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华南早中生代大地构造过程   总被引:44,自引:9,他引:35       下载免费PDF全文
华南地区早中生代经历了强烈的构造变形和岩浆活动,构造动力体制发生了重大的转换.这个时期大地构造过程及其发生的构造动力学背景一直是地学界争议的焦点同题之一.本文在系统总结前人工作成果的基础上,论述了华南早中生代构造变形样式和岩浆活动序列,区分了印支构造事件和早燕山构造事件及其产生的地质效应.研究结果表明,印支构造事件发生于中、晚三叠世(245~225 Ma),构造运动产生的变形形迹主要表现为近东西向褶皱和冲断-推覆构造以及NE-NNE向左旋走滑韧性剪切,其动力与华南-华北板块沿秦岭-大别造山带的陆-陆碰撞和华南地块南缘古特提斯洋的俯冲增生作用有关.这次挤压构造事件导致华南东部加里东褶皱基底强烈复活,地壳重熔型花岗岩沿十万大山-云开大山-武夷山构造带和雪峰山地区分布.早侏罗世早期(205~190 Ma)在华南存在一个岩浆活动沉寂期,早侏罗世晚期(190~180 Ma)沿南岭构造带发育具有伸展特征的A型花岗岩和双峰式火山岩.起始于中侏罗世晚期(~170 Ma)的早燕山构造事件,在华南形成了宽1300 km、NE-NNE向褶皱逆冲构造系统,地壳增厚作用和壳幔相互作用导致了软弱的华夏加里东褶皱基底的再次强烈复活,诱发了强烈的岩浆活动,东南沿海地区火山弧相继出现.这期构造事件记录了东部大洋板块向华南大陆之下低角度俯冲作用过程,并主导了华南晚中生代一系列陆内构造和岩浆活动.  相似文献   

中生代多向挤压构造作用与四川盆地的形成和改造   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
远离活动板块边缘的四川盆地以其周缘复杂分布的褶皱构造带而著称,这些构造带的成因及其大地构造背景一直是华南大地构造研究的焦点之一。本文基于区域构造编图、褶皱构造样式和叠加变形分析,论述了四川盆地及其周缘中生代挤压变形特征及其定型时代,确定了重要构造事件及其产生的构造样式。研究显示,四川盆地及其周缘地带中生代经历了3个重大构造事件,每个构造事件产生的构造形迹在空间上发生复合和联合,造就了四川盆地及其周缘复杂的构造组合样式。中晚三叠世碰撞造山事件(印支运动)在扬子地区形成近W-E向褶皱构造,扬子地块西缘伴随着松潘—甘孜褶皱造山带的形成,发育了龙门山—锦屏山逆冲-推覆构造带及川滇前陆盆地,奠定了川—渝—黔—滇大型沉积盆地,构成四川盆地的原形。中晚侏罗世时期(燕山早幕),东亚构造体制发生重大变革,来自北部、东部、西部和南部的板块多向汇聚导致了大陆多向汇聚构造体系的形成和发展,其中秦岭造山带的再生活动导致南部米仓山—大巴山前陆构造带的形成和发展;来自太平洋板块向西推挤,导致了川东地区NW向突出的弧型构造和川南华蓥山帚状构造的形成;羌塘地块的向东侧向挤出,在扬子地块西北缘发生褶皱逆冲变形(龙门山—锦屏山构造带)。这期多向挤压事件强烈改造了四川T3-J1-2原形盆地,周缘褶皱构造带基本定型。早白垩世晚期的挤压事件(燕山晚幕)进一步改造了四川盆地,NW-SE向构造得到加强。除了西缘以外,四川盆地其他周缘褶皱构造带主体定型于晚侏罗世的陆内造山作用阶段,是扬子克拉通周边造山带在周邻板块多向汇聚作用下引发的再生复活的结果,成为中国东部陆内汇聚构造体系的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

