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通过湘西地区的地层发育特点及构造演化过程的研究,揭示其沉积体系演化特征。湘西地区古生代沉积了寒武系—二叠系。其中,寒武系纽芬兰统发育浅海陆棚碎屑岩相,寒武系第二统下部发育浅海陆棚碎屑岩—碳酸盐岩混合相,寒武系第二统中部—奥陶系发育海相碳酸盐岩台地相,志留系发育前陆盆地碎屑岩—生物礁相,泥盆系发育滨岸砂岩相,二叠系发育海相碳酸盐—潮坪相。依据岩性、岩相组合将湘西地区古生界划分为:深水滞留盆地、浅海陆棚、开阔碳酸盐岩台地—斜坡、浊积扇、三角洲、生物礁、潟湖—潮坪、滨岸等多种沉积体系类型。每种沉积体系类型形成受控于盆地的构造运动。  相似文献   

滨里海盆地是中亚地区油气资源最为丰富的沉积盆地之一。本文以油气地质理论为指导,对盆地东缘的构造演化以及其油气成藏组合进行分析,认为乌拉尔造山运动对盆地东缘的构造演化造成了深刻影响。盆地东缘盐上层系的生烃条件较差,主要油气来源应为盐下层系。石炭系碳酸盐岩KT-I层和KT-II层是盆地东缘发育的良好储层。下二叠统盐层为区域性盖层,特别是对盐下油气藏起到了良好的区域封盖效果,盐相关构造圈闭类型发育。不整合面、断层和孔、洞、缝等组成复合的油气输导体系。盆地东缘的油气成藏模式主要为盐下层系的"自生自储型"和"下生上储型"以及盐上层系的"下生上储型"。  相似文献   

新的地层和古生物学研究结果表明,措勤盆地在晚古生代一早中生代不存在长达75Ma以上的沉积间断.其中,晚二叠世-晚三叠世诺利期都是海相碳酸盐岩地层,晚三叠世瑞替期-早中侏罗世为陆缘碎屑岩地层.两者之间为角度不整合接触.措勤盆地在晚二叠世-晚三叠世诺利期一直处于海相碳酸盐岩盆地中.晚三叠世瑞替期-早中侏罗世仍然是接受巨厚沉积的低洼地区。从宏观的油气勘探的战略评价角度看.措勤盆地在中二叠世栖霞期-晚三叠世诺利期的海相碳酸盐岩地层具有生油层的性质,上三叠统瑞替阶-中下侏罗统具有盖层的性质,两者之间的角度不整合具有储集层的性质。措勤盆地中二叠统-下侏罗统构成一个油气的有利勘探层系.称为古格层系。  相似文献   

新的地层和古生物学研究结果表明,措勤盆地在晚古生代一早中生代不存在长达75Ma以上的沉积间断.其中,晚二叠世-晚三叠世诺利期都是海相碳酸盐岩地层,晚三叠世瑞替期-早中侏罗世为陆缘碎屑岩地层.两者之间为角度不整合接触.措勤盆地在晚二叠世-晚三叠世诺利期一直处于海相碳酸盐岩盆地中.晚三叠世瑞替期-早中侏罗世仍然是接受巨厚沉积的低洼地区。从宏观的油气勘探的战略评价角度看.措勤盆地在中二叠世栖霞期-晚三叠世诺利期的海相碳酸盐岩地层具有生油层的性质,上三叠统瑞替阶-中下侏罗统具有盖层的性质,两者之间的角度不整合具有储集层的性质。措勤盆地中二叠统-下侏罗统构成一个油气的有利勘探层系.称为古格层系。  相似文献   

