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荆门非饱和膨胀土的变形与强度特性试验研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
孔令伟  周葆春  白颢  陈伟 《岩土力学》2010,31(10):3036-3042
通过压力板试验,对比分析了荆门原状膨胀土与石灰改良土持水特征的差异性;应用非饱和土三轴仪,开展了原状膨胀土、石灰改良膨胀土与重塑膨胀土的变形及强度特性试验。结果表明:①石灰改良膨胀土与原状膨胀土相比,其进气值有显著降低,残余含水率显著升高,土-水特征曲线两个特征点的斜率较为平缓,说明其水稳定性较好,土体性状更为稳定;②原状膨胀土和石灰改良膨胀土在非饱和与饱和状态的应力-应变关系曲线均呈应变软化型,随净围压的增大,应变软化的程度趋缓;随含水率的减小,峰值应力增大,应力峰值点有所提前,应变软化现象更加显著。饱和重塑膨胀土的应力-应变关系呈应变强化型,非饱和重塑膨胀土则呈现为应变软化型,但其应变软化的程度较前两类土大为趋缓;③经石灰改性后,膨胀土强度参数值有大幅度提高,即使在湿化饱和后,石灰改良膨胀土仍保持了相对稳定的力学性质和较高的抗剪强度参数值。相比之下,无论是重塑膨胀土,还是原状膨胀土,对湿化作用均十分敏感,其强度参数值或波动较大,或整体水平较低。  相似文献   

土坡失稳的有效降雨量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
降雨易引起花岗岩残积土边坡失稳。在分析降雨对边坡土体含水率影响的基础上,通过饱和度和含水率的关系推求出土体从非饱和过渡到饱和的有效降雨量。结果表明:对土质边坡,并非所有的降雨都会引起边坡的失稳,降雨入渗使边坡土体从非饱和向饱和状态发展,当边坡土体饱和度达到一定程度的时候易产生边坡失稳;土坡存在饱和区和非饱和区的临界深度,降雨对边坡的影响即为使得该深度以上的土体从非饱和过渡到饱和的过程,须采取不同的抗剪强度来计算处于临界深度上下两部分土体的稳定状态。研究结果对确定土坡失稳的降雨量阀值、进一步认识滑坡失稳机制,对滑坡的预测预报具有理论及实际意义。  相似文献   

In the effective stress equation for unsaturated soils proposed by Bishop, shear strength in these soils depends on the effective stress parameter, χ, a function of soil suction [1]. To estimate the shear strength of unsaturated soils, one must already know this parameter and its variation with soil suction. Though theories on the shear strength of unsaturated soils are consistent with experimental measurements, estimating the effective stress parameter directly from tedious laboratory tests is impractical. Thus, researchers have performed numerous intensive studies to effectively obtain the unsaturated shear strength using simplified empirical methods.This paper shows an adaptive learning neural network method for predicting this parameter, χ. The proposed network is a multilayer perceptron network with six neurons in the input layer representing the air entry value, the volumetric water content at residual and saturated conditions, the slope of soil water characteristic curve, the net confining stress and suction. The available literature uses a database prepared from triaxial shear test results to train and test the network. The results show the suitability of the proposed approach for estimating the effective stress parameter. Network analysis indicates that the χ-parameter depends strongly on the net mean stress.  相似文献   

Effects of coarse-grained materials on properties of residual soil   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Residual soils are generally characterised by a low coefficient of permeability and high shrinkage potential. Several soil improvement methods can be applied to overcome these problems, including mixing the residual soil with coarse-grained soils. In order to study the effects of varying coarse-grained materials on the hydraulic properties and shrinkage characteristics of residual soils, a local residual soil was mixed with different percentages of a gravelly sand and a medium sand. The hydraulic properties and shrinkage potential of the residual soil and the soil mixtures were investigated. The measurements showed that increasing the amount of coarse-grained materials increased the saturated permeability and reduced the shrinkage potential of the residual soil mixture. Increasing the amount of coarse-grained materials in the residual soil produced changes in several key parameters of soil-water characteristic curve (e.g., the slope, the air-entry value, the residual matric suction, and the residual volumetric water content), as well as the unsaturated permeabilities of the soil mixtures.  相似文献   

