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地下水人工回灌过程中多孔介质悬浮物堵塞实验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
地下水人工回灌技术的发展与推广常因其回灌过程中物理、化学及生物作用产生的入渗介质堵塞现象而受到严重制约。针对堵塞现象中最常见且最主要的悬浮物堵塞问题,采用室内模拟实验方法,通过将悬浊水连续注入均质的石英砂柱中,来刻画多孔介质中悬浮物堵塞的现象及发生的过程,并分析其发展规律,同时量化计算了堵塞速率。实验结果表明:回灌15 h左右表层介质渗透系数开始降低,即堵塞在表层开始发生,并随时间增加不断向深部发展;连续回灌100 h后表层渗透系数趋于稳定,进入介质内部悬浮物的量减少,内部堵塞发展也趋于稳定,此时堵塞主要在入渗深度10 cm左右的范围内。计算不同堵塞层的堵塞速率λ:表层0~1 cm的λ最大,为0.038 3 h-1,λ随入渗深度增加而减小。对于介质整体的渗透性而言,其降低明显滞后于表层介质,但随时间发展主要受堵塞层的控制。  相似文献   

黄倩  万彬 《安徽地质》2023,(2):139-143
渗透系数是设计地下水人工回灌方案的重要参数。苏州吴江盛泽镇新安水利站地下水人工回灌试验层为典型的河漫滩相粉细砂含水层,埋深98.1~105.8 m,厚度7.7 m。回灌试验系统可实施持续与间断、常压与加压、定流量与定压力等多种模式回灌。利用2020年的试验资料,建立模型,通过直线图解法求得12个试验周期内所对应的渗透系数K值。采用MATLAB进行数据处理与模拟计算,得出渗透系数在回灌持续过程中衰减规律符合指数方程:K(t)=0.58+0.48e-0.21t。  相似文献   

孔隙型热储层的回灌过程中,由于物理堵塞、生物化学堵塞、悬浮物堵塞和气体堵塞,热储层的渗透性下降,回灌能力变弱.为了定量查明渗透系数的衰减,以辽南地区某回灌试验为例,使用Origin软件计算出研究区渗透系数衰减方程,在此基础上计算了回灌井灌压-时间关系曲线和回扬周期.研究表明,利用Origin软件求取渗透系数衰减方程具有方便快捷、规范性好等优点,可在回灌试验数据处理中推广使用.  相似文献   

地下热水回灌过程中渗透系数研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
地下热水回灌是处理地热开发利用中所引发的热储层压力降低和弃水污染环境等问题的有效方法。第三系热储层的回灌过程中,由于物理阻塞和化学阻塞,导致热储层的渗透性下降。回扬可在短时间内消除或缓解堵塞问题,提高回灌效率。将利用回灌试验数据求得的渗透系数进行回归,得到渗透系数衰减方程。用数值方法模拟渗透系数对回灌的影响,对比渗透系数为常数与渗透系数变化两种情况,结果表明渗透系数衰减是第三系回灌能力下降的主要原因,渗透系数是影响回灌的重要因素。  相似文献   

人工回灌是提高水资源利用水平的重要工程措施,然而回灌过程中的堵塞问题会影响入渗效率和入渗工程的使用寿命。为了深入研究堵塞的机理,以控制堵塞问题,通过砂柱试验模拟了地下水人工回灌物理堵塞过程,通过测定含水率的变化分析了由堵塞引起的砂柱饱和-非饱和状态的转化。试验中出流速率经过了迅速增大到一峰值后快速减小,然后又缓慢变小的过程,即:仅经过72 h的回灌,砂柱的出流速率减小为2.18 m/d;72 h后砂样出流速率的减小明显放缓;192 h时,砂样出流速率为0.81 m/d,约为出流速率最大值的1/10。试验结果表明:回灌水悬浮物颗粒进入砂样空隙中引起渗透性减弱,和逐渐沉积在砂柱顶部形成的淤泥层是造成堵塞的直接原因,而淤泥层的形成是造成渗滤速率迅速下降的关键因素;淤泥层的弱透水性使砂样由上至下含水率发生了变化,导致了砂样导水率和水力梯度都降低,促使回灌渗滤速率迅速减小;回灌时间越长,淤泥层厚度越大,出流速率越小。由10组对比试验的结果,综合考虑引起雨洪渗滤系统堵塞的各种因素,建立了无砾石滤料雨洪水回灌过程计算渗滤速率变化的经验模型,拟合结果决定性系数为0.932。  相似文献   

