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李状  苏晶文  董长春  叶永红  杨洋 《中国地质》2022,49(5):1509-1526
【研究目的】 了解长江中下游平原地区地下水流系统并深入分析其地下水水化学特征及其演化机制。【研究方法】 综合马鞍山市当涂地区的水文地质条件、水动力场等,基于研究区水化学基本特征,运用多元统计分析、水化学图件、离子比值和反向水文地球化学模拟等方法对该地区浅层地下水水化学演化进行分析。【研究结果】 结果表明:(1)研究区地下水主要为低矿化度偏碱性水,地下水组分中阳离子以Ca2+和Mg2+为主,阴离子以HCO3-和SO42-为主。(2)研究区地下水水化学类型主要可分为7类,其中松散岩类孔隙含水岩组和碎屑岩类孔隙裂隙含水岩组的水化学类型主要为HCO3-Ca型、HCO3-Ca·Na型、HCO3·Cl-Ca·Na型以及HCO3-Ca·Mg型;基岩类裂隙含水岩组的化学类型主要为HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg型和SO4·HCO3-Ca·Mg型。(3)研究区浅层地下水水样超标率为46%,总体水质较差,超标率较高的组分依次为Mn、高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)、硝酸盐(以N计)、Fe、As、氨氮(以N计)等。(4)研究区地下水的化学组分主要受到岩石风化作用的控制;此外,还存在Na-Ca的正向阳离子交替吸附作用。反向水文地球化学模拟结果进一步定量论证了水岩相互作用对本区浅层地下水组分的形成和演化起着主导作用。【结论】 研究区地下水主要为低矿化度偏碱性,主要可分为松散岩类孔隙水、碎屑岩类孔隙裂隙水和基岩类裂隙水。主要离子比例和反向水文地球化学模拟揭示了本区浅层地下水化学组分主要是地下水溶滤方解石、白云石等碳酸盐矿物、石英、长石等硅酸盐矿物,高岭土等黏土矿物以及岩盐、石膏等达到过饱和之后形成的。  相似文献   

河北汤泉地热流体水文地球化学特征及其成因   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
提要:汤泉位于河北省遵化市西北部,为山前丘陵地貌,地热资源丰富。本文通过对该地区地热流体研究发现:Na+、Ca2+、K+、Mg2+与SO2-4、HCO-3、Cl-、NO-3是该地区地下热水的主要成分,水化学类型主要为SO2-4-Na+型,属于未污染的天然弱碱性水;流体中F-含量平均为9.36 mg/l,远高于国家地下水质量标准ⅴ级;可溶性SiO2的含量可作为地热温标;地热流体总矿化度平均为782.33 mg/l,属于淡水;为中等腐蚀型水,不结碳酸钙垢,无CaSO4?2H2O垢和SiO2垢生成的可能;地热流体属于含岩盐地层溶滤的陆相沉积水;根据氢氧稳定同位素可知,河北汤泉地热流体主要来源于大气降水。  相似文献   

地下水中高浓度的铵态氮对生活饮用水安全及生态环境存在潜在威胁。相比较硝态氮,高浓度的铵态氮不仅有各种人为来源,天然沉积环境更是造成高铵地下水的主要成因。本文以城镇化快速发展的珠江三角洲为研究区,运用数理统计、主成分分析等方法深入探讨了研究区高铵地下水的赋存环境特征及驱动因素。结果表明,研究区地下水中NH4+质量浓度介于未检出~180 mg/L。研究区1539组地下水样品中,NH4+质量浓度大于10 mg/L的高铵地下水69组,其中含NH4+质量浓度大于30 mg/L的高铵"肥水"23组。对比2005-2008年历史水化学数据,2009-2018年新增建设用地孔隙含水层高铵地下水样品比例增加25%。高铵地下水呈斑块状分布于三角洲平原区第四系底部低洼的基底、洼地等退积层序发育的淤泥质含水层中。淤泥层等富含有机质和总有机碳的沉积层是珠江三角洲地区的"生铵层",有机氮的矿化是三角洲平原区城市化孔隙含水层中高铵地下水的主要驱动力。城镇化扩张引起生活污水及富铵工业废水的泄漏入渗是城乡结合部高铵地下水铵氮的重要来源。三角洲平原区中性至弱碱性富含有机质的还原环境是高铵地下水的主要成因。风化溶滤、阳离子交换吸附、海陆交互作用是珠江三角洲高铵地下水质演变的主要水文地球化学过程。  相似文献   