The behavior due to rainfall infiltrating the ground plays a role in landslides, groundwater recharge and various other ground responses. Most of these geotechnical behaviors have a correlation between soil pore space and soil volumetric water content in the unsaturated and saturated soil porous media. Therefore, the soil porosity associated with soil pores and the distribution of volumetric water content are significantly important hydrological characteristics. In the case of shallow slope failure such as landslide, the infiltration activity due to the connectivity of soil pore spaces in a porous media is induced. Slope failure may be attributed to the effect of a wetting front with the slope due to liquid infiltration, which changes the volumetric water content, soil matric suction and shear strength of the slope. This study was performed with an unsaturated injection test using a frequency domain reflectometry (FDR) dielectric device which measures the dielectric constant of unsaturated soil and the study then proposed the unsaturated dielectric mixing models to calculate soil porosity and effective porosity of unsaturated soils. From the experimental results the ratio of effective porosity to porosity of soils are measured in a range of 70–85%. These experimental results show a decrease of about 5–10% for unsaturated soil compared to the ratio of effective porosity to porosity of saturated soil. The infiltration passages of tracer material are restricted within the pore connectivity in the unsaturated soil which is caused by dead-pores in the soil. Using the FDR device and the unsaturated dielectric mixing models, we can consider the acquisition of physical properties to detect the infiltration activity, the response of the dielectric constant along with the injected tracer and hydrological parameters for the unsaturated soil porous media.  相似文献   

考虑降雨的非饱和土边坡稳定性分析方法   总被引:49,自引:13,他引:49  
陈善雄  陈守义 《岩土力学》2001,22(4):447-450
降雨往往是引起热带和亚热带的膨胀土、残积土边坡失稳的主要促发因素。地处热带和亚热带的膨胀土、残积土往往是非饱和的,由于吸力的存在,土体抗剪强度较高,土坡是稳定的,一旦发生降雨,雨水将渗入土体,土体饱和度增加,吸力锐减并引起抗剪强度大幅度下降,当持续降雨的历时和强度超过一定程度时,则可导致土坡失稳。采用极限平衡分析方法,建立了一套能考虑水分入渗的非饱和土边坡的稳定性分析方法,该方法考虑在降雨后土坡水分为一分布场及抗剪强度参数为饱和度的函数。给出了一个计算实例。计算结果表明,降雨引起的土坡失稳往往为浅层破坏。  相似文献   

原状非饱和黄土的三轴试验研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
利用特制的非饱和土三轴仪器,对不同含水量条件下原状非饱和黄土的强度和土-水特征曲线进行了试验研究。试验结果表明:非饱和黄土的抗剪强度随着含水量的不同而不同,含水量越大,非饱和黄土的基质吸力就越小,抗剪强度亦越小。含水量趋于饱和时,非饱和黄土的抗剪强度值逐渐接近于饱和黄土的强度值。原状非饱和黄土的抗剪强度均高于饱和黄土的抗剪强度。非饱和黄土的内摩擦角受含水量的影响不大。凝聚力受含水量的影响很大,含水率越大,基质吸力越小,总凝聚力越小。根据实验结果,提出了非饱和土的抗剪强度模型,该模型易于确定,与实测基本吻合,误差较小,满足非饱和黄土的强度计算要求。  相似文献   

以广州地区花岗岩残积粘性土为研究对象,通过击样法制备特定含水量试样,在不同压力下进行固结加、卸荷试验,对比分析试验数据,初步研究加、卸荷状态下花岗岩残积粘性土的抗剪强度变化,探寻先期固结压力、含水量与抗剪强度间规律。重塑残积土抗剪强度随含水量增加而减小;在先期固结压力相同的条件下,卸荷相对加荷试验条件下的土体强度显著减小,且减少值随残积土含水量的增加而逐渐减小,故在基坑开挖等卸荷工程项目中,应充分考虑卸荷对土体抗剪强度的影响,在卸荷工程中采用土体卸荷抗剪强度指标更符合工程实际。  相似文献   

