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新疆南天山构造格架及构造演化   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
南天山碰撞造山带位于西伯利亚与塔里木地块之间的北亚造山区南部的天山造山系的中南部,是塔里木地块与哈萨克斯坦-准噶尔地块之间的一条构造带,地理上由哈尔克山、额尔宾山、虎拉山等组成,地质上主要由古生代地质体组成,其南北两侧均为活动陆缘,中间由洋壳残片、洋岛和增生杂岩组成,是南天山古生代洋盆演化的产物。南天山古洋盆从震旦纪裂解,寒武纪持续扩张,奥陶纪—石炭纪向南北两侧俯冲闭合,至二叠纪南天山造山带进入后造山调整阶段。  相似文献   

新疆北部及邻区地质构造单元与地质发展史   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:22  
新疆北部及邻区在区域构造上分属西伯利亚、哈萨克斯坦—准噶尔及塔里木三大板块,它们被两条时代不同(石炭—二叠纪、志留—泥盆纪)、规模宏伟的板块缝合构造带所分隔,缝合构造带与两侧板块有着密切的亲缘关系,却无隶属的“父子”关系,三大板块自元古宙发生解体裂移后,增生作用主要发生在早古生代,主要是依据各陆缘的不同特征分别形成岛弧或边缘海盆;进入晚古生代后,哈萨克斯坦—准噶尔板块与培里木板块已率先完成碰撞缝合,此时除斋桑—额尔齐斯—线尚有古亚洲洋残余外,绝大部分地区均进入陆内构造发展阶段,其主要构造活动是“手风琴式’的开合构造,形成一些裂陷槽、裂谷和上叠盆地。研究区内共分出15个二级构造单元和44个三级单元。  相似文献   

西天山造山带构造单元划分及古生代洋陆转换过程   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
西天山造山带位于哈萨克斯坦—准噶尔板块与卡拉库姆—塔里木板块的结合部,是由一系列前寒武纪微陆块、古生代洋壳残片及陆缘弧相互拼贴而成的多聚合带、多成矿带,其独特的造山-成矿过程受到了国内外的广泛关注。本文通过构造单元划分与编图,建立了古生代西天山造山带的构造格架,认为古生代西天山造山带的构造演化依次经历了:罗迪尼亚大陆裂解与北天山早古生代多岛洋盆形成阶段(Z-O_2),北天山早古生代多岛洋盆闭合与南天山洋盆开始形成阶段(O_3-S),南、北天山洋晚古生代洋盆形成与发展阶段(D-C_1),南、北天山晚古生代洋盆全面闭合与天山碰撞造山带形成阶段(C1-C_2)和碰撞后板内演化阶段(C_2-P)。  相似文献   

提肯乃克特额尔齐斯构造混杂带岩块(片)由变质玄武岩及变质辉绿岩、斜长花岗岩等深成杂岩组成,可能代表了北准噶尔有限洋盆的洋壳残片,基质主要为一套浅变质细碎屑岩,上覆岩石主要由硅质岩、变质粉砂岩等远洋沉积物组成。早泥盆世,准噶尔微板块东北缘及西伯利亚板块南缘因大陆硅铝壳开始破裂、扩张,在额尔齐斯断裂南北两侧分别出现拉张活动。中泥盆世,哈萨克斯坦-准噶尔板块向山区阿尔泰地块俯冲并逐渐闭合成陆。早石炭世初期,准噶尔微型板块北缘再次沿额尔齐斯断裂带南侧发生拉张、裂陷,逐渐演变成活动大陆边缘并发育基性杂岩体。早石炭世晚期,地壳由扩张转为挤压,准噶尔微板块与阿尔泰地块再次发生碰撞,伴随这次板块碰撞活动,其上覆上迭火山-沉积盆地闭合成陆。提肯乃克特额尔齐斯构造混杂岩带的识别,对于重新认识准噶尔地块和阿尔泰地块之间的关系及探讨中亚造山带古生代以来的构造演化具较大意义。  相似文献   

