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以往对沙波的研究多针对河流中下游、河口海岸段的细沙(粒径D<1 mm),而长江上游等卵砾石输移河段(D >2 mm)是否会出现沙波以及卵砾石沙波的临界条件,尚需开展进一步研究.通过长江上游九堆子、筲箕背等卵石滩的现场踏勘,观察到明显的天然沙波形态.采用中值粒径D50=1.8mm和5.3 mm的天然沙和D50=4.8 mm的轻质沙进行水槽试验,成功模拟出砾石沙波.根据恒定均匀流条件下,产生沙波的比降、水位、流量等水流条件及试验沙的粒径、比重,提出卵砾石沙波的临界条件公式.结果表明,卵砾石沙波的临界条件可以用量纲起动功率w*、R/D及比降S表达,并据此提出判别系数GDcr.当研究河段的卵砾石输移带上的水流条件满足判别系数GDcr,则可以判断能够产生沙波现象.  相似文献   

阶梯-深潭系统是山区河流广泛分布的控制性河床结构,泥沙输移过程中大颗粒碰撞阶梯关键石块,使其发生位移,强烈影响阶梯-深潭的稳定性。以单个阶梯-深潭的关键石块为研究对象,重点考虑碰撞对阶梯-深潭的影响,量化来沙中大颗粒碰撞作用并改进稳定性理论模型,利用新模型分析阶梯-深潭的临界条件和破坏机制。来沙颗粒对关键石块的碰撞作用受自身粒径、运动速度和阶梯下游冲刷程度影响且皆为正相关关系。颗粒撞击减小阶梯失稳临界流量,且参与碰撞的石块粒径越大,减小作用越明显。当η> 0.55时(η=D1/D,D1为碰撞石块粒径,D为关键石块粒径),临界流量下降幅度达到50%以上,表明来沙中卵石漂石对阶梯-深潭稳定性发挥主要影响。山区河流发生低频率洪水或滑坡泥石流,向下游河道输运大粒径石块并与阶梯碰撞,显著增大转动合力矩并降低失稳临界流量,使得单个阶梯-深潭更易达到临界条件发生破坏。  相似文献   

钟亮  许光祥  曾锋 《水科学进展》2013,24(1):111-117
沙粒当量粗糙度ks的准确确定是计算沙粒阻力的关键。针对沙粒轮廓剖面具有自相似精细结构的特点,提出采用分形维数对其复杂性及不规则性进行定量描述;通过粘沙平整床面、初始静平整床面和清水冲刷粗化床面的沙粒阻力试验研究ks的分形表达方法,建立了静平整床面时ks的分形表达式,并对公式进行了验证、比较和讨论;结果表明,公式引入的中值粒径d50、分形维数D和弗劳德数Fr 3个参数,可定量地综合反映床沙颗粒大小、级配组成、随机排列以及水流条件对ks的影响。  相似文献   

采用图像识别与推移质动态监测技术,开展基于双峰型非均匀推移质的系列水槽试验.通过引入反映床面粗糙度、粘性底层特性与颗粒非均匀度η(粗细比)的综合水流强度函数Ψb、特征弗劳德数Frb,系统研究了不同水流强度与床沙组成条件下的推移质输移特性以及颗粒非均匀度对输沙率的影响.通过对关键因子的辨识与量纲分析,提出了双峰型非均匀推移质输移模式,建立了基于近壁特征因子的水流强度Ψb与非均匀推移质输移强度Φ'的函数关系.对双峰型底沙输移机理的分析表明,非均匀沙的组成特征使得η成为影响Φ'的重要参量;正是细粒对粗粒的解怙作用对粗沙运动产生重要影响,使推移质输移率与颗粒非均匀度间呈现驼峰关系,峰值对应的粗细比ηc约为3∶7.  相似文献   

