包体矿物及金刚石中包体矿物产出的单斜辉石的粒度、形态、颜色及蚀变壳、矿物种属、化学成分特征、端员组分、红外光谱等进行了研究。并与玄武岩中的巨晶及其深源岩石包体矿物、钾镁煌斑岩和云煌岩中的单斜辉石作了对比。研究了单斜辉石和镁铝榴石共生对。探讨了金伯利岩中单斜辉石的成因,形成的温、压条件及所反映出的金伯利岩体形成的构造环境,指出了该矿物在找寻金刚石矿工作中的指示标志。  相似文献   

我国金伯利岩中富铬镁钛铁矿的标型特征及找矿意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钛铁矿在金伯利岩中为金刚石的董要伴生矿物之一,它在非洲及苏联雅库特地区金伯利省印广泛分布,成为寻找金刚石原生矿的主要标志矿物。在我国金伯利岩中由于钦铁矿含量较少,对其研究也不够深入。两年多来笔者对我国金伯利岩中的钦铁矿进行了一些研究,取得了一些初步的结果,现综述如下。一、产状我国金伯利岩  相似文献   

金伯利岩含金刚石性的矿物学判别标志   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
金刚石及其紧密伴生的镁铝榴石、铬尖晶石、钛铁矿、单斜辉石及橄揽石,形成于高温,尤其是高压的上地幔条件下,被快速上升的金伯利岩浆携带至地表,这些矿物形成的特殊的地质条件和环境,必然反映到它们的矿物学特征上来。文章通过对我国金伯利岩中金刚石伴生矿物的研究,探讨了金伯利岩含金刚石性的矿物学标志。  相似文献   

在南非金伯利岩筒中,有232000个重量为14500克拉的金刚石。通过组织调查发现,其中的1024个金刚石具有微细的矿物包裹体。对这些包裹体,通过显微镜下观察与电子探针分析测定了所含矿物成分。在1024个金刚石中,含硫化矿物的358个,含石墨的132个,含有无法测定的云状包裹体的23个,其余部分中有501个含有橄榄岩成因的硅酸盐矿物及氧化矿物的包裹体,最后剩下的10个含有榴辉岩(eclogite)成因的包裹体。据推定这些矿物包裹体相互间  相似文献   

金伯利岩是一种偏碱性的超基性岩,来源于地幔深部,富含挥发份和钾质,属于火成岩类,金伯利岩中主要含有镁铝榴石、金刚石、橄榄石、铬铁矿、铬透辉石、镁钛铁矿,锆石、碳硅石等造岩矿物.同时金伯利岩也被认为是含金刚石最主要的岩石.本文通过文献调研方法,野外现场表明金伯利岩中含有深源包裹体;全球金伯利岩主要分布在俄罗斯、博茨瓦纳、加拿大、安哥拉、南非、刚果民主和纳米比亚;中国金伯利岩主要分布在华北地台,在山东、辽宁、吉林、山西、河南和新疆等地.这些金伯利岩常常与深大断裂甚至地幔深部地质作用关系密切,常出现标志性矿物橄榄石、石榴石、高铬磁铁矿,伴有烃类或氢气.但含金刚石金伯利岩主要沿郯庐断裂带分布,如辽宁瓦房店、山东蒙阴等地.从时代上看,以往认为的早古生代的金伯利岩,更可能都是在早期形成于华北地台之岩石圈底部,而在中生代白垩纪时期才在大规模岩石圈拆沉的地质背景下的以快速上升的,尤其是那些含金刚石的金伯利岩岩管更是快速上升的典型代表,其标型矿物是镁铝榴石、高铬磁铁矿、钙钛矿等.国内辽宁瓦房店含金刚石金伯利岩产于郯庐断裂带东侧,有着与同期金伯利岩相同的岩石矿物学特征,其中的以50号岩管为代表的金刚石矿床是我国重要的战略矿产.金伯利岩及其中的金刚石带来众多直接的深部地幔信息,中国瓦房店、蒙阴一带的金刚石来自上地幔,而一些含硼蓝色金刚石则来自下地幔,不同层圈的金刚石携带不同的标志矿物,以橄榄石为例:来自上地幔金刚石携带的橄榄石为橄榄石;过渡带金刚石携带的主要为瓦兹利石和林伍德石;下地幔的金刚石则为布里奇曼石,它们是深部探测的重要探针.  相似文献   

