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李中玺  周丽萍 《岩矿测试》2006,25(3):233-238
用D201阴离子交换树脂富集样品中的痕量Cd,使Cd与共存干扰元素Cu、Ni、Pb、Zn有效分离,消除了这些元素对镉蒸气发生的干扰,从而建立了断续流动在线分离富集-蒸气发生原子荧光光谱法测定复杂环境样品中痕量Cd的分析方法。方法的检出限为3ng/L(3σ);测定精密度(RSD)为1.9%(对1μg/L Cd,n=11)。用该方法对国家一级标准物质(土壤、水系沉积物和岩石)中的痕量镉进行了测定,结果与标准值相符。  相似文献   

微波消化在磷矿石样品制备中的应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
曹槐  尹建国 《岩矿测试》1996,15(1):58-60
以微波HNO_3消化分解磷矿石试样,用ICP-AES进行多元素同时测定。该方法经磷矿石标准样品验证后,用于云南省九个地区磷矿中Ca、P、Fe、Al、Mg和K六种元素的分析,结果与经典酸分解方法制备样品的分析结果相符;同一样品平行测定9次,其各元素的相对标准偏差(RSD)在1.58%~4.41%。  相似文献   

万婷  于鹭佳 《岩矿测试》1995,14(1):55-60
收集了厦门地区138例非癌症患者发样及64例癌症病人发样。样品经湿法消化后,用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱(ICP-AES)法测定其中22种元素含量,用石墨炉原子吸收光谱(GF-AAS)法测定了Se含量,确定了厦门地区不同年龄段,不同性别发样中多种微量元素的含量范围。实验中通过对采样部位,采样方式,样品预处理方法(包括洗涤方法)、消化温度的比较及研究,选择了最佳实验条件,对发样中元素含量的纵向分布  相似文献   

周健  马东升  潘家永 《云南地质》2006,25(4):397-398
扬中市在长江下游呈岛状位于江中,明代始露出水面,现代工业经济快速发展,是研究近代人类活动对环境影响的理想地区。本研究对该市长江、内河水系沉积物进行系统分析,测试水样28个(14个元素),沉积物19个(46个元素)。采样点附近无明显污染源。水样在现场加压经0.45μm滤膜后酸化至PH〈1。沉积物和水样均在南京大学内生金属成矿机制国家重点实验室用ICP/MS(ELEMENT-Ⅱ,Finnigan MAT)测试,误差〈5%。  相似文献   

地质样品经HF—HNO3-HCl-HClO4溶解后,用50g/L碳酸钠溶液浸取分离,采用紫外荧光光谱法直接测定上清液的铀含量。浸取时间选择30min,Fe、Zn、Ca、Co、Ni、Cu和Mn等元素留在残渣中不产生干扰。方法精密度(RSD,n=12)为3.37%~7.06%,检出限为0.009μg/g(进样量100μL)。方法参加区域地球化学考核样品的测试,合格率100%,适用于土壤、水系沉积物、岩石及Fe、Zn、Ca、Co、M、Cu和Mn含量较高的样品中痕量铀的测定。  相似文献   

稳定湖相沉积物和风成黄土粒度判别函数的建立及其意义   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
沉积物粒度变化主要受搬运介质、搬运方式、沉积环境和气候等多种因素的控制,通过粒度分析可判别沉积物的成因类型,推断其形成的沉积环境,解释环境演变。利用统计学方法对典型稳定湖相沉积物(罗布泊湖相样品282块,岱海湖相样品123块)和典型风成黄土(甘肃兰州榆中样品263块)粒度参数进行定量化分析,并经稳定湖相和风成沉积物验证,获得稳定湖相与风成沉积物的判别公式:F(湖相、风成沉积物) =20.363Mz-56.371Sd-67.922Sk+23.516Kg-55.626,若F>0,为稳定湖相沉积物,反之,F<0,则为风成沉积物。这为研究地史中稳定湖泊与风成环境 沉积物的鉴别提供粒度分析定量化判别方法,它对陆相古环境、干旱化事件和尘暴事件等研究具有十分重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