膨胀土强度影响因素与规律的试验研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
针对同一种膨胀土,通过直剪试验和三轴试验研究了土体由无裂隙天然非饱和状态到无裂隙饱和状态再到裂隙充分发展的饱和状态的过程中强度的影响因素和变化规律。试验结果表明,含水率、密度以及裂隙是影响膨胀土强度的三个因素,其中含水率和裂隙对强度的影响较大,密度对强度的影响较小。膨胀土强度指标的确定应考虑裂隙的开展。建议用试样做5次干湿循环后的强度指标作为膨胀土裂隙发育区的强度指标。通过膨胀土残余强度试验分析表明,所得指标与裂隙充分发展的膨胀土强度指标是接近的,故也可用其作为裂隙发育区的强度指标近似值。  相似文献   

利用电动应变控制式直剪仪及直剪/残余剪切试验仪对南水北调磁县段不同黏粒含量的原状膨胀土进行快剪、饱和快剪、饱和固结快剪和反复直剪试验,研究黏粒含量对其抗剪强度的影响。研究表明:饱和后试样的抗剪强度明显降低,固结后强度提高,且饱和作用对黏粒含量较大的中膨胀土强度的削弱作用更为显著,固结作用对黏粒含量较小的弱膨胀土强度的治愈作用更显著; 随黏粒含量的增大,黏聚力逐渐减小,内摩擦角则先减后增,其临界值在32%左右; 峰值强度后的抗剪强度降低幅度随黏粒含量的增加而增大; 土体的峰值强度f随黏粒含量则先减后增,变化趋势比较平缓; 残余强度r随黏粒含量增加逐渐减小,成指数关系; 残余强度内摩擦角r与黏粒含量成对数关系,黏聚力cr则比较离散。  相似文献   

An analytical solution to 1D coupled water infiltration and deformation in layered soils is derived using a Laplace transformation. Coupling between seepage and deformation, and initial conditions defined by arbitrary continuous pore‐water pressure distributions are considered. The analytical solutions describe the transient pore‐water pressure distributions during 1D, vertical infiltration toward the water table through two‐layer unsaturated soils. The nonlinear coupled formulations are first linearized and transformed into a form that is solvable using a Laplace transformation. The solutions provide a reliable means of comparing the accuracy of various numerical methods. Parameters considered in the coupled analysis include the saturated permeability (ks), desaturation coefficient (α), and saturated volumetric water content (θs) of each soil layer, and antecedent and subsequent rainfall infiltration rates. The analytical solution demonstrates that the coupling of seepage and deformation plays an important role in water infiltration in layered unsaturated soils. A smaller value of α or a smaller absolute value of the elastic modulus of the soil with respect to a change in soil suction (H) for layered unsaturated soils means more marked coupling effect. A smaller absolute value of H of the upper layer soil also tends to cause more marked coupling effect. A large difference between the saturated coefficients of permeability for the top and bottom soil layers leads to reduced rainfall infiltration into the deep soil layer. The initial conditions also play a significant role in the pore‐water pressure redistribution and coupling effect. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An unsaturated soil is a state of the soil. All soils can be partially saturated with water. Therefore, constitutive models for soils should ideally represent the soil behaviour over entire ranges of possible pore pressure and stress values and allow arbitrary stress and hydraulic paths within these ranges. The last two decades or so have seen significant advances in modelling unsaturated soil behaviour. This paper presents a review of constitutive models for unsaturated soils. In particular, it focuses on the fundamental principles that govern the volume change, shear strength, yield stress, water retention and hydro-mechanical coupling. Alternative forms of these principles are critically examined in terms of their predictive capacity for experimental data, the consistency between these principles and the continuity between saturated and unsaturated states.  相似文献   

徐筱  赵成刚 《岩土力学》2018,39(5):1598-1611
非饱和土中土-水之间的相互作用可区分为毛细作用和吸附作用,已有的非饱和土力学特性的研究大都局限于较低吸力、毛细作用占优范围。实践中由于环境的变化,地表土体常经历干湿循环及处在低含水率、高吸力状态,此时吸附作用占优。针对高岭土-河砂配制的非膨胀性黏性土,采用饱和盐溶液蒸汽平衡法,从脱湿和吸湿两种吸力路径下对土体施加高吸力。测试了高吸力下土体的强度和变形特性,试验中选用了0(接近无侧限)、25、50、100 kPa共4组小围压。试验结果表明,高吸力下土体表现为应变软化型破坏和剪胀性。随着围压的施加,土体从沿纵向开裂的张裂破坏过渡为剪切破坏。验证了修正后的Bishop非饱和土强度公式不适用于描述高吸力时峰值抗剪强度的变化,得到了高吸力下峰值抗剪强度可用相对于净应力的临界状态强度和剪胀作用来表示。分析发现,高吸力时土体的抗剪强度和比表面积直接相关,吸力对土体抗剪强度的作用取决于土体集聚体组构的形成和发展程度及其导致的剪胀作用。  相似文献   

