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金沙江结合带的上古生界已发生中浅构造相的强烈变形和低绿片岩相的区域低温动力变质,不同时代、不同位态、不同沉积环境的地层均呈构造岩片状无序堆叠。为提高金沙江结合带上古生界岩石地层、年代地层、生物地层的研究程度,本文从划分构造岩片入手,在各构造岩片中进行岩石地层的划分与对比,将该套地层划分为冉家湾组(D_1r)、迪公组(D_2d)、柯那组(Dk)、申洛拱组(C_1?)、响姑组(CPxg)、喀大崩组(P_2k)、奔子栏组(P_3b)。在此基础上,分别对各个岩石地层单位的岩石地层、生物地层、年代地层进行研究,最终达到进行时空多重分解、综合复原之目的。金沙江结合带的上古生界划分的7个组,形成于金沙江小洋盆裂解→出现洋盆→裂陷加剧→一度抬升→再次裂解→转向收缩共6个阶段,分别形成于滨海、浅海陆棚、碳酸盐台地、大陆斜坡、洋岛-海山、深海盆地共6种沉积环境。研究金沙江结合带的岩石地层、生物地层、年代地层特征,有助于从沉积作用的角度查明金沙江古特提斯洋的形成与演化特点。  相似文献   

滇西北金沙江带被动陆缘地层层序和构造演化   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
金沙江带位于中咱地块和昌都地块之间,保存有各种构造背影的沉积物,这些地层呈断片产出,而不是连续地层,我们选择滇西北拖顶-霞若地区,对金沙江带被动陆缘地层断片进行地质填图研究,对各地层断片的时代和沉环境进行分析,在此基础上,恢复了金沙江带被动陆缘的地层层序,根据新的层序和将被动陆缘的演化历史划分为4个阶段.:大陆拉张(晚泥盆世至晚石炭世)、复杂陆缘盆地阶段(早二叠世)、洋-陆转化阶段(晚二叠世至中三  相似文献   

通过对南京汤山驼子洞洞穴堆积观察描述和样品分析测试,结合前人研究成果和汤山地区地质地貌演化的历史,讨论了驼子洞堆积的时代、堆积过程和方式,并对其蕴含的构造、地貌、气候和生物进化等古环境信息进行了合理的挖掘。初步研究表明驼子洞堆积可能是跨早更新世与中更新世早期的地层,其上部含哺乳动物化石的堆积可能反映了偏暖的气候环境。  相似文献   

金沙江变质岩系,习惯上泛指沿川、滇、藏三省交界部位之金沙江流域分布的一套浅——中深变质岩,主要由各种片岩、板岩、千枚岩、石英岩、结晶岩、大理岩和变中基性火山岩等组成,局部变质程度较深时则出现混合岩。对金沙江变质岩系地层时代的归属问题历来就有争议。五十年代李璞和曾鼎乾将其命名为“金沙江群”和“德格群”,时代定为前寒武纪。这一认识在中国科学院地质研究所的1959年公开出版物《中国大地构造纲要》一书中也曾被引用,称“金沙江河谷地区发现的古老变质岩系和点苍山太古代片麻  相似文献   

在2003年1:25万玉树县幅区域地质调查中,发现玉树地区三叠纪地层呈角度不整合覆盖于石炭纪-二叠纪地层之上,从而为确定西金乌兰-金沙江洋的封闭时代提供了确切的地层学依据,进一步证明了西金乌兰-金沙江带是华力西造山带.这一发现对认识古特提斯洋-陆转化过程具有重要意义.  相似文献   

青海玉树地区三叠纪地层之下角度不整合面的发现及意义   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
在2003年1:25万玉树县幅区域地质调查中,发现玉树地区三叠纪地层呈角度不整合覆盖于石炭纪-二叠纪地层之上,从而为确定西金乌兰-金沙江洋的封闭时代提供了确切的地层学依据,进一步证明了西金乌兰-金沙江带是华力西造山带。这一发现对认识古特提斯洋-陆转化过程具有重要意义。  相似文献   

沉积矿物是记录物源信息和古气候变迁的良好载体。通过显微镜碎屑矿物鉴定和黏土矿物X射线衍射峰能谱分析对芝罘岛黄土状黄土2 个剖面13 个样品进行处理, 并对数据进行数学统计分析。结果表明, 芝罘岛黄土状黄土矿物种类、矿物形态特征、磁铁矿和岩屑的高含量等都揭示了黄土来源的多源性和近源性, 末次冰期时的海底平原沉积物以及洪积、残积物是芝罘岛黄土状黄土的重要物源, 而西北内陆沙漠吹来的细颗粒物质相对较少。普通角闪石、绿帘石含量较高的黄土堆积后期是以远源沉积为主, 且以风力搬运为主; 磁铁矿、岩屑含量较高的早、中期是以近源沉积为主, 搬运动力较复杂。根据黄土状黄土的剖面层序特征, 碎屑矿物以及黏土矿物垂相变化特征, 说明黄土堆积的早期, 气候是相对温暖湿润的, 之后变得寒冷干燥, 后来又逐渐回暖, 然后再转冷, 呈现出末次冰期该地冷暖交替的气候旋回。  相似文献   

