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When interpreting the depositional environment of the Buntsandstein sequence, thin stromatolite layers, if present, were often overlooked or given short shrift. The present paper provides evidence of value of stromatolites for the environmental interpretation of the Buntsandstein rocks. Algal stromatolites found in western Poland occur in form of thrombolites, LLH-type structures, SH-type structures, and rarely as oncolites. Stromatolites are usually associated with oolites. Very often stromatolites show important traces of scouring and channelling action of water. Since stromatolites occurred in the zone of clastic-carbonate deposition they were covered up by continuous sheet of detrital grains. Periodic catastrophic erosion and deposition was produced by hurricanes and severe storms in the peritidal and shallow subtidal zone. It is possible to distinguish the peritidal and subtidal stromatolites. In the vicinity of stromatolites are of frequent occurrence spirorbids, conchostracs, gastropods, and rare foraminifers. Besides, spirorbids are associated with stromatolites — they constituted the initial hard substratum for the stromatolitic structures and sometimes they also occur inside stromatolites. The not-hypersaline sedimentary environment of the Buntsandstein rocks can be compared with modern environments of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Aqaba.  相似文献   

辽宁省兴城市夹山地区中元古界长城系白云岩中首次发现叠层石,其产出层位为前人在这一地区划分的"常州沟组"顶部,自下而上为Stratifera sp.层叠层石(未定种),Cryptozoon sp.卷心菜叠层石(未定种),Eucapsiphora sp.叠球藻叠层石(未定种)。该组合以及邻区葫芦岛等地团山子组中的叠层石类型均属于燕山、太行地区团山子组叠层石组合带分子。上述叠层石的发现为夹山地区划分出团山子组提供了重要的生物地层学证据。根据岩石组合特征、叠层石形态垂向分布规律及其与古环境演化的关系分析,认为兴城地区团山子组沉积环境演化为海退沉积序列(浅滩到潮间、潮上带)到海侵沉积序列(潮间、潮上带到潮间、潮下带)。  相似文献   

扬子克拉通北缘神农架地区中元古界神农架群叠层石十分发育。该群下部乱石沟组中叠层石类型丰富,根据形态可分为柱状、穹状、层状叠层石以及锥状、层柱状、包心菜状、墙状叠层石和叠层石丘等。研究区叠层石以中小型为主,少数为大型和巨型;多数无壁,部分具单层壁;对称性和继承性由好到一般,部分较差。研究表明,叠层石的形态和规模,与水动力条件、水体深度及陆源组分含量关系密切,其中层状叠层石主要发育于潮间带上部,柱状叠层石产于潮间带下部和浅潮下带,穹状叠层石出现在潮间带和潮下带,锥状叠层石多见于潮间带下部和潮下带,层柱状、锥柱状叠层石则集中于潮间带,叠层石丘位于潮间带和潮下带。依据各类型叠层石宏观和微观特征、垂向组合类型、沉积构造及沉积岩相相互关系,并结合碳、氧同位素测试结果,综合研究认为: 虽然叠层石的形成受生物和环境等多重因素影响,但生物因素主要影响叠层石的微观组构,水动力条件则控制叠层石的宏观形态类型,水体深度影响叠层石的规模;另外,生物繁盛、陆源物质供给少的环境更有利于叠层石发育。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2020,3(3):425-444
Increasing interests in hydrocarbon resources at depths have drawn greater attentions to the deeply-buried carbonate reservoirs in the Tarim Basin in China. In this study, the cyclic dolomite rocks of Upper Cambrian Lower Qiulitag Group from four outcrop sections in northwestern Tarim Basin were selected to investigate and evaluate the petrophysical properties in relation to depositional facies and cyclicity. The Lower Qiulitag Group includes ten lithofacies, which were deposited in intermediate to shallow subtidal, restricted shallow subtidal, intertidal, and supratidal environments on a carbonate ramp system. These lithofacies are vertically stacked into repeated shallowing-upward, meter-scale cycles which are further grouped into six third-order depositional sequences (Sq1 to Sq6). There are variable types of pore spaces in the Lower Qiulitag Group dolomite rocks, including interparticle, intraparticle, and fenestral pores of primary origin, inter crystal, and vuggy pores of late diagenetic modification. The porosity in the dolomites is generally facies-selective as that the microbially-originated thrombolites and stromatolites generally yield a relatively high porosity. In contrast, the high-energy ooidal grainstones generally have very low porosity. In this case, the microbialite-based peritidal cycles and peritidal cycle-dominated highstand (or regressive) successions have relatively high volumes of pore spaces, although highly fluctuating (or vertical inhomogeneous). Accordingly, the grainstone-based subtidal cycles and subtidal cycle-dominated transgressive successions generally yield extremely low porosity. This scenario indicates that porosity development and preservation in the thick dolomite successions are primarily controlled by depositional facies which were influenced by sea-level fluctuations of different orders and later diagenetic overprinting.  相似文献   