全岩中微量铅分离方法的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
方法在Dowlx1-x8或AG1-x8强碱性阴离子交换树脂上,用0.1mol/L氢溴酸作洗提剂,成功地将Ph(Ⅱ)与Fe(Ⅲ)、Zn(Ⅱ)、Ca(Ⅲ)等十多种元素离子一次分离,6mol/L盐酸解析铅,制备出纯度高的铅同位素质谱分析样品,提高分析准确度及精密度,方法简便、快速、适应各类岩石及矿物。  相似文献   

氢化物-原子荧光法快速测定化探样品中微量硒和碲   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韦山桃  唐沈 《矿产与地质》2007,21(5):601-605
在沸水浴中用王水分解样品,以盐酸为还原剂,三价铁盐为干扰元素抑制剂(一般化探样品均含有铁,故无须另外加入),直接用氢化物一原子荧光光谱法测定化探样品中微量硒和碲。方法检出下限分别为:LD(Se)=0.1ng/L;LD(Te)=0.01ng/L。方法准确、简便、快速,可满足大批量化探样品中微量硒和碲的测定要求。用本分析方法测定不同基体成分的六个国家级化探标样中的硒、碲,测定结果与标准值基本一致,8次测定的标准偏差(RSD)分别为RSD(Se)=6.6%~9.5%,RSD(Te)=3.6%~8.4%。  相似文献   

以贵州龙场地区水系沉积物中的Pt、Pd异常为研究对象,选择相容性接近的7对元素比值Cr/Ni、Nb/Ta、Pd/Pt、Rb/Cs、Sr/Ba、Th/U和Zr/Hf以及CaO、TFe2O3作为地球化学示踪指标,对龙场地区水系沉积物的物质来源组成进行了示踪探讨。结果表明:(1)龙场地区水系沉积物的物质来源主要为玄武岩风化产物,其中的高含量Pt、Pd是对玄武岩层中Pt、Pd高背景的继承和进一步浓缩富集;(2)根据对分布在灰岩区的水系沉积物物质来源的地球化学示踪研究,推测部分样品的物质来源应为玄武岩和灰岩风化产物;(3)根据对红岩村的水系沉积物物质来源的示踪研究,推断有热液活动和基性-超基性侵入体的物质成分,预测该地区具有一定的找矿远景。  相似文献   

为解决碳酸盐岩地层中B元素分析困难的问题,采用HF—HNO,-HClO3-H3PO3溶样,电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法测定碳酸盐地层中的B元素。该方法的特点是,在溶样体系中加入适量H3PO4避免B元素的挥发损失,并对H3PO4最佳用量进行了试验。方法检出限3.8×10^-6(10SD),用国家一级标准物质进行准确度、精密度验证,精密度(RSD)小于6.44%,准确度(△1gC)小于0.087。该方法还可以同时测定Be、Ba、Cr、Cu、Co、Ni、Pb、Mo、V、Mn、Li、Zn、Ga等十几种元素,也适用于土壤、岩石、水系沉积物其它样品中B等多元素同时测定。运用该方法测试了西南天山哈拉奇地区碳酸盐地层中B、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、Pb、Ba等元素,并对其地质意义进行了简要探讨。  相似文献   

本文对CCSD超深钻中首次获得的铂族元素及金、银的地球化学特点进行了分析和研究,结果表明各类样品的铂族元素含量均偏低,100~850 m深度平均Ir小于0.1×10-9,Os小于0.3×10-9,Pd小于0.5×10-9,Pt小于0.4×10-9,Rh小于0.1×10-9,Ru小于0.4×10-9,只有个别橄榄岩样品的铂族元素含量接近于地壳丰度,但远远低于超基性岩的一般含量.这种极低的铂族元素含量,属于"负异常",表明在变质作用过程中铂族元素发生了活化转移.榴辉岩和橄榄岩的铂族元素含量都偏低,但其球粒陨石标准化配分明显具有明显不同的特点,利用铂族元素仍然可以帮助对变质岩进行分类或恢复原岩.前人在蒋庄超基性岩岩体的人工重砂中发现有铂族矿物,其中包括有铱铂矿.可见,铂族元素是可以活化转移的,其活化转移的原因还需要探讨,是在结晶分异过程中转移的、还是在折返过程中活化的、或者是在造山运动结束之后由于其他原因而造成的,尚需要深入研究.  相似文献   

