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采用颗粒流程序PFC构建了试件直接拉伸模型,模拟了含2条断续裂隙试件的直接拉伸试验,通过完整试件的模拟结果与室内试验结果的对比,验证了细观参数的准确性和可靠性,同时分析了裂隙倾角和岩桥倾角对抗拉强度和裂纹扩展的影响。研究表明:在直接拉伸情况下,含2条断续裂隙试件以萌生次生倾斜反翼裂纹为主,少量次生共面裂纹和翼裂纹;岩桥倾角和裂隙倾角均较小时,次生共面裂纹与原始裂隙之间发生搭接、贯通,随着岩桥倾角和裂隙倾角的加大,次生倾斜反翼裂纹扩展使试件断裂;裂纹扩展的方向与最大拉应力的方向基本保持垂直;岩桥倾角对于试件的抗拉强度和起裂应力影响不大;裂隙倾角对于试件抗拉强度和起裂应力影响明显,裂隙倾角越大,试件抗拉强度和起裂应力越大。  相似文献   

余华中  阮怀宁  褚卫江 《岩土力学》2016,37(9):2712-2720
在黏结颗粒模型中引入强度弱化因子生成弱化介质材料,进行弱化模型试件的单轴抗压强度试验。结果表明,弱化作用在降低试件单轴抗压强度的同时,还将导致试件弹性模量逐步下降。这一结果符合相关室内试验的研究成果。为进一步对岩石强度弱化模拟方法进行效果检验,利用颗粒流程序内置的FISH语言建立弱化岩石节理直剪试验模型,进行不同法向应力条件下弱化岩石节理的直剪试验。结果表明:弱化节理模型试件表现出类似于真实节理的一系列宏观剪切力学特征;不同壁面弱化程度条件下,节理模型试件的抗剪强度及剪切峰值膨胀角的试验结果与法向应力的依存关系均符合经典的JRC-JCS模型。由此表明,所采用的岩石强度弱化模拟方法可以较好地再现岩石介质的强度弱化效应。通过模型试件内微裂纹发展演化特征的研究表明,壁面弱化作用可导致试件内裂纹发育数目的快速增长、微裂纹分布范围的迅速扩大,以及剪切裂纹发育比例的迅速提高,由此从细观角度揭示了弱化节理面更易于产生宏观剪切破坏的原因。研究成果可以为弱化岩石节理的抗剪强度及大型岩质边坡的稳定性研究提供参考。  相似文献   

采用自主研发的含瓦斯煤岩细观剪切试验装置,开展不同黏结剂含量条件下的含瓦斯煤剪切试验研究,研究了煤的强度特性、裂纹演化模式、裂纹长度变化规律、细观裂纹形态特征和形成机制,并探讨了黏结剂含量对含瓦斯煤剪切力学特性、裂纹宏细观演化和损伤特性的影响。研究结果表明:随着黏结剂含量的增加,含瓦斯煤抗剪强度较好地服从线性增加关系,宏观裂纹的数目和分叉在增加,峰后稳定阶段所占总试验阶段的比例不断减小;裂纹总有效长度变化可分为急增、缓增和稳定3个阶段;随着黏结剂含量的增加,相邻裂纹之间的损伤区类型发生变化,宏观断裂面形成方式由裂纹的直接连通向主裂纹分叉连通和翼型主裂纹间损伤区连通方式转化;通过对黏结剂含量为5.3%条件下含瓦斯煤剪切细观裂纹形成机制分析可知,宏观裂纹前端存在几条由宽到窄、近似在一条线上分布的细观裂纹,前方新裂纹不断出现,后方裂纹不断长大,并发生翼裂纹连通,翼型裂纹重叠部分产生损伤,形成宏观裂纹,从而引起宏观裂纹不断向前扩展;主裂纹壁的次级裂纹是由几条呈雁行式排列的翼型裂纹组成;主裂纹之间的贯通方式为翼裂纹和反翼裂纹连通,取决于其相对位置。  相似文献   

