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通过对115粒山东郯城砂矿金刚石样品进行矿物学和光谱学特征研究,结果显示郯城金刚石的粒径集中在1. 0~4. 0mm之间,晶体形态以菱形十二面体为主,其次八面体与菱形十二面体聚形,八面体较少;晶面形貌除倒三角凹坑、塑性变形滑移线、熔蚀沟、生长丘、生长阶梯、叠瓦状蚀象、滴状丘、晕线等原生形貌发育外,小部分发育有次生形貌 绿色色斑,且大多数金刚石的边棱清晰,磨圆程度不高。研究首次测得了郯城金刚石的拉曼特征峰的半高宽数据和金刚石包裹体拉曼谱图,显示郯城砂矿金刚石结晶程度差异较大,暗示其形成的金刚石地质生长条件和环境的复杂性;金刚石包裹体有橄榄石、黄铜矿、针铁矿、石墨矿物,其中橄榄石包裹体占比较高,表明郯城金刚石包裹体类型以橄榄岩型为主,测试结果与华北东部古老克拉通之下的岩石圈地幔大部分由橄榄岩组成的结论一致。对比郯城金刚石与蒙阴金刚石特征的异同,初步探讨了金刚石砂矿的物质来源,为揭示郯城砂矿金刚石的形成及演化提供了金刚石及其包裹体的新的证据。  相似文献   

对山东郯城砂矿中的金刚石开展了傅里叶红外光谱和显微激光拉曼光谱的测试,结果显示,红外光谱均可见C—C的本征峰;绝大多数可见氮的吸收峰:双氮的吸收峰、聚合氮的吸收峰和氮片晶的吸收峰;部分可见氢的吸收峰:C—H的吸收峰、C—N的吸收峰和H2O的吸收峰.郯城金刚石以Ⅰa型金刚石为主,有ⅠaA、ⅠaB、ⅠaAB型,而Ⅱa型仅1粒;氮类型包括双氮(A心)、聚合氮(B心)及氮片晶(B'心),说明金刚石中的孤氮(C心)已经转化为双原子氮,但部分双原子氮未完成进一步的聚形.金刚石拉曼峰值集中在1131 cm–1,拉曼位移漂移程度较小,说明金刚石内部应力发生小幅的变化.在郯城金刚石中首次发现柯石英包裹体,出现139 cm–1、152 cm–1、212 cm–1、272 cm–1、328 cm–1、356 cm–1、428 cm–1和529 cm–1左右的拉曼峰值.在1粒金刚石中柯石英包裹体数量多达十余个,直径几μm至几十μm,呈针状、哑铃状、浑圆状和短柱状等多种形态.郯城金刚石中柯石英包裹体的出现,可作为郯城地区存在榴辉岩型金刚石的可靠标志,也佐证了该地部分金刚石的来源可能和洋壳循环或者俯冲过程有关.镁橄榄石包裹体上覆分散的黑色石墨斑点,与山东蒙阴、辽宁和湖南金刚石中的镁橄榄石等不同种类包裹体具有相似特征,推测这些石墨斑点是晶体包裹体形成后,由于外部环境温压条件的变化产生.  相似文献   

在温度23~315℃、压力高达近2000MPa下用金刚石压腔下研究了正庚烷、环己烷及其混合物的拉曼光谱特征.结果表明:环已烷和正庚烷混合,只是改变了环已烷及正庚烷的平均C-H伸缩振动的拉曼位移,但是并不影响其P-△vp关系式.另外,经过数据拟合,得到了平均C-H伸缩振动的拉曼位移与压力的关系为:P=78.21(△vp)+71.56.该公式可以用来作为流体包裹体尤其是油气包裹体的压力计.  相似文献   

黑金刚石(Carbcnado)是不规则的金刚石多晶集合体,产于砂矿和低级变质岩中.其特征为细粒.碳同位素比值低,含多种地壳物质的包裹体(硅酸盐、磷酸盐、氧化物),缺乏与上地幔金刚石伴生的特征性矿物.我们认为:所有这些特征以及黑金刚石中六方金刚石的存在,均可能是含有机碳或含石墨派生物的地壳岩石(包括太古代和元古代的岩石)经冲击变质作用的结果.  相似文献   