天津蓟县中元古界雾迷山组是一套厚度超过3000,m的叠层石碳酸盐岩沉积序列,在该序列中潮下相叠层石生物层、凝块石生物丘与潮坪相泥晶白云岩、潟湖相白云质泥页岩一起构成若干个环潮坪型米级旋回——"雾迷山旋回层"。在雾迷山组下部发育微指状叠层石,并被古生物学家定义为"Pseudogymnosolen mo-panyuensis-Scuphus-Yangzhuang columnaris"组合,即假裸枝叠层石科叠层石,沉积学家将其解释为元古代文石(灰华)海底沉淀物所构成的叠层石,代表从太古代海底结壳状文石沉淀物组成的叠层石到新元古代碎屑结构相的泥晶碳酸盐岩叠层石过渡时期的特殊产物。因此,雾迷山组巨厚的叠层石碳酸盐岩沉积序列,记录了元古代文石(灰华)海底沉淀物所构成的特殊的叠层石大规模消亡的层位,为研究前寒武纪以叠层石为代表的微生物碳酸盐岩所经历的漫长而复杂的地质历史演变提供了宝贵的材料。  相似文献   

<正>The Mesoproterozoic Wumishan Formation at the Jixian section in Tianjin is a set of more than 3000-m-thick stromatolitic carbonate succession.In this succession,several lithofacies units,that is,the subtidal stromatolitic biostrome,the thrombolitic bioherm,tidal-flat micritic dolomite and lagoon dolomitic shale,make up many meter-scale cycles of the peritidal carbonate type that have been nominated as the Wumishan cycles.Importantly,many microdigital stromatolites make up the stromatolitic biostrome unit of the Wumishan cycles in the lower part of the Wumishan Formation. These microdigital stromatolites have been grouped as a stromatolitic assemblage by paleontologists, that is,"Pseudogymnosolen mopanyuensis-Scuphus-Yangzhuang columnaris"assemblage.These microdigital stromatolites had also been interpreted as the aragonite(tufa) sea-floor precipitates by sedimentologists,and has further been thought as the special products of the transitional period from the sea-floor aragonite precipitates of the Archean to the clastic and muddy carbonates of the Neoproterozoic.Although there are some restrictions for the stratigraphic meaning of the concept of the stromatolitic assemblage,detailed studies on classification by paleontologists provide an important clue to understand the sedimentological meaning of the microdigital stromatolites.Furthermore,an important and obvious horizon for the end of the microdigital stromatolites was recorded in the Mesoproterozoic Wumishan Formation at the Jixian section,which provides useful information to understand the stromatolite decline occurred at c.1250 Ma and the evolving carbonate world of the Precambrian.  相似文献   

The 720-m-thick succession of the Middle Triassic Latemàr Massif (Dolomites, Italy) was used to reconstruct the lagoonal facies architecture of a small atoll-like carbonate platform. Facies analysis of the lagoonal sediments yields a bathymetric interpretation of the lateral facies variations, which reflect a syndepositional palaeorelief. Based on tracing of lagoonal flooding surfaces, the metre-scale shallowing-upward cycles are interpreted to be of allocyclic origin. Short-term sea-level changes led to subaerial exposure of wide parts of the marginal zone, resulting in the development of a tepee belt of varying width. Occasional emergence of the entire lagoon produced lagoon-wide decimetre-thick red exposure horizons. The supratidal tepee belt in the backreef area represented the zone of maximum elevation, which circumscribed the sub- to peritidal lagoonal interior during most of the platform's development. This tepee rim, the subtidal reef and a sub- to peritidal transition zone in between stabilized the platform margin. The asymmetric width of facies belts within individual metre-scale cycles was caused by redistribution processes that reflect palaeowinds and storm paths from the present-day south and west. The overall succession shows stratigraphic changes on a scale of tens of metres from a basal subtidal unit, overlain by three tepee-rich intervals, separated by tepee-poor units composed of subtidal to peritidal facies. This stacking pattern reflects two third-order sequences during the late Anisian to early middle Ladinian.  相似文献   

