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我国东北地区是北半球少有的中生代紫萁科茎干化石产地之一。该地区出产的茎干化石为研究中生代紫萁科的演化历史提供了重要证据。我国过去报道的紫萁科茎干化石来自东北地区的侏罗系。近期在东北松辽盆地北部白垩系发现了紫萁科茎干化石, 为认识紫萁科在中生代晚期的演化发展过程提供了不可或缺的证据。本研究报道了在黑龙江省五大连池市和平镇发现的白垩纪紫萁科叶柄基化石。横切面上看叶柄基以茎缺失的位置为中心螺旋状排列, 较为紧密。维管束木质部呈深凹的C形, 末端向内弯曲。维管束凹陷处有薄的C形、边缘呈波纹状的厚壁组织带。C形维管束与厚壁组织带之间分布着薄壁细胞组成的粘液囊。内皮层中分布着不规则排列的若干厚壁组织束。近轴端叶柄基托叶翼中分布有2个较大和若干小的厚壁组织束; 大的厚壁组织束呈水滴形。随着叶柄基由近轴端向远轴端的延伸, 维管束近轴面凹陷处的厚壁组织带长度增长, 粘液囊数量增加; 托叶翼中厚壁组织束数量相应增加, 除了两个大的厚壁组织束外, 它们附近增加了若干大小不等的厚壁组织束和单个厚壁纤维细胞。当前化石是我国第一个白垩纪保存解剖结构的紫萁科化石记录。其结构特征与灭绝的Osmundacaulis和现存的Plenasium的叶柄基比较相似, 可能代表了白垩纪以上两属的成员之一。由于目前欧亚大陆白垩纪还未见Osmundacaulis和Plenasium的茎干化石记录, 当前化石的发现丰富了欧亚大陆白垩纪紫萁科植物的多样性。  相似文献   

程业明  刘风香 《地球学报》2017,38(2):135-143
松辽盆地是我国白垩系分布最广、厚度最大、发育最全的陆相沉积盆地。孢粉分析发现桫椤孢在松辽盆地白垩系中比较常见。但由于桫椤孢与桫椤科或者蚌壳蕨科具有亲缘关系。桫椤孢在地层中的发现不能明确表明桫椤科植物的存在。这种状况影响了我们对松辽盆地古环境和古气候的精确分析。白垩纪桫椤科矿化茎干化石在黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市克山县的发现为解决桫椤科植物在松辽盆地存在与否的难题提供了重要证据。该化石为桫椤科树蕨植物的茎干片段,包括髓、网状中柱、皮层。分体中柱的横截面呈U、W或S形,外围具有厚壁组织鞘,分体中柱末端朝向髓部或者皮层。髓和皮层由薄壁组织组成,其中分布有许多维管束和根。创伤组织在髓中常见。当前化石是我国第一个桫椤科茎干化石记录。它的发现表明白垩纪时期松辽盆地北部曾经分布着现今多生长于热带、亚热带的桫椤科树蕨祖先类群。结合与其伴生的一些登普斯基树蕨、本内苏铁茎干等化石证据,可能指示当时气候为热带或者亚热带。  相似文献   

首次发现产自辽西义县皮家沟下白垩统九佛堂组保存有解剖构造的木化石,利用木化石切片法对木化石解剖特征进行研究。当前木化石均为硅化保存,其中一块标本保存有髓、初生木质部、次生木质部等解剖构造。其髓部主要由薄壁细胞构成,初生木质部为内始式,次生木质部为Protophyllocladoxylon型。部分木化石标本表面密布大小不一的孔洞,推测为昆虫幼虫的觅食痕迹。此外,木化石产出层位还发现有大量丝碳化石,表明义县地区早白垩世九佛堂组沉积时期存在野火事件,而频发的火山喷发活动可能是野火事件的诱因。  相似文献   