为探究三峡水库持续下泄清水条件下长江中游沙卵过渡段内卵石局部冲刷、搬运和淤积现象的成因,采用近期水文、泥沙和地形观测资料,结合河道平面二维水动力模型,计算了研究河段内各级流量下的泥沙起动粒径分布,分析了上游来流、下游水位变化的影响,辨析了河床冲淤的成因。结果表明:① 45 000 m3/s以上流量时,粒径大于30 mm的卵石可沿洪水主流带连续搬运;流量低于15 000 m3/s时,大粒径卵石只能沿枯期主流在浅滩河段局部搬运;流量介于两者之间时,水流对大粒径卵石的输移动力相对较弱。② 三峡建库后,洪水量级削减而枯水天数增多,不利于卵石长距离下移,而水位下降不断溯源传递,促使枯水流路上原本稳定的区域开始冲刷。③ 局部淤积现象由枯期水动力增强所导致,与长江中游沙卵过渡段特殊的地貌和沉积环境有关。卵石局部冲淤调整可能在河段内多个位置长期存在,需引起关注。  相似文献   

有效流量是天然河流某一时段内悬移质输沙量最大所对应的流量,可反映中、短期造床作用。根据监利水文站1991—2016年逐月流量、输沙量及悬移质级配,分析三峡建库前后流量频率及不同粒径组悬移质泥沙输移特性;运用理论分析法与分组频率法计算下荆江分组悬移质输沙量对应有效流量的大小、重现期、历时。研究成果表明:受来水来沙、水流挟沙能力以及床沙补给等因素影响,有效流量随泥沙粒径增大而减小。建库后,因河床冲刷各粒径组间有效流量偏差增大,0. 062 mm0. 125 mm粒径组泥沙有效流量重现期减小;细颗粒泥沙含沙量严重不饱和河道输送粗颗粒泥沙的能力相对较大,悬移质级配粗化;累积50%的泥沙输移需43%~82%的累积流量以及62%~90%的累积历时,且累积流量和累积历时随着泥沙粒径的增大而减小和缩短。研究三峡建库前后有效流量变化对分析冲刷条件下下荆江河段河床演变具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为探究三峡水库持续下泄清水条件下长江中游沙卵过渡段内卵石局部冲刷、搬运和淤积现象的成因,采用近期水文、泥沙和地形观测资料,结合河道平面二维水动力模型,计算了研究河段内各级流量下的泥沙起动粒径分布,分析了上游来流、下游水位变化的影响,辨析了河床冲淤的成因。结果表明:① 45 000 m3/s以上流量时,粒径大于30 mm的卵石可沿洪水主流带连续搬运;流量低于15 000 m3/s时,大粒径卵石只能沿枯期主流在浅滩河段局部搬运;流量介于两者之间时,水流对大粒径卵石的输移动力相对较弱。②三峡建库后,洪水量级削减而枯水天数增多,不利于卵石长距离下移,而水位下降不断溯源传递,促使枯水流路上原本稳定的区域开始冲刷。③局部淤积现象由枯期水动力增强所导致,与长江中游沙卵过渡段特殊的地貌和沉积环境有关。卵石局部冲淤调整可能在河段内多个位置长期存在,需引起关注。  相似文献   

于靖  张华 《水科学进展》2015,26(5):714-721
为研究城市小型河流中污染物的物理迁移过程规律,分析基流条件下流动水体与暂态存储区之间的滞留交互作用,采用溴化锂(LiBr)作为保守性示踪剂进行野外现场示踪试验,结合一维溶质运移存储模型(One-dimensional Transport with Inflow and Storage model, OTIS)定量解析潜流交换特性,估算纵向弥散系数(D)、潜流交换面积(As)、主河道断面面积(A)和潜流交换系数(α).模型度量指标DaI值和均方根误差值结果表征参数模拟结果可靠性高,拟合效果理想.由泵入点O至下游1 300 m设置的A、B、C、D 4处监测点的模拟结果表明,水文参数DAsAα均随水文条件而变,OB河段(0~600 m)潜流交换能力较弱,主要以对流弥散过程为主;BD河段(600~1 300 m)具有较强的暂态存储能力,对溶质的滞留时间长;BC(600~1 000 m)和CD(1 000~1 300 m)河段交换系数分别为(3.42×10-6±0.65×10-6)s-1和(2.87×10-6±0.81×10-6 )s-1;河段BC存在2.2×10-5m3/(s·m)的侧向补给流量.4个河段对比发现,城市河流渠道化、河床沉积物贫瘠等特征导致潜流交换能力弱化.  相似文献   

