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研究不同环剪条件下库岸堆积层滑坡滑带土强度特性对滑坡稳定性评价具有重要意义.针对目前在库岸堆积层滑坡滑带土力学特性方面研究薄弱的问题,以三峡库区童家坪滑坡滑带土为研究对象,采用ARS-E2环剪仪开展了不同剪切速率下的剪切试验,研究了等速剪切、加速剪切以及减速剪切作用下滑带土强度变化特征.试验结果表明:滑带土试样在恒定的...  相似文献   

位于四川省茂县岷江左岸的周场坪滑坡为一大型深层蠕滑型古滑坡,其曾于1982年发生大规模快速复活并堰塞岷江。根据现场地质调查和工程地质钻探资料分析,该滑坡目前正处于深层蠕滑变形中,且降雨对滑坡变形速率具有重要影响。滑坡滑动速率和含水率对滑带土的力学强度特性,以及滑坡的变形和进一步破坏具有极大影响,为研究含水率和滑坡滑动速率对周场坪滑坡滑带土力学强度的影响,本文在滑带土基本物性测试分析基础上,开展了不同含水率(8%、15%和25%)和不同剪切速率(0.1 mm·min-1、5 mm·min-1和100 mm·min-1)的滑带土环剪试验。试验结果表明:在长距离剪切条件下,滑带土的抗剪强度随着含水率的增加而降低,且高含水率条件下强度降低幅度更大;随着剪切速率的增加,试样应变软化现象更加明显,其峰值强度和残余强度一般先增大后减小;由峰值强度和残余强度线性拟合的强度参数内摩擦角随剪切速率的增加则先增大后减小。研究认为在强降雨条件下,高含水率的条件使滑带土抗剪强度显著降低,易导致周场坪滑坡蠕滑加速,加快的滑动速率会再次降低滑带土的抗剪强度,从而导致滑坡发生周期性蠕滑,并可能再次发生整体复活堵塞岷江。  相似文献   

三峡库区许多古滑坡在重力等内、外地质营力作用下呈现出长期而缓慢的变形特征,具有明显的蠕变属性。复活型古滑坡的滑带常处于残余强度状态,其运动特征主要受滑带土力学性质和应力状态控制,研究原状滑带土在残余强度状态下的蠕变特性,对于了解复活型古滑坡滑动机制及预测其运动趋势具有重要意义。针对三峡库区黄土坡滑坡原状滑带土开展环剪试验,研究了不同应力水平条件下滑带土在残余强度状态下的蠕变变形规律。结果表明,滑带土的蠕变速率与剪切应力比R_(CSR)(蠕变剪切应力与残余强度的比值)呈正相关变化,当R_(CSR)接近蠕变阈值1时,滑带土等速蠕变明显,部分试验条件下继而发生加速蠕变,在相同R_(CSR)条件下,土样法向应力越大,其蠕变速率也越大。采用Burger模型对蠕变过程进行模拟,获取了模型的各参数。通过分析滑带土等时蠕变曲线,获得滑带土长期抗剪强度约为0.95倍的残余强度。此外,滑带土蠕变速率受固结时间影响,蠕变速率随固结时间增加而减小,滑带土剪切强度随着固结时间和剪切位移的增加可发生一定程度的恢复。  相似文献   

滑带土强度特性的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈晓平  黄井武  尹赛华  郑坚昭 《岩土力学》2011,32(11):3212-3218
滑带土的强度特性对于边坡稳定具有重要的控制作用,揭示滑带土强度指标的变化规律是进行边坡安全性评估的基本前提。针对一库岸古滑坡滑动带中的含粗粒细粒土,进行了滑带土强度特性的试验研究:通过现场大剪试验和室内固结快剪试验分析了滑带土的剪切性状,确定了再生强度、现场折减强度和固结快剪强度;根据现行反复剪切试验在确定含粗粒细粒土残余强度时的不足,对试验方法和试验仪器进行了改进,提出了滑带土的残余强度指标,并与其他剪切条件下的强度指标进行了比较;基于试验结果的统计分析,探讨了土体含水率、塑性指数及粗粒含量对剪切强度指标的影响,并总结了含粗粒细粒土与一般黏性土或砂土在剪切性状方面的诸多不同  相似文献   