以回灌过程中渗透系数衰减模型为基础,推导了不同回扬次数的渗透系数解析表达式;将其应用于Theis公式,获得了考虑渗透系数衰减以及暂时性堵塞率条件下回灌与回扬物理过程中含水层压强的解析表达式,更准确地刻画了回灌与回扬的物理机制。计算结果表明:在连续回灌不回扬过程中,井内灌压增长符合指数曲线特征,而采取回扬措施后,由指数连续上升转变为间断式阶梯上升;回扬次数越多,灌压下降越明显,但灌压变化幅度随回扬次数的递增而减小。根据解析解定义的两种堵塞率的结果,可以实现利用实验判断不同成分回灌水源对含水层堵塞机理的分析,从而达到科学制定回灌水源标准的目的。  相似文献   

砂岩热储人工回灌过程中介质堵塞问题严重影响到回灌效率,为查明回灌过程中悬浮物堵塞对回灌效率的影响。试验依据德城区鲁北院内回灌井现场尾水中悬浮物粒径分布特征,并以市政自来水为水源,粘性土颗粒为入渗介质,配制0.038 mm和0.050 mm的不同悬浮物粒径和0 mg/L、20 mg/L、50 mg/L、60 mg/L、100 mg/L的不同悬浮物浓度开展一维砂柱模拟回灌试验。试验结果表明:悬浮物堵塞会引起整柱相对渗透系数呈现"快速下降-趋于稳定"的趋势,且堵塞主要发生在表层,可能在一定程度上抑制了悬浮物颗粒向下迁移;悬浮物粒径的大小和浓度均可以影响热储介质堵塞发生时间,悬浮物粒径越大堵塞发生时间越早,浓度越高,堵塞时间越短。试验针对悬浮物堵塞试验研究成果及现实情况,提出了一些针对性的治理措施:(1)设计一级除砂器,除砂器不仅可以沉降颗粒较大的悬浮物,降低悬浮物浓度,也能对尾水进行降温,有益于缓解物理悬浮物堵塞。(2)经过除砂器后,尾水进入二级过滤器,设计粗过滤器的过滤级为50μm,而精过滤器的过滤级为10μm,过滤器的个数可以根据尾水回灌量确定。  相似文献   

为分析定流量条件下回灌堵塞对井周含水层渗流响应的影响,采用指数形式的渗透系数衰减方程反映堵塞作用下井周含水层渗透特性的时变效应,建立了考虑堵塞效应的定流量非完整回灌井流力学模型,采用变量代换、Laplace变换和有限余弦Fourier变换得到了井周含水层中水位抬升在Laplace空间的解,应用Stehfest数值逆变换方法获得了实时空间内的水头抬升和回灌压力。参数分析结果表明,较小的渐近渗透系数Kr,∞会增加回灌过程中水头抬升和回灌压力,并加剧含水层达到拟稳态时的渗流响应;较大的渗透系数衰减指数λ仅增加回灌过程中水头抬升和回灌压力,但不影响含水层达到拟稳态时的渗流响应;因Kr,∞和λ不同而引起的水头差在井筒处达到最大值并沿径向距离逐渐减小。研究结果可以为定流量回灌中井周含水层堵塞的识别与预测提供理论依据。  相似文献   

人工回灌过程中,回灌水的注入使目的含水层地下水环境发生变化,微生物条件也会随之改变,从而影响地下水环境质量及水文地球化学作用。以上海市某人工回灌试验场为例,在分析人工回灌过程中水化学演化特点的基础上,应用DGGE技术对场地回灌过程中地下水中的微生物群落结构变化进行研究,为评价人工回灌对地下水水质安全的影响提供科学的理论依据。结果表明:人工回灌作用使目的含水层地下水中的Eh值及DO质量浓度升高,分别由64.0 mV、1.12 mg/L升至534.4 mV、1.44 mg/L;同一位置处微生物群落结构与原始地下水状态的相似性随时间降低;同一时刻距离回灌井越远的监测井的微生物群落结构越接近于原始地下水状态。随着回灌的进行,目的含水层地下水中优势菌属(种)共有7种,其中Rubrivivax gelatinosusCandidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis clade IIA str.的反硝化能力以及Rhodoferax ferrireducens对Fe3+的还原能力,对地下水水化学组分产生影响。  相似文献   