福建永安下白垩统坂头组Elatides属雌球果化石 研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对采自福建永安市下白垩统坂头组的似纵属Elatides雌球果化石进行了宏观形态和角质层特征的研究,这些球果均单独保存,较小,果鳞较多,螺旋状紧密排列,顶端收缩呈尖刺状,与Elatides的特征相符。根据球果的形态、果鳞及其球果中轴的特征,将这些球果鉴定为3个种,即永安似纵(新种)Elatides yonganensis Dai et Sun, sp. nov.、弯叶似纵(相似种)Elatides cf. curvifolius及一未定种Elatides sp.。其中重点描述了新种E. yonganensis的形态特征,该球果以中轴呈波状,果鳞顶端较长、较尖,腹面具有锯齿状的膜质小舌,每一果鳞具有大概5枚种子而区别于以前报道的任一已知种。同时对中国的Elatides化石记录进行了收集整理,Elatides属的球果化石在福建永安坂头组的发现表明其分布区可达25°N,丰富了该属植物的化石记录并扩大了其分布范围。  相似文献   

辉木属(Psaronius Cotta 1832)是莲座蕨目星囊蕨科(Asterotheceae)的一种树蕨茎干化石,在世界上分布广泛,在我国则较少发现,过去仅报道过贵州威宁的中国辉木(P. sinensis Sze 1942)、水城汪家寨煤矿的辉木属未定种(Psaronius sp.)和四川的六角辉木(P. hexagonus Gu et Zhi 1974)。 1980年6月6日,笔者与云南省地矿局测试中心以及云南省轻工厅的同志一道在昆明东郊进行地质调查时,李志德同志采到一块硅化植物茎干化石。同年7月20日,笔者同本馆肖永福同志再次到化石标本产地进行调查,在化石产地附近的玄武岩中找到含植物化石的硅质  相似文献   

内蒙古银根额济纳旗盆地是我国北方重要的中一新生代陆内含油气盆地,主要出露白垩系冲洪积-河湖相碎屑岩及火山岩夹层.本文描述了在盆地东南部下白垩统巴音戈壁组下段(1号)和苏红图组二段底部(2号)发现的上、下两处原始埋藏的硅化木化石,并探讨了早白垩世时期盆地沉积时的气候环境.两处化石均保存完好,表面结构较为完整.巴音戈壁组上部和苏红图组下部泥岩段孢粉分析结果显示地层时代为早白垩世中晚期.同时,孢粉植物群揭示该时期银根-额济纳旗盆地气候环境温暖湿润,植被茂盛.根据化石保存特征和产出位置的地层岩性,初步推测1号硅化木化石点系冲洪积物快速堆积所致,2号硅化木化石点系火山喷发物瞬间埋藏所致,其埋藏时代大致为早白垩世晚期.  相似文献   

中国似查米亚属Sinozamites Sze是中国北方中、晚三叠世苏铁植物门Cycadophyta代表成分之一.自该属发现以来,该属在分类上属于苏铁目还是本内苏铁目一直不清楚.本文对产于辽宁本溪中三叠世林家组的密脉中国似查米亚S.myrioneurus表皮构造进行了研究.由于标本未保留角质层,故选择超景深显技术,发现该属气孔器属于单唇型,从而确立了该属植物属于苏铁目.研究过程中,既用盐酸又用硝酸来清除化石表面杂质.另根据已有的标本所显示的裂片和羽轴上下过渡关系,对该种羽片进行了部分重建.在此基础上,系统比较了类似的苏铁植物.  相似文献   

浙江新昌下白垩统馆头组是我国南方地区为数不多的白垩纪木化石产出层位。本文报道了新昌地区馆头组木化石新材料及其内含真菌菌丝化石。木化石具明显生长轮,管胞径壁纹孔南洋杉式(多数单列、椭圆形、紧挤排列,偶见双列互生排列);交叉场纹孔南洋杉式;木射线单列式,多数2~11个细胞高。当前木化石新材料具有与现生南洋杉科植物相类似的木材解剖特征,显示其应归入贝壳杉型木属(Agathoxylon Hartig)。鉴于该类型木化石的分类现状仍有待厘清,将其定为Agathoxylonsp.。木化石内含真菌菌丝化石,管状,具横隔,平直或弯曲,常以不同角度分叉,菌丝壁光滑,具典型的锁状联合,属于担子菌类。当前木化石木材组织具有明显的木材腐朽特征,与现代真菌造成的木材白腐一致,推断此真菌化石为木材白腐菌。新昌地区贝壳杉型木属木化石新材料的发现进一步丰富了馆头组木化石的多样性,有助于增进对南方地区早白垩世植物群组成特征的认识。当前真菌菌丝化石是我国南方地区首次发现白垩纪担子菌化石,为探究白垩纪时期森林生态系统真菌与植物的相互作用提供了新的化石证据。  相似文献   