大型泥岩滑坡是青海湟水河流域最主要的地质灾害类型之一。为了揭示此类滑坡运动过程中的滑带土动态剪切特征,本文以湟水河流域两处典型泥岩滑坡滑带土为例,首先通过基本物理性质测试,判定该泥岩滑带土具有中膨胀性;然后利用环剪试验方法,得到了不同含水率的滑带土在不同剪切速率的环剪作用下的剪切特征曲线。结果显示:剪切过程表现出明显的应变软化特性,试样从峰值应力到残余应力有快速明显的应力降(降幅多介于30%~40%之间);试样的剪切速率和含水率与剪切强度呈反相关关系,残余应力对上述因素的响应小于峰值应力;剪切速率(含水率)变化条件相同时,含水率(剪切速率)越大,剪切应力和剪切强度的变化越大。上述结论为湟水河流域大型泥岩滑坡的成因机理分析和稳定性研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

缓慢复活型滑坡滑带土的蠕变性质与特征强度试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蒋秀姿  宝萍 《岩土力学》2015,36(2):495-501
锁儿头滑坡是甘肃省舟曲县城附近、体积约72.85×106 m3的一个巨型老滑坡。20世纪70年代末滑坡开始复活,至今一直处于缓慢活动之中,显示滑坡活动具有典型的蠕动特点。滑带力学特性是控制滑坡活动机制的关键因素之一,为了弄清该滑坡滑带物质的蠕变性质以及控制滑坡活动的强度指标,通过滑带土残余状态下的直剪蠕变试验,研究了滑坡滑带土的蠕变特性,比较了滑带长期强度和残余强度的关系。研究发现,滑带土蠕变特性与应力状态相关,滑带进入加速蠕变的临界剪应力和剪切速率均与正应力线性正相关。该滑坡应力状态指示其已具备进入加速蠕变的条件。残余状态下该滑坡滑带土的长期与残余强度基本等价,前者略大于后者,且增大量值与正应力有负相关关系。  相似文献   

为了研究在多变自然气候环境影响下新型土工材料——固化轻质土的力学特性,以自行研制的固化轻质土为研究对象,通过控制含水率变化模拟干湿循环作用,研究不同密度固化轻质土强度随干湿循环次数变化的规律。利用GCTS环剪仪对不同密度的固化轻质土分别进行单级剪切、多级剪切和预剪切3种不同形式的环剪试验,分析固化轻质土抗剪强度指标c,φ值以及残余强度在不同剪切方式下的变化规律。结果表明:在干湿循环作用下,固化轻质土的抗剪强度在剪切初期明显下降,随后趋于稳定,土体密度越大,龄期越长,衰减趋势越小。对固化轻质土孔隙率测试表明,土孔隙率随着干湿循环次数的增加呈现出先增大后趋于平缓的变化趋势,从内部机理上解释了强度的变化规律。在大变形条件下,多级剪切形式下土体残余抗剪强度最大,预剪切次之,单级剪切最小。同种剪切方式下固化轻质土的残余抗剪强度与密度和法向应力成正比。  相似文献   

含水率对滑带土强度参数的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滑带土是滑坡体的重要组成部分,滑带土的强度特征对于边坡稳定具有重要的控制作用。三峡库区的黄土坡滑坡因常年经受库水位变化与降雨的影响,滑带土的含水率总是处于不断变化的过程中,因而对其强度参数产生了较大的影响。针对这一问题,在三峡库区黄土坡临江二号滑坡上采集了滑带土样,对不同含水率下的滑带土进行了不排水快剪试验。试验结果显示:含水率的变化对滑带土的抗剪强度影响较为敏感;试验数据拟合发现,滑带土的黏聚力C及内摩擦角φ均随含水率增大近似呈线性减小,且φ值降低的线性规律更趋明显。   相似文献   