贵阳市区地表/地下水化学与锶同位素研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
贵阳市及邻近地区地表和地下水的化学与Sr同位素组成变化反映了典型喀斯特地区地表/地下水文系统的水-岩反应和城市污染特征:水体中的化学溶解物质主要来源于碳酸盐岩(石灰岩和白云岩)的风化作用和膏岩层的溶解,其次为人为污染物的输入;污染物以K+,Na+,Cl-,SO2-4,NO-3为主,枯水期因大气降水补给小而受人为活动影响较大;丰水期和枯水期地表/地下水的化学组成变化说明地表/地下水交换活跃,地下水环境容易受到人为活动影响。  相似文献   

广东省顺德肝癌多发区病因探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林杰藩  赖启宏 《物探与化探》2004,28(3):268-269,272
根据顺德肝癌病多发区与周边正常区土壤、水地球化学特征对比,结合病区人文景观探讨顺德肝癌病因,分析认为病区水中NH4+, NO2-, NO3-的显著异常(高含量)是主要病因。  相似文献   

研究目的】为查明长春新区地下水特征及演化,支撑东北老工业基地建设。【研究方法】本文在调查取样的基础上,充分利用前人成果资料,应用SPSS分析软件、地下水污染分析软件,通过对长春新区的地质条件、水化学参数空间分布特征、地下水化学类型、地下水化学成因的分析,得出系列结果。【研究结果】长春新区地下水的硬度较高且矿化度较大,HCO3在地下水的离子中占据主导,Ca2+、Cl-、O42-、Na+在地下水中的绝对质量浓度较高;pH、H2SiO3、Sr、TDS、Mg2+、HCO3的质量浓度相对稳定;地下水离子以HCO3和Ca2+为主;Na+和K+同时来自岩盐和硅酸岩的溶解;Ca2+和Mg2+主要来源于碳酸盐的溶解。区内地下水质量可分为四级,其中Ⅴ类水未评出。【结论】总体来看,Ⅰ类水占7.50%,Ⅱ类水占32.10%,Ⅲ类水占20.80%,Ⅳ类水占39.60%。较好以上地下水占60.4%,总体情况较好。创新点:研究了国家级新区的地下水化学、成因和演化,得出地下水的水质特征,有效支撑区域生态健康发展。  相似文献   

【研究目的】 为查明浙江宁波平原地下水特征及成因演化,促进宁波地区地下水环境优化。【研究方法】 在野外调查和取样分析的基础上,充分利用前人资料,综合运用数理统计、相关性分析、Piper三线图、离子比例系数及环境同位素等方法手段,全面系统地分析了宁波平原地下水状况。【研究结果】 宁波平原地表水和潜水以淡水为主,Ⅰ承压水和Ⅱ承压水以微咸水、咸水为主,潜水中HCO3-占绝对优势,Cl-、Ca2+、Na+次之,地表水和承压水中Cl-、Na+占主导地位,HCO3-次之。4种水共划分23种水化学类型,地表水和潜水受大气降水影响明显,深层承压水以封存型为主,与浅表水体天然联系不密切,受地质历史时期海侵影响较大。【结论】 与20世纪70年代相比,宁波城区Ⅰ承压淡水体分布范围无明显变化,Ⅱ承压水在人类生产生活和水体自然循环双重影响下,原淡水区演化出孤岛状咸水体,但淡水体整体分布范围外扩,面积增加了约12 km2,其生态环境效应趋于正向发展。  相似文献   

