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马显东  周剑  张路青  黄福有  李蕊瑞 《地球科学》2022,47(12):4559-4573
为获取被动柔性防护网在不同崩塌滚石运动特征下的动态响应规律,以鲁甸803地震震后崩塌滚石造成防护网损坏现场为例,通过无人机倾斜摄影技术实现地质调查,采用Rockyfor3D获取研究区落石的运动特征,并通过被动柔性防护网有限元模型,对不同落石冲击形式下防护网的动态响应规律进行研究.研究显示区内落石弹跳高度普遍在1~2 m,优势路径上的落石会形成稍高速低弹跳的范围冲击.在范围落石冲击下,防护网绳索最大拉力增加可达123.7%;在低弹跳落石冲击下,绳索最大拉力增加可达181.2%.范围落石冲击会导致防护网网面耗能的降低,并导致上拉锚绳拉力的增大.防护网下一级支撑绳对不同落石弹跳高度的响应较为敏感,部分高弹跳落石会对上拉锚绳和上一级支撑绳产生影响.   相似文献   

主被动混合式柔性防护网在拦截落石后可使其低速逸出,首先对现有结构进行梳理。之后为研究其结构性能,首先对基本构件环网网环与减压环进行了材性试验,建立了两段式网片等待模型与三段式减压环等待模型,并利用LSdyna构建数值仿真平台,对主被动混合式落石防护网结构体系进行落石冲击拦截与缓冲全过程研究,最终结果表明此类结构有稳定的耗能能力,对落石动能的吸收达90%以上,落石最终低速逸出。研究也发现系统以网片为主要耗能构件,耗能装置启动并不充分,且各主要构件耗能分配构成不合理,需进一步进行研究。  相似文献   

落石冲击被动防护系统能量衰减规律分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了被动防护系统的基本原理,建立了RXI-050型被动防护系统的有限元模型,采用LS-DYNA软件分析了不同直径、不同初始动能的落石冲击被动防护系统时落石能量衰减规律。分析结果表明:落石冲击被动防护系统反弹时,在初始动能相同时,落石能量随直径增加衰减时间变长;当落石穿透被动防护系统时,在落石尺寸相同时,随着初始动能增加,落石能量衰减值减少,衰减时间变短。该结论可以为被动防护系统改进提供一定的参考,也可为落石防护设计提供依据。  相似文献   

以远安县瓦坡崩塌区为例,通过地质调查、野外测绘、无人机航拍,建立了瓦坡崩塌区三维模型,基于Rockfall Analyst(RA)分析软件,实现了瓦坡崩塌区大量崩塌落石三维空间下运动路径、高度、能量等要素模拟,探究了崩塌区落石的三维运动特征,开展了崩塌区落石危险性评估,为崩塌落石的防治提供科学参考。研究结果表明:崩塌区危岩主要破坏形式为倾倒式,目前处于欠稳定状态;模拟落石三维运动轨迹与已有落石点基本重合,说明此次模拟结果与实际情况较为吻合;落石运动过程中以碰撞弹跳、自由飞落为主,落石主要集中在崩塌区下部冲沟及公路内,部分落石达到居民区,在崩塌落石区下部公路、冲沟及崩塌区右侧危险性较高;崩塌落石防治工程建议采用危石孤石清除+被动防护网,在公路内侧、斜坡下方分别设置5 m高和3 m高抗冲击力2 000 kJ的被动防护网,可有效拦截落石。  相似文献   

重庆某高速公路边坡因岩层裂隙切割、岩体差异风化、岩体卸荷等原因,形成陡崖和危岩。陡崖上发育的危岩崩塌方向均为线路所在方向,严重影响线路安全,因此合理设置防护措施十分必要。由于落石属于概率事件,具有很强的随机性,所以其冲击动能、弹跳高度以及拦石网受到落石冲击时,拦石网与防护对象之间的安全距离难以准确确定。通过现场调查、理论分析、并利用rockfall软件对岩崩落石进行稳定性分析,设定危岩体的碰撞恢复系数、坡面摩擦角度和坡面粗糙度等参数,获得边坡潜在的落石坠落轨迹,为被动防护网的设计防护等级、高度和安装位置提供依据。  相似文献   

黄晨忱  许曼钰 《探矿工程》2017,44(12):79-82
结合桂林市七星公园危岩治理工程实例,探讨在危岩落石地质灾害治理工程中采用被动防护网的设计和施工,为今后的危岩地质灾害治理工程提供参考。  相似文献   

河北省平山县大柳树村崩塌地质灾害治理设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
崩塌与落石是山区常见的一种地质灾害,传统的治理方法多以圬工结构和钢木结构为主,这些方法存在着材料用量大、施工强度大、破坏当地原始生态环境、缺乏可靠的设计技术保障等缺点。为克服传统治理方法的缺点,本文综合考虑平山县大柳树村崩塌发育的地质环境条件,并详细分析地质灾害的发育特征后,进行设计方案比选,采用SNS柔性防护网系统对其进行治理。作者通过现场实际工程地质条件研究,确定基本计算参数和建立计算模型,计算了崩塌落石的运动能量及弹跳高度。根据计算结果,选用5m高RX-050型被动防护网,达到防灾减灾的目的。  相似文献   

