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软黏土中地下结构浮力测试试验与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浮力计算是地下结构抗浮设计的关键,而弱透水黏性土中浮力大小的确定一直存在争议。对此,设计一套免受摩擦力影响的模型试验装置,对埋置于软黏土中的地下结构模型进行浮力测试。试验采用卸重上浮的思路,力学模型简单明确,浮力即等于浮起瞬间的剩余配重,并通过水压和位移的实时监测来判定结构上浮的临界状态。试验结果表明,软黏土中的水压是一个动态变化量,受渗流、温度、卸重回弹以及土-水相互作用的影响,且往往小于理论水压;实测浮力是理论浮力的0.93倍,存在少量折减;水压和位移时程曲线显示上浮过程是持续动态变化的,最终浮起时具有突发性。  相似文献   

饱和砂土地层中隧道结构动力离心模型试验   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
饱和砂土地层中隧道结构可能会因地震地基液化而发生破坏。通过对可液化地层中地铁隧道结构的地震反应进行动力离心模型试验,研究了饱和松砂地基在地震作用下的反应特性、可液化地层中地铁隧道结构的上浮及变形特性和设置截断墙对限制隧道结构上浮的效果等问题。研究结果表明,地基液化引起的隧道衬砌上的附加变形内力以及隧道上浮量主要受地基液化时土水压力的变化影响。截断墙的设置限制了隧道两侧土体向隧道下方流动的趋势,有效减小了隧道结构的上浮量  相似文献   

粘土地基中的水浮力试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文运用模型试验方法,对粘土层中深基础上的地下水浮力的力学效应进行分析,主要探讨不同水位下地下水浮力的变化规律和地下水浮力随时间的动态变化过程。试验结果表明,实测的地下水浮力始终比按阿基米德定律计算的理论水浮力要小,具体的变化规律可用折减系数来表示,不同水位下地下水浮力的变化规律基本相同,在水位刚达到时的折减系数达到0.3~0.4。随着时间的增长,折减系数逐步增大,最终达到0.65~0.72。  相似文献   

金书成  张永涛  杨炎华  黎冰 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z1):221-227
吸力式桶形基础不仅承受着上部结构及自身所引起的竖向荷载,还受到波浪、海流、海风等引起的水平荷载作用,在高纬度海域冬季还可能受到海冰的长时间挤压作用。利用三维有限元模型,研究饱和排水砂土条件下吸力式桶形基础的水平极限承载力和失稳模式,分析缓慢施加水平荷载时吸力式桶形基础失稳破坏机制,探讨不同长径比的桶形基础承载性能,研究桶体内外壁土压力分布情况和转动轴位置,并根据极限平衡解法,推导出饱和砂土地基桶形基础水平极限承载力计算公式。研究结果可为砂土地基条件下的吸力式桶形基础的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

在地震荷载作用下,可液化土层中的桩基础往往会由于地基土体液化而发生破坏。在此过程中即使土体最终没有达到完全液化,但由于超孔隙水压力的存在,饱和砂土会发生强度弱化,也会导致土体对桩身水平抗力的降低。此时若不考虑超孔隙水压力对土抗力的影响,仍然采用API规范中的p-y曲线对桩基础进行设计,结果将偏于危险。针对这种情况,首先利用竖向-扭转双向耦合剪切仪对饱和砂土进行了循环扭剪动强度试验,研究了不同弱化状态下饱和砂土的动力特性和弱化参数;然后基于浅层处改进的土楔体理论模型推导极限土抗力公式,并结合深层处的绕桩流动破坏理论模型,得到了任意深度处不同孔压比下的极限土抗力,进而构造了不同弱化状态下饱和砂土地基中桩-土相互作用的p-y曲线。通过研究发现:表征土体强度弱化状态的孔压比对桩-土相互作用的极限土抗力的影响非常显著,孔压比越大,土体强度弱化程度越严重,饱和砂土的极限土抗力值就越小,即横向受荷桩对周围土体的作用随着土体强度弱化程度的增加而降低,反之则增大。  相似文献   