透明类岩石内置三维裂纹扩展变形试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱珍德  林恒星  孙亚霖 《岩土力学》2016,(4):913-921,928
采用力学试验手段探究岩石受压情况下内部裂纹扩展贯通机制是了解岩石破坏失稳机制的重要手段。由于无法观察真实岩体内部裂纹扩展过程且CT扫描实时性不足等原因,自行研制了一种各项性质与岩石接近的透明类岩石材料,以观察研究其内部三维裂纹的扩展贯通机制。这一方法克服了真实岩体不透明的特点,可更方便地观察岩体内部裂纹萌生、扩展不同阶段的形状。然后制作了一批内置单裂隙和双裂隙的试件,在RMT-150B多功能全自动刚性岩石伺服试验机上进行单轴压缩试验,详细观察研究了单裂隙和双裂隙试件在不同岩桥角和裂隙间距情况下的裂纹扩展贯通模式以及裂隙数量和间距对试件抗压强度的影响,并从理论方面对翼形裂纹的扩展过程进行了解释。试验表明,在不同的岩桥角和裂隙间距下,次生裂纹将呈现不同的扩展贯通模式,试验中观察到的次生裂纹有张拉翼裂纹、与翼裂纹反向生长的反翼裂纹和拉剪作用下的花瓣状裂纹等,试件最终破坏是各种形式的裂纹汇合贯通的结果。裂隙的存在极大地降低了试件的抗压强度,且随着裂隙数目增加,试件峰值强度呈降低趋势,同时裂隙间距也对试件的峰值强度产生一定的影响。试验成果对分析真实岩体的破坏失稳机制有着重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

利用自主研发的煤岩剪切-渗流耦合试验装置,开展了渗透水压作用下完整砂岩试件剪切-渗流耦合特征试验研究。结果表明:(1)在恒定渗透水压情况下,法向应力越大,砂岩的抗剪强度越高,法向变形则越小,砂岩的剪切变形过程可分为3个阶段:剪切变形的线性增长阶段、非稳定破裂发展阶段和剪断后的摩擦滑移阶段;(2)在恒定渗透水压情况下,法向应力越小,法向和剪切变形量越大,剪切断面的起伏程度越大,表面次生裂纹发育越明显、发育范围越宽,砂岩的破坏程度越严重;(3)在整个剪切过程中,剪应力出现几次明显的应力降,首次应力降出现在线弹性变化末期,同时伴有水流流出,说明首次应力降是第一条宏观贯通的裂纹所致,且法向应力越大,裂隙越窄,导水能力越差。  相似文献   

为探究干湿循环作用下锁固段型岩质边坡内部岩桥的破裂演化及前兆异常,对岩桥试件开展不同干湿循环次数下的单轴压缩试验。基于数字图像相关(DIC)技术,实现加载过程中试件全场变形的实时测量,通过求解位移矢量识别裂纹扩展类型。引入协方差矩阵,定量描述应变场多元分量的离散程度,提出一种识别岩桥应变场前兆异常的方法,并分析干湿循环作用的影响规律。研究结果表明:随着干湿循环次数的增加,岩桥的起裂应力和抗压强度均逐渐劣化。岩桥中裂纹发展时,周围岩石的位移矢量会发生明显的差异,共识别出两种基本裂纹,即张拉裂纹和剪切裂纹。裂纹起裂和贯通所需的轴向应力随着干湿循环次数的增加而逐渐减小。应变场有效方差的演化过程可划分为初始分异、稳定分异和加速分异3个阶段;当剪切裂纹起裂时,干燥状态下的试件有效方差突增,而干湿循环作用后的试件有效方差出现加速增长的态势,均可识别为前兆点。经过干湿循环作用的试件前兆应力水平和时间水平均小于干燥状态下的试件,这是因为干湿循环作用对岩样产生了软化作用。  相似文献   