华南中生代大地构造研究新进展   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
华南地区中生代构造动力体制经历了从特提斯构造域向滨太平洋构造域的转换,由此产生了强烈的陆内造山作用和岩浆活动,形成了复杂构造组合的晚中生代陆内造山带和火成岩省。本项研究在下列几个方面取得了新的进展:(1)通过对雪峰山地区沅麻盆地的野外调查和构造测量,确定了该盆地晚中生代-早新生代5期构造应力场及其演替序列:中晚侏罗世近W—E向挤压、早白垩世NW—SE向伸展、早白垩世中晚期NW—SE向挤压、晚白垩世近N—S向伸展、古近纪晚期NE—SW向挤压。构造应力场方向的变化记录了不同板缘的动力作用对该区的影响。(2)识别了湖南地区晚古生代-早中生代海相地层中发育的横跨叠加褶皱构造,并基于地层接触关系和已有火成岩同位素年代学数据分析,认为该地区横跨叠加褶皱构造记录了中生代两期构造挤压和地壳增厚事件:早期近东西向褶皱构造是对三叠纪华南地块南北边缘大陆碰撞和增生作用的远程响应,晚期NE—NNE向褶皱构造则是对中晚侏罗世古太平洋板块向华南大陆之下低角度俯冲作用的变形响应。(3)对湖南衡山西缘拆离断裂带的变形结构和运动学特征进行了详细的调查和构造测量,确定了衡山变质核杂岩构造,并对拆离带中韧性剪切变形的钠长岩脉的锆石进行了SHRIMP U-Pb测年,从而确定了华南地区伸展构造的起始时代约137 Ma,即早白垩世早中期。(4)通过锆石U-Pb年代学测试分析,揭示了东南沿海长乐—南澳构造带早白垩世2期构造-岩浆事件:早期(147~135 Ma)表现为强烈的混合岩化作用和深熔作用形成的片麻状花岗岩、花岗片麻岩等;晚期(135~117 Ma)岩浆岩以含石榴子石花岗岩为主。这个结果表明东南沿海构造带是晚中生代陆缘造山带,造山作用可能起始于晚侏罗世,于早白垩世早中期(135 Ma)以来发生伸展垮塌。在上述研究结果的基础上,探讨了华南地区三叠纪"印支运动"和中、晚侏罗世"燕山运动"的表现及其产生的板块构造动力体制及其转换时代、早白垩世从挤压构造应力体制向伸展构造应力体制转变的时间节点。  相似文献   

野外构造解析和显微构造分析表明,琼西南戈枕和冲卒岭两条近NE向韧性剪切带具NW向SE推覆兼NE向左旋剪切特征。采自戈枕和冲卒岭韧性剪切带内糜棱岩样品中的单矿物的40Ar-39Ar年代学研究表明,戈枕韧性剪切带04HN04样品中黑云母的40Ar-39Ar坪年龄为(227.4±0.2)Ma,冲卒岭韧性剪切带04HN24样品中的白云母给出了(229.6±0.3)Ma的坪年龄,均为印支期变形产物。上述两条剪切带的变形运动学和变形时序与华南内陆主要韧性剪切带(如雪峰山地区)具有很好的一致性,这为理解琼西南地区早中生代构造演化和华南印支块体拼合历史及其效应提供了新的信息。  相似文献   

越南东北部早中生代构造事件的年代学约束   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
越南东北部-海南岛-粤西南构造带整体上呈NW-SE走向展布于华南板块的南缘,是理解华南构造演化的关键地区.作为印支运动代表性地区的越南东北部地区Song Chay构造带上,下古生界浅变质沉积岩、上古生界至早-中三叠世未变质的沉积盖层中都发育向北东逆冲推覆,韧性变形域表现为NE-SW向的矿物拉伸线理和上部指NE的剪切变形,而脆性变形域则记录了大量NE极性的褶皱和冲断构造.两广交界的云开地体和海南岛地区存在着相同样式的构造变形.关于这期变形的时间,本文通过对野外地层以及所出露不同时期岩体变形特征的综合研究,并结合高质量的锆石U-Pb年代学数据,在越南的东北部厘定为237 ~ 228Ma.这期广泛分布于华南板块南缘构造事件的动力学机制同Day Nui Con Voi(大象山)微陆块与华南板块在早中生代的构造拼合事件相关.本文认为华南板块在早三叠世开始沿着越南东北部的Song Chay缝合带俯冲拼合于Day Nui Con Voi微陆块之下,因此在早-中三叠世时期,在作为俯冲盘的华南板块南缘发育一系列的褶皱和逆冲推覆构造,晚三叠世印支造山作用结束.因此,华南板块南缘的越南东北部-海南岛-粤西南构造带被一同卷入早-中三叠世同印支板块的碰撞造山体系之中.  相似文献   