This study, based in the Haushi‐Huqf area of central east Oman, aims to characterize the controls on facies distribution and geometries of some of the best preserved examples of Lower Cretaceous tidal flat facies within the Tethyan epeiric platform. Field, petrographic and geochemical data were acquired from the Barremian–Aptian Jurf and Qishn formations that crop out in a 500 × 1000 m2 butte, thus allowing for pseudo three‐dimensional quantitative data acquisition of the dimensions and spatial distributions of discontinuity surfaces and sedimentary bodies. The interpretation presented here suggests that the main processes impacting sedimentation in the Lower Cretaceous peritidal environment of the Haushi‐Huqf were transport and erosion processes related to storm waves and currents. The vertical evolution of the carbonate system is organized into six types of metre‐scale depositional sequences, from subtidal dominated sequences to supratidal‐capped sequences, which are bounded by regional discontinuity surfaces. At subaerial exposure and submarine erosion surfaces associated with a base level shift, sedimentary horizons along the entire depositional profile are cut by scours possibly created by storm events. Chemostratigraphy allows correlation between the Haushi‐Huqf and the age‐equivalent sections logged in the interior of the platform in Oman. The correlation suggests that the change from subtidal to intertidal depositional sequences during the late highstand is coeval with the development of rudist dominated shoals on the shelf. This study is the first to discuss the controls on Lower Cretaceous peritidal carbonate cyclicity of the Arabian epeiric platform. The results presented here also offer a unique quantitative dataset of the distribution and dimensions of peritidal carbonate shoals and storm scours in a regional sequence stratigraphic context.  相似文献   

川西南犍为地区下三叠统嘉陵江组沉积相及其演化特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以岩心精细描述、薄片鉴定和测井曲线分析为基础,通过对川西南犍为地区嘉陵江组的岩石类型组合、古生物化石、沉积结构、沉积构造和沉积序列等沉积相标志的详细研究,结合区域沉积背景,认为犍为地区嘉陵江组为半局限海-局限海台地沉积,进一步识别出混积潮坪、潮缘滩、半局限泻湖、局限泻湖和蒸发潮坪等5种沉积亚相类型;在此基础上,通过连井沉积相横剖面对比和重点层段沉积相平面分布特征的研究,揭示出嘉陵江组的沉积相演化规律由下至上从混积潮缘到潮下低能,再到潮上蒸发环境,构成一个完整的海进一海退发展旋回;其中的潮缘滩相颗粒岩和潮坪相云岩可成为有利的油气储集相带。  相似文献   

天津蓟县中元古界雾迷山组是一套厚度超过3 000 m的叠层石碳酸盐岩沉积序列,在该序列中潮下相叠层石生物层、凝块石生物丘与潮坪相泥晶白云岩、泻湖相白云质泥页岩一起构成若干个环潮坪型米级旋回--“雾迷山旋回层”。在雾迷山组下部发育微指状叠层石,并被古生物学家定义为“Pseudogymnosolen mopanyuensis-Scuphus-Yangzhuang columnaris”组合,即假裸枝叠层石科叠层石,沉积学家将其解释为元古代文石(灰华)海底沉淀物所构成的叠层石,代表从太古代海底结壳状文石沉淀物叠层石到新元古代碎屑结构相、富泥碳酸盐叠层石过渡时期的特殊产物。因此,雾迷山组巨厚的叠层石碳酸盐岩沉积序列,记录了元古代文石灰华海底沉淀物所构成的特殊的叠层石大规模消亡的层位,为研究前寒武纪以叠层石为代表的微生物碳酸盐岩所经历的漫长而复杂的地质历史演变提供了宝贵的材料。  相似文献   