南黄海海域晚古生代—新生代沉积演化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南黄海地区发育古生界-第四系沉积。加里东运动使华南褶皱带与扬子地台拼接,在下扬子地台的主体部分,形成一个广阔稳定的后加里东台地。早中泥盆世台地处于剥蚀夷平阶段。晚泥盆世开始接受内陆河流相沉积。中、晚石炭世,海侵加强,包括勿南沙隆起区在内的整个南黄海成为浅海环境,接受碳酸盐岩沉积。早、晚二叠世之间的东吴运动,引起裂陷和陆棚的沉积分异,湖泊-滨岸沉积发育,并形成多个煤层。早三叠世早期,下扬子区大幅沉降,全区遭受海侵,台地灰岩、浅海灰泥岩沉积区占据了现今的黄南盆地、中部隆起及黄北盆地的大部分区域。至中三叠世早期,海水大规模退出苏浙皖区,南黄海演变为潮坪,沉积了较厚的碳酸盐岩,局部地区出现渴湖环境;晚期,海水全部退出苏浙皖区,开始沉积以河、湖相为主的黄马青组红色碎屑岩,至此结束了海相沉积历史。印支运动早期,后加里东地台的南侧产生裂谷,北侧为边缘坳陷。印支运动晚期,南侧裂谷伴随着郯庐断裂的左旋走滑而进一步扩大和裂陷,形成黄南盆地。中三叠世末,随扬子地台与华北地台碰撞加剧,苏鲁造山带形成并不断上升,在其南缘形成前陆盆地。中生代黄北盆地和黄南盆地内河流相、湖相沉积和中酸性火山岩发育,沉积总厚度达3000~6000m。古新世-渐新世末,黄海进入断陷发育阶段,古新世-始新世,湖相沉积占优势,渐新世沼泽沉积发育。中新世-第四纪南黄海转入区域性坳陷沉降,主要发育河流相沉积。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地南缘(简称"准南")二叠—三叠纪原型盆地性质与沉积环境演化一直以来备受争议。通过准南6个地层小区18条典型剖面野外实测、岩相和沉积环境分析以及区域地层对比,认为准南西部(88°E以西)和准南东部(88°E以东)二叠—三叠纪在岩石组合、地层序列、沉积特征和沉积环境等方面存在差异:准南西部以碎屑岩、火山岩和火山碎屑岩组合为特征;准南东部以碳酸盐岩、火山岩和碎屑岩组合为特征。准南西部早—中二叠世地层普遍缺失或被埋藏,晚二叠世—早三叠世为陆相冲积扇—扇三角洲的粗碎屑岩沉积,中—晚三叠世发育滨浅湖相细碎屑岩。准南东部晚石炭世发育深水浊流,早—中二叠世以滨浅海相细碎屑岩为主,中二叠世后期以芦草沟组潟湖相油页岩和碳酸盐岩发育为特征;晚二叠世,普遍进入河湖相演化阶段,以细至粗碎屑岩为主;中—晚三叠世发生湖泛,主要发育三角洲和滨浅湖相碎屑岩。研究表明,准南及邻区二叠—三叠纪为裂谷盆地,经历了断陷—坳陷沉积演化阶段,准南西部和东部伸展程度的差异性导致沉积特征的不同。  相似文献   

阿富汗—塔吉克盆地油气地质特征及勘探方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阿富汗—塔吉克盆地整体为南北走向、隆坳相间的构造格局,划分为7大构造单元。以上侏罗统膏盐岩为滑脱层,盆地沉积盖层分为盐上、盐下两大构造层。盐上层系挤压变形强烈,盐下层系构造相对宽缓。盆地经历了裂谷、坳陷和碰撞挤压三个阶段。纵向上发育多套生储盖组合:中下侏罗统含煤碎屑岩、白垩系泥岩和碳酸盐岩、始新统海相泥岩是盆地的三套主力烃源岩;中上侏罗统碳酸盐岩、古新统生物灰岩以及白垩系、古近系砂岩是良好的储集层;上侏罗统膏盐岩是盐下层系的区域性盖层,白垩系和第三系发育泥岩、泥灰岩盖层。盐上层系勘探程度较高,圈闭以逆冲挤压背斜和断背斜为主,幅度大、规模小;盐下层系生储盖组合发育,圈闭以构造和构造-岩性圈闭为主,规模较大,具有形成大型油气藏的地质条件。西南吉萨尔隆起、卡菲尔尼甘隆起、奥比加尔姆隆起是盐下油气勘探的有利区带。  相似文献   

