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齐姆根逆冲推覆构造带位于喀什凹陷与叶城凹陷之间的齐姆根凸起上,由3个与盆地边缘大体平行的次级逆冲构造带组成,即阿尔塔什推覆构造带、科克然达坂-希根纳孜吉勒嘎推覆构造带、库斯拉甫推覆构造带。3个次级逆冲构造带分别将石炭系—二叠系推覆在侏罗系、白垩系及古近系—新近系之上,将泥盆系推覆在石炭系—二叠系之上,将元古宙变质岩及古生代花岗岩逆冲在泥盆系及泥盆系之上不整合覆盖的侏罗系之上。根据推覆体地层的叠置关系及逆冲断层的发育特征,齐姆根逆冲推覆构造带是由北向南演化的、后展式发展的逆冲推覆构造系统,其间发育横向调节的走滑断层。逆冲推覆体系的主体断裂沟通了源岩与储层,推覆体下盘发育的大型背斜圈闭为油气聚集提供了有利的场所,运聚条件的合理配置为该区油气勘探提供了良好的前景。  相似文献   

在南大巴山西北段镇巴—下高川地区进行1∶50 000地质填图基础上,通过对地质构造现象野外的详细观测,运用持平投影的构造几何学和运动学等方法对主要断层面擦痕和断层两侧不对称褶皱枢纽以及褶皱两翼产状进行统计分析和构造解析,结合区域沉积资料和地质年代学资料,对该区构造进行构造序列分析,并探讨南大巴山构造带的变形时限、动力学机制及其演化。研究表明:南大巴山西北段镇巴—下高川地区断裂构造特征表现为高角度逆冲推覆兼有右行走滑性质的叠瓦式逆冲推覆构造;与逆冲推覆构造相关褶皱多为轴面东倾西倒的同斜褶皱和斜歪褶皱,而且由东向西褶皱紧闭程度逐渐减弱,表明逆冲推覆方向由东向西,扩展方式为前展式。该区是在印支期扬子地块与秦岭造山带全面碰撞造山作用基础上,在燕山期中—晚期整个大巴山构造系由北东向南西方向大规模的陆内造山,形成了现今的构造几何形态,其中右行走滑构造是燕山期中—晚期(J3-K2)逆冲推覆构造持续向西南推移过程中形成的。  相似文献   

滇东南麻栗坡一带位于Song Chay穹窿的北部,华南板块的西南部,经历了多期强烈的构造活动。该区主要地质体野外构造变形解析表明,麻栗坡一带深部深变质岩到浅部浅变质沉积地层均受到SE NW向挤压构造变形作用,并在不同地质体之间发育多条自SE向NW运动的低角度逆冲推覆构造。在穹窿内部,逆冲推覆构造形成了两套变质沉积岩地层(洒西岩组和南秧田岩组)以断片的形式夹在火成岩(团田+老城坡片麻状花岗岩和南捞构造片麻岩)之间的空间叠置关系。在穹窿外围,外来岩系(寒武系-泥盆系地层)逆冲推覆到原地岩系(二叠系-三叠系地层)之上。这期逆冲推覆运动沿构造带形成了飞来峰、断夹块、糜棱岩带、斜歪褶皱、矿物剪切变形等构造现象,强烈改造了该区早期构造格局。结合与推覆构造变形密切相关的主要地质体锆石U Pb同位素年代学以及前人研究成果,认为上述推覆构造运动发生在中-晚三叠世到159 Ma,区域上与中生代古太平洋板块向NW挤压华南板块的构造事件一致。中生代构造变形在研究区不仅控制了区域钨多金属矿床赋矿层位的展布,同时也为晚期钨多金属矿化富集提供了储矿空间。  相似文献   

