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鲁北平原浅层地下水有机污染特征及污染来源分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文在对鲁北平原水文地质条件及污染源现状分析的基础上,对浅层地下水进行了高密度的样品采集、高精度的污染物组分测试及污染程度研究,分析研究结果表明:鲁北平原浅层地下水在部分地区受到有机物污染,污染程度总体较低,个别地区出现中度污染和重度污染。检出的有机污染物共13种,个别有机物含量高。浅层地下水污染区的分布及污染程度,与油田采油区位置及石油化工企业的分布具有相关性。  相似文献   

以2012年在神府矿区所取72组地下水样的微量有机测试结果为数据基础,全面认识该区地下水有机污染现状,并讨论其分布特征与地质地貌及地下水水位埋深之间的关系,进一步研究其分布规律,这对保障矿区人民生命安全和身体健康具有重要的价值和现实意义。结果显示,72组地下水水样中,有29组出现有机检出现象,检出率为40.3%,有机检出物种类高达7项,其中甲苯和邻二甲苯的检出组数最多;整个区域的河谷地区是最易检出有机指标的地方,其次是沙盖黄土区,以及黄土和沙漠地区,最后是滩地区;浅层地下水是最容易受到有机物的污染,有机指标检出点基本分布于地下水水埋深0~20 m范围内。  相似文献   

淮河流域(山东段)南部平原区浅层地下水有机污染特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着经济的发展,淮河流域山东段南部平原区地下水污染、环境问题日趋严重。就该区浅层地下水有机污染特征进行了总结,并就污染源、浅层地下水及表层土壤有机污染现状、河流对两侧浅层地下水的影响及污染途径等问题进行了研究。结果表明,该地区浅层地下水中有机组分检出率较低,有机组分中仅有个别指标水质超标,研究区浅层地下水有机污染程度整体较轻。平面分布特征上,有机物检出点及污染严重点主要集中在城镇所在地及周边地区、河道两侧及工矿企业密集区;在垂向分布特征上,浅层地下水的有机污染程度较深层地下水严重,随着深度的增加,污染程度逐渐减弱。  相似文献   

马晓蕾  王静  黄迁辉 《地下水》2010,32(4):39-41
针对濮阳市地下水代表性样品,采用地下水质量标准及规范、技术要求,对该区地下水污染特征进行27项无机评价及37项有机污染项目定量分析评价,重点对有机污染污染项目进行评价。结果表明,区内地下水污染有机物25项为未污染,12项为轻污染,两项为中污染~严重污染。地下水中,浅层水中有机物检出数目较重深层及深层水中高,检出量大,油田采油区单环芳香烃类有机物含量高于其它地区;金堤河以北为城市区,纺织等轻工制造业较发达,1,2—二氯丙烷检出数量较多。  相似文献   

山东平原地区浅层地下水有机污染特征分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
山东平原地区浅层地下水普遍受到有机物污染并形成多个有机污染区,检出的有机污染物达29种之多,个别地区有机物含量超过地下水饮用限量标准,致使地下水质量恶化。该文以水文地质条件分析及地下水污染物组分测试为手段,对山东平原区浅层地下水中有机污染种类及污染程度进行了研究,目的在于评价地下水安全性,保护宝贵的地下水资源。  相似文献   

本文在对胜利油田陆上采油区水文地质条件和污染源现状分析的基础上,对浅层地下水和包气带土壤进行了样品采集、污染物组分测试及污染程度研究,分析研究结果表明:胜利油田陆上采油区浅层地下水和土壤已普遍受有机物污染并形成多个有机污染区,检出的有机污染物达16种之多,个别有机物含量还很高.浅层地下水污染程度受到油田采油井数量、采油...  相似文献   

太湖流域某地区浅层地下水有机污染特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对太湖流域某地区浅层地下水有机污染特征进行了总结,并就污染来源、污染途径和典型污染源附近浅层地下水有机污染特征等问题进行了研究。研究结果表明,该地区浅层地下水中各组分的检出率较高,但检出浓度较低,除苯在个别采样点处超出美国环保局(EPA)饮用水标准外,其余卤代烃和单环芳烃组分均没有超标;平面分布上,卤代烃和单环芳烃各组分的浓度高值点大都集中于该地区东南部的工业区内,这种空间分布特征与工业区的分布具有明显的一致性;垂向上有浅部地下水的污染程度相对较重、深部地下水较轻的特点;典型污染源周边浅层地下水的污染程度较重,但随着采样点远离污染源,地下水中各有机污染组分的浓度迅速衰减。  相似文献   

应用GC/MS等多种分析技术,对淮河盱眙段浅层地下水45个监测点三大类(挥发性有机物、半挥发性有机物和有机磷农药)共82项有机物指标进行了监测分析。结果表明,半挥发性有机物(SVOC)中酞酸二辛酯、萘和菲普遍检出,挥发性有机物(VOC)和有机磷农药指标局部检出;PAHs个别指标浓度较高。所有检出的有机污染物无论是检出率还是检出浓度水平均表现出上游高于下游的特点。该地区的浅层地下水有机物污染与淮河污染、化肥农药施用、局部点源污染及地质环境特征有关。  相似文献   