桂林市穿山公园西侧存在的危岩隐患共有数十处,根据危岩体结构特征和变形破坏迹象,分析了危岩体的3种破坏机制:拉裂―滑移式、拉裂―坠落式、拉裂―倾倒式三种基本类型。在此基础上,运用能量守恒定律和运动学规律研究危岩体失稳落石运动特征。结合RocFall软件对落石运动进行模拟计算,对崩塌落石的途径、方向、跳跃高度,影响范围进行验证,与理论计算结果吻合。结合施工条件,采用清除浮土及危石,岩壁上安装SNSGPS2主动防护网加固,坡脚安装SNSRX050被动防护网来拦截落石,确保公园内游客安全。  相似文献   

  张亮  曹国强 《城市地质》2016,(3):91-95
崩塌是北京山区汛期最常见的一种不良地质现象,北京地区尤其西部和北部山区崩塌的形成主要与长期以来人类工程活动密切相关,通过工程实践与经验积累,柔性防护网技术在国内已经使用的越来越多。这种以钢丝绳为主要构成特征的SNS边坡柔性防护系统,已在铁路、公路、水电站、矿山、市政工程的崩塌落石、浅层坍滑、风化剥落和泥石流等坡面地质灾害防护中得到广泛的推广应用,本文以怀柔老公营崩塌治理工程为例,介绍了SNS柔性防护网在北京市边坡防治工程中的应用。  相似文献   

落石是一种严重的山区地质灾害,而棚洞作为主要防护落石的工程措施之一,研究落石冲击下棚洞结构动力响应特征具有重要的现实意义。以经典Hertz理论为基础,假设落石为球形刚性体,棚洞结构为梁结构,建立落石冲击力学模型,理论推导得到不同尺寸落石以不同速度冲击不同厚度砂土垫层材料下棚洞板的最大冲击力计算公式,并得出不同工况下棚洞板被冲切破坏时落石的极限冲切速度,结果表明:总体上,落石对棚洞板的冲击力随垫层厚度增加而减小,但垫层厚度不能无限增加,过厚的垫层自重较大,使棚洞板受力较大,垫层材料厚度在0.5~1.5 m厚之间较为合理;落石尺寸和冲击速度越大,棚洞板受力越大,有限厚度的垫层材料只能承受一定限度的冲击能量,当冲击能量超过垫层材料的极限承受强度时,垫层不再耗散能量;分析棚洞板冲切破坏条件可知,无垫层时,很小的落石冲击速度使棚洞发生破坏,可见,合理的垫层厚度对防治落石具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Full-scale Modelling of Falling Rock Protection Barriers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Full-scale impact tests, carried out to evaluate the behaviour of flexible falling rock protection barriers, are described and relevant results presented and discussed. Falling rock protection barriers, which may be numbered among passive measures against rockfall, are designed to intercept and stop falling rocks by dissipation of impact energies through the elasto-plastic deformation of a system made up of metallic nets and supporting and connecting components. The testing programme involved models of barriers subjected to the impact of free-falling blocks of kinetic energy ranging from 500 to 5,000 kJ. The experimental test site, set-up in Fonzaso (Italy), and the experimental procedure were developed according to the new European testing standards (ETAG 027) on falling rock protection kits. The paper is aimed at presenting an extensive and high quality database, which can be extremely useful for a better understanding of the actual response of such structures and for any subsequent analytical and numerical modelling.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new numerical strategy for the design and verification of flexible falling rock barriers: passive protection measures for risk mitigation of potentially unstable rock slopes. The key point of the proposed approach is that notwithstanding the complexity of the simulated phenomenon, the resulting highly non-linear, dynamic model is simple and produces an accurate prediction of all the relevant parameters for barrier design, such as anchorage forces, net panel elongations and residual heights.The modelling procedure has been assessed using detailed experimental data obtained from a set of full-scale tests on three barrier prototypes with various energy absorption capacities (5000 kJ, 3000 kJ and 500 kJ). By comparison with the experimental results, the numerical model has shown to be reliable in capturing very accurately the barrier response to a block impact. Consequently, this method can be extended to investigate the behaviour of flexible falling rock protection barriers under conditions different from those encountered in full-scale tests. Therefore, the numerical procedure can be regarded as an effective tool used for designing and testing these structures.  相似文献   

