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冰川表面水文过程研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨康  刘巧 《冰川冻土》2016,(6):1666-1678
冰面水文过程是冰川径流过程的重要组成部分,对于冰川运动与物质平衡具有重要影响.冰川表面在太阳辐射、冰川物理性质、冰面地形和成冰带空间分布等多种因素影响下消融,形成以冰面水系为主线,锅穴、冰裂隙、冰面湖等为端点的冰面融水输送与分配体系.深入理解冰面水文过程,掌握冰川表面融水的输送、存储与释放,对于研究短时间尺度的冰川融水径流过程、探索冰川动态响应机理具有重要意义.总结回顾了目前国内外冰面水文过程的研究现状,提出了该领域有待解决的主要科学问题.  相似文献   

目前冰盖约占地球陆地表面积的10%(在末次冰期冰盛期高达30%),冰储量的99%,但对其下的生物地球化学条件及其在极地生物地球化学循环中的重要性却知之甚少[1]。由于气候变暖,格陵兰及南极冰盖正在快速消融,过去十年里冰盖消融对全球海平面上升的贡献约为1 mm·a-1[2-3]。冰盖的冰下水文系统主要由饱和沉积物、冰下河及冰下湖泊等要素组成[4-8],它为极地生物地球化学风化速率的升高提供了有利条件[9-10]。  相似文献   

祁连山近期七一冰川融水径流特征分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用2006年8月1日-9月30日的实测水文数据,对"七一"冰川融水径流产汇流特征进行了分析,并揭示出该冰川日消融特征.通过对冰川融水量的估算以及径流模数的计算,并与过去的观测结果进行对比,表明近些年来"七一"冰川消融强度和消融量都在增大,而且2006年消融量为近几年观测的最大值.虽然不同年份消融量不一样,但"七一"冰川总的趋势是一直处于萎缩状态,随着全球变暖,"七一"冰川的萎缩可能将继续下去.通过对设立在沿冰川下游方向两个不同的水文断面进行对比分析,结果表明"七一"冰川融水径流在向下游运动过程中有部分水入渗为河谷潜流,观测期内两个相距不到2 km的水文断面间渗漏损耗占近1/3左右.  相似文献   

格陵兰冰盖的表面融化通过物质平衡影响全球海平面上升,同时也是气候变化的灵敏指示器。本文基于增强分辨率的被动微波日亮温数据,使用自动气象站的气温记录,评估了进行冰盖表面融化探测的改进的亮温日较差(Advanced Diurnal Amplitude Variations,ADAV)方法和另外4种常用方法(M+30 K、ALA、MEMLS1和MEMLS2)的探测效果,通过总体精度和Kappa系数证实了ADAV方法探测冰盖表面融化的可行性与可靠性。在此基础上,基于ADAV方法进一步分析格陵兰冰盖表面融化的时空变化特征,发现1996—2021年格陵兰冰盖所有区域都发生过表面融化,融化最剧烈的区域分布于冰盖边缘,南部较北部融化范围更大、融化天数更多。极端融化事件导致冰盖融化范围波动较大,而融化指数呈现增长趋势,增长速率为5.24×105 d·km2·a-1。且表面融化具有向内陆高海拔地区扩张的趋势,融化天数为11~30 d、31~50 d、51~70 d的区域,26年间的平均高程都发生了显著的增长,增长速率分别为13.06 m·a...  相似文献   

基于MODIS温度产品,着重分析了2000-2020年格陵兰冰盖夏季表面温度和表面融化范围的年际变化趋势;联合IMBIE(冰盖物质平衡对比实验)数据分析表面温度对于冰盖物质平衡的影响;进一步讨论了大气环流对于格陵兰冰盖表面温度变化的影响。结果表明:格陵兰冰盖夏季表面温度和融化范围趋势较为一致,2000年初期呈现出显著的上升趋势,2012年达到峰值,随后波动下降;整个研究阶段北部区域是增温速率最大的区域,高于其他任何区域两倍,东南部和西南部是温度最高的区域却具有最小的增长率;格陵兰冰盖夏季表面温度、融化范围以及物质平衡之间都具有显著的相关性,同时格陵兰冰盖夏季表面温度每上升1℃,会导致其物质损失增加74.29Gt·a;最后,经过对北大西洋涛动(NAO)和格陵兰阻塞指数(GBI)指数的分析得到,格陵兰冰盖夏季表面温度受到GBI的影响要强于NAO的影响,冰盖夏季表面温度和NAO呈现出负相关(r=-0.64,P<0.05),和GBI呈现出正相关(r=0.77,P<0.05)。  相似文献   