The St George Group consists of peritidal carbonate rocks deposited on the continental shelf of North America bordering the ancient Iapetus Ocean. These Lower Ordovician rocks are similar to other lower Palaeozoic limestones and dolostones that accumulated in epeiric seas and veneer cratonic areas worldwide. A wide variety of facies in the St George is grouped into seven lithotopes, interpreted to represent supratidal, intertidal and shallow, high- and low-energy subtidal environments. Rapid lateral facies changes can be observed in some field exposures, and demonstrated by correlation of closely spaced sections. The stratigraphic array of these lithotopes, although too irregular to be simplified into shallowing-upward cycles, suggests that they were deposited as small tidal flat islands and banks. Shallow subtidal areas around islands generated sediment and permitted tidal exchange. Tidal flat islands were somewhat variable in character at any one time, and evolved with changing regional hydrographic conditions. The St George rocks suggest an alternative theory of carbonate sedimentation in large, shallow epeiric seas, namely as small islands and banks built by processes that operated in a tidal regime. Furthermore, this island model provides a framework for a mechanism of cyclic carbonate sedimentation, by which small-scale, peritidal cycles represent tidal flat islands that accreted vertically and migrated laterally as local sediment supply from neighbouring subtidal areas waxed and waned during relatively constant subsidence.  相似文献   

神农架群(约1400—1000 Ma)发育于扬子克拉通北缘鄂西北地区,自下而上发育有下亚群(大岩坪组、马槽园组、乱石沟组、大窝坑组和矿石山组)、中亚群(台子组、野马河组、温水河组和石槽河组)及上亚群(送子园组和瓦岗溪组)。每亚群均由相对较深水相碎屑岩和浅水碳酸盐岩组成。一系列岩石组合特征、宏微观沉积组构和沉积构造等表明,神农架群发育环潮坪相藻碳酸盐岩、浅海相碎屑岩、台缘浅滩颗粒碳酸盐岩和台缘斜坡砾屑碳酸盐岩等4类沉积组合,形成于远端变陡型缓坡型碳酸盐岩台地背景。环潮坪沉积分布最广,遍布于所有碳酸盐岩地层,不同类型叠层石发育,构成向上变浅沉积序列;进积作用强烈,干裂构造、蒸发岩等常见;沉积相带由浅潮下、潮坪及潮上带组成。浅海碎屑岩沉积组合主要见于台子组及大岩坪组,由砂岩、粉砂岩与泥岩组成,石英砂岩分选和磨圆较好,自生海绿石常见,平行层理、水平—波状层理发育,泥岩中自生黄铁矿发育,总体经历了滨岸浅滩—浅海陆棚—碎屑潮坪—局限台地等的高频变化。台缘浅滩颗粒碳酸盐岩以鲕粒白云岩、砾屑白云岩(及内碎屑白云岩)和斜歪锥、柱状叠层石为特征,主要见于乱石沟组、野马河组;大窝坑组及石槽河组以鲕粒和砂—砾屑白云岩及藻碎屑(团块或凝块石)为特征;大中型板状交错层理、递变—平行层理和冲刷—侵蚀构造普遍,表明浅潮下带强水动力条件环境。台缘斜坡砾屑碳酸盐岩发育在大岩坪组中上部及马槽园组,由滑塌堆积的透镜状、巨厚层状巨—粗—细砾岩和砂岩组成,砾岩成分以白云岩等为主,可见大型交错层理、波痕和侵蚀—冲刷等沉积构造。对神农架群沉积序列、沉积特征及沉积演化过程的研究,为扬子克拉通中元古代晚期的盆地演化与重建、沉积充填过程及地层—沉积对比研究提供了基础资料及依据。  相似文献   