天山造山带自新元古代以来,经历了漫长而复杂的俯冲增生造山作用和陆内构造活化过程,属于典型的复合型造山带。基于近年研究进展,本文对伊犁、境内外中天山和南天山构造带前寒武纪基底、古生代沉积序列、多期陆缘弧岩浆岩和构造缝合带的变形变质特征、形成环境和年代学等进行了总结分析,梳理了天山古生代增生造山作用中的三次重要构造转换事件及其地质记录。① 伊犁南北两缘、中天山、南天山和塔里木北缘,均发育中奥陶世—志留纪的大陆弧岩浆作用,伊犁北缘、南天山 塔里木北部早古生代沉积环境发生显著变化,表明天山 塔里木北缘在中—晚奥陶世发生了从被动陆缘向活动陆缘的转换。② 伊犁南、北两缘和中天山的早古生代岩层在晚志留世—早泥盆世普遍发生了强烈的韧性变形和角闪岩相变质作用,其上不整合覆盖有弱变形未变质的晚泥盆世—石炭纪火山 沉积地层;该区域不整合是哈萨克斯坦微大陆拼合事件在研究区的构造响应,也标志着准噶尔洋和南天山洋的俯冲方式在泥盆纪发生了由前进式(东太平洋型)向后撤式(西太平洋型)的构造转换,导致伊犁和中天山在晚泥盆世—石炭纪经历了伸展背景下的大陆弧岩浆作用,在南天山 塔里木北缘则形成了一系列弧后有限洋盆。③ 天山各构造单元及其边界缝合带中普遍发育晚石炭世逆冲推覆构造和二叠纪走滑韧性剪切带、晚石炭世—早二叠世滑塌堆积和二叠纪后造山岩浆岩,指示晚石炭世—早二叠世发生了由汇聚造山向陆内构造的转换。这些构造转换事件是认识古亚洲洋各分支洋盆从初始俯冲、俯冲方式转换到俯冲终结过程的基础,也是探讨增生造山动力学的关键。  相似文献   

新疆东部三条蛇绿混杂岩带的比较研究   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
本文综合对比了新疆东部三条蛇绿混杂岩带的岩石组合、地球化学特征及其大地构造背景,指出克拉美丽—塔克扎勒—伊吾蛇绿混杂岩带是西伯利亚板块和塔里木板块晚古生代末的最后缝合线;中天山北缘米什沟—干沟蛇绿混杂岩带是古准噶尔洋壳早古生代向塔里木北缘俯冲的标志;南天山红柳河—玉石山蛇绿岩带则是南天山弧后洋盆的残骸。  相似文献   

新疆及周边古地磁研究与构造演化   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
新疆古地磁研究始于1979年,20年来通过对塔里木、准噶尔、昆仑山等地区的古地磁研究,获得了古生代—新生代塔里木板块、准噶尔板块和青藏板块古地磁极移曲线和古纬度资料。震旦纪以前塔里木板块尚未形成,晚震旦世在赤道附近各地块才联合成塔里木板块的主体部分。后经历了两次快速北移,一次快速南移。准噶尔板块早古生代为一个独立的微板块,在晚古生代与哈萨克斯坦板块联合成一体,组成了哈萨克斯坦-准噶尔板块;塔里木板块震旦纪时还属冈瓦纳大陆的一个组成部分,早古生代逐渐脱离了冈瓦纳大陆,快速向北漂移,晚古生代早期与准噶尔板块首次在东部碰撞,成为劳亚大陆南缘的一个增生体。将介于劳亚大陆和冈瓦纳大陆之间的古陆体,称之谓华夏古陆群。晚古生代末—中生代早期,华夏古陆群先后增生到劳亚大陆南缘;早古生代早期古特提斯洋尚未形成,诸地块处于冈瓦纳大陆范围内,位于南半球的赤道附近。在中-晚志留世,这些地(板)块才快速向北漂移,由于洋扩张,形成了古特提斯洋,构成了三大陆块群夹两个大洋的古地理格局;二叠纪是特提斯构造演化关键时期,晚侏罗-早白垩世昆仑地块与柴达木地块和塔里木地块发生碰撞,联合成一体。早侏罗世早期柴达木地块等与塔里木地块发生碰撞联合,造成了古特提斯洋消亡。早侏罗世中期,开  相似文献   