高渗压条件下压剪岩石裂纹断裂损伤演化机制研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
刘涛影  曹平  章立峰  赵延林  范祥 《岩土力学》2012,33(6):1801-1815
探讨了高渗透压作用下压剪岩石裂纹的起裂规律及分支裂纹尖端应力强度因子的演变规律,建立了高渗压下裂隙岩体发生拉剪破坏的临界水压力值和初裂强度判据,分析了不同渗压作用下裂纹的扩展情况表明,渗透压的存在加剧了分支裂纹的扩展,高渗透压作用下分支裂纹扩展由稳定扩展变成不稳定扩展,并导致分支裂纹尖端岩桥剪切破坏,同时考虑分支裂纹的相互作用,建立了高渗透压作用下压剪岩石裂纹体岩桥剪切贯通的断裂破坏力学模型,最后依据裂隙岩体的损伤力学效应研究了岩体的初始损伤及损伤演化柔度张量,提出了高渗压下压剪岩石裂纹渐进破坏的损伤演化方程。该理论为定量研究高渗压下裂隙岩体的失稳破坏提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

岩体内部赋存的裂隙很多表现为折线型,为探究这类岩体的断裂机制,制备含折线型裂隙砂岩试件并对其进行单轴压缩试验。采用数字图像相关(DIC)方法计算加载过程中的变形场演化,根据新生裂纹两侧的位移差异识别裂纹类型;运用扩展有限元法(XFEM)模拟断裂过程,根据应力分布特征解释翼型裂纹起裂与扩展机制。DIC计算结果表明,新生裂纹处出现应变局部化带,裂纹两侧发生相对分离;含直线型和折线型裂隙砂岩试件的翼型裂纹分别萌生于预制裂隙端部以及折角处,这是因为裂隙几何形态会改变拉应力集中位置;含折线型裂隙砂岩试件的起裂应力小于含直线型裂隙砂岩试件,这是因为相同加载条件下前者的最大拉应力值更大;这2类试件的裂纹扩展均是由于裂纹尖端集中的拉应力引起的,裂纹依然呈张开状态;裂隙几何形态未改变试件的最终破坏模式,均表现为对角剪切破坏。  相似文献   

揭示双轴循环荷载条件下类玄武岩内裂纹起裂、扩展及岩桥贯通模式。配制类玄武岩相似材料,预制裂纹倾角=30、裂纹长度2a=20mm、裂纹厚度l=0.3mm的双裂纹,设计不同岩桥长度L、岩桥倾角试样,采用双轴压缩、双轴循环加卸载方式,研究裂纹扩展及岩桥贯通模式。试验结果表明:(1)双轴循环加卸载条件下,裂纹扩展-岩桥贯通过程可分为翼裂纹起裂、翼裂纹扩展和次生裂纹起裂及扩展、岩桥贯通3个阶段;(2)岩桥贯通类型可分为剪性贯通、张剪复合贯通和张性贯通3类。双轴压缩条件下,岩桥贯通模式可进一步划分为9种模式,双轴循环加卸载条件下,岩桥贯通模式可分为8种模式;(3)双轴循环加卸载试验比双轴压缩试验更易发生剪性贯通,且在部分试样岩桥处出现局部压碎隆起现象;(4)岩桥倾角和岩桥长度L对岩桥贯通模式影响显著,随着岩桥倾角的增大,岩桥贯通模式逐渐转变为剪性或张剪性贯通。双轴压缩条件下,岩桥长度增加,贯通模式由张剪复合贯通过渡为剪性贯通,而双轴循环加卸载试验则恰恰相反。  相似文献   

水-岩化学作用等效裂纹扩展细观力学模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨慧  曹平  江学良 《岩土力学》2010,31(7):2104-2110
从化学腐蚀下岩石细观结构的变化出发,研究水化学溶液对岩石中裂纹的腐蚀作用。运用地球化学矿物-水反应的溶解动力学,考查水-岩反应化学溶液中不同时间段离子浓度的变化,从理论上探讨化学腐蚀下等效裂纹扩展的定量化分析方法。通过质量守恒定律计算出裂纹在迹长及隙宽方向的变化,将水化腐蚀等效成有效裂纹长度,建立了水-岩化学作用下等效裂纹扩展的计算公式并计算应力强度因子。通过对砂岩的研究结果表明,水-岩化学作用对岩石裂纹的扩展有显著影响,并且具有时间效应。同时,水化学溶液的离子浓度及pH值大小对裂纹的扩展存在影响,其中pH值的变化对岩石的断裂力学效应更加显著。当溶液的酸性越强或碱性越强,腐蚀越大,裂纹扩展越快;pH值为中性时,腐蚀作用得到较大缓解,裂纹发展缓慢。为定量研究裂隙岩体在水岩化学作用下的细观机理提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