小浪底水库运行后, 坝下游分组悬沙输移特点发生改变, 不同河段冲淤过程有所差别。基于1999—2018年坝下游实测水沙资料及固定淤积断面地形数据, 分析汛期分组悬沙输移的沿程调整特点, 建立分组悬沙输移及河床边界条件双重影响下不同河段河床累计冲淤量的计算关系。分析结果表明: ①汛期各组沙输沙率远小于蓄水前, 且中沙输沙率降幅最大, 在各水文断面平均降幅为85%;沿程上细沙输沙率基本不恢复, 而中沙和粗沙恢复距离分别到利津及艾山。②坝下游河床持续冲刷, 各河段河床组成均发生不同程度的粗化; 在拦沙后期(2007—2018年), 游荡段和过渡段床沙中细沙和中沙占比不足5%, 对悬沙几乎无补给作用, 而弯曲段床沙对中沙仍有一定的补给能力。③下游各河段以冲刷下切为主, 但调整幅度不同, 故对水流的约束能力有所差异。建立了各河段累计冲淤量与前期河相系数及进口断面分组来沙系数的经验关系, 并采用2019年下游水沙数据对公式进行了初步验证, 公式能合理反映断面形态与分组悬沙输移对河床累计冲淤过程的影响。  相似文献   

论河流的弯曲机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于能量守恒原理,通过实体模型试验的方法,对河流发生弯曲的机理进行了探讨。研究认为,河流具有弯曲的自然属性,其弯曲程度主要取决于水流能量的大小,与流量、比降有很大关系;河流发生弯曲是水流为补偿能量损失得以保持运动而形成的一种自然造床过程,河流在运动过程中,通过弯曲形成上游壅水,增加势能,使下游比降相对增大,动能得以增加,从而保持河段内的水沙输移达到相对平衡,此即"动能自补偿"的弯曲机理;河流弯曲程度与需要补偿的动能多少有关,河段上下断面的动能差越大,河段弯曲系数就越大。"动能自补偿"的机理得到了实验室观测结果的验证和野外原型定位观测资料的佐证。  相似文献   

Bed forms were studied in Goodwin Creek and a laboratory flume channel. The bed sediment of the field site and flume had median diameters of 8·3 (modes of 0·4, 22·6 mm) and 1·82 mm (modes of 0·5, 5·6 mm), respectively. The laboratory and field channels had similar values of bimodal parameters, ratios of flow depth to median bed material diameter, and ratios of shear stress to critical shear stress and were judged to be comparable in the transport of bed load sediment and the resulting bed forms. Three groupings of bed forms from the laboratory flume experiments (ripple-like bed forms, bed load sheets, low-relief bed waves) were identified using the height and period of the bed forms. For the range of flow depths and discharges investigated in the flume, bed forms became higher and longer with increasing bed shear stress. Bed forms from Goodwin Creek were similar to those from the flume with comparable ratios between bed form length, height, and flow depth. The bed forms in the flume provide a positive link between rate and size fluctuations measured in the field and the bed forms. The smaller bed forms identified were sediment starved and are not considered to be dunes, while the largest bed forms in which all of the bed material sizes were mobilized in the field and laboratory were judged to be dunes.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that a gravel-bed river will aggrade if the supply of sediment to the river is increased. In a series of flume experiments using constant discharge and gravel feed rate, sand feed rates were increased to 6.1 times that of gravel. The slope of the bed decreased with increasing sand supply, indicating that the increased sediment load could be transported at the same rate due to a decrease in shear stresses. These results extend previous experiments to a wider range of boundary conditions. A recent surface transport model is used to predict the changes in bed composition and transport using the same sediment supply composition and feed rates as in the laboratory experiments. This model reasonably predicts a decrease in the reference shear stresses of the sand and gravel fractions as the sand supply is increased. An increase in sand supply can increase the mobility of gravel fractions in the stream bed, which can lead to bed degradation and preferential evacuation of these sediments from the river.  相似文献   