度日模型在冰川与积雪研究中的应用进展   总被引:19,自引:6,他引:13  
张勇  刘时银 《冰川冻土》2006,28(1):101-107
度日模型是基于冰川与积雪消融和气温,尤其是冰雪表面的正积温之间的线性关系建立的.度日模型已广泛应用于北欧、阿尔卑斯山、格陵兰冰盖、青藏高原等地区的冰雪消融、冰川物质平衡及对气候敏感性响应、冰川动力模型以及冰雪融水径流模拟等的研究中.度日模型尽管是对冰雪表面消融能量平衡这一复杂过程的简化描述,但在流域尺度上,通常可以获取类似于能量平衡模型的输出结果.度日模型也有其不足之处,仍需进一步的改进与完善.  相似文献   

冰川冰内及冰下水系研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冰内及冰下水系的形成与演化具有时空变化性,对冰川汇水储水及径流过程产生影响,与之紧密联系的冰下水文过程(水力状况)与冰川运动、冰川侵蚀及冰川洪水形成等过程息息相关。冰内及冰下水系空间结构和形态复杂,且不同于一般喀斯特水文系统,具有明显的季节变化性,其空间分布和水力状况会因外界水体输入(降水和冰雪融水)的变化而改变。冰内及冰下水系的变化通过影响汇流对冰川融水的径流过程产生影响,冰川区一些溃决洪水事件的发生与冰内及冰下蓄水的突然释放有很大关系。冰川蓄排水还通过改变冰下水力条件来影响冰川运动,反之冰川运动不仅影响蓄排水过程的转换效率,且通过改变冰川消融强度(冰体向下游消融区输送速率的变化)影响冰川排水系统的空间分布范围。在气候变暖及冰川变化的背景下,研究冰内冰下水系演化的时空特征及其影响具有重要科学意义。综述了目前国内外针对冰川冰内及冰下水系相关研究的进展及主要成果,并对该领域的研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

慕士塔格卡尔塔马克冰川水文观测与特征分析   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
基于2003年卡尔塔马克冰川强烈消融期连续的气象与水文观测, 对卡尔塔马克冰川消融的影响因素和融水径流特征进行了分析. 结果表明: 消融期的冰川融水流量与气温之间存在着良好的相关关系, 降水过程会导致气温降低抑制冰川消融. 卡尔塔马克冰川纯冰川融水径流模数为62.4 L·s-1·km-2, 冰川区融水径流深为463.5 mm. 根据现场降水损失试验, 总损失达26%, 校正后大本营处2003年降水量为134 mm.  相似文献   

西天山托木尔峰南麓大型山谷冰川冰舌区消融特征分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
基于对托木尔峰南麓托木尔型山谷冰川的野外考察和典型冰川的定位观测,对冰面被表碛广泛覆盖的所谓"托木尔型"冰川冰舌区表碛与冰面消融的关系进行了研究.结果表明:表碛对冰面消融、冰川水文过程、冰川变化等均具有重要影响,当表碛厚度超过3 cm时,表碛对冰面消融就产生明显抑制作用,且随着厚度增加,冰面消融显明减弱.科其喀尔冰川表面的观测表明,由末端向上,表碛厚度逐渐减薄.受表碛影响,科其喀尔冰川区最大的消融量出现在海拔3 800~3 900 m之间、表碛物厚度小于10 cm的区域内;冰川消融强度由此向上随着海拔的升高而下降,向下随表碛厚度的增大而减弱.冰面湖的发育是表碛覆盖冰川的又一主要特征,湖水对冰面的融蚀和快速排泄成为冰面产汇流的主要过程.科其喀尔冰川研究表明,两三个冰面湖排泄形成的融蚀冰量就相当于冰川末端退缩造成的冰量损失.因此,冰面湖等热喀斯特地形的形成、扩张融蚀、融穿排泄、形成湖区低地,这一周而复始的过程不仅是其主要消融方式之一,而且也强烈的影响着冰川水文及冰川变化.托木尔峰南麓地区大型冰川变化主要以厚度减薄为主,而不是像大多数冰川显著的变化主要表现在末端和面积减少方面.  相似文献   

近百年来冷圈波动   总被引:2,自引:8,他引:2  
本世纪CO_2的增温导致了冷圈波动。中纬度山地冰川的普遍退缩与加速消融引起了海面持续上升。格陵兰冰盖目前尚未处于显著的负平衡状态,边缘区在变薄,中心区在增厚。南极大陆冰盖还在增长,但基底可能发生退缩。北极海冰在1935—1960年期间退缩了10%,南极海冰面积在1973—1980年间减少了2.5×10~6km~2。大陆积雪的变化主要表现在中纬度地区,并呈现出区域性差异。而高纬度地区,大陆冰盖的降雪量有增加趋势。  相似文献   