中亚大陆古生代构造形成及演化   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
西伯利亚、塔里木及哈萨克斯坦诸古板块中的微陆和地体构造了中亚十分复杂的拼贴构造图案。古生代时,南天巴准洋-阿萨伊锡弧沟弧系和额尔齐斯洋-成田弧沟弧系构成了哈萨克斯坦板块的原型,塔里木板块陆壳块体在泥盆纪相对于阿萨伊锡岛弧的左行低角度斜俯冲和碰撞,造成此弧的解体、走滑堆叠和山弯构造。与此同时,成田岛弧南北两侧分别受到南天巴准洋和额尔齐斯洋的俯冲。在晚古生代晚期这两个沟弧系演变为哈萨克斯坦板块的基本构  相似文献   

新疆古生代构造—生物古地理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郭福祥 《新疆地质》2001,19(1):20-26
通过6幅图表达了新疆古生代板块的构造-生物古地理区系。早古生代,包括劳伦,波罗的、西伯利亚和哈萨克斯坦4陆块的亚帕特斯古陆(Iapetusa)群,与由其余陆块构成的冈瓦纳古陆群隔原特提斯洋相对峙。石炭-二叠纪,欧美、安加拉、太平洋和冈瓦纳4古陆共存并立。西伯利亚和哈萨克斯担板块经历了早古生代亚伯特斯古陆、晚古生代安加拉古陆和早二叠世晚期以来欧亚大陆3个发展阶段。塔里木、中朝、华南-东南亚板块经历了早古生代冈瓦纳古陆、晚古生代太平洋古陆和早二叠世晚期以来欧亚大陆3个发展阶段。指出在中晚寒武世和晚奥陶世哈萨克斯坦板块靠近塔里木、中朝和华南-东南亚板块;在早古生代其余时期它接近西伯利亚板块。伊犁和托克逊-雅满苏地体是在中泥盆世之前裂解自塔里木板块,尔后在早二叠世晚期接近安加拉古陆。塔里木板块北东缘北山地区在早二叠世早期首先靠近安加拉古陆。塔里木与西伯利亚-哈萨克斯坦板块之间缝合时代大抵上和土耳其-中伊朗-冈底斯与华南-东南亚板块之间缝合时代一致。缝合事件发生在早二叠世早期,而相应的构造运动出现在早晚二叠世之交。  相似文献   

