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雪生态学研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
文章从雪盖与气候系统、雪盖的物理特性及其与生态学的关系、雪化学过程与养分循环、冰雪微生物、雪盖与小型动物、雪盖和植被等 6个方面综述了当前世界雪生态学研究进展,并对雪生态学近期需要研究的问题进行了讨论。总体来看,当前国际雪生态学研究存在如下发展趋势:①强调全球气候变化对雪盖的影响及其反馈作用;②注重雪和雪盖的物理特性及其生态功能;③对雪盖生态系统的养分循环过程的研究报道增加;④冰雪微生物的超微结构、生理学、生理生态学、生态学、生命史、生物化学的研究得到了较快发展;⑤雪盖小型哺乳动物的生理、生态、形态适应性研究得到更多重视;⑥有关极端环境下的植物生理生态适应性及其与雪环境梯度变化关系的研究兴趣增加;⑦过程研究、定量研究、数值模拟研究在各个方面都更加得到重视。  相似文献   

对1995年世界景观生态学大会和景观生态学发展的国内外现状进行了思考。当今景观生态学与国际生态学的研究热点(全球变化、生物多样性和持续发展)基本一致,但又有自己的特色,其重点领域包括:①生态空间理论与景观异质性研究;②景观变化模型与未来景观规划;③景观系统分析与GIS应用等。由于经济发展和社会生态意识的不同,使得该学科在各地区间的发展很不平衡。着重就我国的本领域研究状况与国际水平作了比较  相似文献   

蔡海元  焦念志 《地球科学进展》2010,25(10):1031-1039
聚球藻是海洋浮游植物群落的优势组分,是全球碳循环的主要参与者和初级生产力的主要贡献者.聚球藻病毒对聚球藻有较高的致死率,聚球藻病毒对聚球藻的裂解对碳的生物地球化学循环有十分重要的作用.对聚球藻病毒的宿主、分类和生活方式作了简介,综述了聚球藻病毒研究方法、生态分布特征、遗传多样性与宿主的关系及其进展,评述了不同基因标记物在聚球藻病毒分子生态学应用上的优缺点,最后提出了聚球藻病毒的研究展望.旨在为海洋病毒生态学,海洋碳循环的研究提供参考.  相似文献   

高寒地区湖泊浮游病毒时空分布特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
宋炫颖  刘勇勤 《冰川冻土》2018,40(2):395-403
湖泊中浮游病毒的丰度在105~108 mL-1,是浮游微生物中丰度较高的组分,在湖泊水生态系统中扮演着重要角色。病毒对宿主的侵染和裂解可以调节微生物群落的丰度、生产力、组成和种群多样性,同时还可以将宿主细胞的大量物质释放到湖泊中,改变碳循环和营养物质流通,进而影响生物地球化学循环。高寒地区湖泊水生态系统结构简单,主要以微生物为主,浮游病毒对微生物具有重要的调节作用,但目前研究较少。综述了近几年国内外对高寒地区湖泊病毒生态学的相关研究进展,主要包括病毒的时空分布以及与生物和非生物因子的关系、病毒与宿主的相互作用关系以及病毒对湖泊碳循环和微生物食物环的作用,发现高寒湖泊浮游病毒分布较广、多样性较高以及溶原性是病毒重要的生活策略,同时也得出由病毒裂解作用释放的有机碳对微生物活性和微生物食物环具有重要的作用。在此基础上,对今后我国青藏高原湖泊浮游病毒的研究提出了展望。  相似文献   