砾石在古滑坡滑带土中广泛存在,确定含砾滑带土的启动强度是古滑坡稳定性评价和灾害防范的关键。以2018年甘肃舟曲县江顶崖古滑坡复活事件为例,基于试验测试和反演分析方法,研究了含砾滑带土的复活启动强度。结果表明:(1)长距离剪切后,滑带土中的胶结作用已逐渐丧失,其残余抗剪强度主要由土颗粒之间的滑动摩擦阻力和咬合作用所导致,砾石含量较高时土颗粒之间的力较强,因而其残余强度也相对较大。剪切面摩擦系数与粗糙度呈正线性相关性,砾石改变了剪切面的粗糙度,使剪切面摩擦阻力增大,导致其残余强度增大。(2)含砾滑带土的残余内摩擦角同时受黏粒含量和砾石含量的控制,与黏土质滑带土主要受黏粒含量控制的机制具有明显差异,建议采用砾石含量与黏粒含量之比作为估算含砾滑带土残余内摩擦角的指标。(3)古滑坡复活启动强度一般大于残余强度但略小于恢复强度,复活启动前的滑带土强度已经由恢复强度向残余强度逐渐衰减,此时古滑坡整体上处于蠕滑状态,在外力作用下,滑带土强度易发生急剧衰减,从而诱发古滑坡加速滑动。  相似文献   

为了探究公路旁边坡滑带土的强度性质和法向变形性质的变化规律,以贵州山区公路为例,利用环剪仪研究了滑带土在不同含水率和不同法向应力下的抗剪强度特性.结果表明:不同含水率滑带土的峰值强度和残余强度与法向应力间具有良好的线性关系;法向应力越大,试样达到峰值强度所需要的剪切位移也会越大;含水率较高的条件下,滑带土从峰值强度下降到达残余强度期间内,剪应力有增加的趋势;随着含水率的增加,黏聚力呈现增大的趋势,内摩擦角在塑限附近达到峰值,之后逐渐减小.滑带土性质的研究可为公路旁滑坡识别与预防提供科学依据.  相似文献   

An investigation of excess pore-pressure generation of a weathered granitic sand, taken from the source area of a typical landslide caused as a result of liquefaction, and a fine silica sand was conducted, in which grain crushing within the shear zone of ring-shear test specimens was examined as the key phenomenon of rapid long-runout motion of landslides. In order to investigate and explain the low average apparent-friction angle, mobilized in a liquidized landslide, speed-controlled ring-shear tests were conducted under undrained conditions on weathered granitic-sand specimens, formed under a wide range of initial void ratios. It was revealed that very small steady-state shear resistances were obtained irrespective of the initial void ratios, which can explain the low average apparent-friction angle. In addition, two series of ring-shear tests on weathered-granitic and fine-silica sands were conducted under naturally drained conditions by keeping the upper drain valve of the shear box open during the tests. The first series of tests was performed under differing total normal stresses, but at the same shear speed, and the second series was conducted at differing shear speeds, but under the same total normal stress. In order to investigate and analyze excess pore-pressure generation and dissipation within the shear zone that is associated with grain crushing, permeability analyses were conducted by passing water through the sample box of the ring-shear test apparatus before and after shearing. In addition, grain-size distribution analyses of samples taken from the shear zone after shearing were carried out. For the weathered granitic-sand samples, a significant change in bulk permeability and large amount of grain crushing were observed. In these tests on the above soil, a considerable reduction of shear resistance, which increased proportionally to the total normal stress and shear speed, were obtained. It was observed that due to grain crushing, finer grains that lowered the permeability of the soil in the shear zone, were formed. It is likely that the decrease in permeability facilitated the generation of high excess pore pressures by reducing the pore-pressure dissipation rate from the shear zone; thus, flow behaviour was exhibited even under naturally drained conditions.  相似文献   