高水压下岩体裂纹扩展的渗流-断裂耦合机制与数值实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵延林  彭青阳  万文 《岩土力学》2014,299(2):556-564
采用渗流力学、断裂力学理论结合Monte Carlo方法描述岩体裂纹的随机分布,研究高水压作用下岩体原生裂纹的变形和翼形裂纹的萌生、扩展、贯通的渗流-断裂耦合作用机制,建立高水压作用下岩体裂纹的渗流-断裂耦合数学模型,给出该数学模型的求解策略与方法,在Fortran95平台下开发高水压下岩体裂纹扩展的渗流-断裂耦合分析程序HWFSC.for。高水压下岩体裂纹扩展的渗流-断裂耦合体现在岩体裂纹网络和渗流初始条件都随渗流时步变化。对高压注水岩体裂纹扩展过程进行渗流-断裂耦合分析。结果表明,高压注水条件下,岩体裂纹扩展存在起动水压力,当水压力大于起动水压力时,裂纹尖端开始萌生翼形裂纹,随着裂纹水压力的增加,翼形裂纹扩展,进而与其他裂纹搭接贯通,停止扩展。渗流-断裂耦合分析考虑了裂纹动、静水压力对裂纹产生的法向扩张效应及翼形裂纹的扩展而形成新的渗流通道两方面的影响,连通裂纹数随渗流的发展而增加。岩体裂纹的渗流-断裂耦合分析,能较真实地再现岩体裂纹的水力劈裂现象,描述岩体裂纹的扩展、贯通过程及与之相耦合的渗流响应。  相似文献   

节理岩体的剪切特性是主导岩体工程稳定性的关键因素。基于PFC2D离散元颗粒流程序,结合室内试验结果对比分析,选取合理的细观参数进行数值模拟,分别从细观角度研究了节理岩石的裂纹发展、能量转化及声发射现象等特性,从宏观角度研究了节理岩石的强度模型和破坏形态。结果表明:节理岩体主要呈现磨损和剪断两种破坏形态,不同的破坏形态对应不同的强度模型;随着剪切变形增加,岩体沿节理面发生破坏,弹性阶段以法向裂纹为主,而塑性阶段切向裂纹起主导作用,滑移区R、P裂纹贯通形成破碎带,节理面产生较大滑移;在应力达到峰值强度前,边界能主要转化为应变能,法向裂纹生成较多;越过峰值强度后,摩擦能快速增长,并伴随大量切向裂纹产生。与室内试验结果相比,PFC2D较好地模拟了节理岩体剪切力学特性,弥补了室内试验中无法进行细观特性研究的缺陷,对于节理岩体后期研究提供了一些参考。  相似文献   

Crack initiation and coalescence behavior of rock or rock-like specimens containing artificial flaws under uniaxial compression have been subjects of intensive investigation in the past. Most of these investigations however focused on crack initiation and coalescence between two or more parallel flaws. Although there have been few experimental studies on non-parallel flaws, these studies did not address the influence of geometrical factors such as ligament length and ligament angle on the crack initiation and coalescence behavior of non-parallel flaws. To investigate whether the individual geometrical factors have similar effects on the crack initiation and coalescence behavior of both parallel and non-parallel flaws, we conducted uniaxial compression tests to investigate crack cracking and coalescence processes in rock like material containing two non-parallel flaws. The paper presents the influence of individual geometrical factors on the crack initiation process and coalescence pattern of non-parallel flaws. Initiation of primary first cracks from all the tips of the two flaws did not occur simultaneously in all the flaw configurations. The flaw configuration of the non-parallel flaws influences the crack initiation, crack trajectories and coalescence behavior. The crack coalescence pattern changes with an increasing ligament angle from indirect to shear crack or mixed tensile-shear crack to tensile crack coalescence. The chance of direct coalescence is reduced with an increase in ligament length. In conclusion, the crack initiation and coalescence behavior of prismatic rock-like specimens with non-parallel flaws, as influenced by the geometrical factors, are analogous to the cracking and coalescence pattern observed in specimens with parallel flaws.  相似文献   