天然气水合物是一种潜在的巨量能源,但其分解释放的甲烷可能对全球气候与海洋环境产生巨大影响。然而,人们目前对天然气水合物分解产生的环境和生物效应的了解还不够全面。北极地区的斯瓦尔巴特群岛及邻区的海底和冻土层中蕴含大量甲烷,对气候变化十分敏感,是人们研究天然气水合物对气候变化的响应机制和其分解对生态环境影响的绝佳场所。系统总结了斯瓦尔巴特群岛及邻区水合物分解的气候与环境效应,发现目前研究区水合物分解产生的甲烷进入大气的年际通量不大,对全球气候的影响可能有限;水合物分解对海底滑坡起到催化剂的作用,但不是首要因素;海底水合物分解释放的甲烷能打破原有的化学平衡、生产力分布规律与输送机制、生物耦合关系甚至不同栖息地间的连通性,进而影响底栖生物群落。这些认识对研究天然气水合物开采对生态环境可能造成的影响和采取相应防治措施具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

城市土地利用对植被特征影响的研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
城市土地利用对植被的影响是城市生态学中研究的重要问题。简单综述了国内外在该领域中的研究现状。通过在北京市进行的研究,对城市植被的特点及其与土地利用的关系进行了分析,结论为:①藜科(Chenpodiac eae)和蓼科(Polygonac eae)植物种类数量相对增加,归化植物占的比例大是城市植物区系的特征;②与非城市区域相比,生活型谱中一二年生植物比例增高,属的区系地理成分构成中世界分布属所占比例也明显提高;③城市土地利用类型对生境和植物群落特征的影响明显;④生境多样化对维持城市植物物种多样性而言,比面积大小具有更为显著的作用。  相似文献   

吴艳宏  邴海健 《地质论评》2012,58(1):106-114
生态地球化学是生态学和地球化学相结合的学科,研究自然界中化学、物理、地质和生物过程,以及这些过程之间的相互作用及其对生态系统发生、发展所产生的影响,具体而言生态地球化学通过化学物质在生态系统中的分布、分配、迁移、转化规律研究,评价生态系统状态及发展方向.生态地球化学虽然形成较晚,西方科学家甚至很少用“生态地球化学”这一...  相似文献   

黄海陆架锋特征及其生态效应的初步分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黄海陆架锋是影响中国东部陆架边缘海生态系统的一种关键的中尺度物理过程,对局部的生物地球化学过程非常重要.不少学者也致力于黄海陆架锋的研究,通过分析观测资料和数值模拟,不断认识和揭示了陆架锋的产生机制及其分布和变化规律,同时,在锋区环流结构以及陆架锋与一些生态学现象的联系方面也取得了一定的进展.在系统总结和归纳黄海陆架锋相关研究成果的基础上,阐述了陆架锋的生态效应和生态功能,并对今后黄海陆架锋区研究的着力点进行了分析,提出通过开展锋区生态系以及锋区生态系统动力学等方面的研究,有希望成为海洋生态学中新的生长点,同时也为黄海海洋生态学的研究提供新课题.  相似文献   

卢聪  李涛  付义临  徐友宁  张江华  吴耀国 《地质通报》2015,34(11):2054-2060
Hakanson潜在生态风险指数法是土壤重金属潜在生态风险评价的一种常用方法,研究与实践证明其有效性的同时,也发现了其不足之处:忽略了土壤重金属不同形态之间潜在生态风险的差异,且只重视重金属含量高于参考值时的生态风险,而对低于参考值时的情况没有给予考虑,以致特定情况下的评价结果不能很好地反映实际生态风险,因而有必要创建适用性更广的Hakanson潜在生态风险指数法。为此,基于全过程控制优化的思想,引入了生物可利用性毒性系数,并将修正浓度与参考值差值引入计算公式,创建了基于生物可利用性与宽浓度范围的Hakanson潜在生态风险指数法,实现了对重金属不同形态风险贡献的差异及重金属浓度低于参考值情况下潜在生态风险的准确把握。以小秦岭金矿区为典型区域,辅以对采集土样重金属总量及5种形态含量的分析,开展案例研究。结果表明,基于生物可利用性与宽浓度范围的Hakanson潜在生态风险指数法能客观地揭示土壤重金属的潜在生态风险,具有更大的适应性,是一种有效的潜在生态风险评价方法。  相似文献   