<正>石墨作为金刚石中最常见的包裹体,常呈板状、过度生长的树枝状、盘状及玫瑰花折叠状等。现有研究结果表明,不同生长形态的石墨不但具有反映其生长环境差异的特质,也具有指示金刚石成因、来源及地球深部过程的意义。然而,较长时期以来,在石墨的金刚石成因、来源及地球深部过程的指示意义方面,人们似乎只关注石墨向金刚石转变的温度、压力及氧逸度条件,在较大程度上忽略了石墨包裹体对金刚石  相似文献   

在南非金伯利岩筒中,有232000个重量为14500克拉的金刚石。通过组织调查发现,其中的1024个金刚石具有微细的矿物包裹体。对这些包裹体,通过显微镜下观察与电子探针分析测定了所含矿物成分。在1024个金刚石中,含硫化矿物的358个,含石墨的132个,含有无法测定的云状包裹体的23个,其余部分中有501个含有橄榄岩成因的硅酸盐矿物及氧化矿物的包裹体,最后剩下的10个含有榴辉岩(eclogite)成因的包裹体。据推定这些矿物包裹体相互间  相似文献   

乔二伟  郑海飞  徐备 《岩石学报》2008,24(9):1981-1986
在温度23~315℃、压力高达近2000MPa下用金刚石压腔下研究了正庚烷、环己烷及其混合物的拉曼光谱特征。结果表明:环己烷和正庚烷混合,只是改变了环己烷及正庚烷的平均C-H伸缩振动的拉曼位移,但是并不影响其P-△^-vp关系式。另外,经过数据拟合,得到了平均C-H伸缩振动的拉曼位移与压力的关系为:P=78.21(△^-vp)+71.56。该公式可以用来作为流体包裹体尤其是油气包裹体的压力计。  相似文献   

宝石级合成金刚石中的包裹体研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
金刚石的包裹体作为研究金刚石生成时的温度、压力、成矿流体的化学组分等性质的重要窗口,长久以来倍受人们的关注,在天然金刚石包裹体的研究上,前人已作了大量的工作[1],而合成金刚石的包裹体的研究的却少有报道。最近,我们对俄罗斯合成金刚石的包裹体进行了研究,取得一定的进展。今年投入市场的俄罗斯合成无色宝石级金刚石一般为0-20~0-70ct。晶体常生成八面体{111}、立方体{100}或立方体{100}和八面体{111}的聚形和菱形十二面体{110}与八面体{111}的聚形。在双筒显微镜和扫描电镜下可…  相似文献   

金刚石是地球上最坚硬、对形成环境要求最苛刻的矿物之一。金刚石的矿物学特征、包裹体特征及碳稳定同位素组成记录了金刚石生长、熔蚀、搬运等地质过程中的温度、压力及物质成分等信息,是探索金刚石物质来源、形成过程和地球深部物理化学环境的重要研究对象。总结了国内外金刚石矿物学特征、包裹体特征和碳稳定同位素组成的相关研究成果,发现金刚石晶形和组合及其颜色可大致区分金刚石来源; 金刚石表面特征是区分原生金刚石与砂矿金刚石的重要鉴别特征; 金刚石包裹体类型及组合、包裹体年代学及金刚石碳稳定同位素研究,可分析金刚石物质来源和地球深部物理化学环境,确定金刚石形成时代,为研究金刚石成因、地幔岩石圈深部作用过程以及壳幔相互作用提供重要依据。  相似文献   

金刚石是地球上最坚硬、对形成环境要求最苛刻的矿物之一。金刚石的矿物学特征、包裹体特征及碳稳定同位素组成记录了金刚石生长、熔蚀、搬运等地质过程中的温度、压力及物质成分等信息,是探索金刚石物质来源、形成过程和地球深部物理化学环境的重要研究对象。总结了国内外金刚石矿物学特征、包裹体特征和碳稳定同位素组成的相关研究成果,发现金刚石晶形和组合及其颜色可大致区分金刚石来源; 金刚石表面特征是区分原生金刚石与砂矿金刚石的重要鉴别特征; 金刚石包裹体类型及组合、包裹体年代学及金刚石碳稳定同位素研究,可分析金刚石物质来源和地球深部物理化学环境,确定金刚石形成时代,为研究金刚石成因、地幔岩石圈深部作用过程以及壳幔相互作用提供重要依据。  相似文献   