北京西山中侏罗世植物群的古气候意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张英芳  姜均伟 《中国地质》2010,37(2):515-524
在北京市门头沟区九龙山南坡中侏罗统的下窑坡组、上窑坡组和龙门组采集植物化石22属38种。统计资料表明,北京西山中侏罗世植物群以真蕨纲(27.6%)、苏铁纲(25%)和银杏纲(25%)为主,其中真蕨纲的Coniopteris、Cladophlebis分别出现5和17个形态种。本文通过现生近缘种类分析法和植物的生长状态分析研究古气候。研究表明,含量高的植物化石的现生近缘种类紫萁科、蚌壳蕨科和苏铁纲植物主要生长于温热潮湿的热带或亚热带气候区;Cladophlebis较高的分异度,苏铁纲大型的羽状复叶,木贼目宽大的茎干等植物特征,同样指示较为湿热的气候环境。因此,北京西山中侏罗世植物群反映一种温热潮湿的亚热带气候。并且,化石的属种和数量自下窑坡组、上窑坡组到龙门组的降低反映研究区气候由温热潮湿向干热方向的演变。  相似文献   

中生代主要植物化石的古气候指示意义   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
邓胜徽 《古地理学报》2007,9(6):559-574
中生代植物群以真蕨纲、苏铁纲、银杏纲、松柏纲为主,另有苔藓类、石松纲、楔叶纲及其他种子植物等。从化石的形态和结构、埋藏特点、分布及与现生类型的对比等方面,概要地分析了中生代植物群常见分子的古气候指示意义。其中,反映温暖潮湿气候或生境的主要有苔藓类,石松纲的Lycopodites和Selaginellites属等,楔叶纲,真蕨纲的单缝孢类、早白垩世的蚌壳蕨科、海金砂科的Ruffordia属、紫萁科及可能相关的小羽片大型的Cladophlebis,银杏纲银杏目的主要类型,松柏纲杉科的Athrotaxoites、Cunninghamia、Cephalotaxopsis、Sequoia等,紫杉科的Taxus、Torreya等,苏铁杉科Ferganiella、Podozamites、Swedenborgia等以及形态属Elatocladus;反映温凉气候的主要有松柏纲的松科和银杏纲的茨康目;适应热带、亚热带气候的包括真蕨类的海金沙科、合囊蕨科、马通蕨科、双扇蕨科、桫椤科、里白科以及中国蕨科的Onychiopsis等,苏铁目和本内苏铁目的主要类型;指示偏干旱型气候的主要有石松纲的Pleuromeia和Isoetites, 真蕨纲的Weichiselia, 本内苏铁目的Otozamites、Zamites、Ptilophyllum等,松柏纲掌鳞杉科的Pseudoflenelopsis、Flenelopsis、 Hirmeriella和可能属于掌鳞杉科的Brachyphyllum和Pagiophyllum,柏科的Cupressinocladus以及买麻藤目的Ephedrites等。  相似文献   

