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李永文 《地下水》2023,(2):105-107
本文利用平板法和JYJC CABR NES测定仪,研究探讨了不同矿渣粉与粉煤灰掺量对水工混凝土收缩与抗裂的影响作用。结果显示:水胶比相同情况下,采用矿渣粉或粉煤灰等量替代水泥可以在一定程度上改善混凝土的早期收缩及抗裂性能,粉煤灰相比于矿渣粉具有更优的开裂抑制效果;混凝土开裂与收缩具有显著相关性,早期收缩与其早期开裂密切相关,混凝土掺矿渣粉或粉煤灰时的收缩量较小和单位面积上的总开裂面积均较小。  相似文献   

陶粒粉煤灰混凝土在桥涵台背回填中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
葛折圣  黄晓明  张肖宁  高俊合 《岩土力学》2006,27(11):2076-2079
通过材料性能试验、土工离心模型试验和数值计算,研究陶粒粉煤灰混凝土的物理力学性能及其在桥涵台背回填的应用效果。首先,通过材料性能试验研究不同配合比的陶粒粉煤灰混凝土的物理力学性能;其次,通过土工离心模型试验和数值计算研究陶粒粉煤灰混凝土用作桥涵台背回填材料时,作用于台背的土压力和回填体的变形特性。研究发现:陶粒粉煤灰混凝土具有轻质、高强度、高模量和易施工等诸多优点;陶粒粉煤灰混凝土回填体作用于台背的土压力明显小于常规回填材料;回填区和地基的沉降变形亦明显小于其他材料。结果表明:陶粒粉煤灰混凝土作为台背回填材料具有明显的优越性,是一种值得推荐的桥涵台背回填材料。  相似文献   

粉煤灰混凝土桩钻孔压灌工艺在软土地基上的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了粉煤灰混凝土桩及钻孔压灌工艺的特点,指出了粉煤灰混凝土桩钻孔压灌工艺在软土地基施工中应注意的问题,并列举了2个工程实例。  相似文献   

众所周知,矿渣、粉煤灰等大宗工业废渣,作为辅助性胶凝材料应用于水泥及混凝土中以来,人们越来越重视对它们的研究(王薇,2008)。目前粉煤灰按排放工艺不同分为干排粉煤灰和湿排粉煤灰。湿排粉煤灰又分为淡水排粉煤灰和海水排粉煤灰。在粉煤灰资源化过程中,海水湿排粉  相似文献   

贾建林 《安徽地质》2005,15(1):61-63,68
结合试验分析和工程实践.论证了钻孔桩水下混凝土中掺用粉煤灰的可行性。提出了使用粉煤灰掺合料应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

温以华 《地下水》2010,32(3):173-174,177
优质粉煤灰具有颗粒细,含有大量硅、铝活性成分,具有较好的"活性效应"、"界面效应"、"微粒效应"及"减水效应"等多种综合效应。优质粉煤灰掺入混凝土中,能够改善混凝土拌和物的和易性。主要研究了单掺粉煤强度的影响,结果表明:混凝土中掺入优质粉煤灰能显著提高拌合物的和易性、可泵性等性能。  相似文献   

李水清 《岩土力学》2001,22(4):519-521
通过工程实例,介绍了钻孔压灌粉煤灰混凝土桩的施工技术,说明了其施工工艺及特点,并利用6组静荷载试验成果,对粉煤灰混凝土桩复合地基的承载力特性进行了分析。  相似文献   

徐赫峰 《地下水》2023,(4):158-159
试验研究了水工混凝土和易性、抗压强度受不同类型砂的影响,进一步揭示全机制砂水工混凝土抗氯离子渗透性和强度的影响。结果表明:河砂低于混合砂和机制砂水工混凝土抗压强度,但和易性较好;随粉煤灰掺量的增加机制砂水工混凝土强度逐渐减小,后期抗压强度降幅随养护龄期的延长而变缓;粉煤灰的“活性效应”能够增强机制水工混凝土强度、抗氯离子渗透性等,掺量不超过30%时其各项性能整体良好。  相似文献   

