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下扬子地区前陆变形构造格局及其动力学机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
华北板块与扬子板块于印支—早燕山期发生陆—陆碰撞时,使造山带南部的下扬子地区成为前陆变形带。下扬子前陆变形带上,大致以长江为界,北部的逆冲推覆构造系统为向南运动,南部的逆冲推覆构造系统为向北运动,总体呈两套对冲的逆冲推覆构造系统。长江以北前陆变形的动力来自华北与扬子板块沿大别—胶南造山带的碰撞,长江以南前陆变形的动力来自沿江南隆起带的板内造山。  相似文献   

下扬子地区前陆变形构造格局及其动力学机制   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
华北板块与扬子板块于印支-早燕山期发一陆-陆碰撞时,使造山带南部的下扬子地区成为前陆变形带。下扬子前陆变形带上,大致以长江为界,北部的逆冲推覆构造系统为向南运动,南部的逆冲推覆构造系统为向北运动,总体呈两套对冲的逆冲推覆构造系统。长江以北前陆变形的动力来自华北与扬子板块沿大别-胶南造山带的碰撞,长江以南前陆变形的动力来自沿江南隆起带的板内造山。  相似文献   

燕山造山带东段—辽西地区薄皮逆冲推覆构造   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:27  
杨庚  柴育成等 《地质学报》2001,75(3):322-332
辽西地区为华北北缘中生缘生代燕山造山带东延部分,地表地质调查和新的地震剖面资料的构造解释表明辽西地区逆冲推覆构造系大为型薄皮构造组成的楔形体,主要由凌源-北票逆掩断层、牛营子-郭家店逆掩断层、汤神庙逆掩断层和建昌-朝阳逆掩断层,以及在这些逆掩断层上盘发育的大型推覆组成。逆冲构造的扩展方式为背驮式,逆冲指向南东,定型时代为早白垩世中期,即白垩世义县组火山碎屑岩(110Ma)和早白晋世九佛堂组之间,中侏罗世-早白垩世中期形成的辽西地区逆冲推覆构造系既与西伯利亚板块与华北板块之间蒙古-鄂霍茨克大洋最终闭合碰撞有关,同时也与古太平洋板块向西俯冲在东亚大陆之有关。  相似文献   

班公湖—怒江断裂带东段的构造特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
班公湖-怒江断裂带是青藏高原羌塘-唐古拉板块与冈底斯-念青唐古拉板块的缝合带。由韧性推覆剪切带,逆冲断裂带,断陷盆地构造带和推覆构造带,以及蛇绿岩,蛇绿混杂岩,深海复理石,古生代变质岩和燕山期花岗岩侵入体等组合而成,是复杂的断裂系统,主要经历了晚三叠世-中侏罗世洋盆的形成和扩张,晚侏我世洋壳俯冲和岛弧形成,早白垩世-晚白垩世早期弧-陆碰撞汇聚和喜马拉期断陷盆地形成,逆冲推覆构造发育的复杂演化历史过  相似文献   

辽西牛营子地区晚三叠世逆冲构造   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
燕山陆内造山带侏罗纪的构造及其研究已广为报道,但确凿的三叠纪构造分析明显不足,对辽西凌源牛营子地区详细的构造地质调查揭示该区晚三叠世晚期存在的逆冲构造,盆地东部中侏罗世郭家店组之下覆盖着一套晚三叠世逆冲叠瓦构造,其运动指向,黄土坡以西逆冲叠瓦构造由西向东推覆;黄土坡以北弧形断裂由北向南逆冲,为派生的运动。逆冲断裂带控制的槽地之中发育同逆冲期邓杖子组灰岩--白云岩质角砾砾岩,我们的资料表明,对杖子组时代应属晚三叠世晚期,与晚三叠世老虎沟组基本是连续过渡的,原定牛营子盆地早-中侏罗世地层是倒置的,正常的晚三叠世-中侏罗世地层序列自下而上应为老虎沟组,邓杖子组,水泉沟组,郭家店组,晚三叠世晚期逆冲构造事实的确定说明,燕山陆内造山带至少从晚三叠世起就经历了强烈的变形,其早期形变历史对于认识区域构造演化和陆内变形的发展过程具有重要意义。  相似文献   