我国是世界上黄土最发育的—个国家。随着国民经济建设的发展,研究黄土,已成为当前我同广大地质工作者的迫切任务。而我国境内的黄土及黄土状岩石,不论在其他地层,岩性及地理分布等方面,又和世界其他国家境内这种沉积物有所不同,因此,研究我国的黄土及黄土状岩石,不仅对我国各工农业部门有很大实际意义,而且对解决世界上黄土及黄土状岩石的各方面问题也有重要的意义。  相似文献   

四川省金阳县城区地质环境条件复杂且脆弱,属地质灾害高易发区。研究县城区的整体地质环境条件特征为金阳县的城市总体规划修编提供依据。研究工作以金阳县城区的地貌形态、地质构造和地层结构特征为着眼点,通过大量的工程地质测绘及控制性物探、钻探工作后发现,县城区的堆积物台地具有一定的冲洪积、崩积呈层交替堆积特征,地形地貌及地层结构的形成与金沙江古水系的贯通变迁、构造改造等关系密切。综合研究分析县城区的地貌形态演化形成、区域地质构造发育特征和地层结构特征后提出了四川省金阳县城区的堆积台地实际为金阳河三级基座阶地,而非岩质古滑坡的新认识,分析认为县城区堆积体整体处于稳定状态。  相似文献   

着重论述了鄂西建始高坪龙骨洞的堆积 ,并建立了一个新的岩石地层单位——高坪组。高坪组为一套水动力条件较弱的暗河沉积 ,岩性为黏土、亚黏土、砂质黏土 ,含巨猿化石 ,属早更新世早期 ,可与柳城巨猿洞堆积、周口店第 18地点、元谋组下部对比。龙骨洞的地层时代早于 1.93Ma  相似文献   

抚顺盆地同沉积构造及其对煤和油页岩厚度的控制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法,研究了抚顺盆地的同沉积构造格架及其对超厚煤层和油页岩的控制作用。结果表明,抚顺断陷盆地的同沉积构造格架,是由走向NEE和NNW的两组同沉积正断层组成的网络。它将盆地分划成一系列走向近东西的次级断陷,断隆。在古气候和碎屑沉积速率等因素的配合下,该盆地的同沉积构造格架通过控制沉积环境和沉积空间,从间接和直接两个方面严格地控制了煤层和油页岩的厚度分布,因此超厚煤层和油  相似文献   

中国东北兴蒙-吉黑造山带广泛分布着晚三叠世的磨拉石建造,最有代表性者,一是产于造山带的双阳盆地的大酱缸组,底部具磨拉石特征的粗陆碎,堆积厚度大于400 m,上部含煤沉积,产Drepanzamites-Glocsophtllum.二是产于华北陆块及其北部陆缘造山带结合带上的抚松白水滩盆地的小营子组,下段砾岩段为磨拉石建造,厚大于351 m;上部细陆屑沉积,见多层碳质粉砂岩,产Cycadocarpidium?.sp.,Uniohuag bogoucnsis?.三是产于华北陆块上白山市石人镇石人盆地的小河口组,下段习称红石砬子砾岩,厚达570 m;上段北山含煤段产Danacopsis-Glossophyllum.它们与下伏早(中)三叠世地层或时代更老的地质体呈角度不整合接触.充分证明:兴蒙-吉黑造山带造山作用完成于早(中)晚三叠世之间,即结束于早印支期.  相似文献   

维西—景洪裂陷带初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
位于兰坪-思茅坳陷带西侧近南北向的维西-无量山-景洪地质块体,根据地球物理资料结合地质综合分析,具有裂陷带的特征,自泥盆纪开始的地幔上隆,形成隆起带,地壳产生东西向拉张,局部出现火山活动,石炭纪至三叠纪以中酸性为主的火山岩浆大量喷发,早侏罗世关闭,中新生代沉积厚大碎屑岩系,伴随裂陷带的生成,演化形成许多大中型矿床。  相似文献   

