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对新安江模型蒸散发计算的改进   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
基于DEM构建数字流域水文模型,在此基础上,利用新安江模型作径流计算。利用陆面模式SSIB中大气动力阻抗法计算蒸散发的方法改进新安江模型的蒸散发计算,从而改进新安江模型对流域出流量的模拟,得到更为合理的陆面水文模型。以安徽水阳江流域为研究区域,利用改进前后的新安江模型进行径流模拟。结果表明,对新安江模型蒸散发计算的改进提高了模型对径流量的模拟效果。  相似文献   

利用Horton下渗曲线改进TOPMODEL模型的基流模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TOPMODEL模型是一个以地形为基础的半分布式水文模型,在降雨径流模拟中得到广泛应用。但也存在着基流过程模拟不尽合理等问题。本文利用Horton下渗曲线改进TOPMODEL模型的基流模拟,并采用羊坪、猴子岩、西峡和东湾四个流域的降雨径流资料进行实例研究。结果表明,改进的TOPMODEL模型不仅能够更加合理地模拟基流过程,而且径流过程的模拟精度要优于原TOPMODEL模型。  相似文献   

TOPMODEL模型是一个以地形为基础的半分布式水文模型,在降雨径流模拟中得到广泛应用,但也存在着基流过程模拟不尽合理等问题.本文利用Horton下渗曲线改进TOPMODEL模型的基流模拟,并采用羊坪、猴子岩、西峡和东湾四个流域的降雨径流资料进行实例研究.结果表明,改进的TOPMODEL模型不仅能够更加合理地模拟基流过程,而且径流过程的模拟精度要优于原TOPMODEL模型.  相似文献   

分布式水文模型DHSVM在西北高寒山区流域的适用性研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
赵奕  南卓铜  李祥飞  徐毅  张凌 《冰川冻土》2019,41(1):147-157
分布式水文-土壤-植被模型(Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model,DHSVM)是基于栅格离散的分布式水文模型,对地表水热循环的各个过程能进行很精细地刻画,被广泛应用于世界各地很多类型的流域的高时空分辨率的水文模拟,然而它在高寒山区的适用性并不清楚。基于300 m数字高程模型,应用DHSVM模型对典型的高寒山区流域八宝河流域2001-2009年的水文过程展开模拟,并采用流域出口祁连站的水文实测数据对模型进行了精度评价。参数敏感性分析表明,土壤横向导水率、田间持水量和植被反照率等是该区域主要的敏感性参数。模型默认参数会高估高寒山区流域的潜在蒸散发量,导致夏季径流量远小于观测值。通过参数率定,模型校准期(2001-2004)的模拟日径流和月径流Nash效率系数分别达到0.72和0.87;而模型验证期(2005-2009)分别为0.60和0.74。结果表明,DHSVM模型基本具备了模拟高寒山区流域降水-径流过程的能力。然而,由于DHSVM模型缺少对高寒山区流域土壤的冻融过程的刻画,春季径流的模拟精度明显受到影响,需要在将来重点改进。  相似文献   

一种时变分布式单位线计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
孔凡哲  郭良 《水科学进展》2019,30(4):477-484
为了解决由降雨强度引起的径流汇流的非线性问题,提出一种基于SCS(United States Department of Agriculture-Soil Conservation Service)流速公式的时变分布式单位线计算方法。引入参考雨强表征SCS公式中流速系数对应的水力条件。由降雨过程的时段雨强与参考雨强的比值构成一个量纲一因子,将该因子加入SCS公式后使其能够考虑降雨对流速的影响。改进后的流速公式用于计算一次降雨过程中不同降雨时段对应的时变分布式单位线,时变分布式单位线与新安江模型的产流模块构成降雨径流模型,将模型用于裴河流域率定参考雨强。率定后的模型用于谭家河流域进行应用检验,结果显示,确定性系数大于等于0.9的洪水场次,由时不变单位线的42%增大为83%。提出的方法能够显著提高流域水文模型的降雨径流模拟能力。  相似文献   