生态水文学研究的奠基之作--<生态水文学>   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态水文学是 90年代以来兴起的一门新兴边缘学科 ,是描述生态格局和生态过程的水文学机制的一门科学 ,是生态学的水文方面 ,是研究植物如何影响水文过程及水文过程如何影响植物分布和生长的水文学和生态学之间的交叉学科。所研究的对象不仅仅局限于湿地生态系统 ,还应该包括其他生态系统 ,如干旱地区的生态系统、森林和疏林生态系统、江河生态系统、湖泊生态系统和水生生态系统等。近 2 0年来 ,水文过程在生态系统中的重要性和植物对水文过程的影响变得越来越明显。任何生态系统格局和生态过程的变化都与水文过程相关联。正确的管理水资源…  相似文献   

Integrated pest management programs are very important in the control of invertebrate pests within apple orchards. Many current integrated pest management strategies concentrate on specialist predatory species. However, generalist beneficial insects, such as several mite species, must also be fully researched for their potential in controlling pests. Previous research has shown that the generalist predatory mite Anystis baccarum (Linnaeus) can offer much potential in controlling invertebrate pests within Northern Irish apple orchards. However, apple growers have been mis-identifying this beneficial species as the economic pest European fruit tree red spider mite, Panonychus ulmi (Koch). As a result, unnecessary pesticide applications have been applied against what has now been confirmed as a beneficial species. To aid apple growers in the identification of A. baccarum, identification cards were produced. Positive uptake of the cards by many apple growers has resulted in correct identification of A. baccarum from P. ulmi, and therefore, a reduction in chemical pesticide applications. The benefits of A. baccarum within orchard ecosystems is discussed.  相似文献   

An intense environmental dispute surrounds the maize-fields of Mexico. Mexican maize traditional varieties (or ‘landraces’) constitute a global genetic resource that may well be critical to future agricultural development and corn breeding. Many environmentalists, farmers, and consumers in Mexico are therefore concerned that their maize landraces may have been ‘contaminated’ by imported transgenic maize, grown in the USA. The criticisms of this transgenic technology are complex and call into question the nature of the boundary between political and ecological (i.e. scientific) disputes. Our paper surveys these criticisms, and this political-scientific boundary, in a three-part analysis. First, we turn to Gramsci’s notes on science from his eleventh prison notebook to rethink the political ecology of transgenic maize, i.e., the way the ecological analysis of transgenic introgression is treated as politics. Second, we present the multiple criticisms of transgenic maize as scalar phenomena. Third, we review the recent scientific literature on transgene introgression to evaluate recent calls for the ‘decontamination’ of Mexican maize. Our reading illustrates two dilemmas facing the group that occupies the hegemonic subject-position in this dispute, ecological scientists. First, the popular desire to ‘decontaminate’ Mexican maize exceeds their capacities (due to complications involved with sampling). Second, although the political debate surrounding ‘contaminated’ Mexican maize exceeds science, the boundary between the dispute’s scientific and parascientific elements cannot be adjudicated scientifically. In other words, the boundary between science and politics is porous. Thus in two respects the dispute is ecological, yet beyond the capacity of this science to resolve. Yet, following Gramsci, these findings should not lead us to see science as mere ideology, or apolitical, or encourage a retreat into metaphysics. Rather it points to the need for a social transformation that sees science as “humanity forging its methods of research … in other words, culture, the conception of the world.” By exploring the dilemmas of decontamination, the dispute over transgene introgression in Mexican maize-fields provides an opportunity to elaborate upon Gramsci’s neglected insights into the politics of science.  相似文献   