Open‐framework gravel (OFG) in river deposits is important because of its exceptionally high permeability, resulting from the lack of sediment in the pore spaces between the gravel grains. Fluvial OFG occurs as planar strata and cross strata of varying scale, and is interbedded with sand and sandy gravel. The origin of OFG has been related to: (1) proportion of sand available relative to gravel; (2) separation of sand from gravel during a specific flow stage and sediment transport rate (either high, falling or low); (3) separation of sand from gravel in bedforms superimposed on the backs of larger bedforms; (4) flow separation in the lee of dunes or unit bars. Laboratory flume experiments were undertaken to test and develop these theories for the origin of OFG. Bed sediment size distribution (sandy gravel with a mean diameter of 1·5 mm) was kept constant, but flow depth, flow velocity and aggradation rate were varied. Bedforms produced under these flow conditions were bedload sheets, dunes and unit bars. The fundamental cause of OFG is the sorting of sand from gravel associated with flow separation at the crest of bedforms, and further segregation of grain sizes during avalanching on the steep lee side. Sand in transport near the bed is deposited in the trough of the bedform, whereas bed‐load gravel avalanches down the leeside and overruns the sand in the trough. The effectiveness of this sorting mechanism increases as the height of the bedform increases. Infiltration of sand into the gravel framework is of minor importance in these experiments, and occurs mainly in bedform troughs. The geometry and proportion of OFG in fluvial deposits are influenced by variation in height of bedforms as they migrate, superposition of small bedforms on the backs of larger bedforms, aggradation rate, and changes in sediment supply. If the height of a bedform increases as it migrates downstream, so does the amount of OFG. Changes in the character of OFG on the lee‐side of unit bars depend on grain‐size sorting in the superimposed bedforms (dunes and bedload sheets). Thick deposits of cross‐stratified OFG require high bedforms (dunes, unit bars) and large amounts of aggradation. These conditions might be expected to occur during high falling stages in the deeper parts of river channels adjacent to compound‐bar tails and downstream of confluence scours. Increase in the amount of sand supplied relative to gravel reduces the development of OFG. Such increases in sand supply may be related to falling flow stage and/or upstream erosion of sandy deposits.  相似文献   

对于山区河流低坝而言,平时淤积在坝前的推移质粗沙可能会在洪水期集中翻越坝顶,形成高强度输沙。本文开展水槽试验,研究推移质粗沙自上游起动、推进、再翻越坝顶后向下游输移的过程,分析了输沙参数的变化特性及数理规律,描述了翻坝输沙模式及运动特征,揭示了输沙规律与河床形态之间的自然联系。取得如下认识:①输沙量随时间大致以幂函数规律增长。②低坝附近区域河床形态终将趋于稳定,上游和下游均形成相对稳定的曲面斜坡淤积体。③在不同的水流强度下推移质翻坝输移模式存在差异。对于一般水流强度工况,上游淤积体曲面斜坡表面泥沙颗粒以滚动或滑动模式起动,推移至接近坝顶位置时再跃移翻坝,后向下游输移;对于更高水流强度工况,后期的翻坝输沙模式可能发生显著转变,周期性边壁漩涡成为翻坝输沙的主要动力来源。  相似文献   