强震触发崩塌滚石冲击耗能损伤是防护工程设计的重要指标。为探索冲击过程中滚石耗能损伤演化过程,采用热力学定律分析了冲击过程中能量的传递与耗散,通过定义冲击耗能损伤因子D、Dmax,建立了滚石冲击耗能损伤理论模型与适用模型。结合工程实例,反算极限冲击力对模型进行论证与分析,提出模型的推广应用。结果表明:滚石冲击耗能损伤过程满足热力学第一定律,能量主要贡献于防护工程弹塑性势能的积聚,Dmax受滚石质量、弹性模量、抛射初速度、最大冲击力、有效作用面积等的影响;最大冲击力持续增加,极限冲击耗能损伤因子增大,达到线性函数与抛物线函数图像交点C(1031 kN,0.9965)时曲线出现拐点。模型推广得到广义范围下的冲击耗能损伤演化函数曲线,冲击耗能损伤全过程在损伤响应、损伤线性、损伤渐进三个阶段的临界位置出现2次损伤拐点;随滚石质量增加,最大冲击力增大,极限冲击耗能损伤因子曲线先呈抛物线减小,再呈线性增加,最后呈抛物线逐渐增加直到无限趋近于1。从能量角度定量分析其损伤本质,对探究滚石运动过程能量耗散机制及防护工程的设计具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Perforation of Flexible Rockfall Barriers by Normal Block Impact   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Flexible rockfall barriers are a common form of protection against falling blocks of rock and rock fragments (rockfall). These barriers consist of a system of cables, posts, and a mesh, and their capacity is typically quantified in terms of the threshold of impact (kinetic) energy at which the barrier fails. This threshold, referred to here as the “critical energy,” is often regarded as a constant. However, several studies have pointed out that there is no single representative value of critical energy for a given barrier. Instead, the critical energy decreases as the block size decreases, a phenomenon referred to as the “bullet effect.” In this paper, we present a simple analytical model for determining the critical energy of a flexible barrier. The model considers a block that impacts normally and centrally on the wire mesh, and rather than incorporate the structural details of the cables and posts explicitly, the supporting elements are replaced by springs of representative stiffness. The analysis reveals the dependence of the critical energy on the block size, as well as other relevant variables, and it provides physical insight into the impact problem. For example, it is shown that bending of the wire mesh during impact reduces the axial force that can be sustained within the wires, thus reducing the energy that can be absorbed. The formulas derived in the paper are straightforward to use, and the analytical predictions compare favorably with data available in the literature.  相似文献   

Prediction of the Bullet Effect for Rockfall Barriers: a Scaling Approach   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
The so-called “bullet effect” refers to the perforation of a rockfall protection mesh by impact of a small block, which has a kinetic energy lower than the design value, where the design value is determined through tests with relatively large blocks. Despite playing a key role in the overall performance of a flexible rockfall barrier, this phenomenon is still poorly understood at present. An innovative approach for quantitatively characterizing this effect based on dimensional analysis is proposed in this paper. The analysis rests on a hypothesis that the relevant variables in the impact problem can be combined into three strongly correlated dimensionless parameters. The relationship between these dimensionless parameters (i.e., the scaling relationship) is subsequently investigated and validated by means of data generated with a finite element model. The validation process shows that the dimensionless parameters are apt and that the proposed scaling relationship characterizes the bullet effect with a reasonable level of accuracy. An example from the literature involving numerical simulation of a full rock barrier is considered, and satisfactory agreement between the calculated performance of the barrier and that predicted by the established scaling relationship is observed.  相似文献   

周平  张大权  杨宗喜 《地质通报》2017,36(4):684-689
为应对全球气候变化,以新能源替代化石燃料和核燃料为特征的世界能源转型正快速推进,绿色、低碳、环保成为时代发展的代名词。在这场能源变革中,世界各国由于资源禀赋、能源消费结构、政策法律等方面的差异,应对能源转型的方式、做法也各不相同。英国以页岩气、地热等地下能源资源的利用及其相关基础设施建设和技术开发为重点;美国继续推进页岩气革命,加强天然气水合物预研究,同时强化传统化石能源利用的基础研究;欧盟则主要从整合区内市场、建立能源联盟的角度,增强自身能源安全保障。各国地调机构作为技术支撑力量,多聚焦于非常规能源资源的潜力评价、开发技术研究、关键技术装备研发、水力压裂的环境影响等,支撑服务于各国能源转型。鉴于中国的资源国情,提出以页岩气、天然气水合物、地热资源调查为重点,建世界顶级研发中心,推动非常规油气科技攻关,做好非常规油气开发前期技术储备,同时加强天然气定价机制研究,推动上海建立国际LNG交易中心等建议。  相似文献   

为了对SC-86H型高能射流式液动锤冲锤结构进行优化,应用CFD动态分析,对2种不同冲锤结构的射流式液动锤模型进行了研究。计算表明:在相同输入流量下,新型冲锤结构的射流式液动锤与原冲锤结构相比性能具有优势,冲击末速度得到了提高,冲击功与能量利用率平均增长7.9%与12.7%,新型冲锤结构减小了流体阻力消耗的能量,更有利于高能输出。另外,通过Ls-dyna非线性动力学分析,对2种冲锤结构的碎岩效果进行了研究,并对新型冲锤应力强度进行了分析。结果表明:新型冲锤结构的能量传递效率更高,且满足疲劳强度校核,相同冲击末速度下,岩层吸能值高于原冲锤结构;新型冲锤结构的吸能率较高,2种冲锤模型的吸能率随入射能量成非线性增长。  相似文献   

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