雪峰隆起是扬子准地台与南华褶皱系的分界单元,经历晋宁晚期古隆起、加里东期末局部隆起和中生代全面隆起3个阶段的演化历程,上叠中生代陆相盆地。雪峰山构造带主要为陆内造山带,据变形特征从NW至NE划分为3个平行的NNE-NEE向弧形构造带。呈现出从中深层次韧性、脆韧性-中浅层次韧脆性变形-浅层次脆性变形的变化规律。雪峰山及邻区推滑覆构造十分发育,主要形成于中生代,组成不对称背冲式扇形雪峰推滑覆构造系。雪峰隆起西侧武陵坳陷为被动陆缘区,有下、上两大套海相生储盖组合及加里东期、印支期、中生代等三大油气形成阶段。雪峰山隆起及其邻区侏罗山式褶皱及推覆构造发育,其下可能保存部分残存海相油气藏。  相似文献   

新元古代江南造山带远离晚中生代活动大陆边缘,是研究华南地区新元古代至早中生代多期造山作用的理想对象。文章通过对江南造山带东段沉积建造、岩浆活动、构造变形以及同位素年代学数据的综合分析,总结了其晋宁期、广西期以及印支期造山作用的特征。江南造山带东段在晋宁期经历了南北两侧大洋俯冲和两期碰撞造山作用。新元古代早期(880~860 Ma)双溪坞岛弧与扬子陆块东南缘发生弧-陆碰撞作用,形成淡色花岗岩、高压蓝片岩、NNE向褶皱-逆冲构造以及弧后前陆盆地。新元古代中期(约850 Ma),扬子陆块北缘开始发育由北向南的大洋俯冲。随着俯冲作用的进行,弧后盆地发生关闭,扬子陆块与华夏陆块发生陆-陆碰撞并形成新元古代(820~810Ma)江南造山带,导致近E-W走向褶皱-逆冲构造、韧性变形以及过铝质花岗岩的发育。江南造山带东段在约810Ma开始发生后造山垮塌和裂谷作用,以发育南华纪早期(805~750 Ma)花岗岩、中酸性火山岩、基性岩以及裂谷盆地为特征。江南造山带东段万载—南昌—景德镇—歙县断裂带以南地区卷入了华南广西期造山作用,发育近E-W走向由南向北的逆冲构造(465~450 Ma)、NNE向正花状构造(449~430 Ma)以及后造山近E-W走向韧性走滑剪切带(429~380 Ma)。印支期造山作用导致了NNE向褶皱-逆冲构造和花岗岩的发育,并奠定了江南造山带东段的基本构造面貌。  相似文献   

华南地块雪峰山中生代板内造山带构造样式及其形成机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
华南大地构造核心问题之一是江南—雪峰山造山带的属性。在前人工作基础上,对横切雪峰山造山带的地质剖面进行了详细的区域地质、构造变形和部分重点区段地震反射剖面深部构造解释,划分出5个大地构造单元:(1)湘中复合逆冲构造带。该带位处雪峰山造山带东部,以龙山复合构造穹隆等为代表,是近EW向加里东造山带与NE向燕山造山带复合叠加的结果;其中燕山期构造样式总体为倾向SE逆冲断层控制的尖棱背斜构造。(2)雪峰山厚皮逆冲构造带。该带西以大庸逆冲断裂为界,带内板溪群浅变质褶皱基底大面积出露,总体发育指向NW的断层-褶皱组合。断坪-断坡式逆冲断层从板溪群内部薄弱层发育,向浅部产状明显变陡,并导致新元古界板溪群逆冲于古生界之上,控制了沅麻等中生代盆地的形成,沿断坡形成紧闭背斜和沿断坪形成宽缓向斜;表明其为典型的断层相关褶皱。断层褶皱组合与地表剥蚀共同作用,形成飞来峰和构造窗。(3)以梵净山构造穹隆为代表的梵净山—走马构造穹隆带。该带呈NE向长垣状,核部出露新元古界下部梵净山群。断坪-断坡式逆冲断层深切梵净山群,在断层上盘形成不对称箱状背斜。因此总体为典型的厚皮逆冲作用下的断层相关褶皱。(4)隔槽式逆冲构造带。此带主要发育一系列轴向NE的箱状背斜和尖棱向斜。箱状背斜核部为寒武系,向深部卷入震旦系—板溪群,形成基底卷入的断层-褶皱组合,其浅部形成叠瓦状逆冲断层-褶皱组合,从而构成主动双重逆冲构造。(5)华蓥山断裂与齐岳山断裂间的隔档式薄皮构造带。带内以发育尖棱背斜和箱状向斜为特征,是倾向SE断坪-断坡控制下的断展褶皱组合。上述5个构造单元变形区域卷入了上三叠统—下侏罗统,但为上白垩统角度不整合覆盖,表明变形时间为中生代中晚期,并且有从SE向NW渐次变新的趋势。将各构造单元及不同构造层次构造组合联系起来,建立起以断层相关褶皱为基本构造样式,从SE向NW,从深部向浅部发展的雪峰山中生代板内造山带的递进演化运动学新模式。  相似文献   