塔里木板块周缘晚古生代以来的构造演化   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
刘训 Graham  S 《地球科学》1994,19(6):715-725
塔里木板块在晚古生代以来,经历了一系列碰撞和拼合事件,受北侧哈萨克斯坦-准噶尔板块碰撞的影响,南天山石炭纪再生洋盆于早二叠世末隆起,并导致天山山前陆盆地形成。这一时期塔木西部强烈的热活动事件,反映了一次地壳开裂活动,并导致天山山前的前陆盆地形成,这一时期里木西部强烈的热活动事件,反映了一次地壳开裂活动,同时进一步推动了塔里木向天山下插的陆内俯冲活动及前陆盆地的形成,中生代时期,特提斯洋盆的活动及先  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1058-1066
The plate-tectonic evolution of the Tarim basin and nearby western Tianshan region during Paleozoic time is reconstructed in an effort to further constrain the tectonic evolution of Central Asia, providing insights into the formation and distribution of oil and gas resources. The Tarim plate developed from continental rifting that progressed during early Paleozoic time into a passive continental margin. The Yili terrane (central Tianshan) broke away from the present eastern part of Tarim and became a microcontinent located somewhere between the Junggar ocean and the southern Tianshan ocean. The southern Tianshan ocean, between the Tarim craton and the Yili terrane, was subducting beneath the Yili terrane from Silurian to Devonian time. During the Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous, the Tarim plate collided with the Yili terrane by sinistral accretional docking that resulted in a late Paleozoic deformational episode. Intracontinental shortening (A-type subduction) continued through the Permian with the creation of a magmatic belt.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2013,24(4):1316-1341
Subduction-related accretion in the Junggar–Balkash and South Tianshan Oceans (Paleo-Asian Ocean), mainly in the Paleozoic, gave rise to the present 2400 km-long Tianshan orogenic collage that extends from the Aral Sea eastwards through Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, to Xinjiang in China. This paper provides an up-to-date along-strike synthesis of this orogenic collage and a new tectonic model to explain its accretionary evolution.The northern part of the orogenic collage developed by consumption of the Junggar–Balkash Ocean together with Paleozoic island arcs (Northern Ili, Issyk Kul, and Chatkal) located in the west, which may have amalgamated into a composite arc in the Paleozoic in the west and by addition of another two, roughly parallel, arcs (Dananhu and Central Tianshan) in the east. The western composite arc and the eastern Dananhu and Central Tianshan arcs formed a late Paleozoic archipelago with multiple subduction zones. The southern part of the orogenic collage developed by the consumption of the South Tianshan Ocean which gave rise to a continuous accretionary complex (Kokshaal–Kumishi), which separated the Central Tianshan in the east and other Paleozoic arcs in the west from cratons (Tarim and Karakum) to the south. Cross-border correlations of this accretionary complex indicate a general southward and oceanward accretion by northward subduction in the early Paleozoic to Permian as recorded by successive southward juxtaposition of ophiolites, slices of ophiolitic mélanges, cherts, island arcs, olistostromes, blueschists, and turbidites, which are mainly Paleozoic in age, with the youngest main phase being Late Carboniferous–Permian. The initial docking of the southerly Tarim and Karakum cratons to this complicated late Paleozoic archipelago and accretionary complexes occurred in the Late Carboniferous–Early Permian in the eastern part of the Tianshan and in the Late Permian in the western part, which might have terminated collisional deformation on this suture zone. The final stages of closure of the Junggar–Balkash Ocean resembled the small ocean basin scenario of the Mediterranean Sea in the Cenozoic. In summary, the history of the Altaids is characterized by complicated multiple accretionary and collisional tectonics.  相似文献   

North Xinjiang, Northwest China, is made up of several Paleozoic orogens. From north to south these are the Chinese Altai, Junggar, and Tian Shan. It is characterized by widespread development of Late Carboniferous–Permian granitoids, which are commonly accepted as the products of post-collisional magmatism. Except for the Chinese Altai, East Junggar, and Tian Shan, little is known about the Devonian and older granitoids in the West Junggar, leading to an incomplete understanding of its Paleozoic tectonic history. New SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb ages were determined for seventeen plutons in northern West Junggar and these ages confirm the presence of Late Silurian–Early Devonian plutons in the West Junggar. New age data, combined with those available from the literature, help us distinguish three groups of plutons in northern West Junggar. The first is represented by Late Silurian–Early Devonian (ca. 422 to 405 Ma) plutons in the EW-striking Xiemisitai and Saier Mountains, including A-type granite with aegirine–augite and arfvedsonite, and associated diorite, K-feldspar granite, and subvolcanic rocks. The second is composed of the Early Carboniferous (ca. 346 to 321 Ma) granodiorite, diorite, and monzonitic and K-feldspar granites, which mainly occur in the EW-extending Tarbgatay and Saur (also spelled as Sawuer in Chinese) Mountains. The third is mainly characterized by the latest Late Carboniferous–Middle Permian (ca. 304 to 263 Ma) granitoids in the Wuerkashier, Tarbgatay, and Saur Mountains.As a whole, the three epochs of plutons in northern West Junggar have different implications for tectonic evolution. The volcano-sedimentary strata in the Xiemisitai and Saier Mountains may not be Middle and Late Devonian as suggested previously because they are crosscut by the Late Silurian–Early Devonian plutons. Therefore, they are probably the eastern extension of the Early Paleozoic Boshchekul–Chingiz volcanic arc of East Kazakhstan in China. It is uncertain at present if these plutons might have been generated in either a subduction or post-collisional setting. The early Carboniferous plutons in the Tarbgatay and Saur Mountains may be part of the Late Paleozoic Zharma–Saur volcanic arc of the Kazakhstan block. They occur along the active margin of the Kazakhstan block, and their generation may be related to southward subduction of the Irtysh–Zaysan Ocean between Kazakhstan in the south and Altai in the north. The latest Late Carboniferous–Middle Permian plutons occur in the Zharma–Saur volcanic arc, Hebukesaier Depression, and the West Junggar accretionary complexes and significantly postdate the closure of the Irtysh–Zaysan Ocean in the Late Carboniferous because they are concurrent with the stitching plutons crosscutting the Irtysh–Zaysan suture zone. Hence the latest Late Carboniferous–Middle Permian plutons were generated in a post-collisional setting. The oldest stitching plutons in the Irtysh–Zaysan suture zone are coeval with those in northern West Junggar, together they place an upper age bound for the final amalgamation of the Altai and Kazakhstan blocks to be earlier than 307 Ma (before the Kaslmovian stage, Late Carboniferous). This is nearly coincident with widespread post-collisional granitoid plutons in North Xinjiang.  相似文献   