辽东半岛早元古宙坳拉槽内靠近优地槽一侧,分布着一套复杂碳酸盐岩系,其下部和海底拉斑玄武岩呈沉积接触,或薄互层状共存,与火山凝灰岩互层。底部碳酸盐岩主要为钙型,向上过渡为钙镁型碳酸盐,其中含有数层由海底喷气作用形成的硅质岩,上部的硅质条带状碳酸盐岩中含有条带状、条纹状喷气沉积的硫化物。碳酸盐岩系顶部为厚层质纯镁质碳酸盐岩,局部含巨厚层状菱镁矿。岩系中碳酸盐岩、硅质岩、金属硫化物的稀土特征和铁锰指数具有一致性。铅同位素研究表明它们源于下地壳。有证据显示:碳酸盐岩系是在一定水深条件下由沉积作用形成的。这和碳氧同位素碳研究的结果吻合。种种特征表明这套复杂的碳酸盐岩系具有其独特性,可能暗示着一种特殊的碳酸盐岩形成方式。  相似文献   

Seismic reflection profiles (3.5 kHz) were obtained along more than 3500 km of shiptrack in Lake Superior within the last 2 yr. The acoustic character of profiles is categorized as: (I) a single, strong reflector at the lake floor, (II) a thick, acoustically transparent layer overlying a strong reflector, and (III) relatively thick sediment with internal acoustic reflectors. These profiles, in conjunction with sediment cores from the area, reveal that varved glacial-lacustrine sediment settled out preferentially in a trough between Isle Royale and the north shore, and to a lesser extent in other topographic depressions; bottom currents generated by storm waves prevent clay accumulation on till or bedrock in the open lake wherever the bottom is shallower than 100 m; bottom currents prevent deposition or erode bottom sediment in certain deep-water (> 200 m) valleys; and lacustrine sediment is disturbed by creep or slumping off Grand Portage, Minnesota, and by other processes such as dewatering in many other areas. These factors complicate sedimentation in Lake Superior, and must be considered when investigating any aspect of the lake sediment.  相似文献   

Seismic reflection profiles (3.5 kHz) were obtained along more than 3500 km of shiptrack in Lake Superior within the last 2 yr. The acoustic character of profiles is categorized as: (I) a single, strong reflector at the lake floor, (II) a thick, acoustically transparent layer overlying a strong reflector, and (III) relatively thick sediment with internal acoustic reflectors. These profiles, in conjunction with sediment cores from the area, reveal that varved glacial-lacustrine sediment settled out preferentially in a trough between Isle Royale and the north shore, and to a lesser extent in other topographic depressions; bottom currents generated by storm waves prevent clay accumulation on till or bedrock in the open lake wherever the bottom is shallower than 100 m; bottom currents prevent deposition or erode bottom sediment in certain deep-water (> 200 m) valleys; and lacustrine sediment is disturbed by creep or slumping off Grand Portage, Minnesota, and by other processes such as dewatering in many other areas. These factors complicate sedimentation in Lake Superior, and must be considered when investigating any aspect of the lake sediment.  相似文献   

北票盆地侏罗纪砾岩沉积特征及对区域构造演化的指示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陆相盆地充填沉积物中砾岩沉积特征分析是示踪物源及反演源区构造演化背景的重要手段之一。通过对辽西北票盆地侏罗系的砾岩层沉积特征及砾岩的分散型式分析发现,北票盆地砾岩的沉积特征明显受到火山作用的影响,物源主要以盆地前期或同期火山岩及西缘前中生代沉积地层和变质岩系为主,砾石成分组成自下向上表现出一定的规律性变化,与盆地两次大的火山-沉积作用旋回有很好的对应关系,表现为从沉积早期以火山岩砾石为主向晚期以沉积岩及变质岩砾石为主的演化过程。早侏罗世晚期及晚侏罗世晚期砾岩主要为复成分砾岩,松散堆积,填隙物主要为泥砂质.分散型式为混合型,应为盆地在侏罗纪经历的两次大的逆冲推覆作用的沉积响应。中侏罗海房沟组巨厚的粗砾岩沉积对应于盆地西缘的一次快速隆升事件。  相似文献   