雪峰山早中生代构造演化:构造学和年代学分析木   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
雪峰山主体地处湖南省境内,位于华南板块的中心区域,是一条典型的陆内造山带.通过详细的野外地质观察,我们将其分为3个构造单元:西部外区,主要以大型箱状褶皱为主;中部区,与西部区以主逆冲断层相分隔,劈理发育呈扇状,是雪峰山构造带的核心区域,也是变质级别最深、变形最强的区域;东部区,变形集中在脆韧性区域之上,以极性北西构造为...  相似文献   

陆内造山是一个非常复杂的地质过程。南秦岭造山带安康石泉—汉阴—旬阳一带研究区处于南秦岭陆内复合造山带与扬子板块北部衔接部位,早古生代志留系变形变质岩片发育,以逆冲推覆构造和多层次韧性滑脱逆冲推覆岩片为主。印支期以来广泛发育多期新生面理,可分出3期,面理置换清晰,盖层区以S2面理置换S1最为显著。从该区多期构造变形、晚期盖层花岗岩脉侵入、基底岩浆底劈-伸展热穹隆上升、与晚期花岗岩脉相伴的热变质及次生加大黑云母变斑晶和石榴子石斑晶高温矿物对、多类型热液蚀变的发育、不同期次面理产出的石英脉流体包裹体温压特征差异、石泉一带韧性剪切变形面理中黑云母Ar-Ar测年161~169 Ma、凤凰山穹隆北缘韧性剪切变形面理中云母Ar-Ar测年178~163 Ma等分析,表明该区至少经历过印支期和燕山期两期构造变形,尤其是S2期面理大致对应燕山期,为明显的陆内造山期构造变形,固态塑性流变和脆-韧性剪切变形特点显著。野外构造-岩相填图确定S2期面理最发育,优势走向为北西向,大部分新生矿物岩石沿S2面理分布,表明燕山期与陆内造山作用密切相关。构造变形强烈部位可形成脆-韧性剪切带。晚印支期—燕山期为褶皱-S2+3面理-逆冲推覆断裂组合样式,新生代为不同程度走滑-隆升差异的断块构造组合。陆内造山演化期分为三个亚阶段:(1)晚印支—早燕山期(T3-J1+2)陆内造山垮塌阶段;(2)中晚燕山期(J3-K2)陆内造山挤压推覆阶段;(3)喜马拉雅期断块隆升改造阶段(K2-Mz)。受陆内构造汇聚和走滑作用促使该区上地壳构造热动力聚集,形成凤凰山—牛山岩浆-热穹隆,造成地壳局部重熔,形成花岗岩脉侵位。燕山期调研区南部安康断裂带和北部宁陕断裂带在J1-2分别发生的右行走滑和左行走滑剪切变形造成该区较显著地向东挤出滑脱变形,显示陆内造山晚期走滑分量较重要。  相似文献   