中国中部大别杂岩和哈萨克斯坦柯切塔夫杂岩是世界著名的含金刚石变质杂岩,二者都位于地台边缘。笔者进行的矿物学岩石学研究揭示了这些杂岩中含金刚石变质岩的最主要性质———多相性。金刚石及其特征的共生矿物(钾质单斜辉石、柯石英、石榴石、锆石等)的地幔性质指示含金刚石变质岩在成因上与约150~200km的岩浆房有关,这与金伯利岩筒的含金刚石岩浆岩的岩浆房相同。矿物相图反映了含金刚石岩浆作用中心的氢水特点,这可以解释金伯利岩金刚石中的含水矿物包裹体和大别变质杂岩中榴辉岩、石榴单辉岩的石榴石中含水矿物包裹体的存在。地内期高压矿化的石榴单辉岩和榴辉岩岩浆侵入到地幔上层和地壳中,这一作用发生在褶皱前碳酸盐陆源层状地层形成的早期阶段。以后,这些含金刚石侵入体与围岩一道遭受了异化学变质(混合岩化、花岗岩化和退变质),部分转变为新岩石———混合岩、片麻岩、角闪岩、片岩和退变岩,这些新岩石继承了石榴单辉岩及其它含金刚石母岩的金刚石部分。  相似文献   

早在六十年代我省就开展了金刚石的普查工作,一九六六年在集安县发现了与金伯利岩相类似的脉岩群,其岩石组合及化学成分与金伯利岩大致相当,因此有人把它定为金伯利岩。但它不含金刚石及其伴生矿物,如镁铝榴石、镁钛铁矿、铬透辉石等。且斑晶仅见橄榄石及黑云母,不见金云母,实不属金伯利岩类,应为苦橄玢岩。其后,又在浑江拗陷进行了金刚石普查,也没有取得进展,那么在我省是否还存在着找寻金刚石矿的有望地段呢?笔者经研究认为,样子哨拗陷较有远景,这不仅是因为它  相似文献   

金刚石中的矿物包裹体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董振信 《矿物岩石》1991,11(3):64-71
山东、辽宁金伯利岩区金刚石中的矿物包裹体是单晶相及多晶相的。大部分原生矿物包裹体为橄榄石,也有铬尖晶石、镁铝榴石、单斜辉石、斜方辉石、自然铁、针镍矿、柯石英、方解石及石墨。云母为后生包裹体矿物。橄榄石包裹体矿物富含Fo及Cr_2O_3。镁铝榴石矿物包裹体为紫红色,含Cr_2O_3,MgO及镁铬榴石分子高,形成压力为7.5GPa。单斜辉石包裹体矿物为绿色,形成温度和压力分别为:1531℃和4.5GPa。铬尖晶石包裹体矿物含Cr_2O_3及Cr/(Cr+Al)比值高,而含Al_2O_3低。柯石英的SiO_2含量为99.15%。自然铁含有少量的Co,Ni。针镍矿在金刚石中较常见。在橄榄石矿物包裹体内,见有方解石产出,其为同生矿物包裹体。  相似文献   

在水系沉积物中进行重砂矿物取样仍然是寻找以矿体或含矿母岩为目标体的主要手段之一,但对于金刚石矿干扰体很多。金伯利岩中与金刚石伴生的镁铝榴石、铬铁矿、钛铁矿和透辉石风化后形成以金伯利岩为中心的分散晕,在水系沉积物中采集KIM并进行分析可以有效地排除干扰体,进而不断地接近真正的目标。  相似文献   