非饱和土的抗剪强度与含水率关系的试验研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
黄琨  万军伟  陈刚  曾洋 《岩土力学》2012,33(9):2600-2604
研究非饱和土的抗剪强度及其随含水率的变化规律,对工程实践具有重要意义。在总结前人试验研究成果的基础上,以欠固结的第三系粉砂土为研究对象,对原状土和两种控制含水率方法的重塑土进行直剪试验,并与前人研究进行对比。研究结果表明,随着含水率的增加,土的抗剪强度降低,含水率对抗剪强度的影响主要是降低了土的黏聚力,对内摩擦角的影响较小。含水率与黏聚力之间的关系可以由两个直线段描述,第2直线段的斜率要大于第1直线段,当含水率增加到一定值时,土的黏聚力急剧下降。通过控制干密度,添加不同质量的水来改变土样含水率的重塑土方法,不仅改变了土样的含水率,还改变了土的压实度和颗粒结构,因此,土的抗剪强度的变化是含水率和压实度共同影响的结果,在分析试验结果时应该引起重视。  相似文献   

郑国锋  郭晓霞  邵龙潭 《岩土力学》2019,40(4):1441-1448
考虑体变对非饱和土土-水状态的影响,将状态曲面函数引入传统的Vanapalli强度公式得到与孔隙比相关的抗剪强度准则,新准则使用饱和土的强度参数和两条不同孔隙比对应的土-水特征曲线。选择一种尾矿砂和高岭土的混合土料为研究对象,进行一系列的土-水特征曲线试验、吸力控制的等向压缩和三轴剪切试验。试验结果表明,新准则能更准确地预测非饱和土的强度,证明了传统强度预测的误差主要来源于忽略了体变导致的土-水状态变化,并提出在不同应力空间内精确地获得抗剪强度包线的方法,合理地解释了强度包线斜率在净应力-强度平面内随吸力增大、强度包线形状在吸力-强度平面内随净应力发生变化的特性。  相似文献   

For the assessment of shallow landslides triggered by rainfall, the physically based model coupling the infinite slope stability analysis with the hydrological modeling in nearly saturated soil has commonly been used due to its simplicity. However, in that model the rainfall infiltration in unsaturated soil could not be reliably simulated because a linear diffusion-type Richards’ equation rather than the complete Richards’ equation was used. In addition, the effect of matric suction on the shear strength of soil was not actually considered. Therefore, except the shallow landslide in saturated soil due to groundwater table rise, the shallow landslide induced by the loss in unsaturated shear strength due to the dissipation of matric suction could not be reliably assessed. In this study, a physically based model capable of assessing shallow landslides in variably saturated soils is developed by adopting the complete Richards’ equation with the effect of slope angle in the rainfall infiltration modeling and using the extended Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion to describe the unsaturated shear strength in the soil failure modeling. The influence of rainfall intensity and duration on shallow landslide is investigated using the developed model. The result shows that the rainfall intensity and duration seem to have similar influence on shallow landslides respectively triggered by the increase of positive pore water pressure in saturated soil and induced by the dissipation of matric suction in unsaturated soil. The rainfall duration threshold decreases with the increase in rainfall intensity, but remains constant for large rainfall intensity.  相似文献   

Liu  Xinyu  Zhang  Xianwei  Kong  Lingwei  An  Ran  Xu  Guofang 《Acta Geotechnica》2021,16(12):3793-3812