节理岩体的剪切贯通机制影响着边坡的稳定性。为揭示锁固段型非贯通节理岩体在不同连通率和法向应力下的破坏特征,在室内直剪试验中结合高速摄影与AE特征参数分析其剪切全过程及剪胀效应。结果表明:节理岩体直剪试验中,法向应力的增大及节理连通率的下降会致使峰值剪切应力及峰值剪切位移增大;节理连通率与法向应力对其破坏特征具显著影响,表现为节理连通率较高且法向应力较小时呈直接剪断的特性,节理连通率降低后呈拉剪复合破坏,出现剪胀现象,而法向应力的增大使得剪胀效应呈波动现象;AE特征与岩桥贯通过程一致,事件数峰值随节理连通率的降低及法向应力的增大而增大且位于峰后。试验得到的岩桥细观破坏特征与剪胀效应对研究锁固段型岩质边坡的贯通破坏机制具指导意义。  相似文献   

Experiments on man-made flawed rock-like materials are applied extensively to study the mechanical behaviour of rock masses as well as crack initiation modes and crack coalescence types. A large number of experiments on specimens containing two or three pre-existing flaws were previously conducted. In the present work, experiments on rock-like materials (formed from a mixture of sand, plaster, limestone and water at mass ratio of 126:9:9:16) containing multiple flaws subjected to uniaxial compression were conducted to further research the effects of the layout of pre-existing flaws on mechanical properties, crack initiation modes and crack coalescence types. Compared with previous experiments in which only three types of cracks were found, the present experiments on specimens containing multiple flaws under uniaxial compression revealed five types of cracks, including wing cracks, quasi-coplanar secondary cracks, oblique secondary cracks, out-of-plane tensile cracks and out-of-plane shear cracks. Ten types of crack coalescence occurred through linkage among wing cracks, quasi-coplanar secondary cracks, oblique secondary cracks, out-of-plane shear cracks and out-of-plane tensile cracks. Moreover, the effects of the non-overlapping length and flaw angle on the complete stress–strain curves, the stress of crack initiation, the peak strength, the peak strain and the elastic modulus were also investigated in detail.  相似文献   

Crack coalescence in rock masses was studied by performing a series of biaxial compresion tests on specimens made of rock-like material. Specimens of size 63.5 × 27.9 × 20.3 cm, made of 72% silica sand, 16% cement (Type I) and 12% water by weight were tested. The joint inclination angle was maintained at 45°, while the offset angle i.e. angle between the plane of the joint and the line that connects the two inner tips of the joints, was changed from 0° to 90° with an increment of 15°. Three levels of lateral stress were used; 0.35 MPa, 0.7 MPa and 1.5 MPa on each sample. HP data acquisition system was used to record the data for each sample. In each sample, four LVDTs were fixed to measure the axial and lateral displacement along the sample. The failure mechanisms were monitored by eye inspection and a magnifier to detect crack initiation and propagation. For each test, the failure surfaces were investigated to determine the characteristics of each surface. Wing cracks initiated at the tip of the joint for the low confining stress applied, while at higher confining stresses wing cracks also initiated at the middle of the joint. Secondary cracks initiated at the tip of the joint due to shear stress. Three modes of failure took place due to coalescence of the secondary and wing cracks. The bridge inclination was the main variable that controlled the mode of failure. For bridge inclination of 0°, the coalescence occured due to shear failure and for bridge inclination of 90° the coalescence occurred due to tensile failure while for the other bridge inclinations coalescence occured due to mixed tensile and shear failure.  相似文献   