Peatlands contain approximately 25% of the total soil organic carbon, despite covering only 3% of earth’s land surface. The ecological, hydrological and biogeochemical functions of peatlands are tightly coupled to climate. Therefore, both direct human impacts and indirect effects of climate change can threaten the ecological function of peatlands through changes in hydrology. However, little is known about how peatland ecosystems, and specifically their biogeochemistry, carbon cycling, and development, may respond to climatic change. In this study, the Peat Accumulation Model was adapted to investigate the response of peatland development and carbon cycling to climatic change through simulating changes in precipitation and temperature at different stages of peatland development history. The warming and wetting were imposed on this system at 10,000 years since its initialization (mid-development stage) and at 20,000 years since its initialization (late-development stage). Here, it was revealed that peatlands can switch between carbon sinks and sources suddenly, but the extent to which the change takes place depends on the developmental stage of peatland ecosystems. The simulation results for the late-development stage showed that peatlands could function as carbon sources once warming and wetting was imposed but that peatland ecosystems during the mid-development stage can still function as carbon sinks under warming and wetting conditions. Moreover, peatland ecosystems have self-regulation capabilities so that they can go back to their normal ecological and biogeochemical functions under newly stabilized climates. Also, it is the change in temperature that results in the fundamental change in peatland development and carbon cycling. This study indicates that the response of peatland ecosystems to climate change is largely determined by their developmental stages.  相似文献   

Microplastics in the ocean are the plastic fragments less than 5 mm in diameter, which enter into the ocean through a variety of ways. In the past 60 years, the global plastic production increased by 560 times, and the accumulation of microplastics in the marine environment is increasing. Microplastics suspend in seawater, or deposit to the bottom sediments. The potential risks of microplastics to marine ecosystems cause widespread concern. This paper summarized the research progress of the ecological risks of microplastics in the ocean, including the distribution and concentration of marine microplastics in coastal waters, sediment and open ocean, the ingestion of microplastics by different species of marine organisms, the ecotoxicology of microplastics, the plastics additives and the absorbed pollutants. The research directions were proposed for the future, including the optimization of microplastics sampling and measuring methods, microplastics observation in different marine habitats, the eco-toxicological effects of microplastics and food chain bioaccumulation effect, the methodology of microplastics ecological risk assessment. It is expected to provide evidence for the risk assessment of microplastics on Chinese coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)是在自然和农业生态系统中广泛存在的一类专性共生土壤微生物,能够与80%左右的陆地植物建立共生关系。AMF从宿主植物获取碳水化合物以维系自身生长;作为回报,AMF能够帮助植物从土壤中吸收矿质养分和水分。很多研究表明,AM共生体系对于植物适应各种逆境胁迫(如贫瘠、干旱、环境污染等)具有重要作用。在土壤重金属污染情况下,AMF能够通过多种途径影响植物对重金属的吸收、累积和解毒过程,并对植物产生保护效应。本文围绕AM对土壤-植物系统中重金属迁移、转化和累积过程的影响机制,系统评述了金属元素种类及污染程度、宿主植物和AMF种类,以及土壤理化性质等因素对AM植物吸收累积重金属的影响,并从AMF对土壤-植物系统中重金属行为的直接作用(包括菌丝吸收和固持,以及改变根际重金属形态等),及AMF改善植物矿质营养促进植物生长从而间接增强植物重金属耐性两方面讨论了AM增强植物重金属耐性的机理,系统总结了相关研究领域的前沿动态。最后,对菌根技术在农田和矿区重金属污染土壤生物修复中的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Washington State’s coastal estuaries are productive shallow water environments that support commercial fisheries for Dungeness crabs (Cancer magister) and English sole (Parophrys vetulus) by providing 0+(settlement to age l) populations with critical refuge and foraging habitats until subadults migrate to the nearshore coast. Intertidalmudflats also constitute prime areas for commercial oyster (Crassostrea gigas) culture, an, important industry for the coastal communities of Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor that supply much of the nation's oysters. Conflicts over natural resources and estuarine utilization have arisen over the last 37 yr due to the use of carbaryl (an organo carbamate pesticide) by oyster growers on their grounds to control populations of burrowing thalassinidean shrimp (Neotrypaea californiensis and Upogebia pugettensis). Burrowing shrimp, which have an indirect negative effect on oyster survival and growth through bioturbation and sediment destabilization, are killed by carbaryl, as are 0+ and subadult Dungeness crabs, 0+English sole, and other non-target species prsent on the tideflats at the time of application. The pesticide is delivered at 9 kg ha?1 directly to the mudflat as a wetable powder during low tides in July and August. Commercial crabbers and other groups who have economic, recreational, and environmental interests in the estuaries have generally opposed use of the chemical that oyster growers maintain is essential to sustain production levels. For years, government natural resource agencies that regulate the use of carbaryl lacked critical information needed to effectively manage the program. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Supplemental EIS have provided much of that data and helped shape management decisions with regard to establishing carbaryl concentration rates and total allowable spray area. Additional research is needed to develop more economically and environmentally sound policies for shrimp control based on burrowing shrimp-oyster interactions on an estuarine-wide scale. In this paper we review issues pertaining to oyster culture, the use of carbaryl to control burrowing shrimp populations, and effects on non-target species, drawing upon research from, published articles as well as unpublished data collected by the authors. We also discuss what is known of burrowing shrimp life history and ecology and emphasize the importance of integrating information on shrimp, such as timing of recruitment, variability in year class strength, and patterns of habitat use, into carbaryl control policies or alternative strategies that may be developed in the future. We recommend controlled experimentation be done to examine the ecological effects of delaying carbaryl application to some ghost shrimp beds until October after peak recruitment of 0+ ghost shrimp has occurred, allowing the number of hectares treated each year to vary based on fluctuations in pest population densities, and modifying the substrate by applying a dense layer of oyster shell to the mudflat (shell pavement) to reduce recruitment of ghost shrimp.  相似文献   