试金配料中适量加入铁粉,控制硫化铁在锍扣中的含量在20%~40%,获得的锍扣直接用水浸泡粉化后加盐酸分解,分解结束后趁热过滤,沉淀用1mL王水溶解,定容后上机测定,Cs作内标。改进后的方法空白水平进一步降低,检出限得到显著改善,分析流程简化。采用改进后的锍镍试金富集-等离子体质谱法测定了云南哀牢山金矿带煌斑岩和国家一级标准物质GBW 07288(GPt-1)、GBW 07290(GPt-3)中的铂族元素(PGEs)含量,方法检出限为0.001~0.01ng/g,精密度(RSD,n=5)为7.49%~16.6%。  相似文献   

根据西太平洋麦哲伦海山富钴板状结壳样品的成分特征,对常规的锍镍试金配方作了改进;酌情减少捕集剂羰基镍的加入量,可显著降低铂族元素的空白值。富集后的样品,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱测定铂族元素(PGE)。其中,Ru、Rh、Pd、Ir和Pt用常规外标法测定,^175Lu作内标;Os用同位素稀释法测定。用国家一级标准物质GBW07290和GBW07291作监控分析质量的参考样,结果满足要求。  相似文献   

Twenty five coal samples from the Late Permian coal-bearing strata in Weining, Nayong, and Zhijin, western Guizhou Province, SW, China, were analyzed for platinum group elements (PGEs). The coal ashes were digested by the Carius tube technique and accurately measured by isotope dilution-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ID-ICP-MS) for all PGEs. The results are much lower than the previous reported values. Our study suggested that the previously reported PGE values are incorrect and may due to the polyatomic interferences in ICP-MS measurements. In our study, samples from the Weining coalfield have the lowest PGE contents (from 0.019 Ir to 0.42 ng/g Pd), which represent the PGE background value in coal in western Guizhou province. Some of the coals have Pt and Pd contents about 20-times higher than the background value, indicating PGEs are concentrated. We also reported new and reliable PGE data and background value of coal in western Guizhou province, SW, China, and suggested to rework the PGE background values of Chinese coals.  相似文献   

The so‐called ‘Tunguska Event’ refers to a major explosion that occurred on 30 June 1908 in the Tunguska region of Siberia, causing the destruction of over 2000 km2 of taiga, globally detected pressure and seismic waves, and bright luminescence in the night skies of Europe and Central Asia, combined with other unusual phenomena. The ‘Tunguska Event’ may be related to the impact with the Earth of a cosmic body that exploded about 5–10 km above ground, releasing in the atmosphere 10–15 Mton of energy. Fragments of the impacting body have never been found, and its nature (comet or asteroid) is still a matter of debate. We report results from the investigation of Lake Cheko, located ∼8 km NNW of the inferred explosion epicenter. Its funnel‐like bottom morphology and the structure of its sedimentary deposits, revealed by acoustic imagery and direct sampling, all suggest that the lake fills an impact crater. Lake Cheko may have formed due to a secondary impact onto alluvial swampy ground; the size and shape of the crater may have been affected by the nature of the ground and by impact‐related melting and degassing of a permafrost layer.  相似文献   

采用Carius管结合MC-ICPMS法分析了内蒙古柯单山蛇绿岩地幔橄榄岩中Ir、Ru、 Pt 和Pd 的含量,与典型的地幔橄榄岩进行对比研究,发现柯单山地幔橄榄岩中Ir和Ru明显亏损,Pt和Pd强烈富集,具有极高的Pd/Ir值,PGEs地幔标准化配分模式具有较陡的正斜率,明显不同于通常观测到的代表部分熔融残留相中铂族元素配分模式(负斜率或平坦型)。柯单山地幔橄榄岩的Ir和Ru与MgO呈正相关关系,表明Ir和Ru的亏损可能与部分熔融过程中硫化物的消耗程度有关,而与PGEs在硫化物/硅酸盐间的能斯特分配系数没有直接关系; Pt、Pd的富集表明本区的地幔橄榄岩不仅仅是经历过部分熔融的残余,而与来自深海的橄榄岩和大陆岩石圈地幔(SCLM)中的方辉橄榄岩相似,因此推测,本区地幔橄榄岩在部分熔融后又经历了富Pd的熔/流体交代,而熔/流体的来源可能是在岩浆分异演化过程中"熔离"出来的硫化物。  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence indicate that Cheko, a small lake close to the epicentre of the 1908 Tunguska Event (TE), fills a crater left behind by a fragment of the Tunguska Cosmic Body that impacted the ground downrange of the main explosion. It is thought that over 80 million trees were flattened or burnt as a consequence of the TE. However, a small number of trees in the devastated area survived the explosion and recorded in their growth‐ring patterns the environmental changes that followed this event. Some of those trees were found around Lake Cheko, ~10 km NW of the inferred TE epicentre. We analysed new data from the floor of Lake Cheko, including seismic‐reflection profiles, side‐scan sonar and video images, as well as dendrochronological evidence in tree samples collected along the shores, to test the hypothesis of a 1908 formation of the lake.  相似文献   

