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赣东北高压变质岩的岩石类型、矿物组成与变质过程   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
赣东北高压变质岩包括含硬玉霓辉石钠长角闪片岩、含硬玉霓辉石石英钠长石岩、含霓辉石角闪石英钠长石岩、含霓辉石钠长角闪片岩、蓝透闪石石英钠长石岩、镁钠闪石石英钠长石岩等岩石类型,主要组成脏矿物为硬玉、霓辉石、镁钠闪石、蓝透闪石、镁角闪石、阳起石、石英、钠长石、金红石和榍石。研究表明,高压变质峰期后经历了近等温降压退变质过程。  相似文献   

缅甸硬玉岩区的硬玉化绿辉石岩   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
绿辉石岩是缅甸硬玉岩区一种新的岩石类型,普遍遭受多期次硬玉化.未发生硬玉化的绿辉石含较高TFeO和CaO,但较低的MgO,按化学成分分类部分已属霓石-普通辉石系列的中间相.这种绿辉石很可能是硬玉质的流体/熔体交代地幔辉石岩类的产物,与主期大规模硬玉岩的结晶、钠质-钠钙质角闪石边和钠铬辉石的形成同期或稍后,是该区第Ⅰ期的硬玉化.沿绿辉石的解理或裂隙交代并伴有充填的硬玉是在相对拉张的构造背景下形成的,是该区第Ⅱ期的硬玉化.切割早期绿辉石和硬玉的充填硬玉细脉可能是最晚一期的硬玉化.硬玉化绿辉石岩的结构与显微构造特征指示了在缅甸硬玉岩区,至少存在不少于3期的硬玉化的交代充填作用.文中讨论了硬玉化物质的可能来源,认为其可能与俯冲板片上的沉积物有密切关系.  相似文献   

缅甸是世界上优质翡翠的最重要产地,角闪石族矿物是缅甸翡翠中的常见矿物。对缅甸翡翠原石进行手标本、薄片偏光显微镜观察和电子探针测试,结果表明,翡翠原石组成矿物的形成顺序为岩浆锆石→热液锆石和硬玉→绿辉石→Ca质角闪石→Na-Ca、Na质角闪石→钠长石,岩石形成后受到后期应力作用使部分角闪石族矿物发生变形。Ca质角闪石形成后,晚期Na-Al-Si流体和富Ca、Mg和Fe的浅闪石发生反应,形成了Na-Ca质、Na质角闪石,包括钠透闪石,蓝闪石和镁铝钠闪石。随压力的降低,残余流体在早期形成矿物颗粒之间沉淀结晶出钠长石。矿物的化学成分和矿物种类及结构对翡翠的品质有重要影响,硬玉中的Cr及角闪石矿物的存在导致了翡翠绿色深浅的变化。组成矿物的形态及颗粒大小、排列的紧密程度,影响翡翠的质地和透明度等外观特征。  相似文献   

位于北美-加勒比板块俯冲带内的危地马拉硬玉岩区产有硬玉岩、榴辉岩、钠长岩等岩石类型,但绿辉石岩还没有详细报导过。研究样品为该区的硬玉岩和绿辉石岩,前者主要由Jd端元含量较高的硬玉组成,具有粒、柱状镶嵌结构。硬玉晶体具有显著的成分振荡环带,其核部及其背散射电子图像的浅色区Jd端元含量为94.81%~95.48%;暗色区Jd含量大于97.92%。后者绿辉石岩具有交代结构,主要由绿辉石和硬玉组成。其中绿辉石的CaO(9.01%~10.80%)和MgO(6.09%~7.94%)含量较高,FeO(2.84%~4.89%)含量较低;硬玉的CaO、MgO和FeO含量变化范围较大,分别为0.59%~4.30%,0.26%~3.05%,0.76%~2.87%。硬玉岩中流体包裹体的存在,以及绿辉石岩中显著的硬玉交代绿辉石现象说明其成因与缅甸硬玉一样,是硬玉质流体通过结晶-交代作用形成。硬玉岩中硬玉振荡的环带结构反映形成时温度-压力-组分体系存在振荡变化,平直连续的环带边界反映结晶时P-T条件位于硬玉稳定的低温高压区域。该区绿辉石岩的硬玉化作用清楚,能够观察到三期硬玉岩化作用现象,说明绿辉石岩可能是在硬玉岩的形成过程中,硬玉质流体与原岩辉石岩作用的结果,这进一步阐明了俯冲带内硬玉岩区硬玉质流体的广泛透入性与结晶交代作用的多样性。  相似文献   