青藏高原中部色林错—伦坡拉逆冲推覆构造系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过野外地质观测结合地震反射剖面综合构造解释,在青藏高原中部色林错—伦坡拉古近纪沉积凹陷及邻区厘定3条较大规模的逆冲推覆构造,由逆冲断层、逆冲岩席、飞来峰、构造窗及伴生褶皱组成。沿班公—怒江缝合带发育赛布错—扎加藏布逆冲推覆构造,伦坡拉盆地北部发育双重推覆构造,拉萨地块北缘发育色林错—吴如错逆冲推覆构造,估算推覆距离分别为38~50 km。羌塘地块南缘自北向南逆冲推覆,拉萨地块北缘自南向北逆冲推覆,两者对冲导致色林错古近纪盆地及沉积地层发生比较强烈的褶皱变形,形成宽约20 km大型向斜构造。色林错—伦坡拉逆冲推覆构造运动开始时间为晚白垩世晚期,古近纪不同时期均发育逆冲断层,前锋逆冲断层和底部拆离滑脱构造主要形成时期为古近纪晚期—中新世早期。古近纪逆冲推覆构造对伦坡拉和色林错河湖相沉积盆地、烃源岩形成演化、油气成藏及保存条件具有显著控制作用。  相似文献   

宁夏中西部香山—天景山地区逆冲推覆构造的特征及演化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
宁夏香山-天景山地区逆冲推覆构造由天景山北麓断裂带(主滑脱断裂)和香山-天景山冲断席(可分为9个次级逆冲推覆岩席)组成,推覆岩席前端为一系列形态相似的铲式叠瓦状逆冲推覆断层,构造变形强烈;岩席内部构造变形相对较弱.整个推覆构造带主要遭受了燕山期和喜马拉雅期挤压逆冲推覆作用,燕山期主压应力σ1方向为44°,由南西往北东推覆,总位移量26.6km;喜马拉雅期主压应力σ1方向为75°,由南西西往北东东逆冲推覆,晚更新世以来还兼有左行走滑,总位移量大于4km.  相似文献   

续海金  王国庆  舒坦  刘德民 《地球科学》2021,46(5):1657-1676
北京西山地区广泛发育SE-NW向近乎同时期的逆冲推覆构造和伸展构造,为理解华北克拉通东部构造演化至关重要,而其构造组合特征、变形时代、形成机制和构造动力学背景却没有明确的认识.精细的野外构造研究表明北京西山的南观地区,发育逆冲推覆构造+变质核杂岩的构造组合,形成一种新的构造组合型式:“楔沉式”.“楔沉式”构造组合型式的特征:(1)产状相近的一套逆冲断层和正断层,共同构成上窄下宽的楔状褶皱-断层构造;(2)楔状体斜向向下楔入;(3)中间为比较新的地层(倒转向斜),两侧为老的地层.通过对卷入逆冲推覆构造呈“布丁状”透镜体产出的花岗岩脉和闪长玢岩脉进行锆石U-Pb年代学研究,其形成年龄分别为141±2 Ma和139±2 Ma.结合前人对侵入逆冲推覆构造的(南窖)石英二长岩岩枝的形成时代(128~136 Ma),认为南观逆冲推覆构造的形成时代为140~130 Ma,稍早于、或与房山变质核杂岩的形成时代近乎同时.逆冲推覆方向为320°~335°,与变质核杂岩代表的伸展构造的最大拉伸方向(SE-NW向)近乎一致.因此,北京西山地区(乃至华北克拉通东部)晚中生代逆冲构造-岩浆活动-伸展构造,这种独特的构造组合型式是构造体制从挤压向伸展转换的体现,也是华北克拉通破坏的构造体现,其形成机制可能与太平洋板块的俯冲紧密相关.   相似文献   

松树沟蛇绿岩是东秦岭构造带内出露规模最大的超镁铁—镁铁质杂岩体。地质填图证实,该区存在结构十分复杂的大型逆冲推覆构造系统,其中北区松树沟超镁铁质主岩体内发育的高角度逆冲断层系向北拆离;而包括富水杂岩在内的南区镁铁质及超镁铁质岩块均向南大规模逆掩;剖面上总体构成不对称(向南滑脱为主)的“背冲型”样式。松树沟逆冲推覆构造研究对恢复蛇绿岩组合层序及其古构造环境具有重要的地质意义。  相似文献   

张长厚  陈爱根 《现代地质》1997,11(3):305-312
在地质填图的基础上,确定了兴隆煤田南部逆冲推覆构造主逆冲带的平面展布特征,认为主逆冲断层在剖面上具有浅部缓深部陡的几何特征。运用平衡剖面基本原理估算出了由逆冲推覆所造成的水平缩短量约为1375km。根据本区逆冲推覆构造的几何学与运动学特征,认为在推覆体下寻找到隐伏煤田的范围是极其有限的。  相似文献   