文章利用2002年3月29日~4月4日在浙江临安大气本底污染监测站观测的气溶胶粒子质量谱、离子与元素成分的数据,结合TOMS卫星的气溶胶指数资料和轨迹模式,重点分析在北方沙尘暴输送影响期间临安气溶胶质量浓度尺度分布的演变特点以及气溶胶化学成分与不同空气来源的关系。初步分析结果显示,受北方沙尘暴天气影响,临安气溶胶质量浓度、离子、元素浓度有明显的尺度分布演变。这种演变与污染物来源和大气污染物的气粒转化有关。沙尘影响前和结束后临安地区气溶胶主要以细粒子为主(<2.1μm),峰值粒径0.65~2.1μm,而受北方地区的沙尘暴影响,峰值粒径偏移到2.1~3.3μm,且在7~11μm间出现另一个峰值,同时临安气溶胶粗粒子中矿物元素显著增加。从离子成分看,在整个观测期间SO2-4与NH+4在细粒子段有很好的一致性,而SO2-4,NO-3与Ca2+在粗粒子段有很好的相关,尤其是沙尘影响期间NO-3与Ca2+有很好的对应关系,表现出较明显的表面非均相反应特征  相似文献   

为了研究祁连山大雪山地区大气PM2.5细粒子中可溶性无机离子组分的变化特征, 于2010年7月至2011年7月在祁连山冰川与生态环境综合观测站附近采集46个大气PM2.5的Telfon滤膜样品, 并应用离子色谱对可溶性离子进行了分析.结果显示: 所测样品的阴、 阳离子中, SO42-、 NO-3、 Ca2+和NH+4的质量浓度分别为1.54μg·m-3、 0.38μg·m-3、 0.73μg·m-3和0.22μg·m-3, 累计约占到水溶性离子总量的88%.可溶性离子浓度呈现出春夏季节明显高于秋冬季节的特征, 夏季的浓度最高, 其次是春季、 冬季和秋季. Cl-、 Ca2+、 Na+和Mg2+之间的相关性极高, SO42-和NO-3与大部分阳离子的相关性都很高, 说明大部分硫酸盐是来自于中亚沙尘源区的自然源, 而并非是通过人类活动造成的一次污染物通过二次反应过程得到的. NH+4仅与SO42-通过相关性检验说明, 该地区NH3主要中和了大气中硫酸并生成(NH4)2SO4.该地区的大气环境主要来源于自然源的影响, 但夏季风期间人为污染排放已经不可忽视, 这也得到HYSPLIT后向轨迹模式的计算验证.  相似文献   

罗先熔  胡云沪 《矿床地质》1998,17(Z5):893-896
宋家坡斑岩铜矿地电提取异常特征是Zn>Cu>Pb,呈现明显的电化学型异常标志。模拟实验结果得出,斑岩铜矿体具有较强的电化学溶解能力,斑岩铜矿电导率异常呈低背景,高强度,典型“兔耳状”形态分布,其成分组成主要是SO42-, HCO3-,Mg2+。  相似文献   

The photoluminescence (PL) spectra, excitation spectra, and PL decay curves of natural, heat-treated, and γ-ray-irradiated thenardites from Ai-Ding Salt Lake, Xinjiang, China, were studied. The natural thenardite under 300 nm excitation showed milk-white luminescence, and the PL spectrum consisted of an extremely broad band with a peak located at approximately 509 nm, spreading over a wide range of UV and visible wavelengths. The excitation spectra, obtained by monitoring the luminescence at 530 nm, consisted of a broad band with a peak located at approximately 235 nm and a flat band spreading over a wide range of UV and visible wavelengths. The PL decay curve of natural thenardite consisted of a fast-decay component with a lifetime of less than 0.1 μs and a slow-decay component with a half-decay time of approximately 0.4 s. The heat treatment of thenardite at 900°C for 20 min reduced the luminescence efficiency to 1/100. The γ-ray irradiation of thenardite reduced the luminescence efficiency to approximately half.  相似文献   

