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佘宇伟  朱祥坤  何源  万洪清 《中国地质》2019,46(6):1372-1383
日喀则蛇绿岩位于雅鲁藏布构造带中段,其成因和构造环境仍存在较大争议。日喀则蛇绿岩下部为蛇纹石化地幔橄榄岩,壳幔过渡带缺失超镁铁质堆晶岩。少量辉长岩脉呈块状或韵律结构并侵入到地幔橄榄岩和辉绿岩中。辉绿岩呈席状岩床侵入到地幔橄榄岩之上,且少量辉绿岩脉侵入到下覆的地幔橄榄岩中。通过野外关系和地球化学研究,日喀则辉长岩可能并不是洋壳中岩浆房原位结晶堆积而成,而是深部位置岩浆囊经过不同程度分异演化形成富晶粥岩浆并向上侵入的结果。而席状辉绿岩床则是基性岩浆沿着构造薄弱面顺层侵入的结果。拆离断层可能导致了岩石圈地幔抬升和剥露,进而引起下覆软流圈地幔减压熔融和岩浆上侵。日喀则辉长-辉绿岩形成于慢速扩张脊较小规模的岩浆供应和不连续的岩浆侵入。  相似文献   

云南新平县双沟蛇绿岩的初步研究   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
双沟蛇绿岩由基底岩石、辉长—辉绿岩和玄武岩三部分组成。岩相学和地球化学研究表明,双沟斜长二辉橄榄岩中存在地幔交代作用的证据,属于浸染橄榄岩(impregnated peridotite)。蛇绿岩岩石组合中缺少超镁铁质堆晶岩和席状岩墙群,而辉绿岩和玄武岩的化学成分与MORB相拟,表明双沟蛇绿岩的形成机制与大洋中脊环境类似,但岩浆房很小,扩张速度缓慢,推测相当于哀牢山古特提斯小洋盆扩张早期的裂谷阶段的产物。  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布蛇绿岩——事实与臆想   总被引:15,自引:12,他引:3  
位于西藏南部的雅鲁藏布蛇绿岩在我国研究程度最高,在国际上也有较高的知名度。该蛇绿岩东西延伸约2000km,代表了印度和亚洲之间消失的新特提斯洋,是确定上述两大板块间缝合线存在的重要岩石学标志。本文根据作者近几年的野外考察,结合前人发表的资料发现,该蛇绿岩有如下方面的重要特点。(1)各蛇绿岩剖面均发育大规模的橄榄岩体,超镁铁岩的分布远远大于镁铁质岩石。这些超镁铁岩体尽管在岩性上以方辉橄榄岩为主,但出现大量二辉橄榄岩;(2)镁铁质堆晶辉长岩不发育;(3)不存在席状辉绿岩墙群,取而代之的是顺层侵入在橄榄岩中的辉长岩-辉绿岩岩席。部分情况下,辉绿岩还侵入到玄武岩之中;(4)蛇绿岩上部发育有一定厚度的玄武岩,但玄武岩与橄榄岩之间经常被辉绿岩席所占据,部分情况下玄武岩与橄榄岩直接接触。(5)地幔橄榄岩与镁铁质岩石在Sr-Nd同位素和形成时代上存在显著差别;(6)辉长岩与辉绿岩形成在120~130Ma的狭窄时间段内,并具有类似亏损地幔的地球化学特点。上述资料表明,雅鲁藏布蛇绿岩中的超镁铁岩和镁铁质岩形成于不同时代,且在成因上不具任何联系。根据这些资料,本文提出,该区蛇绿岩的地幔橄榄岩可能为大陆岩石圈地幔。早白垩世期间,北侧亚洲大陆南缘位置的岩石圈由于拉张而使深部岩石圈地幔物质向上剥露。随着岩石圈拆离和减薄的不断进行,软流圈地幔发生减压熔融,形成目前见到的玄武岩和辉长-辉绿岩席。在拉张作用的高峰期,早期亏损的大陆岩石圈地幔在经历交代作用后发生部分熔融形成少量玻安质熔体。因此,雅鲁藏布蛇绿岩并不能代表新特提斯大洋,它与经典的蛇绿岩定义相差甚远。考虑镁铁质岩石发育有限的特点,雅鲁藏布蛇绿岩代表了一种超慢速扩张的洋盆形成环境,其扩张速率甚至慢于目前广为人知的西Alps地区。根据全球蛇绿岩的情况,该蛇绿岩可被定义为日喀则型,是目前超慢速扩张洋盆的端元代表。  相似文献   