秦岭略阳—白水江地区双向推覆构造及形成机制   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
秦岭勉县—略阳板块缝合带在略阳地区构造样式总体表现为以一系列韧性逆冲断层为骨架,不同岩片(块)由北向南逆冲叠置的叠瓦状构造系,并在北部以状元碑走滑剪切转换带为界与白水江—光头山自南向北的逆冲推覆构造系构成不对称双向推覆构造。两大推覆构造系结构构造分别具有明显的分带性。略阳逆冲构造系包括:前缘褶皱—逆冲带、中部逆冲叠瓦带和后缘逆冲带;白水江—光头山逆冲推覆构造系由前锋推覆带、中部褶皱—逆冲带和根带组成,并显示前展式扩展方式。双向推覆构造形成于印支晚期—燕山早期,是扬子板块北缘碧口地块与南秦岭地块强烈碰撞造山的产物,反映了板块边界对造山带构造变形样式的控制作用以及造山带结构构造的复杂性。  相似文献   

越南东北部早中生代构造事件的年代学约束   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
越南东北部-海南岛-粤西南构造带整体上呈NW-SE走向展布于华南板块的南缘,是理解华南构造演化的关键地区.作为印支运动代表性地区的越南东北部地区Song Chay构造带上,下古生界浅变质沉积岩、上古生界至早-中三叠世未变质的沉积盖层中都发育向北东逆冲推覆,韧性变形域表现为NE-SW向的矿物拉伸线理和上部指NE的剪切变形,而脆性变形域则记录了大量NE极性的褶皱和冲断构造.两广交界的云开地体和海南岛地区存在着相同样式的构造变形.关于这期变形的时间,本文通过对野外地层以及所出露不同时期岩体变形特征的综合研究,并结合高质量的锆石U-Pb年代学数据,在越南的东北部厘定为237 ~ 228Ma.这期广泛分布于华南板块南缘构造事件的动力学机制同Day Nui Con Voi(大象山)微陆块与华南板块在早中生代的构造拼合事件相关.本文认为华南板块在早三叠世开始沿着越南东北部的Song Chay缝合带俯冲拼合于Day Nui Con Voi微陆块之下,因此在早-中三叠世时期,在作为俯冲盘的华南板块南缘发育一系列的褶皱和逆冲推覆构造,晚三叠世印支造山作用结束.因此,华南板块南缘的越南东北部-海南岛-粤西南构造带被一同卷入早-中三叠世同印支板块的碰撞造山体系之中.  相似文献   

川西龙门山前陆盆地构造沉降初步分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
研究表明,龙门山冲断带是川西前陆盆地的主要物源区,它的逆冲推覆活动直接控制着川西前陆盆地的沉积类型和沉积物供给量,晚三叠世诺利期,瑞替期和晚侏罗世早中期是川西前陆盆地构造沉降速率较高时期,反映龙门山冲断带在这些时期的逆冲推覆速率较大,是逆冲推覆作用构造抬升的强烈时期;而早侏罗世是该地区构造沉降时,估算龙门山逆冲推覆体在各个不同时期的抬升高度和抬升速率。  相似文献   