主要研究了不同温度加速养护条件下,掺入不同量MgO膨胀剂和粉煤灰的混凝土试件的膨胀性能和劈裂抗拉强度,明确高温养护对外掺MgO混凝土膨胀与劈拉强度的影响规律。结果表明,随着养护温度的升高,混凝土的膨胀将加快,膨胀曲线趋于平缓的时间就越短;MgO掺量的增加不仅使混凝土的膨胀值增大,而且对其劈拉强度造成影响。适当掺量的MgO可能使混凝土劈拉强度有所增加,当MgO掺量过大时,则对混凝土劈拉强度没有贡献,甚至可能使其强度降低;粉煤灰对MgO的膨胀有明显的抑制作用,提高了高掺量MgO混凝土的劈裂抗拉强度。  相似文献   

对由深厚软弱土层组成的地基,采用粉煤灰碎石混凝土灌注桩法予以加固处理时,其施工机具相对简单,工期短,节约“三材”,投资省,具有显著的经济效益。由粉煤灰碎石混凝土灌注桩和深厚软弱土层共同构成的复合地基的工程特性,介于一般碎石桩复合地基与混凝土桩桩基之间,其基本特征是:承载力的提高,主要是置于深厚软弱土层中的粉煤灰碎石混凝土灌注桩的排水和垂直加筋作用的结果;其承载机理,部分具有一般碎石桩复合地基的特征;在结构物荷载作用下,其桩、土荷载分担特征,比较接近于普通混凝土桩桩基。  相似文献   

In-place recycling of asphalt pavement materials is a sustainable rehabilitation method. Existing hot-mix asphalt (HMA) layer is pulverized and blended with some or the entire base course and possibly some subgrade to form a broadly graded material referred to as recycled pavement material (RPM). The RPM is then compacted as the new base course and overlaid by a new layer of HMA. In some occasions, additives are added to increase the strength of RPM base course, such as cement, emulsion, fly ash. It is plausible to utilize high calcium high carbon fly ash, as the high level of carbon prevents fly ash from being used in concrete. A series of laboratory tests were conducted to evaluate the performance of these materials, including crushed aggregate, untreated RPM, and treated RPM with high carbon fly ash. The tests included compaction, California Bearing Ratio, resilient modulus, and unconfined compressive strength for treated RPM. The engineering properties of these materials were compared.  相似文献   

为了研究粉煤灰和二灰掺量及养护时间对桂林红黏土的改良效果,进行了直剪试验、固结试验以及电镜扫描试验。试验结果表明,粉煤灰的掺入提高了红黏土的抗剪强度,但超过一定量(18%粉煤灰掺量)反而会降低红黏土黏聚力,各掺量粉煤灰红黏土随养护龄期的延长,抗剪强度呈先增后缓趋势。二灰改良红黏土,在早期强度剧增,且强度随养护时间增长而大幅增加,一定龄期内,二灰红黏土黏聚力随二灰掺量呈先增后减趋势。粉煤灰和二灰的掺入均增大了红黏土的压缩模量,且随养护时间的延长而逐渐增大。红黏土中随粉煤灰、石灰的加入,发生一系列物理化学反应,从微观结构分析得知土中孔隙减少,结构性较素红黏土好。  相似文献   