全球生态系统服务的状况与趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
简要介绍了千年生态系统评估(MA)状况与趋势工作组的报告《生态系统与人类福祉:现状与趋势》中的第2部分,即“对生态系统服务的评估”。该部分主要对全球生态系统服务在20世纪末的总体状况,以及它们在20世纪后半叶的主要变化趋势进行了评估。评估结果表明,在MA明确评估的24项服务中,15项处于下降趋势,约占60%;4项处于上升趋势,约占18%;其余5项(约占22%)存在显著的空间或时间差异,即在有些地区(时段)处于上升趋势,而在另外一些地区(时段)处于下降趋势。这些变化主要表现在:①全球谷类作物和牲畜等方面的生态系统服务已经取得了显著的提高,但同时却对淡水资源和调控害虫等方面的服务造成了巨大的损害;② 按照当前的捕捞速度,野生鱼类资源已经无法承受人类的持续捕捞;③ 许多地区的淡水资源已经不能满足人类和生态系统的需求,如果延续当前的水资源利用模式,供需之间的差距将会继续扩大;④ 在对污染物质进行无害化处理、保持养分平衡、调控自然灾害,以及控制害虫、疾病与入侵生物的爆发等方面,许多生态系统的调节服务已经呈现出明显的下降趋势;⑤作为生态系统提供供给服务、调节服务和文化服务的基础条件,全球生态系统的支持服务出现了复杂的变化趋势。  相似文献   