燕山板内造山带逆冲推覆构造格局   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
燕山地区自晚三叠世以来进入了板内造山带的形成演化阶段 ,基本构造格局为一由大型逆冲推覆系统组成的构造楔形体 ,尖端指向北 ,形成于早侏罗世—早白垩世 (J1—K1)。兴隆、承德、大庙、隆化和围场等 5条主干逆掩断层及其上驮的推覆体 ,在同一底界滑动拆离面上由南向北呈前展式扩展 ,造成的地壳缩短量达 4 4 1%。从造山带后端至前缘 ,褶皱形态由以箱状褶皱为主转变成以斜歪褶皱为主 ;断裂构造性质也从脆性断层转变为韧性断层 ,在造山带后缘还形成了三角带构造和突起构造。造山期后的构造变形对已形成的构造格局进行了改造和破坏 ,但未能从根本上改变这种逆冲推覆的构造格局。  相似文献   

松潘—甘孜造山带东缘大水沟逆冲—滑脱岩片的边界断裂为韧性剪切带,具逆冲—推覆性质,在中生代碰撞造山过程中逆冲叠置于扬子陆块之上。岩片经历了晚二叠世裂谷变质、晚三叠世末至早中侏罗世滑脱—收缩动热变质和晚侏罗世热隆接触变质3期变质变形作用,尤其是后二者影响深刻,奠定了现今热隆构造,并伴有碲矿床的形式。  相似文献   

燕山东段下辽河地区中新生代盆山构造演化   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
笔者通过分析燕山东段--下辽河地区的前中生代构造背景和中新生代盆山构造演化认为,该区中新生代的构造演化过程中在前中生代华北克拉通岩石圈基础上发育起来的克拉通内(陆内或板内)贫田构造与挤压构造的交替演化过程,经历了早--中三叠世、晚三叠世-早侏罗世、中-晚侏罗世、白垩纪、新生代5个盆山构造演化阶段和中三叠世末、早侏罗世末、晚侏罗世末和白垩纪末、老第三纪末5期挤压作用。每次挤压作用都合得早期盆地萎缩或消亡,造成早期盆地反转,中--晚侏罗世、白垩纪和新生代三个阶段的伸展作用形成中--晚侏罗世断陷盆地、白垩纪断陷盆地和新生代裂谷盆地。在这一构造演化过程中,挤压作用和伸展作用交替出现,挤压构造和伸展构造间互发育。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the segmentation and inversion of the Hangjinqi fault zone (HFZ), which is the dominant structure in the northern part of the Ordos basin in North China. HFZ was reactivated during the Late Triassic and obliquely inverted during the Middle Jurassic shortening. Subsurface geological mapping and structural analysis were carried out to determine the segmentation and kinematic history of the deformation. The HFZ was a left-stepping fault zone and was made up of three segments: the Porjianghaizi fault (PF), Wulanjilinmiao fault (WF) and Sanyanjing fault (SF), which are separated by two relay ramps. Two distinct phases can be identified in its structural evolution: (1) during the Late Triassic compressional deformation, the HFZ was characterized by shortening and thrusting to the north; and (2) During the Middle Jurassic phase the HFZ was oblique to the extensional fault trends, the reverse faults were reactivated as dextral strike-slip faults as a result of transtensional inversion. The inversion ratio of the HFZ indicates an increase in deformational degree from east to west over the whole region. The first deformation stage resulted from the N–S compression between the South China and North China plates during the Late Triassic. The second deformation stage of compression was related to the west-northwestward subduction of the paleo-Pacific plate during the Middle Jurassic. In the Jurassic deformation framework, the HFZ may be interpreted as an accommodation structure parallel to the Yanshan–Yinshan orogenic belt developed in the northern Ordos area.  相似文献   