分层地基中扩底桩抗拔承载力的计算方法研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
采用极限平衡法,利用幂函数形式的滑移面假设,推导出扩底抗拔桩在分层地基中极限承载力的简化计算公式,并将计算结果和其他方法计算结果分别与室内模型试验和原位试桩结果作对比,分析后发现文中计算公式是几种破裂面假设及其计算公式集成的一种简化计算方法;密砂中取幂指数N=10,松砂中取N→∞的计算结果和室内模型试验结果是一致的;分层地基中的原位试桩具有明显的尺寸效应,应区分短桩(L/d<20)和中长桩(L/d>20);文中计算方法取N→∞,在短桩的计算结果和原位试桩结果一致,在深基础中长桩则需引入分层折减系数进行修正,分层折减系数在砂土中取0.5,黏土中取0.6是合适的。  相似文献   

分别开展砂土和粉质黏土两种典型土质条件下基坑悬臂式开挖离心模型试验,详细叙述试验过程中所要解决的关键问题,并提出合理的解决方案。通过对比分析两组试验结果,得到以下结论:非饱和土地基制备中参数控制困难,分层夯实法有待进一步改进,而砂雨法制备的砂土地基参数可控性更好;两组试验的结果有差异,砂土地基试验所呈现的土压力、地基变形、支护弯矩的变化规律更好,因此,岩土离心试验可适当考虑以砂土代替非饱和土;对于采用悬臂式支护结构的基坑,开挖引起的地表沉降曲线在砂土中呈指数型,而在粉质黏土中呈直线型;开挖引起的粉质黏土地基土体位移范围较砂土地基更大;开挖引起的砂土中挡墙弯矩较粉质黏土更大,砂土和粉质黏土中最大弯矩位置都随开挖逐渐下移;在砂土试验中开挖引起主动区土压力各处均减小,而在粉质黏土试验中开挖引起土压力在挡墙底有增大趋势。该基坑工程离心模型试验过程及数据处理方法可为进一步试验提供参考。  相似文献   

液化自由场地震响应大型振动台模型试验分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许成顺  豆鹏飞  杜修力  陈苏  韩俊艳 《岩土力学》2019,40(10):3767-3777
开展了含上部黏土层、饱和砂土层、密实砂土层的可液化自由场地在水平地震动激励下的大型振动台模型试验研究,分析了地震动激励时饱和砂土液化后场地加速度、位移、孔压比时空响应等动力响应。试验结果表明:在小震激励时,场地动力反应较小,加速度反应自下而上不断放大,各深度处孔压比均较小,模型地基整体处于弹性反应阶段;0.3g汶川地震卧龙台地震记录输入时,孔压积累迅速,可液化土体最上部土层孔压比达到1,饱和土体液化,模型地基表现出明显的非线性反应特征,加速度反应在饱和砂土层中未有明显放大,土体卓越周期对应的反应加速度自下而上有不断增大趋势。该研究是土-群桩-上部结构体系大型振动台系列试验中可液化自由场动力反应部分,可供今后做对比分析和验证数值模拟参考。  相似文献   

基于滑移线场理论(SLFT),提出了一种边坡双折减系数强度折减法失稳判据:当由滑移线场理论计算得到的极限状态下的边坡坡面(简称"极限稳定坡面")与原坡面相交于坡脚时,判断边坡处于极限状态。基于提出的失稳判据构建了双折减系数倒数空间的临界曲线,并推导了整体安全系数计算公式。边坡算例计算结果表明:初始点和临界曲线的3种相对位置关系(点在曲线上方,点属于曲线,点在曲线下方)对应3类边坡整体安全系数(FS>1,FS=1,FS<1),整体安全系数计算结果与边坡状态相符合,确定的临界滑裂面形状以及在边坡中的位置都与已有结论一致。提出的失稳判据适用于计算配套系数和整体安全系数,实现了失稳判据的客观标准定量化。   相似文献   