大青山逆冲推覆构造发育在石拐断陷盆地南侧,由一系列规模大小不等向南倾的叠瓦状逆冲推覆断层构成,由南南西向北北东方向推覆,是单冲型逆冲推覆构造。由北向南分为前缘挤压滑脱构造带、斜歪倒转褶皱—逆冲断层带和逆冲推覆岩席及叠瓦状逆冲断层带。  相似文献   

李宗发 《贵州地质》1997,14(3):218-227
研究区伸展滑覆构造属扬子陆块盖层薄皮构造本文较详细地描述了伸展滑覆构造的几何主运动学特征外,还采用构造岩组分析和平衡剖面方面对其动力学背景,运动状态和过程进行了讨论,从宏观到微观分析研究后认为;燕山早期,受太平洋板块向亚洲大陆的斜向俯冲挤压,本区发生褶皱造山并伴随由SE向NW运动的逆冲推覆,形成由钟南,沿河断层 后展式叠瓦状逆冲推覆构造;燕山晚期,板块南移,地壳拉伸变薄,沿河断层上下盘岩片先后河F  相似文献   

The Bashkirian anticlinorium of the southwestern Urals shows a much more complex structural architecture and tectonic evolution than previously known. Pre-Uralian Proterozoic extensional and compressional structures controlled significantly the Uralian tectonic convergence. A long-lasting Proterozoic rift process created extensional basement structures and a Riphean basin topography which influenced the formation of the western fold-and-thrust-belt with inversion structures during the Uralian deformation. A complete orogenic cycle during Cadomian times, including terrane accretion at the eastern margin of the East European platform, resulted in a high-level Cadomian basement complex, which controlled the onset of Uralian deformation, and resulted in intense imbrication and tectonic stacking in the subjacent footwall of the Main Uralian fault. The Uralian orogenic evolution can be subdivided into three deformation stages with differently oriented stress regimes. Tectonic convergence started in the Late Devonian with ophiolite obduction, tectonic accretion of basin and slope units and early flysch deposits (Zilair flysch). The accretionary complex prograded from the SE to the NW. Continuous NW/SE-directed convergence resulted finally in the formation of an early orogenic wedge thrusting the Cadomian basement complex onto the East European platform. The main tectonic shortening was connected with these two stages and, although not well constrained, appears to be of Late Devonian to Carboniferous age. In the Permian a final stage of E–W compression is observed throughout the SW Urals. In the west the fold-and-thrust-belt prograded to the west with reactivation of former extensional structures and minor shortening. In the east this phase was related to intense back thrusting. The East European platform was subducted beneath the Magnitogorsk magmatic arc during the Late Paleozoic collision. The thick and cold East European platform reacted as a stable rigid block which resulted in a narrow zone of intense crustal shortening, tectonic stacking and high strain at its eastern margin. Whereas the first orogenic wedge is of thick-skinned type with the involvement of crystalline basement, even the later west-directed wedge is not typically thin-skinned as the depth of the basal detachment appears below 15 km and the involvement of Archean basement can be assumed.  相似文献   

藏北改则新生代早期逆冲推覆构造系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
藏北改则及邻区新生代早期发育大型逆冲推覆构造系统,由不同方向的逆冲断层、不同时代的构造岩片、不同规模的飞来峰和构造窗、不同类型的褶皱构造组成。羌塘中部发育羌中薄皮推覆构造,石炭系板岩和二叠系白云质灰岩自北向南逆冲推覆于上白垩统与古近系红层之上,形成大型逆冲岩席和弧形逆冲断层,原地系统古近纪红层下伏三叠系—侏罗系海相烃源岩。羌塘南部发育南羌塘薄皮推覆构造,导致班公—怒江蛇绿岩、三叠系—侏罗系海相地层及侏罗纪混杂岩自北向南逆冲推覆于古近纪红层与下白垩统海相沉积岩层之上,形成三条蛇绿岩片带、大量飞来峰和厚度较大的构造片岩。中新世早期火山岩层和湖相沉积呈角度不整合覆盖逆冲断层、褶皱构造和逆冲岩席,不整合面上覆火山岩年龄为23.7~19.1Ma,指示中新世早期改则及邻区基本结束了强烈逆冲推覆构造运动。估算羌中逆冲推覆构造的推覆距离约100~115km,南羌塘逆冲推覆构造的推覆距离约82~110km;新生代早期改则逆冲推覆构造系统近南北方向逆冲推覆总距离为182~225km,对应地壳缩短率为(50.3±2.7)%。  相似文献   