It is universally known that residual soils behave very differently from sedimentary soils. While the latter is widely known as cross-anisotropic, little is known regarding the strength anisotropy of residual soils. This study presents how the inherent anisotropy affects the strength of natural granite residual soils under generalized conditions, where intact specimens were carefully prepared and sheared under triaxial compression, extension, simple shear, and hollow cylinder torsional shear tests. The strength of natural residual soil, in terms of ultimate stress ratio M and undrained shear strength Su, is found to be significantly anisotropic in a different way from normally consolidated clays with the maximum strength obtained under triaxial compression and the minimum under simple shear or at intermediate principal stress direction. As a result, the existing method failed to measure the anisotropy degree of the studied soil. Two parameters were proposed accordingly to quantify the anisotropic strength under general conditions, taking the special strength anisotropy pattern and cohesive-frictional nature of GRS into account. The proposed parameters enable the direct comparison of strength anisotropy among soils. This study serves as a data set to better understand residual soils regarding their anisotropic behaviors under generalized conditions. Although specific to granite residual soils in China, this study is expected to be more widely applicable to other weathered geomaterials.


A variably saturated flow model is coupled to a first-order reliability algorithm to simulate unsaturated flow in two soils. The unsaturated soil properties are considered as uncertain variables with means, standard deviations, and marginal probability distributions. Thus, each simulation constitutes an unsaturated probability flow event. Sensitivities of the uncertain variables are estimated for each event. The unsaturated hydraulic properties of a fine-textured soil and a coarse-textured soil are used. The properties are based on the van Genuchten model. The flow domain has a recharge surface, a seepage boundary along the bottom, and a no-flow boundary along the sides. The uncertain variables are saturated water content, residual water content, van Genuchten model parameters alpha (α) and n, and saturated hydraulic conductivity. The objective is to evaluate the significance of each uncertain variable to the probabilistic flow. Under wet conditions, saturated water content and residual water content are the most significant uncertain variables in the sand. For dry conditions in the sand, however, the van Genuchten model parameters α and n are the most significant. Model parameter n and saturated hydraulic conductivity are the most significant for the wet clay loam. Saturated water content is most significant for the dry clay loam. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

小浪底水库1#滑坡体非饱和土强度特性试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
黄志全  陈贤挺  姜彤  陈宇 《岩土力学》2009,30(3):640-644
在改进的非饱和土三轴仪上运用3级持续加荷固结排水试验法,对小浪底水库1#滑坡体非饱和土的强度特性进行了三轴试验,研究了目前在非饱和土的试验研究中极少关注的试样轴向变形过大(即剪破)和剪胀对非饱和土基质吸力、抗剪强度及各特征关系的影响。结果表明:高密实度试样通过升高负孔隙水压力数值这样的内部应力调整来抵消受剪时的剪胀趋势,这个过程将增大试样的基质吸力,并对试样强度有增强作用;剪胀对抗剪强度的影响类似于饱和土,总体上对之产生负影响;多级试验中试样的提前剪破将降低后续围压下试验测得的抗剪强度,并在最终计算中得到比真实值更大的黏聚力和更小的内摩擦角,剪破后的后续围压试验测得的抗剪强度接近残余抗剪强度。  相似文献   

汤连生  桑海涛  宋晶  刘锋涛  颜波  张鹏程 《岩土力学》2013,34(10):2877-2888
非饱和花岗岩残积土主要为铁质胶结,遇水后强度急剧降低,结构性强,显示出脆弹塑性损伤破坏特点,其粒间联结作用正是其结构性和脆弹塑性损伤破坏的核心问题。论述了非饱和土的粒间联结作用,将其分为接触联结和非接触联结两类,这两种联结在粒间相互作用上都表现为吸力的作用,即由湿吸力、可变结构吸力组成的粒间吸力。非饱和花岗岩残积土铁质胶结为主的接触联结作用,加上其砂粒、黏粒等各级粒度成分混合,致使粒间联结作用遇水或扰动后变化大,导致力学性质上的脆性显著。通过理论推导,给出了可变结构吸力与土体堆积方式、干密度、孔隙比、含水率/饱和度的定量计算公式,并由试验验证了计算公式的合理性。进而从游离氧化铁胶结是非饱和花岗岩风化残积土显示脆弹塑性的根本原因出发,基于堆砌体模型思想,采用孔隙比与结构脆性参数构建损伤过程函数,建立了可反映非饱和花岗岩残积土脆弹塑性胶结损伤的理论模型,通过试验验证表明,所建模型能很好地反映非饱和花岗岩残积土特有的应力-应变关系,从理论上较好地解释了花岗岩残积土遇水或扰动后易破坏的机制。  相似文献   

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