东天山大南湖岛弧带石炭纪岩石地层与构造演化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
详细的地质解剖工作表明,东天山地区大南湖岛弧带石炭纪出露4套岩石地层组合,即早石炭世小热泉子组火山岩、晚石炭世底坎儿组碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩、晚石炭世企鹅山组火山岩、晚石炭世脐山组碎屑岩夹碳酸盐岩。根据其岩石组合、岩石地球化学、生物化石、同位素资料以及彼此的产出关系,认为这4套岩石地层组合的沉积环境分别为岛弧、残余海盆、岛弧和弧后盆地。结合区域资料重塑了大南湖岛弧带晚古生代的构造格架及演化模式。早、晚石炭世的4套岩石地层组合并置体现了东天山的复杂增生过程。  相似文献   

新疆中天山古生代侵入岩浆序列及构造演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李平  赵同阳  穆利修  王哲  黄剑  屈涛  凤骏 《地质论评》2018,64(1):91-107
新疆中天山构造岩浆带是中亚造山带的重要组成部分,广泛分布着古生代花岗质侵入体。本研究重点对中天山南缘巴音布鲁克及巴伦台地区的花岗质侵入体进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年,并获得了岩体侵位年龄由老到新分别为463±3Ma(石英闪长岩)、437±5Ma(石英闪长岩)、424±3Ma(二长花岗岩)、383±4Ma(二长花岗岩)、356±3Ma(二长花岗岩)和303±5Ma(正长花岗岩)。综合区域地质分析认为,中天山古生代侵入岩浆活动可分为四个构造岩浆演化阶段:(1)晚寒武世—晚奥陶世阶段,Terskey洋盆和南天山洋盆自新元古代打开形成广阔洋盆,Terskey洋盆在晚寒武世开始初次俯冲,于晚奥陶世洋盆闭合,南天山洋盆于早奥陶世初次俯冲,具有自西向东、由早到晚的俯冲特点;(2)早志留世—中泥盆世阶段,南天山洋盆持续向北俯冲,该阶段北天山洋开始向南侧俯冲,在伊犁地块北缘形成了弧岩浆;(3)晚泥盆世—早石炭世阶段,南天山洋盆闭合于晚泥盆世末期,在早石炭世中晚期进入残余洋盆演化阶段;(4)晚石炭世—早二叠世阶段,该阶段为后碰撞伸展环境,区域上为陆内演化阶段。  相似文献   