The El Sibai area of the Central Eastern Desert (CED) of Egypt consists of an ophiolitic association of arc metavolcanics, ophiolitic rocks, mélange, metasediments and minor mafic intrusions; and a gneissic association of amphibolite, gneissic diorite, tonalite, granodiorite and granite. Previous studies of the El Sibai area have identified the gneissic association as a lower crustal infrastructure in sheared contact with upper crustal ophiolitic association suprastructure, and have presented it as an example of a metamorphic or magmatic core complex. Detailed structural remapping of the El Sibai area reveals that the gneissic association rocks are not infrastructural but form a unit within the ophiolitic association nappes. Furthermore, the El Sibai structure is not domal in shape, and is not antiformal. The main gneissic association rocks are tabular intrusions roughly concordant with the shears dividing the ophiolitic association into nappes, and are syn-kinematic with the nappe stacking event (∼700–650 Ma). The gneissic granite tabular intrusions and their ophiolitic host were later folded about upright NW–SE trending mainly open folds during a NE–SW directed shortening event (∼625–590 Ma). Subsequently, NW–SE regional extension effects became evident including low angle normal ductile shear zones and mylonites. The latest gneissic red granites are syn-kinematic with respect to these shear zones. Probably continuing from the low-angle shearing event were steep normal faults, and sinistral WNW and N–S trending transcurrent faults (∼590–570 Ma). The normal faults mark the southeastern and maybe also the northwestern limits of the El Sibai gneissic association rocks. The El Sibai complex is not a core complex, but exemplifies the overlap of NW–SE folding and NW–SE extensional which is a significant theme of CED regional structure.  相似文献   


中国东南部侏罗纪—第三纪陆相地层沉积特征   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
系统分析、总结了中国东南部地区中新生代地层的分布状况、沉积作用、构造特征 ,反映出地层分布总体上具 NE走向、SE— NW的分带现象 ,现今盆地的面貌有五种不同类型及相应的几何形态。分析认为 ,中国东南部早、中侏罗世普遍为拉张裂陷沉积环境 ,在赣南、粤北、闽西一带发育双峰式火山岩 ;稍后可能受到区域性挤压 ,如皖南、浙西、赣东北等地有南东向北西逆冲的压性构造 ;早白垩世为火山喷发高峰期 ,研究区均不同程度发生了火山喷发 ,其中东南沿海发育大面积的火山岩 ;早白垩世以后华南全区转为拉张 ,发育大量中、小型断陷盆地等伸展型盆地 ;晚白垩世—第三纪地壳继续处于拉张松弛环境 ,形成以裂谷环境为主要特征的火山—沉积岩石组合。这些结果表明 ,早—中侏罗世受古特提斯构造域和太平洋构造域的共同影响 ,中侏罗世之后太平洋板块占主导 ,上述现象主要系太平洋板块在晚中生代不同阶段对中国东南部俯冲作用的方位、俯冲速率、俯冲角度有所变化所导致  相似文献   

The Ouarsenis area is one of the most developed karstic systems of Algeria. It is a karst reservoir drinking water with a population of more than 50,000 people taking fully benefit from it. To understand the development of this karstic system, the local tectonic history of the four main mountain ranges of this culminating area (Ouarsenis) has been analyzed. Although previously identified primarily Cenozoic tectonic activities have been observed, a set of NW-SE joints intersecting the Jurassic limestone has been associated to a post-nappes tectonic events. Moreover, numerous joint sets oriented NNE/SSW have been identified almost over the entire culminating area. These joints are the direct consequence of the following stress history: (i) a NW/SE shortening responsible for a major overlap and the first fold (P1) phase, (ii) a second NNE/SSW shortening stage responsible for the second folding (P2) phase associated with 70° N sinistral strike-slip trend, (iii) a WNW/ESE extension phase resulting from the change of σ 3 stress vertical axis, and (iv) a shearing stress creating a 120° N sinistral strike-slip fault. Only the late phases are responsible of the development of joints, which have been karstified later on. Indeed, significant families of karstified joints, i.e., 20° and 70° N have been found. These joints are related to the extensional and shearing modes, respectively, and linked to a particular in situ karstogenesis. Moreover, this study suggests an ancient establishment of the karstic systems in the Ouarsenis region in at least two stages: pre-figured and activated behaviors during the Cenozoic.  相似文献   