A distinct suite of sand bedforms has been observed to occur in laboratory flows with limited sand supply. As sand supply to the bed progressively increases one observes sand ribbons, discrete barchans and, eventually, channel spanning dunes; but there are relatively few observations of this sequence from natural river channels. Furthermore, there are few observations of transitions from limited sand supply to abundant supply in the field. Bedforms developed under limited, but increasing, sand supply downstream of the abrupt gravel–sand transition in the Fraser River, British Columbia, are examined using multi‐beam swath‐bathymetry obtained at high flow. This is an ideal location to study supply‐limited bedforms because, due to a break in river slope, sand transitions from washload upstream of the gravel–sand transition to bed material load downstream. Immediately downstream, barchanoid and isolated dunes are observed. Most of the bedform field has gaps in the troughs, consistent with sand moving over a flat immobile or weakly mobile gravel bed. Linear, alongstream bedform fields (trains of transverse dunes formed on locally thick, linear deposits of sand) exhibit characteristics of sand ribbons with superimposed bedforms. Further downstream, channel spanning dunes develop where the bed is composed entirely of sand. Depth scaling of the dunes does not emerge in this data set. Only where the channel has accumulated abundant sand on the bed do the dunes exhibit scaling congruent with previous data compilations. The observations suggest that sediment supply plays an important, but often overlooked, role in bedform scaling in rivers.  相似文献   

The dynamics of large isolated sand dunes moving across a gravel lag layer were studied in a supply‐limited reach of the River Rhine, Germany. Bed sediments, dune geometry, bedform migration rates and the internal structure of dunes are considered in this paper. Hydrodynamic and sediment transport data are considered in a companion paper. The pebbles and cobbles (D50 of 10 mm) of the flat lag layer are rarely entrained. Dunes consist of well‐sorted medium to coarse sand (D50 of 0·9 mm). Small pebbles move over the dunes by ‘overpassing’, but there is a degree of size and shape selectivity. Populations of ripples in sand (D50 < 0·6 mm), and small and large dunes are separated by distinct breaks in the bedform length data in the regions of 0·7–1 m and 5–10 m. Ripples and small dunes may have sinuous crestlines but primarily exhibit two‐dimensional planforms. In contrast, large dunes are primarily three‐dimensional barchanoid forms. Ripples on the backs of small dunes rarely develop to maximum steepness. Small dunes may achieve an equilibrium geometry, either on the gravel bed or as secondary dunes within the boundary layer on the stoss side of large dunes. Secondary dunes frequently develop a humpback profile as they migrate across the upper stoss slope of large dunes, diminishing in height but increasing in length as they traverse the crestal region. However, secondary dunes more than 5 m in length are rare. The dearth of equilibrium ripples and long secondary dunes is probably related to the limited excursion length available for bedform development on the parent bedforms. Large dunes with lengths between 20 m and 100 m do not approach an equilibrium geometry. A depth limitation rather than a sediment supply limitation is the primary control on dune height; dunes rarely exceed 1 m high in water depths of ≈4 m. Dune celerity increases as a function of the mean flow velocity squared, but this general relationship obscures more subtle morphodynamics. During rising river stage, dunes tend to grow in height owing to crestal accumulation, which slows downstream progression and steepens the dune form. During steady or falling stage, an extended crestal platform develops in association with a rapid downstream migration of the lee side and a reduction in dune height. These diminishing dunes actually increase in unit volume by a process of increased leeside accumulation fed by secondary dunes moving past a stalled stoss toe. A six‐stage model of dune growth and diminution is proposed to explain variations in observed morphology. The model demonstrates how the development of an internal boundary layer and the interaction of the water surface with the crests of these bedload‐dominated dunes can result in dunes characterized by gentle lee sides with weak flow separation. This finding is significant, as other studies of dunes in large rivers have attributed this morphological response to a predominance of suspended load transport.  相似文献   