The glacial succession in the western part of the Cheshire-Shropshire lowland records the advance, coalescence and subsequent uncoupling of Irish Sea and Welsh ice-sheets during the Late Devensian stage. During advance a discontinuous sheet of basal till was emplaced across the floor of the region by subglacial lodgement. On retreat, compression of the Irish Sea ice sheet against bedrock obstruction generated a zone of supraglacial sedimentation resulting in the creation of the Wrexham-Ellesmere-Wem-Whitchurch moraine system, and the formation of a wide range of sedimentary environments, including ice-marginal sandur troughs, ice-front alluvial fans, proglacial ribbon sandur, and subglacial, ice-contact and proglacial lakes. The geometry of sedimentary units, and their lithologic and geomorphic characteristics, display spatially ordered patterns of sediment-landform assemblage which show that the statigraphic succession is a response to rapidly changing depositional conditions at a retreating supraglacial ice-margin punctuated by minor still-stands and ice-front oscillations.  相似文献   

The hydraulic behaviour of meltwater during subglacial basaltic eruptions in temperate ice is of paramount importance in understanding the eruptive processes, lithofacies and architecture of the edifices formed. Hydraulics also determines the timing, location and volume of meltwater discharge, which may be sudden and catastrophic and via subglacial and/or supraglacial routes. Increasing our knowledge of meltwater hydraulics is therefore important for understanding, predicting and mitigating the impact of meltwater release on vulnerable human communities. New observations about eruption-related meltwater hydraulics are presented for well-exposed glaciovolcanic lava-fed deltas on James Ross Island, Antarctica, and accounts of historical eruptions are also re-examined to identify the major meltwater discharge routes. The study provides the first conceptual model for how meltwater escapes supraglacially. In the absence of a crevassed layer (which will dominate any meltwater flow), overflowing may be initiated by enhanced rates of seepage, despite the intrinsically low hydraulic conductivities of snow and firn. Once overflowing is established, the rate of spillway incision is a likely overriding control on the evolution of the system and whether the discharge is unstable (fast) or stable (slower). The James Ross Island sequences demonstrate that meltwater discharge is highly dynamic and may have involved both subglacial and supraglacial escape. Subglacial discharge probably occurs throughout basaltic tuya eruptions but some periods may be dominated by concurrent overflowing. It is still unclear if overflowing systems are sufficiently stable to enable the growth of laterally extensive glaciovolcanic lava-fed deltas.  相似文献   

Land‐terminating parts of the west Greenland ice sheet have exhibited highly dynamic meltwater regimes over the last few decades including episodes of extremely intense runoff driven by ice surface ablation, ponding of meltwater in an increasing number and size of lakes, and sudden outburst floods, or ‘jökulhlaups’, from these lakes. However, whether this meltwater runoff regime is unusual in a Holocene context has not been questioned. This study assembled high‐resolution topographical data, geological and landcover data, and produced a glacial geomorphological map covering ~1200 km2. Digital analysis of the landforms reveals a mid‐Holocene land‐terminating ice margin that was predominantly cold‐based. This ice margin underwent sustained active retreat but with multiple minor advances. Over c. 1000 years meltwater runoff became impounded within numerous and extensive proglacial lakes and there were temporary connections between some of these lakes via spillways. The ice‐dams of some of these lakes had several quasi‐stable thicknesses. Meltwater was apparently predominantly from supraglacial sources although some distributary palaeochannel networks and some larger bedrock palaeochannels most likely relate to mid‐Holocene subglacial hydrology. In comparison to the geomorphological record at other Northern Hemisphere ice‐sheet margins the depositional landforms in this study area are few in number and variety and small in scale, most likely due to a restricted sediment supply. They include perched fans and deltas and perched braidplain terraces. Overall, meltwater sourcing, routing and the proglacial runoff regime during the mid‐Holocene in this land‐terminating part of the ice sheet was spatiotemporally variable, but in a manner very similar to that of the present day.  相似文献   

The influence of glacier hydrology on the time-dependent morphology and flow behaviour of the late Weichselian Scandinavian ice sheet is explored using a simple one-dimensional ice sheet model. The model is driven by orbitally induced radiation variations, ice-albedo feedback and eustatic sea-level change. The influence of hydrology is most marked during deglaciation and on the southern side of the ice sheet, where a marginal zone of rapid sliding, thin ice and low surface slopes develops. Such a zone is absent when hydrology is omitted from the model, and its formation results in earlier and more rapid deglaciation than occurs in the no-hydrology model. The final advance to the glacial maximum position results from an increase in the rate of basal sliding as climate warms after 23000 yr BP. Channelised subglacial drainage develops only episodically, and is associated with relatively low meltwater discharges and high hydraulic gradients. The predominance of iceberg calving as an ablation mechanism on the northern side of the ice sheet restricts the occurrence of surface melting. Lack of meltwater penetration to the glacier bed in this area means that ice flow is predominantly by internal deformation and the ice sheet adopts a classical parabolic surface profile.  相似文献   