Platelet development in cuboid diamonds: insights from micro-FTIR mapping   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Fourier transform infrared mapping of diamonds can reveal detailed information on impurities, with a spatial context. We apply this technique, combined with in situ isotopic analysis of carbon, to the study of cuboid diamond growth in a sample that exhibits some mixed-habit growth. While there has been some uncertainty in the literature regarding sectoral differences in nitrogen aggregation and subsequent platelet development, the data from this study appear far more conclusive. We show that despite nitrogen being concentrated in octahedral sectors, there is no detectable difference in the concentration-adjusted rate of nitrogen aggregation within octahedral and cuboid sectors. However, the resultant platelet development is significantly reduced in cuboid sectors compared to contemporaneously formed octahedral sectors. This finding has significant implications for the classification of diamonds using the relationship between their platelet intensity and the absorption caused by B centres. It means that cuboid diamonds naturally fall below the linear relationship that has been termed regular, which would lead to them being incorrectly interpreted as having experienced heating or deformation. The data also support earlier suggestions that large hydrogen concentrations in the diamond-forming fluid may be required for cuboid growth. We further suggest that high nitrogen and hydrogen concentrations are required for mixed-habit diamond growth, which might be the product of specific fluid chemistries that occur in reducing mantle environments.  相似文献   

A progression from cuboid to octahedral growth has been observed in 16 natural diamonds from Yakutian kimberlites. X-ray and cathodoluminescence topography have revealed that the change in morphology of diamonds with cloudy cuboid cores may occur without mixed-habit growth but via generation of numerous octahedral apices on cuboid surfaces and subsequent gradual transformation into regular octahedral morphology. Nitrogen aggregation in both cuboid and octahedral domains of such diamonds suggests that they have had a long residence time under mantle conditions. Micro-inclusions in the cuboid domains of the diamonds testify to the nucleation and growth of cuboid cores from a hydrous-carbonatitic (oxidized) fluid. The transition from cuboid hummocky growth rich in inclusions to octahedral growth without inclusions may be linked to decreasing supersaturation in the parent fluid. Measurements of δ13C and Nppm by ion microprobe show that the chemical variations observed between inner cuboid domains and outer octahedral zones commonly have a systematic character and as such they are probably not due to purely kinetic effects. The peripheral octahedral zones are always enriched in 13C in comparison with inner cuboid ones, and the total nitrogen content decreases with the change from cuboid to octahedral growth. The octahedral outer zones show a gradual progressive increase in δ13C, with an overall change of up to 5‰ from the cuboid core (δ13C usually between −8 and −6‰) to the diamond margin (δ13C usually between −4 and −2‰). Decreases in δ13C of this magnitude with a gradual increase in 13C may be attributed to the Rayleigh fractionation operating on a single parent fluid of close to normal mantle δ13C composition with diamond precipitating by the reduction of carbonatitic fluid in a closed system. However, one sample shows a variation of δ13C of approximately −17 to −6‰ and therefore suggests a possible change of fluid source composition from one containing subducted crustal organic carbon to one with common mantle carbon. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

天然红宝石和蓝宝石的包裹体中常见典型的含水矿物包裹体,这些含水矿物包裹体容易受外界环境升温而发生改变。微量含水矿物包裹体变化会对红宝石和蓝宝石的物理和化学性质产生明显影响,该性质为宝石热处理的鉴定提供了检测思路。本文采集了天然红宝石和蓝宝石样品,用显微镜放大观察包裹体特征,结合红外光谱与显微共焦激光拉曼光谱测试研究了含水矿物包裹体的特征。结果表明:天然红宝石和蓝宝石样品中含水矿物包裹体的外观轮廓清晰,晶形完整;红外光谱在2000~3700cm~(-1)附近显示出2105~2110cm~(-1)和1977~1985cm~(-1)硬水铝石和3619cm~(-1)和3696cm~(-1)高岭石等水(H_2O或—OH等)的特征吸收峰;拉曼光谱中可见角闪石、云母、磷灰石和长石等结晶度较好的典型含水矿物包裹体的特征拉曼位移。该系列特征揭示了红宝石和蓝宝石样品中含有水的特征,可作为红宝石和蓝宝石天然成因且未经过热处理的鉴定依据。  相似文献   