Well-preserved Cretaceous trunk fragments of Cycadeoidea (Cycadeoidaceae) were recently found in Keshan County, Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China. These fossils represent important evidence of the distribution of this group of plants in East Asia. In these trunk fragments, the stem cortices and leaf bases with cones are preserved. The leaf bases are rhombic with cones infrequently distributed among leaf bases. The cortex is broad and consists of fundamental parenchyma cells, numerous secretory ducts and C-shaped leaf traces with adaxial secondary xylem and abaxial secondary phloem. The genus Cycadeoidea, which is widely distributed in the Cretaceous deposits of East Asia, North America and Western Europe, was an important component of Cretaceous floras. Bennettitalean trunk fossils with well-preserved anatomical structures are rarely known from China. These fossils are important for studies of the evolution of genus Cycadeoidea and for stratigraphic correlation.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of Estherites corrugatus from the basal part of the Coniacian Second Member of the Nenjiang Formation in Nenjiang County, north-east China is revised following the application of a new preparation technique to some of the carapaces and an examination of specimens under a scanning electron microscope, both of which revealed morphological features on the carapace that had not been recognized previously. Restudy of the type species of the two subgenera Estherites (Euestherites) and Estherites (Parestherites) also revealed details of carapace features not seen hitherto. These indicate that they should be separated from Estherites. As a result, Euestherites is upgraded to genus level and Parestherites is placed in synonymy. The importance of Estherites and Euestherites is considered in the context of Late Cretaceous assemblages of these crustaceans and the three conchostracan provinces (South-West, South-East and North China) that are recognized to have been present in China during the Turonian–Santonian period.  相似文献   

云南禄丰县川街盆地中侏罗统产出弓鲛鱼类化石后甸弓鲛(Hybodus houtienensis Young)、新庄弓鲛(新种)(Hybodus xinzhuangensis Sun)、川街弓鲛(新种)(Hybodus chuanjieensis Sun)。后甸弓鲛(Hybodus houtienensis Young)是中国发现最早的弓鲛鱼类之一,正型标本为破碎的鳍棘,副型标本为一枚牙齿齿冠。依据在川街盆地相同层位发现的新化石材料,对后甸弓鲛副型标本进行了增补,补充了描述,建立了2个弓鲛新种:新庄弓鲛与川街弓鲛,丰富了"后甸弓鲛带"弓鲛类群,并讨论了弓鲛属的生物地层、生活的古环境和地理分布特征。  相似文献   

Well-preserved Ginkgo pollen organs are analyzed from the Middle Jurassic Xishanyao Formation of the Turpan–Hami Basin, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, northwestern China, and are described as a new species, Ginkgo hamiensis Z.X. Wang et B.N. Sun sp. nov. The immature male cones are cylindrical and catkin-like, with two longitudinal stripes on the stalk. The pollen sacs are shaped like a long oval with two pollen sacs fused together for each microsporophyll, and the microsporophyll tip is a triangular cystidium. The pollen grains are oblong or fusiform and monocolpate; both ends are blunt or sharp. By comparison with previously reported fossil records of Ginkgo plants, we determined that the current fossils are different from all other reported species; thus, the present fossil is referred to as a new species of Ginkgo. The reproductive organs of the Ginkgo fossils described herein can provide valuable information for the study of Ginkgo plants. Further, there are two probable evolutionary trends in the Ginkgo pollen cones. One trend is that the number of pollen sacs changed from three or four during the Jurassic and Cretaceous to two at the present day; the other is that the number of pollen sacs has remained two from the Middle Jurassic to the present day. In addition, the pollen cones described herein are similar to the pollen cones of the extant Ginkgo, which strongly indicates that the morphology of Ginkgo plants may have remained highly conserved over millions of years.  相似文献   

The non-marine bivalve species Trigonioides (Kumamotoa) quadratus Gu and Ma is described from the Fourth Member of the Hekou Formation in western Fujian, southeastern China. This species previously was regarded to belong to the subgenus Trigonioides (s.s.), which is restricted to the Early Cretaceous. Herein, it is included into the subgenus Kumamotoa. It is compared to Cenomanian (early Late Cretaceous) species from Japan and Korea such as Trigonioides (Kumamotoa) mifunensis Tamura, Trigonioides (Kumamotoa) matsumotoi Kobayashi and Suzuki and Trigonioides (Kumamotoa) paucisulcatus Suzuki. The age of the Fourth Member of the Hekou Formation is discussed.  相似文献   