地幔橄榄岩是指来自陆下、弧下或洋脊下的岩石圈地幔岩,通常通过构造侵位(冷侵位)的方式存在于造山带中,如造山带橄榄岩、蛇绿岩中的橄榄岩以及火山岩中的地幔橄榄岩等。本文选取了4个具有MOR型属性的蛇绿岩中地幔橄榄岩体,对比研究了其与深海橄榄岩在岩石学、地球化学、同位素地球化学和岩石成因等方面的特征,认为与深海橄榄岩性质的综合对比是识别MOR型蛇绿岩中地幔橄榄岩的有效方法之一,同时在蛇绿岩的分类中具有较好的参考价值。  相似文献   

作为蛇绿岩套重要组成部分之一的席状岩墙杂岩(Sheeted dyke complex)近来在北祁连山中段肃南县大岔大坂北坡的早中奥陶世蛇绿岩中被发现。这一发现对于祁连山早古生代蛇绿岩来说尚属首次,而且对于研究蛇绿岩的发展演化及探讨奥陶纪时洋底扩张都有重要意义。席状岩墙杂岩由一系列具单向冷凝边的辉绿岩墙组成,以一墙挨一墙的形式产出,岩墙间无任何填充物。席状岩墙杂岩在矿物组合上,常量元素、稀土元素及痕量元素地球化学特征和配分模式,甚至金属硫化物矿化作用方面都有类似之处。这些证据表明席状岩墙杂岩是连通其下岩浆房与其上枕状熔岩的通道。席状岩墙的单向冷凝边为岩浆上升方式和扩张洋脊的存在提供了令人信服的证据。根据Zr/Y—Zr关系图式,得出该区洋脊的扩张速率大约为2cm/a。  相似文献   

张旗 《岩石学报》2006,22(12):3079-3084
王希斌等根据铙钹寨岩体恢复的原岩由亏损强烈的方辉橄榄岩、纯橄岩和弱亏损的二辉橄榄岩组成以及有豆荚状铬铁矿存在,认为铙钹寨岩体属于大洋岩石圈地幔,是蛇绿岩的成员;并且还根据岩体存在两种地幔橄榄岩组合进一步推断铙钹寨岩体"可能经历了洋内扩张(形成 MOR 型的地幔残余)和洋内俯冲两个阶段的演化过程"。我们认为,铙钹寨岩体是交代的地幔橄榄岩,它不大可能是蛇绿岩;铙钹寨岩体的特征比较接近大陆岩石圈地慢而非大洋岩石圈地幔;铬铁矿不是判别蛇绿岩的标志;不能根据岩体存在强烈亏损和弱亏损的两种橄榄岩而推断其形成于两种环境。  相似文献   