下扬子盆地石炭纪的岩石学特征及沉积相   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
位于扬子板块东部的下扬子盆地,在石炭纪时,为被动大陆边缘的陆表海沉积,陆源碎屑来自于北边的胶南古陆和南边的江南古陆东延部分─—皖浙赣古陆。石炭系分为上、下两统。早石炭世,盆地南部宣城、广德等地主要发育碎屑岩,中部巢县、南京一带以及北部滨海、洪泽一带为碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩沉积。从南往北,金陵期从滨岸碎屑岩相→开阔海台地碳酸盐岩相→潮坪碳酸盐岩和碎屑岩相;高骊山期为滨岸平原沼泽碎屑岩相→浅海陆棚碎屑岩相→海岸萨布哈白云岩、石膏、碎屑岩相;和州期盆地南部隆起,中部到北部为礁及礁后泻湖一潮坪碳酸盐岩相→开阔海台地碳酸盐相。晚石炭世主要是碳酸盐沉积,黄龙期从滨岸石英砾岩相→潮坪白云岩相→开阔海台地碳酸盐岩相;船山期是黄龙期开阔海台地碳酸盐岩相的继续,以发育核形石生物碎屑颗粒岩为特征。整个盆地的岩相带均以NEE—NE方向展布。  相似文献   

早石炭世海侵范围较小,莫莫克以东为古岛,以西为向北西倾斜的水下隆起,为局限台地--开阔台地相清水碳酸盐岩和混积陆棚相沉积:晚石炭世早期海侵范围扩大.铁克力克古岛沦为水下隆起,莫莫克以西为较厚的混积陆棚相和滨岸相砂岩沉积.以东为局限台地-开阔台地相清水碳酸盐岩沉积;晚石炭世中期为稳定的海侵期,形成潮坪-局限台地.开阔海台地相清水碳酸盐岩沉积:晚石炭世晚期--一早二叠世早期为规模最大的海侵期,也是塔西南碳酸盐岩台地发育的鼎盛时期,其重要标志是形成了台地边缘礁滩相带,高能浅滩相最为发育.莫莫克以西地区下二叠统棋盘组为海陆交互相沉积、上二叠统达里约尔组为湖泊一河流相沉积.莫莫克以东地区下二叠统普司格组为河流-湖泊-扇三角洲相沉积、上二叠统杜瓦组为冲积扇-扇三角洲相沉积.  相似文献   

盐构造与油气成藏关系密切,一直是构造地质和石油地质研究的热点.滨里海盆地下二叠统孔谷阶发育巨厚盐层,并发育盐底辟、盐枕、盐滚、盐边凹陷、盐焊接和龟背等多种盐构造,盐构造类型多、变形机理各异.由于盐构造成因复杂,导致对盐构造宏观变形动力机制、下伏地层微地貌对上覆盐层构造变形影响等认识不清,制约了对盐构造形成机理的认识.本文根据滨里海盆地东缘地震资料和地层特征,建立了地质模型,设计了相应的盐构造物理模拟实验;通过物理模拟实验研究了盐构造变形动态过程,梳理了盐构造变形机理及与下伏地层之间的关系.结果表明:①早期盐层变形动力主要为外部挤压力和盐层滑脱流动变形,滨里海盆地构造变形外力主要来自东部乌拉尔造山作用,造山运动造成盐层塑性流动滑脱变形形成层间褶皱及与盐层相关的断裂;②晚期盐构造幅度和巨厚盐丘形成动力主要为上覆沉积物的差异负载和下伏地层微地貌古构造背景,在滨里海盆地晚二叠世到三叠纪,来自东部乌拉尔褶皱带的碎屑物持续向盆地充填沉积形成差异负载,造成盐层纵向的剧烈变形,而下伏地层正向微地貌加速了这种变形.这些试验结果对滨里海盆地盐相关构造的认识和油气勘探有重要的指导作用.  相似文献   


贾润幸  方维萱 《古地理学报》2022,24(5):1017-1028
通过对塔里木盆地西南部(塔西南)江格结尔地区下白垩统克孜勒苏群地层剖面测量,该地区的克孜勒苏群分为5个岩性段,岩性主要为泥质粉砂岩、岩屑砂岩、含砾砂岩、砾岩等,沉积相主要为辫状河三角洲相;其上覆的上白垩统库克拜组为介壳灰岩、膏质泥岩,沉积相为浅海相、滨海潟湖相; 下伏的上侏罗统库孜贡苏组岩性主要为杂砾岩、含砂杂砾岩和石英砂岩等,沉积相为冲积扇相;三者呈整合接触。从该区下白垩统克孜勒苏群的沉积特征来看,早白垩世为陆源碎屑沉积环境,在晚白垩世转入海相沉积环境。对比该区北侧陆内造山带中的拉分断陷盆地(萨热克巴依盆地)中下白垩统克孜勒苏群的地层层序,该区仅沉积了下白垩统克孜勒苏群下部3个岩性段而缺失上部岩性段,表明在早白垩世后期塔里木盆地北侧西南天山发生过一次抬升作用。下白垩统克孜勒苏群是铜铅锌铀矿等金属矿产的赋矿层位,同时也是塔里木盆地石油和天然气的重要储集层位,在铜铅锌等矿石中常可见大量的沥青等有机质,这些有机质主要源于下伏侏罗系的煤系烃源岩,并通过成矿流体参与了金属矿产的成矿作用,因而这种多矿种“同盆共存”的现象,在沉积盆地的研究中作为整体的成矿系统来研究将更有意义。  相似文献   