为开展河川径流的水源解析,构建过程描述和本构参数两方面均有较强物理性的分布式水文模型。以雅鲁藏布江为对象,利用水文分区曲线对降雨、融雪和融冰等不同水源主导的流量过程进行划分,以划分的流量过程线子集对相应水文过程参数进行分步率定,提高了水文模型参数的物理性,以此构建了雅鲁藏布江流域分布式水文模型及参数集,内部多个水文站点和流域雪水当量的验证表明模型具有良好的性能。基于模型解析了2001—2015年间雅鲁藏布江的径流水源组成,降雨、融雪、融冰水源对总径流量贡献的比例分别为66%、20%和14%。本文方法对高山寒区径流的水源解析有普遍意义,结果对理解气候变化下雅鲁藏布江径流变化趋势有参考价值。  相似文献   

雅砻江流域分布式水文模型开发研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面向南水北调西线水源区之一雅砻江流域生态水文调控,开发了一个基于物理机制的日过程流域水循环系统的分布式模拟模型.模型的产流过程计算考虑了雨强大小,采用Green-Ampt模型或Richards方程.汇流过程计算考虑了河道属性(纵横断面及河道控制工程),采用运动波方程或动力波方程模型.计算单元内采用了"马赛克"法即把单元内土地归为5种地域分别计算再汇总.1985~2000年雅砻江流域径流模拟较准确,水量平衡方面误差小于5%,模型与实测径流过程线相关系数达到0.86~94,Nash-Sutcliffe模型效率达0.7以上,表明该模型具有较高精度,能够满足流域生态水文调控中水循环各个过程的模拟与预测,构建了一个良好平台.  相似文献   

基于SWAT模型的资水流域径流模拟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
张爱玲  王韶伟  汪萍  商照荣 《水文》2017,37(5):38-42
以资水流域柘溪水库以下区域为研究对象,基于构建的分布式水文模型SWAT对水文过程进行模拟。在地面高程、土地利用、土壤、气象等数据预处理的基础上,采用2010~2011年实测径流数据进行参数率定,采用2012年实测径流数据进行模型验证,对模型在研究区的适用性进行研究。通过对径流模拟值和实测值的比较,月径流率定期和验证期的相关系数R~2和Nash系数Ens分别在0.93以上和0.91以上,日径流率定期和验证期的相关系数R~2和Nash系数Ens分别在0.78以上和0.70以上。基于这两个评价标准可知SWAT模型在资水游流域有良好的适用性,可为流域内拟建桃花江核电厂的取水安全分析和水环境影响评价提供技术支持。  相似文献   

刘晋  魏新平  王军 《水文》2014,34(6):49-54
为对比分布式水文模型SWAT与典型集总式水文模型新安江模型的径流模拟能力,以钱塘江支流密赛流域为实验流域,以CRU气象数据集为气象输入资料,分别进行SWAT日、月径流模拟与验证,并与新安江模型模拟成果进行对比。结果显示SWAT模型在实验流域的月尺度径流模拟中更具优势,也表明SWAT模型在我国径流模拟中具有良好的适用性。  相似文献   

为了提高传统径流汇流模拟的时效性,提出了一种基于通用计算的径流汇流模型。模型采用纳维-斯托克斯作为基础方程。首先,文章探讨了利用通用计算进行径流汇流模拟的实现方法并设计了模拟计算流程。然后,以涪江流域中段为研究区域,将流域内25个常规站和区域站的实况降水数据为数据源,分别利用本文径流汇流模型和FloodArea模型对流域进行径流模拟,并将两种模型模拟结果与水文站实测数据进行对比分析。结果发现,基于通用计算的径流汇流模型不仅在模拟效率上相对于FloodArea模型有很大程度的提高,而且模拟结果具有更小的水位变化误差,与水文站实测水文数据具有更好拟合效果。模拟时效性和结果准确性的同时提升表明本文的径流汇流模型对暴雨洪涝预警预报具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

文章以桂林丫吉试验场为例,验证是否可以利用SWMM模型模拟以管道为主的岩溶峰丛洼地系统降雨径流过程。以洼地为单元,把研究区概化为由管道相连的6个次级汇水流域,选择Green-Amp入渗计算方法,同时考虑包气带裂隙水对管道的补给,运行SWMM模型计算出研究区管道总出口S31泉的流量曲线。结果显示:模拟流量变化过程与实测流量变化过程基本一致。说明该模型可以用来模拟岩溶峰丛洼地地区降雨径流过程。经验证,模拟时段内S31泉总量相对误差为19.1%。  相似文献   