熊庆 《矿物岩石地球化学通报》2021,40(5):前插1-前插3,999-1011
大洋岩石圈形成演化的关键过程是熔体如何从软流圈地幔中抽取、迁移汇集并最终形成洋壳.蛇绿岩可能为揭示上述过程提供关键对象.前人研究发现,熔体在地幔中主要通过网脉状纯橄岩通道发生迁移汇聚,这种地幔通道与壳幔过渡带和洋壳内的岩浆体系共同构成大洋扩张中心的巨型熔体抽取系统.地幔深部来源的熔体在通过纯橄岩通道时,会发生复杂的熔岩相互作用,使得熔体和地幔的组成均发生变化,形成大洋岩石圈壳-幔组成解耦现象.在不同的大洋扩张中心,地幔内熔体迁移方式和过程是多样的,导致大洋岩石圈的结构和组成复杂多变.我国西藏雅江带蛇绿岩形成于多种构造体制(洋中脊、俯冲带等),其地幔内发育较为新鲜的纯橄岩通道样品,如纯橄岩、铬铁矿岩、辉石岩等.这些样品能够为深入研究地幔纯橄岩通道的成因、熔体在通道内的反应迁移过程,以及不同构造体制下大洋岩石圈壳-幔组成解耦与否的原因,提供新的窗口,同时有助于进一步认知大洋扩张中心巨型岩浆-动力系统、壳幔圈层分异和地球物质循环过程.  相似文献   

古老大陆岩石圈地幔再循环与蛇绿岩中铬铁矿床成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不同地区、不同时代蛇绿岩中不同类型铬铁矿岩的Re-Os同位素研究表明,在铬铁矿石或围岩中均存在极度亏损的具有大陆岩石圈地幔属性的物质。新疆达拉布特古生代蛇绿岩带中萨尔托海富Al铬铁矿岩的Os同位素组成为0.1109~0.1256,对应的模式年龄为3.5~0.6Ga;西藏班公湖—怒江中生代蛇绿岩带中东巧富Cr铬铁矿石及围岩Os同位素组成介于0.1175~0.1261,对应的模式年龄为1.5~0.1Ga;雅鲁藏布江中生代蛇绿岩带中罗布莎富Cr铬铁矿岩的Os同位素变化范围为0.1038~0.1266,对应的模式年龄为3.37~0.28Ga,而该带中不含矿的泽当二辉橄榄岩的Os同位素组成为0.1256~0.1261,没有古老大陆岩石圈地幔属性的物质存在,与新特提斯洋地幔Os组成较为接近。推测在蛇绿岩形成过程中,古老大陆岩石圈地幔参与循环有利于形成铬铁矿床,明确提出"熔体与古老大陆岩石圈地幔反应成矿"的假说,指出蛇绿岩带中存在的古老微陆块可能是找矿的指示标志。  相似文献   

蛇绿岩中辉长苏长岩的成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在蛇绿岩的洋壳岩石和地幔岩石单元中通常可见少量的辉长苏长岩脉,其主要特征是含高钙长石以及斜方辉石作为主要的矿物相早先于斜长石结晶。已有的研究表明辉长苏长岩的母岩浆为相对于MORB更富水和高硅的钙碱性岩浆。尽管这种含水钙碱性岩浆的形成可能与俯冲过程有关,但是在现今大洋也发现有辉长苏长岩的存在,表明在洋中脊环境也存在有含水钙碱性岩浆的发育。通过对侵入到西藏普兰蛇绿岩地幔橄榄岩中的辉长苏长岩的研究,笔者提出它们可能是遭受海水蛇纹石化的大洋岩石圈地幔重熔而成,其形成过程可能与在洋中脊发育的拆离断层有关。  相似文献   

张旗  彭兴阶 《岩石学报》1996,12(1):17-28
滇西古特提斯造山带威尔逊旋回的岩浆活动记录保存在昌宁-孟连带和金沙江-哀牢山带及其周围地区。在大陆拉张阶段,思茅地块之下的大陆岩石圈地幔是明显亏损的,指示它已经历过一次或几次部分熔融事件。洋盆阶段的MORB源于强烈亏损的大洋岩石圈地幔源区,但与地幔柱发生广泛的混合作用,与现代印度洋脊下的大洋岩石圈地幔相似。从俯冲阶段到碰撞阶段,大陆地幔则变得越来越富集。文中还讨论了滇西古特提斯大陆岩石圈地幔和大洋岩石圈地幔的性质以及大陆岩石圈地幔转化为大洋岩石圈地幔的过程,推测板块扩张的起因可能与下地幔的活动有关。  相似文献   