人工回灌补给滨海含水层是海水入侵修复经常采用的工程措施,然而人工回灌条件下滨海砂质含水层经常出现渗透性显著降低的现象,其含水介质渗透性的时空演变规律仍不清楚。本文以青岛市大沽河下游咸水入侵区含水层砂样为研究对象,通过利用不同尺度的室内砂柱淡咸水驱替试验,对定水头和定流速条件下人工回灌咸淡水驱替过程中砂质含水层渗透性的时空演变特征进行了研究。结果表明:当淡水驱替咸水时含水介质的渗透性会发生显著变化,整个砂柱的渗透性先降低后回升,原因是回灌过程中砂柱中的黏土矿物发生释放、迁移、沉积;定水头条件下,在砂柱的前半段存在一个淘空区,渗透系数是初始渗透系数的1.6~2.0倍,砂柱其它部分渗透性是先降低再轻微回弹;定流速条件下,砂柱的渗透系数随时间的变化均呈现先降低后升高趋势,且砂柱各段离入水口的距离越远其渗透系数的值越小;砂柱黏粒含量的变化规律与渗透性的演化特征相吻合。研究成果可为人工回灌治理滨海含水层海水入侵提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

With the completion of South-North Water Transfer Project in China, plenty of high quality water will be transported to Beijing. To restore the groundwater level in Beijing, part of transferred water is planned to be used for artificial recharge. Clogging is an unavoidable challenge in the artificial recharge process. Therefore, a test is designed to analyse clogging duration and scope of influence and to test the reinjection properties of different recharge media. The test employs the self-designed sand column system with variable spacing and section monitoring, composed of four parts: Sand column, water-supply system, pressure-test system and flow-test system, to simulate the clogging of artificial recharge of sand and gravel pits. The hydraulic conductivity levels of all sand column sections are obtained to analyse the clogging of the injection of different concentrations in media of different particle sizes. In this experiment, two kinds of media are used–round gravel from sand and gravel pit in Xihuang village and the sand from sand and gravel pit by the Yongding River. The concentrations of recharge fluid are respectively 0.5 g/L and 1 g/L. The results show that clogging usually lasts for 20 hrs., and the hydraulic conductivity drops to the original 10%. Clogging usually occurs at 0–12 cm section of the sand column. The scope of influence is 0–60 cm. In column 3 and 4, whose average particle sizes are larger, section 20–50 cm also suffers from clogging, apart from section 0–12 cm. The effective recharge times are respectively 33 hrs. in column 1, 14 hrs. in column 2, 12 hrs. in column 3 and 12 hrs. in column 4. The larger the average particle size is, the quicker the clogging occurs. In media of larger particles, the change in suspension concentration does not have significant influence on the development of clogging. In conclusion, it is suggested that during artificial recharge, the conditions of reinjection medium should be fully considered and effective method of recharge be employed in order to improve effective recharge time.  相似文献   

为了研究人工回灌条件下地下水位抬升对悬浮颗粒在含水层中的迁移-沉积的影响机理,在室内模拟实验中,采用100 mg/L的金刚砂悬浊水回灌中粒石英砂介质,分别研究了不同抬升速率(0、2、4cm/h)条件下人工回灌过程中的悬浮物堵塞规律。实验结果表明:地下水位抬升速率对堵塞位置和堵塞位置处悬浮物的级配影响不大,悬浮物主要淤积在0~2cm深度处;在26h前地下水位抬升引起的入渗量比地下水位固定的入渗量小,在26h后二者相反;水位抬升使介质表层堵塞发展速度减慢,非堵塞层渗流状态出现非饱和时刻滞后;在堵塞层0~2cm处地下水位抬升使堵塞速率小于地下水位固定的堵塞速率。  相似文献   

城市雨水地下回灌过程中悬浮物表面堵塞规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雨洪资源地下回灌是缓解城市供水压力、解决地下水过量开采引起环境负效应的有效途径之一,但堵塞问题却是制约回灌技术推广的关键问题。基于前人理论,研究了入渗介质与悬浮物粒径中值之比(D50/d50)对堵塞层空间分布的影响。以建立表面堵塞预测模型为目的,利用城市雨水回灌细粒石英砂介质开展室内实验,观测雨水回灌的表面堵塞过程并获取渗透性变化的观测数据。根据物理、化学与生物堵塞的产生条件及堵塞特点,判断雨水回灌产生的堵塞性质为物理堵塞。引入过滤模型描述堵塞的发展过程,确定了模型用于模拟细砂表面堵塞的参数值:孔隙堵塞系数(α)为0.15 m2/kg,阻力增长系数(fR′)为20 000 m/kg。在不改变以上2个参数值的条件下,用该模型模拟不同悬浮物粒径悬浊水回灌细粒石英砂的堵塞过程,取得了较好的拟合效果。此过滤模型可以用于模拟入渗介质与悬浮物粒径D50/d50值小于5的表面堵塞的发展过程,可定量预测堵塞对回灌速率的影响。  相似文献   