A common management technique for preserving and maintaining biodiversity is the establishment of large refuges and preserves. Although extensive sanctuaries can provide crucial protection for many organisms and ecosystems, they cannot fulfill all the needs of regional conservation. An alternative to a few large refuges is to create many different habitats across the landscape that enhance and improve local and regional biodiversity and provide immediate benefits to nearby communities in the form of ecosystem services. Furthermore, these can all be initiated and achieved by individuals or communities. Some key landscape enhancements can be undertaken on a local level: the creation or expansion of small wooded areas, windbreaks, or hedgerows; the construction of small wetlands; and the release of some lands from heavy pressure for the reestablishment of natural ecological processes, namely, the natural accumulation of woody and other organic materials. Newly created ecosystems can be inoculated at the outset with soil biota such as seed banks, microbes, fungi, and organic material that can accelerate ecological functioning and balance. In addition to increasing much local and regional biodiversity, locally enhanced areas can provide fuel, plant and animal food and medicinal products, and agroforestry products directly to the nearby community. These small ecological oases can serve as nesting and overwintering sites for numerous pollinators that are hugely beneficial to agricultural production. Moreover, several ecosystem enhancements may contribute positively to local and regional hydrologic cycles and prevent prolonged droughts. Enhancements to local landscapes can take on many forms. We believe that any changes that increase structural complexity in natural systems almost certainly lead to increases in local biological complexity. In addition, wider landscape level considerations, such as corridors and connectivity of populations, can be integrated on a broader scale to improve regional biodiversity and ecosystem services. Small landscape enhancements undoubtedly cannot provide for all conservation needs, but they can greatly increase widespread biodiversity, restore local ecosystem services, and can be used to complement the relatively few larger parks.  相似文献   

Coastal ecosystems such as eelgrass beds and salt marshes have always been valued for their high productivity and rich bounty of fish and shellfish. High plant productivity, complex physical structure, and suitable environmental characteristics combine to create areas of high production of important recreational and commercial species. If we are to successfully manage and restore these ecosystems, it is important to understand the mechanisms by which support of nekton may be affected by nutrient enrichment. A review of the literature suggests that there are some similarities and differences in the effects of nutrient enrichment on the support of nekton by seagrass and salt marsh ecosystems. Nutrient enrichment may compromise the ability of these habitats to support fish and invertebrates before the habitat itself is gone. In both ecosystems, alteration of characteristics within the ecosystem (for example, stem density in seagrass and food webs in marshes) affect the support of nekton, even though the basic ecosystem is still clearly extant. Because of differences in natural ecosystem characteristics, loss of ecosystem function does not occur through the same mechanisms. In seagrass systems, physical structure is usually lost first, followed by alteration of food webs and finally changes in dissolved oxygen. In salt marsh systems, loss of dissolved oxygen may occur early in the process, followed by food web alterations and eventually changes in the physical structure may occur. For both seagrass and salt marsh ecosystems, the mechanisms suggested to operate at the ecosystem-level are often based on relatively small-scale plot experiments that have been conducted in only a few locations. A better understanding of how these ecosystems function across broad geographic regions will be needed to ensure functioning coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

Helena Valve 《Geoforum》2011,42(2):222-230
Identification of GM plants with their internal molecular-genetic qualities serves transformation of living organisms into identifiable commodities and objects of regulation. From molecular reductionist assumptions it also follows that scientific research is to be based on experiments that allow analysis of genetic influence in isolation. In this paper, I analyse molecular reductionism ‘in action’ by means of an ethnographic case study, focusing on the practices and transformations through which a field trial of transgenic trees created understanding of the risks or risklessness of the trees. The results show how the mobilisation of the field trial design, choosing of key analytical scales and formation of the research team stabilised the paths that experimentation was to follow. The scientists took the emerging inconsistencies and surprises calmly, indicating that unexpected events are an essential part of a scientific process. However, surprises could matter only in relation to the testing arrangements. Therefore, what could become visible and what could make a difference for the constitution of risk/risklessness were the fluctuations that the particular analytical assemblages defined as significant from the outset. Meanwhile, it was impossible to treat the trees and the field ecosystem as mutually constitutive. Nevertheless, there is no reason to think of knowledge production concerning transgenic organisms in deterministic terms. First, scientists are bound to be complexly engaged with the ecosystems that they are supposed to sort out. Second, consideration of the public lessons of experiments may elicit problems and limitations of molecular reductionism.  相似文献   

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