The Yanshan thrust belt (YTB) is located at the northern edge of the North China plate. Because of the intense thicking and subsequent delamination of the lithosphere in north China, geologists have been focused on the Late Mesozoic deformation in the Yanshan belt. The Yanshan belt has been regarded as part of a stable craton from the Proterozoic to the early Mesozoic. In this paper, the authors present that the Yanshan area was deformed during the early Mesozoic. This deformation could be related to ocean basin closure along the northern margin of North China, or related to the collision between the north China and Yangtze Plates along the Qinling-Dabie ultrahigh pressure belt. Three stages of early Mesozoic deformation are identified in the eastern Yanshan at Lingyuan County. The first stage is characterized by westward thrusting (D1), the second stage comprises a top-to-east thrust system (D2), and the third stage comprises extensional gravity-induced collapse and landsliding (D3). The timing of these evens is constrained by both the crosscutting relationships of faults and the isotopic dating of volcanic rocks and gravels. The D1 and D2 events took place in the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic, whereas D3 event occurred at the end of the Middle Jurassic. The Dengzhangzi formation was deposited during the D1–D2 period and recorded a rapid uplift, erosion, and deposition sequence. These early Mesozoic contractional deformations in the YTB were probably related to the closure of ancient Asian ocean and ancient Qinling ocean. The later crustal extension was caused by gravitational collapse of the eastern China plateau during early Mesozoic.  相似文献   

Jurassic Tectonics of North China: A Synthetic View   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
This paper gives a synthetic view on the Jurassic tectonics of North China, with an attempt to propose a framework for the stepwise tectonic evolution history. Jurassic sedimentation, deformation and magmatism in North China have been divided into three stages. The earliest Jurassic is marked by a period of magmatism quiescence (in 205-190 Ma) and regional uplift, which are considered to be the continuation of the “Indosinian movement” characterized by continent-continent collision between the North and South China blocks. The Early to Middle Jurassic (in 190-170 Ma) was predominated by weak lithospheric extension expressed by mantle-derived plutonism and volcanism along the Yanshan belt and alongside the Tan-Lu fault zone, normal faulting and graben formation along the Yinshan- Yanshan tectonic belt, depression and resuming of coal-bearing sedimentation in vast regions of the North China block (NCB). The Middle to Late Jurassic stage started at 165y.5 Ma and ended up before 136 Ma; it was dominated by intensive intraplate deformation resulting from multi-directional compressions. Two major deformation events have been identified. One is marked by stratigraphic unconformity beneath the thick Upper Jurassic molasic series in the foreland zones of the western Ordos thrust-fold belt and along the Yinshan-Yanshan belt; it was predated 160 Ma. The other one is indicated by stratigraphic unconformity at the base of the Lower Cretaceous and predated 135 Ma. During this last stage, two latitudinal tectonic belts, the Yinshan-Yanshan belt in the north and the Qinling-Dabie belt in the south, and the western margin of the Ordos basin were all activated by thrusting; the NCB itself was deformed by the NE to NNE-trending structural system involving thrusting, associated folding and sinistral strike-slip faulting, which were spatially partitioned. Foliated S-type granitic plutons aged 160-150 Ma were massively emplaced in the Jiao-Liao massif east of the Tan-Lu fault zone and indicate important crustal thicken  相似文献   

The contractional structures in the southern Ordos Basin recorded critical evidence for the interaction between Ordos Basin and Qinling Orogenic Collage. In this study, we performed apatite fission track(AFT) thermochronology to unravel the timing of thrusting and exhumation for the Laolongshan-Shengrenqiao Fault(LSF) in the southern Ordos Basin. The AFT ages from opposite sides of the LSF reveal a significant latest Triassic to Early Jurassic time-temperature discontinuity across this structure. Thermal modeling reveals at the latest Triassic to Early Jurassic, a ~50°C difference in temperature between opposite sides of the LSF currently exposed at the surface. This discontinuity is best interpreted by an episode of thrusting and exhumation of the LSF with ~1.7 km of net vertical displacement during the latest Triassic to Early Jurassic. These results, when combined with earlier thermochronological studies, stratigraphic contact relationship and tectono-sedimentary evolution, suggest that the southern Ordos Basin experienced coeval intense tectonic contraction and developed a north-vergent fold-and-thrust belt. Moreover, the southern Ordos Basin experienced a multi-stage differential exhumation during Mesozoic, including the latest Triassic to Early Jurassic and Late Jurassic to earliest Cretaceous thrust-driven exhumation as well as the Late Cretaceous overall exhumation. Specifically, the two thrust-driven exhumation events were related to tectonic stress propagation derived from the latest Triassic to Early Jurassic continued compression from Qinling Orogenic Collage and the Late Jurassic to earliest Cretaceous intracontinental orogeny of Qinling Orogenic Collage, respectively. By contrast, the Late Cretaceous overall exhumation event was related to the collision of an exotic terrain with the eastern margin of continental China at ~100 Ma.  相似文献   