缅甸玉石中的钠铬辉石,硬玉及其共生矿物的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出缅甸各种玉石中硬玉及其共生矿物的物理、光学X坶数据。硬玉玉石为单矿物或多矿物结晶质集合体。在多矿物集合体中,硬玉与浅闪石、钠透闪石、透闪石、钠铬辉石和顽火辉石最紧密地共生。钠长硬玉基本上由钠铬辉石和含或有时不含闪石类或顽火辉石的铬铁矿/镁铬铁矿组成,但没有纯的硬玉。  相似文献   

胶南造山带中高,超高压变质矿   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
胶南造山带榴辉岩中的高压、超高压变质矿物主要有绿辉石、镁铝榴石、柯石英、金刚石、金红石等。柯石英、金刚石均呈微晶状包裹于石榴子石、绿辉石中。柯石英多已转化为石英聚晶,并使包裹它的矿和拉生放射状胀裂纹;金刚石呈近等轴八面体等,其形成压力达3.5GPa以上。榴辉岩围岩中的高压、超夺高变质矿物主要有辉石类(透辉石、霓石、暗硬玉)、钠钙质-钠质角闪石(钠闪石、镁钠闪石)、多硅白云母(3T型)、钠长石、绿帘  相似文献   

对产于红旗营子群黑云斜长片麻岩或黑云斜长变粒岩之中的冀北异剥钙榴岩进行岩石学研究表明,其主要矿物成分有富钙石榴石、钠长石或钡冰长石以及角闪石等,另有少量异剥辉石(透辉石)残留,其形态多呈大小不等的透镜状或团块状.异剥钙榴岩的化学成分总体表现为SiO2(36.63%~44.46%)明显不饱和,富CaO(17.81%~27.78%)、FeO*(9.76%~18.36%)和贫MgO(O.77%~4.56%)的特征.异剥钙榴岩化作用除导致岩石的CaO升高而SiO2降低外,REE总量和某些不活动性微量元素(Zr,Hf,Nb,Ta,Y和V等)含量也相应增加,但REE配分模式变化太大.冀北异剥钙榴岩的原岩可能为蛇绿岩型畀剥辉长岩,经历过早期的钙交代和晚期的钡交代.前者以岩石中发育富钙石榴石为标志,后者则形成钡冰长石,是富钡流体交代钠长石的结果.冀北异剥钙榴岩的锆石SHRIMP年龄为396.4 Ma±5.3 Ma,代表异剥钙榴岩的形成时代  相似文献   

中国西南天山昭苏县东德沟地幔楔环境的斜长角闪岩与蛇纹岩接触带中发现了异剥钙榴岩.按异剥钙榴岩化程度,可将研究的岩石分为三种类型:斜长角闪岩、异剥钙榴岩化斜长角闪岩和异剥钙榴岩,它们的矿物组合分别为:角闪石+中长石+石英+榍石+磷灰石±次透辉石;角闪石+钙长石+透辉石+斜黝帘石+绿泥石±方解石;斜黝帘石+钙铝榴石+透辉石+绿泥石+方解石.异剥钙榴岩化岩石的矿物化学及主量元素特征反映出交代流体中富Ca、Al.与洋底变质环境和俯冲带中发生的异剥钙榴岩化作用相比,此处的异剥钙榴岩化岩石中的流体有限.质量平衡计算也表明斜长角闪岩在富Ca、Al流体的交代下形成异剥钙榴岩,这一过程中,早期有Mg元素加入,而晚期异剥钙榴岩形成时,Mg又大量流失.  相似文献   