钒钛磁铁矿样品经过氧化钠熔融,盐酸提取,溶液分取稀释后用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法同时测定其中的V2O5、TiO2、Co、Ni。实验确定过氧化钠的用量为1.5 g,盐酸的用量为10 mL,选择干扰元素较少和背景干扰较小的V、Ti、Co、Ni分析谱线分别为292.4 nm、334.9 nm、230.7 nm、231.6 nm,在稀释因子为10(总稀释因子5000)的条件下进行分析,方法检出限为0.05~0.17μg/g。用国家一级钒钛磁铁矿标准物质GBW 07225(原矿)、钒钛磁铁矿标准物质GBW 07226a(精矿)、钒钛磁铁矿标准物质GBW 07227(尾矿)验证方法精密度和准确度,方法精密度(RSD,n=12)为0.41%~1.91%;除含量较低的Ni和Co外,相对误差(RE,n=4)均小于5%。通过安装氩气加湿器有效地解决了盐分较大带来的影响,在标准系列中加入等量空白溶液,保持基体与试样一致,消除了基体效应。方法分解样品彻底完全,分析流程简单,易于掌握,一次熔样可以同时测定多种元素,可适用于大批量样品分析。  相似文献   

Torsion experiments were performed on the Al2SiO5 polymorphs in the sillimanite stability field to determine basic rheological characteristics and the effect of deformation on polymorphic transformation. The experiments resulted in extensive transformation of andalusite and kyanite to sillimanite. No transformation occurred during the hot-press (no deformation) stage of sample preparation, which was carried out at similar PT conditions and duration as the torsion experiments. Experiments were conducted on fine-grained (< 15 µm) aggregates of natural andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite at 1250 °C, 300 MPa, and a constant shear strain rate of 2 × 10− 4/s to a maximum shear strain of 400%. Electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) analysis of the experiments revealed development of lattice-preferred orientations, with alignment of sillimanite and andalusite [001] slightly oblique to the shear plane. The kyanite experiment could not be analyzed using EBSD because of near complete transformation to sillimanite. Very little strain ( 30%) is required to produce widespread transformation in kyanite and andalusite. Polymorphic transformation in andalusite and kyanite experiments occurred primarily along 500 µm wide shear bands oriented slightly oblique and antithetic to the shear plane and dominated by sub-µm (100–150 nm) fibrolitic sillimanite. Shear bands are observed across the entire strain field preserved in the torsion samples. Scanning transmission electron microscope imaging shows evidence for transformation away from shear bands; e.g. fibrolitic rims on relict andalusite or kyanite. Relict grains typically have an asymmetry that is consistent with shear direction. These experimental results show that sillimanite is by far the weakest of the polymorphs, but no distinction can yet be made on the relative strengths of kyanite and andalusite. These observations also suggest that attaining high bulk strain energy in strong materials such as the Al2SiO5 polymorphs is not necessary for triggering transformation. Strain energy is concentrated along grain boundaries, and transformation occurs by a dynamic recrystallization type process. These experiments also illustrate the importance of grain-size sensitive creep at high strains in a system with simultaneous reaction and deformation.  相似文献   

EH pH diagrams have been calculated using the PHREEQC programme in order to establish the predominance fields of Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and As in bottom waters from the Angola Basin. Predominance fields are presented separately for both aquatic species and solid mineral phases in order to simplify interpretation of the data. The diagrams show significant differences from standard EH pH diagrams for these elements calculated for freshwater at 25 °C and 1 bar which assume an element concentration of 10-6 M. In particular, our diagrams show that Mn2+ and NiCO 3 0 are the predominant aquatic species for Mn and Ni in bottom seawater and FeOOH, Fe2O3, Fe3O4, CoFe2O4, CuFe2O4, CuFeO2, and Ba3 (AsO4)2 the predominant solid phases for Fe, Co, Cu and As, respectively. Mn and Ni are therefore undersaturated and Fe, Co, Cu and As supersaturated in bottom seawater from the Angola Basin. Neither rhodochrosite (MnCO3) nor siderite (FeCO3) can form in this marine environment in equilibrium with seawater. A mixed Mn-Ca carbonate is therefore formed within the pore waters of reducing sediments. The high Ni/Cu ratios in cobalt-rich manganese crusts formed adjacent to the oxygen minimum zone may be explained by the change from Cu2+ to CuCl 3 2- as the dominant aquatic species of Cu in seawater at an EH of +0.48 V.  相似文献   