The structure of the Jiuling Massif has been investigated in order to delineate the polyorogenic deformation and discuss its geodynamic evolution and orogenic mechanisms. Detailed structural analysis indicates that the D1 event is characterized by top-to-the NNW ductile shearing with pervasive foliation, and mineral and stretching lineation developed in the entire region. Compared with the D1 deformation, D2 structures are localized in ductile shear zones with subvertical foliation and subhorizontal E–W trending lineation, indicating a dextral ductile shearing. The D3 event, marked by folds and thrusts mainly in a brittle domain, modified the D1 structures by asymmetrical folds. The dominant D4 structures are gravitational folds and normal faults, corresponding to a later extension. Our new geochronological data suggest that the D1 event occurred between 465 and 380 Ma with D2 dextral shearing at the end of this Early Paleozoic orogen, and the D3 event has been constrained at 245–215 Ma. The final uplift of the Jiuling Massif by the D4 event can be correlated with the Late Mesozoic extension across the eastern South China block. Along with previous studies in the South China block, the structural pattern of the Jiuling Massif elucidates the influence of the Early Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic intracontinental belts triggered by repeated reactivation of the Jiangshan–Shaoxing Fault. Combined with deformation to the south, the Early Paleozoic belt shows a positive flower pattern, with opposing kinematics, rooted in the Jiangshan–Shaoxing Fault. During the Early Mesozoic, a general intracontinental belt was developed with uniform kinematics in both the Jiuling Massif and the Xuefengshan Belt, possibly resulted from the far-field effect of the Triassic NW-directed Paleo-Pacific subduction.  相似文献   

In orogenic belts, a basal décollement zone often develops at depth to accommodate the shortening due to folding and thrusting of the sedimentary cover. In the Early Mesozoic intracontinental Xuefengshan Belt of South China, such a décollement zone is exposed in the core of anticlines formed by the emplacement of the late-orogenic granitic plutons. Our detailed, multi-scale structural analysis documents a synmetamorphic ductile deformation. In the basal décollement, the Neoproterozoic pelite and sandstone, and the intruding Early Paleozoic granites were deformed and metamorphosed into mylonites and orthogneiss, respectively. The metamorphic foliation contains a NW–SE stretching lineation associated with top-to-the-NW kinematic indicators. The ductile shearing of these high-strained rocks can be correlated with NW-verging folds and thrusts recognized in the Neoproterozoic to Early Triassic sedimentary cover. Monazite U–Th–Pbtot chemical dating, and zircon SIMS U–Pb dating provide age constraints of the ductile shearing between 243 and 226?Ma, and late-orogenic granite emplacement around 235–215?Ma. In agreement with recent geochronological data, these new results show that the Xuefengshan Belt is an Early Mesozoic orogen dominated by the NW-directed shearing and thrusting. At the southeastern boundary of the Xuefengshan Belt, the Chenzhou-Linwu fault separates the Early Mesozoic domain to the NW from the Early Paleozoic domain to the SE. The tectonic architecture of this belt was possibly originated from the continental underthrusting to the SE of the South China block in response to northwest-directed subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate.  相似文献   

Detailed subsurface structure of the eastern Junggar Basin is investigated using a large number of high-resolution two-dimensional reflection seismic profiles and well data. Our results reveal thrust faults, some of which are with strike-slip component, and fault-related folds dominating the subsurface structure of the study area. The thrust faults mainly show a divergent pattern towards the west and convergence towards the east. We divide these thrust faults and folds into three structural systems. The north thrust system, located in the north of the study area, is characterized by top-to-the southwest imbricate thrusts initiated from late Paleozoic. The central transpression system, dominating the central study area, mainly consists of thrust faults with visible strike-slip component, active from early Mesozoic until Cretaceous. The South thrust system includes top-to-the southeast thrusts in the southern part of the study area. The existence of these structural systems indicates that the eastern Junggar Basin underwent obvious intracontinental deformation in Mesozoic, probably due to the continuous convergence between the Altay and the Tianshan orogens after the main collision-accretion processes of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt.  相似文献   