蛇纹岩、异剥钙榴岩和蛇绿碳酸岩是蛇绿岩套中超基性单元特有的3类岩石组合,该套岩石组合的形成过程复杂,经历了从地幔岩浆结晶分异、洋脊变质作用改造和俯冲-仰冲构造过程,记录了从地幔岩浆侵位到造山带形成、演化的全程信息。蛇纹岩由方辉橄榄岩、二辉橄榄岩和纯橄岩通过水化和氧化过程而形成;异剥钙榴岩由含水石榴石、符山石、绿帘石族矿物、透辉石和绿泥石等含水和含钙的硅酸盐矿物组成,是由基性岩经历钙交代和水化作用而形成;蛇绿碳酸岩则由高度破碎变形的蛇纹岩角砾和碳酸岩基质(方解石、白云石或菱镁矿)共同组成,碳酸钙主要来自海水参与蛇纹岩化过程产生的富钙热液。阿尔卑斯西部的Zermatt-Saas蛇绿岩体中这3种岩石的组合研究表明:蛇纹岩化过程发生在大洋变质时期,超基性岩体在海水的作用下形成蛇纹岩。蛇纹岩化过程中释放出主要来自斜方辉石和单斜辉石的钙,与水共同作用交代超基性岩体中的基性岩脉,从而形成异剥钙榴岩。蛇绿碳酸岩形成于俯冲变质之前或俯冲变质的早期。这3类岩石一经形成,都经历了其后的叠加变质作用,进而表明Zermatt-Saas蛇绿岩经历了大洋变质、与俯冲、折返和抬升有关的高压变质和区域变质、绿片岩相变质和晚期热液变质作用的pT轨迹演化,代表着西阿尔卑斯从洋脊变质作用到俯?  相似文献   

翡翠的矿物组成特征及其质量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过翡翠的矿物组成研究 ,其主要由辉石族的矿物 (硬玉、绿辉石、霓石、钠铬辉石 )组成 ,还有少量的闪石族矿物、长石族矿物以及绿泥石和铬铁矿、褐铁矿、赤铁矿等组成 ,他们的含量变化直接影响着翡翠的种类。在矿物组成中 ,硬玉呈不同的绿色 ,这些颜色的多少与分布特征直接影响着翡翠的颜色特征和档次。绿辉石、钠铬辉石含量少 ,在翡翠中呈黑绿色 ,它们的存在使翡翠的档次降低。闪石族矿物主要是蓝色的钠铝质闪石 ,翡翠中的飘“蓝花”就是由于它们造成的。长石族矿物主要是钠长石 ,颗粒细小 ,在翡翠中其含量 1.0 %~ 8.0 %。翡翠中主要的矿物形态以粒状为主 ,矿物的颗粒越细 ,翡翠的透明度、质地也越好。建议将翡翠定义为 :“在地质作用过程中主要由钠质或钠钙质辉石组成的达到玉级的集合体。”  相似文献   

The Late Oligocene oyster Hyotissa antiguensis (Brown) is locally common in the Antigua Formation of Hughes Point, eastern Antigua, Lesser Antilles; it was not commonly bored at that time. Its valves and shells are robust, and reworked into the shallow water near-shore environment in Antigua; it could potentially be incorporated into younger rocks. Its neoichnology includes clues that would facilitate identification of these oysters as reworked fossils. The suite of modern borings found in these specimens includes common Caulostrepsis taeniola Clarke, Gastrochaenolites isp. cf. G. turbinatus Kelly and Bromley and Entobia isp., and rare Oichnus simplex Bromley and Rogerella? isp. The latter three taxa are limited to oyster shell substrates. Of the common ichnotaxa, Caulostrepsis and Gastrochaenolites are particularly prominent in limestone clasts and limestone cemented to oyster shells, which would be an indicator of reworking if found in a post-Oligocene lithified deposit. Caulostrepsis and Gastrochaenolites are relatively less common in oyster shells and valves, and in many specimens are seen to terminate against the shell. Entobia is the only common boring limited to the shell substrate. The fidelity of preservation of modern borings is also superior in limestone clasts. This suite of borings is comparable with those found in the Neogene of the Antillean region.  相似文献   