为探索滑坡灾害中土在复杂条件下的剪切力学特性,本文利用大型环剪试验机,通过进行各种排水条件下的连续大位移剪切试验,对不同法向应力、剪切速率和孔隙水压力等复杂条件下饱和砂土的力学特性及其变化机理进行了研究。结果表明:1)在连续快速剪切条件下,砂土剪切力学特性在干燥、不排水和排水等条件下呈现不同的变化形式。其中在不排水条件下,饱和砂出现一定的应变软化现象。2)在相同正应力和剪切速率的环剪试验中,饱和砂在不同排水条件下(上排水、下排水、上下排水)的抗剪强度出现显著差异。3)在排水环剪试验条件下,砂土剪切应力与强度的差异性变化不仅与土体内细土颗粒运移和结构变化有关,并且受到剪切过程中不同排水条件下孔隙水压力变化的影响和控制。4)排水环剪条件下,饱和砂孔隙水压力的消散变化不仅与不同排水方式下土体内所形成的排水通道顺畅程度有关,并且受到不同剪切速率和法向应力的影响作用。  相似文献   

《Engineering Geology》2002,63(1-2):169-185
Heavy rainfall from 26 to 31 August 1998 triggered many landslides in Nishigo Village of southern Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. The Hiegaesi landslide, a long-runout landslide with travel angle of 11°, which occurred in loamy volcanic-ash/pumice layer and was deposited in a nearby rice paddy, was investigated. In an observation pit dug in the middle part of the landslide deposit, the sliding zone just above the deflected rice plants was observed, and it was confirmed that grain crushing occurred in the sliding zone. The triggering and sliding mechanisms of this landslide then were investigated by ring-shear tests in laboratory. For the triggering mechanism, one saturated naturally drained test (test A: torque-controlled test) and one saturated undrained test (test B: speed-controlled test) were conducted on the samples taken from the source area of the landslide. Even in the naturally drained test opening the upper drain valve of the shear box, a temporary liquefaction occurred. In the undrained test, excess pore-pressure was generated along with shearing, and “sliding-surface liquefaction” phenomenon was observed. The effective stress and shear resistance finally decreased to near zero. These results can explain the observed phenomenon of small friction resistance like a flow of liquid when the sliding mass slid out of the source area. For the sliding mechanism of the landslide in the rice paddy, saturated undrained test (test C: speed-controlled test) was performed on soil sample above the deflected rice plants. The apparent friction angle obtained in this test was 8°. In addition, the residual friction angle measured after test B and test C was the same value of 41°. Combining with the observation on the shear zone in the ring-shear box after test C, it is concluded that, during the sliding in rice paddy, the undrained shear strength of the soil layer itself mainly influenced the high mobility of the landslide, probably because the friction between rice plants and soils is greater than the undrained shear strength inside the soil mass.  相似文献   

熊诗湖  边智华  杨宜 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):1145-1148
滑带土原位直剪试点的物质构成、含水率、应力历史均具有随机性,预剪面边界约束、恢复初始固结状态的程度、剪切过程中的排水条件等因素则具有模糊性,这些不确定性因素导致试验成果离散、代表性受到局限。以原位直剪强度参数以及破坏面现场定性地质描述、含水率测试、颗粒分析结果训练BP网络,利用BP网络的高度容错性和强大的非线性映射能力,估计滑带土的抗剪强度参数,可在一定程度上可克服试验成果离散的影响。  相似文献   

We study the creep properties of clastic soil in residual state. The intact samples are taken from a reactivated slow-moving landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region, China. Firstly, the patterns of the landslide movement are analysed based on recent monitoring data, which indicate that the soil within the shear zone is undergoing two deformation processes: a creep phase, characterised by different creep rates, and a dormant phase. We then study the creep behaviour of the soil samples through a series of ring shear creep tests under various shear stress conditions. The creep response depends strongly on the ratio of the shear stress to the residual strength, and the normal effective stress, whereas the creep rate decreases due to strength regain. The long-term strength of the clastic soil is close to the residual strength. Therefore, the residual strength obtained from conventional shear test, which is less time consuming than creep test, can be used in long-term stability analyses of creeping landslides.  相似文献   