Ophiolites worldwide show striking diversities in their rock assemblage and structure (i.e., ophiolite diversity), raising a question whether ophiolites are originally similar before intense tectonic dismemberment. Comparison between ophiolites and oceanic lithospheres at modern mid-ocean ridges may provide key constraints on the origin of ophiolite diversity, because oceanic lithospheric structures are inherently controlled by spreading rates. Here, we present a case study of the Xigaze ophiolite in southern Tibet focusing on its gabbroic intrusions outcropping in three localities, i.e., Dazhuqu, Baigang and Jiding. Compared to the Jiding sequence, the Dazhuqu and Baigang gabbroic rocks are less evolved, characterized by higher Cr2O3 contents but lower contents of TiO2 and rare earth element in both clinopyroxene and bulk compositions. It is evident, hence, that the Xigaze ophiolite is characterized by variably evolved and discontinuously distributed gabbroic intrusions, rather by a continuous lower oceanic crust between the mantle and sheeted dike complex as the Penrose-type ophiolites. Our study, along with the identification in previous studies of oceanic detachment faults within the Xigaze ophiolite, demonstrates that the Xigaze ophiolite shows close similarities to oceanic lithospheres at modern slow- and ultraslow-spreading ridges. Hence, the significant structural distinctions between the Xigaze ophiolite and the Penrose-type ophiolites (e.g., the Oman ophiolite) may be inherently associated with different spreading rates of paleo-ridges. Considering the limited scale of the Xigaze gabbroic rocks, here we suggest the Xigaze ophiolite as a typical representative of fossil ultraslow-spreading ridges.  相似文献   

The Late Ordovician Solund-Stavfjord ophiolite in western Norway represents a remnant of the Iapetus oceanic lithosphere that developed in a Caledonian marginal basin. The ophiolite contains three structural domains that display distinctively different crustal architecture that reflects the mode and nature of magmatic and tectonic processes operated during the multi-stage seafloor spreading evolution of this marginal basin. Domain I includes, from top to bottom, an extensive extrusive sequence, a transition zone consisting of dike swarms with screens of pillow breccias, a sheeted dike complex, and plutonic rocks composed mainly of isotropic gabbro and microgabbro. Extrusive rocks include pillow lavas, pillow breccias, and massive sheet flows and are locally sheared and mineralized, containing epidosites, sulfide-sulfate deposits, Fe-oxides, and anhydrite veins, reminiscent of hydrothermal alteration zones on the seafloor along modern mid-ocean ridges. A fossil lava lake in the northern part of the ophiolite consists of a >65-m-thick volcanic sequence composed of a number of separate massive lava units interlayered with pillow lavas and pillow breccia horizons. The NE-trending sheeted dike complex contains multiple intrusions of metabasaltic dikes with one- and two-sided chilled margins and displays a network of both dike-parallel normal and dike-perpendicular oblique-slip faults of oceanic origin. The dike-gabbro boundary is mutually intrusive and represents the root zone of the sheeted dike complex. The internal architecture and rock types of Domain I are analogous to those of intermediate-spreading oceanic crust at modern mid-ocean ridge environments. The ophiolitic units in Domain II include mainly sheeted dikes and plutonic rocks with a general NW structural grain and are commonly faulted against each other, although primary intrusive relations between the sheeted dikes and the gabbros are locally well preserved. The exposures of this domain occur only in the northern and southern parts of the ophiolite complex and are separated by the ENE-trending Domain III, in which isotropic to pegmatitic gabbros and dike swarms are plastically deformed along ENE-striking sinistral shear zones. These shear zones, which locally include fault slivers of serpentinite intrusions, are crosscut by N20°E-striking undeformed basaltic dike swarms that contain xenoliths of gabbroic material. The NW-trending sheeted dike complex in the northern part of Domain II curves into an ENE orientation approaching Domain III in the south. The anomalous nature of deformed crust in Domain III is interpreted to have developed within an oceanic fracture zone or transform fault boundary.REE chemistry of representative extrusive and dike rocks from all three domains indicates N- to E-MORB affinities of their magmas with high Th/Ta ratios that are characteristic of subduction zone environments. The magmatic evolution of Domain I encompasses closed-system fractional crystallization of high-Mg basaltic magmas in small ephemeral chambers, which gradually interconnected to form large chambers in which mixing of primary magmas with more evolved and fractionated magma caused resetting of magma compositions through time. The compositional range from high-Mg basalts to ferrobasalts within Domain I is reminiscent of modern propagating rift basalts. We interpret the NE-trending Domain I as a remnant of an intermediate-spread rift system that propagated northeastwards (in present coordinate system) into a pre-existing oceanic crust, which was developed along the NW-trending doomed rift (Domain II) in the marginal basin. The N20°E dikes laterally intruding into the anomalous oceanic crust in Domain III represent the tip of the rift propagator. The inferred propagating rift tectonics of the Solund-Stavfjord ophiolite is similar to the evolutionary history of the modern Lau back-arc basin in the SW Pacific and suggests a complex magmatic evolution of the Caledonian marginal basin via multi-stage seafloor spreading tectonics.  相似文献   