Otavite, witherite, calcite, strontianite, hydrozincite and hydrocerussite nucleation was induced by CO2 diffusion through a polyethylene membrane into a metal bearing solution. Nucleation and ongoing precipitation was followed at 25 ± 1 °C by the chemical evolution of the solution and the consumption of sodium hydroxide (pH-stat conditions). X-ray diffraction patterns as well as FT-infrared and Raman spectra confirmed the formation of well crystallized solids, except for less crystalline hydrozincite. In several experiments simonkolleite and laurionite precipitated concurrently with hydrozincite and hydrocerussite. The carbonate end-member minerals, smithsonite and cerussite, however were not formed. Carbonate minerals crystallized as spherical aggregates of thin layered otavite, spherical orientated witherite needles, rhombohedral calcite, pseudo-hexagonal strontianite laths, fibrous lumps of hydrozincite and planar hexagonal hydrocerussite crystals. Crystal and aggregate sizes range between 1 and 100 μm. Nucleation occurred at well defined reaction times and distinct critical supersaturation indices (SIcrit). The time for nucleation at constant pH decreased as the initial metal concentration increased for a given solid. The SIcrit values decreased in the order of hydrocerussite (3.2), otavite (2.5), strontianite (1.6), witherite (0.9) and calcite (0.7).  相似文献   

In the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone of metamorphic belt of Iran, the area south of Hamadan city comprises of metamorphic rocks, granitic batholith with pegmatites and quartz veins. Alvand batholith is emplaced into metasediments of early Mesozoic age. Fluid inclusions have been studied using microthermometry to evaluate the source of fluids from which quartz veins and pegmatites formed to investigate the possible relation between host rocks of pegmatites and the fluid inclusion types. Host minerals of fluid inclusions in pegmatites are quartz, andalusite and tourmaline. Fluid inclusions can be classified into four types. Type 1 inclusions are high salinity aqueous fluids (NaCleq >12 wt%). Type 2 inclusions are low to moderate salinity (NaCleq <12 wt%) aqueous fluids. Type 3 and 4 inclusions are carbonic and mixed CO2-H2O fluid inclusions. The distribution of fluid inclusions indicate that type 1 and type 2 inclusions are present in the pegmatites and quartz veins respectively in the Alvand batholith. This would imply that aqueous magmatic fluids with no detectable CO2 were present during the crystallization of these pegmatites and quartz veins. Types 3 and 4 inclusions are common in quartz veins and pegmatites in metamorphic rocks and are more abundant in the hornfelses. The distribution of the different types of fluid inclusions suggests that CO2 fluids generated during metamorphism and metamorphic fluids might also contribute to the formation of quartz veins and pegmatites in metamorphic terrains.  相似文献   

高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)、硝酸根(NO-3)、铵根(NH+4)是判断水体是否受到三氮污染的重要指标。对于测定这三个指标的水样保存方式和时间,地质行业标准和国内外主要国家标准间存在明显差异。地质行业标准规定地下水样品原水室温保存,CODMn和NH+4在3天内测定;NO-3在20天内测定;国家标准和美国标准推荐样品硫酸酸化,避光或冷藏保存,在2~7天内完成CODMn和NO-3和1~7天内完成NH+4测试。为了分析各类标准在样品保存要求上的差异对检测结果的影响,确保检测数据能真实地反映水体污染状况,找寻简便的保存方式,本文在广州地区采集地下水,按照地质行业标准与国家标准进行处理和保存,并在不同时间段对三个指标进行测试。分析验证结果表明:地质行业标准与国家和美国标准关于水样的保存方法均非常可靠。地质行业标准主要针对静态地下水,保存方法相对宽松;国家标准和美国标准适用范围除了地下水,还包括动态的地表水和废水,采样对象成分更为复杂,更不稳定,更容易受外界影响发生变化,故保存条件高于地质标准。在广州地区,采用原水室温避光保存水样,CODMn、NH+4保存时间可为5天,NO-3保存时间可为30天;采用酸化水室温保存水样,CODMn、NO-3和NH+4保存时间可长达30天。这两种方式均比地质行业标准和国家标准推荐的有效时间长,且原水和酸化水室温保存方式相对于冷藏保存方式更为方便。本文提出,如果采集的水样能方便、快速送达实验室,可采用原水保存;如果不能在短时间内送达实验室检测,可采用硫酸酸化保存。  相似文献   