滑带土结构强度再生研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
滑带土抗剪强度参数的正确选取,是没坡稳定性评价和 抗没工程设计中的关键问题。本文在现场调研和室内试验基础上,揭示了只要具有一定滑体厚度的滑带,没滑面具有强度再现象,在抗剪强度参数中尤其存在一定量值的结构强度。  相似文献   

The shear behavior at the interface between the soil and a structure is investigated at the macroscale and particle‐scale levels using a 3‐dimensional discrete element method (DEM). The macroscopic mechanical properties and microscopic quantities affected by the normalized interface roughness and the loading parameters are analyzed. The macro‐response shows that the shear strength of the interface increases as the normalized roughness of the interface increases, and stress softening and dilatancy of the soil material are observed in the tests that feature rough interfaces. The particle‐scale analysis illustrates that a localized band characterized by intense shear deformation emerges from the contact plane and gradually expands as shearing progresses before stabilizing at the residual stress state. The thickness of the localized band is affected by the normalized roughness of the interface and the normal stress, which ranges between 4 and 5 times that of the median grain diameter. A thicker localized band is formed when the soil has a rough shearing interface. After the localized band appears, the granular material structuralizes into 2 regions: the interface zone and the upper zone. The mechanical behavior in the interface zone is representative of the interface according to the local average stress analysis. Certain microscopic quantities in the interface zone are analyzed, including the coordination number and the material fabric. Shear at the interface creates an anisotropic material fabric and leads to the rotation of the major principal stress.  相似文献   

大型滑坡滑带土结构强度再生特征及其机理探讨   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
大型滑坡滑带土强度参数的正确选取,是作好滑坡稳定性评价和抗滑工程设计的重要环节。本文在现场调研和室内试验基础上,揭示了只要具有一定滑体厚度的滑带土,沿滑面具有强度再生现象,尤其在抗剪强度参数中显著存在一定量值的结构强度。讨论了结构强度再生的条件、变化规律及其再生机理,论证了滑带土的残余强度仅仅是一种瞬时效应,为滑坡滑面强度参数的选取与评价提供了重要的理论依据。  相似文献   

Residual strength of slip zone soils   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
X. P. Chen  D. Liu 《Landslides》2014,11(2):305-314
Slip zones of ancient landslides are commonly composed of fine-grained soils with amount of coarse-grained particle. Residual strength of slip zone soil is an important parameter for evaluating reactivation potential and understanding progressive failure mechanism. In this study, the residual strength is examined by in situ direct shear tests, improved laboratory reversal shear box test, precut specimen triaxial shear test and ring shear test. Some residual shear behaviors are recognized. Field residual strength is the average operational resistance along the sliding surface not an ideal drained strength, which is less than peak and greater than residual strength measured in laboratory. Stress–displacement curves obtained from in situ shear and laboratory reversal direct shear demonstrate strain-hardening which have no significant peak, but the shear stress is decreased gradually with increasing displacement. Residual friction coefficient depends on the normal stress, and this dependence is relevant to the interaction of rolling and sliding of particles. Residual friction angle is closely related to coarse fraction and dry density, appearing a linear increase with increasing coarse fraction and a form of polynomial function with increasing dry density. The influence of shearing rate on residual strength can be negligible.  相似文献   

香港大屿山残坡积土的残余强度试验研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
粘性土的残余强度是边坡稳定性评价、桩基与土的相互作用机理研究及填土边坡设计中的重要参数。本文在综述大量文献的基础上,结合香港大屿山火山岩风化残坡积土的残余强度试验研究,分析了残余强度的测试方法和影响残余强度的因素。研究结果表明,残余强度与有效法向应力间具有明显的非线性关系;与单剪测试结果相比,多级剪测试结果明显偏高。  相似文献   

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