The Pozanti–Karsanti ophiolite (PKO) is one of the largest oceanic remnants in the Tauride belt, Turkey. Micro-diamonds were recovered from the podiform chromitites, and these diamonds were investigated based on morphology, color, cathodoluminescence, nitrogen content, carbon and nitrogen isotopes, internal structure and inclusions. The diamonds recovered from the PKO are mainly mixed-habit diamonds with sectors of different brightness under the cathodoluminescence images. The total δ13C range of the PKO diamonds varies between ??18.8 and ??28.4‰, with a principle δ13C mode at ??25‰. Nitrogen contents of the diamonds range from 7 to 541 ppm with a mean value of 171 ppm, and the δ15N values range from ??19.1 to 16.6‰, with a δ15N mode of ??9‰. Stacking faults and partial dislocations are commonly observed in the Transmission Electron Microscopy foils whereas inclusions are rather rare. Combinations of (Ca0.81Mn0.19)SiO3, NiMnCo-alloy and nano-sized, quenched fluid phases were observed as inclusions in the PKO diamonds. We believe that the 13C-depleted carbon signature of the PKO diamonds derived from previously subducted crustal matter. These diamonds may have crystallized from C-saturated fluids in the asthenospheric mantle at depth below 250 km which were subsequently carried rapidly upward by asthenospheric melts.  相似文献   

天然紫晶与合成紫晶的鉴别是国内外珠宝鉴定实验室的一个难题,前人主要从双晶、色带、包裹体、红外吸收光谱特征等方面开展了研究。在利用红外光谱鉴别天然紫晶与合成紫晶时,不同的学者尚对3595cm-1或3543cm-1吸收峰作为诊断性还是指示性的判据存在不同认识。本文系统采集了典型的天然紫晶与合成紫晶样品,研究了利用红外光谱测试技术鉴别天然紫晶与合成紫晶的局限性,并尝试将偏振拉曼光谱应用于紫晶成因鉴别。结果表明:利用3595cm-1、3543cm-1红外吸收峰进行紫晶鉴别仅具有指示性意义,不能作为决定性的判定依据,偏振拉曼光谱可作为重要的补充。天然紫晶的偏振拉曼光谱(偏振方向:HH)均出现400cm-1的拉曼峰,而该峰在合成紫晶偏振拉曼光谱中缺失;合成紫晶的偏振拉曼光谱(偏振方向:HH)均具有795cm-1、448cm-1的拉曼峰,而这两个峰在天然紫晶偏振拉曼光谱中缺失。偏振拉曼光谱产生差异的原因可能与天然紫晶和合成紫晶内部晶格变形程度的不同有关。本文揭示的400cm-1、448cm-1和795cm-1偏振拉曼峰可作为鉴别紫晶成因的新依据。  相似文献   


Polycrystalline microdiamonds are rare in ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) rocks worldwide. Among samples collected at Erzgebirge, Germany, we found abundant polycrystalline microdiamonds as inclusions in zircons from a quartzofeldspathic rock. To illuminate their origin and forming age, we investigated morphologies and Raman spectra of 52 microdiamond inclusions, and dated the zircon host. The zircons have low Th/U values (0.03–0.07) and a concordia U/Pb age of 335.8 ± 1.9 Ma. Polycrystalline diamond (10–40 µm) consists of many fine-grained crystals (1.5–3 µm) with different orientations; discrete single diamonds (2–20 µm) are rare. All measured Raman spectra show an intense diamond band at 1332–1328 cm?1 and have a negative correlation with full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 5.8–11.3 cm?1. These data combined with previously reported diamond band data (1331–1337 cm?1) are compatible with those of diamond inclusions in various host minerals from other UHP terranes, but are different from those of ureilite diamonds. The Erzgebirge microdiamonds in zircon do not display visible disordered sp3-carbon, but show downshifting of the Raman band from the ideal value (1332 cm?1), and have a broader diamond band (FWHM >3 cm?1) than those of well-ordered diamonds. These features may reflect imperfect ordering due to rapid nucleation/crystallization during UHP metamorphism and rapid exhumation of the UHP terrane. Graphite inclusions in zircon show a typical G-band at 1587 cm?1. Our study together with previously reported C-isotopic compositions (δ13C, ?17 to ?27‰) of diamond and occurrences of fluid/melt inclusions in diamond and garnet indicates that Erzgebirge microdiamonds are metamorphic, have an organic carbon source, and crystallized from aqueous fluids. Limited long-range ordering suggested by the Raman spectra is a function of the PT time of crystallization and subsequent thermal annealing on decompression. Combined with regional geology, our work further constrains the tectonic evolution of the Erzgebirge terrane.  相似文献   