The Eastern Junggar terrane of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt includes a Late Paleozoic assemblage of volcanic rocks of mixed oceanic and arc affinity, located in a structurally complex belt between the Siberian plate, the Kazakhstan block, and the Tianshan Range. The early history of these rocks is not well constrained, but the Junggar terrane was part of a Cordilleran-style accreted arc assemblage by the Late Carboniferous. Late Paleozoic volcanic rocks of the northern part of the east Junggar terrane are divided, from base to top, into the Early Devonian Tuoranggekuduke Formation (Fm.), Middle Devonian Beitashan Fm., Middle Devonian Yundukala Fm., Late Devonian Jiangzierkuduke Fm., Early Carboniferous Nanmingshui Fm. and Late Carboniferous Batamayineishan Fm. We present major element, trace element and Sr–Nd isotopic analyses of 64 (ultra)mafic to intermediate volcanic rock samples of these formations. All Devonian volcanic rocks exhibit remarkably negative Nb, Ta and Ti anomalies on the primitive mantle-normalized trace element diagrams, and are enriched in more highly incompatible elements relative to moderately incompatible ones. Furthermore, they have subchondritic Nb/Ta ratios, and their Zr/Nb and Sm/Nd ratios resemble those of MORBs, characteristics of arc-related volcanic rocks. The Early Devonian Tuoranggekuduke Fm., Middle Devonian Beitashan Fm., and Middle Devonian Yundukala Fm. are characterized by tholeiitic and calc-alkaline affinities. In contrast, the Late Devonian Jiangzierkuduke Fm. contains a large amount of tuff and sandstone, and its volcanic rocks have dominantly calc-alkaline affinities. We therefore propose that the Jiangzierkuduke Fm. formed in a mature island arc setting, and other Devonian Fms. formed in an immature island arc setting. The basalts from the Nanmingshui Fm. have geochemical signatures between N-MORB and island arcs, indicating that they formed in a back-arc setting. In contrast, the volcanic rocks from the Batamayineishan Fm. display geochemical characteristics of continental intraplate volcanic rocks formed in an extensional setting after collision. Thus, we propose a model that involves a volcanic arc formed by northward subduction of the ancient Junggar ocean and amalgamation of different terranes during the Late Paleozoic to interpret the formation of the Late Paleozoic volcanic rocks in the Eastern Junggar terrane, and the Altai and Junggar terranes fully amalgamated into a Cordilleran-type orogen during the end of Early Carboniferous to the Middle–Late Carboniferous.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地东北缘早古生代构造格局及演化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
左国朝  李绍雄 《中国地质》2011,38(4):945-960
塔里木盆地东北缘构造带包括了新疆东天山及甘肃—内蒙北山广大地区。本区早古生代塔里木板块与哈萨克斯坦板块的对接带展布于由西段阿其克库都克断裂带向东与石板井—小黄山蛇绿混杂岩一线。晋宁运动(800 Ma)本区经历了广泛的岩浆热事件,西伯利亚板块、哈萨克斯坦板块与塔里木板块曾一度合并到罗迪尼亚超大陆之上。南华—震旦纪古大陆解体,哈萨克斯坦板块及塔里木板块块断区以多岛群体弥散于古亚洲洋内。塔里木板块东段的陆缘区,震旦—寒武纪显示海湾型沉积区。奥陶纪沿花牛山—五峰山—帐房山一线裂解为裂谷带,晚奥陶世末前碰撞期岩浆活动导致裂谷关闭。早、中志留世,古亚洲洋洋壳板片沿着尾亚南—芨芨台子山—白云山—月牙山—洗肠井一线向南俯冲,构筑了公婆泉火山岛弧带及相匹配的红柳河—牛圈子—碱泉子弧后盆地。晚志留世的碰撞初期花岗岩浆运动极为活跃。泥盆纪进入主碰撞期,造山阶段的岩浆热事件波及到隆升中的造山带,在其南缘沉陷为火山-磨拉石前陆盆地。  相似文献   