On 30 June 1908, the Tunguska meteorite fell near the Podkamennaya (Stony) Tunguska River in Evenkysky National District (60°55' N. 100°57' E. ), at 11 seconds past 0017 hours Mean Greenwich Time. Eyewitnesses reported a bolide flight from southeast to northwest, followed by a violent explosion. Seismic and acoustical phenomena were reported over an area from several hundred to a thousand kilometers radius. Night-sky illumination, occurring throughout the area from mid-June gradually diminishing until its final disappearance in late August, was attributed to meteoric dust particles suspended in the atmosphere as a result of the explosion. On the Irkutsk magnetic and weather station seismograph, the impact registered as two waves (1. 2 meter amplitude) arriving approximately 5 minutes apart. Travel time from point of impact to station 893 kilometers distant, was computed at 24 hours 17 minutes 11 seconds; and wave velocity, at 330 meters per second. These and explosion-velocity data have been used in attempts to establish initial (approach) velocity and trajectory of the meteor with respect to earth movement. Investigation of the meteorite fall site began nineteen years after the meteorite fell to earth: L. A. Kulik led the first expedition to the fall site in 1927; and subsequent expeditions (undertaken by the U. S. S. R. Academy of Sciences) in 1928, in 1929-1930, and in 1939. In 1929, a geodetic section directed by S. Ya. Belych established three astro-radio points in the area. Aerial photographs were taken of the fall site during the 1929 expedition. Topographic features possibly indicating meteoric impact had been obscured by action of frost, standing water, and Sphagnum moss overgrowth in an area of permanently frozen (permafrost) mud. Phenomena caused by the explosion, e. g. orientation of uprooted trees, were used to locate the fall site during the first expedition. During a subsequent expedition, two holes were drilled in a craterlike formation (Suslov crater) on the site. Although no meteorite fragments have been found, an expedition was planned for 1958 to search for fragments at the fall site and to the southeast, along the trajectory. Other investigations will include observation and study of topographic effects on shock-wave expansion, and more accurate contouring the area relief. --D. D. Fisher.  相似文献   

Cheko, a small lake located in Siberia close to the epicentre of the 1908 Tunguska explosion, might fill a crater left by the impact of a fragment of a Cosmic Body. Sediment cores from the lake’s bottom were studied to support or reject this hypothesis. A 175‐cm long core, collected near the center of the lake, consists of an upper ~1 m thick sequence of lacustrine deposits overlaying coarser chaotic material. 210Pb and 137Cs indicate that the transition from lower to upper sequence occurred close to the time of the Tunguska Event. Pollen analysis reveals that remains of aquatic plants are abundant in the top post‐1908 sequence, but are absent in the lower pre‐1908 portion of the core. These results, including organic C, N and δ13C data, suggest that Lake Cheko formed at the time of the Tunguska Event.  相似文献   

报道了一个改进的锍镍试金一等离子体质谱测定铂族元素和金的分析流程,用封闭溶解贵金属硫化物滤渣与同位素稀释法测锇相结合,解决了包括锇在内的全部铂族元素和金的测定,避免了锇的蒸馏分离和(或)单独测定,简化了分析流程,以适应大批量化探样品的要求,用所拟方法分析了标准物质中铂族元素和金,其结果与参考值相符。  相似文献   

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