A xenolith of eclogite from the kimberlite pipe Udachnaya–East, Yakutia Grt+Cpx+Ky + S + Coe/Qtz + Dia + Gr has been studied. Graphite inclusions in diamond have been studied in detail by Confocal Raman (CR) mapping. The graphite inclusion in diamond has a highly ordered structure and is characterized by a substantial shift in the band (about 1580 cm–1) by 7 cm–1, indicating a significant residual strain in the inclusion. According to the results of FTIR spectroscopic studies of diamond crystals, a high degree of nitrogen aggregation has been detected: it is present mainly in form A, which means an “ancient” age of the diamonds. In the xenolith studied, the diamond formation occurred about 1 Byr, long before their transport by the kimberlite melt, and the conditions of the final equilibrium were temperatures of 1020 ± 40°C at 4.7 GPa. Thus, these graphite inclusions found in a diamond are the first evidence of crystallization of metastable graphite in a diamond stability field. They were formed in rocks of the upper mantle significantly below (≥20 km) the graphite-diamond equilibrium line.  相似文献   

Notable within-crystal variability of mineralogical and geochemical properties of single natural diamonds are commonly attributed to changing chemistry of parental fluids, sources of carbon and redox conditions of diamond precipitation. A distinct type of compositional heterogeneity (mixed-habit structure) is well-known to occur in diamonds as well as in many other minerals due to purely “structural” reasons that are unequal crystal chemistry of crystallographically different faces and selective absorption and fractionation of impurities between adjacent growth pyramids. Based on the combined cathodoluminescence, Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy, study of nine diamond crystals with different growth histories and external morphology, but all showing mixed-habit patterns at different growth stages, we show that mixed-diamonds may grow in closed system conditions or with a slowly decreasing growth rate from a media with a much lower impurity content than previously thought. Intracrystal nitrogen distribution seems to be a function of growth rate even in the cases of unusual impurity partitioning between growth sectors. Generally poor with IR-active hydrogen at moderate nitrogen aggregation parameters, studied diamonds likely resemble the low hydrogen content from the growth medium that, for cubic diamonds, was typically suggested hydrogen-rich and a crucial factor for growth of cubic and mixed-habit diamonds. We also show that mixed-habit diamond growth may occur not only in peridotitic suite but also in an extended field of geochemical affinities from high-Ni to low-Ni or maybe even Ni-free environments, such as pyroxenitic or eclogitic.  相似文献   

We report the first finding of diamond in crustal rocks from the Tromsø Nappe of the North Norwegian Caledonides. Diamond occurs in situ as inclusions in garnet from gneiss at Tønsvika near Tromsø. The rock is composed essentially of garnet, biotite, white mica, quartz and plagioclase, minor constituents include kyanite, zoisite, rutile, tourmaline, amphibole, zircon, apatite and carbonates (magnesite, dolomite, calcite). The microdiamond, identified by micro‐Raman spectroscopy, is cuboidal to octahedral in shape and ranges from 5 to 50 μm in diameter. The diamond occurs as single grains and as composite diamond + carbonate inclusions. Diamond vibration bands show a downshift from 1 332 to 1 325 cm?1, the majority of Raman peaks are centred between 1 332 and 1 330 cm?1 and all peaks exhibit a full width at half maximum between 3 and 5 cm?1. Several spectra show Raman bands typical for disordered and ordered graphite (sp2‐bonded carbon) indicating partial transformation of diamond to graphite. The calculated peak P–T conditions for the diamond‐bearing sample are 3.5 ± 0.5 GPa and 770 ± 50 °C. Metamorphic diamond found in situ in crustal rocks of the Tromsø Nappe thus provides unequivocal evidence for ultrahigh pressure metamorphism in this allochthonous unit of the Scandinavian Caledonides. Deep continental subduction, most probably in the Late Ordovician and shortly before or during the initial collision between Baltica and Laurentia, was required to stabilize the diamond at UHP conditions.  相似文献   

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