贾润幸  方维萱 《古地理学报》1999,24(5):1017-1028
通过对塔里木盆地西南部(塔西南)江格结尔地区下白垩统克孜勒苏群地层剖面测量,该地区的克孜勒苏群分为5个岩性段,岩性主要为泥质粉砂岩、岩屑砂岩、含砾砂岩、砾岩等,沉积相主要为辫状河三角洲相;其上覆的上白垩统库克拜组为介壳灰岩、膏质泥岩,沉积相为浅海相、滨海潟湖相; 下伏的上侏罗统库孜贡苏组岩性主要为杂砾岩、含砂杂砾岩和石英砂岩等,沉积相为冲积扇相;三者呈整合接触。从该区下白垩统克孜勒苏群的沉积特征来看,早白垩世为陆源碎屑沉积环境,在晚白垩世转入海相沉积环境。对比该区北侧陆内造山带中的拉分断陷盆地(萨热克巴依盆地)中下白垩统克孜勒苏群的地层层序,该区仅沉积了下白垩统克孜勒苏群下部3个岩性段而缺失上部岩性段,表明在早白垩世后期塔里木盆地北侧西南天山发生过一次抬升作用。下白垩统克孜勒苏群是铜铅锌铀矿等金属矿产的赋矿层位,同时也是塔里木盆地石油和天然气的重要储集层位,在铜铅锌等矿石中常可见大量的沥青等有机质,这些有机质主要源于下伏侏罗系的煤系烃源岩,并通过成矿流体参与了金属矿产的成矿作用,因而这种多矿种“同盆共存”的现象,在沉积盆地的研究中作为整体的成矿系统来研究将更有意义。  相似文献   

Melanges play a key role in the interpretation of orogenic belts, including those that have experienced deformation and metamorphism during continental collision. This is exemplified by a Palaeozoic tectonic-sedimentary melange (part of the Konya complex) that is exposed beneath a regionally metamorphosed carbonate platform near the city of Konya in central Anatolia. The Konya complex as a whole comprises three units: a dismembered, latest Silurian–Early Carboniferous carbonate platform, a Carboniferous melange made up of sedimentary and igneous blocks in a sedimentary matrix (also known as the Hal?c? Group or S?zma Group), and an overlying Volcanic-sedimentary Unit (earliest Permian?). The Palaeozoic carbonates accumulated on a subsiding carbonate platform that bordered the northern margin of Gondwana, perhaps as an off-margin unit. The matrix of the melange was mainly deposited as turbidites, debris flows and background terrigenous muds. Petrographic evidence shows that the clastic sediments were mostly derived from granitic and psammitic/pelitic metamorphic rocks, typical of upper continental crust. Both extension- and contraction-related origins of the melange can be considered. However, we interpret the melange as a Carboniferous subduction complex that formed along the northern margin of Gondwana, related to partial closure of Palaeotethys. Blocks and slices of Upper Palaeozoic radiolarian chert, basic igneous rocks and shallow-water carbonates were accreted and locally reworked by gravity processes. Large (up to km-sized) blocks and slices of shallow-water limestone were emplaced in response to collision of the Palaeozoic Carbonate Platform with the subduction zone. The overlying Volcanic-sedimentary Unit (earliest Permian?) comprises alkaline lava flows, interbedded with volcaniclastic debris flows and turbidites, volcanogenic shales and tuff. The complex as a whole is overlain by shallow-water, mixed carbonate–siliciclastic sediments of mainly Late Permian age that accumulated on a regional-scale shelf adjacent to Gondwana. Successions pass transitionally into Lower Triassic rift-related shallow-water carbonates and terrigenous sandstones in the southwest of the area. In contrast, Triassic sediments in the southeast overlie the melange unconformably and pass upwards from non-marine clastic sediments into shallow-marine calcareous sediments of Mid-Triassic age, marking the base of a regional Mesozoic carbonate platform. During the latest Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic the entire assemblage subducted northwards and underwent high pressure/low temperature metamorphism and polyphase folding as a part of the regional Anatolide unit.  相似文献   