The 2 to 5 km thick, sandstone-dominated (>90%) Jura Quartzite is an extreme example of a mature Neoproterozoic sandstone, previously interpreted as a tide-influenced shelf deposit and herein re-interpreted within a fluvio-tidal deltaic depositional model. Three issues are addressed: (i) evidence for the re-interpretation from tidal shelf to tidal delta; (ii) reasons for vertical facies uniformity; and (iii) sand supply mechanisms to form thick tidal-shelf sandstones. The predominant facies (compound cross-bedded, coarse-grained sandstones) represents the lower parts of metres to tens of metres high, transverse fluvio-tidal bedforms with superimposed smaller bedforms. Ubiquitous erosional surfaces, some with granule–pebble lags, record erosion of the upper parts of those bedforms. There was selective preservation of the higher energy, topographically-lower, parts of channel-bar systems. Strongly asymmetrical, bimodal, palaeocurrents are interpreted as due to associated selective preservation of fluvially-enhanced ebb tidal currents. Finer-grained facies are scarce, due largely to suspended sediment bypass. They record deposition in lower-energy environments, including channel mouth bars, between and down depositional-dip of higher energy fluvio-ebb tidal bars. The lack of wave-formed sedimentary structures and low continuity of mudstone and sandstone interbeds, support deposition in a non-shelf setting. Hence, a sand-rich, fluvial–tidal, current-dominated, largely sub-tidal, delta setting is proposed. This new interpretation avoids the problem of transporting large amounts of coarse sand to a shelf. Facies uniformity and vertical stacking are likely due to sediment oversupply and bypass rather than balanced sediment supply and subsidence rates. However, facies evidence of relative sea level changes is difficult to recognise, which is attributed to: (i) the areally extensive and polygenetic nature of the preserved facies, and (ii) a large stored sediment buffer that dampened response to relative sea-level and/or sediment supply changes. Consideration of preservation bias towards high-energy deposits may be more generally relevant, especially to thick Neoproterozoic and Lower Palaeozoic marine sandstones.  相似文献   

Eight continuous cores up to 150 m long and spaced an average of 200 m apart yield a detailed local insight into the composition and architecture of an ancient continental margin sequence, the Gowganda Formation (early Proterozoic: Huronian) near Elliot Lake, Ontario. Nearby outcrops of similar facies provide important supplementary data on sedimentary structures. Continental glaciers provided an abundant supply of coarse debris but, apart from rafting of debris by floating ice, played little or no part in Gowganda sedimentation. The basal 50 m of the Gowganda Formation in the drill-hole area represents a continental slope depositional system. It consists mainly of gravelly and sandy sediment gravity flow deposits, interbedded with minor rain-out units of diamictite, and argillite containing dropstones. Ten types of sediment gravity flow deposit are distinguished. An overlying submarine-channel depositional system, 10–50m thick, consists of hemipelagic argillites containing dropstones and showing deformation structures. These are interbedded with well-sorted channel-fill sandstones. Submarine point bars 4·5 m thick (identified in nearby outcrops) demonstrate a meandering channel geometry. This channel-fill sequence probably formed during a period of high sea-level and reduced sediment supply, but the relationship to ice advance-retreat cycles is unclear. The subsurface sequence is completed by a blanket of massive rain-out diamictites up to 55 m thick, and a younger slope sequence of sediment gravity flow diamictites and sandstones. The stratigraphy is quite different in outcrop section 10 km to the west of the drill-holes, suggesting the presence of major lateral facies changes and/or internal erosion surfaces within the Gowganda Formation. This complexity of stratigraphy and depositional processes is probably a feature of many ancient glacial units, and points to the advisability of not making climatic or tectonic interpretations from a few generalized or composite sections.  相似文献   

The Solomon Sea region is an area of intense tectonic activity characterized by structural complexity, a high level of seismicity and volcanism, and rapid evolution of plate boundaries. There is little accretion in the eastern New Britain Trench. Accretion gradually increases westward with thick accretion in the western New Britain Trench and in the Trobriand Subduction System. The thick accretion in the western part of the New Britain Trench may be a result of collision from the north of Finisterre-Huon block with New Guinea mainland. The present boundary of the collision is along the Ram-Markham fault. Deformation structures and present day seismicity suggest that the northern block is under compression.

Accretion has occurred in the sediment filled trenches in the Solomon Sea. The scale of the accretionary wedge depends on the amount of trench-fill sediment available. It is unlikely that there is no sediment supply to the eastern part of the New Britain Trench where no accretion is observed and subduction erosion may be occurring. There are two possible mechanisms for subduction erosion of sediment; either a rapid rate of subduction relative to the supply of sediment inhibiting sediment accumulation in the trench; or horizontal tensional force superimposed on both the forearc and backarc regions of the arc. Seafloor spreading in both the Manus and Woodlark basins is fan-like with nearby poles in the western margins of the basins. This may be a reflection of a horizontally compressional field in the western part and a tensional field in the eastern part of the Solomon Sea. Therefore it is possible to conclude that the consumption of sediment in the eastern New Britain Trench is related to the horizontal tensional field superimposed on both the forearc and backarc regions of the subduction system.

Imbricated thrust and overthrust faults in the western New Britain Trench and Trobriand Trough are not linear over long distance, but form wavy patterns in blocks with unit distance of approximately 10 km.  相似文献   

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