We report here a single-crystal polarized-light study of stoppaniite, ideally (Fe,Al,Mg)4(Be6Si12O36)(H2O)2(Na,□), from Capranica (Viterbo). Polarized-light FTIR spectra were collected on an oriented (hk0) section, doubly polished to 15 μm. The spectrum shows two main bands at 3,660 and 3,595 cm−1; the former is strongly polarized for E c, while the latter is polarized for E //c. A sharp and very intense band at 1,620 cm−1, plus minor features at 4,000 and 3,228 cm−1 are also polarized for E //c. On the basis of literature data and considering the pleochroic behavior of the absorptions, the 3,660 cm−1 band is assigned to the ν3 stretching mode and the 1,620 cm−1 (associated with an overtone 2*ν2 at 3,230 cm−1) band to the ν2 bending mode of “type II” water molecules within the structural channels of the studied beryl. The sharp band at 3,595 cm−1 is not associated with a corresponding ν2 bending mode; thus it is assigned to the stretching vibration of O–H groups in the sample. The minor 4,000 cm−1 feature can be assigned to the combination of the O–H bond parallel to c with a low-frequency metal-oxygen mode such as the Na–O stretching mode. The present results suggest that the interpretation of the FTIR spectrum of Na-rich beryl needs to be carefully reconsidered.  相似文献   

Baghdadite from Fuka, Okayama Prefecture, Japan shows a bright yellow fluorescence under UV (Hg 253.7 nm) excitation. The photoluminescence (PL) spectrum at 300 K consists of one large band near 580 nm and two small UV bands at 318 and 397 nm. The optical excitation spectrum of the bright yellow fluorescence consists of two bands near 220 and 250 nm. The temperature dependence of the PL intensity exhibits linear thermal quenching. To reveal the origin of the bright yellow fluorescence from baghdadite, powder Ca3(Zr,Ti)Si2O9 crystals are synthesized. Synthetic Ca3(Zr,Ti)Si2O9 shows luminescence spectra similar to those of baghdadite, and the intensity of the yellow fluorescence is markedly increased by titanium addition. The origin of the bright yellow fluorescence from baghdadite is ascribed to the existence of titanium.  相似文献   

The high-pressure behavior of a vanadinite (Pb10(VO4)6Cl2, a = b = 10.3254(5), = 7.3450(4) Å, space group P63/m), a natural microporous mineral, has been investigated using in-situ HP-synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction up to 7.67 GPa with a diamond anvil cell under hydrostatic conditions. No phase transition has been observed within the pressure range investigated. Axial and volume isothermal Equations of State (EoS) of vanadinite were determined. Fitting the PV data with a third-order Birch-Murnaghan (BM) EoS, using the data weighted by the uncertainties in P and V, we obtained: V 0 = 681(1) Å3, K 0 = 41(5) GPa, and K′ = 12.5(2.5). The evolution of the lattice constants with P shows a strong anisotropic compression pattern. The axial bulk moduli were calculated with a third-order “linearized” BM-EoS. The EoS parameters are: a 0 = 10.3302(2) Å, K 0(a) = 35(2) GPa and K′(a) = 10(1) for the a-axis; c 0 = 7.3520(3) Å, K 0(c) = 98(4) GPa, and K′(c) = 9(2) for the c-axis (K 0(a):K 0(c) = 1:2.80). Axial and volume Eulerian-finite strain (fe) at different normalized stress (Fe) were calculated. The weighted linear regression through the data points yields the following intercept values: Fe a (0) = 35(2) GPa for the a-axis, Fe c (0) = 98(4) GPa for the c-axis and Fe V (0) = 45(2) GPa for the unit-cell volume. The slope of the regression lines gives rise to K′ values of 10(1) for the a-axis, 9(2) for the c-axis and 11(1) for the unit cell-volume. A comparison between the HP-elastic response of vanadinite and the iso-structural apatite is carried out. The possible reasons of the elastic anisotropy are discussed.  相似文献   

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