The palaeontological content (charophytes and vertebrates) of organic-rich layers from the Middle Jurassic (Bathonian) of the Grands Causses at Mostuéjouls (Aveyron, France) has been examined. It is rich in gyrogonites of Porochara douzensis. The vertebrates of the lower layer include a single hybodontiform tooth, “semionotiform” teeth and scales, and one pycnodontiform tooth whereas the upper layer has yielded one hybodontiform tooth, a variety of actinopterygian remains (mostly Caturus sp. and indeterminate pycnodontiforms) and a few possible reptile remains. The variation in fauna between the two layers is ascribed to a different degree of marine influence.  相似文献   

Nineteenth-century references to clavate borings in woody substrates in the Lower Greensand of the Isle of Wight used a variety of names, but Teredo (a wood-boring bivalve, not a boring), Teredolithes (a junior synonym of Teredolites) and Gastrochaena (a bivalve borer of rock and shelly substrates, not a boring in wood) are all nomenclatorially incorrect. Borings in a beach clast derived from the Lower Greensand Group and recently collected from Sandown Bay, Isle of Wight, are referred to Teredolites isp. cf. T. longissimus Kelly and Bromley. This specimen confirms the presence of Teredolites in the Lower Greensand Group and demonstrates a common ichnological problem of beach clasts; borings, either fossil or modern, are incompletely preserved, making confident classification below the level of ichnogenus problematic.  相似文献   

The origin of the genus Bos is a debated issue. From ∼ 0.5 Ma until historic times, the genus is well known in the Eurasian large mammal assemblages, where it is represented by Bos primigenius. This species has a highly derived cranial anatomy that shows important morphological differences from other Plio-Pleistocene Eurasian genera of the tribe Bovini such as Leptobos, Bison, Proamphibos-Hemibos, and Bubalus. The oldest clear evidence of Bos is the skull fragment ASB-198-1 from the middle Pleistocene (∼ 0.6-0.8 Ma) site of Asbole (Lower Awash Valley, Ethiopia). The first appearance of Bos in Europe is at the site of Venosa-Notarchirico, Italy (∼ 0.5-0.6 Ma). Although the origin of Bos has traditionally been connected with Leptobos and Bison, after a detailed anatomical and morphometric study we propose here a different origin, connecting the middle Pleistocene Eurasian forms of B. primigenius with the African Late Pliocene and early Pleistocene large size member of the tribe Bovini Pelorovis sensu stricto. The dispersal of the Bos lineage in Western Europe during middle Pleistocene times seems to coincide with the arrival of the Acheulean tool technology in this continent.  相似文献   

Indigofera melanadenia and Tephrosia longipes plant species, collected from Cu–Ni mining area, were evaluated for accumulation of Cu and Ni. The total and bioavailable concentrations of Cu and Ni in the host soils were also determined. Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry was used for all metal determinations. The total and bioavailable concentrations of Cu in the soils were in the range 900–9000 μg/g and 200–2000 μg/g respectively. For Ni, the total and bioavailable concentrations were in the range 900–2000 μg/g and ∼ 40–100 μg/g respectively. The concentrations of Cu and Ni in the leaves of I. melanadenia were higher than in the roots with a range 80–130 μg/g in the leaves and 20–80 μg/g in the roots for Cu and a range of 150–200 μg/g in the leaves and 20–60 μg/g in the roots for Ni. Concentration of Cu in T. longipes was in the range of 37–240 μg/g and 150–200 μg/g in the leaves and roots respectively while the concentration of Ni was 80–140 μg/g in the leaves and 25–100 μg/g in the roots. Results indicate that both species have a potential for accumulating Cu and Ni. Translocation factor, a ratio of shoots to roots metal concentration, was used to evaluate the translocation properties of the plants from roots to shoots. Translocation factors of the plants were ≥ 1 suggesting efficient translocation of metals from roots to shoots.  相似文献   