空气扰动技术修复氯苯污染地下水的影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
通过实验室一维砂柱模拟研究了不同影响因素下空气扰动技术(air sparging,AS)修复氯苯污染地下水的效果,包括介质渗透性、曝气方式、共存污染物、残余饱和态氯苯。结果表明:介质渗透性极大地影响着AS的效果,渗透系数越大,去除效果越好。对渗透系数为10-5m/s数量级及其以下的介质应用AS较为困难;在曝气时间相同的情况下,对于渗透系数为5.1×10-4m/s的中砂,脉冲曝气较连续曝气效果好,对于渗透系数为6.2×10-3m/s的粗砂,2种曝气方式效果相仿;苯和氯苯共存时各污染物的去除存在协同作用;AS对残余饱和态氯苯的去除存在着明显的拖尾效应。  相似文献   

Zheng  Gang  Li  Qinghan  Cheng  Xuesong  Liu  Xiaomin  Jia  Jianwei  Jiao  Ying  Ha  Da 《Hydrogeology Journal》2023,31(4):947-965

Artificial recharge is an effective remediation measure for controlling groundwater level and subsidence in many coastal cities in China. Hydraulic parameters estimated by pumping tests are often used in the design of both pumping and recharge systems. However, the hydraulic parameters in the recharge process have been found to differ from those in the pumping process and should be studied in greater detail. Eight single-well pumping and recharge tests were conducted within a confined aquifer in a soft soil area in the city of Tianjin, and the differences in wellbore storage influences and well losses between the recharge and pumping processes were examined. Furthermore, based on the Hantush and Jacob model, an algorithm combining the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm (LMA) and genetic algorithm (GA) was employed for estimation of the hydraulic parameters. The results illustrated that the combined algorithm eliminating wellbore storage influences could provide hydraulic parameters from which the groundwater level variation could be accurately simulated. The hydraulic conductivity and specific storage values obtained in the pumping tests were higher than those obtained in the recharge tests. In addition to slight plugging of the recharge well, the specific storage differences could be explained by the compression and rebound deformation characteristics of sand in the confined aquifer. The specific storage estimated by pumping tests should be adjusted when applied in groundwater recharge calculation.


Groundwater which occurs in fractured rock or porous aquifers or other geological weak zones such as faults and fractures is usually extracted via boreholes, hand wells or other sources such as springs.Water scarcity has become a severe problem due to many factors, such as an alarming increase in population and per capita water consumption, over exploitation of groundwater resources and abrupt global climatic change along with its related eco-environmental geological problems. In such situation, application of artificial recharge systems(e.g. surface recharge basin and deep injection well systems) can help to effectively manage and augment the unitization of groundwater resources. However, the clogging problem,which may be caused by a complex interdependent mechanisms of physical, chemical and biological has been a challenge for the efficacy and the implementation of recharge facilities. Clogging can reduce the permeability, recharge rate and longevity of recharge facilities and increase the operational and maintenance costs. Major influencing factors associated with the occurrence of clogging include the chemical composition of groundwater(both the recharge water and native groundwater), aquifer medium and microbial diversity, together with other environmental factors such as temperature, pressure, total dissolved solids, total soluble salts, pH, Eh, nutrients, gases, carbonates and others; these factors ultimately increase the piezometric head but reduce the permeability and infiltration rates of porous/seepage media.Pretreatment of recharge water can minimize the potential clogging. In the case of clogged wells,rehabilitation methods need to be deployed. In the meantime, there is an urgent needs to understand the basic causes and developmental processes/mechanisms of clogging in order to mitigate this problem. This paper reviews the major clogging mechanisms and their possible preventive measures and redevelopments in artificial recharge systems.  相似文献   

Streambed vertical hydraulic conductivity (K) plays an important role in river water and groundwater interaction. The K at the ten transects (Ts1–Ts10) at the Donghe River (an intermittent river) in the Ejina Basin, northwestern China, was measured to investigate its spatial variation. Based on the sediment characteristics and vertical hydraulic conductivity of the riverbed, the entire riverbed of the Donghe River could be divided arbitrarily into two parts: an upper part (starting at Ts1 and ending at Ts9, without an obvious and continuous clogging layer) and a lower part (the remaining riverbed, with an obvious and continuous clogging layer). In the upper part, although the K varied with depth within the 0–30 cm layer, the variability with depth could be ignored in practice. The arithmetic mean K of the upper part ranged from 12 to 27.6 m/day, three orders of magnitude larger than that of the lower part (0.06 m/day). The change of K along the river cross section was significant, and larger values of K often occurred in the parts of the channels with greater water depth. However, there were no consistent patterns of the variability of K at transects across the river, which was influenced by the variation in streambed characteristics. The results could be useful for the estimation of groundwater recharge from river and groundwater resources evaluation in the Ejina Basin.  相似文献   

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