This work examines the environmental and geochemical impact of recycled aggregate concrete produc-tion with properties representative for structural applications.The environmental influence of cement content,aggregate production,transportation,and waste landfilling is analysed by undertaking a life cycle assessment and considering a life cycle inventory largely specific for the region.To obtain a detailed insight into the optimum life cycle parameters,a sensitivity study is carried out in which supplementary cementitious materials,different values of natural-to-recycled aggregate content ratio and case-specific transportation distances were considered.The results show that carbon emissions were between 323 and 332 kgCO2e per cubic metre of cement only natural aggregate concrete.These values can be reduced by up to 17%by replacing 25%of the cement with fly ash.By contrast,carbon emissions can increase when natural coarse aggregates are replaced by recycled aggregates in proportions of 50%and 100%,and trans-portation is not included in analysis.However,the concrete with 50%recycled aggregate presented lower increase,only 0.3%and 3.4%for normal and high strength concrete,respectively.In some cases,the rel-ative contribution of transportation to the total carbon emissions increased when cement was replaced by fly ash in proportions of 25%,and case-specific transportation distances were considered.In absolute values,the concrete mixes with 100%recycled aggregates and 25%fly ash had lower carbon emissions than concrete with cement and natural aggregates only.Higher environmental benefits can be obtained when the transportation distances of fly ash are relatively short(15-25 km)and the cement replacement by fly ash is equal or higher than 25%,considering that the mechanical properties are adequate for prac-tical application.The observations from this paper show that recycled aggregate concrete with strength characteristics representative for structural members can have lower carbon emissions than conventional concrete,recommending them as an alternative to achieving global sustainability standards in construction.  相似文献   

土工合成材料界面作用特性的拉拔试验研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
吴景海 《岩土力学》2006,27(4):581-585
在土工合成材料加筋土工程中,土工合成材料与填料的界面作用特性是最关键的技术指标,因此利用拉拔试验研究土工合成材料与填料的界面作用特性是非常必要的。以5种不同种类的国产土工合成材料为加筋材料,以砂和石灰粉煤灰为填料,比较了各种土工合成材料与填料的界面作用特性,试验表明:(1)石灰粉煤灰自重较轻,摩擦角高,并且比砂的拉拔系数相对偏高一倍左右,是理想的土工合成材料加筋土工程的填料;(2)土工合成材料的拉拔系数从高到低排序为涤纶纤维经编土工格栅最高,塑料拉伸土工格栅次之,土工网较低,土工织物最低;(3)不同填料、不同土工合成材料的拉拔系数相差较大,具体加筋土工程采用的拉拔系数需要通过拉拔试验确定。这些结论可指导土工合成材料的优选和研究加筋机理。  相似文献   

One of the effective utilization strategies for fly ash and waste sludge is to use it as a fill material to raise low lying areas. Bearing capacity and settlement are the required input for the design of foundations on such fills. To determine the bearing capacity, plate load tests were carried out on the compacted beds of fly ash, fly ash-waste sludge and fly ash-waste sludge–cement. The tests were conducted by keeping 90, 95 and 100 % relative compaction, fresh and fresh submerged conditions, aged (28 days) and aged (28 days) submerged conditions as variables of the tests. The load-settlement curves were plotted for fly ash and mix blends. The minimum load was obtained for fly ash under submerged condition, further the test results show that the fly ash becomes flowable on submergence. On the other hand when the fly ash was mixed with waste sludge and cement, the load carrying capacity was found to improve to a greater extent. Test beds prepared with fly ash–cement-waste sludge under as compacted condition (fresh) show very high load carrying capacity (1600–2180 kN/m2). An analytical method has also been validated for fly ash–cement-waste sludge mix which was developed to estimate the settlement of footing resting on fly ash taking into account the pre-consolidation stresses. The non linearity of load-settlement behavior was appropriately modeled, on the basis of available plate load test data incorporated in the method. The method requires as input, the pre-consolidation stress and Young’s modulus of compacted mix of fly ash-waste sludge–cement. A comparison of load-settlement values observed in plate load tests and predicted values for the mix 47 %FA + 45 %S + 8 %C, using the proposed method shows good agreement. Hence, this relationship may also be useful to the field engineers to check the reported load-settlement values for such types of mixes in the field.  相似文献   

粉煤灰作为路堤填料的动力特性试验研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
李时亮  周全能 《岩土力学》2005,26(2):311-314
粉煤灰用作路堤填料时,其动力特性是大家较为关注的问题。在扬州电厂粉煤灰动三轴试验的基础上,对影响粉煤灰动强度的若干影响因素进行了分析,对粉煤灰路堤在饱水条件下的抗液化性能进行了探讨。研究结果表明:振次、初始静应力水平、含水量等对粉煤灰的动强度都有显著的影响;粉煤灰路堤在饱水条件下的抗液化性能则与地震动峰值加速度、初始静应力水平等有密切关系。  相似文献   