The stratigraphic record of many cratonic carbonate sequences includes thick successions of stacked peritidal deposits. Representing accumulation at or near sea‐level, these deposits have provided insights into past palaeoenvironments, sea‐level and climate change. To expand understanding of carbonate peritidal systems, this study describes the geomorphology, sedimentology and stratigraphy of the tidal flats on the Crooked‐Acklins Platform, south‐east Bahamas. The Crooked Island tidal flats extend continuously for ca 18 km on the platformward flank of Crooked Island, reaching up to 2 km across. Tidal flats include four environmental zones with specific faunal and floral associations and depositional characteristics: (i) supratidal (continuous supratidal crust and pavement); (ii) upper intertidal, with the mangrove Avicennia germinans and the cyanobacteria Scytonema; (iii) lower intertidal (with the mangrove Rhizophora mangal) and (iv) non‐vegetated, heavily burrowed subtidal (submarine). These zones have gradational boundaries but follow shore‐parallel belts. Coring reveals that the thickness of this mud‐dominated sediment package generally is <2 m, with depth to Pleistocene bedrock gradually shallowing landward. The facies succession under much of the tidal flat includes a basal compacted, organic‐rich skeletal‐lithoclast lag above the bedrock contact (suggesting initial flooding). This unit grades upward into rhizoturbated skeletal sandy mud (subtidal) overlain by coarsening‐upward peloid‐foraminifera‐gastropod muddy sand (reflecting shallowing to intertidal elevations). Cores from landward positions include stacked thin indurated layers with autoclastic breccia, root tubules and fenestrae (interpreted as supratidal conditions). Collectively, the data reveal an offlapping pattern on this prograding low‐energy shoreline, and these Holocene tidal flats may represent an actualistic analogue for ancient humid progradational tidal flats. Nonetheless, their vertical facies succession is akin to that present beneath channelled belt examples, suggesting that facies successions alone may not provide unambiguous criteria for prediction of the palaeogeomorphology, lateral facies changes and heterogeneity in stratigraphic analogues.  相似文献   

汤冬杰  史晓颖  李涛  赵贵生 《地球科学》2011,36(6):1033-1043
微生物席成因构造(microbially induced sedimentary structures, MISS)是由微生物与沉积物相互作用形成的生物-沉积构造, 可作为早期微生物群活动的重要标识, 但对其指示古环境的研究尚显不足.华北地台南部中-新元古代汝阳群(Pt2)和洛峪群(Pt3)以近岸浅水陆源碎屑沉积为主, 其中发育大量MISS, 包括多向波痕、微生物席稳化波痕、微生物席碎片、微生物席平滑波痕、多种微生物席脱水形成的砂裂及不规则网状生长脊等.研究表明, 在潮坪环境中MISS最为发育.地势差异对水动力、基底暴露、水分补给和沉积条件等环境因素具有显著控制作用, 影响微生物席的发育与结构, 因此, MISS的形态组合特征能够反映沉积微相变化.研究发现, 在潮上带以微生物席脱水形成的砂裂构造为主, 潮间带上部以破坏-改造型构造为主, 潮间带下部-潮下带一般少见原位MISS, 但可见再沉积微生物席碎片.据潮间带下部至潮上带上部MISS产出类型及其形态组合分析, 识别了4个MISS形态组合带, MISS形态组合由潮间带下部至潮上带上部的变化反映了古地形由低到高的明显变化.   相似文献   

柴西南翼山地区藻灰岩层储层特征及成因分析①   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对南翼山藻灰岩岩层储层特征及成因进行了系统研究。结果表明,南翼山藻灰岩沉积水体环境相对浑浊,但藻类仍能生长;该区藻灰岩岩石组成及类型复杂,主要的藻灰岩岩石类型有包心菜状叠层石、藻礁、指状叠层石、水平波状叠层石等;其主要为滨岸斜坡上低能潮上环境至高能潮下环境形成的沉积体,在重力等因素的作用下产生滑动或滑塌形成的微生物成因的滑塌混积岩;岩层物性好于其它岩层;藻灰岩层的成因决定了该地区单个沉积体规模小、分散、层薄。  相似文献   

中国豫西寒武系馒头组叠层石的沉积特征及其古环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国豫西寒武系馒头组一、二段共出露9层叠层石,占寒武纪18层叠层石中的50%,且其特征明显、形态多样,可分为圆柱状、波状、半球状和围绕竹叶状砾屑灰岩生长的叠层石等4大类8小类。本文在逐层分析豫西寒武系馒头组一、二段叠层石相序特征的基础上,通过对不同类型叠层石的宏观、中观形态特征及伴生的其它沉积特征进行详细描述,并以巴哈马Highborne Cays现代海相叠层石的生长环境和前寒武纪叠层石的沉积环境等为佐证,建立了豫西寒武系馒头组8小类11种不同叠层石的沉积环境分布模式,其中潮上带以近水平状叠层石为主,少量为缓波状、小柱状和含水平状薄泥层的叠层石;潮间带上部以缓波状、小柱状和含水平状薄泥层的叠层石为主,少量锥柱状叠层石;潮间带中部以圆柱状叠层石为主,含扁平状核形石和竹叶状砾屑,少量为锥柱状和围绕竹叶状砾屑生长的叠层石;潮间带下部至潮下带以含圆形核形石的圆柱状和半球状叠层石为主,少量含核形石的倒锥状叠层石。海平面的变化即水动力条件是叠层石生长类型变化的决定因素。  相似文献   