在三轴条件下,对饱和土(砂土和黏土)进行排水与不排水条件下的冲击试验及冲击后再固结试验,对比研究了不同渗透性土在不同排水条件下的冲击动力响应和冲击后再固结性状。结果表明:饱和黏土不排水冲击时的孔隙水压力随冲击击数增加而升高并逐渐稳定,排水冲击时的孔隙水压力则是先达到峰值然后有所下降;砂土不排水冲击时的冲击能量对孔隙水压力影响最明显;饱和砂土不排水冲击时的轴向应变与冲击击数呈近似线性关系,饱和黏土冲击及饱和砂土排水冲击则呈近二次曲线关系;饱和砂土不排水冲击后再固结阶段的孔隙水压力立即消散为0,同时体变迅速增大到一定值;饱和黏土在冲击后再固结阶段的孔隙水压力在一定时间内逐渐消散完毕,同时体变逐渐增大;饱和黏土排水冲击时,冲击阶段产生的体变占冲击引起总体变的39%~49%,冲击后再固结阶段产生的体变占51%~61%;砂土和黏土的总体变均表现为排水冲击明显大于不排水冲击,改善冲击时的排水条件有利于提高加固效果。  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of loss of apparent cohesion from rainwater infiltration upon the stability of partly saturated, allophanic soil slopes of Dominica (West Indies). The parent material of the Dominican allophanic soils are the andesitic and dacitic volcanic rocks from ten volcanic centres of mainly Pleistocene age. Although simplifying assumptions are made to assess the depth of wetting front and magnitudes of true and apparent cohesion values of the partly saturated allophanic soils, certain inferences of practical significance emerge from the study.

Matric suction contributes to the effective stress of unsaturated soils and increases the shear strength of these soils by imparting them an apparent cohesion strength component. This apparent cohesion strength component of the partly saturated Dominician allophanic soils is considered to be related to the matric suction term (uauw) by a parabolic relationship.

The partly saturated allophanic soil slopes of Dominica would invariably fail from loss of apparent cohesion upon saturation of the soil mantle by the infiltrating water front only if (a) the average slope angle (β) is greater than or equal to the drained shear strength parameter of the unsaturated soil (Φd) (slopes with β ≥ Φd are referred to as category 1 slopes in this study) and (b) the drained cohesion parameter (cd) belonging to the partly saturated soil of the category 1 slope is mainly contributed by matric suction induced apparent cohesion (capp) and contribution from true cohesion (c′) is absent. However, the possibility of the category 1 slopes (for the case 1 situation) failing in the saturated condition from effective stress reduction due to rise in ground water table is shown to be an unfeasible proposition. In contrast, for the case 1 situation, the partly saturated category 2 slopes (β < Φd) are insusceptible to failure from reduction in effective stress due to loss of matric suction but fail in the saturated condition from effective stress reduction due to rise in ground water table. If the allophanic soils were to possess a sufficient magnitude of true cohesion (c′), even the partly saturated category 1 slopes possessing slope angles (β) much in excess of their Φd values (β − Φd = 15.1°) would remain stable upon total elimination of the matric suction induced cohesion. However, partly saturated category 1 slopes possessing a true cohesion component and insusceptible to failure from reduction in effective stress upon loss of matric suction, invariably fail in the saturated condition from reduction in effective stress due to rise in ground water table.

Using the methodology developed in this study, two previously reported case histories pertaining to rain induced translational landslides in the residual soil areas of Brazil are re-examined and the results obtained in this study are found to be in agreement with the findings of the previous researchers.  相似文献   

Existing models for predicting the small strain behaviour of unsaturated soil are not capable of predicting the initial shear stiffness during suction reduction under normally consolidated conditions. This problem has been addressed in the present study by combining an existing elastoplastic model and recent experimental data to provide a new model for the initial shear stiffness. The model, which is similar to that typically adopted for saturated soils, uses the average skeleton stress and an additional function of the degree of saturation. This new model not only captures the behaviour of the new experimental results, but it also describes a unique relationship between saturated and unsaturated soils.  相似文献   

The behavior of a partially saturated soil during surface‐water infiltration is analyzed by means of an elasto‐plastic constitutive model formulated in terms of effective stress and extended to unsaturated conditions. The model is calibrated considering laboratory‐scale experimental results under suction‐controlled conditions. The wetting process in two collapsing soils, initially loaded at in situ stresses, is simulated by imposing two different boundary conditions: surface ponding and water flow. The stress paths resulting from the imbibition process are analyzed at different points inside the layer. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Han  Bowen  Cai  Guoqing  Zhou  Annan  Li  Jian  Zhao  Chenggang 《Acta Geotechnica》2021,16(5):1331-1354

The interparticle bonding effect due to water menisci plays an important role in the hydromechanical coupling properties of unsaturated soils. This paper presents an unsaturated hydromechanical coupling model that considers the influence of matric suction, degree of saturation, and microscopic pore structure on the interparticle bonding effect. The enhanced effective stress and bonding variable are selected as constitutive variables. The bonding variable is correlated with the ratio between unsaturated void ratio and saturated void ratio. The deformation characteristics of unsaturated soils are described based on the bounding surface plasticity theory. A soil–water characteristic model that considers deformation and hydraulic hysteresis is integrated into the constitutive model to achieve hydromechanical coupling. The proposed model can effectively describe the hydromechanical coupling characteristics and the meniscus bonding force of unsaturated bimodal structure soils; the model parameters can be easily obtained through routine experiments. The experimental results of unsaturated isotropic compression, the wetting/drying cycle, and unsaturated triaxial shear tests are used to validate the capability of the proposed model.