华北地台北缘乌兰哈雅地区发现二叠纪未-三叠纪初蒙古寺-盘羊山-乌兰哈雅推覆构造,将晚太古代色尔腾山岩群绿片岩系推覆到震旦系什那干组灰岩和古生代碎屑岩系之上.推覆面走向近东西向,延伸长度大于50 kn,推覆方向180~230o,推覆距离大于4.5 km.推覆界面被中三叠世(U-Pb同位素年龄231 Ma)二长花岗岩侵入,又被中侏罗统大青山组不整合覆盖.本推覆构造的发现改变了前人认为本区不存在古生代末大型推覆构造的看法,对了解华北地台(板块)构造发展历史与地壳演化有重要意义.说明华北地台(板块)晚古生代末存在大型陆内造山事件,其动力来源推测为华北板块与华南板块的碰撞所产生的巨大挤压应力.  相似文献   

三塘湖盆地处于西伯利亚板块南缘,早石炭世晚期,盆地褶皱基底形成;晚石炭世早期,总体处于碰撞期后伸展构造环境;晚石炭世晚期,洋壳消亡,断陷收缩与整体抬升,形成剥蚀不整合.早二叠世,进入陆内前陆盆地演化阶段;中二叠世,盆地进入推覆体前缘前陆盆地发育期;晚二叠世,构造褶皱回返,前陆盆地消失;三叠纪晚期至侏罗纪中期,进入统一坳...  相似文献   

中、上扬子北部盆-山系统演化与动力学机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
中国南方中生代经历了中国大陆最终主体拼合的陆缘及其之后的陆内构造演化。晚古生代末期,在秦岭—大别山微板块与扬子板块之间存在向西张口的洋盆,即勉略古洋盆。中三叠世末期开始,扬子板块相对于华北板块发生自南东向北西的斜向俯冲碰撞作用,扬子北缘晚三叠世至中侏罗世发育陆缘前陆褶皱逆冲带与前陆盆地系统。晚侏罗世至早白垩世,中国东部的大地构造背景发生了重要的构造转变,中、上扬子地区处于三面围限会聚的大地构造背景。在这种大地构造格局下,中、上扬子地区晚侏罗世至早白垩世发育陆内联合、复合构造与具前渊沉降的克拉通内盆地系统。自中侏罗世末期开始,扬子北缘前陆带与雪峰山—幕阜山褶皱逆冲带经历了自东向西的会聚变形过程及盆地的自东向西的迁移过程和收缩过程。扬子北缘相对华北板块的斜向俯冲导致在中扬子北缘的深俯冲及超高压变质岩的形成。俯冲之后以郯庐断裂—襄广断裂围限的大别山超高压变质地块在晚侏罗世向南强逆冲,致使扬子北缘晚三叠世至中侏罗世前陆盆地被掩覆和改造。  相似文献   

冀京津地区燕山构造旋回岩石圈的演化构成一个完整的构造演化旋回,岩石圈经历了晚三叠世早期拉张裂解(非造山)、晚三叠世晚期稳定过渡(前造山)、早侏罗世至早白垩世中期挤压板内造山(同造山)、早白垩世晚期至古新世稳定过渡(后造山)的发展演化阶段。在燕山构造旋回板内造山过程中,原有克拉通型岩石圈被强烈改造与再造,形成新的造山型岩石圈,这是燕山构造旋回最为重要的内容和板内造山的实质性结果。  相似文献   

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