Criteria are suggested for distinguishing xenocrystic ilmenites from those indigenous to the host kimberlite. For instance, in contrast to groundmass grains, ilmenite xenocrysts usually are larger, have reaction rims of leucoxene and perovskite, exhibit strong magnesium enrichment outward, and sometimes have exsolution lamellae and deformation features. Most of the abundant ilmenite macrocrysts found in kimberlite appear to have been phenocrysts in a crystal mush unrelated to kimberlite. On the other hand, kimberlitic groundmass ilmenite is rare, but consistently more magnesian than the cores of macrocrysts. Strong Mg-enrichment patterns evident in the ilmenite macrocrysts probably developed during their attempt to equilibrate with the more magnesian, fractionating kimberlitic liquid. The hypothesis of extensive reaction of ilmenite with kimberlite melt/ fluid has implications with regard to the following: (1) the degree of differentiation of kimberlite melts; (2) the genesis of mantle megacrysts; (3) the reactivity of kimberlite; and (4) the usefulness of groundmass ilmenite as a petrogenetic indicator.  相似文献   


Five compositional-textural types of ilmenite can be distinguished in nine kimberlites from the Eastern Dharwar craton of southern India. These ilmenite generations record different processes in kimberlite history, from mantle to surface. A first generation of Mg-rich ilmenite (type 1) was produced by metasomatic processes in the mantle before the emplacement of the kimberlite. It is found as xenolithic polycrystalline ilmenite aggregates as well as megacrysts and macrocrysts. All of these ilmenite forms may disaggregate within the kimberlite. Due to the interaction with low-viscosity kimberlitic magma replacement of pre-existing type 1 ilmenite by a succeeding generation of geikielite (type 2) along grain boundaries and cracks occurs. Another generation of Mg-rich ilmenite maybe produced by exsolution processes (type 3 ilmenite). Although the identity of the host mineral is unclear due to extensive alteration and possibility includes enstatite. Type 4 Mn-rich ilmenite is produced before the crystallization of groundmass perovskite and ulvöspinel. It usually mantles ilmenite and other Ti-rich minerals. Type 5 Mn-rich ilmenite is produced after the crystallization of the groundmass minerals and replaces them. The contents of Cr and Nb in type 2, 4 and 5 ilmenites are highly dependent on the composition of the replaced minerals, they may not be a good argument in exploration. The highest Mg contents are recorded in metasomatic ilmenite that is produced during kimberlite emplacement, and cannot be associated with diamond formation. The higher Mn contents are linked to magmatic processes and also late processes clearly produced after the crystallization of the kimberlite groundmass, and therefore ilmenite with high Mn contents cannot be considered as a reliable diamond indicator mineral (DIM) and kimberlite indicator mineral (KIM).


辽宁金伯利岩中镁铝榴石与金刚石的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辽宁金伯利岩中镁铝榴石的含量与金刚石的含量成正比。富含矿的岩体中镁铝榴石颜色有紫色、红色和橙色等种类,其中以紫色的为主,金刚石的含量越多紫色类型所占比例就越大。 镁铝榴石中Cr_2O_3和CaO的含量随其颜色的加深而升高;Al_2O_3、MgO、TiO_2的含量变化则相反。富矿岩体中富铬(>5%)镁铝榴石的含量高于中等含矿和贫含矿的岩体。 文中还列出了山东和贵州金刚石矿中镁铝榴石的资料以资对比。  相似文献   

本文百次研究了山东金伯利岩中橄榄石的产状、含量、大小、世代、形态、颜色、环带、矿物包体、折光率、2V、化学成分、端员组分特征及红外光谱和穆斯堡尔谱特征,并分析研究了橄榄石的成因。指出了无色—浅绿色的、含MgO、Cr2O3、NiO高的橄榄石是找金刚石矿的指示性矿物。  相似文献   