研究格陵兰冰盖(GrIS)质量变化异常速率可以帮助了解异常气候事件驱动海平面变化的机制.聚焦于2010~2012年GrIS质量变化的异常速率,及其对海平面指纹(SLF)和相对海平面(RSL)变化的贡献.通过联合2003~2015年GRACE月重力场数据和表面质量平衡(SMB)数据,采用mascon拟合法及网格尺度因子恢复泄漏,获得了6个流域的质量变化时空分布.基于海平面变化方程(SLE)并考虑负荷自吸引效应估算了SLF的空间分布.结果表明,2003~2015年间GrIS总质量变化速率分别为-288±7 Gt/a及-275±1 Gt/a;而在2010~2012年间速率相应地增加至-456±30 Gt/a及-464±38 Gt/a,该时期格陵兰西北海岸及东南沿海地区呈现出大量冰盖融化,其对海平面的贡献变化呈现倒“V”型(即先升后降),而全球平均海平面变化呈现出明显的正“V”型(即先降后升).另外,GrIS融化对海平面的贡献约为31%,造成全球平均RSL增加了0.07 cm/a,而对斯堪的纳维亚及北欧地区的RSL贡献为-0.6 cm/a,GrIS融化造成的远海地区RSL上升速率比全球平均RSL速率高近30%.   相似文献   

A supraglacial lake was surveyed on the Koxkar Glacier in southwest Tianshan from July to September 2007 and July to September 2008, and the temperature variation characteristics of the lake, debris and debris-free ice were analyzed at different depths to determine the thermal regimes. In addition, the discrepancies of temperature variation characteristics were investigated for different geomorphic units of the ablation zone of the Koxkar Glacier. It was found that daily temperature variation curves for deep water are V-shaped because meltwater from the glacier surface at temperatures of around 0°C feeds the lake and mixes with the relatively high-temperature surface water during the day. As the water temperature rises to approximately 4°C, the mixed water sinks and forms a low-temperature trough in the deep water of the lake in the middle of the day. The vertical lapse rate of the lake water temperature against depth (?0.33°C/m) has a magnitude lower than that of the debris (?4.29°C/m) and that of the debris-free ice (?0.38°C/m) in the Koxkar Glacier??s ablation zone. The temperature curve for the surface water largely varied between the temperature curves for the debris at depths of 0.2 and 0.5?m. The surface thermal condition of the ablation zone is significantly affected by the daily weather, and there is a limited influence in debris at a depth of 1?m and in the lake at a depth of 5?m.  相似文献   

The glacial geomorphology of the Waterville Plateau (ca. 55 km2) provides information on the dynamics of the Okanogan Lobe, southern sector of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet in north‐central Washington. The Okanogan Lobe had a profound influence on the landscape. It diverted meltwater and floodwater along the ice front contributing to the Channeled Scabland features during the late Wisconsin (Fraser Glaciation). The glacial imprint may record surge behaviour of the former Okanogan Lobe based on a comparison with other glacial landsystems. Conditions that may have promoted instability include regional topographic constraints, ice marginal lakes and dynamics of the subglacial hydrological system, which probably included a subglacial reservoir. The ice‐surface morphology and estimated driving stresses (17–26 kPa) implied from ice thickness and surface slope reconstructed in the terminal area also suggest fast basal flow characteristics. This work identifies the location of a fast flowing ice corridor and this probably affected the stability and mass balance of the south‐central portion of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet. Evidence for fast ice flow is lacking in the main Okanogan River Valley, probably because it was destroyed during deglaciation by various glacial and fluvial processes. The only signature of fast ice flow left is the imprint on the Waterville Plateau. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

祁连山老虎沟流域产汇流特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究老虎沟流域冰川产汇流特征,根据老虎沟流域2009年消融期4-10月的气象与水文观测资料,采用排除和不排除降水对冰雪消融产流影响的方法,对老虎沟流域融水径流的产流特征、白天和夜晚径流特征、径流的滞后效应进行了分析。结果表明:5-9月各月流量占到整个消融期流量的比例分别为7%、26%、33%、19%、14%。降水对河流的产流贡献率约为22%,冰雪融水和地下水对河流的产流贡献率为78%。观测期内,除5月外,白天流量全部大于晚上流量,而且6-8月白天和夜晚径流之间的差值较大。老虎沟冰川区以裸冰消融为主,冰面湖较少而且小,汇流较快,储水性能并不明显。5-9月流量峰值和谷值平均分别滞后气温7.0 h、3.5 h、2.5 h、2.5 h和4.5 h,冰川排水系统也随着流量变化经历慢速-快速-慢速的变化过程。  相似文献   

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