Upper Carboniferous to Lower Permian sedimentary rocks extend along the periphery of the northern Sydney Basin, a sub‐basin of the Sydney‐Gunnedah‐Bowen Basin complex. The basin contains basal basalts and volcanic sediments deposited in a nascent rift zone. This rift zone was created through crustal thinning during trench rollback on the eastern edge of the New England Orogen. Thermal subsidence created accommodation for predominantly marine Dalwood Group sediments. Clastic sedimentation then occurred in the Maitland‐Cessnock‐Greta Coalfield and Cranky Corner Basin during the Early Permian. This occurred on a broad shelf undergoing renewed thermal subsidence on the margin of a rift flank of the Tamworth Belt of the southern New England Orogen. Braidplain fans prograded or aggraded in two depositional sequences. The first sequence commences near the top of the Farley Formation and includes part of the Greta Coal Measures, while the second sequence includes the majority of the Greta Coal Measures and basal Branxton Formation. Thin, areally restricted mires formed during interludes in a high sedimentation regime in the lowstand systems tracts. As base‐level rose, areally extensive mires developed on the transgressive surface of both sequences. A paludal to estuarine facies changed to a shallow‐marine facies as the braidplain was transgressed. The transgressive systems tracts continued to develop with rising relative sea‐level. Renewed uplift in the hinterland resulted in the erosion of part of the transgressive systems tract and all of the highstand systems tract of the lower sequence. In the upper sequence a reduction in relative sea‐level rise saw the development of a deltaic to nearshore shelf highstand systems tract. Extensional dynamics caused a fall in relative base‐level and the development of a sequence boundary in the Branxton Formation. Finally, renewed thermal subsidence created accommodation for the overlying, predominantly marine Maitland Group.  相似文献   

The Early Permian Gondwana regime succession of the Nilawahan Group is exposed only in the Salt Range of Pakistan. After a prolonged episode of non-deposition that spanned much of the Palaeozoic, the 350?m thick predominantly clastic sequence of the Nilawahan Group records a late glacial and post-glacial episode in which a range of glacio-fluvial, marine and fluvial environments evolved and accumulated. The Early Permian succession of the Salt Range has been classified into four formations, which together indicates a changing climatic regime during the Early Permian in the Salt Range region. The lower-most, Tobra Formation unconformably overlies a Cambrian sequence and is composed of tillite, diamictite and fresh water facies, which contain a floral assemblage (Gangamopteris and Glossopteris) that confirms an Asselian age. The Tobra Formation is overlain by marginal marine deposits of the Dandot Formation (Sakmarian), which contain an abundant brachiopods assemblage (Eurydesma and Conularia). Accumulation of the Dandot Formation was terminated by a regional sea-level fall and a change to the deposition of the fluvial deposits of the Warchha Sandstone (Artinskian). The Warchha Sandstone was deposited by high sinuosity meandering, avulsion prone river with well developed floodplains. This episode of fluvial sedimentation was terminated by a widespread marine transgression, as represented by the abrupt upward transition to the overlying shallow marine Sardhai Formation (Kungurian). The Early Permian Gondwana sequence represented by the Nilawahan Group is capped by predominantly shallow shelf carbonate deposits of the Tethyan realm. The sedimentologic and stratigraphic relationship of these four lithostratigraphic units in the Salt Range reveals a complex stratigraphic history for the Early Permian, which is mainly controlled by eustatic sea-level change due to climatic variation associated with climatic amelioration at the end of the major Gondwana glacial episode, and the gradual regional northward drift to a lower latitude of the Indian plate.  相似文献   