应用人工神经网络BP模型预测乌江流域年平均含沙量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈集中 《水文》2005,25(4):6-9
引入人工神经网络BP模型对流域产沙进行了定量预测。根据石坝子水文站断面以上乌江流域的土壤、地质、地貌在一定时间范围内具有相当稳定的特性,选取植被覆盖率、年降雨量、年平均流量和年汛期径流量共4个代表植被、气候和水流特性的主要因子对流域年平均含沙量进行了建模预测。优化得出的BP网络模型不仅拟合精度高,而且预测效果好,这为泥沙方面的定量研究提供了一条新的途径,也为石坝子水文站停测泥沙测验项目提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

喀斯特流域降雨-径流人工神经网络模型结构分析及模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈才  陈喜  张志才  魏琳娜 《中国岩溶》2009,28(4):375-379
喀斯特流域降雨-径流响应是一个非线性过程,分析确定地下河流量过程的主要影响因子对喀斯特流域水文过程模拟具有重要意义。本文利用普定后寨河流域实测降雨、径流系列资料,采用神经网络权重分析法确定该流域的人工神经网络模型结构为两个隐含层、三个输入变量,该人工神经网络模型结构可以保持降雨-径流模拟的稳定性。模型经交叉训练与验证,训练期效率系数(N SC)达0.9以上,验证期N SC达0.88以上。说明神经网络权重分析法能够较好地确立预报因子与预报对象的关系,为喀斯特流域降雨-径流模拟提供一种有效的分析手段。  相似文献   

The major obstacles for modelling flood processes in karst areas are a lack of understanding and model representations of the distinctive features and processes associated with runoff generation and often a paucity of field data. In this study, a distributed flood-modelling approach, WetSpa, is modified and applied to simulate the hydrological features and processes in the karst Suoimuoi catchment in northwest Vietnam. With input of topography, land use and soil types in a GIS format, the model is calibrated based on 15 months of hourly meteorological and hydrological data, and is used to simulate both fast surface and conduit flows, and groundwater discharges from karst and non-karst aquifers. Considerable variability in the simulation accuracy is found among storm events and within the catchment. The simulation results show that the model is able to represent reasonably well the stormflows generated by rainfall events in the study catchment.  相似文献   

土壤水分状况是形成泥石流的关键性水文因素之一。本文以蒋家沟为研究对象,基于水分的物理循环过程并与半分布式水文分布模型TOPMODEL相结合,建立起土壤湿度逐日变化模拟模型。研究表明,流域的平均饱和度是土壤水分条件评估的较好的指标,结合蒋家沟流域2001年暴发的17场次的泥石流事件得到以下一些结论:(1)前期降水主要积累在地表以下约90cm土壤中;(2)65%的流域平均饱和度值是判断激发泥石流的前期土壤水分条件的临界值;(3)2001年蒋家沟流域暴发的17场次的泥石流中,以土体饱和启动为主要类型。本文所构造的模型能够比较好地模拟出流域内土壤湿度逐日变化情况并对激发泥石流的土壤水分条件作出适当的评估。  相似文献   

降雨在地表上随地形流动自然形成沟谷线、汇流区、分水岭等流域形态,研究地表流水线的数字模拟对数字流域水文分析具有重要意义.提出数字地表流线模型的概念,只考虑地形因素,利用等高线图建立一个能获得区域内每滴雨水沿地表流动的轨迹模型.并运用地图代数的距离变换对等高线及所在空间进行全方位的距离度量,研究了数字地表流线模型的建立方法.实验表明,该模型利用距离变换信息而不是高程计算流向,可避免DEM高程误差对流向、流线的影响,且不需要在DEM上进行复杂的洼地、平地的识别与处理.该模型对原始数据要求不高,能有效应用于沟谷线的自动提取、汇流区自动分割和分水线网络的自动提取.  相似文献   