对于山区河流低坝而言,平时淤积在坝前的推移质粗沙可能会在洪水期集中翻越坝顶,形成高强度输沙。本文开展水槽试验,研究推移质粗沙自上游起动、推进、再翻越坝顶后向下游输移的过程,分析了输沙参数的变化特性及数理规律,描述了翻坝输沙模式及运动特征,揭示了输沙规律与河床形态之间的自然联系。取得如下认识:①输沙量随时间大致以幂函数规律增长。②低坝附近区域河床形态终将趋于稳定,上游和下游均形成相对稳定的曲面斜坡淤积体。③在不同的水流强度下推移质翻坝输移模式存在差异。对于一般水流强度工况,上游淤积体曲面斜坡表面泥沙颗粒以滚动或滑动模式起动,推移至接近坝顶位置时再跃移翻坝,后向下游输移;对于更高水流强度工况,后期的翻坝输沙模式可能发生显著转变,周期性边壁漩涡成为翻坝输沙的主要动力来源。  相似文献   

Large symmetric and asymmetric dunes occur in the Fraser River, Canada. Symmetric dunes have stoss and lee sides of similar length, stoss and lee slope angles <8°, and rounded crests. Asymmetric dunes have superimposed small dunes on stoss sides, sharp crests, stoss sides longer than lee sides, stoss side slopes <3° and straight lee side slopes up to 19°. There is no evidence for lee side flow separation, although intermittent separated flow is possible, especially over asymmetric dunes. Dune symmetry and crest rounding of symmetric dunes are associated with high sediment transport rates. High near-bed velocity and bed load transport near dune crests result in crest rounding. Long, low-angle lee sides are produced by deposition of suspended sediment in dune troughs. Asymmetric dunes appear to be transitional features between large symmetric dunes and smaller dunes adjusted to lower flow velocity and sediment transport conditions. Small dunes on stoss sides reduce near-bed flow velocity and bed load transport, causing a sharper dune crest. Reduced deposition of suspended sediment in troughs results in a short, steep lee slope. Dunes in the Fraser River fall into upper plane bed or antidune stability fields on flume-based bedform phase diagrams. These diagrams are probably not applicable to large dunes in deep natural flows and care must be taken in modelling procedures that use phase diagram relations to predict bed configuration in such flows.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(1-2):35-52
Non-invasive techniques to continuously measure the rates or intensities of bedload transport in gravel bed rivers would be quite useful for both research and practice. Since 1986 measurements have been made with piezoelectric bedload impact sensors (PBIS) in several mountain torrents. In 1994 and 1995, a calibration campaign was carried out at a water intake in the Pitzbach mountain stream in Austria, where weighing cells and a water pressure sensor in the settling basin allow sediment transport loads to be determined in 15 minute intervals. Daily averages of PBIS impulses correlate reasonably well with the measured sediment load. Using a linear calibration relation, the relative error between predicted and measured sediment loads is within a factor of about 1.5 to 2. The scatter between PBIS impulses and bedload volumes is much larger if the measurements are averaged over one hour intervals or when the original 15 minute values are considered. A comparison with measurements from the Swiss Erlenbach torrent and from laboratory experiments using sediment particles from the Erlenbach torrent indicates that the proportionality coefficient between PBIS impulses and sediment load appears to depend on site specific conditions, including factors such as flow intensity and sediment properties.  相似文献   

沙洲是塑造分汊型河道最重要的形态因子,其发育与蚀退由于上游来水来沙变化呈现冲淤交替,从而影响分汊河道输水输沙平衡.通过单个卵石沙洲的淤积和冲刷试验,揭示不同加沙速率、粒径和来流量条件下,沙洲淤积和冲刷规律,并建立简化理论模型分析沙洲淤积速率.结果表明,4组加沙试验中,分流点后出现明显淤积下延至洲头,左汊和右汊成为输沙通道,洲尾中心线两侧的左右汊道有泥沙淤积,洲尾未出现淤积.7组清水冲刷试验中,洲头最先承受冲刷和蚀退,并沿洲体冲刷延伸,洲头冲刷的泥沙沿左右汊水流带到下游,洲尾未出现明显冲刷.卵石沙洲以洲头淤积为主导发育模式,泥沙粒径、洲头坡角和分流角是决定淤积速率的关键因子.  相似文献   

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