During the late Pleistocene and early Holocene, Bison was widely dispersed across North America and occupied most regions not covered by ice sheets. A dietary study on Bison paleopopulations from Alaska, New Mexico, Florida, and Texas was performed using two methods that relate dental wear patterns to diet, mesowear analysis and microwear analysis. These data were compared to a mixed sample of extant Bison from the North American central plains, extant wood Bison from Alberta (Canada) and a variety of other modern ungulates. Mesowear relates macroscopic molar facet shape to levels of dietary abrasion. The mesowear signature observed on fossil Bison differs significantly from the hyper-abrasive grazing diet of extant Bison. Tooth microwear examines wear on the surface of enamel at a microscopic scale. The microwear signal of fossil samples resembles to modern Bison, but the fossil samples show a greater diversity of features, suggesting that fossil Bison populations regularly consumed food items that are texturally inconsistent with the short-grass diet typical of modern plains Bison. Mesowear and microwear signals of fossil Bison samples most closely resemble a variety of typical mixed feeding ungulates, all with diets that are substantially less abrasive than what is typical for modern plains Bison. Furthermore, statistical tests suggest significant differences between the microwear signatures of the fossil samples, thus revealing geographic variability in Pleistocene Bison diets. This study reveals that fossils are of value in developing an understanding of the dietary breadth and ecological versatility of species that, in recent times, are rare, endangered, and occupy only a small remnant of their former ranges.  相似文献   

袁丽平  解三平  孙宇  刘志伟  陈杰  郭虎 《地质通报》2017,36(8):1334-1342
云南现代真蕨类植物资源丰富,蕨类植物多样性的地史起源,必须从化石记录入手。在云南临沧上中新统邦卖组植物化石采集中发现了槲蕨属1块不育叶和2块腐殖叶的新材料,这些标本为修订Drynaria propinqua Wen et al.,2013,以及揭示该种不育叶和腐殖叶的特征提供了新的材料。通过与槲蕨属国内外报道的化石种和现生种的详细比较,将其重新定名为Drynaria cf.propinqua。Drynaria cf.propinqua的发现,表明云南临沧晚中新世的气候与现今中国西南地区温暖湿润的气候类似,这些附生植物的生活习性表明,临沧地区复杂分层的森林生态系统至少在晚中新世已经确立。  相似文献   

The Mission Paléoanthropologique Franco-Tchadienne (MPFT) found a new species of Orycteropodidae (Mammalia, Tubulidentata) in the Kollé fossiliferous sector, northern Chad. After Orycteropus abundulafus [Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20 (1) (2000) 205–209; Lehmann, T., Vignaud, P., Likius A., Brunet M., in press. A new Orycteropodidae (Mammalia, Tubulidentata) in the Mio-Pliocene of Northern Chad. Zool. J. Linnean Soc.], this specimen is the second complete skeleton of fossil aardvark found in the Djurab desert. It is the first complete representative of an Orycteropus species found in the Pliocene of Africa. In regard to the Miocene fossil aardvarks, this new taxon, Orycteropus djourabensis nov. sp., shows more affinities with the extant O. afer. The main differences are the larger teeth and the shorter hand in the fossil form. Kossom Bougoudi and Kollé represent a chronological series that gives a unique opportunity for studying the evolution of the African Tubulidentata around the Mio-Pliocene boundary (5.5-4 My). The new species is distinct from the older Chadian Orycteropodid from KB and it embodies the taxonomic turnover that took place within the order Tubulidentata around this boundary in Africa. Moreover, this new species is the oldest known Orycteropus species that clearly belongs to the modern forms including the extant aardvark.  相似文献   

The first specimen of Aturoidea to be recorded in East Asia has been found in the Upper Cretaceous Sada limestone in Shimanto City, Kochi Prefecture, Japan. The specimen is one of the few representatives from the Upper Cretaceous, along with species known from Libya, Angola, and India. The specimen is very similar to A. mathewsonni from the Paleocene deposits in California. However, we describe the specimen as A. cf. mathewsonni, as it slightly differs from A. mathewsonni in the shape of the lateral lobe of the suture. The finding reveals that Aturoidea had already lived in waters around East Asia in the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

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