X-ray computed tomography (CT) imaging and digital image correlation techniques are applied to study spatial cracking behaviors of sandstone under uniaxial compression, in which the angle between precracks is 45°, 90°, and 135° and the crack depth is 7.5 mm and 10 mm, respectively. Layered anisotropy damages and spatial cracking evolution are quantitatively analyzed by the defined digital layered anisotropy index and digital damage ratio, respectively. Three cases with different array of precracks evidence the depth effects of precracks on spatial crack propagation. Results show that the failure process of samples is first controlled by the coalescence of surface cracks in 2D space and then the samples are failed by the propagation of coalesced cracks (shear cracks with different shapes). The crack types for samples with precrack depth of 7.5 mm are all shear cracks for Cases 1‑3. Nevertheless, the crack types for samples with precrack depth of 10 mm are, respectively, the half X-shape crack for Case 1, X-shape crack for Case 2, and double shell crack for Case 3. The precrack has a significant promotion effect on the failure process when the angle between the two precracks is β = 90°, and the precrack has little to no effect on the failure process when the angle between the two precracks is β = 135°. As the depth of precrack increases to 10 mm, the crack types are changed in this study. The peak strength of sample subjected to uniaxial compression decreases with increasing depth of precracks, implying the decrease of the rock strength by the discontinuity.  相似文献   

The present numerical study, which is an extension of our previous numerical analysis on cracking processes of a single pre-existing flaw, focuses on the coalescence of two pre-existing parallel open flaws in rock subjected to a uniaxial compressive loading. To facilitate a systematic investigation, the arrangements of the flaw pair are classified into 11 categories. Simulations engaging AUTODYN are conducted on each category. The numerical results are compared with some published physical experimental test results. Eleven typical coalescence patterns are obtained, which are in good agreement with the experimental results, which include two coalescence patterns obtained in flaw pair arrangements (II) and (VIII″) not being reported in previous studies. The information gathered in the simulations helps identify the type (tensile/shear) of each crack segment involved in the coalescence. Most of the coalescence cracks initiate at or around the flaw tips, except those in flaw pair arrangements (II) and (IX′) with a very short ligament length, in which the coalescence cracks initiate on the flaw surfaces away from the flaw tip regions. Based on the numerical simulation results, the properties of the 11 coalescence patterns are obtained. Except those in flaw pair arrangements (II) and (IX′), the other coalescence patterns can be interpreted with respect to the basic crack types—tensile wing crack, horsetail crack and anti-wing crack. In addition, based on the type of crack segments involved in coalescence, namely tensile and shear, the coalescence can be classified into T mode (tensile mode), S mode (shear mode) and TS mode (mixed tensile–shear mode).  相似文献   

通过开展含预制单裂隙花岗岩的真三轴单面临空岩爆试验,并利用高速摄像系统和声发射(acoustic emission,简称AE)系统监测岩爆过程,探究了不同产状裂隙岩石的破坏模式、强度变形和声发射演化特性,分析了裂隙产状与岩爆过程及弹射动能之间的关系,对比了含裂隙岩石岩爆发生机制与无裂隙完整岩石的差异。有关力学特性的分析表明,随着裂隙倾角的减小,岩样破坏模式大体呈现由“内剪外劈”向“Z型斜剪”变化的趋势,裂隙对岩石强度的削弱作用不断增大。当裂隙倾角小于30°时,岩石峰值应力普遍仅为完整岩样的一半左右;小倾角裂隙的长度越大,岩样岩板劈裂现象变得显著,形成岩爆坑略微变大,且强度折减幅度越大,峰值轴向应变相应变小;裂隙位置向临空面靠近会加剧岩板的劈裂效应,塑性阶段普遍会产生较大变形并萌生大量裂纹,当裂隙已出露且切断临空面将不易形成岩爆坑。有关岩爆过程及弹射动能的分析表明,随着裂隙倾角的减小,岩样弹射动能呈现先显著降低后小幅回升的变化规律,30°倾角为转变拐点;岩样内部裂隙距临空面越近,裂隙岩样的弹射动能越小;树脂填充裂隙使得岩样弹射动能极大提升,而水泥填充的则无明显提升。有关声发射特征的分析表...  相似文献   

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