A 90,000-yr record of environmental change before 18,000 cal yr B.P. has been constructed using pollen analyses from a sediment core obtained from Salar de Uyuni (3653 m above sea level) on the Bolivian Altiplano. The sequence consists of alternating mud and salt, which reflect shifts between wet and dry periods. Low abundances of aquatic species between 108,000 and 50,000 yr ago (such as Myriophyllum and Isoëtes) and marked fluctuations in Pediastrum suggest generally dry conditions dominated by saltpans. Between 50,000 yr ago and 36,000 cal yr B.P., lacustrine sediments become increasingly dominant. The transition to the formation of paleolake “Minchin” begins with marked rises in Isoëtes and Myriophyllum, suggesting a lake of moderate depth. Similarly, between 36,000 and 26,000 cal yr B.P., the transition to paleolake Tauca is also initiated by rises in Isoëtes and Myriophyllum; the sustained presence of Isoëtes indicates the development of flooded littoral communities associated with a lake maintained at a higher water level. Polylepis tarapacana-dominated communities were probably an important component of the Altiplano terrestrial vegetation during much of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and previous wet phases.  相似文献   

A new partial skeleton of the armoured ornithischian dinosaur Polacanthus found in the Wadhurst Clay Formation (Valanginian stage) of Bexhill, Sussex is the oldest recorded occurrence of this taxon. Previous discoveries suggested that at least two armoured ornithischians occur in the Wealden succession: Polacanthus, which was mostly restricted to the Barremian, and Hylaeosaurus, which was recorded as present only in the Valanginian. The new discovery extends the stratigraphic range of Polacanthus into the Valanginian. Although these two taxa appear to be closely similar anatomically, their osteology now suggests they are not synonymous. The new specimen includes the first known jugal as well as a comparatively rare polacanthid plate/spine (splate) which probably comes from the shoulder (pectoral) area of these animals.  相似文献   

The hatchling sizes of the Cretaceous nautiloids (Hercoglossa forbesianus and Cimomia angustus; Hercoglossidae) are reported here for the first time as ranging between 20.4-22.2 mm in diameter. These new data for Hercoglossidae and the previously reported data for Nautilidae and Cymatoceratidae suggest that all Cretaceous nautiloids had large hatchlings irrespective of their taxonomy relative to those in ammonoids. Based on the relationship between hatching events and the nepionic constriction in modern nautili, the hatchling size of nautiloids can be recognized by the constriction on the shell surface of the innermost whorl. The range of hatchling diameter in all Cretaceous nautiloids (9-35 mm) is comparable to those of modern nautili (20-32 mm), although the Cretaceous nautiloids are characterized by a wider range with the smaller minimum diameter. The large hatchling size in Cretaceous nautiloids stands in marked contrast to those in ammonoids, which had much smaller hatchling size (mostly <2 mm in diameter) and became extinct at the end of the Cretaceous. Such distinct differences in reproductive strategy (i.e., hatchling and egg sizes) suggest that these differences may have played a significant role in the fate of ammonoids and nautiloids through the K/T mass extinction, as previously hypothesized by several paleontologists.  相似文献   

Kyanite-rich and quartz-rich eclogites occur as lenses within amphibolite-facies quartzo-feldspathic gneisses in the Pohorje Mountains, Northern Slovenia, that form the easternmost Austroalpine basement. Major and trace elements indicate that the kyanite-rich eclogites were derived from plagioclase-rich gabbroic cumulates, whereas the quartz-rich eclogites represent more fractionated basaltic compositions. Both varieties are characterized by a LREE-depleted N-MORB type REE signature. Geothermobarometry and P-T pseudosections indicate that eclogites equilibrated at 1.8-2.5 GPa and 630-700 °C, consistently with the lack of coesite and with equilibration conditions of the chemically similar eclogites from the adjacent basement units at Koralpe and Saualpe type localities. Decompression reaction textures include (i) clinopyroxene-plagioclase intergrowths after omphacite, (ii) replacement of kyanite by corundum-plagioclase-spinel±sapphirine symplectites, (iii) breakdown of phengite to biotite-plagioclase sapphirine symplectites. The results of this study indicate that Koralpe, Saualpe and Pohorje high-pressure rocks represent former MORB-type oceanic crust that was subducted in the course of the late Cretaceous (approximately 100 Ma ago) collision between the European and the Apulian plates.  相似文献   

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