The Qinling Orogenic belt has been well documented that it was formed by multiple steps of convergence and subsequent collision between the North China and South China Blocks during Paleozoic and Late Triassic times. Following the collision in Late Triassic times, the whole range evolved into an intracontinental tectonic process. The geological, geophysical and geochronological data suggest that the intracontinental tectonic evolutionary history of the Qinling Orogenic Belt allow deduce three stages including strike-slip faulting during Early Jurrassic, N-S compressional deformation during Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous and orogenic collapse during Late Cretaceous to Paleogene. The strike-slip faulting and the infills in Early Jurassic along some major boundary faults show flower structures and pull-apart basins, related to the continued compression after Late Triassic collision between the South Qinling Belt and the South China Block along the Mianlue suture. Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous large scale of N-S compression and overthrusting progressed outwards from inner of Qinling Orogen to the North China Block and South China Block, due to the renewed southward intracontinental subduction of the North China Block beneath the Qinling Orogenic Belt and continuously northward subduction of the South China Block, respectively. After the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous compression and denudation, the Qinling Orogenic Belt evolved into Late Cretaceous to Paleogene orogen collapse and depression, and formed many large fault basins along the major faults.  相似文献   

The Qinling Orogen is one of the main orogenic belts in Asia and is characterized by multi-stage orogenic processes and the development of voluminous magmatic intrusions. The results of zircon U–Pb dating indicate that granitoid magmatism in the Qinling Orogen mainly occurred in four distinct periods: the Neoproterozoic (979–711 Ma), Paleozoic (507–400 Ma), and Early (252–185 Ma) and Late (158–100 Ma) Mesozoic. The Neoproterozoic granitic magmatism in the Qinling Orogen is represented by strongly deformed S-type granites emplaced at 979–911 Ma, weakly deformed I-type granites at 894–815 Ma, and A-type granites at 759–711 Ma. They can be interpreted as the products of respectively syn-collisional, post-collisional and extensional setting, in response to the assembly and breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent. The Paleozoic magmatism can be temporally classified into three stages of 507–470 Ma, 460–422 Ma and ∼415–400 Ma. They were genetically related to the subduction of the Shangdan Ocean and subsequent collision of the southern North China Block and the South Qinling Belt. The 507–470 Ma magmatism is spatially and temporally related to ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in the studied area. The 460–422 Ma magmatism with an extensive development in the North Qinling Belt is characterized by I-type granitoids and originated from the lower crust with the involvement of mantle-derived magma in a collisional setting. The magmatism with the formation age of ∼415–400 Ma only occurred in the middle part of the North Qinling Belt and is dominated by I-type granitoid intrusions, and probably formed in the late-stage of a collisional setting. Early Mesozoic magmatism in the study area occurred between 252 and 185 Ma, with the cluster in 225–200 Ma. It took place predominantly in the western part of the South Qinling Belt. The 250–240 Ma I-type granitoids are of small volume and show high Sr/Y ratios, and may have been formed in a continental arc setting related to subduction of the Mianlue Ocean between the South Qinling Belt and the South China Block. Voluminous late-stage (225–185 Ma) magmatism evolved from early I-type to later I-A-type granitoids associated with contemporaneous lamprophyres, representative of a transition from syn- to post-collisional setting in response to the collision between the North China and the South China blocks. Late Mesozoic (158–100 Ma) granitoids, located in the southern margin of the North China Block and the eastern part of the North Qinling Belt, are characterized by I-type, I- to A-type, and A-type granitoids that were emplaced in a post-orogenic or intraplate setting. The first three of the four periods of magmatism were associated with three important orogenic processes and the last one with intracontinental process. These suggest that the tectonic evolution of the Qinling Orogen is very complicated.  相似文献   

景德镇韧性剪切带位于新元古代江南造山带的核部,其构造变形特征和形成时代对华南新元古代至早古生代构造演 化具有重要的制约意义。景德镇韧性剪切带呈北东向展布,全长约180 km,最大出露宽度为~7 km。通过详细的野外地质 调查和室内定向薄片鉴定,在景德镇韧性剪切带中识别出了两期韧性走滑构造变形,并研究了其运动学指向和形成时的温 压条件。早期构造变形表现为左旋韧性走滑兼逆冲作用,形成温度为420~530℃,差应力为40~300 MPa;晚期变形主要表 现为右旋走滑,形成温度为300~420℃,差应力为120~350 MPa。结合前人资料,景德镇韧性剪切带左旋走滑兼逆冲作用形 成于新元古代造山作用的晚期(810~800 Ma),是由同造山挤压到后造山伸展调整的结果;而右旋走滑形成于早古生代,是 华南早古生代陆内造山作用的产物。  相似文献   

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