河南登封地区寒武系第三统馒头组二段发育有三种类型的核形石:球状、椭球状核形石与大型柱状叠层石伴生,形成于高能的潮下带;长卵形核形石与小型柱状叠层石伴生,形成于低到中等能量的潮间带;不规则状核形石与近水平状、缓波状叠层石伴生,形成于低能的潮上带和潮间带。从核形石的成因可以看出,核形石等微生物成因构造与后生动物扰动构造存在耦合关系,水动力条件是核形石形态类型变化的决定因素,泥质(陆源物质)供应是影响核形石生长及消亡的直接因素。  相似文献   

川南马边地区下寒武统麦地坪组是昆阳式磷矿的重要赋矿层位,磷矿的分布受沉积古环境控制。以马边黄家坪地区麦地坪组含磷地层野外剖面实测及钻孔岩芯观察为基础,对麦地坪组沉积相特征、磷块岩特征、磷矿成因模式进行了详细研究。研究表明:黄家坪地区麦地坪组发育碳酸盐岩潮坪相沉积,可识别出潮上坪、潮间坪和潮下坪3个亚相共计6种微相类型:潮上坪包括潮上滩和潮上云坪微相;潮间坪包括潮汐水道、潮间滩、潮间灰坪;潮下坪则仅发育低能潮下坪,垂向上表现出海退-海侵的沉积演化序列。据此建立了麦地坪组海湾潮坪相沉积模式。磷块岩的富集严格受沉积相带控制,潮间坪内高能水动力的潮间滩和潮汐水道是最有利于磷块岩形成的微相环境,砂砾屑磷块岩是马边地区发育较为广泛的磷块岩类型。磷矿床的成矿模式为上升洋流将富磷海水带入到海湾潮坪环境内,受生物-化学作用使磷以胶体-化学的形式发生凝聚富集,形成半固结—弱固结的磷酸盐沉积物,后遭受水流的冲刷、破碎、搬运、簸选再次发生沉淀,经压实、固结即形成高品位的磷块岩。  相似文献   

Purbeckian carbonates in the Swiss and French Jura (Goldberg Formation, lower Berriasian) comprise shallow-subtidal, intertidal, supratidal, low-energy, high-energy, marine, brackish, freshwater, and hypersaline facies. These facies are arranged in small (0–2–1.5 m thick) sequences which display a dominant shallowing-upward component, and which form the fundamental units of the highly structured Purbeckian sedimentary record. Six types of small-scale sequences can be recognized. A: intertidal to supratidal overprinting of shallow lagoonal facies; B: algal-marsh sequence with frequent dolomitization; C: sabkha sequence, often associated with collapse breccia; D: tidal-flat sequence with desiccation features; E: lacustrine sequence; F: terrestrial overprinting of subtidal or intertidal facies. Episodic event deposits such as tempestites are superimposed] Thin transgressive beds which rework elements of the underlying facies are frequently found at the base of the sequences. Green marls and black pebbles are common at the top and indicate long subaerial exposure. The sequences are often incomplete, as subtidal facies may be absent, or their upper part can be eroded. Lateral facies changes are common, which is due to the very shallow and partly emergent Purbeckian platform where various depositional environments were juxtaposed. However, many sequence boundaries are well developed and can be correlated over large parts of the study area. The Purbeckian shallowing-upward sequences were generated by climatically controlled sea-level changes. Autocyclic processes occurred locally, but were overprinted by drops of sea-level affecting the entire platform. The small-scale sequences are most probably related to the 20 000-year cycle of the precession of the equinoxes. Larger sequences with usually well-developed emersion surfaces are attributed to the 100 000 and 400 000-year eccentricity cycles of the Earth's orbit. Identification and correlation of sequence boundaries makes it possible to set up a framework of isochronous surfaces (which often cut across facies boundaries), and thus to interpret in detail the palaeogeographic, sedimentological and diagenetic evolution of the Purbeckian peritidal carbonate environments.  相似文献   

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