新疆晚古生代大陆边缘成矿系统与成矿区带初步探讨   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
新疆地处中亚成矿域的中段,古生代大陆边缘增生明显、构造和岩浆活动强烈、矿产资源丰富。古生代大陆边缘成矿作用主要集中在两个时期,即以阿尔泰南缘为主的早中泥盆世和以天山为主的早石炭世。本文在综合研究及与境外对比的基础上,按照北疆地区晚古生代大陆边缘的构造动力学和成矿特征,将研究区大陆边缘成矿系统划分为:活动大陆边缘海相火山岩-盆地流体成矿系统,活动大陆边缘火山岛弧-岩浆活动成矿系统和被动大陆边缘沉积盆地-热水活动成矿系统三类。同时对形成于大陆边缘的成矿区带进行划分,主要包括:阿勒泰南缘晚古生代活动大陆边缘块状硫化物成矿带;阿尔泰南缘-东准噶尔活动大陆边缘卡拉先格尔岛弧斑岩铜金成矿带;东天山晚古生代活动大陆边缘铜钼锌成矿区带;西准噶尔洋内弧斑岩-浅成低温热液铜金成矿区带;西天山(伊犁地块)活动大陆边缘金铜成矿区带;塔里木板块被动大陆边缘沉积型铅锌成矿带。本文认为大陆增生与成矿作用的关系是矿床学和成矿系统研究的重要内容,成矿区带是成矿系统发生成矿作用的响应,而成矿系统是成矿区带形成的本质。  相似文献   

West Junggar (NW China) and East Kazakhstan are situated in the southwest of the Central Asian orogenic belt (CAOB). Tectonic entities in the two areas share the same tectonic evolution history and make up the famous horseshoe-shaped orocline in Central Asia. This paper presents a newly compiled cross-border tectonic sketch map of West Junggar and East Kazakhstan and proposes the extension of the Chingiz–Tarbagatai belt and the North Balkhash-West Junggar belt.The Chingiz–Tarbagatai Belt in East Kazakhstan consists mainly of Middle-Late Ordovician differentiated volcanic rocks, pyroclastic sediments and flysch; while in the Tarbagatai Mountain in China, Tarbagatai (Kujibai) ophiolite is newly found with zircon (gabbro) age of 478 ± 3 Ma and the Ordovician flysch metamorphosed to a greenschist facies is distinguished from Devonian–Carboniferous rock associations. Therefore, the Early Paleozoic Chingiz–Tarbagatai belt of East Kazakhstan evidently extends to the northern part of West Junggar along the Tarbagatai orogenic belt.The North Balkhash-West Junggar belt lying south to the Chingiz–Tarbagatai belt is separated by the EW-trending Baiyanghe–Heshituoluogai depression in West Junggar. Early Ordovician–Early Silurian ophiolitic fragments and related pyroclastic sediments are widely exposed in Tekturmas, North Balkhash and Agadyr of East Kazashtan. Similarly, Early Paleozoic ophiolites have also been verified in Tangbale, Mayile, Baerluke, Darbut and Karamay of West Junggar in recent years. Therefore, nearly all ophiolites in West Junggar and East Kazakhstan are proved to have formed in Early Paleozoic, which suggests that the evolution of the paleo-ocean in the two areas reached its peak in the Early Paleozoic. Based on the ages of the Tangbale, Karamay and Hongguleleng ophiolites, an Early Paleozoic continental accretionary belt extending from Tangbale to Hongguleleng is determined at the NW margin of the Junggar basin for the first time. According to spatiotemporal comparison, ophiolites exposed in West Junggar and East Kazakhstan might originate from the same paleo-ocean tectonic region, and then the North Balkhash in East Kazakhstan and the West Junggar were offset for a long distance with respect to each other by the major Junggar dextral fault.Because of the large-scale accretion of continental crust before Silurian, the Late Paleozoic ocean in West Junggar and East Kazakhstan became smaller with residual nature, and extensive arc-basin-trench systems might be absent during the closure of this residual ocean.  相似文献   

朱怀诚 《地球学报》2001,22(1):67-72
塔里木板块二叠纪的构造演化导致板块古地理位置、古地貌和古环境的演变(包括气候条件的改变),相应地塔里木板块的植物群在区系性质方面发生了重要变更。该板块二叠纪植物群演替历史分为3个演化阶段:①欧美植物群阶段(阿赛尔期-罗德期);②欧美-安加拉混生植物群阶段(沃德期-吴家坪期)早期;③安加拉植物群阶段(吴家坪期中晚期-长兴期)。  相似文献   

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