Study on the Tectonic Setting for the Ophiolites in Xigaze, Tibet   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Xigaze ophiolite is located in the middle section of the Yarlung Zangbo River ophiolite belt and includes a well-preserved sequence section of seven ophiolite blocks. The relatively complete ophiolitic sequence sections are represented by Jiding, Dejixiang, Baigang, and Dazhuqu ophiolites and consist of three–four units. The complete ophiolite sequence in order from the bottom to top consists of mantle peridotite, cumulates, sheeted sill dike swarms, and basic lavas±radiolarian chert. These cumulates are absent in the remaining blocks of Dejixiang and Luqu. The age of radiolaria in the radiolarian chert is Late Jurassic–Cretaceous. The basalt and ultramafic rock of the ophiolite also are overlaid by Tertiary Liuqu conglomerate, which contains numerous pebble components of ophiolite, indicating that the Tethys Ocean began to close at the end of Cretaceous Period. The isotopic data of gabbro, diabase, and albite granite in the Xigaze ophiolite are approximately 126–139 Ma, which indicates that the ophiolite formed in the Early Cretaceous. The K–Ar age of amphibole in garnet amphibolite in the ophiolite mélange is 81 Ma, indicating that tectonic ophiolite emplacement occurred at the end of Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The late Ordovician Solund-Stavfjord ophiolite complex in the western Norwegian Caledonides records a multi stage seafloor spreading history of an Iapetus marginal basin and contains three structural domains with distinctive tectonomagmatic evolutionary paths. The NNE-trending Domain 1 consisting of high-level gabbro, sheeted dykes and extrusive rocks is interpreted to represent fossil oceanic crust developed along a spreading centre that propagated northwards into pre-existing oceanic crust in the marginal basin. Dyke swarms at the head of this inferred propagating rift range from primitive, high-MgO basalts to highly fractionated quartz-diorites. Southwards along-strike of Domain 1, the abundance of primitive basalts decreases and the proportion of FeTi-basalts increases to become predominant furthest behind the tip of the propagating rift. This geochemical evolution is comparable to that of the basalts of modern propagating rifts at the East Pacific Rise and the Galapagos spreading ridge. We suggest that the chemical variations of the metabasalts reflect changes in magma supply rates and in the increasing size of magma chamber(s) along-strike of the spreading centres.  相似文献   

蛇绿岩的分类   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
张旗 《地质科学》1990,(1):54-61
文中把蛇绿岩分为三类:科迪勒拉型、东地中海型和西地中海型。科迪勒拉型蛇。绿岩通常构成构造地层地体的基底,岩石序列中有相当数量的富Si质岩石出现,大多与岛弧或弧间盆地环境有关。东地中海型蛇绿岩以产出较强烈亏损的地幔岩和低Ti玄武岩以及玻安岩为特征,产于洋内消减带之上的岛弧和弧后盆地环境。西地中海型以阿尔卑斯蛇绿岩和横断山区古特提斯蛇绿岩为代表,地幔岩亏损较弱,玄武岩则是MORB型的,形成于小洋盆或转换断层环境。  相似文献   