In this study, an agent-based model is proposed in order to provide new insights into the policy analysis and strategy assessment of city-scale evacuation management. The proposed model is suitable for assessment of the influence of different departure times and communications among peer evacuees on the number of residents at risk who arrive at official shelters. A case study is applied to build a simulation model for the coastal city of Brisbane in Australia. The Brisbane River catchment experiences regular flooding almost every year; the second severest flood since the twentieth century occurred in 2011. During that event, over 15,000 properties were inundated and around 3600 households evacuated in metropolitan Brisbane alone. Making use of high-performance computing clusters, the evacuation simulation was coupled with results from a validated hydrodynamic model to test a variety of escaping scenarios based on the 2011 flood situation. This case study demonstrates the proposed model’s capacity to represent the dynamic evacuation process and also shows that the model is able to help develop flood emergency plans and evaluate response measures through exploring key elements in a range of scenarios.  相似文献   

In order to understand the groundwater dynamics and to improve the management of water resources in the Federal District of Brazil, this research proposes a 3D groundwater flow model to represent the groundwater level and flow system. The selected test site was the Pipiripau catchment. The development of the model was based on available geological, hydrogeological, geomorphological, climatological and pedological data. Geological and hydrogeological data were used to generate the 3D groundwater flow model. The 3D mesh elements of the domain were generated through the Groundwater Modeling System software, based on the logs of the well materials. The numerical simulation of the finite element method was implemented in the framework of the scientific software OpenGeoSys. With the 3D mesh-appropriated boundary conditions, annual average infiltration data and hydrogeological parameters were incorporated. Afterwards, the steady-state model was calibrated by the PEST software using available data of the water level from wells. The results showed the distribution of the steady-state hydraulic heads in the model domain, where the highest values occurred in the east and west recharge areas and the lowest values were found in the southwest of the basin. The results of this study can be a used as initial condition for the transient groundwater flow simulation and to provide a scientific basis for water resource management.  相似文献   

Liu  Yang  Feng  Yongneng  Xu  Mo  Zhang  Yunhui  Long  Haitao  Zhu  Haiming 《Natural Hazards》2019,98(2):343-377

Tunnel water inrush disaster is a serious problem in karst tunnel construction and occurs extensively in southwestern China. To prevent water inrush, hydraulic lining has been utilized extensively in karst tunnel construction. The failure of the hydraulic lining in the Tongxi tunnel is an example of a typical failure case that has yet to be fully analyzed. In this paper, the failure of the waterproof liner was studied by theoretical and numerical methods. By field investigation, the failure of the tunnel lining was attributed to a high hydraulic pressure head converging in the large karst caves behind the lining. The corresponding mechanical model can be simplified as a “karst cave water pressure” model. The key to the mechanical model was to determine the water pressure of the karst caves produced by the lining. The variation in water pressure was directly related to the cave’ reservoir volume, catchment flow and catchment time. Thus, volume calculation formulas for two types of karst caves (strike and oblique caves) in the studied tunnel were constructed based on the engineering geological conditions. Considering the precipitation, the flow rate in the karst caves was regarded as nearly constant during the catchment period. Hence, reservoir volumes during different periods can be calculated and converted to the stress boundary conditions of the lining. Then, the mechanical response of the tunnel under different water levels was calculated by numerical simulation. Combining the field investigation and monitoring data, the tunnel lining failure was mainly believed to be triggered by hydraulic fracturing failure due to a high-pressure head. Finally, prevention measures were proposed based on the results of this study.


Hydrological modeling in the karst area,Rižana spring catchment,Slovenia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Karst aquifers are known for their heterogeneity and irregular complex flow patterns which make them more difficult to model and demand specific modeling approaches. This paper presents one such approach which is based on a conceptual model. The model was applied in a karst area of the catchment of Rižana spring (200 km2). It is based on the MIKE SHE code and incorporates the main hydrological processes and geological features of the karst aquifer (diffuse and concentrated infiltration, allogenic recharge, quick and slow groundwater flow, shifting groundwater divides and groundwater outflow from the catchment area). Modeling of evapotranspiration and flow in the upper part of the unsaturated zone is more detailed. For the modeling of groundwater flow in the karst aquifer, a conceptual model was applied which uses drainage function for the simulation of groundwater flow through large conduits (karst channels and large fissures). The model was calibrated and validated against the observed Rižana spring discharge which represents a measured response of the aquifer. The results of validation show that the model is able to adequately simulate temporal evolution of the spring discharge, measured by Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient (0.82) as well as overall water balance.  相似文献   

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