Ilmenite macrocrysts in olivine melilitites from Namaqualand-Bushmanland, South Africa, have decomposed by subsolidus reduction to form oriented Mg-titanomagnetite along {0001} ilmenite planes. Residual ilmenite contains 10–11 wt% MgO, 1 wt% MnO, and 0.1 wt% Cr2O3. This macrocryst assemblage is mantled by an annulus of Mg-titanomagnetite, followed by an overgrowth of radiating magnetite + perovskite. Terminal compositions of these magnetites are similar to groundmass spinels, and to the outermost margins of magnetite macrocrysts that have very high Fe3+ core contents. The assemblages are remarkably similar to oxide intergrowths in kimberlites and an upper mantle derivation is proposed for ilmenite macrocrysts in these melilitites. Oxidation states in the source regions are also very similar, whether on-or off-craton, being slightly above FMQ (NNO), but reduced to FMQWM with the onset of decompression, volatile loss, and carbonate immiscibility. In the case of the melilitites, late stage, low pressure crystallization above NNO precipated abundant magnetite + perovskite. The oxide fO2 data are consistent with, and refine the fO2 estimates obtained previously for the behavior of Fe/Mg and Ni contents in olivine from the same suite of samples.  相似文献   

Kimberlite sills emplaced in granite located near the town of Wemindji (Quebec, Canada) range from 2 cm to 1.2 m in thickness. The sills exhibit a wide variation in macroscopic appearance from fine-grained aphanitic dolomitic hypabyssal kimberlite to ilmenite/garnet macrocrystal hypabyssal kimberlite. Diatreme or crater facies rocks are not present. Multiple intrusions are present within the sills, and graded bedding and erosional features such as cross-bedding are common. The sills exhibit a wide range in their modal mineralogy with respect to the abundances of spinel, apatite, phlogopite and dolomite. Olivine is the dominant macrocryst, with an average composition of Fo90. Garnet macrocrysts are low chrome (2–3 wt. %) pyrope (G1/G9 garnet). Ilmenite occurs as rounded macrocrysts (7–13 wt. % MgO). Phlogopite microphenocrysts are Ti-poor and represent a solid solution between phlogopite and kinoshitalite end members. Spinel compositions mainly represent the Cr-poor members of the qandilite–ulvöspinel–magnetite series. The principle carbonate comprising the groundmass is dolomite, with lesser later-forming calcite. Accessory minerals include apatite, Sr-rich calcite, Nb-rich rutile, baddeleyite, monazite-(Ce) and barite. While some of these accessory minerals are atypical of kimberlites in general, it is expected that differentiation products of an evolved carbonate-rich kimberlite magma will crystallize these phases. The Wemindji kimberlites offer insight into the process of crystal fractionation and differentiation in evolved kimberlite magmas. The macroscopic textural features observed in the Wemindji sills are interpreted to represent flow differentiation of a mantle-derived, very fluid, low viscosity carbonate-rich kimberlite. The diverse modes and textural features result entirely from flow differentiation and multiple intrusions of different batches of genetically related kimberlite magma. The mineralogy of the Wemindji kimberlites has some similarities to that of the Wesselton and Benfontein calcite kimberlite sills but differs in detail with respect to dominant carbonate (i.e. dolomite versus calcite), and the character of the rare earth-bearing accessory minerals (i.e. monazite-(Ce) versus rare earth fluorocarbonates).  相似文献   

Coexisting garnets and ilmenites have been synthesized at high pressure (21–40 kb) within the temperature range between 900 and 1100 °C from pyrolite-less-40% olivine and olivine basanite with various water contents. The two compositions yield phases with a range in the 100 Mg/Mg+Fe ratio for both garnet (41–76) and ilmenite (15–47). The distribution coefficient for iron and magnesiaum (K D(Fe, Mg) ilm-ga = 4.0±0.5) for coexisting phases does not appear to vary with change in the bulk composition or temperature of synthesis. The synthesized ilmenites are of similar composition to those of kimberlites in 100 Mg/Mg+Fe ratio and Al2O3 and Cr2O3 solid solution. Cr2O3 content in ilmenite is dependent on Cr2O3 in the bulk composition and also on Fe2O3 content of ilmenite. Fe2O3 content of ilmenite is very sensitive to f O2 and natural ilmenites from peridotites have formed under low f O2. Al2O3 solid solution in ilmenite as well as TiO2 in coexisting garnet tend to be higher with higher temperature. All the variety of compositions of ilmenites from kimberlites may be obtained from rocks rather close in composition to those used in experiments, within the same range of pressure and temperature but at variable oxygen fugacities.  相似文献   