Foliation inflexion/intersection axes(FIAs)preserved within porphyroblasts that grew throughout Isan orogenesis reveal significant anticlockwise changes in the direction of bulk horizontal shortening between 1670 and 1500 Ma from NE-SW,N-S,E-W to NW-SE.This implies an anticlockwise shift in relative plate motion with time during the Isan orogeny.Dating monazite grains amongst the axial planar foliations defining three of the four FIAs enabled an age for the periods of relative plate motion that produced these structures to be determined.Averaging the ages from monazite grains defining each FIA set revealed 1649±12 Ma for NE-SW shortening,1645±7 Ma for N-S shortening,and 1591±10 Ma for that directed E-W.Inclusion trail asymmetries indicate shear senses of top to the SW for NW-SE FIAs and dominantly top to the N for E-W FIAs,reflecting thrusting towards the SW and N.No evidence for tectonism related to early NE-SW bulk horizontal shortening has previously been detected in the Mount Isa Inlier.Amalgamation of the Broken Hill and possibly the Gawler provinces with the Mount Isa province may have taken place during these periods of NE-SW and N-S-directed thrusting as the ages of tectonism are similar.Overlapping dates,tectonic,metamorphic,and metallogenic similarities between eastern Australia(Mount Isa and Broken Hill terranes)and the southwest part of Laurentia imply a most probable connection between both continental masses.Putting Australia in such position with respect to North America during the Late-Paleo-to-Mesoproterozoic time is consistent with the AUSWUS model of the Rodinia supercontinent.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地构造动力学过程   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
准噶尔盆地被古生代缝合线构造包围,周缘山系向盆地方向逆冲推覆,显示了盆地处于长期受压的构造环境;火山喷发由海相转变为大陆相,火山活动由强到弱,表明二叠纪以后,上地幔物质一直处于收缩状态,盆地整体持续下沉接受沉积,地壳增厚。二叠纪进入盆地演化阶段之后,经历了晚海西、印支、燕山和喜马拉雅四期构造应力场的作用,发生了南北向拉张变形、南北向和北西向碰撞挤压变形、南北向和北西向张压交替变形以及南北向压扭冲断、走滑和重力滑覆变形,形成复杂多样构造类型。   相似文献   

The Maria da Fé Shear Zone (MFSZ) is a sinistral strike-slip kilometric-scale structure developed in the late Neoproterozoic during the assembly of Gondwana. The MFSZ development is related to the NW–SE collision between the São Francisco Paleocontinent and the Rio Negro Magmatic Arc, which formed the Ribeira Belt. This paper describes the shear zone in detail, concluding that the orientation and age are consistent with NW–SE shortening during the afore mentioned collision. A U–Pb SHRIMP Concordia age of 586.9 ± 8.7 Ma is reported from zircon grains of a granitic dyke that crystallised synkinematically to the main tectonic activity of the shear zone. Another group of zircon grains from the same sample generated an upper intercept age of 2083 ± 43 Ma anchored in the younger Concordia age. These zircon grains are interpreted as relict grains of the basement from which the granite dyke was generated by partial melting. The temperature during mylonitization in the MFSZ was estimated in the range from 450 to 600 °C, based on microstructures in quartz and feldspar. An earlier collision in the same region, between 640 and 610 Ma, led to an extensive nappe-stack with tectonic transport to ENE, integrating the southern Brasilia Belt. One of the thrust zones between these nappes in the studied area is the Cristina Shear Zone with mylonites that were generated under upper amphibolite to granulite facies conditions. Brittle-ductile E–W metric-scale shear zones are superimposed on the MFSZ, which were active in similar, but probably slightly cooler, metamorphic conditions (≈500 °C).  相似文献   

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