本文针对长江三角洲某地区3个城市(C市、W市、S市)浅层地下水的单环芳烃进行了研究。根据研究区水样分析数据,总结出该地区单环芳烃的污染特点和分布特征,然后从研究区污染源分布、单环芳烃的挥发性、研究区降水以及包气带的防护性能等角度探讨了浅层地下水单环芳烃污染形成的原因。研究表明,该区浅层地下水单环芳烃污染呈点状分布,污染范围不大;浅层地下水单环芳烃污染相对较轻而地表水污染严重。浅层地下水单环芳烃污染特征与研究区工业企业分布、单环芳烃的挥发特性、降水以及研究区包气带防污性能密切相关。浅层地下水单环芳烃污染和工业企业分布具有很好的一致性,有机污染物高浓度的检出点均分布在污染工厂附近,无明显污染源的地段,其浅层地下水水样无有机污染物检出;各检测单环芳烃组分的亨利常数均大于1.01×102Pa·m3·mol-1,所以挥发作用是其主要迁移机理,苯的柱试验表明,苯溶液浓度从1079.0μg/L降低至6.9μg/L仅需26天;研究区包气带为河湖三角洲沉积相的淤泥质粘土,粘粒含量大,粘土矿物含量也很高,富含有机质,其含量大都在1.0%以上,此类土壤具有高的吸附能力,阻滞了污染物向浅层地下水迁移;降雨时浅层地下水中单环芳烃检出率和检出浓度都较高。4种因素综合,使得研究区浅层地下水单环芳烃呈现污染程度轻、分布零散、污染分布范围小的特点。  相似文献   

赵岩 《地质与资源》2015,24(4):388-393
随着城市规模和城市化进程的扩大与加快,工业化程度的不断提高,区域地表水和地下水受到不同程度的污染,人类赖以生存的淡水资源面临威胁.20世纪90年代以来,我国开始关注农业污染和有机污染的研究工作.结合研究区研究情况,本次评价主要应用单因子污染指数法及综合污染指数法.综合分析了地下水评价的各种方法后,本次评价选择了单指标污染指数评价法和地下水污染综合评价法对该区进行评价.在研究区展开了野外调查,采集了浅层地下水样品110组(其中包括平行样、加标样和监控样合计20组),每个样品测试了35项指标.评价结果表明,研究区67.4%浅层地下水受到不同程度的污染.根据本次评价,基本上反映了研究区地下水污染状况,并为有针对性的治理提供依据.  相似文献   

信阳市浅层地下水质量评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李军  周晓玉 《地下水》2010,32(2):43-46
为了保护信阳市浅层地下水资源环境,进一步合理开发该区浅层地下水,在对信阳市市区大量浅层地下水水样分析资料的基础上,从饮用水评价,农业灌溉用水评价,工业锅炉用水评价及综合评价等四个方面对该区浅层地下水质量进行了评价。评价结果表明:评价区内虽没有极差的Ⅴ级水,但在人口集中和用水集中的市区均为较差的Ⅳ级水,是人们生产和生活用水质量下降的主要原因;人口集中带来的生活污染是本区浅层地下水主要污染源,次要污染源为工业污染,这些理应引起高度重视,防止污染的进一步扩大。  相似文献   

济南泉域岩溶地下水有机污染特征研究   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5  
对济南泉域岩溶地下水系统水质进行了系统的采样分析。结果表明,泉域岩溶水已普遍受有机物污染,有机污染物检出率高达93%。检出有机物多于5项的样品多分布于大中型企业附近。在所有检出的有机物中,有机氯农药类、卤代烃类检出率最高,分别达到60%、57.8%。尽管岩溶水有机污染较普遍,但有机物含量较低,仅局部地段存在有机物超标现象。泉域岩溶水有机污染特征受控于工业企业分布及地下水流场,在济南侵入岩体南缘附近形成了近长方形的岩溶水有机污染区,面积达156 km2。污染区南部地带是济南市工业集中区,灰岩浅埋,防污性能差。另外由于地下水径流方向与侵入岩体南缘线近垂直,进入灰岩含水层的有机污染物随地下水径流向北运移,造成埋藏于火成岩体之下的埋藏型岩溶水也受到污染。   相似文献   

Abstraction of groundwater resources is increasing over the years to meet its ever-increasing demand for industrial, agricultural and domestic purposes throughout the world. The scenario is even worse in the east flowing rivers of the Western Ghats, where the demand of water is high under changing climatic conditions. Such situation may affect the groundwater resources of the river basin on a long run. The aim of the present study is to characterize the geochemistry of groundwater in Tamiraparani sub-basin through geochemical modeling and deduce the ionic interactions with the aid of geostatistical and multivariate statistical techniques. A total of 40 groundwater samples from shallow aquifers were collected randomly throughout the sub-basin for assessing its physicochemical parameters, which include physical properties of the water, major ions and nutrients. Two major hydrogeochemical facies were identified such as mixed Ca-Mg-Cl and Ca-HCO3 groups. The nutrients derived from agricultural runoff, urban discharge and organic decomposition alters the nutrient level in the groundwater. The dissolution/precipitation of minerals such as calcite and dolomite controls the chemical constituents of the groundwater. The multivariate statistical analysis indicates that natural weathering of source rocks is the main contributors of ions in the groundwater followed by anthropogenic activities such as agricultural practices and urbanization. The insights obtained from this study can be helpful for sustainable groundwater management and long-term monitoring studies.  相似文献   