综合介绍了世界上几个典型蛇绿岩带中伸展变形构造的实例,如何形成辉长质或其它不同层次的糜棱岩,可造成辉绿岩墙群的倾斜旋转,可使得原始洋壳厚度变薄等,蛇绿岩中伸展构造记录了已经消失的洋盆的生成,拆离和消减过程中的关信息,研究蛇绿岩中伸展变形构造,有助于恢复古洋盆的规模的演化过程,也是蛇绿岩研究的新方向这一。  相似文献   

杨胜标  李源  杨经绥  李瑞保  董天赐  裴磊 《岩石学报》2017,33(12):3766-3782
藏南雅鲁藏布蛇绿岩被认为是新特提斯大洋岩石圈的残留。该带中段的日喀则白马让蛇绿岩是保存较完整的蛇绿岩岩块之一。该蛇绿岩主要由橄榄岩、蛇纹岩、镁铁质侵入岩和玄武岩组成,缺堆晶岩系。镁铁质侵入岩主要呈辉绿岩脉、岩床和少量的岩墙产出。辉绿岩脉在整个蛇绿岩层序中均有分布,侵入橄榄岩的部分岩脉已经变为变辉绿岩和异剥钙榴岩。辉绿岩床(墙)向上逐渐过渡为玄武岩。局部可见日喀则群整合覆盖在玄武岩之上。地球化学分析显示不同产状的镁铁质岩均属于低钾或中钾的拉斑玄武岩,亏损Nb、Ta、Ti和LREE,具有弧前玄武岩(FAB)或弧后盆地玄武岩(BABB)的特征,它们的Ti/V和Yb/V的比值与BABB或正常大洋中脊玄武岩(N-MORB)相似,Sr-Nd-Pb同位素数据指示了亏损地幔(DM)与富集地幔(EM)过渡的源区。镁铁质岩野外产出关系和地球化学特征表明,白马让蛇绿岩的镁铁质岩组合可能形成于SSZ环境。考虑到超镁铁质岩、镁铁质岩和日喀则群在空间上的连续性,认为白马让蛇绿岩可能是起源于亚洲大陆边缘俯冲带上的洋盆,属于原地系统,而非外来的构造岩片。  相似文献   

Ron Harris 《Tectonophysics》2004,392(1-4):143
Analysis of internal structures of the Brooks Range ophiolite at the three largest and well-exposed klippen reveals a NE–SW structural grain that may parallel the original axis of magmatism of a slow spreading marginal ocean basin. Sub-parallel directions of lattice fabrics in olivine of mantle peridotite and shape fabrics in pyroxene and plagioclase of layered gabbro indicate that asthenospheric and magmatic flow was closely coupled. These structures, including the petrologic moho, mostly dip steeply to the NW and SE, with slightly oblique flow lineations. Sedimentary and volcanic cover deposits also dip SE. The few exposures found of sheeted dike complexes generally strike parallel, but dip orthogonal to both the petrologic moho and cover deposits. These structural features are locally disturbed by syn- and post-magmatic normal faults emblematic of slow-spreading ridge processes. However, the consistent geometry of structures over a distance of 200 km demonstrates not only that the magmatic system was organized in a similar manner to an oceanic ridge, but that there was little to no rotation of individual klippe during tectonic emplacement.Ductile fabrics related to tectonic emplacement yield top-to-the NNW sense of shear indicators. The basal thrust and accompanying serpentinized shear zone is mostly flat-lying and truncates the steeply dipping ductile fabric of the ophiolite. This relationship and paleomagnetic data from the igneous sequence suggest that flow fabrics were most likely moderately inclined at the time the ophiolite formed. Similar relationships are found at diapiric centers along oceanic ridges and in other ophiolite bodies.  相似文献   

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