Mn-rich ilmenites (up to 7 % MnO) have been identified in dykes cutting the Malanjkhand porphyry copper mining area in Madhya Pradesh. The dykes are hydrothermally altered and are of tholeiitic affinities. Lamprophyres have been reported from nearby areas. The presence of Mn-rich Ilmenites in the Malanjkhand copper mine dykes and the occurrence of lamprophyres and the pervasive potassium metasomatism in the area strongly suggests a possibility of finding diamondiferous rocks in the area. Such high-Mn bearing ilmenites are associated with diamondiferous deposits in other parts of the world, e.g. Juina kimberlites, Brazil. Mn-bearing ilmenite is considered as an indicator mineral for kimberlite/diamond occurrences. The presence of kimberlite pipes in Raipur district and the association of Mn-rich ilmenite with kimberlites is a fortuitous coincidence for venture-some mining companies. A probable explanation for the origin of manganese layers in the context of ‘rift’ tectonic environment is offered. Also a possible link between the dykes, quartz veins in the Malanjkhand granitic rocks and the copper mineralization is proposed.  相似文献   

The lower sill at Benfontein, South Africa, shows a high degree of magmatic sedimentation to kimberlite, oxide-carbonate, and carbonate layers. The iron-titanium oxide minerals are similar in the carbonate-rich and silicate-rich layers and are represented by titaniferous Mg-Al chromite, Mg-Al titanomagnetite, magnesian ilmenite, rutile, and perovskite. The spinel crystallization trend was toward enrichment in Mg and Ti and depletion in Cr; this trend is similar to that observed in many kimberlites. The ilmenite has Mg and Cr contents within the range observed in kimberlites and lacks the Mn enrichment observed in ilmenites from carbonatites. Perovskite in silicate-rich and carbonate-rich layers shows similar total REE contents and LREE enrichment and lacks the remarkable Nb enrichment observed in perovskite from carbonatites. These new data on the iron-titanium oxide minerals in the lower Benfontein sill do not support a genetic relationship between kimberlites and carbonatites.  相似文献   

Petrology and oxide mineral chemistry are presented on 5 kimberlite dikes that are classified into three groups: (1) one dike is highly carbonated and highly oxidized (> MH) and is characterised by chlorite+Mn-titanomagnetite+rutile+hematite (after chlorite)+maghemite (after titanomagnetite), with ilmenite and perovskite being absent; (2) three dikes are typified by atoll-textured spinels +phlogopite+euhedral Mn-picroilmenite, of intermediate oxidation state (WM-FMQ) with coexisting deuterically serpentinized olivine+Ni-Fe alloys and magnetite; (3) the remaining dike records an early crystallization event under very low ( WM) redox conditions that precipitated anionic-deficient spinels and a Mg-Ti-Cr-wüstite-type phase, followed by late stage more oxidizing (=FMQ) Mnpicroilmenite.Spinels are complexly zoned and crystallization trends among the dikes are diverse, underscoring the fact that no single compositional trend, or evolutionary sequence is typical of kimberlites. Ilmenites are euhedral, and criteria for groundmass crystallization are established. Extraordinarily high MnO (max 17 wt%) contents and high geikielite (62 mole%) concentrations expand the ilmenite field typically assigned to that of kimberlites. Zirconium, Nb and Cr are present in concentrations of 0.5–3 wt% (as oxides) in ilmenite. These highly incompatible elements, along with Mn, are concentrated in late stage melt fractions. The high pyrophanite contents, which are more typical of silicic alkali suites, are accompanied by phlogopite in the Koidu dikes.Objective evaluations of kimberlite-carbonatite relations, as outlined in the literature, cannot be made based on the oxide mineral group. Much of the compositional data for oxides in kimberlites are on mantle-derived xenolith suites and are not from oxides derived from the crystallization of kimberlitic melts.Assessments of the fO2's of kimberlites have considerable potential in evaluating diamond survival through redox reactions. Manganese-rich (+Nb, Zr, Cr) ilmenites are typical of many kimberlites and should be considered in the suite of index minerals employed in prospecting.  相似文献   

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