在对汶泗河冲洪积平原水文地质条件和污染源现状进行阐述的基础上,对不同含水岩组无机组分指标进行了分析,表明浅层孔隙水和部分地区岩溶裂隙水无机组分含量大幅增高,深层孔隙水无机物含量则变化不大。在有机污染方面,浅层孔隙水有机物检出率26.8%,但含量很低,远未达到饮用水标准限值;岩溶裂隙水有机物检出率46.7%,检出率相对较高,局部地段有机物超标;深层孔隙水有机物基本未检出。该区地下水污染评价结果表明,浅层孔隙水和岩溶裂隙水无机污染呈面状污染特征,且污染程度较重,而有机污染则呈现点状污染特征,且污染程度总体较轻。对研究区地下水污染现状,提出了地下水安全供水对策。  相似文献   

Demand for groundwater for drinking, agricultural and industrial purposes has increased due to uncertainty in the surface water supply. Agriculture is the main occupation of the rural people in Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh, India. Development of groundwater in the district is very less, indicating a lot of scope for further development of groundwater resources. However, assessment of groundwater conditions, particularly in a crystalline terrain, is a complex task because of variations in weathering and fracturing zones from place to place. Systematic studies for evaluation of groundwater potential zones have been carried out in a crystalline terrain of the district. Information on soils, geological formations and groundwater conditions is collected during the hydrogeological survey. Topographical and drainage conditions are derived from the Survey of India topographical maps. Geomorphological units and associated landform features inferred and delineated from the Indian remote sensing satellite imagery (IRS ID LISS III FCC) are moderately buried pediplain (BPM), shallow buried pediplain (BPS), valley fills (VF), structural hill (SH), residual hills (RH), lineaments and land use/land cover. A groundwater potential index (GPI) is computed for relative evaluation of groundwater potential zones in the study area by integrating all the related factors of occurrence and movement of groundwater resources. Accordingly, the landforms, BPM, BPS, VF, SH and RH, of the area are categorized as very good groundwater potential zone, good to moderate groundwater potential zone, moderate to poor groundwater potential zone, poor to very poor groundwater potential zone and very poor groundwater potential zone, respectively, for development and utilization of both groundwater and surface water resources for eliminating water scarcity. This study could help to improve the agrarian economy for better living conditions of the rural people. Taking the total weight-score of the GPI into account, a generalized classification of groundwater potential zones is evaluated for a quick assessment of the occurrence of groundwater resources on regional scale.  相似文献   

Groundwater, particularly in the shallow zone aquifer is an easily available source of freshwater that serves various needs of people around it. Due to rapid growth in the industrial sector, the shallow groundwater regime becomes vulnerable to industrial toxicity and human activity. In the case of bauxite ore processing industry it is not only the groundwater potential that gets affected, but often the quality of groundwater is at risk from the ore processing activity. Bauxite processing plant has been setup in the Lanjigarh (Orissa State), India during 2007. An attempt has been made to evaluate the groundwater regime in the watershed that comprises the plant and its various disposal sites. Although the groundwater has not been found affected due to waste disposals, however, areas vulnerable to pollution have been demarcated.  相似文献   

Groundwater resources are vulnerable to contamination especially in shallow aquifers. The aquifer hydrogeological parameters and the Land Uses category combinations lead to subdivide areas according to their contamination likelihood. In arid and semi-arid regions, shallow aquifers are more exposed to groundwater contamination due to high population densities (extensive uses) and agricultural activities (nitrate contamination). Moreover, these regions are characterized by low rainfall and high evaporation. Furthermore, the spread of farmland, industrial and domestic sectors, is the principal contaminant producer which threats the groundwater quality. To protect these limited resources, the groundwater vulnerability assessment was developed in Maritime Djeffara shallow aquifer (Southeastern Tunisia). The study area is essentially occupied by agricultural areas (intensive use of chemical fertilizers) in addition to the discharge of industrial zones. The main objective of this study is to assess the aquifer vulnerability using the Susceptibility Index (SI) method as a specific vulnerability model. The results show that the study area is classified into five classes of vulnerability: very low, low, medium, high, and very high (1.54, 20, 41.54, 35.9, and 1.02%, respectively) with an uneven spatial distribution. The risk results exhibit three degrees: low, moderate, and high. The validation of the vulnerability model was performed by using salinity values and nitrate concentrations with a correlation coefficient of about 57 and 55%, respectively. This study could serve as a scientific basis for sustainable land use planning and groundwater management in the study area.  相似文献   

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