高钙粉煤灰加固促淤地基机理和性状试验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
周红波  李恒  王天龙  孙剑 《岩土力学》2004,25(5):783-788
结合高钙粉煤灰与上海浦东国际机场工期促淤软土拌和后加固土体的室内外试验,指出高钙粉煤灰足加固促淤软土地基的一种新型材料。基于在不同掺灰量、不同游离氧化钙含量和添加不同激发剂情形下拌和灰土的室内物理力学性能试验,探讨了高钙粉煤灰加固促淤软土的固化机理和工程特性,加固后土体在无侧限抗压强度、变形、渗透特性以及抗液化能力等方面均有明显改善,指出灰土强度与掺灰量、土体改性激发剂的品种和数量以及养护龄期有关,高钙灰与土体拌和后自膨胀特性下降为12%,消除了高钙灰的体积不稳定问题。现场进行粉喷桩加固软土地基试验表明,复合软土地基的极限承载力达到240kPa以上,可以替代水泥土搅拌桩,桩间土体强度和变形也得到改善。加固场地地下水质分析表明,高钙灰加固促淤软土地基不会影响地下水质和环境。  相似文献   

粉煤灰与生石灰加固软土的室内试验研究   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:15  
林彤  刘祖德 《岩土力学》2003,24(6):1049-1052
粉煤灰是一种工业废弃物,与生石灰一样均可用来加固软土地基。笔者进行了粉煤灰与生石灰加固土的室内配方试验,分别将水泥或生石灰与粉煤灰按照不同的比例干拌均匀后,再与不同含水量的软土人工拌和均匀,测定了不同龄期的无侧限抗压强度;分析了石灰加固土强度与生石灰掺入比和龄期的关系及其压缩系数、压缩模量等的变化。并进一步分析了粉煤灰的加固机理,旨在为其进一步的研究和工程应用提供参考。  相似文献   

In this paper, a high calcium high sulfate ash as the main material, adding fly ash, lime, cement, gypsum and some modifiers to prepare autoclaved aerated concrete. The products complies with the technical requirements of GB/T11968-2006. This paper also studies the influence of the physical methods and water ratio on autoclaved aerated concrete by high calcium high sulfate ash aerated concrete. The best ratio of water and Grinding time were found in practice study.  相似文献   

At present, nearly 100 million tonnes of fly ash is being generated annually in India posing serious health and environmental problems. To control these problems, the most commonly used method is addition of fly ash as a stabilizing agent usually used in combination with soils. In the present study, high-calcium (ASTM Class C—Neyveli fly) and low-calcium (ASTM Class F—Badarpur fly ash) fly ashes in different proportions by weight (10, 20, 40, 60 and 80 %) were added to a highly expansive soil [known as black cotton (BC) soil] from India. Laboratory tests involved determination of physical properties, compaction characteristics and swell potential. The test results show that the consistency limits, compaction characteristics and swelling potential of expansive soil–fly ash mixtures are significantly modified and improved. It is seen that 40 % fly ash content is the optimum quantity to improve the plasticity characteristics of BC soil. The fly ashes exhibit low dry unit weight compared to BC soil. With the addition of fly ash to BC soil the maximum dry unit weight (γdmax) of the soil–fly ash mixtures decreases with increase in optimum moisture content (OMC), which can be mainly attributed to the improvement in gradation of the fly ash. It is also observed that 10 % of Neyveli fly ash is the optimum amount required to minimize the swell potential compared to 40 % of Badarpur fly ash. Therefore, the main objective of the study was to study the effect of fly ashes on the physical, compaction, and swelling potential of BC soils, and bulk utilization of industrial waste by-product without adversely affecting the environment.  相似文献   

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