通常认为黔西南和黔南地区二叠纪栖霞组之下的一套陆缘碎屑岩地层,是石炭纪-二叠纪冈瓦纳大陆冰盖发育鼎盛时期大幅度海平面下降期间的沉积。最新研究表明,石炭纪-二叠纪冈瓦纳冰川是由多次不连续的冰川事件构成的。因此恢复该套以陆源碎屑岩为主地层的形成环境和堆积过程,探讨其成因与冈瓦纳冰川发育的关系,具有非常重要的科学意义。本研究查明了黔西南地区该套陆源碎屑岩的地层厚度和砂泥比值空间变化规律。在此基础上,选取碎屑岩发育最好的普安龙吟剖面开展沉积体系与成因研究。结果表明,沙子塘组主要是碳酸盐沉积体系,龙吟组和包磨山组主要为浅海陆棚三角洲沉积体系,梁山组以滨岸陆源碎屑沉积体系为主;二叠纪早期黔西南地区的陆棚相泥岩形成于冰川消融导致的海平面快速上升期间,三角洲沉积体系形成于海平面晚期高位域期间,而不是形成于冈瓦纳冰川增长期间的低位域沉积。冈瓦纳冰川的推进和消融是龙吟剖面二叠纪早期地层发育样式的主控因素。  相似文献   

The Permian Hutchinson Salt Member of the Wellington Formation of the Sumner Group of Kansas (USA) has multiple scientific and industrial uses. Although this member is highly utilized, there has not been a sedimentological study on these rocks in over 50 years, and no study has investigated the full thickness of this member. Past publications have inferred a marine origin as the depositional environment. Here, this marine interpretation is challenged. The goals of this study are to fully document sedimentological and stratigraphic characteristics of the Permian Hutchinson Salt Member in the Atomic Energy Commission Test Hole 2 core from Rice County, Kansas. This study documents colour, mineralogy, sedimentary textures, sedimentary structures, diagenetic features and stratigraphic contacts in core slab and thin sections. The Hutchinson Salt Member is composed of five lithologies: bedded halite, siliciclastic mudstone, displacive halite, bedded gypsum/anhydrite and displacive gypsum/anhydrite. These lithologies formed in shallow surface brines and mudflats that underwent periods of flooding, evapoconcentration and desiccation. Of note are the paucity of carbonates, lack of marine-diagnostic fossils, absence of characteristic marine minerals and lithofacies, and the stratigraphic context of the Hutchinson with associated continental deposits. The Hutchinson Salt Member was most likely deposited in an arid continental setting. This new interpretation offers a refined view of Pangaea during the middle Permian time.  相似文献   

在扬子地块古生界发育了3套区域性的优质烃源岩,即:下寒武统、上奥陶统一下志留统、二叠系(中、上二叠统).下寒武统烃源岩主要由硅质岩(留茶坡组)和上部的硅质泥岩、碳质泥岩(或石煤)(牛蹄塘组)组成.早寒武世在台一盆转换带(或台地边缘)广泛发育的海底热液活动,喷流出大量的富硅流体,使大量硅岩得以在台缘外侧-盆地区沉淀;同时...  相似文献   

This study focuses on the provenance, volcanic record, and tectonic setting of the Paleozoic Ventania System, a geologic province which comprises the Cambro-Devonian Ventania Fold Belt and the adjoining Permo-Carboniferous Claromecó Foreland Basin, located inboard the deformation front. The Ventania Fold Belt is formed of the Curamalal and Ventana groups, which are composed mainly of mature quartzites that were unconformably deposited on igneous and metamorphic basement. The Pillahuincó Group is exposed as part of the Claromecó Basin and it has lithological and structural features totally distinct from the lowermost groups. This group is composed of immature arkoses and subarkoses with intercalated tuff horizons, unconformably overlaying the quartzites and associated with glacial-marine deposits of the lower Late Carboniferous to Early Permian section. The petrography, as well as major and trace elements (including rare earth elements) support that the Ventania quartzites were derived from cratonic sources and deposited in a passive margin environment. For the Pillahuincó Group, we suggest a transition between rocks derived from and deposited in a passive margin environment to those with geochemical and petrographical signatures indicative of an active continental margin provenance. LA-MC-ICP-MS analysis performed on euhedral and prismatic zircon grains of the tuffs revealed an age of 284 ± 15 Ma. The geochemical fingerprints and geochronological data of the tuffs found in the Claromecó Basin support the presence of an active and widespread Lower Permian pyroclastic activity in southwestern Gondwana, which is interpreted as part of the Choiyoi Volcanic Province in Argentina and Chile.  相似文献   

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