堆积层滑坡是滑坡的一种基本类型,其物质组成、结构等有别于其它类型滑坡。堆积层滑坡失稳绝大多数是由降雨或地下水位的变化而引起的,在降雨诱发堆积层滑坡稳定性分析中,必须考虑渗透力的作用。系统分析了堆积型滑坡发育环境及特征,推导了基于总应力法和有效应力法的可考虑渗透力的传递系数法,采用有效应力法计算滑坡稳定系数时,既要考虑地下水浮力作用,又要考虑地下水流动时的渗透力作用;采用总应力法计算滑坡稳定系数时,仅需考虑地下水流动时的渗透力作用。对一个工程实例进行了深入剖析,验证了考虑渗透力的传递系数法的可靠性。  相似文献   

有效应力参数的合理确定是非饱和土有效应力研究的重要内容。然而,现有的有效应力参数未能较好地考虑孔隙水的微观赋存形态对有效应力的影响。为此,分析了孔隙水的微观赋存形态,明确了孔隙水可分为收缩膜、吸附水和毛细水,建立了非饱和粉土的扩展三相孔隙介质模型,即孔隙气、毛细水和广义土骨架。基于该模型,采用分相平衡分析法,推导了非饱...  相似文献   

饱和土变形过程模拟的统计损伤方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统损伤理论的不足与局限性,从研究岩土材料损伤的合理定义入手,并通过深入探讨饱和土损伤的微观力学机制,建立了适合于饱和土的新型损伤模型。在此基础上,引进统计损伤理论,建立了模拟特定围压下饱和土变形全过程的统计损伤本构模型及其参数确定方法。通过探讨饱和土损伤统计本构模型参数与围压的关系,建立了该模型的合理修正方法,从而建立了反映不同围压条件的统一饱和土损伤统计本构模型。理论与试验结果分析表明了该模型的合理性,该模型不仅能反映饱和土的变形全过程,而且能反映孔隙水压力对饱和土变形的影响。  相似文献   

A simple thermohydromechanical (THM) constitutive model for unsaturated soils is described. The effective stress concept is extended to unsaturated soils with the introduction of a capillary stress. This capillary stress is based on a microstructural model and calculated from attraction forces due to water menisci. The effect of desaturation and the thermal softening phenomenon are modelled with a minimal number of material parameters and based on existing models. THM process is qualitatively and quantitatively modelled by using experimental data and previous work to show the application of the model, including a drying path under mechanical stress with transition between saturated and unsaturated states, a heating path under constant suction and a deviatoric path with imposed suction and temperature. The results show that the present model can simulate the THM behaviour in unsaturated soils in a satisfactory way.  相似文献   

A thermodynamically consistent extension of the constitutive equations of saturated soils to unsaturated conditions is often worked out through the use of a unique ‘effective’ interstitial pressure, accounting equivalently for the pressures of the saturating fluids acting separately on the internal solid walls of the pore network. The natural candidate for this effective interstitial pressure is the space averaged interstitial pressure. In contrast experimental observations have revealed that, at least, a pair of stress state variables was needed for a suitable framework to describe stress–strain–strength behaviour of unsaturated soils. The thermodynamics analysis presented here shows that the most general approach to the behaviour of unsaturated soils actually requires three stress state variables: the suction, which is required to describe the invasion of the soil by the liquid water phase through the retention curve; two effective stresses, which are required to describe the soil deformation at water saturation held constant. However a simple assumption related to the plastic flow rule leads to the final need of only a Bishop-like effective stress to formulate the stress–strain constitutive equation describing the soil deformation, while the retention properties still involve the suction and possibly the deformation. Commonly accepted models for unsaturated soils, that is the Barcelona Basic Model and any approach based on the use of an effective averaged interstitial pressure, appear as special extreme cases of the thermodynamic formulation proposed here.  相似文献   

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